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Jul 29th, 2012
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  1. RES_Spammer
  4. Hurt_Feelings_Police
  5. Only_says_penis_lots
  7. jeanlucdickhard
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  9. I_only_say_ron_paul
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  14. brigade_watch_watche
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  39. Le_LOGICAL_Swede
  41. TheLoungeTiki
  42. Too_Much_Time
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  50. alex4291
  51. Haqua
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  53. DuhGuy
  54. RyanTheGod
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  695. hobbitish
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  698. 24601G
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  747. Pb2Au
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  751. Hlaskios
  752. iamlouisck
  753. sluttymcbuttsex
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  755. 5-58
  756. cccjfs
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  758. absolutelypointless
  759. userjoe9066
  760. GophaKyorselv
  761. MAtheist_
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  764. Xanny
  765. ewbrower
  766. udbluehens
  767. Old_Gramps
  768. moot
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  772. elbruce
  773. Unicyclone
  774. thepretender9
  775. fluffycloud
  776. key_conductor
  777. nilleftw
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  779. ampillion
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  781. masris
  783. OMNEG
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  785. Miora
  786. likely_controversial
  787. maddoxreddit
  788. yourdadsbff
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  791. KvotheBloodless
  792. TheArtisanOfWar
  793. _haters_gonna_hate_
  794. TyloNary
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  803. HiFructoseCornFeces
  804. falcy
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  808. Dathadorne
  809. Thedevilinsidemne
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  813. bk404
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  816. OMG_shewz
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  818. thatguyeveryonehates
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  823. -_I---I---
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  833. Pvtmiller
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  841. THeShinyHObbiest
  842. TheGuyEveryoneHates
  843. spanky701
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  847. XavierKeepMarching
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  860. daskoon
  861. DontCareWhatYouThink
  862. Whisper
  863. Factory2
  864. memymineown
  865. typhonblue
  866. Ghost_Eh_Blinkin
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  875. 727Super27
  876. mods_are_facists
  877. MirandaMarvelous
  878. SilasYEAH
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  882. homerj123
  883. Pavelshu
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  885. sailfaster
  886. NiggsBoson
  887. Obsidian_Order
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  889. BeangukEXE
  890. Haacker45
  891. Darkehuman
  892. zwakikushtia
  893. Raneman25
  894. thefran
  895. redditbots
  896. JustisLewis
  897. VisibleCunt
  898. unrachel
  899. feedmahfish
  900. chasingpirates12
  901. WillMcB
  902. sha742
  903. nnj3k
  904. Obamasbigblackdick
  905. tehbored
  906. cpoyz
  907. i_dont_translate
  908. EndiveMassacre
  909. Nichidani
  910. shepmagoo
  911. jeinga
  912. BBarbz
  913. couldbee
  914. OatGerm
  915. MrApplePie
  916. lazyparaplegiccops
  917. periphery72271
  918. TeeHeeYeah
  919. iDirtyDan
  920. MrSbelling
