
"Rainbow & Sunset Gay It Up"

Aug 19th, 2018
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  1. *****Takes place before Friendship Games*****
  3. >“What do I think about Twinkleshine!? Pfft! I dunno. But, seriously, I mean why’s it gotta be such a big deal anyway!?” yapped Rainbow Dash on the couch, her mouth full of popcorn as she blabbered on with her ‘truth’.
  4. >Somehow, she was loud enough to hear over The Truman show on the TV — no one was really watching it, though.
  5. >“Like, so what?!” she continued. “She did dirty with five dudes! We get it already! You’re a player! Who even cares?”
  6. >“The five men who are wondering if they are the father, might, I’d imagine,” said Rarity right next to her.
  7. >“Whoa...” said Rainbow, her cheeks full like a chipmunk. “Like, for real?”
  8. >“Yes, for real,” sighed Rarity. “In fact, I’d say it’s a tad too real for a school like our’s, in my humble opinion.”
  9. >“Yeah,” said Applejack, sitting to Rarity’s left, “too real for a school that’s been attacked by three evil sirens and a grouchy power-trippin’ unicorn — no offense, sugar.”
  10. >“None taken,” said Sunset from the other side of the couch, sitting at its end.
  11. >She tilted her head and chuckled.
  12. >“‘Grouchy,’ huh? Y’know, funnily enough, that’s the first time someone has ever called me that.”
  13. >“Real-smeal, grouchy-smouchy; who cares!? On with the game! On with the game!” said Pinkie Pie, eager as ever.
  14. >She sat between Applejack and Fluttershy.
  15. >“Rainbow, it’s your turn!”
  16. >“What? Oh. Yeah. Right. Uh, eeny, meanie, miney—”
  17. >Her finger landed on Fluttershy.
  18. >She winced.
  19. >“Um...”
  20. >She moved one more to the right.
  21. >“Moe! Your turn, Sunset.”
  22. >Sunset Shimmer blinked at Rainbow, all the way on the opposite end of the couch, an eagerness in her smile.
  23. >“Oh,” she said. “Cool. It’s about time I get a turn.”
  24. >“Uh-huh. And what’ll it be? Truth,” asked Rainbow Dash, “or Dare?” she finished with a little emphasis on the last option.
  26. >“I think I’ll stick with Truth,” said Sunset. “I mean, I kind of like Truth.”
  27. >Rainbow Dash stood up from the couch. Groaned.
  28. >“Ugh! Truth again? C’mon! Why does everyone always want Truth!? Truth sucks! It’s so boring!”
  29. >“Um, R-rainbow?” said Fluttershy, “haven’t you only picked Truth, too?”
  30. >“What? Oh.”
  31. >She scratched the back of her neck.
  32. >“W-well, I mean—”
  33. >Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Sunset all snickered at her.
  34. >“Well strike my back and call me crooked, she’s got ya there, Rainbow,” chuckled Applejack.
  35. >“Yeah, nice goin’, Dashie!” giggled Pinkie Pie.
  36. >Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes at their laughter.
  37. >“Yeah, well, ya know what? Just because I haven’t dared yet doesn’t mean no one else shouldn’t!” she argued. “I mean, why’s no one else doing it, huh? I’m so sick of hearing truth this and truth that! Blegh!”
  38. >“Well, I don’t really mind too much,” said Fluttershy. “I think if everybody wants only Truth, then that would just be wonderful.”
  39. >“Yeah, sure thing, Shy,” said Rainbow Dash dismissively.
  40. >She turns to grin at Sunset, hands confidently resting on her hips.
  41. >“C’mon, do a Dare! Live a little, will ya?”
  42. >“Why should I?” said Sunset, liking the challenge. “Can’t think of any truths to give?”
  43. >A dark shadow fell over Rainbow’s snarky face.
  44. >“Nah, I can,” she said proudly, “you just won’t like mine.”
  45. >“Whatever you say, Rainbow. Whatever you say.”
  46. >“No, like, trust me. You’re gonna wanna dare instead. This is one truth you don’t want.”
  47. >Sunset grinned an eager smile, the sort that Rainbow Dash would usually find in a mirror, not on a friend she still didn’t so well.
  48. >“Y’know, if you’re trying to scare me,” said Sunset, “it isn’t working.”
  49. >“Alright, alright, fine,” said Rainbow, holding her hands up in defeat. “Ya got me. But don’t say I never told ya so.”
  50. >“I won’t,” assures Sunset.
  52. >“Then you’re ready?”
  53. >Sunset rolled her eyes.
  54. >“Yes. I’m ready.”
  55. > “Good,” said Rainbow Dash.
  56. >She cleared her throat for dramatic effect.
  57. >“Sunset Shimmer,” she began, “is it true...that Flash Sentry...”
  58. >One more pause, just for the Hell of it.
  59. >“...is bad in the sack?”
  60. >Within the blink of an eye, everyone’s jaw fell to the floor — quite literally, in Pinkie Pie’s case.
  61. >“Rainbow Dash!” gasped Rarity. “Why on Earth would you even think of asking such things!?”
  62. >“Hey, I warned her!” laughed Rainbow, hands up defensively. “Like, it’s not my fault she didn’t listen! Truth’s kind of a butt, sometimes!”
  63. >“Yeah, but it’s your fault for askin’ it,” huffed Applejack.
  64. >“Uh-huh!” said Pinkie Pie, nodding her head in agreement. “That was way too harsh! Even for you!”
  65. >Rainbow felt less inclined to take Applejack seriously, what with her being in footie pajamas and not a stetson; and despite Pinkie Pie’s disappointment, she knew that crazy girl was a stickler to party rules — and Rainbow had technically broken none.
  66. >So, she laughed harder.
  67. >“Hah, yeah. Whatever, you guys.”
  68. >She was eating up the attention for dinner.
  69. >She looked down again at Sunset, feeling triumphant.
  70. >“Heh! Don’t know what to say, huh? It’s alright. I’ll let ya choose dare instead if you—”
  71. >“I don’t know if he is,” answered Sunset.
  72. >Rainbow Dash froze.
  73. >She could practically hear the record scratch in her brain.
  74. >“You...don’t know?”
  75. >“Nope,” said Sunset. “Because we never did it.”
  76. >Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy glanced back and forth at each other.
  77. >This was getting interesting...
  78. >“But weren’t you two like a thing?” asked Rainbow Dash.
  79. >“Yeah. I mean, we were. Doesn’t mean we had to have sex.”
  80. >Rainbow Dash clutched her head.
  81. >“I’m...But you and he...”
  82. >She slowly lowered herself back into the couch.
  83. >She was feeling dizzy.
  85. >She was certain that they...
  86. >“Rainbow?” asked Sunset, pretty amused at the athlete’s confusion. “Are you okay?”
  87. >“Pardon me, Sunset,” said Rarity, “but I believe she’s just a tad surprised that you and Flash didn’t, er, how shall I put it?”
  88. >“Pork,” Applejack said with a smile.
  89. >Rarity rolled her eyes.
  90. >“...Yes. That. Not that I’m saying you should or shouldn’t have! No, no, far from it! It’s just...well, we thought since you were evil, you might have been more willing to...” The fashionista shrugged. “Well, you know what I mean, do you not?”
  91. > “Don’t worry, I understand,” said Sunset. “We only kissed. A-and held hands, too.”
