
Midnight Waltz: A Warm Welcome

Jul 28th, 2015
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  1. [2015-07-21 4:12:47 AM] *** Skilletz added <Absurdly Powerful SCP>, Jason Pichu, TNT Colonel ***
  2. [2015-07-21 4:12:48 AM] *** Skilletz added <Absurdly Powerful SCP>, Jason Pichu, TNT Colonel ***
  3. [2015-07-21 4:13:11 AM] Skilletz: [brackets for ooc shit in here uh...]
  4. [2015-07-21 4:13:21 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: [Keiki.]
  5. [2015-07-21 4:13:33 AM] Skilletz: [ /setupkey *Lib/Conversation/EnableWiki 0]
  6. [2015-07-21 4:14:02 AM] Skilletz: [that without a space will let you do actions between *these*]
  7. [2015-07-21 4:14:08 AM] Skilletz: [wait it didn't bold]
  8. [2015-07-21 4:14:10 AM | Removed 4:14:18 AM] Skilletz: This message has been removed.
  9. [2015-07-21 4:14:12 AM] TNT Colonel: [sweet]
  10. [2015-07-21 4:14:13 AM | Removed 4:14:16 AM] Skilletz: This message has been removed.
  11. [2015-07-21 4:14:15 AM | Removed 4:14:25 AM] TNT Colonel: This message has been removed.
  12. [2015-07-21 4:14:16 AM] Jason Pichu: [rip]
  13. [2015-07-21 4:14:53 AM] TNT Colonel: [guess skype execs got tired of getting called out on bullshit]
  14. [2015-07-21 4:15:03 AM] TNT Colonel: [Well, I have to latorz now]
  15. [2015-07-21 4:15:07 AM] Jason Pichu: [gunnite]
  16. [2015-07-21 4:15:08 AM] TNT Colonel: [really freakin late]
  17. [2015-07-21 4:15:12 AM] Skilletz: [I'll post the intro tommorow bai]
  18. [2015-07-21 4:15:26 AM] TNT Colonel: [you guys should catch some z's too]
  19. [2015-07-21 4:15:33 AM] Jason Pichu: [ (rainbow) (rainbow) (rainbow) (rainbow) (rainbow) (rainbow) (rainbow) (rainbow) ]
  20. [2015-07-21 4:16:05 AM] *** TNT Colonel has changed the conversation topic to "Some RP" ***
  21. [2015-07-21 4:16:58 AM] Skilletz: [dammit tnt]
  22. [2015-07-21 4:17:18 AM | Edited 4:17:23 AM] Jason Pichu: [D: ]
  23. [2015-07-21 4:17:29 AM] Skilletz: [ (inlove) ]
  24. [2015-07-21 4:17:37 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Wouldn't be easier it has the title of the setting/Arc?
  25. [2015-07-21 4:17:58 AM] *** Skilletz has changed the conversation topic to "Midnight Waltz: A Warm Welcome" ***
  26. [2015-07-21 4:18:10 AM] Jason Pichu: [ (flex)(fear)(beer) ]
  27. [2015-07-21 4:18:12 AM] Skilletz: [I like dumb puns]
  28. [2015-07-21 4:18:22 AM] Skilletz: it will be apparent later
  29. [2015-07-21 4:18:39 AM] Jason Pichu: [the pun is we're going to fall into lava immediately]
  30. [2015-07-21 4:18:55 AM] Skilletz: [yes absolutely]
  31. [2015-07-21 4:19:33 AM] *** <Absurdly Powerful SCP> plays Actor's Anteroom ***
  32. [2015-07-21 5:24:46 AM] Skilletz: *A flash of light blinds Montse, Reston and Agape, screams, howls and visions of a small brunette girl lying in a bed shivering overtaking their senses briefly before fading to black. As they feel themselves lying on the floor a wave of hot air and sand would brush over them, coming into conciousness as voices piped in.*
  34. Male voice:...they still breathing?
  36. Female voice: Mostly, but...dude you guys fucked up...
  37. [2015-07-21 5:25:51 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Nnnngh...
  38. [2015-07-21 5:26:26 AM] Skilletz: [I'm gonna have kind of a looseish posting order but I'm gonna wait for everyone to get on]
  39. [2015-07-21 5:27:00 AM | Edited 5:27:15 AM] Skilletz: [at least while we're starting out]
  40. [2015-07-21 5:27:18 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: [Ok. Also... When I write her name as "Montse" she's normal. When I write "Montserrat", she's completely serious.]
  41. [2015-07-21 5:27:42 AM] Skilletz: [that's fine]
  42. [2015-07-21 12:45:49 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: ... blows sand off face Ugh...
  43. [2015-07-21 12:46:53 PM] Skilletz: [ /setupkey *Lib/Conversation/EnableWiki 0]
  44. [2015-07-21 12:47:10 PM] TNT Colonel: [ *test* ]
  45. [2015-07-21 12:47:38 PM] Jason Pichu: [it's okay I don't care that much]
  46. [2015-07-21 12:49:39 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *violently spits out sand, rubs eyes, coughs*
  47. [2015-07-21 1:59:46 PM | Edited 2:01:10 PM] Skilletz: *As they opened their eyes, they'd note a red haired girl in a yellow longsleeve athletic shirt a scarf and, black shorts kneeled near them., a black haired man watching with a rifle, cautiously readied but not raised. From their environment they would note buildings in the distance behind the pair, but nothing but a vast expanse of sand in any other directions*
  49. Female: G-agh!? *she cringes as Reston and Aguppy blow sand in her face, pulling away and wiping it off with her hands...* g-gross!
  51. Male:...You three, are you alright?
  52. [2015-07-21 2:26:48 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *slowly opens eyes and looks around fearfully* J-just dizzy, thanks? I, I, body's not aching more than usual... *tries to stand up, using tail as support*
  53. [2015-07-21 2:30:09 PM | Edited 2:31:20 PM] Jason Pichu: This message has been removed.
  54. [2015-07-21 2:30:13 PM | Edited 2:31:10 PM] Jason Pichu: [fuck]
  55. [2015-07-21 2:30:25 PM] Skilletz: [just...copy paste what I sent]
  56. [2015-07-21 2:30:30 PM | Edited 2:31:02 PM] Jason Pichu: [D: ]
  57. [2015-07-21 2:30:45 PM] Skilletz: [also delete those unless D: is your new char]
  58. [2015-07-21 2:32:01 PM] Jason Pichu: [*test*]
  59. [2015-07-21 2:32:24 PM] Jason Pichu: [kk I only did it because I was going to do two actions otherwise would've left it untouched]
  60. [2015-07-21 2:34:28 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: *slowly gets up* ... Am I shipwrecked? D-Did I even go on a ship? ... I don't remember ships having bright lights like that... *looks around her* ... And where the heckie am I?
  61. [2015-07-21 4:30:49 PM | Edited 4:30:52 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Where the fuck I am...?
  62. [2015-07-21 4:45:02 PM] Skilletz: Male: The Sahara desert, Africa, Terra....*sighs* Where are you guys from?
  64. Female: *pulls herself to her feet, brushing herself off with her hands....and her scarf, the garment's end forming into a hand* Ughhh....
  65. [2015-07-21 4:47:02 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Couldn't have thought on a better place than the Sahara desert?
  66. [2015-07-21 4:51:50 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *ears perk up a little* S-sahara, huh? I heard that, heard that before. Yeah, before. *holds head, and turns to the man* Underground. Somewhere. No name. Just, underground... Sir, sir, sir sir, what happened?
  67. [2015-07-21 4:54:44 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: *just looks at Reston quietly before glaring at the man back* I demand to know why was I brought here.
  68. [2015-07-21 5:12:17 PM] Skilletz: Male: (What a bag of sunshine...) I tried playing around with a teleporter and I goofed up...try to keep your cool alright? I'm Leoric, and this is my friend Xing...
  70. Female: *she gives a small bow as her scarf waves to them* Nice to meetcha!
  71. [2015-07-21 5:17:02 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Nice to meet you. *scratche head*
  72. [2015-07-21 5:39:36 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *awkwardly bows* Reston. It's Reston, Sir Leoric, sir. *turns to greet Xing* Nice to- *notices the scarf* Urya?! *alarmed, almost-teleports behind to Leoric and points at it fearfully*
  73. [2015-07-21 5:41:43 PM | Edited 5:41:50 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Uh... Am I missing of something here?
  74. [2015-07-21 6:03:24 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: *stares at the group, a look of somewhat confusion and amazement on her face*.................... *snaps out of it, shaking her head* Uhh, my name's Agape. I guess I washed up on the shore or something? Never heard of Sahara Island, though.
  75. [2015-07-21 6:07:52 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: We're not in an island. We're on a desert.
  76. [2015-07-21 6:15:25 PM] Skilletz: Leoric: E-easy kid....*tenses and very gently pries Reston off*...(H-he's kind of fast isn't he?) I don't think anyone's missed anything except...the names of you girls and your homes...
  78. Xing: *sighs and sits on her scarf, as it bends to act as a chair for her...* Mannn.... I haven't even done anything yet
  79. [2015-07-21 6:16:27 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: A dessert? *picks up some sand, staring at it as it falls through her fingers* ... I think this is sand, and it's certainly not very edible... what kind of a place is a dessert, anyways?
  80. [2015-07-21 6:18:29 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: A desert is a land known for harboring high temperatures in he day and deep cold in the night. They have Oasis which are small water "lakes" to say. Most of plants and animals can't live here. By the way, my name is Montserrat Santana.
  81. [2015-07-21 6:19:17 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: ... Uhh, Agape Hilaria. *offers hand to Montse*
  82. [2015-07-21 6:20:20 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: *takes it*
  83. [2015-07-21 6:22:38 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: *shakes Montse's hand, then turns to Leoric & Xing* ... And uhh, you're... Leorick and Shing, right? And that's- *jumps as she sees Reston* T-they grow THAT big here?!
  84. [2015-07-21 6:24:24 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: You still haven't answered my question. Why was I brought here?
  85. [2015-07-22 12:05:56 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *slightly reassured, flicks whiskers a little and waves cautiously at Agape before awkwardly bowing at Xing* S-ssorry m'lady, very sorry, sorry. Moving scarfs, not very common. Not common at all underground, Uncommon, m'lady. *extends Hyper Awareness to try and gain some info about the scarf from the rest of Xing's clothes*
  86. [2015-07-22 12:14:10 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: ... And when'd they learn to talk...? *turns to Montse in confusion* Man, this island's kinda weird, doncha think?
  87. [2015-07-22 12:17:24 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: *facepalms* It's a desert.
  88. [2015-07-22 12:18:07 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: Oh, right, you called it a DESSERT. Whatever kind of island that is.
  89. [2015-07-22 12:18:16 AM] Skilletz: Xing: It's all good mouse dude! *smiles and kiicks her feet back*
  91. Leoric:.......*Narrows his eyes and raises a hand*....Quiet guys!
  92. [2015-07-22 12:23:13 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse.: ...?
  93. [2015-07-22 12:24:41 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: *looks around worridly* (w-what's going on?!)
  94. [2015-07-22 12:25:49 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: What's wrong?
  95. [2015-07-22 12:29:53 AM] Skilletz: Leoric: You guys...are litterally talking over each other and the only one listening to anyone is Reston! Slow down already!
  97. Xing:....*frowns* Geeze....
  98. [2015-07-22 12:33:07 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: ... Geeze, ya scared me! I thought we were under attack or sumfin. *pouts as she finally stands up*
  99. [2015-07-22 12:38:59 AM | Edited 12:39:57 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *turns to the group and scrathes head a little* No attacks, little miss. None yet, no. Little miss is safe. *faces Agape* Little miss does not know deserts? Reston has seen deserts before, little miss. *he extends his arms* Sand everywhere, and then everywhere, and then more everywhere, little miss. *sighs and holds head* No big water, so no islands, litlte miss. None, no, none.
  100. [2015-07-22 12:39:02 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Are you going to answer my question or not?
  101. [2015-07-22 12:40:25 AM | Edited 12:43:20 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: *turns to Reston* ... So they're just big beaches? I mean, I've never seen them, but uhh, thanks... do you have a name? *scratches head*
  102. [2015-07-22 12:41:12 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: I just said my name. e_e Montserrat Santana.
