
Healing Kisses (ch31)

Dec 6th, 2020 (edited)
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  3. Aaha so this was one I wrote back in the summertime, sorry it's a bit out-of-season now. Maybe it'll make my fellow winter people feel a little bit of warmth (which is different from heat, as you'll see).
  5. I wanted to dedicate it to Lexi over on twitter because she helped me out with some very stressful computer problems and I'm just so thankful ;v;
  7. Disclaimer: I do not own Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight.
  9. -----------
  11. Chapter 31. Heat And Warmth
  13. It's one of those days in early spring where, out of nowhere, the weather suddenly becomes freakishly and disgustingly hot and humid. And being that it's so unexpected, and not yet soon enough for the dorms to turn on the central air conditioning, Seishou's students are forced to try and survive the day with nothing but open windows and rotating fans.
  15. Most of the girls actually brave the outside weather and vacate campus to go into town where they can take shelter in the cool malls and movie theaters for some time on their day off.
  17. But ever the passionate and stubborn hard worker, Claudine still resorts to making the blistering journey to school to use the rehearsal room for practice. As she walks, she sticks to the shade as much as possible, but even so, by the time she arrives she's already worked up quite the sweat.
  19. The staff on-duty today are surprised to see her coming by, and advise her not to train for too long because of the heat, and Claudine agrees. She ventures to the locker room to change into her leotard and take a sip of cool water to start before heading into the studio.
  21. It's quiet for once, and she can't honestly remember the last time she'd gotten the place all to herself. She leaves the lights off, simply because it keeps the room just a bit cooler, and there's already plenty of sunlight coming in through the windows to see by.
  23. Claudine stretches herself out a bit to start, then heads to the CD player to find a song.
  25. She goes through several songs and routines, though she occasionally has to pause and rewind them in order to perfect a certain part.
  27. It annoys her to no end how just doing a few numbers can have her this exhausted already just because of the weather, where normally she'd only just be getting warmed up at this point.
  29. But she monitors herself, and is sure to stop every now and then to take a drink and rest a little to cool down before starting the next dance.
  31. She really does despise days like these, though. Because as a Stage Girl, she is of course used to the usual amount of sweat and minor physical discomfort that comes along with any kind of training or performance. But as a young woman, she absolutely can't stand how the tightness of her clothes makes her feel all the more disgusting, how she can feel the sweat dripping down her skin thanks to the open-back leotard, how her hair clings to the back of her neck, sticky and heavy.
  33. She's only been here for a little over thirty minutes, but she's already decided she's going to call it quits early today and go back to shower as soon as possible.
  35. So she runs through a few more dances nonstop, letting the rush of her movements provide a bit of wind. She can feel that gross dampness coating every inch of her, and the air just feels so thick and weighted, as if she's dancing through boiling soup.
  37. As the end of the piece approaches, Claudine gives one final spin, strikes her finishing pose, and then sinks down to her knees. Panting, she slowly leans back onto her elbows before collapsing onto her back.
  39. The hardwood feels cool and soothing to her body that's coursing with fire right now, so she stays there for a moment, wiping her arm across her soaking forehead and closing her eyes to wind down and relax, just for a moment…
  41. -----------
  43. Maya hadn't really had any plans for today originally, but now that it's turned out to be such a humid one, she really can't think of much to do. While most of the rest of her friends have gone off in their pairs or groups to enjoy the air-conditioned theaters and establishments of town, she can't seem to locate her own partner to potentially invite along.
  45. After checking Claudine's room, she searches Starlight Hall inside and out before realizing Claudine isn't here, and Maya already knows for certain she hadn't gone into town with the others.
  47. Which leaves only one possibly explanation.
  49. She heaves a sigh as she realizes she's going to have to make the heated trek to school today.
  51. "Saijou-san… she never knows when to take a day off, does she?"
  53. Even Maya had made no plans to practice on a day like today, where the possibility of getting heatstroke was so high with the air conditioning not being on just yet. The thought has her hurrying along toward the school building until she's all but jogging.
  55. She'd only put on a blouse and shorts today, but even so, by the time she gets there, she feels as though she might as well be wearing sweatpants and a snow jacket.