  92. >She twirled her finger in her hair and brought up her knees onto the couch, laughing a little at herself as she did.
  93. >It was kind of funny that she was embarrassed for being so vanilla, and she recognized this.
  94. >She thought back to her time spent with Flash.
  95. >“I actually liked him. It wasn’t because we were just popular. I was rude, mean, grouchy” — she winked at Applejack — “but even though I was evil, Flash approached me, asked why I was so angry one day, just feeling bad for me...feeling sympathy for someone who was so mean all the time. He tried to be my friend. And I liked that. He buttered me up.”
  96. >She sat in silence for a second, quickly reflecting on those times that seemed like another life ago.
  97. >“But maybe too much. It was nice at first,” she admitted, “but it wasn’t meant to be. I ended up parading him around like a trophy. That and the fact he was dating the biggest bully ever made him look like some sorta jocky jerk.”
  98. >A sad little sigh escaped her.
  99. >Then, she shrugged.
  100. >“That’s why we broke up. He’s a great friend now, but I’ve moved on and, y’know, so has he. Now, we’re just good friends.”
  101. >“Soooo,” said Pinkie, “you didn’t get to smash?”
  102. >Sunset chuckled, feeling a little less blue already.
  104. >“No, Pinkie. I didn’t.”
  105. >“You ever wish you had?” wondered Applejack. “I know I have my fair share of folks I regret missin’.”
  106. >“No, it’s okay,” said Sunset. “I mean, sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t, but really, I just.”
  107. >Her voice trailed off as she thought of how to explain herself.
  108. >It wasn’t going to be easy.
  109. >“Look,” she said, “...what I could have easily gotten then, I want it now. I’m ready for it. Not just from Flash, though. At this rate, anyone will do. And, I know this is going to sound super-bad, but...I don’t know, but if someone I was close to said, ‘Hey, we’re friends, we haven’t got any action lately, ya wanna sleep with me and I’ll buy you lunch later?’ then I’d really think about it.”
  110. >Fluttershy hid behind a couch pillow.
  111. >“Oh, my...”
  112. >“Yeah,” said Pinkie. “That’s, like, lewd!”
  113. >The, she shrugs.
  114. >“I mean, not that that’s a bad thing, really. In fact, I knew this one guy named Beans who—”
  115. >She’s glared at by the whole couch.
  116. >“Sorry,” she said, and silenced herself.
  117. >Everyone looked back to Sunset...
  118. >“I’m sorry, guys,” said she. “I just needed to get that out. I mean, the last time I bottled up my issues, I became she-demon. so...”
  119. >“Oh, Sunset,” said Rarity, “you’ve no reason to be ashamed of yourself. We understand. After all, everyone has their needs.”
  120. >“Especially at our age!” adds Applejack.
  121. >“Yes, that’s especially true,” said Rarity and she continued. “You just haven’t found the right time to tend these ‘needs’ of yours yet, nor whom your tender is!”
  122. >Rainbow Dash chuckled.
  123. >“Ya know, I could for some chicken tenders right now,” she said, thinking out loud.
  124. >She was ignored.
  125. >“Thanks,” said Sunset to Rarity, then looked at the rest of her friends. “Um, sorry for making this weird...”
  127. >“Don’t be!” said Applejack. “We’re all friends here! This is just a part of growin’ up. There ain’t no shame in it!”
  128. >Fluttershy, even though her face was redder than a tomato, nodded assuringly behind the pillow where she hid.
  129. >“I-it’s alright,” she somehow managed to stutter out.
  130. >A soft smile crept over Sunset’s golden face.
  131. >A tension in her chest was relieved.
  132. >“Thanks, guys. Now, let’s see whose turn it is next...”
  133. >“OH! OH! OH!” said Pinkie excitedly, raising her hand. “Me! Me, me! PICK ME! PICK ME! PICK ME!”
  134. >The rest of the girls looked at Pinkie, then to Sunset.
  135. >The pink girl looked like she was about to explode into confetti if she weren’t picked.
  136. >They all wondered what she had in mind.
  137. >“Uh, truth or dare?” Sunset finally asked.
  138. >“DARE!” squealed Pinkie. “I CHOOSE DARE!”
  139. >“Tch, finally,” scoffed Rainbow Dash.
  140. >“C’mon, Sunny! Quick! Hurry up and gimme a dare!”
  141. >Sunset hesitated for a few seconds but eventually said the first thing from that came to her mind.
  142. >“Uh, I dare you to hop in place for five minutes?”
  143. >“Yesss!” hissed Pinkie.
  144. >And just like that, she jumped off the couch like it were a spring and landed directly in front of the TV, blocking Jim Carrey from making a face at the screen.
  145. >She began hopping immediately.
  146. >“Quick! Somebody put on a timer!”
  147. >“I’ll use my phone,” says Rarity. “Pinkie, what’s gotten into—”
  148. >“My turn, now! My turn, now!” Pinkie squealed excitedly.
  149. >She pointed at Rainbow Dash.
  150. >“Truth or dare!? Quick, quick, quick!!!”
  151. >Rainbow looked from side to side.
  152. >God, she hated being put on the spot!
  153. >Everyone looked at her, wondering if she would say truth again, or actually stand up to the challenge of a dare.
  154. >She thinks fast.
  155. >“Uh, dare!”
  156. >Pinkie Pie smiled at this.
  157. >“Good, good,” she said with a conniving grin and continued to hop.
  158. >Rainbow didn’t like her tone of voice.
  160. >“So, like, Rainbow Dash,” says Pinkie, “I dare you to do Sunset for, uuuuh, one hundred bucks and two coupons for a deluxe yummy treat at Sugarcube Corner!”
  161. >She glances over to Sunset.
  162. >“Oh! And she’ll get the same too!”
  163. >“WHAT!?” said Rainbow and Sunset in unison.
  164. >Pinkie rolled her eyes.
  165. >“Oh, come on, Dashie! I know you’ve been acting all grouchy for a reason!”
  166. >“Uh, I’m on my period,” lied Rainbow quickly.
  167. >“Noooo,” says Pinkie teasingly, “you’re not!”
  168. >“...Okay, I’m not,” admitted Rainbow Dash, “but there is no way am I gonna do a girl! I mean...she’s Sunset!”
  169. >“Yeah, I don’t feel comfortable with this, either,” said Sunset herself. “I mean, I appreciate it, but I’m not THAT desperate.”
  170. >Rainbow Dash shot her a look.
  171. >“Hey! Wait a minute! Whaddya mean ‘not that desperate’!? You saying I’m not good enough for you?”
  172. >“What? No! I’m saying I’m not into girls, that’s all!”
  173. >“Ugh! Whatever! I’m not doing this,” huffed Rainbow Dash, turning away from the others with her arms crossed.
  174. >Then, Pinkie’s smile widened.
  175. >It was not in a friendly manner.
  176. >“You guys are funny,” she says. “It’s almost like you forgot that when Pinkie makes the rules for a party game...”
  177. >Her smile darkened.
  178. >“...She makes you all Pinkie-Promise to follow them!”
  179. >The color drained from Sunset and Rainbow Dash’s faces.
  180. >“Not cool,” said Rainbow. “SO. NOT. COOL.”
  181. >Sunset turned to look at her friends.
  182. >“W-wait a minute, you guys aren’t seriously going to let her do —”
  183. >When she saw them all wincing in pity, the words died in her throat.
  184. >Because they all nodded in fear of Pinkie.
