

Jan 23rd, 2012
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  1. Character name: Moxthranir
  2. player/creator name: Teraunce
  3. archetype: Psuedodragon Trickster-Scholar
  4. "Chirp!"
  6. Physical Description: http://tinyurl.com/7baxt8j weighing in at an impressive 7 pounds, this tiny dragon is 3 feet long from stinger to snout, 2 feet of which are his tail.
  9. Back-story:
  10. I had a long spiel here that got deleted due to pastebins stupidness. The gist of it was that he joined Widget on his Life Quest to find out what makes a dragon's breath weapon work scientifically after he sensed that Widget has a good, if befuddled heart. He serves technically as Widget's familiar, but acts more as a companion to widget, taking care of the non-researchy things if and when widget forgets them. He also helps with research as well.
  13. Moxthranir has...
  14. Decent Strength
  15. Remarkable Agility
  16. Decent Health
  17. Decent Knowledge
  18. Good Perception
  19. Non-existant Magic (optional)
  21. Moxthranir is...
  22. <list of traits>
  23. A Scholar and Trickster.
  24. Able to sting people to inject a weak venom that causes those stung to possibly fall asleep for a few minutes or hours.
  25. Able to Share the effects of any spells widget casts upon himself, or act as a conduit for his touch spells.
  26. Able to See in the dark clearly for a short range. (60 feet)
  27. Able to Speak into people's minds but not read them.
  28. Able to Evade most area-effect spells
  29. Able to Not read people's minds nor verbalize any spoken language.
  30. Able to Ignore some harmful spells (Spell resistance)
  31. Able to ignore paralysis and sleep effects
  33. Moxthranir can...
  34. <list of skills and abilities>
  35. Hide, move silently, sense motives, express emotions with his limited vocalizations good
  36. cook, write, and research decently
  37. not fight well except his stinger.
  38. Fly very Well
  41. use most tools, the smaller the better (a human pen's not far from a sword for him)
  44. Moxthranir carries...
  45. Custom suit of light red dragonscale armor with magical protection spells. A gift from widget
  46. Harness with a couple pouches of holding
  47. few gold coins
  48. pad of paper
  49. pen
  54. Ignore stuff past here
  55. A remarkable Flyer
  56. Good at hiding, moving silently, sensing people's motives, using his limited vocalization to its utmost, using his stinger
  57. Decent researcher, writer, cook
  58. Poor at general combat
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