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- quizzaciouslyDubious [QD] has began pestering ragingStronghold [RS]
- quizzaciouslyDubious
- hello cogtus.
- ragingStronghold
- hey do you need something?
- quizzaciouslyDubious
- no, i do not need anything, i am just Bored out of my mind.
- how has your day Been so far?
- ragingStronghold
- well im a bit busy
- quizzaciouslyDubious
- with what? your "latest Project"?
- ragingStronghold
- no im climbing up a cliff
- quizzaciouslyDubious
- ah, so you're checking on your lusus then.
- ragingStronghold
- yes and im only half way up plus im climbing while chatting with you
- quizzaciouslyDubious
- you've already established that you're climBing uP a cliff, cogtus.
- ragingStronghold
- but i cant see shit well wearing this thing
- i might want to fix that
- quizzaciouslyDubious
- oh, so you're climBing Blind?
- ragingStronghold
- mostly
- quizzaciouslyDubious
- that sounds like a thing you would do.
- ragingStronghold
- yes it sounds like a thing i would do because im doing it right now
- quizzaciouslyDubious
- i don't understand how you take care of that thing.
- your lusus, i mean.
- ragingStronghold
- i just make sure it does not kill anyone
- it hunts for itself
- quizzaciouslyDubious
- what aBout your latest Project, then?
- have you given uP trying to find a suitaBle Power source?
- ragingStronghold
- still stumped on that but apart from that its ready
- quizzaciouslyDubious
- so nothing new?
- ragingStronghold
- well i got it painted
- quizzaciouslyDubious
- oh? do tell.
- ragingStronghold
- i fell like it should be red and orange but i went fuck it and painted it blue and white
- either way it looks cool
- quizzaciouslyDubious
- why would you feel like it should it Be red and orange?
- that seems odd.
- ragingStronghold
- it just seem right to paint it red and orange
- but fuck it
- quizzaciouslyDubious
- alright...
- i will never fully understand you. cogtus.
- ragingStronghold
- no
- no you wont
- quizzaciouslyDubious
- well, this has Been a nice chat.
- i'm going to go Back to doing nothing now.
- ragingStronghold
- cool
- im going to keep climbing
- quizzaciouslyDubious
- alright. goodBye.
- ragingStronghold
- bye pissface
- ragingStronghold [RS] has left
- quizzaciouslyDubious
- why did...?
- oh whatever.
- quizzaciouslyDubious [QD] has left
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