  185. >There was nothing they could do, now.
  186. >Pinkie Pie just giggled happily as she hopped faster in place.
  187. >“You guys might wanna go upstairs, now, hee hee!”
  188. >They were actually going to have to do this...
  190. ...
  192. >To say that Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer were best friends would be a significant stretch.
  193. >They were friends, they were kind to each other, but that was as deep as their relationship went.
  194. >In fact, when the two were alone, Sunset often wondered why they were friends at all.
  195. >They shared no common ground.
  196. >They had nothing to talk about.
  197. >Maybe the two of them, wondered Sunset as she and Rainbow Dash walked up the stairs, were only friends because they shared the same friend-group.
  198. >They never bothered to text each other, not even on the silly group chat.
  199. >About fifteen steps later, they had reached the upstairs hall with outdated, yellow wallpaper.
  200. >“This way,” said Rainbow Dash, jerking her thumb to the right, and lead the way.
  201. >She didn’t bother to turn her head back at Sunset; they hadn’t made eye-contact since they rose from the couch.
  202. >They walked down the hall.
  203. >Several steps later and there was a door to their right and Sunset felt her growing unease.
  204. >She was terrified of how short the trip to Rainbow Dash’s room was, terrified that it was already over!
  205. >Then as Rainbow Dash opened the door, Sunset sighed in relief.
  206. >It was just the bathroom.
  207. >She felt as silly as she was nervous.
  208. >Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash walked inside and turned on the sink.
  209. >She retrieved a toothbrush from a cup near it and searched for her toothpaste.
  210. >Sunset could wait, just for a while longer.
  211. >As she did, she thought more about her friendships, vividly remembering all the things she did with her fellow Rainbooms after they and Twilight Sparkle had shown her the light.
  212. >Each of them had decided to spend a day with her, all so they could know the ‘true’ Sunset, and for Sunset to truly know them.
  213. >She remembered all the neat places and fun things they did together: Applejack took her to her farm, Pinkie Pie to Sugarcube Corner, Fluttershy the humane society, and Rarity to her boutique.
  215. >Fun was had by all, happily reminding Sunset how much she had then forgotten about making friends.
  216. >However, there was the day that wasn’t as good as the others — her day with Rainbow Dash.
  217. >She had been invited to see her play the big soccer game of the year.
  218. >The first fifteen minutes Sunset was there consisted of her trying to talk with a practicing Rainbow Dash and for the next three hours, she sat on the bleachers, watching Rainbow kick the ball here, kick the ball there.
  219. >It wasn’t a horrible time, but nothing blossomed between her and Rainbow Dash from that point on.
  220. >Still, in her mind, they were close enough. It was better not to push it.
  221. >As Sunset Shimmer continued to think, so did Rainbow Dash while brushing her teeth.
  222. >She had no problem saying she wasn’t as close to Sunset as the rest of her friends — and that was fine.
  223. >She also understood that Sunset was not the same evil girl who tried to take over the world with magic — that, too, was fine.
  224. >In fact, everything about her, in Rainbow Dash’s eyes, was fine — damn fine, even!
  225. >She had nothing bad to say without sounding bad herself.
  226. >Unfortunately, that was all too much the case.
  227. >For example, the way Sunset always received special treatment, was always at the center of attention due to her history?
  228. >That made Rainbow Dash jealous.
  229. >And the way Sunset could wear anything on Earth and still look like the definition of the word ‘hot’?
  230. >That, too, made Rainbow Dash jealous.
  231. >And the way Sunset was taller than her, had a better-looking body than her, a sexier voice, bigger boobs, more noticeable hips and ass?
  232. >All of these made Rainbow Dash jealous.
  233. >Still, despite all of this, Rainbow Dash held no ill-will towards Sunset Shimmer; it was never personal, never interfering with the two’s interactions together.
  234. >In fact, Rainbow Dash took pride in that.
  235. >She knew how to keep her jealousies separate from Sunset as a person.
  237. >But then again, Sunset wasn’t much of a person to Rainbow Dash from the get-go; she was just in the same group — mostly a stranger.
  238. >They knew each other and smiled, both familiar presences but nothing more.
  239. >Eventually, when Rainbow Dash felt confident that her mouth was free of any popcorn kernels, she spat in the sink, then leaned her head under the faucet to rinse.
  240. >Then, she spat again and repeated the process.
  241. >When finished, she dried her mouth off with a washcloth and stowed away both her toothbrush and toothpaste.
  242. >She sighed.
  243. >Couldn’t even face herself in the mirror knowing what she was about to do.
  244. >“Okay. You ready?”
  245. >Ready?
  246. >Sunset wasn’t ready!
  247. >How on Earth could she possibly be?
  248. >“Yeah, ready,” she lied.
  250. . . .
  252. >The bedroom door slowly creaked open.
  253. >As it did, the yellow, dim light of the hallway crept into the darkness of the room.
  254. >Rainbow Dash strode in, accosted the drawer by the foot of her bed where lied her lamp.
  255. >She switched it on without so much as a glance at Sunset.
  256. >“The overhead light doesn’t work,” she said quickly. “Sorry ‘bout the mess.”
  257. >“Oh, it’s alright,” said Sunset.
  258. >She tried to ignore the stiffness in her breath while closing the door.
  259. >“I mean, at least the bed’s made, right?”
  260. >“Yeah,” said Rainbow Dash.
  261. >She slowly looked behind her shoulder at Sunset.
  262. >“Right.”
  263. >Her bed was hardly twin-sized.
  264. >Meanwhile, Sunset continued to scan the room.
  265. >She had never been in it before but had already decided that it fit Rainbow Dash to a T with blue walls and clouds that reached up to the ceiling.
  266. >She could tell the clouds were painted on by two loving parents.
  267. >She wondered if they painted it blue because they expected a boy, then added the clouds later.
  268. >Then, she dismissed the thought as she focused on the suspended shelves.
  269. >They held an array of old toys, pet rocks, and a few dirty socks here and there with some stray underwear.
  271. >However, what really caught Sunset’s eyes were all the gold medals.
  272. >There were so many laid about on the shelves, at least two dozen on the one closest to her. >More lied all around the room along with numerous trophies.
  273. >She looked on in awe.
  274. >“Wow, are these all—”
  275. >“Yep,” said Rainbow Dash, “mine.”
  276. >“How many are first place?”
  277. >Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.
  278. >“More like how many aren’t?”
  279. >“Oh. Uh, how cool.”
  280. >“Yuh-huh...”
  281. >Then, unsure of what to do next, the two stood there, uncertain as they were uncomfortable.
  282. >Perhaps one of them would finally say enough was enough and pull out, or maybe declare that no matter what sinister things Pinkie would do, they would rather go through it than this strange dare.
  283. >But they didn't.
  284. >Neither Sunset Shimmer nor Rainbow Dash moved or spoke, so they kept staring at one another.
  285. >As they did, they began noticing small details about each other that seemed to pop at them.
  286. >Sunset, for instance, noticed how tomboyish Rainbow Dash looked in her sleep-attire, wearing dark-blue pajama pants and a simple white t-shirt with red-sleeves.
  287. >On her chest, there was a cloud shooting a Rainbow lightning bolt.
  288. >Behind it, she noticed two bumps budding against the shirt’s fabric and quickly move her gaze upwards.
  289. >As she did, she remembered just how long Dash’s hair was, going past her shoulders and ending right where her upper-back ended.