  103. [2015-07-22 12:41:50 AM] Jason Pichu: [that was meant for Reston my bad]
  104. [2015-07-22 12:42:10 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: [Ooops. e.e;]
  105. [2015-07-22 12:42:48 AM] Jason Pichu: [I should've labelled it sorry]
  106. [2015-07-22 12:44:00 AM] TNT Colonel: [guys, we should wait a little until Skill posts what he needs]
  107. [2015-07-22 12:49:25 AM] Skilletz: Leoric: ....*facepalms*....Montse...(Okay....Clam down...) *Sighs*...Montse...I answered your question. You've just been ignoring me. I told you there was a teleporter accident. Nobody called you here on purpose. Agape, I'll get you a map.
  109. Xing: ...He's maaad. *smiles and rocks in her scarf*
  110. [2015-07-22 12:50:46 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: I see... though it feels strange it got me exactly.
  111. [2015-07-22 12:56:56 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: (Bad scarf? Bad scarf?! ...) *tilts heads slightly to take a look at the scarf again...*
  112. [2015-07-22 1:06:54 AM] Skilletz: Leoric: I don't have a good reason or explaination for it, it litterally happened like fifteen minutes ago! *facepalms and starts rummaging his pockets, revealing a tactical outfit underneath...he hands Agape a Montse and Reston if they were familiar with a earth world map...while africa and most of australia would seem familiar it seems like several land masses were either replaced or flat out cratered off the map...they'd note a few x marks on various areas, one in particular in the sahara as Leoric suggested.*
  114. Xing: That's what you get for getting cocky...*whistles....*
  115. [2015-07-22 1:07:44 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: What's this...? *takes a look at the map*
  116. [2015-07-22 1:10:14 AM | Edited 1:11:08 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: *looks at map* ... B-but this can't be right, this doesn't look like home at all- narrows eyes WAIT, you were saying Montserra- Montsara- I'm just gonna call you Montsey, if that's alright with you, got "tellyported", right? S-so... did I get "tellyported" as well?
  117. [2015-07-22 1:10:47 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: I don't mind. I know my name is kinda long. And yes, seems to be the case.
  118. [2015-07-22 1:15:00 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *curious, looks at the map... and gleans nothing from it* Oh, oh, this is all outside? Huh, so much outside, so much not underground... I wonder, where is home? Home is not marked. I don't recognize where home is. But marks, marks here, marks there. Sir, sir, what are marks for, sir?
  119. [2015-07-22 1:15:30 AM] Skilletz: [What's this...? *takes a look at the map*]
  120. [2015-07-22 1:15:42 AM | Edited 1:28:21 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: What's this...? *takes a look at the map* Except for Africa and Australia, I don't remember the other continents having its lands modified. What's going on here? What's this cross in the point we are?
  121. [2015-07-22 1:19:56 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: ... So, uhh, Mr. Leowreck, right? We're all basically stuck somewhere far from home right now, right?
  122. [2015-07-22 1:21:33 AM | Edited 1:21:43 AM] Skilletz: [guys stop Ruine needs to edit]
  123. [2015-07-22 1:23:36 AM] Jason Pichu: [kk]
  124. [2015-07-22 1:23:43 AM] Jason Pichu: [good I have the opposite problem now]
  125. [2015-07-22 1:24:01 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: [Set.]
  126. [2015-07-22 1:24:27 AM] Skilletz: [the post is still wrong, I mentioned it in the main chat you're pointiing out the two contients that are not messed up]
  127. [2015-07-22 1:26:43 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: [Oh.]
  128. [2015-07-22 1:28:20 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: [Set. Look up.]
  129. [2015-07-22 1:42:38 AM] Skilletz: Leoric:....The marks are...for business, you guys don't need to worry about it, but um...(Shit what was the procedure...) ..what year was it back home?
  131. Xing: "'Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."
  132. [2015-07-22 1:43:45 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: The year? Ahm... 2000 or so, I believe.
  133. [2015-07-22 1:43:47 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Uh... 2015 on mine. e_e;
  134. [2015-07-22 1:49:53 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: Year? Year of moon 333, sir. Moon year, sir, very good, sir. *turns to Xing* M'lady, where is Kansas? Is Kansas your home? Is Toto family, m'lady? Is Toto waiting for you in Kansas?
  135. [2015-07-22 1:50:28 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Do you need to ask a lot? :/
  136. [2015-07-22 1:51:57 AM] Skilletz: Leoric: ...*Frowns* Umn...the year's 2840 here...
  137. it's a joke...*frowns* Montse go easy on him..
  138. [2015-07-22 1:52:47 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Fine.
  139. [2015-07-22 1:54:40 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: ... So, I'm in the future, then?!
  140. [2015-07-22 1:57:04 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *moves fingers as if counting* But then, but then, so long ago... *hangs head, dejected* Angry miss, I ask less now. Confused, so I ask, but less now, angry miss.
  141. [2015-07-22 1:57:07 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: 8 centuries and a quarter in the future...?
  142. [2015-07-22 2:00:38 AM] Skilletz: Xing: That's the size of it it seems...
  144. Leoric:.....*Sighs* ...I wanna have a friend pop in for now to help, this isn't really my area of expertise...
  145. [2015-07-22 2:01:27 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: ... Well, you & Shing are here to help, right?
  146. [2015-07-22 2:05:22 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *shows a crooked smile and nods* Sir and m'lady surely help us. Sir and m'lady are good, even with bad scarf.
  147. [2015-07-22 2:05:26 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: So, there's a way we can go back to our actual places?
  148. [2015-07-22 2:07:32 AM] Skilletz: Leoric: *glances aside* In theory, like I said, I'd rather have my friend run tests...I've got work to do in the mean time...
  150. Xing:..*hops to her feet...her scarf contorting into a crying face of a sort...* Heyyy my scarf's not that bad!
  151. [2015-07-22 2:09:46 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: ... Well uhhh... look, I wanna get home at least, I'm sure Montsey and Reston do too. I'm pretty sure we're not gonna be getting there any quicker standing here, right?
  152. [2015-07-22 2:10:43 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Montsey? e_e;
  153. [2015-07-22 2:11:21 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: Little miss knows well. We go find sir and m'lady's friends, little miss. Angry miss can come too.
  154. [2015-07-22 2:13:22 AM | Edited 2:14:04 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: I have a name, dammit. =_=;
  155. [2015-07-22 2:16:41 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: You like Montse miss better? I can say Montse miss. *turns to Xing* You like scarf much, m'lady? M'lady, scarf is good to you?
  156. [2015-07-22 2:17:03 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Yeah. Montse is fine.
  157. [2015-07-22 2:17:26 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: My name's Agape, Reston. Ah-Guh-Pay.
  158. [2015-07-22 2:17:41 AM] Skilletz: Leoric: Well...I mean *leans back*....Ok here's the deal... that teleporter was supposed to recieve my gear....and payment was the way were gonna pay our way it's dangerous but doing that job would be faster than waiting for Rachel to finish her end and pick us up.
  160. Xing:...*tenses* we're stuck here too until we raid that temple? That's fuckin' annoying!
  161. [2015-07-22 2:19:26 AM | Edited 2:19:37 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: I have a feeling my boss is going to demand an explanation from me.
  162. [2015-07-22 2:20:41 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: Sir gives Montse miss a sick rock. When sick rock is given to boss, boss forgives. Sick rock is important.
  163. [2015-07-22 2:21:42 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: ... A temple? *smacks fist into palm all determined-like* Well, I might be able to help there! Certainly beats doing them on my own, at least.
  164. [2015-07-22 2:24:28 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: Temple, m'lady? We pray at temple! *turns to Agape* Very spirit-y, Agape miss. Spirit is important for prayer.
  165. [2015-07-22 2:25:58 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: Well, it's not QUITE spiritual... but it's important to me, for sure.
  166. [2015-07-22 2:27:55 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: A temple?
  167. [2015-07-22 2:31:44 AM] Skilletz: Leoric: Well...this temple's pretty ancient but something's stirred it to life so we're being paid to investigate it and hopefully purify it...
  169. Xing: Yea that's the long and short of it...*sighs* Leoric wanted to get his stuff to do that but you guys came instead...and ya Reston my scarf's the best! *said scarf gives Reston a big thumbs up*
  170. [2015-07-22 2:37:26 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: I understand. So I guess I'll be stuck here for a while.
  171. [2015-07-22 2:44:55 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *unused to the motion, gives a thumbs up to Xing, then would use his Extended Awareness on the teleporter, to try and see if there was any info on what happened*
  172. [2015-07-22 2:45:36 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: ... So uhh, where's the temple? I take it it's somewhere in this desert?
  173. [2015-07-22 2:47:15 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: It's a possibility.
  174. [2015-07-22 2:49:35 AM] Skilletz: Leoric: A few klicks in that direction, it's that x on the map we were talking about....
  176. Xing:...*sighs* Aghhhh, this is why I wanted to grab a car! I know a shortcut though...
  178. Leoric: *He tenses at the idea* DON'T TAKE THAT OFFER
  179. [2015-07-22 2:51:00 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: I won't. I just met you.
  180. [2015-07-22 2:51:10 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: Urya?!
  181. [2015-07-22 2:53:59 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: ... Well, let's get walking then! We've got a way to go if this map is any indication! ... *Agape turns super-confidently to start walking, then pauses for a second* .... *opens map while still in a half-walking pose, looking at it* ... This IS the right way, right?
  182. [2015-07-22 2:57:55 AM | Edited 2:58:29 AM] Skilletz: Leoric: T-technically? That's nearly a five mile mile trek though, we could just get a car in town...
  184. Xing: Agh fineee! *she snaps her fingers and her scarf starts stretching the sand as if she had pulled a tight sheet, Xing getting ready in a sprinting stance* Last chance!
  185. [2015-07-22 2:58:48 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Decide already. >_>
  186. [2015-07-22 3:01:03 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: How much is "mile" sir? Mile is very far, sir? *looks curiously at Xing* M'lady, what do you do?
  187. [2015-07-22 3:15:26 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: ... Well, I dunno what a 'car' is, but if it's quick, then hey! *goes back to her super-confident pose, turning 180 degrees* Ready to go when you guys are!
  188. [2015-07-22 3:17:49 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: I think I'm the only one who knows what a car is.
  189. [2015-07-22 3:19:25 AM] Skilletz: Xing: Later crazy bitch! *Xing flips Montse the bird and soars off into the distance as her scarf lets go of the sand...*
  191. Leoric:. A mile is uh...*just watches Xing flying off*....I'm...*pulls a phone out of his pocket and starts dialing, looking annoyed as he marches toward town* I'm too old for this shit....
  192. [2015-07-22 3:21:24 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: OH YOU SON OF A BITCH!
  193. [2015-07-22 3:22:59 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: Urya! m'lady is flying! Flying! *follows Leoric* Sir, do I pursue?
  194. [2015-07-22 3:23:39 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: ... *goes immediately out of her pose and walks after Leoric* She'll be okay, I take it?
  195. [2015-07-22 3:26:01 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: I'm going to beat the crap out of her for that! -_-
  196. [2015-07-22 3:32:20 AM] Skilletz: *Xing can be heard laughing in the distance*
  197. Leoric: ...Don't...worry about her...*leads them back into town*
  198. [2015-07-22 3:32:56 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *obediently follows*
  199. [2015-07-22 3:34:38 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: ... *pulls out her crossbow, spinning it on two of her fingers as she walks behind Leoric*
  200. [2015-07-22 3:35:46 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: -_-; *follows them*
  201. [2015-07-22 3:41:50 AM] Skilletz: Leoric: What did you all do for a living anyway...? I mean before you guys got stuck here...
  202. [2015-07-22 3:44:18 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: Ahm... I-I just got out of school. I was trying to prepare for a... trip.
  203. [2015-07-22 3:46:03 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: Sir, I live alone, sir. Just me. Life underground is hard, and more when alone. But I have a farm! underground farm has lots of things. I sell some in market.
  204. [2015-07-22 3:46:53 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: I'm the nurse of an academy.
  205. [2015-07-22 4:13:24 AM] Skilletz: Leoric: You guys sound kinda accomplished but umn...What kind of trip? What kind of farm....(...What kind of nurse~?) *He chuckles for a moment...*
  206. [2015-07-22 4:14:02 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: What? e_e
  207. [2015-07-22 4:16:39 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: Well, it's a kinda personal trip. I'm trying to obtain the title of Necromancer.
  208. [2015-07-22 4:17:11 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Ah. *looks at Leoric* And what the fuck do you look at? e_e
  209. [2015-07-22 12:33:50 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: What about Sir? My farm is rock and slug farm, sir. Best rocks and slugs are what I get, sir. But you, sir? You are holy man? Holy man visits temples, like we do soon, sir. Or you just tinker, sir? Tinker to get machines like at beach, sir?
