
The Strongest Violent Soldier – Chapter 006

Feb 11th, 2017
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  1. Lizard Translations
  4. Translator:
  5. zlizard
  6. Grammar-Nazi:
  9. ||||||||||||||||||||||
  10. 最强狂兵 - The Strongest Violent Soldier
  13. 第006章 • 这可是你说的
  14. Chapter 006 • That was you, who ordered it!
  16. [001]
  17. 正好这时候已经快到下班时间,董事长林福章竟然破天荒的亲自来到了市场部,许多业务人员见到大老板来了,纷纷带着激动的心情站起来致意,有些受宠若惊的感觉,总监薛如云也从办公室迎了出来。
  18. In the nigh end of the shift, for the first time ever, the Chairman Lin Fuzhang had personally come to the Marketing Department. At that point many of its business personnel came to receive the Big Boss, excitedly standing up in succession to give their greetings, some of them even flattering him. Even Director Xue Ruyun had left her office.
  20. [002]
  21. “欢迎董事长来市场部指导工作。”风情万种的薛如云实在不知道林福章忽然来到这里是为了什么,难道是最近市场部的工作让他感觉到不满意?
  22. "Chairman, welcome to the Marketing Department. Please give us some guidance. The flirty Xue Ruyun actually didn't know the reason behind Lin Fuzhang's suddenly visit. Could it be that the latest Marketing Department's report had upset him?
  24. [003]
  25. “没事,你们忙吧,我就是来喊苏老弟吃个饭的。”林福章呵呵笑道。
  26. "Don't mind me, your guys are busy. I had actually come to invite Young Brother Su to dinner." Lin Fuzhang laughed.
  28. [004]
  29. “苏老弟?”薛如云一下子没反应过来是谁,突然一道灵光划过脑海,“难道是那个新来的苏锐?”
  30. "Young Brother Su?" For a moment, Xue Ruyun couldn't figure it all who that would be, but then a thought had crossed her mind. "Could that the rookie Su Rui?"
  32. [005]
  33. 当她想明白的时候,林福章已经在众人惊愕的眼光中走到了苏锐跟前,亲切中却带着一些尴尬的神情,笑道:“苏老弟,我也没想到傲雪那个丫头会如此胡来,把你安排在这个地方,这样吧,我们回去商量一下,给你换个职位。”
  34. But by the time she had realized that, for everyone astonishment, Lin Fuzhang had already arrived in front of Su Rui. And then cordially smiled yet with a somewhat embarrassed expression: "Young brother Su. I didn't expect that girl Ao Xue could possibly be so mischievous and put you at such place. Let's do this, we go back and discuss a change of job position."
  36. [006]
  37. 旁边的工作人员都处于疯狂震惊中,这个新来的职员到底是谁啊,竟然能让董事长亲自给他安排职位!而且似乎其中还有一丝讨好的成分!
  38. All the nearby work personnel went ballistic, wondering who really was that new employee, to actually be capable of have the chairman personally assign him a position! Moreover, there is seems to be some kind of trace of fawning!
  40. [007]
  41. 而业务一组组长曹天平也在一旁震撼的说不出话来!他万万没想到,自己刚才还在训斥的新职员,竟然会是董事长面前的红人!
  42. The close by business's team leader Cao Tianping was shocked speechless! He absolutely didn't expect that the new employee who he was just scolding, would actually turn out to be one of the chairman's favorites!
  44. [008]
  45. 苏锐无所谓的说道:“这都没关系,我在市场部呆着也蛮好的,就是林大总裁给我下的任务有点重,一个星期要完成一百万的销售额,完不成就卷铺盖走人。”
  46. Su Rui indifferently said: "It's all good, me staying in the Marketing Department it's just fine. The Director Lin gave me a heavy-handed assignment, accomplish a 1-million quota in sales within a week. And should I be incapable, I should pack my things and leave."
  48. [009]
  49. 苏锐心想,让你这个死三八整我,好不容易逮着一次告状的机会,我可不会放过!
