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"A Horsefucker's Tale" by Dildo Dragons

a guest
Jun 28th, 2013
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  1. >E3 2015
  2. >A 'special guest' is announced to come to the event
  3. >Everyone crowds around a giant stage
  4. >A fog covers up a large figure and another, feminine figure
  5. >"Ladies and gentleman..."
  6. >You recognize the voice immediately
  7. >It's Gabe Newell
  8. >"Lauren Faust and I are proud to present..."
  9. >The fog dissolves to reveal a screen
  10. >On it, it says:
  14. >"The NEW My Little Pony video game!"
  15. >yfw
  16. >Half of the crowd throws any object up on stage, the other half is cheering wildly
  17. >"And for you haters..."
  18. >Did Gaben just say 'haters'?
  19. >Whatever
  20. >"I present Half Life 2: Episode 3!"
  21. >The stage implodes
  22. >The Nokia Center is destroyed
  23. >Butthurt remains present forever
  25. You guys have any hopes for a MLP based game?
  28. /v/ would awaken to its final form and destroy 4chan. It's first target would be /mlp/. /mlp/ having no alllies, would left to defend the great beast from its flimsy stone walls. Then in its time of need, when all seems so lost, on the horizon one lone horsefucker spots, an incoming army. It is mlpchan. They come to aid in their fellow kinsmen from so long ago. /v/ is repelled, but it is not dead. It shall return again on the next crack of dawn. There, under the mighty taverns on /mlp/, the two shattered armies drink their sorrows away for they both know that the impending doom that awaits them. Then one horsefucker announces an idea. He would call upon the aid of the great deities of the land, one who has shown concern for them in the past. One who is named Lauren. And so the lone horsefucker rode, on seemingly endless plains, tirelessly and burning with passion. While back home, the sun has peaked and the great beast return. Both /mlp/ and mlpchan fighting bravely what appears a lost battle. Each soldier keeping in their hearts the return of the messenger and their God.
  29. And so the lone horsefucker, bruised and battered from the harsh elements, had reach the temple of Pony God. He brought his message and a plee for help. The great Goddess saw the horsefuckers sincerity and mulled over the situation. He had the horsefucker welcomed into the temple where he would be treated as a guest. He declined and opted to wait outside. He did not want to rest and relax while his brothers are fight and dying on his homeland. The Goddess was moved by the horsefucker's righteous heart. She went away, telling the horsefucker to wait a while. The Goddess has met up with the an equally powerful deity, the lord of vidya, the God Gaben.
  30. God had heard the story of the great beast, of the fighting on /mlp/. He decided by all that is fun and entertaining that he would head over the lands of 4chan where he would what he can to help in any way. The Lauren took the horsefucker in her arms and together, they flew in unimaginable speeds back to their homeland. Where the great beast /v/ was inches away from destroying the small kingdom of /mlp/. Gaben stood before the mighty beast while Lauren headed into the kingdom with the horsefucker. There she provided healing and nourishment to the damaged and the dying. Her aura rekindled spirits ablaze to fight a new. Meanwhile, on the other side of the stone walls, where many anons watched, there stood the Vidya God, face to face with the great beast /v/.
  31. But it as not enough. As the great beast saw the God of vidya, it flew into a bloody berseking rage, it stood on its hind legs and spoke in a voice that rumbled the very mountains of its hate on the false God Gaben. How the once mighty Gaben could stoop so low as to acknowledge the offerings and altar sacrifices of the unworthy horsefuckers. There Gaben stood aghast, at how he was the cause of all this. The great beast vowed for all there to witness how he would destroy Gaben first, the /mlp/. And they foguht. Each with powers that cause earthquakes. Each blow having the potential to destroy armies. Gaben called out to the horsefuckers. He said though his powers are no match for this beast, he will hold it off for as long as he is able. He called upon the horsefuckers to find a way to destroy this beast.
  32. And so the horsefuckers lost hope, that even one such as the great Gaben could be losing. But Lauren's presence soothed them. Just as she did before on a long time since passed. She assured them that the kingdom that is /mlp/ is a great one and, though has garnered the ire of its surrounding kingdoms, it is still a worthy cause to defend its lands. The horsefuckers were left speachless. Then the littlest horsefucker took up his sword and rushed out the gates to join the vidya God in the fight. And another followed suit. And another. And another. Soon the entire army returned to the fray carrying with the a newfound zeal burning across each of their hearts. The messenger horsefucker turned to Lauren. She spoke of how he should visit the other kingdoms to reforge the broken alliances that has bounded them from times past. She said she would be staying here, to provide help to his bretheren. And so he rode once more, this time, to the great mountain forges of the weapon masters, /k/.
