
Anon - Stone Cold (Maud)

Sep 29th, 2014
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  1. >It's eleven-thirty.
  2. >You've been in bed for almost twenty minutes, after your mother turned off the internet for the night.
  3. >Right in the middle of your game, too.
  4. >Fucking moms.
  5. >With a sneer, you roll over onto your side in an attempt to get comfortable.
  6. >It doesn't work so you try to other side.
  7. >Nope.
  8. >After a moment's pause you begin to thrash back and forth before finally slapping your palms down against the mattress.
  9. >The dull, empty thud carries through the room, but you're too mad to care.
  10. >Still, as you lay there, another sound tickles at your ears.
  11. >A quiet, almost jovial gurgle.
  12. >You glance down at your stomach as it rumbles again.
  13. >Great.
  14. >Now you're hungry.
  15. >Laying still in your bed, you close your eyes and listen to the house for a few minutes.
  16. >When you're certain that your mother has gone to sleep, or at least secured herself in her room for the night, you slip out from under the sheets and begin the slow kitchen creep.
  17. >It's only been a few weeks since you moved into Canterlot school district, so you're still getting used to the new home's creaks and groans.
  18. >Placing one hesitant foot in front of the other, you freeze and tense at the slightest sound, though nothing stops you from rounding the corner and making it into the kitchen.
  19. >The smooth tile floor underneath has less give, so you're able to move with less concern compared to the lengthy hallway.
  20. >Rummaging through the fridge, you try to find something that isn't healthy amidst all the meats, cheeses, fruits and vegetables.
  21. >At last you spot it.
  22. >A lone chocolate pudding snack-pack glistens in the pale light of the fridge.
  23. >Without another thought, you snatch it up and close the door, suppressing a crow of victory.
  24. >But as you turn, something shifts at towards the corner of your eye.
  25. >Mother...
  26. >With a gulp, you turn your head to weather her wrath.
  27. >But it's not her.
  29. >Instead, a ghastly ashen face stares back at you with pale blue eyes.
  30. >Her expression is flat and unyielding, like a screamer scene in a horror film just before it pops out to scare the audience.
  31. >The mop of purple hair shifts as her lips part and in a flat, monotone voice declares, "You're in my way."
  32. >Wha?
  33. >After a moment of staring, her small hand reaches up and pushes you against the fridge.
  34. >Despite her size, you find yourself pinned by the small motion, and despite your squirms to escape, you only manage to do so after she passes by.
  35. >As you struggle to catch your breath, you see her open the pantry and dig for a moment.
  36. >Opening your mouth, you hear your voice barely squeak out,
  37. "Wh-what are you? No, who are you?"
  38. >Peeking out from behind the door, the girl sizes you up and then nods once.
  39. >"Maud Pie. I'm your neighbor."
  40. >And then straight back to digging.
  41. >Holding a hand over your chest, you try to catch your breath and process this.
  42. >Pie.
  43. >There was a Pie family on the street, and you'd met their three daughters who were just around your age, but Maud wasn't one of them.
  44. >Could it be there were four?
  45. >No wait, more importantly.
  46. >Moving over to the intruder, you grab her by the shoulder and spin her around.
  47. >Maud's eyes widen for a moment before settling back into the deadpan stare.
  48. "What are you doing here?"
  49. >you manage to hiss, with a little more vigor this time.
  50. >The stoic girl stares at you for a moment, then back into the pantry.
  51. >She raises an eyebrow and reaches out, pulling something back with her.
  52. >Giving the box in her hand a shake, you hear a familiar loose, rattling sound.
  53. >"Boulder said he smelled Fruity Pebbles and got hungry."
  54. >The hairs on the back of your neck stand on end as you jerk your head left and right.
  55. >Boulder?
  56. >That didn't sound promising.
  57. >Was there another person hanging around the house?
  59. >Instead, a ghastly ashen face stares back at you with pale blue eyes.
  60. >Her expression is flat and unyielding, like a screamer scene in a horror film just before it pops out to scare the audience.
  61. >The mop of purple hair shifts as her lips part and in a flat, monotone voice declares, "You're in my way."
  62. >Wha?
  63. >After a moment of staring, her small hand reaches up and pushes you against the fridge.