  921. nothingisworking
  922. Clayman90
  923. smittie713
  924. whileimatit
  925. SuBj3cT
  926. severoon
  927. Fortehlulz33
  928. bahlgan
  929. ell20
  930. NeoRyu777
  931. MattDU
  932. ibewritegood
  933. adrianahasaids
  934. Personage1
  935. tobiassqm
  936. crackpot123
  937. duckyman325
  938. Yamuddah
  939. CyclingPanda
  940. mont94
  941. stuckinmiddleschool
  942. NZFLE
  943. Schaftenheimen
  944. Derp_master
  945. swohio
  946. supergauntlet
  947. geordie42
  948. iamsynecdoche
  949. sareon
  950. magneticWodka
  951. BrewerInTheAir
  952. McChubbers
  953. The_Zubatman
  954. RyanArr
  955. numbski
  956. slups
  957. edubation
  958. woooooahnellie
  959. Kanex
  960. Lazir
  961. KomradeKettlebell
  962. rogerrrr
  963. LongAssAnecdotes
  964. ComradeVladPutin
  965. gruesome2some
  966. NightInWhiteSatin2
  967. SmeltedFury
  968. wubwubbwub
  969. canadian_ben
  970. bailunrui
  971. HeyyySimon
  972. Nikolaitttt
  973. DMercenary
  974. ReturnOfTheJedi
  975. joemundel
  976. boom_goombah
  977. DesWillenMacht
  978. mak36
  979. IHSV1855
  980. specialservices
  981. explosivepotato
  982. MasterPlunger
  983. Owns_A_Dictionary
  984. jklong
  985. iheartralph
  986. Copycatr3
  987. heavencondemned
  988. thewhiterabbit1
  989. yocourage
  990. pandastaylorswift
  991. rickg3
  992. ShockedMale
  993. npa_is_a_choice
  994. Douchy_McFucknugget
  995. 16semesters
  996. theirfReddit
  997. AMBsFather
  998. cockdragon
  999. whitedit
  1000. epicwinguy101
  1001. QueenoftheSAPs
  1002. fuckjacksonville
  1003. Cursance
  1004. vanillapep
  1005. markalex1
  1006. RaptorATF
  1007. Chives_Bilini
  1008. MRexWork
  1009. rjkh
  1010. Tryer1234
  1011. rosesnotbyothernames
  1012. NJ_Lyons
  1013. 0xD153A53
  1014. AcheronRed
  1015. Brandtflakes
  1016. Batteryhorse
  1018. aquanext
  1019. swa17
  1020. Edge578
  1021. deviationblue
  1022. skyrmions
  1023. TyeDyeHumps
  1024. BecomingMolly
  1025. Just_Great
  1026. Walking_Pneumonia
  1027. Losthunterz
  1028. wpbops
  1029. mschnarr
  1030. tlf9888
  1031. peepstreaker
  1032. RemTar
  1033. WarioThrillho
  1034. GirPhralad
  1035. thatgirl_thatdidIT
  1036. Ipoopoutside
  1037. MizzElissa
  1038. TheGus
  1039. FPSRocco
  1040. cjblahblah
  1041. adam_EEE
  1042. XtraHott
  1043. dickmalicious
  1044. Savage_Logos
  1045. fox_prostate
  1046. those_darned_monkeys
  1047. tanerdamaner
  1048. amoxicillin875
  1049. Dave_Davidson_
  1050. Im_Helping
  1051. Hatcheth0mie
  1052. DrGentlemanPhD
  1053. doc_daneeka
  1054. unheeding
  1055. theSeanO
  1056. havasrung
  1057. fishforbrains
  1058. granolasauras
  1059. ByJiminy
  1060. drew1111
  1061. challam
  1062. chad77
  1063. ohmyemgee
  1064. utardjazz
  1065. Goatsnarfer
  1066. reallyyouareadumbass
  1067. DejaBoo
  1068. Osiris32
  1069. 12beers
  1071. wildphyre
  1072. Professor_Wright
  1073. Rollingprobablecause
  1074. 1337m00nm4n
  1075. destroygoats
  1076. hfjqld
  1077. LiptonCB
  1078. prettyfacebasketcase
  1079. ellecross
  1080. compLex23
  1081. johnirvingfan
  1082. Thalassophobic_Lasso
  1083. alyon724
  1084. jaspersgroove
  1085. Ozz14
  1086. anonymous11235
  1087. fosiacat
  1088. boomboomlaser
  1089. kittyy
  1090. Coffeybeanz
  1091. Dinosquid
  1092. MinuteNput
  1093. cromonolith
  1094. Kookoouchu
  1095. veavey
  1096. tr3k
  1097. bendi36
  1098. jabertsohn
  1099. WisconsnNymphomaniac
  1100. palegothic
  1101. Unicornpark
  1102. da8393
  1103. NurseSophie89
  1104. Marshmallow_Malice
  1105. Chapsticklover
  1106. lordridan
  1107. kratan
  1108. TimeTravelMishap
  1109. PigDog4
  1110. reubenetics
  1111. Iheardyoulikeoatmeal
  1112. soupwell
  1113. the3manhimself
  1114. fork_in_eye
  1115. johnriven
  1116. TheGameboy
  1117. crimethinktank
