
STRIFE: Rrobin vs Imp + Ogre

Nov 2nd, 2015
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  1. [23:17] <Strategist14> The larger beast arrives hot on your heels and begins pounding at the door. After a few seconds, the smaller one joins it
  2. [23:18] <Zion> I head for the emergency stairs, and grab a chair or something similarly big on my there.
  3. [23:18] <Zion> I make sure NOT to captcha the chair.
  4. [23:18] <Strategist14> Roll 1d20+3 to smash door
  5. [23:18] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d20+3 to smash door [ 1d20=9 ]{12}
  6. [23:19] <Strategist14> You can hear your front door take a beating
  7. [23:19] <Strategist14> But it seems to be remaining intact for now
  8. [23:19] <Zion> Then I go about halfway up the stairs, place the chair in the way (creating difficult terrain), and place myself in a position where I can hit it with my hook and chain without it hitting me (I have reach).
  9. [23:20] <Strategist14> You successfully hide behind a chair
  10. [23:20] <Zion> Then I ready an action to attack it once when it comes into range, and turn tail if it can keep moving after I have attacked it.
  11. [23:20] <Strategist14> Roll 1d20+3 to smash door
  12. [23:20] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d20+3 to smash door [ 1d20=15 ]{18}
  13. [23:20] <Zion> Which means it should not get attacks of opportunity.
  14. [23:20] <Strategist14> The door is now splinters
  15. [23:21] <Zion> I am ready.
  16. [23:21] <Strategist14> The two monsters charge in, and after a few seconds work out where you've gone
  17. [23:22] <Strategist14> Larger one charges at you, provoking your readied attack
  18. [23:22] <Zion> roll 1d20+3
  19. [23:22] <`DICE> Zion rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=10 ]{13}
  20. [23:22] <Strategist14> Hit
  21. [23:22] <Zion> roll 1d6+3
  22. [23:22] <`DICE> Zion rolled 1d6+3 [ 1d6=3 ]{6}
  23. [23:22] <Zion> Does it look like it will keep moving?
  24. [23:22] <Strategist14> It does, yes
  25. [23:23] <Strategist14> The chair is probably not going to stop a giant wall of charging flesh
  26. [23:23] <Zion> It was worth a shot.
  27. [23:23] <Zion> You move up the stairs, 30 feet away from the beast.
  28. [23:24] <Strategist14> The small monster runs up next to its companion
  29. [23:24] <Strategist14> Your turn
  30. [23:25] <Zion> I do the same thing as before.
  31. [23:25] <Zion> I ready an action to attack it and run away once it comes into range.
  32. [23:25] <Strategist14> It does the same thing as before
  33. [23:25] <Strategist14> Charge you
  34. [23:25] <Zion> roll 1d20+3
  35. [23:25] <`DICE> Zion rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=10 ]{13}
  36. [23:25] <Zion> roll 1d6+3
  37. [23:25] <`DICE> Zion rolled 1d6+3 [ 1d6=1 ]{4}
  38. [23:25] <Strategist14> You whack it and run some more
  39. [23:26] <Strategist14> The small one continues to follow behind
  40. [23:26] <Strategist14> Your turn
  41. [23:26] <Zion> Ready action to attack and flee.
  42. [23:27] <Strategist14> The ogre charges you some more. It's not too bright, you're beginning to realize
  43. [23:28] <Zion> Its really not.
  44. [23:28] <Zion> roll 1d20+3
  45. [23:28] <`DICE> Zion rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=2 ]{5}
  46. [23:28] <Strategist14> You miss, but are still able to abscond
  47. [23:30] <Zion> Ready action to hit and run.
  48. [23:30] <Strategist14> The monster seems to have clued in to your plan by this point
  49. [23:30] <Strategist14> It looks content to wait down there for a bit
  50. [23:30] <Strategist14> The small one catches up
  51. [23:30] <Strategist14> Your turn
  52. [23:31] <Strategist14> ((Catches up to the larger one, that is))
  53. [23:33] <Zion> Hm.
  54. [23:33] <Zion> If you really wanted to leave, you could just transportalize out of here, since there is one on each floor.
  55. [23:34] <Zion> But you also want to kill this guy.
  56. [23:35] <Zion> You transportalize to the Bee Breeding floor, and grab a fairly big hive. Then you carefully head down the stairs, ready to attack and retreat at a moment's notice.
  57. [23:36] <Strategist14> You find the monsters looking around, confused by your disappearance
  58. [23:37] <Zion> You hurl the bee hive at the big guy.
  59. [23:37] <Strategist14> Roll to hit
  60. [23:37] <Zion> roll 1d20+3
  61. [23:37] <`DICE> Zion rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=12 ]{15}
  62. [23:38] <Strategist14> It whacks him in the face
  63. [23:38] <Strategist14> Roll for damage
  64. [23:39] <Zion> roll 1d6+3
  65. [23:39] <`DICE> Zion rolled 1d6+3 [ 1d6=5 ]{8}
  66. [23:39] <Strategist14> The beast stumbles back, and a low buzz fills your ears
  67. [23:40] <Strategist14> After seconds, the angered bees have reduced it to another pile of colourful shapes
  68. [23:41] <Zion> The small creature too?
  69. [23:41] <Strategist14> The small creature is unharmed, as the bees are a bit preoccupied with their current opponent
  70. [23:41] <Strategist14> It takes this opportunity to come up and punch you
  71. [23:41] <Strategist14> Roll 1d20-1 to hit
  72. [23:41] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d20-1 to hit [ 1d20=10 ]{9}
  73. [23:41] <Strategist14> Well... TRY to punch you
  74. [23:42] <Strategist14> You gotta give it points for trying
  75. [23:42] <Strategist14> It sure did make an attempt
  76. [23:42] <Strategist14> Your turn
  77. [23:43] <Zion> I try to bury my hook in it.