  57. She asks the woman at the main office if Claudine had come by today. Evidently she had, and she hasn't left yet. Maya thanks her with a dip of her head and hurries off toward the studio.
  59. And being that she's already worried and thinking about how easy it would be for someone to overheat in these conditions, it's understandable that she would misinterpret the sight she finds waiting for her there.
  61. "Saijou-san-?"
  63. She starts off with a curious call of her name as she passes through the locker room, finding Claudine's bag and clothes there. But when she slides open the door to the studio, Maya gasps outright.
  65. Claudine is splayed out on the floor with an arm across her eyes, breathing hard as if she'd collapsed or is crying for some reason. All of Maya's restraint goes out the window as she rushes forward to her side, and the guise of using formalities drops instantly.
  67. "Claudine-?"
  69. At first, Claudine thought she was just hearing things past the pounding of her pulse in her skull. But now it's unmistakable that she can feel a nervous hand on her shoulder.
  71. With a gasp, Claudine lowers her arm from her face and opens her eyes to find a panicked Tendo Maya staring back down at her, frightened as if she's about to call an ambulance right this second.
  73. Claudine knows how it must look to her if she'd just come in right now, and she quickly shakes her head, waving her hand to try and convey that it's not as bad as it appears.
  75. "No-" Although, with how exhausted she is from so much training just now, she's still so out-of-breath, and her chest is heaving so hard it probably looks as though she really did collapse. "Listen… it's not-"
  77. "Claudine!" Maya cries. "Why would you endanger your health like this on such an extremely hot day? You could have heat stroke-" Maya reaches out to lightly rest the back of her hand against Claudine's forehead, flinching at the heat wafting off of her. "I should call for someone-"
  79. But Claudine grabs hold of her wrist before she can get up and prevents her from leaving.
  81. "Would you… listen to me for once…?" She's still panting for breath and lying on the floor though, so it sort of takes away from the annoyed look and tone she's going for.
  83. Maya is still riddled with concern, however.
  85. "Claudine, for you to collapse like this-"
  87. "I didn't collapse-" Claudine huffs. "You're not listening to me, as usual…"
  89. By now, Maya is slowly beginning to understand that Claudine is behaving as she always does, which is gradually lifting away the panic. Her grip on Maya's wrist is strong enough to prove she probably isn't as meek as Maya had initially thought her to be. So Maya breathes in a deep breath and tries to calm herself a little before meeting Claudine's gaze with a nod.
  91. By now, Claudine has mostly caught her breath again, so she can start talking with a bit more conviction.
  93. "I just finished," she explains. "And I felt hot and gross, so I just wanted to lie down on the floor for a second where it was cool. That's all." Her grip on Maya's hand softens now, and Claudine works to entwine their fingers together.
  95. Maya blinks slowly as the last bits of panic finally dissipate.
  97. "That's all…?"
  99. "Yes. You simply came in at exactly the wrong time and misinterpreted things. I'm fine." To demonstrate, Claudine sits herself up with ease now and makes a fist with her free hand. "See? Tres bien." She tosses her hair over her shoulder and lifts her chin a bit in her familiar, sassy sort of trademark movement.
  101. Maya feels a rush of relief travel through her, and a smile finally spreads across her lips.
  103. "Thank goodness."
  105. Unable to stop herself now, she leans in and pulls Claudine into an embrace.
  107. And even though physical contact is one of the last things Claudine wants to experience right now on such a disgustingly-hot day, she decides she'll allow it for Maya.
  109. "It's because you just jumped to conclusions," Claudine huffs over her shoulder. "If you'd just let me explain things properly, you could've spared yourself the scare."
  111. "My apologies," Maya sighs.
  113. "What for?" Claudine grumbles. "Don't apologize for worrying about me. It was sweet… I just didn't want you to upset yourself like that, you infuriating woman."
  115. "I suppose it's my own fault, then."
