

Jan 12th, 2017
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  1. My take on this whole, awful election:
  3. Trump will, of course, be a much, much worse President domestically than Hillary. No argument there. But internationally, Hillary is a Proven warmonger as bad as John McCain. That is simple fact, based on her words and actions. I won't even bother arguing that point. As for Trump, we don't know if he'll get us into more war. We don't like him but we can't predict the future.
  5. And war is my priority. I'm sick of the killing.
  7. I also agree with the young that the DNC needed a Huge Shock in hopes of change. And they Still haven't gotten the message as they whine about Russians - missing that their greatest losses, in the house, senate, statehouses, and governorships - had Nothing to do with email.
  9. The shock they needed is the Death card of Tarot. The rot and weeds had to be cleared away. Not a pleasant card, but a must. More scientifically, it is a tenet of systems theory that once a system becomes too corrupted, it cannot be "fixed." It must be destroyed; although you can use the leftover pieces to build a new system. That was just a theory of mine years ago, but I;m old enough now to see it's the way things happen.
  11. There is some sign this is happening on the local level. Progressives are winning places in local caucuses in great numbers. In two years there are Congressional elections, and by then the party might be worth voting for if we can get the old dinosaurs like Chuck the Bankster's Buddy, to leave.
  13. And I do think the Unstellar performance of TPP, Bankster-friendly, Whistleblower-jailing, Endless-War Obama (along with other rightwing ideas like proposing a Social Security cut even Before the GOP) had a lot to do with the sweeping Democratic loss. Actions have consequences and in Obama's boo-hoo leave taking, that has been somehow missed. I honestly believe that many liberals stayed home because they couldn't stomach being cheated a third time, after two lackluster, semi-Republican Obama terms.
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