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a guest
Jun 17th, 2013
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  1. <Simran|D> sup?
  2. <ninchuu> Hey saw you forked/clone'd my repo
  3. <Simran|D> ya
  4. <ninchuu> I was wondering what your direction with the application is
  5. <Simran|D> what do you mean?
  6. <ninchuu> Do you intend to keep it updated with my codebase or make it stand alone
  7. <Simran|D> standalone most likely
  8. <Simran|D> It's on the Play Store too
  9. <Simran|D> I've given credits where I can
  10. <ninchuu> I just have one request if you choose to keep it and it's include my own donation address
  11. <Simran|D> Alright on next release
  12. <Simran|D> I have some features added
  13. <ninchuu> you can slap in the pools and tie in your own
  14. <Simran|D> slap in pools?
  15. <ninchuu> yep that's all I ask for
  16. <ninchuu> *You can include multiple donation links from other pools/people, but leave mine in there
  17. <Simran|D> That's fine
  18. <Simran|D> I've changed a few things
  19. <Simran|D> No more need for the refresh button
  20. <Simran|D> the stat text is centered
  21. <Simran|D> Settings window is different
  22. <Simran|D> it refreshes when you open the app
  23. <Simran|D> enter a new API
  24. <ninchuu> thats fine
  25. <Simran|D> also pull down to refresh
  26. <Simran|D> not sure if you wanted to fork my clone :P
  27. <ninchuu> I have a whole new revision coming out soon
  28. <Simran|D> alright
  29. <Simran|D> is there a difference?
  30. <ninchuu> connected to a django server with IRL stats
  31. <ninchuu> and graphing
  32. <ninchuu> *Real-time stats
  33. <Simran|D> I might fork it :P
  34. <Simran|D> merge it
  35. <ninchuu> Depends
  36. <ninchuu> I'll make it open source if people respect it
  37. <Simran|D> cause a lot of people like the pull down to refresh
  38. <ninchuu> because I've had people from multiple pools asking to put it on the market
  39. <Simran|D> Put what?
  40. <Simran|D> the new one?
  41. <ninchuu> yea
  42. <Simran|D> the source is open already?
  43. <ninchuu> no
  44. <Simran|D> yo
  45. <Simran|D> i g2g
  46. <Simran|D> talk to you later
  47. <ninchuu> k thx
  48. <ninchuu> bye
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