  50. Su Rui though, let this bitch with me. As I finally got my striking opportunity. And I won't let her off!
  52. [010]
  53. 林福章一听必康的保护神要被女儿赶走,怒气顿时上来了,也不管身边有那么多的下属,怒道:“一个星期一百万?简直胡闹!这丫头真是越来越放肆了!我得找她好好的谈一谈!”
  54. As soon as Lin Fuzhang heard that Bi Kang's guardian angel had been chased away by his daughter, he immediately exploded with anger. And even not bothering with the number of the subordinates by his side angrily said: "A sales quota of 1 million RMB within a week? That is simply insane! This girl had become just damn brazen! She and I will have a nice little conversation about this!"
  56. [011]
  57. “老林,你何必那么激动,你女儿什么性子你现在还不了解吗?”见到林福章发火,苏锐心情大爽,“这样吧,我就在这里呆着,你让林傲雪把我的销售任务减轻一些就好了,毕竟我来必康也不是卖药的啊。”
  58. "Old Lin, there isn't need to you be so stir up. You still don't understand your daughter's temper?" Seeing Lin Fuzhang fuming, Su Rui's mood liven up. "Let's do this, I remain to stay here, you have Lin Aoxue handle my sales assignment so to ease her temper a bit. After all, I didn't come to Bi Kang to sell drugs!"
  60. [012]
  61. “是是是,一定会的。”林福章满是歉意,他亲热的拉着苏锐的手,说道:“苏老弟,今天晚上我来做东,一是给你接风,而是替傲雪道歉。”
  62. "Yes, certainly." Lin Fuzhang filled with apologies affectionately grab hold of Su Rui's hand and said: "Young Brother Su, tonight I'm your host. And will be holding a welcoming reception solely for you. In place of Aoxue's apologies."
  64. [013]
  65. 众人都羡慕的不得了,必康董事长亲自请人吃饭,这得是多大的面子啊!
  66. Everyone was extremely envious, to be personally invited to dinner by Bi Kang's Chairman. To have this much of face*!
  68. TL note:
  69. [face]: honor, respect. Chinese's novels are all about face, notedly the ones about Martial Arts, like 90% of people deaths are related to it.
  71. [014]
  72. 可是没想到,苏锐却看起来有些为难,他一把拉过曹天平,说道:“老林啊,可是我刚才和我的直属领导曹组长已经约好了,今天晚上他请我吃饭,你那边恐怕不方便去了。”
  73. However unexpectedly, Su Rui looking slightly embarrassed with a hand pulled Cao Tianping over and said: "Elder brother Lin, sadly just now I and my direct superior Team Leader Cao had made an appointment. He had invited me to dinner this evening. I'm afraid that joining us won't be very convenient for you."
  75. [015]
  76. “咳咳咳咳!”
  77. "Cough cough cough cough!"
  79. [016]
  80. 曹天平一听,一口口水被呛到了气管里!
  81. As soon as Cao Tianping heard that, he was chocke a mouthful of saliva!
  83. [017]
  84. 这家伙是怎么了!这可是董事长请他吃饭啊,自己的面子再大,跟董事长也不能比啊!这家伙是纯粹不想让自己这个一组组长在必康继续呆下去了!
  85. What's wrong with that guy?! That was the chairman inviting him to dinner. My face is only so much, totally incapable of comparing with the chairmen! This guy just doesn't want this team leader to stay at Bi Kang any longer!
  87. [018]
  88. 不仅曹天平,就连不远处的薛如云都有些忍俊不禁,这个极品御姐看向苏锐的眼神中不禁有了些亮晶晶的神采。
  89. Not only Cao Tianping, even the close by Xue Ruyun was unable to suppress her laugh. And when that mature woman had looked at Su Rui's eyes, she couldn't refrain from showing a little of her amusement.
  91. [019]
  92. “这个,董事长,我忽然想起来今天晚上是我老婆的生日,不能请苏锐吃饭了,只有改天了。”说罢,曹天平擦了一把额头上的冷汗,连忙夺路而逃!
  93. "You see, chairman. I suddenly remembered that tonight its birthday, so I unable to treat Su Rui a meal. Thus we'll have to reschedule!" After he had finished speaking, Cao Tianping wiped the cold sweat from forehead with his hand and swiftly seized the opportunity to flee!