  290. >She thought it was the hair of someone free and independent — she’d look beautiful as a pony, if not a little boyish.
  291. >She wondered if she’d be a pegasus, unicorn, or Earth pony.
  292. >Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash looked over at Sunset Shimmer.
  293. >She was familiar with her features — after all, she was jealous of all of them — yet she couldn’t deny that Sunset Shimmer was prime-babe material, a total hottie.
  294. >Even Rainbow Dash thought she was hot.
  295. >Not in a gay way, though.
  296. >No, she wasn’t gay at all.
  298. >No, Rainbow just understood that Sunset Shimmer was a bombshell, and that was no different now, seeing her in those purple pajamas that contrasted her flawless orange-gold skin.
  299. >Those damn pajamas.
  300. >They looked fine on her — not ‘meh’ fine, ‘fine’ fine.
  301. >Real fine.
  302. >They hugged her body in a way they would no other girl’s, fit her like a second skin, tightly clinging to her muscular hourglass build.
  303. >It showed off her perfect hip-to-waist ratio.
  304. >Why, she was so good at displaying those hips, she belonged in a museum as a display herself!
  305. >She didn’t need to dress revealingly to gather a collection of stares; she just needed to find the only jeans that could fit those hips and let them do the work.
  306. >True, Rainbow Dash also had a good pair of hips on her.
  307. >They were great, just not as ‘outspoken’ as her friend’s; tinier, too, but that because of her shorter build.
  308. >At least they were pronounced when they were out for all to see, accentuating her slender frame.
  309. >In fact, if she ever cared enough to wear a bikini, she’d turn heads with her natural beach bod and her rockin’ tight hips.
  311. >Eventually, the silence in the room was unbearable.
  312. >Sunset could stand it no more and so she broke it.
  313. >“So should we start?”
  314. >“Ugh. I dunno,” said Rainbow Dash, trying to hide the sneer on her face. “I still can’t believe this is happening.”
  315. >She walked over and sat on the bed in the corner of her room.
  316. >Sunset followed and sat beside her.
  317. >She felt a frown press into her cheeks as she did.
  318. >“Uh, is this a twin?”
  319. >“A what?”
  320. >“Your bed. It’s small.”
  321. >“Well, duh. I’ve had it since I was, like, eight,” scoffed Rainbow Dash.
  322. >“Do you even fit in this?”
  323. >“I dunno. How do I know if it fits or not? It’s just a bed.”
  324. >“Yeah,” said Sunset, “a bed we’ll be in /together/.”
  325. >She looked to the digital clock next to the bed.
  326. >It had only been six minutes since they were downstairs.
  327. >She sighed.
  328. >“Look, why don’t we—”
  329. >“This is so stupid!” huffed Rainbow Dash.
  330. >She shot up from the bed, tossing her hands in the air angrily.
  331. >“Like, why’s it gotta be me? What the heck did I do? I-I don’t wanna do this!” She pointed at Sunset. “Heck, I hardly even KNOW you!”
  332. >“Well, maybe that’s why we’re doing this?” wondered Sunset. “Maybe Pinkie’s trying to get us closer or something? It’s weird, but y’know, so is Pinkie...”
  333. >“But I don’t care about how close we are!” growled Rainbow Dash. “I like how close we are! It’s totally fine the way it is!”
  334. >“Yeah, well, at least we feel the same about that,” said Sunset.
  335. >She massaged her forehead.
  336. >“Y’know what? Forget it. Let’s do this, let’s get this over with, and never talk about it ever again.”
  337. >“Pssh! We already barely talk.”
  338. >“Then even better!” said Sunset in a harsh tone.
  339. >With an annoyed sigh, Rainbow Dash sat down on the bed again.
  340. >Sunset closed the distance between them by scooting closer.
  342. >“So,” she said, and curled her toes nervously, “how do we start?”
  343. >Rainbow Dash looked at Sunset, curling her upper lip into a sneer.
  344. >“‘How do we start?’” she repeated back to her friend, then scoffed. “Whaddya mean ‘how do we start’? We’re about to fuck each other against our will!”
  345. >“Rainbow,” said Sunset angrily. “I am about to lose my FREAKING VIRGINITY to you. Can you at LEAST be a little more helpful!?”
  346. >“Ugh, fine! I’ll...take the lead and you try to follow me, okay?”
  347. >This time, it was Sunset’s turn to sneer.
  348. >“‘Take the lead and try to follow you’?” she parroted back to Rainbow, shaking her head. “What is this? Call of Dignity!?”
  349. >“Well, I dunno! I don’t like girls!”
  350. >“Well, neither do I, Rainbow! But guess what we’re about to do!?”
  351. >Rainbow looked at Sunset’s teal eyes, felt the nervous intensity in them, the exact same as her own.
  352. >She took a breath.
  353. >“Okay, listen up,” she tells Sunset Shimmer, “I’m...n-no, /you/ are going to kiss me, ‘kay? And then...” Her face turned several shades redder. “...and then I’ll, um, take it from there, I guess.”
  354. >Sunset swallowed the lump in her throat.
  355. >Nodded silently at Rainbow Dash
  356. >“Alright,” she said.
  357. >“So, are ya ready?”
  358. >“Yeah,” said Sunset. “Ready.”
  359. >She wasn’t lying this time.
  360. >With a self-soothing breath, she closed her eyes and began to lean forward.
  361. >Then, with anxiety pulsing through her veins, Rainbow Dash did so as well.
  362. >Then, touch.
  363. >The feeling of touch — something against Rainbow’s lips.
  364. >Lips on her lips.
  365. >They moved slowly, strongly — they moved well.
  366. >They felt soft.
  367. >Like pillows.
  368. >Cushiony in a way she could definitely get used to.
  369. >Somehow, Rainbow Dash mustered up the courage to open her eyes and was met with an off-putting view — a kiss.
  371. >It was a kiss from Sunset Shimmer whose eyes were closed so softly, her breath so gentle as she exhaled that it tickled Rainbow just a little.
  372. >It was a kiss, soft and tender, warm and sweet.
  373. >But it was with Sunset.
  374. >It was with a girl!
  375. >Rainbow Dash crinkled her nose.
  376. >She couldn’t get used to this.
  377. >She wasn’t supposed to!
  378. >She didn’t like girls!
  379. >She never had and she never would!
  380. >Suddenly, Sunset peeked open an eyelid and caught Rainbow’s off-looking expression, saw the strange conflict in it.
  381. >She pulled away from the kiss with a shaky breath.
  382. >“W-what’s wrong? I can’t be that bad at kissing, can I?” she said jokingly, yet Rainbow could hear the worried timidity in her voice and looked the other way.
  383. >“N-no,” said Dash. “No, you’re good.”
  384. >She rolled her finger around her thumb and hoped to God she wasn’t blushing too much.
  385. >“Actually, you’re kinda too good...”
  386. >“...Oh,” said Sunset. “Uh, thanks?”
  387. >“No, no, no, that’s not a good thing, though,” stammers Rainbow Dash. “You don’t, I-I dunno, kiss too much like a guy or whatever! It, like, breaks the illusion, y-ya know? I can’t pretend it’s not you...”
  388. >“...Oh,” said Sunset again. “I see.”
  389. >She still felt strangely flattered.
  390. >“Ugh! Know what? Whatever!”
  391. >Rainbow Dash gave up with a groan and lunged forward at Sunset.