  1118. Amalts
  1119. Josepiphus
  1120. Moriarty42
  1121. jusksmit
  1122. adruva
  1123. FailedTeacher
  1124. ANiceChap
  1125. ObidiahWTFJerwalk
  1126. imissgoose
  1127. jynnjynn
  1128. watchyoursoup
  1129. thehazardsofchad
  1130. Th3R00ST3R
  1131. Jits92
  1132. JourdanWithaU
  1133. Scrabblet
  1134. HerculeManstrong
  1135. TheTilde
  1136. TiitsMcgeee
  1137. xeivous
  1138. joemech22
  1139. jklmnb
  1140. lunaticbinge
  1141. PhillyT
  1142. supermandathope
  1143. stilesja
  1144. enapes7
  1145. DeepGreen
  1146. QueenCole
  1147. DJ_Spock
  1148. alostcause
  1149. eelsify
  1150. YeahBuddy32
  1151. omitsrage
  1152. wtfisthisnoise
  1153. Jhaza
  1154. Sorrolyn
  1155. horrorshow_
  1156. minecraft_ece
  1157. nairdA_S
  1158. throwaway89867
  1159. whisky_slurrd
  1160. ProfessorLaser
  1161. agirlinfrance
  1162. Kanye_Westicles
  1163. Areo_Hotah
  1164. SwimmingNaked
  1165. NoMoreNicksLeft
  1166. daily24
  1167. treespleaseSC
  1168. fezzikola
  1169. queengreen
  1170. ilikecommunitylots
  1171. Letsgetitkraken
  1172. chris530
  1173. vonn90
  1174. jonathancgs
  1175. N0V0w3ls
  1176. Jkparty
  1177. Wirenutt
  1178. hypmoden
  1179. Dudeonhisfriendslap
  1180. yofog
  1181. squiremarcus
  1182. badruk
  1183. cassieko
  1184. DrBoon_forgot_his_pw
  1185. tmgrnfn111
  1186. TheEcstatic
  1187. zionbelo
  1188. Olson816
  1189. Icesix
  1190. mrwatkins83
  1191. Mad_Physicist
  1192. NotAlways
  1193. useless_weapon
  1194. kehkot
  1195. Rellikx
  1196. Auroraei
  1197. lolololololz
  1198. ArchangelleMary
  1199. ammo2099
  1200. TypeSafe
  1201. hmschirlls
  1202. dentedcan
  1203. funkypickle
  1204. paternaistia
  1205. probably_butthurt
  1206. flamants
  1207. FunCriminal
  1208. zachselby
  1209. PeculiarPosts
  1210. bax101
  1211. dbenz
  1212. solinv
  1213. sketerpot
  1214. alaysian
  1215. southern_snowbird
  1216. ShermanRance
  1217. SeeDeez
  1218. crispyinc
  1219. hipsterdufus
  1220. NBegovich
  1221. AndyRooney
  1222. briefingsworth
  1223. InvestInDong
  1224. jkhamilt27
  1225. BentNotBroken
  1226. tennesseetitans
  1227. tforge13
  1228. tocamix90
  1229. rosie_the_redditor
  1231. JaneLovedHim
  1232. QuinnSee
  1233. KurayamiKifuji
  1234. hatsnatcher23
  1235. QuicklyMade
  1237. Nenaptio
  1238. piecesofthesun
  1239. RestoreFear
  1240. realblublu
  1241. Shit_Filled_Pussy
  1242. kkkmo
  1243. cheechw
  1244. Zeheve
  1245. frrarp
  1246. chimbapop
  1247. Tasty_Jesus
  1249. BigStein
  1250. JupitersClock
  1251. There_you_go
  1252. mogawowo
  1253. Kellianne
  1254. Cyber-6
  1255. jacketit
  1256. kookiemnstr
  1257. arkofjoy
  1258. ThePeskyWabbit
  1259. blueberrypoptart
  1260. PandaBear10
  1261. spatchcock
  1262. drumcowski
  1263. origamiGirl222
  1264. Figgots
  1265. ProfessorDerpenstein
  1266. lilstumpz
  1267. nicholasferber
  1268. GetOverYerself
  1269. youngphi
  1270. Definitely_Not_VA
  1271. H19
  1272. skidooshy
  1273. cyberthief
  1274. Thesockstealer
  1275. FeastMode
  1276. QuantumTycoon
  1277. mtbarron
  1278. Mazroll
  1279. CaptainCrawfish
  1280. Neoaris
  1281. mmmmmdicks
  1282. stussy-one
  1283. RestSnorlax
  1284. Fistful_of_Cock
  1285. SleepyTimeOkay
  1286. derajydac
  1287. FallonCarrington
  1288. CleverName2
  1289. kmartina
  1290. LeperFriend
  1291. senorsmoke
  1292. mimus
  1293. f3ldman2
  1294. Jagodka
  1295. releasethekraken42
  1296. PapauNewGuinea
  1297. zosoyoung
  1298. TheGreenSheep
  1299. dkinmn
  1300. serial_rapist_thread
  1301. Shark_Kicker
  1302. Illgiveumygirlswag
  1303. goats_are_people
  1304. Spycheck
  1305. TakethatBobaFett
  1306. Dybdalk
  1307. Nightmarishscenes
  1308. KINGofPOON
  1309. gatoronastick
  1310. PeggyBundysVibrator
  1311. GhostHunterChris
  1312. ICantThinkThisLate