  96. [020]
  97. 如果再待下去,还不知道要被这苏锐整出什么幺蛾子呢!
  98. Without even waiting for the reply that could come out of Su Rui's mouth!
  100. [021]
  101. …………
  102. .......
  104. [022]
  105. 坐在林福章的豪华房车里,苏锐看了看一旁冷着脸的林傲雪,心想这女人是不是受过什么刺激,总是一副冷冰冰的神色,就算再冰山美人,也能把人给冻僵了!
  106. While he was sat in Lin Fuzhang's limousine, Su Rui glimpsed at Lin Aoxie's cold face, thinking whether or not this woman had suffered some kind of upsetting, to always be with that same icy cold expression. Granted that ice beauties are capable of freezing people up!
  108. [023]
  109. 再加上林福章之前说了林傲雪几句,她根本连看都懒得看苏锐一眼了。
  110. And must be added that, Lin Fuzhang had previously talked with Lin Aoxue, but even still she didn't even bother to pay heed to Su Rui at all.
  112. [024]
  113. “老林,有件事情还得麻烦你一下。”苏锐想起来那枚安装在纽扣中的窃听器,主动开口道:“我需要必康所有竞争对手的资料,尤其是那些和你们竞争市场份额最激烈的公司。”
  114. "Old Lin, there is a matter that I'll still have to trouble you." Su Rui remembered that incident with the bug installed inside the clothes' button, took the initiative to speak: "I want all the resources that Bi Kang has about its competitors, especially from those companies that fiercely compete with you for market share."
  116. [025]
  117. “没问题,夏清,你晚上回去之后就帮苏锐准备资料。”
  118. "No problem. Xia Qing, later this night you go back to sort it out for Su Rui."
  120. [026]
  121. “好。”夏清坐在副驾上,从苏锐的角度正好能够看到她雪白的脖颈,实在是有些美不胜收的意味。
  122. "OK." Xia Qing was sat alongside the driver*, and from Su Rui's perspective it just so happens to be capable of seeing her snow-white neck, a truly marvelous sight.
  124. TL note:
  125. [alongside the driver]: copilot's seat, riding shotgun
  127. [027]
  128. 苏锐继续道:“我还有几个问题,需要问一下老林和傲雪侄女。”
  129. Su Rui continued: "And I also have a few questions that I need to ask Old Lin and Niece Aoxue."
  131. [028]
  132. 林傲雪瞪了苏锐一眼,林福章在一旁有些哭笑不得。
  133. Lin Aoxue glared Su Rui for a glimpse, Lin Fuzhang at the side got mildly dumbfounded.
  135. [029]
  136. “你的衣服一般都有谁来安排?也就是说,你认为有机会把你的纽扣换成窃听器的人,谁最有嫌疑?”
  137. "Who usually handle your clothes? In other words, who do you to believe would have the opportunity to exchange its button for a bug. Who do you suspect the most?"
  139. [030]
  140. 一提到这个问题,林傲雪的两道秀眉便蹙了起来,她也知道这是大事,必须详细的调查清楚,否则的话身边始终有一个间谍,后果不堪设想!
  141. Once that issue was mentioned, Lin Aoxue's exquisite eyebrows knitted upwards. As she was also aware that it was a major event and must be investigated in detail. Otherwise, there always will be a spy by their side, and its consequences would be disastrous!
  143. [031]
  144. “我再仔细的回想一下。”林傲雪一贯是用人不疑疑人不用,让她主动怀疑自己的下属,这真的是一件很困难的事情。
  145. "I'll reflect meticulously upon it." It so happens that, Lin Aoxue had always employed trustworthy people. So as to have her take the initiative to suspect her subordinates, that was really a difficult thing.
  147. [032]
  148. 苏锐转而问向了林福章:“老林,平时有能力进入你办公室的都有些什么人?”
  149. Su Rui turned and asked Lin Fuzhang: "Old Lin, who typically are allowed to enter in your office?"
  151. [033]
  152. “我办公室都有专门的清洁人员来打扫,人数固定就是那么两个,这个应该比较好排查。”林福章已经率先采取了行动,“其中一个我已经让人控制起来开始盘问了,另外一个人在前几天离职,我正派人寻找。”
  153. "My office has an exclusive cleaning staff, that always work in pairs, this should be rather easy to check." Lin Fuzhang took the lead to move on. "One of them, my had people already interrogated him. But the other one had quite the job severals days ago. There are already people on the hunt."