  210. [2015-07-22 1:51:02 PM] Skilletz: Leoric: *he shrugs*I tinker yeah. Sometimes i hunt but...well...Agape why's that? Is there a lot of respect for necromancers back home?
  211. [2015-07-22 2:12:32 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *pokes Agape's shoulder* Agape miss, what is, miss, what is a necromancer, miss?
  212. [2015-07-22 2:17:41 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: *blushes* Well... Necromancers are beings capable of raising the dead through control of Spirit Energy. They're generally super-powerful beings, though according to all the records and legends, all of them have at some point turned against the world. *beams* But, that won't be me! I know I've got what it takes, and I think I can use that power for the greater good!
  213. [2015-07-22 5:31:41 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: So, a necromancer that actually would be worthy.
  214. [2015-07-22 8:15:43 PM] Skilletz: Leoric:Mhn....I know a dude like that, maybe I can introduce you to him. *glances back*
  215. [2015-07-22 8:18:23 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *leans towards Leoric* Sir sir, just remember, sir, important fact sir. Your tinkering result, sir? Your telemachine sir. Must ask, sir.
  216. [2015-07-22 8:19:14 PM | Edited 8:19:22 PM] Skilletz: Leoric:...Yeah? What about it? It's busted and probably unsafe....
  217. [2015-07-22 8:19:39 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: *just eyebrows*
  218. [2015-07-22 8:21:36 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: From outside, sir. Funny smell sir, like slugs in fire, sir. Yes, something from outside interfered with it, sir. *nods vigorously*
  219. [2015-07-22 8:23:05 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: *whispers to Montse* How does he know what slugs in the fire smell like?
  220. [2015-07-22 8:23:56 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Don't ask me. I don't know either. *shrugs*
  221. [2015-07-22 8:37:22 PM] Skilletz: Leoric: That's....*Sighs* (Typical...) I'll pick it up on the way back and look over it a bit.
  223. *They arrive to the outskirts of town...they'd note relatively modern surroundings, and a rental area with a several cars of various makes. The group would note humans and a few animal men wandering the bazar and browsing the wares through the gate*
  225. Leoric: ...You guys hang out here and try not to get lost alright? I'll be like....ten minutes at most.
  226. [2015-07-22 8:39:39 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: Woooooooow, the future's amazing~ *looks around in awe*
  227. [2015-07-22 8:44:38 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: So... humanized animals...? *looks around. And better you don't buy a Chevy, Leoric!
  228. [2015-07-22 8:50:56 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *is frankly overawed by the sight* Urya?! What is, all this what is, what is?! *warily approaches some of the bazaar stands*
  229. [2015-07-22 8:52:36 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: H-hey, Reston! Leorick told us to wait here!
  230. [2015-07-22 8:57:23 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse. e.e
  231. [2015-07-22 9:07:48 PM] Skilletz: *As Reston wanders into the bazzar he'd note meats, various advanced devices that he would not recognize and cloths and other fine goods....if the others didn't follow him or grab him it would be clear they'd lose him*
  232. [2015-07-22 9:08:36 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: Shoot... Reston! *chases after him* Montsey, I'll be right back, okay?
  233. [2015-07-22 9:08:59 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Ok, ok. e_e
  234. [2015-07-22 9:12:18 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *senses Agape approach* Oh, Agape miss, Agape miss, such fantastic things, so many things, so different things! *moves towards her* Thing I don't understand, things I never seen!
  235. [2015-07-22 9:14:40 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: B-but Leoric did say to wait for him. W-we could get lost or something!
  236. [2015-07-22 9:16:56 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: We go back to sir, then, Agape miss. Must be there when sir comes back, yes, miss. We do not get lost, Agape miss. We can always go back to the smell of Montse miss. Before we leave. *motions for Agape to follow back, and in doing so, activates Extended Awareness again*
  237. [2015-07-22 9:18:03 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: *wipes brow as she starts walking back* ... You remind me a lot of one of my friends back home...
  238. [2015-07-22 9:19:56 PM] Skilletz: *Using Reston's enhanced senses they return to Montse*
  239. [2015-07-22 9:23:40 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Don't move from here. e_e
  240. [2015-07-22 9:24:02 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *sits down* I wait, we wait.
  241. [2015-07-22 9:26:02 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: Yeah, yeah, don't worry 'bout it. *breathes a sigh of relief* ... Montse, is this like home for you? You don't seem as amazed as Reston about it.
  242. [2015-07-22 9:26:50 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Kinda.
  243. [2015-07-22 9:29:46 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: I see, so not very different. My home, too different. Here, there are no rocks, here, Montse miss! And machines, machines everywhere, Agape miss. Back home, machines only are for holy men, miss.
  244. [2015-07-22 9:32:10 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: Back home... it's a lot dirtier. I hate the cities, to be honest. They smell terrible, have dirt everywhere, and the smell of burning's everywhere... *sighs* I know people from the cities, though. Don't know how they can stand that myself.
  245. [2015-07-22 9:32:29 PM] Jason Pichu: [I redundancy'd whatever]
  246. [2015-07-22 9:38:34 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *nods and then closes eyes, activating extended awareness, to see how much info and sensation could be picked up*
  247. [2015-07-22 9:40:29 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: I don't know. e_e
  248. [2015-07-22 9:42:17 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: But here, it's so much nicer. I mean, if this is what the future's like- *looks at Reston* ... I wonder what Reston's up to...
  249. [2015-07-22 9:47:55 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: I don't know either.
  250. [2015-07-22 9:48:34 PM] TNT Colonel: [getting info from Skillz, hold plz]
  251. [2015-07-22 9:57:25 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *catches the notions from food particularly well..* This market-like-place, very fancy. Food smells so good, hoho. *opens eyes* Ah, Agape miss, Montse miss, I just try to take in what I can. Montse miss, You can learn much like that, Agape miss. And after smell, you can talk to things! Hyeh hyeh hyeh, and then things talk back!
  252. [2015-07-22 9:58:12 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: ... I see. Guess rats get special powers, huh, Montse?
  253. [2015-07-22 10:05:13 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montsee: Guess so.
  254. [2015-07-22 10:17:40 PM] Skilletz: *After a few minutes Leoric comes back, driving a jeep...though they'd note his rifle was gone and he looked frustrated*
  255. Leoric: Alright....everything's squared away pretty much so I'm ready when you are...*Sighs*
  256. [2015-07-22 10:23:20 PM | Edited 10:25:09 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *hops in* We sir catch up to m'lady now sir. Sir, what wrong? You sir are not very happy sir.
  257. [2015-07-22 10:24:43 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Something's wrong?
  258. [2015-07-22 10:28:11 PM] Skilletz: Leoric:...I bartered for my rifle, I'll get it back once we finish up. *narrows his eyes*
  259. [2015-07-22 10:29:13 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: Y-you at least have other things to protect yourself with, right?
  260. [2015-07-22 10:31:32 PM] Skilletz: Leoric: *shakes his head* I'll be fine but I think you guys are gonna have to go in without me...
  261. [2015-07-22 10:31:58 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: What? Why?
  262. [2015-07-22 10:33:03 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *looks understandably alarmed* Sir we can't leave without you sir!
  263. [2015-07-22 10:33:22 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: Y-yeah, what Reston said!
  264. [2015-07-22 10:37:55 PM | Edited 10:38:05 PM] Skilletz: Leoric: I've got my whip and that's about it, and Xing ran off without me....I'd be dead weight if there was a fight and someone needs to grab her.
  265. [2015-07-22 10:39:41 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: ... Why'd you even barter your GUN?!
  266. [2015-07-22 10:39:50 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *raises fist defiantly* Even if the rifle is important, sir wouldn't want us to go steal his rifle back, right sir? So we... *gulps* we go and catch up to m'lady ourselves. Yes, we catch up.
  267. [2015-07-22 10:40:51 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Where did she go exactly? I can try to locate her.
  268. [2015-07-22 10:45:03 PM] Skilletz: Leoric: She ran off to the temple remember? I mentioned already I don't have money, the teleporter that got us stuck here was supposed to bring what I needed and Reston's right....let's get going and finish the job so I can get my stuff back...
  269. [2015-07-22 10:50:15 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: I need to discuss some stuff with her, so, I'll follow her.
  270. [2015-07-22 10:51:40 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: Hyeh hyeh hyeh trust us sir, we get this done good, sir.
  271. [2015-07-22 10:51:52 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: ... *sighs as she gets ready to go* I still don't get why you got rid of your freakin' GUN...
  272. [2015-07-22 10:52:42 PM] Skilletz: Leoric:...Agape what am I suppose to have done, rent a car on the honor system?
  273. [2015-07-22 10:53:28 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: ... You went in with NO money?!
  274. [2015-07-22 10:54:41 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: Agape miss, remember, miss, that we arrived instead of the money, miss. The telemachine thing that smelled of burnt slugs, yes? It got us instead of shiny rocks for sir
  275. [2015-07-22 11:01:25 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: If only my boss was here...
  276. [2015-07-22 11:01:42 PM] Skilletz: Leoric: *narrows his eyes* That and the city's pretty isolationist so getting large amounts of it's currency is unlikely....
  277. [2015-07-22 11:02:54 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: ... Sheesh... well, I'll go. I'm sure the three of us will be fine.
  278. [2015-07-22 11:04:00 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Are we going to go or not? *armfolds, already annoyed*
  279. [2015-07-22 11:07:31 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *raises eyebrow* Montse miss, hyeh, you are not yet in majestic cart, Montse miss.
  280. [2015-07-22 11:07:58 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: ... *gets into the car, facepalming*
  281. [2015-07-22 11:20:37 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: *goes in the car* ... I'm never getting over giving up your gun, you know.
  282. [2015-07-22 11:23:02 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: I'm just confused.
  283. [2015-07-22 11:40:52 PM] Skilletz: Leoric: *mutters to himself and begins and begins driving them to the temple....upon arrival...they find a dilapidated stone ruin, pillars and arches scattered throughout....Reston would smell something off*
  284. [2015-07-22 11:41:51 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: *as she gets out of the car, she looks around her* ... Looks like a temple, alright.
  285. [2015-07-22 11:43:48 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: *getting out too* Most likely.
  286. [2015-07-22 11:44:51 PM | Edited 11:45:38 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: Yes yes, temple! But we cannot pray yet, sir. *jumps out* We must find m'lady... *sniffs a few times, as if to confirm* Agape miss, Montse miss, sir, something... I smell something, but that smell, that smell of something, here, that smell is wrong! Others, others we don't know... and... the blood of our cart, what makes it move!
  287. [2015-07-22 11:49:09 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: A smell... Do you mean you smell like somehing's burning?
  288. [2015-07-22 11:50:09 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: No, no fire yet, Montse miss!
  289. [2015-07-22 11:50:15 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: ... You don't smell Shing?
  290. [2015-07-22 11:51:12 PM] Skilletz: Leoric: *frowns, rummaging his pocket for a a tactical mask...*...I'm not liking that. You guys be on guard I'm gonna keep the car running
  291. [2015-07-22 11:53:27 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *sniffs* Agape miss, m'lady has scent, but scent is almost not-here... m'lady came here and then kept going, agape miss! *sniffs some more* That not-burning smell, it is like, sir, like.... *scampers over to the jeep's gasoline intake [y'know, where we put the nozzle in and such] and points at it repeatedly*
  292. [2015-07-22 11:55:04 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: The jeep?
  293. [2015-07-22 11:55:20 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: She kept going? ... Why didn't she stop...? *cautiously pulls out her crossbow, looking around the area*
  294. [2015-07-22 11:57:32 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Don't shoot yet.
  295. [2015-07-22 11:58:42 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: Not cart! The sacred blood of the cart! *approaches the temple slowly, and clears throat* Oh, great temple! Where is your holy man!? Will you receive us?! *... talks to the temple*
  296. [2015-07-23 12:08:12 AM] Skilletz: Leoric:...(The fuck is wrong with him?) *Sighs and slips on his mask* Oy careful Reston...
  298. *The group would hear something shifting as Reston approached the temple, presumably among the pillars*
  299. [2015-07-23 12:08:55 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: *points her crossbow in front of her, edging slowly behind Reston*
  300. [2015-07-23 12:09:37 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: *gets in stance*
  301. [2015-07-23 12:11:18 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *stops* Sir sir sir sir, what is the Blade of Heavens? Great temple says those called by the Wyvern will meet it, sir! *activates Extended Awareness in the direction of the shifting, hair standing on end*
  302. [2015-07-23 12:11:48 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Blade of Heavens?