  117. Maya closes her eyes for a moment and keeps Claudine close, lightly nuzzling her head against hers as she circles her arms around her back. There is still a great amount of heat coming off of her though, and Maya can feel her heart pounding from whatever solo practicing she'd done today. And though she can tell Claudine is doing her best to conceal them as sighs, she is still breathing a little hard.
  119. Maya curls her fingers through the thick wavy curls of hair until they meet the exposed skin of Claudine's back. Maya rubs her hands up and down softly for a long moment, until Claudine heaves one final sigh. Maya keeps her close for another minute for good measure before slowly easing back.
  121. "Now then, I'd say that's enough practice for today. Wouldn't you agree?"
  123. "I suppose…"
  125. Moving apart, Maya helps Claudine to her feet, gently patting her back. Claudine dips her head before crossing the room to turn off and unplug the music, then follows Maya back to the changing room.
  127. Claudine finishes her water bottle before getting dressed back into the light attire of shorts and a t-shirt, and then they head for the exit.
  129. They both savor the last few moments of mild coolness inside the building before stepping out into the blazing sunlight. They immediately head for the closest patch of shade they can find on the sidewalk before they begin making their way back to the dorms. Claudine wrinkles her nose as she feels her clothes clinging to her skin everywhere the fabrics touch.
  131. "Gross. I need to shower…"
  133. "I believe you look rather charming," Maya purrs. "Just a bit disheveled and unkempt. Even this Saijou Claudine is lovely." She tucks a lock of frazzled hair behind Claudine's ear, earning a slight glare in return.
  135. "And even this Tendo Maya is still annoying."
  137. "But a shower should be beneficial," Maya continues happily. "Surely it will feel wonderful for you to cool down after such a rigorous session. Perhaps I shall join you."
  139. "In your own stall," Claudine warns her.
  141. "But of course."
  143. As they continue walking, Claudine can't help but notice that Maya's hand keeps brushing against hers at their sides.
  145. And Claudine is at-odds with herself. Normally, she'd allow the contact if they were off-campus and not in uniform - and sometimes she'd even allow it if that weren't the case, too. But today it's just so hot, and she feels that any form of physical human contact, no matter how small, would absolutely be too much.
  147. But then again… Maya had come searching for her today instead of taking off with the others for cooler theaters. And when Claudine risks another glance in her direction, Maya is giving her a hopeful little look. Claudine's heart starts skipping, and she quickly looks away.
  149. But not a moment later, she heaves a disgruntled sigh and willingly opens her fingers.
  151. Maya says nothing, but Claudine can more or less feel the energy coming off of her as she smiles and accepts her hand. Maya interlocks their fingers and presses their palms together with no space in between.
  153. Claudine huffs, hating that she's definitely much sweatier than Maya is right now, but her thinking is that if she squeezes back tightly enough, Maya won't be able to feel it.
  155. So Claudine holds her hand with gusto as they return to Starlight Hall, and only when they reach the doors do they finally let go.
  157. "I'm going to shower," Claudine reminds her as they return to the refuge of indoors, though it's still fairly hot inside, too. "What about you?"
  159. Maya ponders for a moment.
  161. "I suppose I shall as well. Cool water is our greatest ally right now."
  163. So they head to the baths together, where it seems most of the other girls who hadn't left to go to town have the same idea about washing off.
  165. Claudine thoroughly enjoys the spray of cool water cleansing her skin, and she has to admit it's nice to know she won't be going back to an empty dorm afterward. She's glad Maya had stayed behind today, most likely for her sake.
  167. After only a few minutes of washing her hair, Claudine hears her partner's voice coming from the stall beside hers, humming a familiar tune. Never to be outdone, Claudine joins in with her, matching her pitch perfectly throughout the piece.
  169. They've hummed through three songs by the time they're finished and step out to dry off and get dressed again. Where they would normally take turns drying each other's hair with the blow dryers, today they both agree to avoid the heat at all costs.
  171. Instead, Maya has Claudine sit one on of the cushioned stools and gently pads a towel through her hair. She gathers it from above and below and rubs gently, traveling slowly from the top of her head down to the ends of her hair.
  173. Claudine closes her eyes and enjoys the treatment for a while, as Maya is being certain to dry her hair as much as possible so she won't catch a cold.