  155. [034]
  156. 苏锐的眼睛一亮:“嗯,另外一人的嫌疑很大,必须要快些找到,现在开始,我必须对你们的办公室和住所经常进行检查,以保安全。”
  157. Su Rui's eye shined: "Ok, that other man is a big suspect, and must be quickly found. From now on, I'll have to regularly check you two's office and the residence, so as to ensure your safety."
  159. [035]
  160. “这个可以,今天晚上就麻烦苏老弟把我们的住处全部检查一遍。”
  161. "Alright, tonight we'll have to trouble Young Brother Su with our residence's sweeping."
  163. [036]
  164. 一想到晚上要参观林傲雪的闺房,苏锐心里就有些痒痒的,唉,这么多年了,还是改不掉这喜欢欣赏美女的毛病。
  165. Once thinking of surveying Lin Aoxue's boudoir* this tonight, Su Rui's heart got a little itch. Alas, it has been so many years, but the addiction of fondness for appreciating beauties remains unchanged.
  167. TL note:
  168. [boudoir]: a woman's bedroom (a man entering a woman's room is a major matter in Asia)
  170. [037]
  171. 当然,这所谓的欣赏美女,说白了就是好色,男人本色嘛。
  172. Of course, this so-called "appreciation of beauties", to put it bluntly, was lust. A man's natural instinct!
  174. [038]
  175. 君澜凯宾度假酒店,是整个宁海最高档的度假休闲会所,号称是六星级的硬件标准,林福章把接风宴设在了这里,足以表达他的诚意了。
  176. Narada Kempinski Resort Hotel* was Ninghai's most upscale Resort Leisure Club with a reputed 6-star infrastructure. And Lin Fuzhang's welcoming reception would be hosted here. So as to express his good faith.
  178. TL note:
  179. [Narada Kempinski Resort Hotel]: There was a resort with that same name in RL, though recently its name changed to Narada Resort & Spa Sanya Bay. Visit [URL=] to see some pictures.
  181. [039]
  182. 苏锐仰头看了看拥有私家沙滩和景观山、豪华之极的君澜凯宾,砸吧砸吧了嘴,说道:“老林,这一顿饭得不少钱吧?”
  183. Su Rui looked it up and realized that there were a private beach and a mountain view. This Narada Kempinski was luxurious to the utmost. He whistled and then said: "Old Lin, a meal here must be really expensive, right?"
  185. [040]
  186. 林福章呵呵笑道:“苏老弟,钱不是问题,你大老远的从国外专程赶回来帮忙,我都不知道怎么表达谢意呢,今天晚上咱们不醉不归!”
  187. Lin Fuzhang laughed: "Young Brother Su, money isn't an issue. You had come back from a far off country for the purpose of helping us. I don't even know how to express my gratitude. Today we won't be leaving sober!*"
  189. TL note:
  190. [Today we won't be leaving sober!]: Yeah, why not! Get the guy that came to save your sorry ass drunk.
  192. [041]
  193. 没想到苏锐却拒绝了:“老林,我还是不喝酒了,喝酒误事,我今晚回去还得给你和傲雪检查房间呢。”
  194. Unexpectedly Su Rui refused: "Old Lin. I had better not drink, as it clouds my reasoning. And tonight once we return, I still have to survey Lin Aoxue's boudoir."
  196. [042]
  197. 林傲雪闻言,立刻瞪了一眼苏锐。
  198. Once Lin Aoxue had heard that she immediately glared Su Rui.
  200. [043]
  201. 林福章的眼中闪过浓浓的赞赏:“好好好,苏老弟所言极是!今天晚上我喝酒,你喝茶,就这么定了,哈哈!”
  202. Lin Fuzhang's eyes shined in admiration: "Very well, Young Brother Su's words hit the nail on the head! Tonight, I'll drink alcohol, and tea for you. We are all set. HaHaHaHa!"