  33. On the great mountain ranges that span the 4chan border lived the /k/ommandos. They are weapon masters. Since the time of their birth, they have been taught to use a forge. To mold iron and steel and their magma chasms, to be tempered by the blood of their enemies. A long time ago, their many travelers has visited the curious land of /mlp/ and brought back with the tales of cute and colorful imagery. Though many did not care for it, some spearheaded embassy projects to the land and it paved the way for a strange alliance. But as time passed, they drifted apart to some degree and though the contacts on /k/ still remain, they haven't heard neither vim nor verb on their former friend. The horsefucker pushed through and on the giant metal gates of the /k/ mountain ranges her shout for assistance.
  34. The /k/ommando guard noticed the horsefucker sigil on his arm and told the gateguard to grant him entry. And with a bellowing of the brass horn, the great metal gates swung open and the horsefucker gained entry. He said he has a message to deliver to the the leader of the /k/ommandos. He was escorted to the palace chambers though his escorts were alert and ready to attack if he were to do anything foolish. Such is the way for a horsefucker. The /k/ing saw the horsefucker from a across his halls and called out to him, he was no fan of the ponies they so praised but he did understand its appeal and as a personal rule, is genrally tolerant of their kind. Something that is not often found as a horsefucker. The horsefucker knelt and told the story of the great beast. Of the warring that even two gods cannot defeat. He is requesting help. One that is not easily given.
  35. The /k/ing looked at the horsefucker, in all his wounds and bruises. He took pity on him that even in such state he would ride out to seek us. But he could not give in to his request. If the horsefuckers story was true then the /k/ing would need all the /k/ommandos here on /k/ to safeguard the mountain ranges should /mlp/ falls and /v/ comes for them. The horsefucker upon hearing his words fell silent. He was disheartened, not at the /k/ing, his actions are justified and true, as he knows, but at the futility of this struggle. He rose from his knee, gave the /k/ing a gentle bow and hung his head low as he walked out the great halls of the granite palace. However, the /k/ing calls out to him.
  36. He says of a legend once. That the great beast, though mighty, even rivalling that of the very Gods themselves, could be slain, by a weapon forged from a very rare material. The horsefucker turned around and stepped closer to the /k/ing, eager to here more. The /k/ing went to a nearby chest and pulled out a worn out scroll that seems to have been written from the times of old. The /k/ing reads out the scrolls. It tells of the rare material. that the weapons forged from this could shatter any soul. It was Feminite. A shiny blue ore that glows with the strength of unchecked privilege. The /k/ing spoke about the weapon would be sufficient in slaying down the beast. But the hard part is acquiring the material. The /k/ing asked if the horsefuckers resolve was true and mighty. His love and loyalty for his board was true and unyielding. He replied, without delay, his sound resolve. The /k/ing was pleased. He gave the horsefucker a map and a sealed letter to be delivered to the kingdom where the legendary Feminite could be found. A place of political struggle. The kingdom of /pol/.
  37. The horsefucker rode once more. Carrying the instructions of the /k/ing. That he was to go /pol/, acquire the Feminite and return to /k/ where it would be waiting. Though the map was tattered and worn, it was sufficient enough, for the horsefucker has heard stories of /pol/. How they would welcome some horsefuckers and have them participate in a forum involving political systems of the colorful ponies they so idolize. The messenger seems doubtful of the stories truth as he once visited /pol/ a long time ago. He saw it to be a place of strife. Where /pol/iticians wandered the streets spouting heralds of doom. Where its denizens argued about the tiniest bits of change in the ruling system. The messenger passed a crest and saw the marbled city of /pol/. The glint of the sun pouring in its white walls, reflecting the rays to far horizons.
  38. As the messenger approached, he found not what he was expecting. The place is in panic. Fires on the streets everywhere. Panic everywhere. People running around posting on the walls pictures of doompaul. it was HAPPENING. The word of the beast has already reached the /pol/lands. Amidst the chaos, the horsefucker braved the streets and headed for central building that housed the Council. The shadowy governing body of /pol/. The guard halted the horsefucker but he showed the sealed letter from the /k/ing. Though wary, he allowed access only on the grounds he should relinquish his weapon, a lowly little dagger. The horsefucker hesitated but agreed. He was not a fan of the /pol/lacks but the survival of his beloved kingdom, /mlp/ is more important. He was granted access into the Council halls here 7 shadowy cloaked figures stood there, waiting.
