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a guest
May 31st, 2016
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  1. alias inv {
  2. if (!%DLwritten) {
  3. if (!$findfile($mircdir,districtlist.txt,1)) {
  4. write districtlist.txt Acrylic Acres
  5. write districtlist.txt Avant Gardens
  6. write districtlist.txt Baroque Bluffs
  7. write districtlist.txt Bliss Bayou
  8. write districtlist.txt Brush Bay
  9. write districtlist.txt Colorful Canvas
  10. write districtlist.txt Eraser Oasis
  11. write districtlist.txt Graphite Gulch
  12. write districtlist.txt Paintbrush Field
  13. write districtlist.txt Pastel Plains
  14. write districtlist.txt Pianissimo Plateau
  15. write districtlist.txt Pigment Point
  16. write districtlist.txt Renaissance River
  17. write districtlist.txt Stencil Steppe
  18. write districtlist.txt Vibrant Valley
  19. write districtlist.txt Watercolor Woods
  20. set %DLwritten 1
  21. }
  22. else { set %DLwritten 1 }
  23. }
  24. if (!%MLwritten) {
  25. if (!$findfile($mircdir,invmessages.txt,1)) {
  26. write invmessages.txt Get out there and bust some baddies!
  27. set %MLwritten 1
  28. }
  29. else { set %MLwritten 1 }
  30. }
  31. var %invSellbots Cold Caller Telemarketer Name Dropper Glad Hander Two-Face The Mingler Mr. Hollywood
  32. var %invCashbots Short Change Penny Pincher Tightwad Bean Counter Number Cruncher Money Bags Loan Shark Robber Baron
  33. var %invLawbots Bottom Feeder Bloodsucker Double Talker Ambulance Chaser Back Stabber Spin Doctor Legal Eagle Big Wig
  34. var %invBossbots Flunky Pencil Pusher Yesman Micromanager Downsizer Head Hunter Corporate Raider The Big Cheese
  35. var %CurrentDistrictNumber 0
  36. jsonopen -ud inv
  37. :ds
  38. if (%CurrentDistrictNumber <= $lines(districtlist.txt)) { var %CurrentDistrictNumber $calc(%CurrentDistrictNumber + 1) }
  39. else { goto ads }
  40. var %CurrentDistrict $read(districtlist.txt, %CurrentDistrictNumber)
  41. var %CurrentType $remove($json(inv, invasions, %CurrentDistrict, type),)
  42. var %CurrentProgress $json(inv, invasions, %CurrentDistrict, progress)
  43. if ( %CurrentType ) {
  44. var %CurrentProgress $remove($calc($replace(%CurrentProgress,/,-)),-)
  45. if ( Version 2.0 isin %CurrentType ) {
  46. var %CurrentType $remove(%CurrentType,Version 2.0 $+ $chr(32))
  47. var %CurrentSpecial 2.0
  48. }
  49. elseif ( Skelecogs isin %CurrentType ) {
  50. var %CurrentType $remove(%CurrentType,$chr(32) $+ (Skelecogs))
  51. var %CurrentSpecial Skelecogs
  52. }
  53. if ( %CurrentType isin %invSellbots ) { var %CurrentColor 5 }
  54. elseif ( %CurrentType isin %invCashbots ) { var %CurrentColor 3 }
  55. elseif ( %CurrentType isin %invLawbots ) { var %CurrentColor 2 }
  56. elseif ( %CurrentType isin %invBossbots ) { var %CurrentColor 7 }
  57. if ( Mover*Shaker iswm %CurrentType ) { var %CurrentType2 Movers and Shakers | var %CurrentColor 5 }
  58. elseif ( %CurrentType == Flunky ) { var %CurrentType2 Flunkies }
  59. elseif ( %CurrentType == Yesman ) { var %CurrentType2 Yesmen }
  60. elseif ( %CurrentType == Money Bags ) { var %CurrentType2 %CurrentType }
  61. else { var %CurrentType2 %CurrentType $+ s }
  62. if ( !%InvSaidYet ) {
  63. var %InvSaidYet 1
  64. echo -at <HeadHunter> Here are the current invasions!
  65. }
  66. if ( %CurrentProgress == 1000000 ) {
  67. if ( !%CurrentSpecial ) { echo -at <HeadHunter> Watch out, there's a Mega Invasion! %CurrentColor $+ %CurrentType2 have taken over  $+ %CurrentDistrict $+ ! $read(invmessages.txt) }
  68. elseif ( %CurrentSpecial == Skelecogs ) { echo -at <HeadHunter> Watch out, there's a Mega Invasion!14 %CurrentType Skelecogs have taken over  $+ %CurrentDistrict $+ ! $read(invmessages.txt) }
  69. elseif ( %CurrentSpecial == 2.0 echo -at <HeadHunter> Watch out, there's a Mega Invasion! %CurrentColor %+ Version 2.0 %CurrentType2 have taken over  $+ %CurrentDistrict $+ ! $read(invmessages.txt) )
  70. }
  71. elseif ( %CurrentSpecial == Skelecogs ) { echo -at <HeadHunter> Looks like there are 14 $+ %CurrentType Skelecogs invading  $+ %CurrentDistrict $+ ! There are %CurrentProgress of them left! $read(invmessages.txt) }
  72. elseif ( %CurrentSpecial == 2.0 ) { echo -at <HeadHunter> Watch out, there are %CurrentColor $+ Version 2.0 %CurrentType2 invading  $+ %CurrentDistrict $+ ! There are %CurrentProgress of them left! $read(invmessages.txt) }
  73. else { echo -at <HeadHunter> Looks like there are %CurrentColor $+ %CurrentType2 invading  $+ %CurrentDistrict $+ ! There are %CurrentProgress of them left! $read(invmessages.txt) }
  74. }
  75. goto ds
  76. :ads
  77. if ( !%InvSaidYet ) {
  78. echo -at <HeadHunter> Looks like there are currently no invasions! Toontown is safe!
  79. }
  80. }
  81. ;That's the end of my part of the script. Now begins Hawkee's JSON for mIRC script.
  83. alias JSONVersion {
  84. if ($isid) {
  85. return $iif($1 != short,JSONForMirc v,v) $+ 0.2.4
  86. }
  87. }
  88. alias JSONError {
  89. if ($isid) {
  90. return %JSONError
  91. }
  92. }
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