  175. When Maya is finally satisfied with the results, she gets to combing Claudine's hair next, easing the bristles through the natural curls and making sure not to tug. Whenever her hand comes up to gather her hair and ends up briefly touching the side or back of Claudine's neck, it sends a little trill up her spine. Even though they've been doing this sort of thing for months now, it still makes her feel things as if it's the first time.
  177. And it's no wonder, because Maya does put in a little extra effort to touch her as much as possible.
  179. After several minutes, she can brush all the way through Claudine's hair without obstruction. Satisfied with her work, Maya places the brush down on the counter before them and wraps her arms around Claudine's collar, leaning up against her back.
  181. Claudine, who had been feeling almost sleepy from the treatment, cracks one eye open now to glare at her in the mirror.
  183. "Hey-"
  185. But when she sees Maya's expression so carefree and full of bliss, Claudine takes back her complaints about it being too hot for this sort of thing.
  187. It isn't often that Maya speaks about her family life, but Claudine knows enough, and she knows that Maya never really received physical affection as a child, or even as a student. She envisions a young Maya after winning yet another pageant or performance and craving a hug or a pat on the head from her parents, and receiving only stern words instead. Like how she shouldn't seek praise for doing something that was expected of her.
  189. Thinking about it always makes Claudine angry, and now is no different. She snorts out an exhale, and Maya must feel the heave in her chest, because she slowly opens her eyes.
  191. "Claudine? My apologies. I shouldn't be-"
  193. "No-" Before Maya can pull herself away, Claudine reaches up to touch her arm and keep her there. "It's fine. You're fine."
  195. "Are you certain? If it is too stifling-"
  197. "Please," Claudine scoffs. "I can easily handle something like this. Don't look down on me, Tendo Maya."
  199. Maya had almost started to worry, but now her heart is put at ease again. She smiles, nestling her face into Claudine's soft hair.
  201. "Then please allow me to indulge myself a while longer…"
  203. "I suppose you've earned it." Claudine willingly leans back into her embrace, closing her eyes as she tucks her head in against Maya's. She can feel a soft, happy pulse against her back, and reaches up to cup Maya's check, circling her thumb gently.
  205. She'd decided a while ago, almost as soon as they'd started being intimate, that she would try to never deny Maya that physical closeness like her parents surely had. After waiting all of her life to express it, Maya sure did have a lot to give, and so long as they were alone and it was appropriate, Claudine couldn't deny she was eager to accept it - and give back as well.
  207. So they stay close for a few moments, and the heat really isn't all that bad considering they'd just washed off. But Maya still needs her hair dried and brushed.
  209. So eventually, leaving a small kiss on her cheek, Claudine eases away from her and stands, having Maya sit on the stool for the time being. She does her part and dries Maya's hair with the towel, padding it dry and rubbing it in sections from top to bottom.
  211. She runs her fingers through the long brown locks, untangling whatever knots she finds before eventually moving on to the brush. She hears Maya sigh several times, and when Claudine checks her reflection, she's smiling with her eyes closed, much as Claudine had been during her turn.
  213. And once she's finished, Claudine also wraps her arms around Maya and presses up softly against her back.
  215. Maya only leans back against her for a moment, until her craving to be closer overwhelms her, and instead she rotates around the stool to face Claudine and pull her into a bigger hug. Claudine sighs, but accepts, resting her chin on top of her partner's head while Maya nestles up against her collar.
  217. They stay like that for a moment, until a few other girls walk in, which causes Claudine to tactfully pull away while clearing her throat.
  219. "Well then, I'd say we're both dry enough. Wouldn't you agree?"
  221. And to her surprise, Maya is actually pouting, just a little. But she nods.
  223. "Yes. I suppose so..."
  225. Claudine heaves a hopeless sigh, taking her by the hand to make amends for pulling away so suddenly.
  227. "Come on."
  229. Maya perks up a little and squeezes her hand in return before standing and following after her.
  231. Claudine puts her headband back on, and Maya secures her indigo ribbon and clips. If their hair wasn't still a bit damp, they'd probably tie it into ponytails on such a hot day, but as things are they both leave it down. They put their towels in the hamper before exiting the bathrooms and starting back down the hallways.