  392. >She began to kiss her quickly, her eyes shut tight as she went to town on her.
  393. >Sunset was bewildered, startled, but as her lips mushed tantalizingly against Rainbow’s, she decided to hungrily kiss her back.
  394. >She didn’t know why she bothered to kiss her so well.
  395. >Embarrassed, she quickly tried and imagine she was making out with someone else.
  396. >She tried to imagine Flash Sentry, then Big Mac, then that new handsome Janitor at school...
  397. >Nope.
  398. >It just wasn’t possible.
  399. >None of the images felt right.
  401. >They didn’t go with Rainbow’s unmistakable lips, lips which were too nimble, too dexterous to belong to anyone else.
  402. >Sunset could only picture her as the one biting her bottom lip, or nipping her neck, or tugging her ear with a purr-like sound.
  403. >She was kissing a girl.
  404. >She was kissing Rainbow Dash.
  405. >And she felt sick with herself for it.
  406. >Why couldn’t she have gotten someone else?
  407. >It’d be horrible still, but at least it would be with someone she felt comfortable with.
  408. >If only she were forced to kiss someone like Twilight Sparkle, or Rarity, or Applejack — heck, she’d even take Pinkie Pie right now!
  409. >She’d take anyone other than Dash, whom she barely knew!
  410. >She might as well do her neighbor or her principals while she was at it!
  411. >It’d be no less awkward!
  412. >At least Rainbow Dash was a good kisser.
  413. >Still, it was a shame about the vagina, though.
  414. >A brief passage of time later, and the room was silent save for the sounds of smacking lips and odd breaths which created an unfortunate atmosphere.
  415. >It was weird, thought Rainbow, kissing a girl — different, too.
  416. >She wasn’t a pro at sex or kissing or anything, but like Hell was she inexperienced.
  417. >She had a good fling with two guy-pals she knew a while back, none of which she was ever serious with.
  418. >Only a third of the time was the sex ever good, though; most of the time, she would have to fake a big-O.
  419. >Unfortunate, really; most teenage boys just couldn’t last that long for her — not that she would ever tell them that.
  420. >And the way they’d kiss was rough, too.
  421. >They’d push too deeply, breathe too heavily — it was affectionate, sure, and part of Dash liked that.
  423. >She liked the attention she got when she fucked with them, good sex or bad.
  424. >That was just the way it was for her.
  425. >But as of now, as she and Sunset delicately tangled their tongues in a hot mouth-tango?
  426. >How Sunset’s pillowy lips pressed against hers so welcomingly?
  427. >Well, not even Rainbow Dash was stubborn enough to deny it: the boys just couldn’t compete.
  428. >Sunset really knew how to kiss her and Rainbow knew just how to kiss her right back.
  429. >This wasn’t just lips-on-lips and groaning like it was with Forest Thunder behind the bleachers during Blitzball practice — this was another playing field altogether.
  430. >No, as Rainbow and Sunset kissed, they were in tune with each other, mentally and physically.
  431. >Dash could feel herself on the same emotional resonance as Sunset; afraid, nervous, but oh-so-curious.
  432. >Unknowingly, Rainbow’s hand slid down Sunset’s lower back and—
  433. >“Mmmph...”
  434. >Sunset opened her eyes and blushed.
  435. >She had just moaned.
  436. >...Rainbow Dash pretended not to notice.
  437. >God, this was so fucking gay.
  438. >Later, after a moment of deep-kissing, Rainbow Dash pulled away from Sunset and panted.
  439. >Her lips felt tingly without Sunset’s massaging them.
  440. >Puffier too.
  441. >And cold.
  442. >She grabbed at the bottom of that fine purple pajama shirt Sunset wore with a new sense of curiosity and anticipatory dread filling her chest.
  443. >Sunset, however, shook her head and removed Dash’s hands.
  444. >Then, she gave her one more kiss and took the shirt off herself.
  445. >Rainbow’s breath stopped.
  446. >Sunset was topless.
  447. >Sunset was beautiful!
  449. >Her stomach was well-toned, smooth with no bumps or scars, and traveling up further were her two full breasts — the greatest tits Rainbow Dash had ever seen.
  450. >They were large, full, and healthy, like perfect pieces of fruit.
  451. >They looked ridiculous in how perfect they were, how round and bold and soft.
  452. >Rainbow felt meek in their presence.
  453. >And when she saw that Sunset’s nipples were hard, she noticed that so too were her own.
  454. >...Cold.
  455. >She was just cold, that’s all.
  456. >Sunset’s face, on the other hand, was hot — hot with embarrassment.
  457. >“This...this is the first time I’ve ever shown someone my boobs before,” she said through a nervous smile, and with it, a half-joking shrug. “Congratulations, I guess.”
  458. >“Yeah, cool,” said Rainbow Dash.
  459. >She still hadn’t moved her eyes up.
  460. >“Cool...”
  461. >These weren’t the first tits she had seen.
  462. >She saw her friends’ on the soccer team, in the locker room, most often while they were joking with each other, playfully slapping their butts with their towels.
  463. >It always made Rainbow feel weird, but she pretended not to care.
  464. >Nevertheless, she had seen their parts before and decided she had seen enough.
  465. >But looking at Sunset was different.
  466. >Her teammates had some nice features, but not all of them were bombshells — not the most ‘playful’ ones, that is.
  467. >But Sunset was.
  468. >She had breasts that were between the sizes of a C or D cup!
  469. >They were perfectly shaped.
  470. >They looked so nice it was surreal.
  471. >These were beyond a top supermodel’s breast; these were the IDEAL breasts.
  472. >Sunset was, quite literally, the golden standard of perfect tits.
  473. >“...Hey, Rainbow?”
  474. >“Huh?”
  475. >Rainbow Dash glanced up at Sunset.
  476. >She was staring, wasn’t she?
  477. >Oh, God, she was staring...
  478. >“Uh, what is it?”
  479. >“You, uh, going to do yours next?” asked Sunset.
  480. >There was a ring of uncertainty in her voice.
  481. >Rainbow Dash squinted at her.
  482. >“Do my /what/ next?”
  484. >“/That/,” said Sunset, tilting her head at Rainbow’s t-shirt.
  485. >The blue girl winced.
  486. >“Ah. Yeah. Right.” She licked her still tingling lips. “Yeah, can I not?”
  487. >“Rainbow...”
  488. >“Okay, okay! Whatever! Sheesh...”
  489. >She grouchily lifted her shirt over her head.
  490. >“It’s almost like you wanna see ‘em or somethin’...”
  491. >She tossed the garment to the floor and covered her bare chest with her arms and looked away from Sunset with a tight-lipped frown.
  492. >“Rainbow? I still can’t see them.”
  493. >...She moved her arms away, revealing her small breasts.
  494. >Her frown hardened.
  495. >She felt humiliated.
  496. >She was almost a B cup — just almost.
  497. >She had lemon-sized tits and hard, blueberry nipples.
  498. >The rest of her sky-blue blue skin was covered in goosebumps.
  499. >She felt humiliated.
  500. >She looked like a little kid next to Sunset.
  501. >“There. Ya happy now?” she asked snarkily, but Sunset did not respond.
  502. >Instead, she was too busy looking over her friend’s unique physique.
  503. >To most, Rainbow Dash looked thin and weak despite being a runner, but now, looking at her shirtless, Sunset could see that this was not the case.