  1313. zzqqzz
  1314. ParakeetNipple
  1315. TeeAre
  1316. st_scrivener
  1317. lacheur42
  1318. gnimsh
  1319. Every_name_was_taken
  1320. A1ibek
  1321. EduardoCarochio
  1322. andy_78
  1323. JonAudette
  1324. joe-saenz01
  1325. Easih
  1326. jaienviedetoi
  1327. WhoFan
  1328. livingmaster
  1329. Jedimastert
  1330. janethefish
  1331. Pmonstah4
  1332. Djbabybokchoi
  1334. maybe_sparrow
  1335. Unfriendly_alien
  1336. willdomoosestuff
  1337. MarriedToReddit
  1338. huginn
  1339. Ksight3
  1340. Katzenklavier
  1341. Patmb97
  1342. WhitefordsTits
  1343. skylions
  1344. yelloworangemoose
  1345. qxcvr
  1346. threenil
  1347. The_Karma_Initiative
  1348. DanielLikesPie
  1349. tlease181
  1350. captainplanet111
  1351. sprinklecone
  1352. TacoMagic
  1353. IntoTheMystic
  1354. mayorofpenisland
  1355. RugratsReRuns
  1356. thughes16
  1357. indistructo
  1358. batsam
  1359. breyette
  1360. CDClock
  1361. ShyLadyPlus
  1362. Sprigglett
  1363. Jayhoe03
  1364. linkmh
  1365. Mexican1569
  1366. geebs61
  1367. SnackSizedNut
  1368. graytotoro
  1369. CecilRhodes
  1370. RampantLion
  1371. flamingboard
  1372. Iskandar11
  1373. knightspore
  1374. nikatnight
  1375. warmfruit
  1376. hansels_coolstory
  1377. Fuzzywonton
  1378. Brony_Starstruck
  1379. ditdoo
  1380. deathofthesun
  1381. _spranger_
  1382. Lion_HeartVIII
  1383. kerokerokeropi
  1384. delta-TL
  1386. Steers
  1387. HBZ415
  1388. Illthak
  1389. cstokes123
  1390. Vusys
  1391. SilverXGames
  1392. bluetoyoutoo
  1393. TheLastRealAccount
  1394. missachlys
  1395. menwithrobots
  1396. chris8997
  1397. Sl1ngdad
  1398. xyzthrowaway
  1399. efelix
  1400. ennasej
  1401. Full_Of_Win
  1402. SenorBloodaxe
  1403. Lord_Of_The_Dice
  1404. immagiraffemotherfkr
  1405. AAlsmadi1
  1407. Rustled_Jimmys
  1408. crow1170
  1409. sesmith4205
  1410. Wh0000sh
  1411. Jase534
  1412. jfa1985
  1413. rawbdor
  1414. NineteenthJester
  1415. Port-au-prince
  1416. pinatasenpai
  1417. FireAndSunshine
  1418. thanos023
  1419. ephexi
  1420. Lodur
  1421. prometheanbane
  1422. Misshim
  1423. BakulaSelleck92
  1424. Paul_Lazzaro
  1425. DrDeath666
  1426. dirtypaws
  1427. Thirdilemma
  1428. AllUrMemes
  1429. GramarNotSee
  1430. joetromboni
  1431. Nikken6
  1432. goddessofwaterpolo
  1433. KingofCraigland
  1434. bohknows
  1435. the_television
  1436. GMLW
  1437. redredred99
  1438. Riding_the_Lion
  1439. PowerfulWizard
  1440. Hawkeye1226
  1441. sjksjksjk
  1442. Whiterthanjew
  1443. tierneyb
  1444. E51838
  1445. blambox
  1446. CozyAsian
  1447. sean488
  1448. Dick_Knubbler666
  1449. WhatTheFDR
  1450. Galaxey
  1451. Joe91313
  1452. BuffaloToast
  1453. TheEternalNeophyte
  1454. kronik85
  1455. professionallandlord
  1456. alzhran
  1457. pianoman148
  1458. spadebag
  1459. emehey
  1460. newtexan13
  1461. verstas
  1462. EatBooks
  1463. pavlo850
  1464. Evilcow867
  1465. amandamontana
  1466. Nixonomics
  1467. bannedfromcrclejerk
  1468. bugxbuster
  1469. Nerdlinger
  1470. nasalganglia
  1471. Roben9
  1472. NixxieKnocks
  1473. Dubzkimo
  1474. TheBananaKing
  1475. fikus41
  1476. Shwampy10
  1477. Volcom4380
  1478. duncan12457
  1479. AuntieChiChi
  1480. CarterDug
  1481. jmpherso
  1482. Crown_Chief
  1483. SwedishColumns
  1484. thedevilsdictionary
  1485. aamiic
  1486. DreamReliquary
  1487. cathpah
  1488. JonathanZips
  1489. Nachington
  1490. Easy9000
  1491. sugar-snow-snap
  1492. definitely_a_human
  1493. Asherbanipal
  1494. stinkpalm
  1495. suchanoob
  1496. AllanMakeUsername
  1497. longflowingdreads
  1498. xShamrocker
  1499. sumthincreative
  1500. wellfuckheregoes
  1501. Notsojollygreengiant
  1502. gramatton
  1503. mmm_skyscraper
  1504. PossesseDCoW
  1505. vinogradov