  78. [23:43] <Zion> roll 1d20+3
  79. [23:43] <`DICE> Zion rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=1 ]{4}
  80. [23:43] <Strategist14> You catch yourself on the hook just as you throw it
  81. [23:44] <Strategist14> Roll for damage, without the mod
  82. [23:44] <Zion> roll 1d6
  83. [23:44] <`DICE> Zion rolled 1d6 [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
  84. [23:45] <Strategist14> The bees converge on the creature, just in front of you
  85. [23:45] <Strategist14> Roll 10#1d2-1
  86. [23:45] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 10#1d2-1 [ 1d2=2 ]{1}, [ 1d2=2 ]{1}, [ 1d2=2 ]{1}, [ 1d2=2 ]{1}, [ 1d2=2 ]{1}, [ 1d2=1 ]{0}, [ 1d2=1 ]{0}, [ 1d2=1 ]{0}, [ 1d2=2 ]{1}, [ 1d2=2 ]{1}
  87. [23:45] <Strategist14> 7 damage total
  88. [23:45] <Strategist14> The monster flails and panics for a bit, then tries to slap you again
  89. [23:46] <Strategist14> Roll 1d20-1 to hit
  90. [23:46] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d20-1 to hit [ 1d20=8 ]{7}
  91. [23:46] <Strategist14> Your turn
  92. [23:46] <Zion> You go for the hook once again.
  93. [23:46] <Zion> roll 1d20+3
  94. [23:46] <`DICE> Zion rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=8 ]{11}
  95. [23:46] <Strategist14> Hit
  96. [23:46] <Zion> roll 1d6+3
  97. [23:46] <`DICE> Zion rolled 1d6+3 [ 1d6=3 ]{6}
  98. [23:46] <Strategist14> And the beast is down, reduced to a pile of loot
  99. [23:47] <Zion> Ugh.
  100. [23:47] <Zion> You sit down right among the bees.
  101. [23:48] <Strategist14> They buzz in familiarity
  102. [23:48] <Strategist14> Beesprite does too
  103. [23:48] <Zion> "I am sorrrry forr that, but I had no choice."
  104. [23:48] <Strategist14> You suddenly realize Beesprite is there staring at you
  105. [23:49] <Zion> You just look at it.
  106. [23:49] <Strategist14> "Hi."
  107. [23:49] <Zion> "Grreetings."
  108. [23:50] <Strategist14> "You won."
  109. [23:50] <Zion> "But at what prrice?"
  110. [23:50] <Zion> "Well."
  111. [23:51] <Zion> "I know exactly what prrice."
  112. [23:51] <Zion> "These hives arre superr expensive."
  113. [23:51] <Zion> "But I guess money does not matterr anymorre."
  114. [23:51] <Strategist14> "Yeah."
  115. [23:51] <Zion> "I rreally should rrebuild theirr hive."
  116. [23:52] <Strategist14> Beesprite gives you a slow nod
  117. [23:52] <Strategist14> "Lots of grist."
  118. [23:52] <Zion> "I was told it was used to crreate things."
  119. [23:52] <Strategist14> "Yeah."
  120. [23:54] <Zion> "But to do that, I need an item I do not have."
  121. [23:54] <Strategist14> "Server."
  122. [23:55] <Zion> "Yes, I know. I deployed it forr Daemus."
  123. [23:56] <Strategist14> "Oh."
  124. [23:56] <Strategist14> "Can also build with it."
  125. [23:57] <Zion> "I saw building tools when I helped Daemus."
  126. [23:57] <Zion> "But why?"
  127. [23:57] <Strategist14> "Gates."
  128. [00:00] <Zion> ":?"
  129. [00:00] <Strategist14> Beesprite points to the ceiling
  130. [00:00] <Strategist14> "Portals to the rest of LOFEAST."
  131. [00:07] <Zion> "Of courrse. You said that Daemus was at a differrent planet, so LOFEAST is a planet of itself, which would make it larrge."
  132. [00:07] <Strategist14> "Yeah."
  133. [00:08] <Zion> "And I need the crry-grrist you called it? to build all the way up therre."
  134. [00:08] <Strategist14> "Yes."
  135. [00:09] <Zion> You think about this, and collect the grist.
  136. [00:10] <Strategist14> You obtain a total of 72 Build Grist, 29 T1 Grist, and 6 T2 Grist
  137. [00:10] <Strategist14> You also gain 30 XP
  138. [00:13] <Zion> What is the EXP to level up now again?
  139. [00:14] <Strategist14> ((Level 3 at 50, Level 4 at 90))
  140. [00:14] <Zion> In that case I reach level 3.
  141. [00:15] <Zion> roll 1d6+2
  142. [00:15] <`DICE> Zion rolled 1d6+2 [ 1d6=1 ]{3}
  143. [00:15] <Zion> ouch
  144. [00:15] <Zion> I put my Ability point in Constitution, and my skill point in Athletics.
  145. [00:21] <Zion> After that, I go back up to the bee brreeding grrounds with all the bees swarming around me.
  146. [00:21] <Strategist14> The bee swarm follows you up
  147. [00:21] <Strategist14> Beesprite does as well
  148. [00:23] <Zion> You grab a spare hive on your way, and put it up in the Brreeding grrounds.
  149. [00:24] <Strategist14> The bees gather around it. You get the impression they consider it a suitable replacement for their old one
  150. [00:26] <Zion> Excellent.
  151. [00:26] <Zion> You then proceed to pass out on the floor.
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