  233. Claudine is already starting to feel the effects of the heat again, on top of her training today. But she knows she won't have the energy to go into town now to see a movie or anything. So she wants nothing more than to spend the rest of her day lazing around.
  235. When they pass by the lounge their group often uses, Claudine starts heading inside, but Maya doesn't follow. Their hands come apart by accident, and Claudine turns to give her a curious look. Maya explains.
  237. "I've got a bit of laundry left to do. I will meet you here in a short while."
  239. "All right."
  241. So they part ways for the time being, though Claudine can tell Maya hurries down the hallway a bit quickly to get her chores done as soon as possible.
  243. Claudine enters the lounge where two rotating fans are already whirring and blowing air across the room. She heads to the little kitchen area to get herself a cold bottle of water and drains half of it. She brings it back to the lounge with her and leaves it on the table before sitting at her usual spot on the couch.
  245. But with no one else here, and it being so hot, and with her already so exhausted…
  247. The couch is really starting to feel comfortable.
  249. It isn't long before she pulls her legs up and lies her head on one of the pillows, stretching out across the couch on her back with a long sigh. She closes her eyes, breathing in deeply as she listens to the buzzing of the fans, a sound that almost starts lulling her to sleep…
  251. Until she hears quiet footsteps approaching from across the room. Claudine peeks one eye open and finds Maya making her way over with a smile. Claudine already knows exactly what she intends to do.
  253. "Oh no," she huffs. "Absolutely not. It is way too hot for that today, Tendo Maya."
  255. "Oh?" Maya pauses now just beside the couch. "Then if it is too hot in here, perhaps I should take my leave?"
  257. "You think you're so clever, don't you…"
  259. Maya chuckles, but decides to spare Claudine for the time being. She sits down on the floor with her back against the couch, and Claudine breathes a sigh of relief. She turns onto her side a little and reaches her arms out to wrap them loosely around her shoulders from behind. Maya hums and tilts her head to the side, stealing a quick, soft kiss.
  261. "You're tired, aren't you?" she murmurs. "Get some rest, Ma Claudine. I shall stay here." Maya reaches her hand back palm-up to rest on the couch cushion. Claudine withdraws herself from the hug and holds her hand instead.
  263. "I might. Just for a little while…"
  265. "Please take as long as you need."
  267. "Hm…" Claudine finds her eyes are already closing before she realizes it.
  269. But somehow, even after several minutes, she can't fall asleep. And it isn't because of the discomfort of the heat keeping her awake, but something else bothering her...
  271. She realizes Maya is holding herself back.
  273. Claudine knows Maya wants to be close to her right now, but she's holding back for Claudine's sake because of the temperature.
  275. And Claudine refuses to accept it. She doesn't care how hot it might get anymore, but she refuses to deny Maya the contact she so desperately craves after all these years of receiving nothing from anyone.
  277. Once Claudine understands Maya is trying to be considerate of her by holding herself back, she huffs and chides herself for not realizing it sooner. Claudine opens her eyes again and gives Maya's hand a squeeze, gaining her attention. Puzzled, Maya looks back at her.
  279. "Claudine? Is everything all right? Would you like your water?"
  281. "It's fine," Claudine mumbles. She lifts her hand up out of Maya's now so she can open her arms. "Come here."
  283. Maya blinks.
  285. "But… surely, as you've said, it is too hot for-"
  287. "Maya." Claudine says her name in a knowing tone, and her eyes are calm and more than certain about her decision.
  289. Maya swallows a little, like a child who had been trying her best not to ask for what she really really wanted, or a puppy doing her best not to take a treat left out unattended.
  291. But now that it's being offered to her, she can't help but break into a beaming smile.
  293. She turns around to hug Claudine, nuzzling into her neck for a moment before easing back.
  295. "Are you certain? Because-"
  297. "Maya."
  299. "Very well."
  301. She doesn't hesitate any longer. Maya gets up, then slowly climbs onto the couch, resting her knees on the cushions on either side of Claudine's legs.