  1506. lawlredditlawl
  1507. posts_what_he_thinks
  1508. nnnddd202020
  1509. maddenmadman
  1510. cass0454
  1511. Apostochocolate
  1512. roofiebaron
  1513. MapleSyrupJizz
  1514. iamjakeparty
  1515. notsocraz
  1516. boredatwork920
  1517. penisgonelesbian
  1518. YT_Sam
  1519. rakin_bacon
  1520. Zopo
  1521. Octagonal_Poppy
  1522. dontshootmeimgay
  1523. TisJokar
  1524. Allogistic
  1525. tokyokyoko
  1526. bio-logist
  1527. geurkms
  1528. mandeer_
  1529. Imhomenovv
  1530. arbitraryconstants
  1531. jessiKILLA
  1532. EatBeets
  1533. joeyviet2
  1534. Ralod
  1535. BOPSET
  1536. potplanty
  1537. NutPeg
  1538. _______walrus
  1539. I_AM_LE_LIQUOR
  1540. brintnall12
  1541. macro-jace
  1542. madmelonxtra
  1543. tinquisitive
  1544. KioshiRawk
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  1547. cokevirgin
  1548. Mittens-alalala
  1549. blznbongos10
  1550. joseph10000
  1551. dissonance07
  1552. Rhinoceros_Party
  1553. binkkit
  1554. reddell
  1555. losthours
  1556. disfeariphobia
  1557. lukeisopinionated
  1558. fantasma925
  1559. dragonfire882
  1560. HardMikesLemonade
  1561. MrDingus
  1562. jackaloupe
  1563. WalterJrsBreakfast
  1564. vaginal_commander
  1565. CoTripper
  1566. taxdadumb
  1567. Uglies_Bumped
  1569. mi_nombre_es_ricardo
  1570. shay_the_funny_whore
  1571. xtkbilly
  1572. Nico_Shadowolf
  1573. GreenAlbatross
  1574. RayBarone
  1575. LeeHyori
  1576. undearius
  1577. LiquidfireKAN
  1578. that_is_so_funny
  1579. joking750
  1580. johnnyzxz
  1581. lordmalifico
  1582. thisguy88888
  1583. threwawayshame
  1584. JVortex888
  1585. MucasPlug
  1586. muscat
  1587. zpollack34
  1588. CohenSander
  1589. alabama_batman
  1590. Brophages
  1591. dat_g_
  1592. DavidLambent
  1593. baumkramer
  1594. cable168
  1595. Footeater
  1596. petzebra
  1597. psuklinkie
  1598. topdawg116
  1599. kosinissa
  1600. jokes_on_you
  1601. braunshaver
  1602. princest
  1603. Mucky38302
  1604. iRideDragons
  1605. Bow2TheBeard
  1606. Mudskunk
  1607. VoraciousTofu
  1608. Definitely_On_Reddit
  1609. slouched
  1610. Sgeo
  1611. gorrlock
  1612. Asaoirc
  1613. Taconomicon
  1614. evildead4075
  1615. fuzzyspring
  1616. Darkraver007
  1617. ronin027
  1618. Kidmafia
  1619. Boring_Machine
  1620. Draziil
  1621. StoicGunner
  1622. JusticeJanitor
  1623. Nico_the_Narwhal
  1624. aahdin
  1625. Anteres
  1626. DoucheAsaurus_
  1627. Novelty_Impostor
  1628. wilfordsy
  1629. baconmuffins
  1630. BLT_with_extra_bacon
  1631. flawlessazn
  1632. chaklong
  1633. engfish
  1634. Jordonzo
  1635. bryf50
  1636. 0a0x0e0
  1637. Jasoman
  1638. crustaceanman
  1639. violentacrez
  1640. hueypriest
  1641. reddit
  1642. FalconFlight17
  1643. 400-Rabbits
  1644. sleeper141
  1645. FatTristan
  1646. UnholyDemigod
  1647. ProudAsshole
  1648. mitraidos
  1649. Not_Stupid
  1650. AndersonCoopersDick
  1651. SirBrandonVerdier
  1652. loggy93
  1653. Tuco_bell
  1654. tannersnotreal
  1655. catsfolly
  1656. Redcard911
  1657. lesbiancocksucker
  1658. Maehan
  1659. Nightwisp
  1660. rissleigh
  1661. ryumast3r
  1662. Brisco_County_III
  1663. gazzawhite
  1664. OneRomaines
  1665. Warpfire
  1666. Captain_LargePoop
  1668. Elias2662
  1669. literallyafeminist
  1670. malted
  1671. drunkendonuts2
  1672. Aperture_client
  1673. LazyEntrepreneur
  1674. leetocaster347
  1675. mproctornz
  1676. Kaghuros
  1677. JackTrueborn
  1678. Arntown
  1679. NickWasHere09
  1680. jwd52
  1681. InBillWeTrust
  1682. DildoChrist
  1683. AngelixArch
  1684. cezium1
  1685. CaptainBallsySalt
  1686. spiffyclip
  1687. GoatTheMinge
  1688. SaltyChristian
  1689. prinalice
  1690. recursive
  1691. LorynAvalos
  1692. backfromlurkwork
  1693. jakeleo90
  1694. RealTerryGoodkind
  1695. trulyElse