  303. [2015-07-23 12:12:14 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: W-wyvern?!
  304. [2015-07-23 12:18:29 AM] Skilletz: *Stepping out from the pillars a 3 men in blue uniforms stepping from the pillars and firing on the group, two more running up the stairs carrying snubbier guns and tossin grenades to the jeep.*
  306. ???: Keep'em busy!
  308. Leoric:(W-wait what?!) *Leoric hops out of the truck, and clasps at his chest...the group would note him leaving after images as he began to move...*
  309. [2015-07-23 12:19:23 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse. Who the fuck are these people!? *jumps away*
  310. [2015-07-23 12:30:38 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: *jumps into the air, firing a projectile that flies above the nearest pillar; should the enemy remain underneath, a spread of projectiles raining from above*
  311. [2015-07-23 12:41:33 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: Urya! *dodges the incoming fire by almost-teleporting in front of another pillar; there, Shesha the bone sword begins to hover before being pulled back and thrust forward, snaking around the pillar to try and skewer the man on the other side* Hyeh hyeh hyeh hyeh hyeh...! *the laugh is vaguely... deranged*
  312. [2015-07-23 12:57:21 AM | Removed 12:58:04 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: This message has been removed.
  313. [2015-07-23 1:03:46 AM | Edited 1:03:53 AM] Skilletz: *The grenades detonate, being met with an explosion and a flash of light, the jeep detonating and sending shrapnel at Montse, Agape and Leoric. Montse and Leoric were both blinded by flash grenad.
  315. Falling over the man beside the pillar cowered at the blade going around of the pillar crawling back as the others scattered*
  317. ???:The hell was that?!
  319. *The men at the stairwell began firing their guns, snapping out fully automatic shotgun shots at Reston to try to peel him off their partner*
  320. [2015-07-23 1:05:00 AM | Edited 1:05:25 AM] Skilletz: Leoric: *reflexively runs away, the group noting that he was moving almost as fast as Reston*
  321. [2015-07-23 1:35:46 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *retracting Shesha and then grabbing it almost-teleports towards the middle of the field dodging as much fire as possible, fully in Denial* Nothing bad happens nothing bad happens nothing bad happens NoThInG BAD happens!...! *stabs self with Shesha using one hand, letting out a cry and a 12-meter-range stunning shockwave; covers head with other arm*
  322. [2015-07-23 1:46:22 AM | Edited 1:59:26 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: air dashing towards the middle of the arena, Agape fires a shotgun-shaped blast of poison from her weapon, aiming to hit the enemies at the stairwell & knock them down
  323. [2015-07-23 2:13:58 AM | Edited 2:17:16 AM] Skilletz: *Reston succesfully stuns the group, and Montse feel a hard tug, pulling her to the her vision cleared she'd see that Reston had stunned nearly everyone in the radus, Leoric had pulled her out of the blast zone and Agape raining death on the shotgun men. The remaining two broke for the sand dunes in the distance, Reston hearing radio chatter*
  325. Radio: The hell just happened!?
  327. ???: They put us in the ground, you didn't say they'd send this kinda pressure!
  329. Leoric: *catching his breath Leoric tilted his head* Are you alright Montse?
  330. [2015-07-23 2:23:46 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Yeah... I'm fine.
  331. [2015-07-23 2:34:10 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *tries to stand up, stowing away the bone sword* HyeH, hYEh, HyEh...! I live I live I live! *holds head in pain, then looks around, trudging towards Leoric and Montse* Sir sir, Montse miss! Hyeh hyeh hyeh heyh.... Sir sir sir, a machinebox was talking to the fleeing ones! Hyeh hyeh, shall we pursue?!
  332. [2015-07-23 2:35:11 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: *lands, turns around* (That was lucky...) If we need to pursue, I can try to help out!
  333. [2015-07-23 3:13:45 AM] Skilletz: Leoric: We're fine...Let'em go and check on the guys we put down see if anyone's breathing....*sighs and shakes his head, pulling off the mask, the after images stopping*
  334. [2015-07-23 3:15:09 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: In that case, do we ask for answers?
  335. [2015-07-23 3:19:18 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *nods vigorously* Sir, they knew we were coming sir hyeh hyeh hyeh... *clumsily approaches the one stabbed earlier*
  336. [2015-07-23 3:20:42 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: I'd be less surprised if you didn't just yell at nothing, Reston... *walks over to the two enemies by the stairwell* Still, just who're these guys?
  337. [2015-07-23 8:48:46 AM] Skilletz: Leoric: Prolly locals, they seemed undergunned but...what did you mean by Wyvern earlier?
  339. *The stabbed one seems to still be breathing though he seemed terrified. Reston could hear chatter from his radio...*
  341. Radio: Surface team's been wiped out! Collection team, find the sword and get out while you can!
  343. *Agape's search turned up two menwriting in pain from the poison, though they weren't dead yet either*
  344. [2015-07-23 1:09:59 PM | Edited 1:11:37 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: Hyeh Agape hyeh miss, hyeh one must graciously honor a temple! Temples must give permission to enter, or bad things can happen. Falling rocks everywhere! *turns to Leoric* Hyeh hyeh, sir sir, great temple said those called by the Wyvern, shall meet the Blade of Heaven, sir! *points to the stabbed man accusingly and gives him the best possible deranged madman look* His talk-box, sir, it says sir that a group, hyeh hyeh hyeh hyeh, is looking for a sword within the bowels sir of great temple, sir!
  345. [2015-07-24 12:27:29 PM] TNT Colonel: [sorry guys, yesterday I got home and literally just collapsed]
  346. [Woke up not too long ago]
  347. [2015-07-24 4:06:41 PM] Skilletz: [we're not waiting on you don't _worry]
  348. [2015-07-24 4:33:03 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: *sighs with relief as she sees the two, and then turns to call to the others* ... Hey guys, I could use some help with these guys!
  349. [2015-07-24 9:23:01 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: I'll give you a hand.
  350. [2015-07-24 9:27:45 PM] Skilletz: Leoric: *...Raised an eyebrow at the group* Reston, deep breaths, we're done here. *glances to Agape as he approaches the pair she's with* What did you wanna do, execute them? I can't patch them up...
  352. *As Leoric began taking the radios from the men, they continued to suffer on the floor*
  353. [2015-07-24 11:10:57 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *tries some deep breaths without much success...* Y-y-yes sir, yes sir, apologies sir, hyeh hyeh... *tries a deep breath again, with mildly better success* Sir what do we do now, Sir? Would sir you like sir to see if we can find more, sir? I good with finding things from people sir. I be gentle, sir
  354. [2015-07-24 11:11:36 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: O-oh no, not kill them... but I mean, maybe we can get what they're doing here out of them?
  355. [2015-07-24 11:12:26 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: That would be the most logical thing to do here.
  356. [2015-07-25 12:42:11 AM] Skilletz: Leoric: *starts heading to Reston's dude*...They're writhing to death on the floor. They're not talking to anyone...*sighs*
  357. [2015-07-25 12:49:09 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: As sir says, sir. I leave them to their misery sir.
  358. [2015-07-25 12:50:30 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: ... Worth a shot, I guess. *sighs as she spins her crossbow on her fingers* So, guess we're headed further in, then?
  359. [2015-07-25 12:51:31 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: seems so.
  360. [2015-07-25 1:12:09 AM] Skilletz: *Leoric takes the radio from Reston's and starts configuring it before handing the radio to Reston*
  362. Leoric: Here bucko, clip that to your belt....*he heads over to Agape and Montse, while configuring theirs.* I can't go in with you guys but...I can give support I guess. *starts handing them each radios* Lemme know what you see down there by talking into it and pushing the big button on the side...
  363. [2015-07-26 12:58:43 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *clips it, then pushes the button curiously* Ah, a talk box! *taps it a few times* Hello, sir? Can you hear me sir?
  364. [2015-07-26 1:46:30 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: ... *cautiously presses the button* Uhh, can you hear me?
  365. [2015-07-26 1:47:31 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: *presses the button* Can any of you hear me?
  366. [2015-07-26 4:51:01 AM | Edited 4:51:14 AM] Skilletz: *They hear each other talking into their walkies at once.*
  368. Leoric:...*Pulls out his phone...he speaks into it, and they hear is voice from their handsets*....Loud and clear
  369. [2015-07-26 9:04:05 PM] TNT Colonel: [test]
  370. [2015-07-26 9:05:21 PM] Skilletz: [recieved]
  371. [2015-07-26 9:07:07 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *amazed* To own talkbox, thank you sir, such an honor is unthinkable sir. *lightly shakes it up and down* What now, sir? Montse miss, Agape miss, we are ready?
  372. [2015-07-26 10:55:20 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: ... Yeah, I think. Just gimme a sec. *presses button again* I'm still mad you had to SELL YOUR GUN. *lets go, putting it into her backpack*
  373. [2015-07-27 9:07:23 AM] Skilletz: [z]
  374. [2015-07-27 5:11:47 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Guess so.
  375. [2015-07-27 6:56:27 PM | Edited 6:56:42 PM] Skilletz: Leoric: Judging from what they said...she's downstairs and has company...*shuts his eyes as Agape speaks* Oy we went over this Agape...
  376. [2015-07-27 11:53:59 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: Then sir we must enter. Sir, I now ask great temple to let us in, sir. *turns to Agape and Montse* Montse miss, Agape miss, we must decide, who takes point, misses? The person to lead, is important to choose. *turns back towards the temple and slowly approaches* Great temple! We ask for your blessing, we cleanse the filth inside, we walk humbly, please spare us your wrath! May we?! *... talks to the temple*
  377. [12:06:26 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: I'll stay behind you.
  378. [12:31:39 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: I'll go ahead, then. Reston, couldja cover me? If I read correctly, the temples are filled with traps & challenges...
  379. [12:36:41 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: I have your back, Agape miss, and Montse miss has mine! Oh but we face great peril, sir, Montse miss, Agape miss! *actually looks teary-eyed* Great temple is in anger. The Wyvern is waking up, Agape miss and we will not be forgiven, Montse miss! To proceed inside with much caution is the only way. With no caution, great temple's anger will surely doom us...
  380. [12:38:48 AM] Skilletz: Leoric:...*Sighs and lays back in the sand, slipping on his mask* (Fucking....christ kid might be crazy but things could get bad...) Yeah yeah, everyone's gods are at odds in some way or another.
  381. [12:39:46 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: So... what will we do here? The Wyvern might have already felt our presence.
  382. [12:42:21 AM] Skilletz: Leoric: Well...Wyverns are western dragons, I doubt they'd be buried in africa...didn't you say the Wyvern called you earlier? If it's inviting you and refusing to forgive your intrusion, it sounds like a fickle host...
  383. [12:48:09 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *looks puzzled, scratches and then hold head* Great temple is hard to please, sir. Great temple sir said that those called by this Wyvern would be met with the Heaven Blade, sir. *shakes head* So we could have been called, or maybe it called others, sir? Maybe great temple calls wyvern something else... But, is it yes or is it no, something in bowels of great temple, for sure, sir.
  384. [12:49:36 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: ... I had a feeling. Well, let's not keep them waiting, huh?
  385. [12:54:35 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Whatever the case is... it's after us.
  386. [12:58:43 AM] Skilletz: Leoric: *shrugs* If it was we'd be dead...figure out what you guys wanna do but no reason to fuss over imagination dragons...
  387. [1:01:09 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: I'm sure the dragon's not imaginary, but yeah. *starts heading down* No reason to stick around here, guys!
  388. [1:01:50 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *nods and follows Agape* We be back, sir. *motions for Montse to follow*
  389. [1:02:47 AM | Edited 1:32:09 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: *Follows Agape and Reston* We'll be back soon, don't worry.
  390. [1:09:40 AM] Skilletz: Leoric: I won't, get a move on.... waves as he lounges in the sand
  392. *As Agape and Reston wander down the stairs they note chemical flares lighting their way, as they enter an antechamber,, strangely lacking in decoration beyond a red circle on the floor...the two paths seem to have been laid ahead of them. One with flares one without*
  393. [1:10:59 AM | Edited 1:11:05 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: ... We should probably go down the lit path, huh?