  303. Claudine keeps her arms open as Maya situates herself, cautiously easing her weight down over Claudine little by little, until at last she's wrapped both arms around and underneath her. Maya lies down on her partner's chest as if it's the middle of winter, not the hottest day of spring.
  305. But Claudine decides she'll accept the heat and the mild discomfort that comes along with it if it means seeing her this happy.
  307. She folds her arms across Maya's back, kissing the crown of her head sweetly. Maya lifts her face up to steal another kiss from her lips, a bit longer and deeper than the last one. She kisses her until she can feel Claudine's heart start to pound, then eases away to let her catch her breath.
  309. "My apologies," she says softly, nuzzling her cheek. "I got a bit carried away."
  311. Claudine huffs.
  313. "It's all right. You've been holding back all this time, haven't you?" She cards her fingers through Maya's hair, running her nails lightly down her back. "You don't have to, you know. You can just be honest with me."
  315. Maya blinks down at her.
  317. "But I do not wish to trouble you."
  319. "You're not troubling me," Claudine murmurs. "Not with things like this. When you feel like you have to restrain yourself around me, as you did in the past - that's what troubles me."
  321. Maya is quiet for a moment now. Claudine finds herself getting lost in her eyes, which are full of silent gratitude.
  323. Without saying anything, Maya kisses her again. It's much softer this time, but Claudine can still feel her pouring her appreciation into it.
  325. Claudine accepts it all and kisses back gently, pulling her down and keeping her close, heat be damned. Maya's heat - her warmth - will always be welcome, no matter what. Claudine needs to make sure she knows that.
  327. When the kiss has ended and they part for breath, Claudine gazes up into her eyes with honesty in her own. She cups Maya's cheek and guides her down until their noses are brushing. Then, in one swift motion, she pulls Maya down fully on top of herself, wiggling a bit to get comfortable beneath her.
  329. There's plenty of heat radiating between them, and Claudine can already feel they're both sweating from the muggy air. But if there's anyone in the world she'd rather feel disgustingly and uncomfortably hot with on such a humid day, it's Maya.
  331. And Claudine knows she feels the same way.
  333. Maya isn't worried about the temperature now. Of course, she'd always prefer to make Claudine overheat in other ways, but for today this would be more than enough. She hugs herself close, laying her head over Claudine's heartbeat, which has become quite fast now from all the kissing.
  335. Claudine hugs her back just as tightly, making sure Maya gets just as messy and sweaty as she does. She sighs, making a face at the slickness of her legs beneath Maya's. She might have to take another shower later.
  337. But for now she settles down and lets Maya have this closeness. Claudine plays through her hair for a while, fussing with the ribbon a little before stroking all down her back, scratching lightly, soothingly.
  339. "Do you understand, Ma Maya?" That you will never be a burden to me? No matter what?
  341. She doesn't say all the words aloud, but Maya hears them in her heart. She squeezes her again.
  343. "Oui. Merci, Ma Claudine."
  345. As always, Claudine gets a little more flustered than usual when she speaks French to her. She huffs yet again, but halfway through it turns into a yawn and her eyes flutter shut.
  347. Maya feels the change in her breathing and lifts herself up a little, just long enough to kiss the backs of her eyelids.
  349. "Rest, Ma Claudine."
  351. "Mm… you, too…"
  353. "I shall." Maya lies herself down again, snuggling up against her chest as she closes her eyes.
  355. The heat and the eventful morning finally catch up to both of them.
  357. And in spite of it being just a bit uncomfortable and hot and sweaty between them, it's still as comfortable as they'll ever hope to be right now.
  359. Before long they drift off together, and the warmth they're sharing resonates far deeper than any other.
  361. ----------
  363. A/N: Mainly wanted to just do a casual 'hot summer day' sort of thing. (I believe it stemmed from discussions about their open-backed leotards on twitter a while back lol). I just enjoy the idea of it being hot out but they'll still hug each other and be stupidly close with the physical contact. And touch-starved Maya always needs all of Claudine's affection and Claudine will alway give it ;w;
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