  1696. AntiBigots
  1697. Metrobi
  1698. Jeffery_Relic
  1699. yellow_smoke
  1700. Chick_Fil_Atheist
  1701. Delfishie
  1702. WorstComment
  1703. santasforeskin
  1704. seamonkee
  1705. RedneckElite
  1706. drokly
  1707. TheStyleBug
  1708. Zhoir
  1709. DoesntCareForNegroes
  1710. brrhoward
  1711. Terox15
  1712. eisalol
  1713. akaast
  1714. Sanctus_Corvid
  1715. Underpantz_Ninja
  1716. SpringInJapan
  1717. girafa
  1718. Jess_than_three
  1719. realbutter
  1720. eaclark2
  1721. i_fly_kites
  1722. topcutter
  1723. biggerthancheeses
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  1732. Vvalevevas
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  1734. ChooChooMuthaFucka
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  1749. Settra
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  1774. lazersilver
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  1948. Leglas
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  1960. ZombieL
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  1965. bulletproofcourier
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  1969. comradebunnie
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  2016. CowzGoesMoo
  2017. atomic1fire
  2018. demoner
  2019. Bromagnon
  2020. atheist_
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  2038. mmmmSodomy
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  2170. D0natell0
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  2173. Politicsareajoke
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  2197. SniXSniPe
  2198. iheartbakon
  2199. DOGTOY_
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  2204. Trollcommenter
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  2366. ickisthekiller27
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  2403. thingsjustgotweird
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  2408. eWaffle
  2409. seth030393
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  2413. StephanFortin
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  2415. HappyFlaps
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  2433. Nimos
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  2440. xereeto
  2441. neerajman
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  2447. stage4b
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  2450. JimKB
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  2452. wellhithereguys
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  2487. Duub
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  2492. rambothecat
  2493. Gdott
  2494. ll-FooFighter-ll
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  2498. RocketRedRocket
  2499. WhyIohMy
  2500. randomfuckingletters
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  2541. i0dine
  2542. oookee
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  2545. WhiteMarauder
  2546. viborg
  2547. h00pla
  2548. lookodisapproval
  2549. tsukasa_is_a_miracle
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  4993. thatgamerguy
  4994. Shazia_The_Proud
  4995. CaptainJizzBeard
  4996. lookitsaustin
  4997. Flawed_Logically
  4998. stardog101
  4999. Pretty_Insignificant
  5000. leftwing_rightist
  5002. Ash29k
  5003. dobsdave
  5004. thee_marquis_de_sade
  5005. handysmerf
  5006. ClassyBlackGirl
  5007. everyone_hates_you
  5008. Bravery-Plus-One
  5009. madeoflegos
  5010. Hates_Fruit_Puns
  5011. Danger_Dash
  5012. iraGlasses
  5013. Pokemen
  5014. Fuck_Old_Three_Horn
  5015. ihateirony
  5016. SuckMyEULA
  5017. DatSchwartz
  5018. alter_ego_is_a_llama
  5019. AtomHeartMother1970
  5020. youngchris003
  5021. Embogenous
  5022. Ignibus
  5023. wimterk
  5024. ArchangelleAnnRomney
  5025. Skylerguns
  5026. Sunkern