  394. [1:18:23 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *stops and smells* We must decide, Agape Miss, Montse miss. Lit path is not so scary, but dark path has m'lady's fragrance! What to do?
  395. [1:19:09 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: *sighs* can never be that easy. Montsey?
  396. [1:19:34 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: You two head to the Lightened path, I'll take the dark one.
  397. [1:20:45 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *alarmed, tugs Montse's sleeve gently* We split?! But if we do, we are not complete, Montse miss!*turns to Agape, worried* Should we consult with sir, Agape miss?
  398. [1:22:39 AM | Edited 1:23:25 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: Montsey, we're not gonna be getting very far like that. We should stick together, it's safer that way.
  399. [1:22:45 AM] Jason Pichu: [hit enter]
  400. [1:23:59 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Safer yes... but we can't leave a path wide open against Leoric.
  401. [1:28:09 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: But I guess we can stick to the plan. Be warned, though... I'll hold no responsability if something bad happens. This is your decision, Agape.
  402. [1:50:38 AM | Removed 1:57:28 AM] TNT Colonel: This message has been removed.
  403. [1:55:01 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: Hrmm... *closes eyes as she briefly thinks it over* (Wish Wendy was here, she'd know what to do...) ... Alright. How about we split, but since you're on your own, you go down the lit path, Montse? Reston & I will go down the darker path.
  404. [1:55:51 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Are you sure?
  405. [1:56:51 AM | Removed 1:57:34 AM] TNT Colonel: This message has been removed.
  406. [1:58:21 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *looks back and forth between the hallways* What to do, what to do... Sir is currently undefended, and with the dead cart, sir can't easy escape...
  407. [2:03:54 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: Yeah, I think that'll be best. You can fend for yourself, right, montse?
  408. [2:04:28 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Yeah. We should trust on Leoric's own strength in this case.
  409. [2:44:42 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: Then it's decided, yes! After Agape miss...
  410. [2:49:24 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: *nods, starts heading down the dark hallway*
  411. [2:50:26 AM | Edited 2:50:30 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: *heads to the light Headway*
  412. [2:54:32 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *follows Agape*
  413. [7:19:19 PM] *** Skilletz added Heriberto Romn Sicilia ***
  414. [7:21:22 PM] Heriberto Romn Sicilia: [test]
  415. [7:21:35 PM] Skilletz: [recieved]
  416. [7:21:55 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: [Cuenta alternativa, TNT?]
  417. [7:22:36 PM] TNT Colonel: [it's the windows live ID. I'm NEVER again gonna merge it with my pre-existing skype account]
  418. [7:22:55 PM | Edited 7:23:05 PM] Skilletz: [uh kk]
  419. [7:22:58 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: [Ok.]
  420. [7:23:18 PM] Jason Pichu: [rip]
  421. [7:43:25 PM | Edited 7:45:43 PM] Skilletz: *Heading down both hallways, the footsteps of the others became faint...Agape would soon note she was unable to see it was so dark as she proceeded, loud skittering and occasional groaning as she continued down the hall...Reston would note that while he could see it was rather musty*
  423. *Montse would note her trail of flares continuing...a group of four guards gathered in a circle, seemingly distracted. One of them seemed to be more lightly armored, and seemed to be unarmed though they'd note he seemed to have a demonic tail....*
  425. Commander: Keep your cool...those cowards deserved what they got for avoiding the hard part...
  427. Soldier:...R-right...*he slumps and adjusts his rifle, his compatriots all looking a little squeamish*
  428. [7:49:03 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: (Four guards... one of them wears a lighter armor, I think... he's unarmed, but... is that a tail...?) *walks a bit more wary to not let the guards notice her*
  429. [7:50:23 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: R-Reston, can you tell what's in here with us...? *holds crossbow at the ready*
  430. [7:53:44 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: Yes, Agape miss... *activates Extended perception, and then... whispers to the floor* Noble temple floor, please please, what keeps us company?
  431. [8:10:29 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: Agape miss, the floor is not pleased, Agape miss. But, there are stone monuments of lions!... or dogs... The darkness is strong, Agape miss. There are doors of wood ahead...
  432. [8:32:32 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: Wish I had a light... *begins heading ahead in what she figures is the direction of the doors, holding her crossbow ahead of her*
  433. [9:01:57 PM] Skilletz: *the pair hear the skittering halt as Agape enters the room, Reston hearing the sound of bugs above them...*
  434. [9:21:28 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: Agape miss... insects, insects above. *tries to focus on the bugs with Extended Awareness*
  435. [9:34:15 PM] Skilletz: *looking above.....there were three bugs about their size watching them as Agape wandered into a statue*
  436. [9:36:48 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: Ah, shoot. *backs off from the statues* ... I wish I could freakin' see this stuff...
  437. [9:40:36 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *slowly walks while trying to avoid the statues* Big bugs, Agape miss. Big, Agape miss, as us, yes. They observe, Agape miss... *tries talking to the statues* What is your purpose, oh residents of great temple?
  438. [9:51:30 PM] Skilletz: *Agape and Reston both note the statue Agape bumped opened it's mouth....they would hear hissing from the bugs, and a resonating slam coming from the way they came....*
  439. [9:57:29 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: Gosh darn it, I walked right into that one! Uhh, Reston, I don't think they plan on giving us a friendly greeting! *shoots up at the bugs*
  440. [2015-07-28 10:41:31 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *Shesha the bone sword begins to orbit, then spins horizontally at an extremely fast rate just above, intending to deflect any incoming bugs* Agape miss, the monuments guard their mistress! Maybe it is this Wyvern we know of? *pleads to the statues* We help! Where are those that awoke the mistress?!
  441. [2015-07-28 11:17:34 PM] Skilletz: *with Reston's blade approaching, the bugs quickly scatter to the edges of the halls and seemingly skitter into the cracks of the temple a few of the statues begin stepping off their pedestals, Agape seeing their eyes glowing yellow...*
  442. [2015-07-28 11:21:04 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: I don't think these guys are gonna answer us, Reston! *fires her gun downwards, creating a puddle of poison in the ground in front of her, which starts travelling towards the statue in front of her*
  443. [2015-07-28 11:44:41 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: Such rudeness, I see why your holy man left! *jumps back and utlizing Schizophrenia, launches a few orbs in the direction of another statue, gently illuminating the room as they travel... while keeping Shesha ready for anything, takes the time to quickly inspect the now more visible room for anything noteworthy*
  444. [2015-07-28 11:50:23 PM] Skilletz: *the statues quickly jumped aside in unison totaling six, emenating light with each foot-step. The group began expanding their circle as Agape's poison puddle approached, seemingly unsure of their move...*
  445. [2015-07-28 11:59:59 PM] *** Show messages from: July 29, 2015 - August 1, 2015 ***
  446. [2015-08-01 9:20:55 PM] Skilletz: Xing: *shuts the door and begins scurrying away from it * Well you found me what now?!
  448. *the group would note the temple seemed oddly well preserved, with wood floors, red support pillars small memorials lined across the wall...and a large purple energy barrier at the far side of the room*
  449. [1:14:02 AM] Heriberto Romn Sicilia: Reston: M'lady, sir sent us to find you, sir is waiting for us. *taps the button* Talkbox good, sir? M'lady is with us now, sir! Holy temple condition is good... And glows purple in a wall!
  450. [3:52:05 AM] Skilletz: ++++++++++++++++++++++
  451. *Meanwhile with the group of four seemed to be conversing*
  453. Guard 1: I don't blame them though...for a place that you claim is teeming with life, it's quiet as hell...
  455. Tail guard: I know what I sense...but I also know we can't leave until the expedition team gets back
  457. Guard 2: All this over a fuckin' pointy metal stick...? Christ I knew the pay was too good...
  458. [3:53:27 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: (A rod...? An expedition team?)
  459. [4:03:35 AM] Skilletz: *shooting a look he began to pace
  461. Tail Guard: It's not just a pointed metal stick....If they're right, that sword is on par with the sort of super weapons the mainland nations used. It could put this speck of dirt on the map...
  463. Guard 1: If you say what do we do in the mean time?
  465. Tail: Deal with any uninvited guests to our party...
  466. [4:04:26 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: (I'm suspecting they know I'm here...)
  467. [4:08:24 AM] Skilletz: *A loud resonating slam came from behind Montse, and the guards turned their attention to her*
  469. Tail: Speaking of picked a bad day to mess with my company! *he flicked his wrist, revealing a set of claws from his fingers as he began walking to Montse*
  471. *the other three guards quickly rushed to opposite sides of the room, they all seemed to be carrying assault rifles and readied them on Montse.*
  472. [4:10:05 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Shit... *looks at her surroundings, raising her hands, as if she was going to give up*
  473. [4:16:44 AM | Edited 4:17:44 AM] Skilletz: *The group fires on Montse anyway, the tailed guard laughing*
  475. Tail: Sorry, but we're going to have to put you down!
  477. *However Montse notes a gold glowing fluid dripping from the walls...*
  478. [4:20:23 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: *notices the golden substance, as she ducks and summons three black fire pillars at the three guards, which incinerate them instantly* (I'll have to ask what's that golden substance later.)
  479. [4:23:19 AM] Skilletz: *The guards barely have time to react before burning alive, the commander looking back and sighs*
  481. Tail: Worthless! *He quickly braces himself against the floor and lunges after Montse*
  482. [4:24:47 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Now you come after me? Be my guest! *lunges at the Tail Guard*
  483. [4:29:38 AM] Skilletz: Tail: *He quickly swipes his claw at her as they meet, his offhand gathering energy* I'll cut you up!
  484. [4:30:50 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: *ducks to try to deliver an upprecut at the Taill Guard* Keep dreaming!!
  485. [4:32:14 AM] Skilletz: Tail: *He takes the strike square on and releases a bolt of lightning from his other palm, taking a step back* Mhn...that almost hurt~!
  486. [4:33:00 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: What the fu---!? NNNNNNGH...! *takes the bolt hitting the wall*
  487. [4:36:45 AM] Skilletz: Tail: *laughs and approaches Montse, again gathering energy in his offhand* You're a spoiled little brat!
  489. *looking behind she'd note the burning men were being extinguished by something...*
  490. [4:37:59 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse (W-What...? Why are... they extinguishing...? What's causing it....!?) *glares defiant at the Tail Guard* Grrrrr...!
  491. [4:39:35 AM] Skilletz: Tail: *He tries to stamp on Montse while she's down* Any last words rat?!
  493. *As he spoke...the guards arose, burnt heavily off a faint light*
  494. [4:48:45 AM | Edited 4:53:32 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: (They're alive..? What the hell is that liquid...? Shit...! I cannot die here...! Lady Amanda... would be distressed with my death here...)
  495. [4:55:09 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Go... to hell...!
  496. [5:01:31 AM] Skilletz: Tail: I eagerly await the trip home! *he grabs her by the head and begins shocking her with a laugh...stopping as he hears a rifle cocking...* W-what....*He glances back* Oh....I figured you lightweights wouldn't have really survived that mess...
  498. *Montse would note the 3 guards glowing, training their guns on both of them*
  499. [5:03:14 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: AAAAANGH...! (A... Are they pointing at both of us...?) NNNNGH...!
  500. [5:13:34 AM] Skilletz: *stepping off of Montse he prepared a shield of lightning as the guards opened fire*
  502. Tail: I'll put you down later...
  503. [5:14:15 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: NNNNGH...! Bastard...!
  504. [2015-08-02 6:38:58 PM | Edited 6:39:03 PM] Skilletz: Tail: *He starts engaging the three, using his speed and strength to weave and strike between their shots. Watching, Montse would note he wasn't nearly as fast as reston but he seemed to be physically very strong, enough that the guards who were previously firing on her were no longer paying attention*
  505. [2015-08-02 6:40:45 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: (He... wasn't as fast as Reston... yet... now the guards stopped paying attention to me and focusing on him.) *starts to get up*
  506. [2015-08-02 6:41:55 PM | Edited 6:42:18 PM] Skilletz: *Searching the room with a quick glance there appeared to no obvious exists*
  508. *One of the guards is spots Montse but is quickly slamed into the wall with a swipe upon turning away, the other two hesistantly looking between the tailed guard and Montse*
  509. [2015-08-02 6:43:05 PM | Edited 6:43:10 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: You...! *glaring at Tail* What's that golden substance!? Why those guards got up after I burned them away!?
  510. [2015-08-02 6:45:19 PM] Skilletz: Tail: They're possessing the corpses you made! *laughs as he grabs one by the throat and throws the body at Montse* But I did not give you permission to whine!