  64. >Despite her size, you find yourself pinned by the small motion, and despite your squirms to escape, you only manage to do so after she passes by.
  65. >As you struggle to catch your breath, you see her open the pantry and dig for a moment.
  66. >Opening your mouth, you hear your voice barely squeak out,
  67. "Wh-what are you? No, who are you?"
  68. >Peeking out from behind the door, the girl sizes you up and then nods once.
  69. >"Maud Pie. I'm your neighbor."
  70. >And then straight back to digging.
  71. >Holding a hand over your chest, you try to catch your breath and process this.
  72. >Pie.
  73. >There was a Pie family on the street, and you'd met their three daughters who were just around your age, but Maud wasn't one of them.
  74. >Could it be there were four?
  75. >No wait, more importantly.
  76. >Moving over to the intruder, you grab her by the shoulder and spin her around.
  77. >Maud's eyes widen for a moment before settling back into the deadpan stare.
  78. "What are you doing here?"
  79. >you manage to hiss, with a little more vigor this time.
  80. >The stoic girl stares at you for a moment, then back into the pantry.
  81. >She raises an eyebrow and reaches out, pulling something back with her.
  82. >Giving the box in her hand a shake, you hear a familiar loose, rattling sound.
  83. >"Boulder said he smelled Fruity Pebbles and got hungry."
  84. >The hairs on the back of your neck stand on end as you jerk your head left and right.
  85. >Boulder?
  86. >That didn't sound promising.
  87. >Was there another person hanging around the house?
  89. >After diverting your attention, Maud swats at your arms, knocking them loose.
  90. >She brushes by you and you rub at your tingling arms and finds the pantry.
  91. >There's a hiss of cereal falling from the box and pinging quietly against the bowl.
  92. >And then a dull thud.
  93. >Maud leans over, and you become acutely aware that aside from the lengthy nightshirt, she's only got a pair of plain white panties on underneath.
  94. >And so, as the girl pushes her rump out in your direction, you begin to sweat at the sight.
  95. >Then, the whispering starts.
  96. >"Who's a good boy, Boulder?"
  97. >Wut?
  98. >Gulping and trying not to stare at the dark framed butt in front of you, you approach the entranced girl as she continues to talk to the cereal bowl.
  99. >As you get close, you see a dull looking rock in the middle of an otherwise colorful spattering of cereal.
  100. >Maud is moving it around with her finger, giving it small words of encouragement.
  101. >You're too stunned to say anything.
  102. >At last, the girl goes quiet and quickly rights herself.
  103. >Taking a hesitant step back, you clutch your fingers into a fist...
  104. >And feel the slimy sensation of chocolate pudding oozing out from between your knuckles.
  105. >Gross.
  106. >Maud stares at you for a little while longer, then tilts her head to the side ever so slightly.
  107. >"I apologize for surprising you earlier. Thank you for sharing your cereal with me."
  108. >Pause as she glances down to the stone in her hand.
  109. >"...Boulder thanks you as well, though he thinks you should do a better job of securing your home. Dangerous times, after all. Good night."
  111. >And then she's gone.
  112. >You barely even hear the door close behind her.
  113. >Shivering again, you bring a hand to your mouth and try steady your nerves.
  114. >Of course it would be the pudding hand.
  115. >It takes a few minutes to wind down, but eventually you clean your hand and face, as well as the dark splotches on the floor.
  116. >You're not really hungry after that and so you make your way back to the bedroom.
  117. >Collapsing on the bed, you try not to think about the mysterious and slightly spooky girl who visited you.
  118. >...Okay, she broke into your house.
  119. >Closing your eyes, you do your best not to think about the events in the kitchen.
  120. >It won't do you any good to get scared.
  121. >But there's just one question that nags at you.
  122. "How did she get in in the first place?"
  123. >And then, another, slightly more unnerving question hits you.
  124. >Did you remember to lock the door?
  125. >That's when you feel a slightly rough, slick sandpapery sensation sliding along your previously puddinged palm.
  126. >With your heart in your throat, you slowly turn towards your hand.
  127. >Seems like Boulder knew what he was talking about.
  128. >even if he had rocks for brains
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