  5027. AverageKarmaPerDay
  5028. afrobotics
  5029. l3un1t
  5030. creaothceann
  5031. istoplurkingTODAY
  5032. Muscovy
  5033. NoobNuNu
  5034. questionsplease
  5035. drhilarious
  5036. just_a_commenter
  5037. robbiethegiant
  5038. _cyan
  5039. morecambe1
  5040. Liberal_NeckBeard
  5041. pondreezy
  5042. leemfg
  5043. GigglesMcTits
  5044. CorduroyTimePiece
  5045. lemonfreedom
  5046. d33rhoof
  5047. jcpuf
  5048. alxp
  5049. lulfas
  5050. AustinTranslation
  5051. Crizack
  5052. HyperspaceHero
  5053. HenkieVV
  5054. DemetriMartin
  5055. UnrealMonster
  5056. flignir
  5057. deqs112
  5058. IceCreamWithTheEnemy
  5059. MarcusOhRlyius
  5060. CAW4
  5061. Kloster
  5062. ZenaLundgren
  5063. AmericanLoki
  5064. TimeTransplant
  5065. NemosHero
  5066. logged_n_2_say
  5067. FalmerbloodElixir
  5068. tick_tock_clock
  5069. hoodyhoodyhoo
  5070. davaca
  5071. thehellbean
  5073. SoInsightful
  5074. bleyva
  5075. toohardtoswallow
  5076. oddmanout
  5077. ZaeronS
  5078. yesterdaytoday
  5079. ToKeYMonsTeR
  5080. BLEED_OUT
  5081. NickDerpkins
  5082. crowey
  5083. sidewalkchalked
  5084. grantmoore3d
  5085. TastyMango
  5086. nduece
  5087. carchamp1
  5088. Geohump
  5089. Wollff
  5090. sskodje
  5091. wizurd
  5092. shinyadono
  5093. Makave22
  5094. henry666
  5095. kittylauncher
  5096. MyAliasHere
  5097. entombor2
  5098. conepuncher420
  5099. osufan765
  5100. JerkModeOff
  5101. Unconfidence
  5102. RestingCarcass
  5103. SacrimoniusSausages
  5104. zon
  5105. SlimThugga
  5106. TheTwisted509
  5107. Lumby
  5108. SmirkingRevenge
  5109. kempff
  5110. francis_hunter_brosh
  5111. AtheistConservative
  5112. HouselsLife
  5113. Ryau
  5114. PhydeauxFido
  5115. Thehealeroftri
  5116. duotriophobia23
  5117. joedude
  5118. chili_cheese_dog
  5119. ErikAllenAwake
  5120. Mr_Gentoo
  5121. bottle_cap
  5122. bikemaul
  5123. McRibMadman
  5124. taylorm6706
  5125. taylorm6707
  5126. the_zanimus
  5127. DerpMatt
  5128. elverloho
  5129. AarenLane
  5130. cammyg
  5131. photo
  5132. hilarebare
  5133. Affenzahn375
  5134. DarkRider23
  5135. SleepInMonday
  5136. zonination
  5137. teabase
  5138. alcflea
  5139. Elgebar
  5140. IndividualNo6
  5141. timetogetpaid
  5142. necrophiliastality
  5143. GorjohnzolaSauce
  5144. AxeGunner
  5145. kylepierce11
  5146. Einich
  5147. misnamed
  5148. christehchris
  5149. dickcheney777
  5150. toldyayoucantban
  5152. oldcatfish
  5153. Speedingturtle
  5154. holodog
  5155. KingOfSwords
  5156. MustBeARedditor
  5157. Pete_Venkman
  5158. adsasdjsdlaljdhakjsd
  5159. ilikemustard
  5160. Raerth
  5161. Skuld
  5162. Livyka
  5163. somabc
  5164. rathat
  5165. Fyrum
  5166. nickdude77
  5167. margasul
  5168. downvotesforbirthday
  5169. NoOneLikesAnchovies
  5170. NotAPie
  5171. Ebonyknife
  5172. Quick_Brown_Foxx
  5173. treedick2011
  5174. Chevcheleos
  5175. InTheHandOfHades
  5176. HerrShaun
  5177. patty--winters--show
  5178. Shadowcrow01
  5179. jb55
  5180. Shitty_Watercolour
  5181. BecauseScience
  5182. Ozzertron
  5183. runjoy
  5184. reidhasguitar
  5185. nononotoryuss
  5186. suriname0
  5187. Anthony356
  5188. arrowstotheknee
  5189. nat5ndotcom
  5190. wanking_furiously
  5191. a7xragefan1234
  5192. eviltwinkie
  5193. danieljamesfair
  5194. Lexirox
  5195. Anzereke
  5196. CoolLordL21
  5197. kmmeerts
  5198. neilmcc
  5199. minibeardeath
  5200. 11oops
  5201. kaosethema
  5202. PartTimeGangster
  5203. Trekkie1701
  5204. Indoloro
  5205. therightonelooksleft
  5206. friendlyone
  5207. ozzymustaine
  5208. I_Made_One
  5209. alfredislas
  5210. UkuleleNoGood
  5211. mpmagi
  5212. yourbrotherrex
  5213. shoeKilla69
  5214. Gold_Leaf_Initiative
  5215. Anonomis
  5216. TooJays
  5217. TheChosenOne570
  5218. jobs33ker