  511. [2015-08-02 6:46:28 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: *dodges* What...!? HOW THE FUCK DID I MAKE THOSE THINGS!?
  512. [2015-08-02 6:47:51 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: (Unless... Could that golden substance possess necromancy abilities!?) *opens her eyes in surprise*
  513. [2015-08-02 6:50:20 PM | Edited 6:50:27 PM] Skilletz: Tail: *jumping aside of the gunfire of the last standing one he laughed* A lowly human like you probably couldn't have but this! This is proof something strong truly dwells within these walls!
  515. *The soldier sent into the wall with Montse seemed to be twisted and mangled...but struggled to stand anyway as the battered, burnt mess of a body forced itself to stand anyway looking to Montse*
  516. [2015-08-02 6:52:12 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: L-Lowly... human...!? (How the fuck am I going to extract that liquid from this soldier...!?) *gets in stance forced to deal with the soldier, but also keeping an eye on the Tail Guard should he attack her from behind*
  517. [2015-08-02 8:18:46 PM] Skilletz: Tail: *Seems busy with one of the guards, prying open the armor with his bare hands...*
  519. *Soldier: *readies it's rifle at Montse and snaps a shot at her*
  520. [2015-08-02 8:22:37 PM | Edited 8:22:42 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: *avoids the bullet, going for a roundhouse kick at his skull*
  521. [2015-08-02 8:37:00 PM] Skilletz: *the soldier eats the kick head on and staggers back trying to ready it's rifle again, a loud squelch sound resounding as the demon ripped the other guard in half...the remaining guard opening fire on him..*
  522. [2015-08-02 8:38:15 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: *punches the arm off the soldier, knocking the weapon off him*
  523. [2015-08-02 8:51:42 PM] Skilletz: *it blocks the strike clumsily with it's rifle instead, the fluid leaving the body of the torn apart one....The tailed guard laughs and seems to swipe it away with a wave of darkness from his claws, the wounds from the gunshots quickly regenerating as he turned to face the remaining guard*
  525. Tail: Child's play!
  526. [2015-08-02 8:53:35 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: *pulls the soldier onto her from the gun's barrel to uppercut him. The strength of the uppercut, added to the frailness of the body due to the buns decapitates the soldier*
  527. [2015-08-02 8:55:26 PM] Skilletz: Tail: *fires a lightning bolt at the guard, eating the shots and adjusting his wrist as he ran after it's convulsing form*
  529. *Montse would note the gold fluid quickly flowing from the neck and at her face as the head came off*
  530. [2015-08-02 8:57:33 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Oh, fuck...! *dives to her left avoiding the golden liquid*
  531. [2015-08-02 8:59:00 PM] Skilletz: *The fluid corrects itself and attaches to her shirt, slithering up to her face...*
  532. [2015-08-02 9:02:35 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: What the fuck...!? (I must do something! Or this shit will control me! I have no option!) *starts activating Tinkerbell Curse, trying to weaken the substance to detach from her* Get away from me, you fucking golden substance...!
  533. [2015-08-02 9:57:01 PM] Skilletz: *The field engulfs the room, the substance struggling to move, the other soldier falling flat...however....*
  535. feels like...* he turns to Montse...and gives a toothy grin as he beguns to pulse with darkness* Youuu...perhaps I have some use for you afterall!!
  536. [2015-08-02 9:59:35 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: What...!? *glares at the Tail Guard*
  537. [2015-08-02 10:04:21 PM | Edited 10:04:36 PM] Skilletz: Tail: ....I am a demon brat....*laughs and slowly swipes the fallen guard with his claws, an even larger wave of darkness coming from his fingertips, erasing it...*...And you've just fed me...
  538. [2015-08-02 10:05:23 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Shit...! *depletes the Tinkerbell Curse immediately, but the damage is already done*
  539. [2015-08-02 10:13:25 PM] Skilletz: Demon: *Laughs, clutching his head as he leaves darkness in his footsteps, approaching Montse* Just give up before you hurt yourself child...
  540. [2015-08-02 10:14:27 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: NEVER!
  541. [2015-08-02 10:15:23 PM] Skilletz: Demon: *seemingly without fear he walks up straight to Montse and attempts to put a hand on her shoulder* If you insist
  542. [2015-08-02 11:14:10 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: *glares at the demon very angry*
  543. [2015-08-02 11:19:23 PM] Skilletz: Demon: *wraps his tail around her and takes her radio, grinning* This is one of our radios...I take it if I hit this we'll be in touch with your friends? Shall we give them a call?
  545. *He lazily fingers the transmit button....they soon hear Reston speaking...*
  546. [2015-08-02 11:38:15 PM] Skilletz: Xing:....The fuck did you just did you just say?
  547. Leoric:...You found Xing? That's good to hear!
  548. [2015-08-02 11:43:25 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: *to Xing* Don't worry about it, that's just how he talks. *to Leoric* Yeah, we're waiting to meet up with Montse now!
  549. [2015-08-02 11:43:43 PM] Jason Pichu: [readd tint?]
  550. [2015-08-02 11:44:14 PM] Heriberto Romn Sicilia: [wtf happened?]
  551. [2015-08-02 11:44:28 PM] Heriberto Romn Sicilia: [but ya plz]
  552. [2015-08-02 11:44:31 PM] Jason Pichu: [misclick I guess]
  553. [2015-08-02 11:44:31 PM] Skilletz: [tnt's in this group wtf]
  554. [2015-08-02 11:45:38 PM] Heriberto Romn Sicilia: [????]
  555. [2015-08-02 11:54:17 PM] Skilletz: [I guess I go again to give Ruine a post]
  557. Tail:*holds down the transmit button* If I can have your attention please...state your name, human. *grins*
  558. [2015-08-02 11:58:47 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Screw... you... *grunts*
  559. [2015-08-02 11:59:59 PM] *** Show messages from: August 3, 2015 - August 6, 2015 ***
  560. [2015-08-06 2:43:02 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Get away from me... you fucking fiend!
  561. [2015-08-06 2:45:16 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: Right, right... we gotta save Montse. She went down the other route... *sighs* I KNEW we shouldn't have split up...
  562. [2015-08-06 11:57:03 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *wheezes and slowly gets up, somewhat improved by the concentrated regeneration efforts* What... *presses button on radio* What you want, you from beyond talkbox? What we do to free miss?
  563. [2015-08-06 9:50:44 PM] Skilletz: Demon: On my side I see controls for an antique barrier and a hallway, judging from my sensing you're not far from it. I'm going to meet you at the other side and the three of you will surrender and state your intent.
  565. Xing:....*frowns as the barrier dissolves...* Oy
  566. ...are we really gonna give up?
  567. [2015-08-06 9:51:23 PM] Skilletz: *beyond the barrier they could see another pair of double doors*
  568. [2015-08-06 9:59:33 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: Give in to a jerkface like him? *stretches, holding her crossbow above her* I certainly don't plan on it.
  569. [2015-08-06 11:25:47 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *paces slowly, having let go of the button* We surprise guy from beyond talkbox and reclaim Montse miss, then? Agape miss, we fake and catch him?
  570. [2015-08-06 11:49:32 PM] Skilletz: Xing: He said he sensed the three of us....that's not good for our odds of a sneak attack...*frowns and starts marching through the room to the next set of double doors* .....(Why isn't Leoric chiming in...?) *shakes her head* Well nothing to do here...
  571. [2015-08-06 11:51:50 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: We might just need to be upfront then, Reston. *follows after Xing*
  572. [2015-08-06 11:55:56 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: Good Montse miss, then. We follow, m'lady. *falls in line, trying to extend awareness while further regenerating*
  573. [2015-08-07 1:22:51 AM] Skilletz: *Reston hears the sound of liquid sloshing, flowing, a pair of foot steps...and the sound of a finger faintly tapping at glass, though that seemed to be a fair bit further along*
  575. *As they entered the room they would see what appeared to open a garden sat infront of a small japanese temple, perfectly lit by an orb of thrashing light, though closer examination revealed the expanse seemed to be independant of the temple they had passed through before. Infact the whole garden seemed to expand into the distance seemingly without end. The demon still pulsed with darkness as he passed through the door, a claw at Montse's throat as he pulled her along with his tail.*
  577. Demon: Mhn...? Oh there were four...? You don't match the reports, where's the Silverette boy...?
  579. Xing:..None of your business buddy!
  580. [2015-08-07 1:59:50 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: You fucking demon...!
  581. [2015-08-07 2:02:07 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: ... You know, this is a really nice-looking place for a "D-Man".
  582. [2015-08-07 2:21:04 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: We here, you from beyond talkbox! *observes the demon for a moment* Urya! A One from Abyss! Give miss back, One from Abyss!
  583. [2015-08-07 2:27:41 AM] Skilletz: Demon: I mentioned my terms, turn over your weapons and give up!
  585. Xing:...*shrugs and raises her hand* I'm unarmed dude...
  586. [2015-08-07 3:36:45 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: *puts down her crossbow* Reston, what're you on about? Yeah, he doesn't seem the nicest, but c'mon.
  587. [2015-08-07 12:42:16 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *nods a little and sets down Shesha before pushing it so that it rolls towards the demon...*
  588. [2015-08-07 11:06:54 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: *she starts to untie her cape, making sure the Demon doesn't notice her actions*
  589. [2015-08-07 11:15:55 PM] Skilletz: Demon: *clutches Montse's throat in her hand, immediately noticing Montse's movements* Trying something are we....? Kick the crossbow to me we're going to have some fun...
  591. Xing:...*Frowns and complies kicking Agape's crossbow away* (I can't do anything this dude, everything I do is way too obvious and showy...)
  592. [2015-08-07 11:46:19 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: *sighs and droops her arms as Xing kicks it away* You could've at least let ME do it. Though, Iunno what a D-Man wants with it. Not like he can use it for anything.
  593. [2015-08-08 1:42:51 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *Attempts to initiate a Mind Link; Agape would "hear" the following in her mind, in a somewhat more serious tone* (Agape miss. Relax, Agape miss. We think to each other now. Secrecy and coordination best. Accept, think OK. Deny, think NO.) *sighs* One from Abyss, what now? You give back miss, yes, One from Abyss?
  594. [1:09:01 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: *jumps slightly as she hears Reston's voice in her head* (Uh, OK, OK, OK. Hear ya loud & clear. Got any ideas? I've got very little, especially since he took my crossbow...)
  595. [2:20:45 AM] Skilletz: Demon: I don't remember making any promises like that! *He reaches for Shesha, pulling Montse with him to the floor....screaming in pain on touch and briefly releasing Montse's neck, though she'd note his tail was still around her waist*
  597. Xing: What the...*She seems a little surprised before shaking her head and rushing over* That's our chance!
  598. [2:23:39 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: You're not going to let me go, are you!?
  599. [2:42:21 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *Thinks to Agape upon hearing the scream* (Agape miss, ready for crossbow! No shoot me in back please!) *almost-teleports right in front of the demon and using the momentum raises leg hard, attempting to get in a heavy rising kick. Upon being so close, however, re-establishes connection with Shesha, flicking it on the ground to fling Agape's crossbow to her and continuing the motion in an attempt to skewer the demon at the hip*
  600. [2:43:41 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: (Got it!) *runs to the crossbow, reaching to grab it as soon as possible; whether she succeeds or not, she ends up tripping, sliding across the ground & into the demon*
  601. [12:45:07 PM] Skilletz: *With Reston's deft manuver, he rearms agape, stabs the demon...and cause a 3 way pile up as Xing stepped out of the way. Montse would note she was free if in a litteral bloody mess*
  603. Xing: *sliding to a stop Xing stared in confusion* W-whoa geeze! You guys alright!?
  604. [8:37:46 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Ye-Yeah... I'm fine...
  605. [10:47:41 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *dazed by the pile-up* Ooooof... *thinks to Agape* (Bad footwork, Agape miss! But we leave!) *wraps arm around Agape's waist* Urya! *retreats, holding Agape and forcing Shesha to twist away, trying to get in as much possible damage in the dislodging*
  606. [10:49:52 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: Gah! *shoots at the demon as she's pulled away* (I'm sorry, always had problems with that...)
  607. [2015-08-09 11:22:52 PM] Skilletz: *Agape and Reston successfully maim the demon, though he tries to crawl after them despite the flourish of blood he lost*
  609. Xing: *Runs over and uses her scarf to tie his limbs together. Resting her hand on him and healing his wounds she looked over to Agape and Reston*....Okay that was the dumbest luck I've ever seen but good work you guys!