  504. >Rainbow Dash was not a stick, or bony, or willowy; she was strong and well-built.
  505. >Her lean arms, though thin, were well-defined with sinewy muscle, and her stomach was toned with the faintest beginnings of abs.
  506. >She also looked surprisingly curvaceous despite her petite build, Sunset noticed.
  507. >Her sides seemed to curve down from her shoulders to her small, pronounced love-handles.
  508. >They looked pretty grabbable.
  510. >And yes, Rainbow’s breasts were small to Sunset — very small and very different.
  511. >The former unicorn had only seen normal tits on TV, in magazines, and even one or two online, but never this small and never in person.
  512. >She cocked her head at them with open intrigue.
  513. >“Yeah, yeah, I know; they’re small,” grumbled Rainbow Dash.
  514. >“Well,” began Sunset, trying to be sensitive for her friend’s sake, “that doesn’t mean you—”
  515. >“They’re small,” said Rainbow Dash again, this time more roughly.
  516. >Sunset rolled her eyes.
  517. >She tried.
  518. >“Okay. Yeah. They’re really small,” she admitted, then leaned closer to study them. “But at least they’re cute...”
  519. >“Hey!” shouted Rainbow Dash. “Don’t call them cute!”
  520. >Apparently, Sunset had struck a nerve.
  521. >“Sorry, sorry,” she said and backed away, trying to hide her smirk.
  522. >It soon faded when she realized how weird that was for her to say.
  523. >Then, she frowned, remembering what they took their shirts off for in the first place.
  524. >She looked apologetically towards her friend.
  525. >“So, um, I guess it’s time we, y’know, kiss again, right Rainbow?”
  526. >Rainbow Dash said nothing.
  527. >Her face was red.
  528. >She looked mad.
  529. >“What. Freaking. Ever.”
  530. >Whether she knew it or not, she was covering her tits again.
  531. >Sunset sighed.
  532. >She was going to have to initiate the kiss for a second time, wasn’t she?
  533. >‘Welp, I might as well get comfortable,’ she thought and pulled her legs up so that she was no longer sitting on the side of the bed, but rather on top of it.
  534. >Her breasts swayed as she moved, like heavy fruit dangling from a branch.
  535. >Then, she gestured for Rainbow Dash to crawl up the bed, too.
  536. >The rainbow-haired girl growled but obliged.
  537. >With them both shirtless, both on the bed, Sunset and Rainbow sat before each other, face-to-face, on their knees, barely a breath apart.
  538. >Rainbow Dash knew what was going to happen now...
  540. >They were going to start again.
  541. >And they would kiss again.
  542. >More deeply, too, she bet.
  543. >That’s when Sunset gently closed her eyes and leaned slowly into Rainbow Dash, wrapping her arms around her.
  544. >Their soft lips pressed together in a warm, tender embrace.
  545. >It was just awful.
  546. >The worst.
  547. >Rainbow felt uncomfortable with Sunset for sucking her face in her slow, strong, teasing manner.
  548. >Sunset was uncomfortable with Rainbow Dash for breathing hot, stifled breaths on her neck when they separated for air.
  549. >It was so uncomfortable.
  550. >It was just the worst having their shirtless bodies so close to each other as they kissed...
  551. >Rainbow especially disliked how Sunset’s enormous breasts devoured her own, pressing deeply against her chest.
  552. >She could feel her small, blueberry nipples poking at the pillowy roundness of orange-gold underboob, the sensation making her squeak.
  553. >So, deciding to give Sunset a taste of her own teasing medicine (even if she wasn’t trying to tease Rainbow, to begin with), she brought a hand up from the back of Sunset’s neck and brought it to her face.
  554. >There, she moved away from her fiery hair and raked her fingers through her scalp.
  555. >Sunset’s back arched at Rainbow’s touch, much to her embarrassment.
  556. >She melted into her Dash’s hand like hot fudge on a sundae.
  557. >It was a small gesture, a simple movement, yet Sunset couldn’t deny how it made the hairs stand on the back of her neck.
  558. >It was a ticklish sensation that made the back of her shoulders fold together tightly.
  559. >In doing so, she accidentally puffed out her fruitful chest at Rainbow Dash, and her robust breasts pushed deeper against her friend’s smaller ones.
  560. >Their combined stimulation forced them both to suddenly exhale into each other’s mouths and they consequently became dizzy from each other’s breath.
  561. >Nevertheless, their lips continued to brush against one another, deeper, harder, needier.
  563. >Their brains felt numb.
  564. >Their heads felt light.
  565. >They felt bold.
  566. >They felt high.
  567. >Then, Sunset slid her hands down from Rainbow’s shoulders and purred, snaking further southward along her petite friend’s curvaceous frame.
  568. >Rainbow squirmed.
  569. >She was unsure if she liked the feeling of someone else’s hands sliding down her sides.
  570. >She couldn’t help but think it strange how her curves fit so well within Sunset’s palms.
  571. >It was so good a fit that, in a way, she felt like she was made to be held by her.
  572. >Then, she shuddered at the thought, a rosy tint spreading across her sky-blue cheeks.
  573. >She didn’t mean to think that.
  574. >She didn’t mean to think that at all.
  575. >Nevertheless, she continued to brush her nails through Sunset’s flame-like hair who held firmly on to the blue girl’s tight, little hips.
  576. >Together they stood like that, on their knees atop the bed, half-naked, kissing each other.
  577. >When they parted for air, they just froze, leaning against the other’s forehead.
  578. >“Ya know,” panted Rainbow Dash, “this is getting kinda weird...”
  579. >“Yeah,” said Sunset. Her cheeks were on fire. “It really is.”
  580. >Their faces looked rigid.
  581. >Their eyes were right there for the other to see.
  582. >In them, it was clear what the other felt but not so easy to define.
  583. >“...You sure you don’t wanna back out?” asked Rainbow Dash. “I mean, like, I know we Pinkie promised, but what if we—”
  584. >“No,” said Sunset. “No backing out, now.”
  585. >She continued to stare at Rainbow’s wine-colored eyes.
  586. >She wondered if her pupils were large from the darkness of the room or something else entirely.
  587. >Finally, Rainbow Dash sighed.
  588. >This was happening.
  589. >“Fine,” she said. “Let’s just get this over with...”
  590. >Together they pressed into a kiss, a kiss which deepened as they felt their bravery grow.
  591. >They were kissing more hungrily, more quickly, more ferociously as hot, scarlet embarrassment radiated from their faces.
  593. >They went on like this until Rainbow Dash’s hands slithered down from Sunset’s strong shoulders and to her chest.
  594. >The athlete’s breath shook as she ever-so-lightly felt up the sides of her golden friend’s breasts, admiring their perfect roundedness in her sky-blue palms.
  595. >They felt as good as they looked — perfect.
  596. >God, how Rainbow just wished she had a pair of tits like that on her chest, if only just to play with them!
  597. >Her nipples were sensitive enough already, but to be able to hold such full, soft boobs of her own?
  598. >Oh, all the things she would do if only she could have those breasts!
  599. >Then, an idea struck Rainbow Dash.
  600. >She shoved away Sunset, forcefully pushing her down so that her back landed on the bed with a thud.
  601. >The fiery-haired girl sneered in confusion.
  602. >“Rainbow! What was that for!?”
  603. >She tried to sit up but stopped halfway when she saw Rainbow slowly crawl over her, sitting up with her hips atop Sunset’s.