  204. [044]
  205. 这君澜凯宾的服务员们都还挺上档次,一个个穿着高开叉的旗袍,雪白的大腿在灯光下晃动着,苏锐的眼睛一直瞄着看,有时候还会吹出几声口哨来,显得十分洒脱随意。
  206. This Narada Kempinski's attendants were all top notch. Each one of them was wearing a qipao* with a high side split, with those snow-white thighs swaying under the light of the lamps. Su Rui's eyes continuously locked on them. Sometimes, he would even whistle at them. Looking completely unaffected by his surrounding.
  208. TL note:
  209. [qipao]: chinese-style dress [IMG=!!0-item_pic.jpg]
  211. [045]
  212. “哼,色狼!”林傲雪冷冷说道,她把苏锐的动作全都看在眼里,十分鄙夷。
  213. "Hum, pervert!" Lin Aoxue coldly said. In her eyes, Su Rui's behavior was very despicable.
  215. [046]
  216. “爱美之心人皆有之,这里又不止你一个女人,怎么着,我看别人你会吃醋?”苏锐毫不相让的针锋相对。
  217. "Love of beauty is common to all man. And you are not the only woman here. What? Me looking at them makes you jealous?" Su Rui didn't compromise at all, a tit for tat.
  219. [047]
  220. 林福章把这一切看在眼里,却没有说什么,自己女儿的性子他最了解,一贯是倔强的要命,如果不是她自己认识到问题的严重性,别人根本改变不了她的看法。
  221. Lin Fuzhang saw all of this, but he didn't say a word. After all who would better understand his daughter's temper than himself. She had always been frightening stubborn. So that if she didn't realize the seriousness of the problem, others should just forget about changing her mind.
  223. [048]
  224. 这种性格有时候放在商场上会无往而不利,而在生活中却是极为的不合适,实实在在的双刃剑啊。
  225. This kind of unyielding personality can sometimes be detrimental in the business world. But yieldingness it's also extremely unsuitable. A truly double-edged sword*.
  227. TL note:
  228. [double-edged sword]: an event or phenomenon whose negative effect is inseparable from a positive one.
  230. [049]
  231. 林福章订的位置是君澜凯宾为数不多的几个海景露台之一,偌大的露台就在离海边不远的地方,一道楼梯可以直接到达下方的海滩,各种景观尽收眼底,实在是美不胜收。
  232. Lin Fuzhang requested one of the several gazebos with a seascape of the Narada Kempinski Resort. The gazebo was enormous, yet not very far from the seaside. In it, there was a staircase that directly connected the beach down below, and an unhampered panoramic view of the landscape, a truly unforgettable view.
  234. [050]
  235. 苏锐的行为却和这样的美景有些格格不入,每过来一个漂亮的服务生,他都得拉着说上几句话,把她们逗得咯咯直笑,有的甚至开始眼送秋波了。
  236. Su Rui's behavior at such beautiful scenery was somewhat incompatible. Towards every single beautiful attendant that he came across, he exchanged at least a few words. Making them giggle, and some had even started to wink back at him!
  238. [051]
  239. 林傲雪看起来有些忍不了这种欢乐的笑声,她把杯子放下,站起身来,朝外面走去。
  240. As if unable to endure this cheerfulness any longer, Lin Aoxue put her cup down. Thereupon stood up and walked away.
  242. [052]
  243. “你去哪里?”苏锐也跟着站起身来。
  244. "Where are you going?" Su Rui thereupon stood up.
  246. [053]
  247. “洗手间。”林傲雪头也不回。
  248. "Ladies' room." Lin Aoxue answered without turning around.
  250. [054]
  251. 苏锐直接追上来,紧紧跟着林傲雪,亦步亦趋。
  252. Su Rui pressed to catch up. And then like a shadow, closely followed Lin Aoxue.
  254. [055]
  255. “你别跟着我。”
  256. "Don't follow me."
  258. [056]
  259. “不行,我必须保护你的安全。”苏锐停顿了一下,又加了四个字:“贴身保护。”
  260. "Out of the question, as I must keep you safe." Su Rui halted and then added two words: "Close Protection."