  611. Demon:*groans*
  612. [2015-08-09 11:26:29 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: *grumbles*
  613. [2015-08-09 11:31:20 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *nods and stows away Shesha* M'lady, team is good with Agape miss. Montse miss, you safe now. *tries the radio* Sir sir, Montse miss sir is secured sir, sir. The One from Abyss from talkbox is captured.
  614. [2015-08-09 11:32:19 PM] Skilletz: *there would be no response from the radio*
  615. [2015-08-09 11:33:00 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: Reston, lemme go~... hey Montse, you doing okay?
  616. [2015-08-09 11:35:27 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Yes... *all can notice there's a lot of contained anger on her, as she shakes her clenched fist*
  617. [2015-08-09 11:36:10 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *hurriedly lets go of Agape and clears throat, then thinks to her* (Sorry sorry Agape miss, all this confuses, Agape miss) *turns towards Montse* Montse miss need let out!
  618. [2015-08-09 11:38:47 PM] Skilletz: Xing: *looks to the radio*...(Leoric...?) *twitches as she hears Reston speak* ...So what's the plan now? We still need to find the source of those monsters....
  619. [2015-08-09 11:39:36 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: Well, I'd think we move on, right?
  620. [2015-08-09 11:49:23 PM] Skilletz: Xing: I mean...yeah but ...*Shakes her head and starts heading toward the temple* Nevermind let's get going...
  621. [2015-08-09 11:57:52 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: *wordlessly follows*
  622. [2015-08-10 12:01:29 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *shakes the radio a few times and tries to contact Leoric again while following Xing and thinking to Agape* (Agape miss, Agape miss, what wrong with sir?)
  623. [2015-08-10 12:08:53 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: (I-Iunno, maybe they stopped working?) Hey, Xing? I know we said we should get going, but- just WHAT's going on? We've dealt with people attacking us since the start & now we've had a hostage situation, and I was just told this was a purification!
  624. [2015-08-10 12:09:44 AM] Skilletz: Xing: I-I don't know! *stamps her foot* I was kinda hoping you guys would tell me! All I know is that Leoric and I were trying to help the locals and then this all happened!
  625. [2015-08-10 12:16:39 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: I don't know what the fuck is happening... *punches a column, knocking it down. Clearly angry*
  626. [2015-08-10 12:18:38 AM] Skilletz: Xing: Start from the top, someone other than Reston so I can get this all straight!
  627. [2015-08-10 12:20:32 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: Agape miss good for explain, m'lady! *continues to fiddle with the radio after apologizing to the temple for Montse's action*
  628. [2015-08-10 12:25:34 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: I guess that leaves us both in the dark. All I know is, Leoric & you were purifying this temple, we decided to help, we got here, got attacked by a bunch of people in the front, and I guess when we split up Montse got ambushed or something. *sighs* I knew we should've stuck together... *slouches slightly & tilts head, her expression resembling -~-*
  629. [2015-08-10 12:26:33 AM] Skilletz: Xing:...*Frowns* Is there anything else...? Who the guys were or why they were here?
  630. [2015-08-10 12:35:08 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: M'lady I know I know m'lady! But Agape miss explain good m'lady so I think her what I said sir! *thinks to Agape all the details gained from talking to the temple and the outside interference with the teleporter*
  631. [2015-08-10 12:40:05 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: They mentioned something about a sword with a power equal or even stronger than the super weapons from the mainlands.
  632. Montse: I also remember a golden substance... it was like it acted as a parasite entity.
  633. [2015-08-10 12:44:55 AM] Skilletz: Xing: We saw that stuff but...why would they care about a sword in the middle of nowhere? *glances aside* I know a guy who's good at forging stuff, would have made more sense to just buy something off him.
  634. [2015-08-10 12:51:47 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: Well, according to Reston - don't ask how this works, he's connected to my mind or something - there's something about a wyvern in this temple. The light we dealt with was apparently the goddess of the temple protecting itself, and... the sword in question is the "sword of the heavens"? Am I getting that right? No clue what it is, but it seems to be kind of a big deal...
  635. [2015-08-10 12:53:23 AM] Skilletz: Xing:A goddess...wyvern....wait....wait...WAIT.........Reston can link minds...and he hasn't done it the whole time?!?
  636. [2015-08-10 12:57:17 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: Hyeh hyeh hyeh, m'lady hates my talk, m'lady go insane with my mindtalk! *thinks to Xing* (M'lady, if m'lady wants, m'lady can accept! I then think to m'lady all I know. Agape miss no say all, m'lady. If m'lady not happy, m'lady can decline.)
  637. [2015-08-10 12:57:51 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: I don't know why you NEVER did that with me, Reston. >_>
  638. [2015-08-10 1:07:47 AM] Skilletz: Scarf:...(I shall interpret for her Reston relax...)
  639. Xing: *Grumbles* Christ....but....dragons? A sword...japanese architecture....*frowns* Oh shit wait a dragon....we're in a dragon's lair?!
  641. *The temple door slides open revealing a long white haired woman with a similarly snow white kimono, similar red circles to the one on the floor emblazened on it's sleeves and her forehead. Her slender frame seemed to be missing an arm however, a rusted green sword was held in her remaining arm, a rather large mirror hanging off her belt and a necklace alongside it*
  643. ???: I do not why you speak as if I cannot hear you, but that is correct. May I perhaps ask who dared to sully my home?
  644. [2015-08-10 1:25:33 AM | Edited 1:31:07 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Meeting with you seems to be just a coincidence. I guess. *looks at her*
  645. [2015-08-10 1:48:04 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: Ah, uhm, yes, hello ma'am! You're the lady who lives here? *turns to Reston quickly* First of all, I'm so sorry for thinking you were insane. *turns back to ???* Uhm, none of us are here to actually sully your temple, though our friend over there has been in a bit of a rough spot with a demon and, uhh... yeah.
  646. [2015-08-10 1:52:13 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *awkwardly bows* Ah, you holy woman of great temple?! *tries to use extended awareness towards her, to gain any possible info, while thinking to Montse* (Montse miss, Montse miss, holy woman is not pleased! We think each other now. Coordination and secrecy best! Think OK to accept, think NO to decline. Once link is very good, all friends can think to all other friends!)
  647. [2015-08-10 2:14:16 AM | Edited 2:17:06 AM] Skilletz: ???: *looks over the group and gently adjusts her grip on the sword, the demon fading away*...The five of you...I only recognize the record keeper....and even he has a new host. *Shuts her eyes* Unfortunate but it is good to see my bloodline has survived to this day. I am Amateratsu and...I live here.
  649. Xing: *She shivers a bit and takes a step back...* Uh that's good, great, magnificent sorry for bothing you Ammy!
  650. [2015-08-10 2:15:26 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Nice to meet you. (And ok, Reston. That could help a lot in the future.)
  651. [2015-08-10 2:20:24 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: Record keeper...? In any case, ahm, we're here to purify this temple, on behalf of the locals. I mean, if it's all pure now, then we'll GLADLY get out, I've no intention of bothering a scary dragon lady with a giant sword.
  652. [2015-08-10 2:30:47 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *thinks to them all* (We all now think to anyone! But m'lady, what do, what do?! Holy woman very mad, Agape miss, holy woman very death, Montse miss!) *looks around, uncomfortable* Great Amaterasu miss, we want do good for you, miss!
  653. [2015-08-10 2:50:43 AM] Skilletz: Ammy: Remain where you are record keeper. You, archer...mind your tongue, what do you think you've come purify if this is MY home? *frowns and looks to Reston*...What do you intend to do for me to reconcile your transgressions??
  655. Xing: *Freezes and slowly turns* Y-yes!
  656. [2015-08-10 3:15:23 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *thinks to them all* (Hello?! Any ideas!? Misses?!) So long we don't die, we accomplish! *looks around nervously* We, erm, miss, we bring new decorations, miss! Clean up for miss! Bring food to miss! Promote others come visit miss! Bring back missing item for miss! Fall on knees and beg miss!
  657. [2015-08-10 3:18:30 AM | Edited 3:18:41 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: (Uhh, look, Reston, I've no idea what to do for her! But, she seems convinced nothing's wrong... this is who you've been talking to, right?)
  658. [2015-08-10 3:51:03 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: (Seems to be the case, but we don't know what to do to proove we didn't trespass her grounds.)
  659. [2015-08-10 1:07:30 PM] Skilletz: Scarf:(Keep her talking...Xing is too frightened to focus but if Amaterasu believes that she has nothing to fear from us we will have time to plan...)
  661. Ammy: *She narrows her eyes, causing a faint light to surround her and the Garden to flourish with flowers* You bore me rodent. I have no need of such frivolity...but your service can still be of use. Leave me the record keeper and inform me of who broke the column and your life may be spared!
  663. Xing: Can we just sit down and discuss this over tea? I can tell you everything you've missed!
  664. [2015-08-10 1:36:56 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: Urya! *looks around, trying to sense anything from the flowers* Flowers very good, great Amaterasu miss! Ahm, what do with keeper, miss, what do with breaker, miss? *deliberately looks confused at the group* Who broke the stone of great temple?! *thinks to all* (Maybe we all take blame? Or maybe we say other intruder broke?)
  665. [2015-08-10 3:46:35 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: (Well, somehow I suspect she knows who it was, but we could blame it on the demon.) Who's the record keeper, anyways? I mean, judging from our previous conversation, if SHE'S a record keeper *motions to Xing* then you might as well have me as a record keep. I probably would be slightly more interested in those records.
  666. [2015-08-10 4:21:48 PM | Removed 4:21:58 PM] Jason Pichu: This message has been removed.
  667. [2015-08-10 4:22:04 PM] Jason Pichu: [accidental post aaa]
  668. [2015-08-10 7:58:33 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: (Why must I take blame from something I wasn't involved!? And at all this...) *glaring at Xing* TEA? ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!? *the fact she yelled might annoy Amaterasu and earn herself some glares*
  669. [2015-08-11 12:07:05 AM] Skilletz: Ammy:...*Raises an eyebrow at Montse and walks toward her* One moment let me deal with a pest...
  671. Xing: *winces and tries to stand inbetween them* S-stop wait! She's sorry! I broke the pillar, I'm the one who provoked her!
  673. Scarf: (My condolences on your immenient loss Lady Montserrat. My lady will do all she can to compensate for your immeasurable stupidity but your fate is likely sealed...)
  674. [2015-08-11 12:08:42 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: (What? Why?) :/
  675. [2015-08-11 12:14:02 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: (MONTSE!!!) Uhh, y-yeah, it was Xing! Montse didn't do anything!
  676. [2015-08-11 12:22:04 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: (Montse miss Montse miss grumpy bad now!) Ah, ah, great Amaterasu miss, w-we discipline good! Surely great Amaterasu miss has more god things to do? *steps up to both Xing and Montse and lightly smacks their heads a few times*
  677. [2015-08-11 12:37:23 AM] Skilletz: Ammy: Record keeper, you stand against me...? Unfortunate but I shall deal with you in a moment... *She swipes her blade releasing an extremely powerful wave of wind to disperse the group. Montse would note she was unaffected however...*
  679. Xing: W-wait! *she's knocked off her feet, and barely grabs the ground with her scarf before she's blown away....*
  680. [2015-08-11 12:38:23 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Wait... w-why wasn't I affected?
  681. [2015-08-11 12:41:15 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: GAH! (Screw it guys, we've pretty much lost our chances at a pleasant ending!) *fires a blast of poison at Ammy as she's blown back*
  682. [2015-08-11 12:58:56 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: (M'lady, we retreat! Ready to be moved please!) *as the wave hits, Shesha is already out and so in spite of being launched, grabs and sticks Shesha to the ground twisting around it once and launching back towards Xing, intending on getting both her and self away from Ammy, Shesha spinning in front like a shield for further insurance*
  683. [2015-08-11 1:09:19 AM] Skilletz: *Agape would be sent an extremely far distance away, the temple appearing to grow more distant with every passing moment*....
  685. Xing: Reston no! *Reston successfully grabs Xing and pries her away from inbetween Montse and Amaterasu...*
  687. Ammy: *swinging her blade upwards as she jumps over Agape's shot, Montse would note she was being lifted into the air by a burst of wind, matching Ammy's flight trajectory almost exactly...*
  688. [2015-08-11 1:10:40 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: Wait...! Why am I hovering...!? Hey, what are you doing!?