  604. >Then, she leaned down and brought her face close to her friend’s as a curtain of rainbow hair fell, shrouding their faces in a tunnel of colors.
  605. >After a solid minute passed, Sunset raised a brow, looking up at Rainbow Dash.
  606. >“Uh, what’s going on here?” she asked.
  607. >Rainbow Dash blinked.
  608. >“What? Oh. Uh...”
  609. >Rainbow wanted to slap her forehead.
  610. >She almost forgot what she wanted to do to Sunset.
  611. >But she couldn’t help it; she was so intrigued by the look on her friend’s golden face looking at her from the bed.
  612. >She shook head and flipped her colorful hair behind her shoulder with a nervous breath.
  613. >“You’ll see. You ready?”
  614. >“Ready for wha—”
  615. >Sunset’s eyes fluttered in surprise.
  616. >“Oh,” she said; Rainbow was kissing down her neck with gentle bites and suckles.
  617. >She giggled nervously at the feeling.
  618. >“H-heh. It tickles...”
  619. >Little did Sunset know that Rainbow Dash had more in mind.
  621. >The blue girl quickly latched her hands onto her friend’s breasts like metal to a magnet and began caressing them, her thumbs pressing deeply against those delicious, dark-gold nipples.
  622. >The effect was instantaneous; Sunset sucked in a huge gasp of air and moaned deeply behind pursed lips.
  623. >As she continued her sounds of satisfaction, Rainbow Dash grinned with a smug sense of pride knowing that she just did that to her.
  624. >Then, she wrinkled her nose in grim realization.
  626. >Oh, God.
  627. >She just did that to her.
  629. >She was so caught up envying Sunset’s breasts when they were making out that she thought: ‘Hey? What would I do to mine if they were big like hers?’
  630. >And then, she did just that.
  631. >She treated them like they were her own, touched them how she’d want her own to be touched.
  632. >But that wasn’t gay, right?
  633. >If she was pretending they were her’s, it didn’t count, right?
  634. >After all, a guy touches his dumb dick all the time, does that make him gay?
  635. >She ignored the potential question if it was gay for a guy to touch another dick and pretend it’s his.
  636. >Meanwhile, Sunset Shimmer was having similar thoughts in her head, trying to justify herself.
  637. >So, what if she was moaning at Dash’s firm grip on her chest-babies?
  638. >Her large breasts were rather sensitive — of course she’d moan!
  639. >So, what if having her neck kissed gave her chills, made her wriggle?
  640. >Her neck was ticklish — that couldn’t be helped, either!
  641. >The way Sunset felt, as she saw it, was because of minute circumstances as she and Dash did this strange dare.
  642. >After all, it couldn’t be that Rainbow Dash was actually turning her on.
  643. >That was impossible.
  644. >She didn’t like mares.
  645. >She didn’t like girls.
  646. >She never could.
  647. >She looked down at Rainbow Dash with a dismal sigh.
  648. >“Hey,” she said to her, “uh, are there any hickeys on my—?”
  650. >“Oh, yeah,” said Rainbow Dash without a doubt, leaving another hickey as she removed her mouth from Sunset’s collarbone.
  651. >She continued to fondle her friend’s incredible breasts.
  652. >Sunset tried to ignore how it made her breath hitch.
  653. >“Really?” she asked. “How many?”
  654. >“Like lots,” said Rainbow Dash. “You’re gonna wanna cover them up for a while…”
  655. >“Really?” said Sunset. “That bad?”
  656. >Rainbow Dash looked up at her friend’s elegant neck, admiring the dark-gold hickeys and bite-marks she had left.
  657. >She winced.
  658. >Maybe she went a little overboard.
  659. >“Yeeeah,” said Rainbow Dash. “You might actually need a scarf or something...”
  660. >“Oh, Gee,” said Sunset, unable to keep the jaded chuckle out of her weary tone. “Wonderful. Just what I need: reminders of tonight.”
  661. >“Could be worse,” Rainbow Dash grunted. “We could be doing it in the bedroom you’ve slept in since you were, oh, I don’t frickin' know, a little kid?”
  662. >“Ouch,” said Sunset.
  663. >“Yeah,” said Rainbow. “‘Ouch.’”
  664. >She quickly twisted Sunset’s right nipple and the latter gasped.
  665. >“Agh! Rainbow!” she cried, her wide hips reflexively jolting up in surprise.
  666. >She didn’t mean to hit them against Rainbow’s atop her.
  667. >After catching her breath, Sunset frowned.
  668. >“Ah…Y-you know, you could’ve warned me you were doing that...”
  669. >“Warn you?” asked Rainbow Dash, a familiar coyness entering her voice. “For what?”
  670. >“For my—AGH, CRAP!” Sunset’s back arched as her hips again shot up beneath her friend’s.
  671. >“Warn you for your ‘crap’?” laughed Rainbow Dash.
  672. >She had just twisted Sunset’s nipple for the second time.
  673. >“Wow. And I thought being forced to screw you was already gross.”
  674. >She stared at those huge, golden knockers below with the eyes of a cat.
  675. >She could the jealousy inside her flat chest starting to simmer.
  677. >She stared at those huge, golden knockers below with the eyes of a cat.
  678. >She could the jealousy inside her flat chest starting to simmer.
  679. >“Actually, ya know, Sunset,” she said, “your tits always pissed me off.”
  680. >“What?” said Sunset, still catching her breath from being surprised.
  681. >“Your boobs,” said Rainbow.
  682. >She wriggled down Sunset’s body, bringing her face close to those fine breasts.
  683. >“Like, if I had these, I’d do everything with ‘em.”
  684. >She clenched the tit flesh in her blue fingers, relishing in their softness, their definition, their tenderness.
  685. >Sunset moaned, lawling her head back against Rainbow Dash’s pillow.
  686. >She’d never had her girls touched before.
  687. >She huffed at the firm grasp on her large mounds.
  688. >“Hey, n-not so rough, Rainbow…”
  689. >Rainbow Dash just glared at her, her grip not letting up in the slightest.
  690. >She cocked a brow.
  691. >“Uh, ya do know who you’re talking to, right?” she asked.
  692. >Then, just for the fun of it, she slapped Sunset’s left boob.
  693. >“Oh, nngh!”
  694. >Rainbow grinned, watching the tit jiggle hypnotically.
  695. >“Dang,” she said appreciatively. “So lucky…”
  696. >She pressed both of Sunset’s breasts together in her blue arms.
  697. >Her own nipples were rock hard.
  698. >Then, she sunk her face, right into Sunset’s cleavage, groaning into it as if she were melting.
  699. >“Oh, God,” she said deeply, nuzzling between the two softest hills on Earth. “So freakin’ warm…”
  700. >“R-rainbow, wait, hold on,” said Sunset cautiously, “are you...enjoying this?”
  701. >Rainbow Dash looked up from her friend’s cleavage.
  702. >She paused.
  703. >“Rainbow Dash,” said Sunset again. “Are. You. Enjoying. This.”
  704. >The blue girl felt nervous.
  706. >“W-well, I mean...yeah, kinda, I guess,” she said awkwardly, “B-but, not like that! I just...I, like…UGH!!”
  707. >She growled, her face red as can be.
  708. >“Look, I have freaking shrimp-tits, okay!? Just let me have this! No homo!”
  709. >Sunset nodded understandingly.