  39. Though, the city outside was falling in shambles the 7 figures stood there, steel-nerved. They asked the horsefucker what is his agenda. He replied that he has come for a piece of the Feminite ore. A council member asks his what makes the horsefucker think that the Council would give away such a precious material. the horsefucker showed the letter of the /k/ing. The Council took it and read it, they promptly burst out laughing. The /k/ing has no power, his voice here is silent, said one of them. He does not know what it takes to rule, to govern, to lead people to glory, said another. The horsefucker felt insulted. He turned to them and asked them what are they planning to do? What of the panic of the streets? What of the impending doom. They laughed louder. The walls of the rooms shook. The panic has been here since forever, said one. Impending doom is our birthright, our ideals, it has been a part of this kingdom since the day it was founded, said another. Doom has always been, and always will be, upon us, said one. The people of /pol/ know this by heart, said another. There is nothing we can do, said the last.
  40. The horsefucker was enraged. He could not see how anyone could not strive to save they're homeland. He knows his homeland is poor and shunned by the many others surrounding it, but it is a place he had always known and loved. And though very few tolerate its existence, the community that has strived to survive there grey close to each other. The community itself was far from perfect, it was a great community nonetheless. He screamed to the Council the words taken from his burning heart. It was a voice small, unrefined in the art of debate but true, breathed emotions far beyond that the faceless Council members has felt in a long while. He spoke of his love for his land. It's people. It's community that has never felt the care of another outside of it, save for hate and contempt, and at best, apathy. The Council laughed far harder than before. Save for one. He stood there. Faceless, emotionless. And pondered at the words of this strange visitor. He reached for his cloak pockets and pulled out a piece of rock.
  41. The other Council members was aghast but the one who submitted held his ground. He walked up to the horsefucker and gave up the blue ore. He said that each of the Council members each carried a piece of Feminite, and the day a Council member loses his, was the day he steps down from his seat of power. The other Council members were silent. The horsefucker, though genuinely thankful, had to ask what that Council member was thinking when he did that. He laughed, though unlike all the other laughs that were given thus far. He said that this place, /pol/ has been a place of debate, of intellectual banter. That over time, emotions and personal feelings no longer entered the issue. It's been a long time since he heard such arrogance. Such fierceness. And such zeal. He turned to the other Council members and bid his farewell. He escorted the horsefucker out the gates of the marble city and, with a smile, he turned his back and closed the door. The horsefucker was silently thankful. He pocketed the stone and headed for his steed. But it was nowhere to be found. Instead, in its place, he found a note on the ground. It scribbled a word. A single word: topkek.
  42. The horsefucker was startled by a tap on his back. It was a man clad in dark clothes. He introduced himeself as an as/s4s/sin. And with a swift sudden motions, the as/s4s/sin forced a piece of cloth to the horsefucker's face. The horsefuckers vision blurred and darkened until he fell asleep. His last thoughts on how he has failed his homeland. He awoke on a chair surrounded by other who introduced themselves as as/s4s/sins. Though he was surrounded, he unbound. He feels these as/s4s/sins have something they need of you.
  43. The one in the middle spoke. He introduced himself has Bateman. The underground lord of the shadow organization of /s4s/. He said was willing to help you. He spoke of his hatred against the great beast /v/ has become of how it has devolved from the majestic creature of vidya it once was. That to help slay the beast was an honor. The horsefucker was overjoyed at the statement. But Bateman halted him. He explained he know of the horsefuckers quest. Of the Feminite. Of the Gods. Of everything. The as/s4s/sin network was wide and had many eyes. Bateman placed a blue rock on the table. The horsefucker fell silent. Bateman explained that /s4s/ had but one law, the law of luck. He explained that if he loses, /s4s/ would keep the Feminite and use it for themselves should /v/ ever attack them. If he wins, Bateman would command his as/s4s/sins to take the Feminite themselves over to the forges on /k/ lands. He also promised a small secret.
  44. That the great beast would need an equal rival to be brought down. Or rather, serve as a distraction. Since it could probably destroy any warrior who comes charging at it carrying the weapon. He said of the legends of /b/. A sleeping giant that was once great and powerful a long time ago. But the mighty destroyer /b/ has fell silent and apathetic. Bateman states the /s4s/ knows how to rile up /b/ and make it seem like it was /v/'s fault. The two would battle and, given enough luck, you would use the weapon of legends to destroy the great monster. The horsefucker was skeptical, and rightfully so. But for his land, he would go though hell and back. He accepted this test of luck. Bateman smiled. He ordered an as/s4s/sin to bring 6 dice. The rules are simple, he explains. Roll a quad.