  5219. Neon1986
  5220. C--Flat91
  5221. Quatroking
  5222. itsfreshlyshorn
  5223. butth0lez
  5224. ihateniggers
  5225. NameAboutStuff
  5226. Lionhearted09
  5228. dustcakes
  5229. Carl_DeGrasse_Hitler
  5230. college_kid
  5231. A_saVANT
  5232. ohheytrevor
  5233. eileenandBENdover
  5234. pokemonconspiracies
  5235. TheSov
  5236. inkedexistence
  5237. Nowhere_Man_Forever
  5238. BugeyeContinuum
  5239. Kwashiorkor
  5240. I_SHIT_KARMA
  5241. guiltischarged
  5242. apaethe
  5243. Gwingle
  5244. tamarins
  5245. diedbythegun
  5246. p3n1x
  5247. throwaway21112
  5248. TheGazelle
  5249. b8b
  5250. MasCapital
  5251. Uncomfortable_Facts
  5252. TheWorstPossibleName
  5253. ketchupside
  5254. x30Jx
  5255. Ratscave
  5256. mikesername
  5257. PavementBlues
  5258. Berry2Droid
  5259. Splitshadow
  5260. yaknowfukd
  5261. neuby
  5262. KortoloB
  5263. SouthPads
  5264. juke_the_stats
  5265. ksmith944
  5266. BDaught
  5267. Blacksm1th
  5268. jhb2wr
  5269. flabbigans
  5270. sRsSrSsRsSrS
  5271. worldsfirsanalrapist
  5272. tryshapepper
  5273. Yellerfeller
  5274. ch00f
  5275. DildoOfJustice
  5276. vaginabeard
  5277. ghengiscunnilingus
  5278. Boomfish
  5279. winflint
  5280. DavidIsDead
  5281. Sir_Vyvin
  5282. Unlimited_Pancakes
  5283. replicated
  5284. rokkitgurl
  5286. adlauren
  5287. UsernameMadeNChina
  5288. Mankirks_Mistress
  5289. AnOwnageDuck
  5290. themightypierre
  5291. Dog_Raping_Dog
  5292. canobiecrazy
  5293. Horse_Fetish
  5294. gillisthom
  5295. HeBeatsMyMom
  5296. psykikduk
  5297. BrockCompetENT
  5298. distactedOne
  5299. RockAndROFL
  5300. kreiger
  5301. FlopDonker
  5302. Jam_Master_Joel
  5303. JaggedxEDGEx
  5304. yeshmin
  5305. wanderso24
  5306. Learfz
  5307. IAmA_Undecided
  5308. SarcasticOptimist
  5309. blueslut
  5310. leafer91
  5311. Zruku
  5312. Toreyun
  5313. carlcon
  5314. goklissa
  5315. biggestballz
  5316. aperson
  5317. dr_professor_patrick
  5318. factually_correct
  5319. Terdlinger
  5320. Makkaboosh
  5321. Jtsunami
  5322. nuclearoption
  5323. omgitsthepast
  5324. ByteSizedBits
  5325. reverendfrag4
  5326. Onoliciousyes
  5327. Ewok_08
  5328. Hilleo
  5329. Nonyabiness
  5330. whoknows78
  5331. blackberrydoughnuts
  5332. FragPoppa
  5333. RageQuitRebels
  5334. londubhawc
  5335. shroomun
  5336. sweatpantswarrior
  5337. johnc7995
  5338. Acenus
  5339. khnumhotep
  5340. completED711
  5341. LilDrumrGrl
  5342. TheDanSandwich
  5343. ifrit1100
  5344. JPShinebox
  5345. resnoresss
  5346. T8rfudgees
  5347. iemfi
  5349. captainenema
  5350. Zifnab25
  5351. elohizzle
  5352. plytheman
  5353. AmoDman
  5354. samanthakm9
  5355. hellomika
  5356. oliverMcMayonnaise
  5357. Games4Life
  5358. TheDudeaBides96
  5359. EternalArchon
  5360. skwerpsquad
  5361. Vortiman
  5362. ArchangelleChristian
  5363. ItsTheDward
  5364. AlaskanDad
  5365. Insanelopez
  5366. alexoobers
  5367. ju29ro
  5368. TheSharkSlayer
  5369. CircleOfJerk
  5370. DrPhilBradley
  5371. alwaysf0rgetpassw0rd
  5372. tr3xkuro
  5373. actually_lying
  5374. DragonChainsaw22
  5375. hittheswitch
  5376. habaker91
  5377. reposts_old_stuff
  5378. Sagemode
  5379. ballstatemarine
  5380. A_Texas_Toaster
  5381. 4alex6
  5382. thebombsauce
  5383. pipechang
  5384. Downhilldude
  5385. rmc330
  5386. khoury
  5387. Cognitiory
  5388. blarghreary
  5389. ColorMeKat
  5390. wyngit
  5391. koopa2222
  5392. Johnmcguirk
  5393. ArchangelleSandybum
  5394. AmazingJohnny
  5395. TravistoRaoul
  5396. blinkooo
  5397. sitting-duck
  5398. DoctorDank
  5399. iDrops
  5400. Ser_Jamie
  5401. lostgam3r
  5402. VincentVanDough
  5403. ryankevin15
  5404. miguelavg
  5405. screwed124816
  5406. redpossum
  5407. baibars
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