  689. [2015-08-11 1:13:03 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: Shoot! (Guys, can you still hear me? It looks like I'll be a little bit...) *Agape air dashes, towards Ammy, trying to run as quickly as she can as soon as she hits the ground* Montse, just hold up a little longer...!
  690. [2015-08-11 1:27:15 AM | Edited 1:34:03 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: Urya!? (Very bad, very mess up! Very sorry! Here goes!) *after landing and letting go of Xing, grabs Shesha and extends it before almost teleporting until just in front of the current that carried Montse away...* (I come, Montse miss, resist!) *...then uses Shesha to pole-vault into it, trying to accumulate as much momentum as possible to try and catch up to the ascending two, Shesha following along and ready to try and strike Ammy the instant she's in range*
  691. [2015-08-11 1:35:40 AM | Edited 1:36:01 AM] Skilletz: Ammy: *quickly bursts forward and attempts to stab Montse through the chest with her blade* Farewell...
  693. Xing: *Grits her teeth and tries to stretch the ground, reading herself to slingshot at the trio* G-get back here!
  694. [2015-08-11 1:39:57 AM | Edited 1:43:51 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: *barely avoids getting stabbed by arching back to the side Amaterasu didn't attack* What the hell is wrong with you, goddess...!?
  695. [2015-08-11 2:05:19 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: (ready, montse miss, we escape!) URYA! *uses Shesha's extended reach to try and strike the extended arm from with extreme prejudice, intending on severing it with a rising strike, before arriving and extending legs hard to kick away from Ammy's torso, grabbing Montse to get both out of the current and away* (Agape miss, help for intercept?!)
  696. [2015-08-11 2:09:32 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: *is still running* (I'm not gonna make it quite in time, but...) *quickly thrusts her crossbow behind her, seemingly shooting nothing, & causing a series of projectiles to appear from the wall Agape is facing & quickly fire towards Ammy* (Least I can do for now!)
  697. [2015-08-11 2:19:10 AM] Skilletz: Ammy: Mhn...?*flies diagonally away to avoid the pair of attacks and tosses her sword at Montse's chest, a wind vortex surrounding her suspending her in place to prevent her escape as Ammy herself began glowing...* I must ask your friends the same...
  699. Xing: * grabs Reston and throws him after Montse her scarf reaching for Ammy's leg* Go I've got this!
  700. [2015-08-11 2:29:36 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: Hey, leave her alone! *fires a trio of projectiles, which arc upwards as they go further* (Sorry guys, I'm here, whaddya need me to do?!)
  701. [2015-08-11 12:58:58 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: (Agape miss! Suppressive fire! Ready for sword of great Amaterasu miss! Montse miss, receive!) *while traveling towards Montse, Shesha intercepts the thrown blade, striking it so as to send it downards, hoping to get it stuck to the floor close to Agape. Upon reaching Montse, grabs her leg and shoots an orb at Ammy, then propels upwards, landing on her shoulders, Shesha at the ready*
  702. [2015-08-11 2:56:26 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: R-Reston...!? Whats this...!?
  703. [2015-08-11 3:28:06 PM | Edited 3:29:40 PM] Skilletz: *Montse and Reston would note the the vortex dissipating as the blade was knocked aside*
  705. Ammy: *flicks her fingers, the light surrounding her focusing onto them, and a large beam of light attempting to consume Reston and Montse from her original position, as she tries to fly after her blade, Xing catches her leg with her scarf and tries to hold on, stretching her leg and throwing her off balance*...Agh! You're testing my patience!
  707. Xing: Amaterasu! Please listen! We didn't mean any harm! *she holds onto her scarf and starts swinging*
  708. [2015-08-11 3:46:11 PM] Jason Pichu: Agape: (G-got it!) *Agape fires a large blast of poison at Ammy as she's spun around*
  709. [2015-08-11 4:09:24 PM] TNT Colonel: Reston: Urya?! *quickly moves down and embraces Montse, turning his back towards the beam* (Montse miss we cannot escape, montse miss curl up so my body covers! If Montse miss can do anything to slow or weaken big big light, now!) *holding tight to Montse, moves Shesha to push off it and accelerate downwards even a little, and concentrate for Mental Block* Nothing bad happen NOTHING BAD HAPPEN NoThInG bAd HaPpEn nothing bad happen NOTHING BAD HAPPEN NoThInG bAd HaPpEn....
  710. [2015-08-11 4:12:35 PM | Edited 4:31:39 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: KEEP YOUR HOLD ONTO ME, RSETON! *starts to expand Tinkerbell Curse to weaken the beam's power, and keeps a hold from Reston herself to prevent him to fall. It won't destroy the beam, but will weaken it enough to not cause much harm to her and Reston, as both are still pushed* NNNNNGH...! AGAPE, XING! EITHER OF YOU! CATCH US!
  711. [2015-08-11 4:35:27 PM] Skilletz: *Montse would note her power barely dimming the beam, and Reston would note himself being weakned by the field and pair being blasted away*
  713. Ammy: Rather late for that Record keeper....*grabbing her mirror she bats the poison blast into Xing, as she begins to glow again flying after Reston and Montse...*
  715. Xing: GAGH?! *releases Ammy's leg and begins to fall...*
  716. [2015-08-12 12:13:52 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: Urya!!! *having avoided the worst of the damage but weakened by the curse, almost lets go* (Montse miss... we must get to ground...) *adjusts Shesha to push off it towards the ground while weakly holding onto Montse, not descending quite as fast as would be desirable due to the effects of curse. After that, Shesha is at the ready to try and intercept Ammy*
  717. [2015-08-12 1:28:37 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: (Sorry Xing! Didn't know she could do that...) *notices the sword near her, grabbing it as quickly as possible & running away from Ammy, aiming her gun towards her as she does so* (Gotta be more careful with my shots now...)
  718. [2015-08-12 1:33:33 AM | Edited 1:43:58 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montserrat: *manages to wrap her legs to keep Reston close to her, as she uses her cape to get both: her and Reston back to ground. As soon as they reach the ground, she dispells the curse, and helps Reston to get up* Reston... are you ok? *then sees Ammy is after both of them* (Fucking hell... why did I have to open my mouth...?) Amaterasu...! Why do you want the record keeper!? Why are you attacking us if we don't intend to trespass your grounds!?
  719. [2015-08-12 2:00:19 AM | Edited 2:00:49 AM] Skilletz: Ammy: *With a brush of her hair her glow dissipates, producing an extremely large orb of light just above the pair as they try to land. The orb quickly becomes brighter as it falls on the pair, Ammy turning to and quickly pursuing Xing and Agape ...* She says as she defiles my home and runs her mouth!
  721. Xing:*Lands and pulls herself to her feet*'s...okay...
  723. Scarf: (She is likely seeking knowledge on what has transpired since her slumber began...of course prying the knowledge from our corpses has proven to be the most enjoyable method thanks to our insolence.)
  724. [2015-08-12 2:11:34 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: *reinvigorated by the curse's lifting, pulls away Montse in an almost-teleport to avoid the orb, looking at Amaterasu directly while doing so* (m'lady, think hard for Great Amaterasu miss! Force her to learn m'lady! Extend feels m'lady to great sentiments and m'lady memories!) *attempts to forcefully mindlink with Ammy*
  725. [2015-08-12 2:48:40 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: *fires a blue blast of Spirit Energy at the orb of light, continuing to back off* (I-I hope you know what you're doing, Reston...!)
  726. [2015-08-12 2:55:16 AM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: (So am I... This is becoming a big misunderstanding.)
  727. [2015-08-12 3:23:22 AM] Skilletz: *The sun touches down, detonating and releasing a torrent of light througout the area, the light rapidly expanding and seeking to consume everything in sight*
  729. Ammy:...*Takes the mind link and winces, stopping...however...she begins glowing yet again*....(Oh so you think?! Then let me bring about a better understanding of what you are dealing with!) *Reston the others would start seeing and experiencing the deaths of billions in an instant, overwhelming their senses and possibly killing them all outright from the mental overload...* (Witness the suffering of my people! FACE WHAT I ENDURE EVERY WAKING MOMENT!)
  731. Xing: W-wait wait what?! Agape over here!
  732. [2015-08-12 3:34:42 AM] TNT Colonel: Reston: Uryaaaaaaaaaaaaa...! *holds head in pain upon losing sensation and orientation from the mind discharge, managing to barely not die from it outright thanks to overwhelming experience with denial but winds up near-crippled as a result, unable to flee further, trying to filter as much as possible from reaching the rest of the group's minds*
  733. [2015-08-12 4:05:27 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: Resto-Ngh! *holding her head with the hand holding the sword, she runs as best she can to get to Xing, stumbling & obviously having a ton of difficulty due to the strength of the mental attack* I-I'm coming as-as soon as I can, Xing...
  734. [2015-08-12 10:50:35 PM] <Absurdly Powerful SCP>: Montse: (S-Suffering of your people...? Wh-what happened, Amaterasu!? I-I want to know...!) *the mental attack is taking way less effect on Montse, possibly catching Amaterasu's attention*
  735. [1:03:56 AM] Skilletz: Xing*stumbles over and wraps her scarf around Agape, hugging her* T-tell everyone I'm sorry okay?!
  737. *With little time left, the white flash engulfed everything in sight, cosumed in a purifying light striking to their core. With little protection Reston and Montse endured the brunt of it...
  739. ...and Agape would feel Xing become limp in her arms as she heard something land next to her, her sight becoming clear again. Xing's breathing and pulse seemed to be gone.... *
  741. Ammy:....*she tilts her head...* Oh the record keeper shielded you? Unfortunate...
  742. [1:31:32 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: X-Xing...? Montse? Reston?! ... Y-you killed them...
  743. [1:39:11 AM] Skilletz: Xing:....*Without additional support she begins slipping to the floor...*
  745. Amaterasu: So I did...*she looks back to Reston and Montse...*...And because of the Record Keeper's sacrifice you still you waste her efforts?
  746. [1:52:37 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: I... *shakes her head* N-no, I won't waste this. *looks at the sword in her hands, as she holds it in two hands* I... I refuse to let it go to waste...!
  747. [2:08:19 AM] Skilletz: Ammy:...*frowns and simply tries to approach the girl, attaching her mirror to her belt again* There is no need for this young must have people at home waiting for your return yes? Do not throw away the opportunity Record Keeper granted you to see your loved ones again.
  748. [2:09:24 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: H-how do you know about home? What do you care about that?! *stands defiantly, sword in hand*
  749. [2:20:18 AM | Edited 2:20:26 AM] Skilletz: Ammy: *Raises a hand approaching and carefully watching the sword* I do not claim to know your full circumstances...but you must have something to live for outside of this hole...
  750. [2:50:56 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: S-stay away from me! What do you want?!
  751. [2:53:32 AM] Skilletz: Ammy: Truthfully? I wish for my blade returned...but...I also desire to send you home, wherever that may be....*briefly glances to Xing before looking back to Agape* One of my children thought it was worth letting you have that, I do not wish to sully that request...
  752. [3:16:26 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: *lowers the blade slightly* R-right... don't waste her effort... c-can you really send me back?
  753. [3:19:13 AM] Skilletz: Ammy:....Maybe...but...*kneels next to Xing and rests a hand on her head...Agape would note a small light coming from her fingertips* With Record Keeper's memories...I can ensure you see the people who can. Is that what you wish for?
  754. [3:36:30 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: *cautiously watches Ammy* ... A-Amaterasu... can you bring them back?
  755. [3:41:08 AM] Skilletz: Ammy: *she strokes Xing's hair for a moment before standing*...I will try. Given my own circumstances, so it cannot be out of my grasp...and if nothing else...I shall ensure their rest is peaceful. For now, lay down my sword and take my hand... *she extends her hand*....Please.
  756. [3:43:15 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: ... *hesitating for a few moments, she finally puts down the sword, and she reaches to take Ammy's hand* (Even if you can't... I swear I will.)
  757. [3:46:39 AM] Skilletz: Ammy: *Takes it and smiles, Agape's eyes becoming heavy* Shut your eyes and embrace tommorow....
  758. [3:50:45 AM] Jason Pichu: Agape: *closes her eyes, clenching her free fist* (I swear, Reston... Montse... Xing. Even if we had only just met... I'll make this right. for everyone's sake.)
  759. [3:55:37 AM] Skilletz: *Agape feels her balance slipping, her conciousness fading, and herself lowering to the floor...The last things she hears are a muffled apology and a girl calling for a doctor....*
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