  262. [057]
  263. 林傲雪对这个色狼的反感到了极致,忍无可忍,猛地转过身来,说道:“你够了没有?”
  264. Lin Aoxue's repulsion towards this pervert peaked, more than she could bear. Thus, she all the sudden turned around and said: "Did you have enough?"
  266. [058]
  267. 可是林傲雪没想到,苏锐跟她跟的非常近,她这一转身,苏锐没有留神,两人直接面贴面的撞在了一起!
  268. However, Lin Aoxue didn't expect that Su Rui would follow her so unusual close. Thus when she had turned around, Su Rui was caught off guard and subsequently the both of them bumped!
  270. [059]
  271. 苏锐只感觉到两团高耸的柔软跟自己的胸肌一触即分,他本能的伸出双手,揽住了林傲雪的纤腰,避免失去了重心的后者向后倾倒!
  272. Su Rui felt two rounded towering softness against his chest. He instinctively extended his pair of hands, thus embracing Lin Aoxie's slender waist. In order to prevent her from losing her center of gravity and then falling backward!
  274. [060]
  275. 只是这样一来,两个人的姿势就显得极为的暧昧了!
  276. Merely by doing that, the posture of those two people had become extremely ambiguous!
  278. [061]
  279. 苏锐和林傲雪的小腹紧紧贴在一起,他的一只手揽住的是纤腰,另外一只手不小心的放在了后者的翘臀之上!
  280. Su Rui and Lin Aoxue's lower abdomen were tightly stuck together. One of his hands was at her slender waist, and his other hand was accidentally placed on top of her butt!
  282. [062]
  283. “手感好的惊人啊!”感受到从林傲雪臀部传来的惊人弹性,苏锐情不自禁的感慨了一句,自己在飞机上果然没有看走眼,这女人的身材和容貌搭配在一起,真的堪称宁海商界第一美女。
  284. "This feels really good!" Once Su Rui felt the astonish elasticity of Lin Aoxue's butt, he was unable from been deeply moved. And early at the airplane, he really didn't have made a mistake. This woman's body and face, they are a perfect match. Truly worth to be called the Ninghai's business circle number one beauty.
  286. [063]
  287. 于是乎,苏锐本能的用手捏了捏,捏了捏那一片弹性与柔软。
  288. Therefore, Su Rui's hand instinctively squeezed. Squeezed that chunk of elasticity and softness.
  290. [064]
  291. 如果让宁海的其他男人看到苏锐此时的举动,恐怕会组团来把他乱刀分尸了!
  292. If the others men of Ninghai had seen this action of Su Rui. Perhaps it would be possible that they would form a group to had him capture and cut to pieces!
  294. [065]
  295. “啊!”林傲雪被捏的一声尖叫,似乎是有些失措,眼中带着怒意,双手推着苏锐的胸膛,“快放开我!”
  296. "Ah!" Lin Aoxue screeched once squeezed, seemingly a little stupefied. Anger ignited in her eyes. Then pushing her both hands at Su Rui's chest said: "Let me go!"
  298. [066]
  299. “你确定?”苏锐笑眯眯的问道。
  300. "Are you sure?" Su Rui asked beaming.
  302. [067]
  303. “快放开!”
  304. "Let go!"
  306. [068]
  307. “那好吧,这可是你说的哦。”苏锐恋恋不舍的把手从林傲雪的臀部处移开。
  308. "Very well. That was you, who ordered it!" Su Rui was reluctant to release his hand from Lin Aoxue's butt.
  310. [069]
  311. “啊!”
  312. "Ah!"
  314. [070]
  315. 后者早已失去重心的身体便又开始向地面倒了下去!
  316. The latter had long ago lost its body center of gravity. Thus once more started fall towards the floor!
  320. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  322. Translator's Corner:
  324. Su Rui the great shameless bully is back!
  326. The editing of this chapter took longer than expected, I guess that drunk translations are not so reliable!
  328. But seriously guys, please have the decency of at the very least read it on my website. It kills me that in less than a 1 minute this chapter is already in some aggregator, filling their pockets without doing any work!
  330. I plain to do some editing in the previous chapters this weekend. If I spot some major mistakes, I’ll explain them in the next release.
  332. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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