  45. The horsefucker gulped. But for the land he so loved. He was willing. He took the dice. He prayed for the guidance of the great Lauren. Her image burned in her mind as he rolled the ivory cubes in his hands. He closed his eyes and let them drop. Bateman stood there. Silently. He was stunned. He pointed on the table. Hex. Bateman faced the horsefucker. The horsefucker is as surprised as he is. In a flash, Bateman unsheathed his dagger and plunged it into the table. He screamed to all the as/s4s/sins in witness to call everyone. To prepare for war. Bateman turned to the horsefucker and smiled. Bateman took the horsefucker and led him outside through a sewer railing. He was back in /pol/. Bateman told the horsefucker to go, ride for /mlp/, everything will all set when he returns. But his steed, was nowhere to be found.
  46. Out of nowhere a lightning stormed forth. It came from the heavens. It landed near the feet of the horsefucker. It was a blue horse with rainbow mane and long wings. It carried with it on its mouth a small letter. Make haste, it read, signed by Lauren. You glance at the majestic creature, one that was sent by the very God Lauren herself just to aid you in your journey. Remembering his quest, he resisted the urge to cum inside it and hopped on its back. They flew east. Riding as fast as the very lightning bolts. As the lands of /mlp/ came into view, you see the great beast, still mighty and powerful, is holding its ground. But now it was battle more than just the horsefuckers. There was a God, that it once held great and dignified. It was being attacked from afar by /k/ommando snipers. /pol/medics ran around the battle field taking the injured and the dead back inside the walls. The as/s4s/sins aided on the melee assault, going for backstab assaults. And on the other side, the giant of legends, /b/. Bateman kept his word. On the far side a, a /k/ommando spots you, he yells something and points to the sky. You see one of the raise a package, wrapped in silk above the highest of stone wall of /mlp/.
  47. The horsefucker know what it is. He swoops down, and grab it. The /k/ommados cheer as he does. The sight of your presence inspires everyone on the battlefield. They raise their weapons and fight once more, renewed by the his fiery aura. He opesn the package. A bow. And a single arrow to go along it. The arrow was tipped in the shiniest looking metal he has ever seen. The horsefucker realizes, he only has one chance at this. He steels his nerve. He strokes the horses rainbow main and shouts to the sky. The warriors below heard his cry and shouts in unison. The God Gaben turn around to see the horsefucker messenger. He smiled, sat down on the ground, too tired to continue battling. He turned to the monster he had faced, and watched. /b/ charges in. Dealing an almighty blow to the beast, it stuns him. /v/ anal-ravaged, slams on the ground, knockings horsefuckers and as/s4s/sins everywhere. It then lunges to /b/ for some payback. the horsefucker flies in closer. He can't afford to miss this shot. But as he does, one of the heads of /v/ sees him. It strikes. The rainbow horse is hit with a force that could rival a meteor. The horsefucker is knocked out of the pegasus. He is now falling head first a thousand feet up in the air with only his bow in hand.
  48. In the instant he is falling down, he sees a glimpse of everything. He sees the mighty beast heading for him, ignoring the giant. He sees the blue horse being knocked away but regaining her composure and is now attempting to fly back to the horsefucker. He fears it is too late. The distance between them is significant. The warriors below all wear a grim look as they see the messenger. They drop their weapons. They cannot fight anymore. A head of /v/ moving closer and closer. It opens its gaping maw at the horsefucker, ready to devour it whole. He does one last thing he can do. He takes the bow. Carefully readies the arrow. And takes aim. All while falling headfirst at incredible speeds. Time seems to stop. Everything pauses. And in this frozen instance, he lets loose his grip. He sees the shimmering arrow fly toward the open mouth on the great beast. It was enough for him. He closes his eyes and prepares for impact. His mind drifts to the world he experienced.
  49. The arrow, shining across the sky like a fiery comet, pierced the mouth of the the great beast. But it did not stop there. It exited through the the back of its first head, and into another. And another. And another. Until it exited the beast and headed straight into sky, straight and true, unyielding and brave, just like the horsefucker that fired it. The arrow gleaned in the sky, like that of a new born star. It shown brightly and held its place among the heavens. The great beast, fell. All its heads lay silent and dead. The giant /b/ saw its adversary dead, did not want to bother with the lowly mortals around, he fled back to his land. Everybody fell silent at the scene. It was an indication of their victory. Tears across each of their faces. They cried and shouted for joy. But in all this celebration, the God Lauren was running towards a familiar body. One lifeless yet hold onto its honor as it died. She grabbed the horsefuckers body and took it up. Then the cheering crowds fell silent. Gaben walked close to Lauren put a hand on her shoulder and wept silently. Each of the warriors took of their helmet. They dropped their swords, and knelt. In front of the fallen hero that saved them. Lauren called upon the blue horse and place him on her back. They started walking back the long journey back to the God's temples, where the horsefucker would be burried among the legends. The other warriors followed suit and walked behind, each step carried a sense of sadness. But it also carried a blazing passion of victory hard won.
  51. The End.
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