  710. >She couldn’t believe she was about to say this stupid meme of a phrase and mean it, but: “Yeah. No homo.”
  711. >“Good,” said Rainbow Dash. “Cause I’m not gay.”
  712. >“I know,” said Sunset.
  713. >“I just...these tits, man. I wanna know what they feel like. That’s all. Promise.”
  714. >“I know,” Sunset said again.
  715. >“Right,” said Rainbow. “No homo.”
  716. >“No homo,” said Sunset.
  717. >And with that, Rainbow Dash slowly began to—
  718. >“Actually,” said Sunset, interrupting her friend before she could continue, “I wanna feel your tits, too.”
  719. >Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened.
  720. >“Oh. Um…”
  721. >“Hey, it’s only fair,” said Sunset. “And no homo, right?”
  722. >“Yeah, yeah, I know,” said Rainbow Dash, “but, like, dude, mine are so…”
  723. >“Tiny?”
  724. >“Y-yeah. That.”
  725. >Sunset shrugged, bringing her hands up to reach for her friend’s shoulders.
  726. >“Well, maybe that’s why I wanna touch them,” she said, and gently massaged Rainbow’s trapeziuses.
  727. >When the athlete's knees trembled on the mattress, Sunset smirked.
  728. >She used to rub Flash’s shoulders just like this.
  729. >In fact, every now and then, just as friends, she’d walk up behind him as he sat down in a chair, minding his own business, and she would playfully surprise him with a quick shoulder rub.
  730. >And Rainbow Dash was responding to it very well — a little too well.
  731. >Feeling Sunset’s digits grab her muscles and pleasantly rub the tension away, made the small of her back curve as she sunk her face deeper into her friend’s cleavage.
  732. >“Whoa…” said Rainbow. “Okay, now that feels pretty good.”
  733. >“So does that mean you’ll let me touch your...?”
  735. >“Uh...sure,” said Dash. “Just be — AH!”
  736. >Dash cried out as she fell atop a grinning Sunset, whimpering out light moans in her breasts.
  737. >“Oh, I’m sorry,” Sunset said facetiously. She had just twisted Rainbow Dash’s nipple. “You were saying?”
  738. >She grabbed onto both blueberry buds and squeezed them between her fingers, ensuring Rainbow Dash would feel the ache of her teasing touch.
  739. >“Wait, Sunset, don’t— ”
  740. >But Sunset did.
  741. >She did everything that Rainbow Dash had to her but times two.
  742. >Playful revenge, she considered it — no homo.
  743. >Then, she noticed Dash’s cute hips shaking, heard her grunting odd, short puffs of air.
  744. >Her face was glowing.
  745. >Sunset cocked a brow.
  746. >Did she do something? What was happening?
  747. >“O-oh, my gosh!” said Rainbow Dash. “Oh — gosh, Oh my — Oh my gosh — Oh my — ”
  748. >Her voice skipped and stuttered like a song on a scratched CD, her breath awkward and stilted.
  749. >She could feel her tummy expand with strange breath against her curious friend’s.
  750. >Though Sunset was at a loss as to what was happening, she never stopped teasing Rainbow’s chest.
  751. >Then, the athlete let out a deep, throaty “Ooooh…” and leaned her head down to desperately suckle Sunset’s right boob, moaning stutteringly into gold titty flesh.
  752. >Meanwhile, her left hand was quick to treat the former unicorn’s left breast, groping it, fondling it, caressing it in worship.
  753. >Then, suddenly, Rainbow Dash sat straight up from Sunset’s bust, as if some force compelled her to.
  754. >She erupted out a long moan from deep inside, her whole body tensing up atop her friend whom’s breasts she could not remove her hands from.
  755. >Then, her shaking stopped and Rainbow’s eyes shut, her entire face scrunching up as if an immense pressure had built inside of her and then—
  756. >“Ooooo… Un...F-fuck...!”
  757. >Warmth.
  758. >Warmth seeping from the crotch of Rainbow Dash’s blue pajamas, staining the groin of Sunset’s.
  760. >The warmth just grew and grew and grew — and so did the dampness staining their pajamas’ soft fabric.
  761. >After a minute of cooing moans along with surging spasms from Rainbow’s thighs, the stiffness in her back that kept her up disappeared.
  762. >She collapsed on top of Sunset, a shuddering mess of labored breathing and silent gasps.
  763. >Her body glistened with light perspiration.
  764. >“...Okay,” said Sunset Shimmer, looking down at the shorter girl atop her breasts. “What was that?”
  765. >As Rainbow’s brain cleared away the pleasant haze in her mind, she said nothing.
  766. >Her face was still red.
  767. >It stayed that way thanks to the despair of humiliation.
  768. >“I…” She felt disgusting. “I...cummed.”
  769. >She wanted to die.
  770. >Sunset looked at her suspiciously.
  771. >She came?
  772. >So soon?
  773. >From so little?
  774. >She shook her head.
  775. >“No way. Just from that?”
  776. >“My...boobs’re sensitive,” muttered Rainbow Dash. “This...usually doesn’t happen...so quickly...”
  777. >Sunset put a hand atop Rainbow’s head, brushing her fingers through her hair.
  778. >“...You were turned on, weren’t you?”
  779. >From within the valley of Sunset’s breasts, Rainbow Dash regretfully nodded her head and sniffled.
  780. >“Y-yeah...”
  781. >She felt disgusted with herself.
  782. >Hated herself.
  783. >“Oh, God... I’m so messed up.”
  784. >Her voice began to crack, her lower lip trembled.
  785. >“I-I don’t even know you!” she cried out.
  786. >Then, the tears fell and she sobbed into Sunset’s cleavage — yet she couldn’t help but to keep fondling her, too.
  787. >It made Sunset feel...weird.
  789. >She was just shy of being two years younger than Rainbow Dash, despite what most people thought, and she had always felt that Rainbow Dash was more adult in how independent and self-driven she was, despite her admittedly rather juvenile tendencies.
  790. >Sunset may have looked like the older of the two, but she never felt that way, never was.
  791. >And never in her life had she felt like a mother figure or a sister-figure to anyone (well, maybe Twilight as a sister, but that was more of a one-sided thing).
  792. >But seeing Dash cry in between her boobs, rubbing them in confused arousal after a premature ejaculation, Sunset felt a warm buzz in her chest.
  793. >She held Rainbow Dash in her arms like a mother would, like a big sister would.
  794. >It was weird.
  795. >It just made having Rainbow rest in her golden boobs, crying like a little girl as she comforted her that much stranger — but it felt good, too.
  796. >She liked holding her.
  797. >She liked her small, curvy, compact build in her arms.
  798. >She liked having her breasts be suckled by her in a search for comfort.
  799. >In fact, she...kinda liked Rainbow Dash…
  800. >Oh, by Celestia, she knew how crazy that sounded — they barely knew each other after all! — but something was so right about this.
  801. >She liked having Rainbow’s cum on her pajamas.
  802. >She liked making Rainbow cum so effortlessly.
  803. >She liked Rainbow worshipping her tits.
  804. >She liked Rainbow’s way of kissing.
  805. >A storm had been brewing between Sunset’s legs for quite a while now, and she could no longer deny who it had its eye on.
  806. >“Rainbow Dash?” she said quietly. “I’m sorry, but...” she paused, uncertain how to phrase herself, “...I think this is a thing, now.”
  808. To be updated...
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