
Celestia Want Snu-Snu (v0.5)

Sep 26th, 2013
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  1. Amazonian Celestia, Gettin' The Best of Ya
  2. Request: "something something sexually assertive amazonian hyper tits Celestia"
  4. It was impossible to tune out the pounding drums. Formalities be damned it was starting to get on the Traveler's nerves, especially when the percussionists slide-chopped with the wedge of their hands and drew a sharp scraping note. He was told by the guide (Adjunct to the Adjunct of the Royal Clerk) it was meant to produce additional cadence to the Princess's speech. The Summer Equinox was a time of renewal, rebirth - cycles on cycles. The 4/4 time made that real, visceral.
  6. The high flagstone tower over the knotted trees of the forest certainly seemed visceral enough. A slip over some unseen ceremonial oils this close to dusk and surely he'd fall down the thirteen concentric parapets and lie broken in the twisted vines somewhere down below. The sun was closing its eye shut fast on the world and the wind was starting to play a Hellacious chill on the Traveler's back. A brief glimpse down to the forest trickled ice water down his spine.
  8. The ceremony had been going on for at least two hours, ancient recitations in the flitting tones of New Equestrian and rougher flat rounded sounds of Old Equestrian. No one wore clothing above the waist, not the stone faced strapping young men in the Procession, not the gorgeous slips of women standing firm, breasts pert or low and goose pimpled in the cooling evening.
  10. It was hard for an American not to stare - at least at first - but they were like singing, drum-beat statues. Ashamed of nothing, still as limestone or forceful as a thunderclap when their time came.
  11. The drumming began to change - a low beat and long slow slides over the thin leather. Everyone had begun to bow their heads - only their heads, this was a time of pride, clearly - to a central column. The main priest had begun to sound something rhyming - at least in practice - with "om."
  13. The beating stopped when the world exploded.
  15. The column disappeared in a blaze of white light. It was a thousand exploding lightbulbs. “Someone” let out a yelp - clearly the only one in the audience. Of course it was the American, to no groans. They were focused on what had replaced it.
  17. Blinking a few times seemed to help. The blue-white afterimage faded, replaced with a long slow streak of ... woman.
  19. She had to be seven feet tall. The Traveler blinked and even took a knuckle to one eye to wipe away disbelief at the sight. She was a statue in motion, striding forward along the radius of the circular dias. Long strong legs pumped under simple white linen, joined up at a rounded middle. Hips dipped through a wonderful waist. Rich aquamarine hair flowed gently in the rising evening wind. She was something out of a storybook, gorgeous and rippling with muscle under clearly elegant features, dimples, gifted with -
  21. Well. He didn't mean to stare before, but now he damn well meant it. Through some luck or force of will (or scalpel) she had the largest breasts he'd ever seen, with or without a bra. They fit her frame, but only just - large, pert, all sun-kissed oiled flesh and certainly more memorable than the "Song of the Grain" he'd suffered an hour and a half through.
  23. He tore his eyes away as the woman reached a small notch in the stone work and lifted her arms high in salutation. They held, then lowered, as though ready to embrace the entire assembly. "In recognition of the new, I declare the old cycle retired, a motif to play out again - with variation." Her words washed over the crowd, a few knowing smiles or half-nods despite decorum.
  25. "We are between seasons, between year-ends, between lives." Her eyes flickered over the crowd, the dignitaries.
  27. Those purple eyes played for just a brief moment with the Traveler's. A flutter of ... amusement? His heart leapt and his back straightened. A grin played on American lips, almost unbidden. "And among many choices."
  29. "With this remark I declare the ceremony complete - we make our lives, our choices, and our year-ends - patterned together as Equestrians and as a world. EQUIS VELT."
  31. The crowd echoed in unison, "EQUIS VELT." The Traveler felt it fall from his lips, but he didn't think it. Rather he felt it.
  33. He couldn't think much past the still form of the master of ceremonies, arms now crossed, palms at either collarbone, with all the attendants simply emptying out of the high temple round. In the peripheral everyone else seemed to be flowing like rain down a stele or omphalos, out and away and down.
  35. He stayed cross-legged, the wind no longer bothering him or the still-slick oil. He could only see her as a statue made living and then still again. He turned to his Guide only to find an empty space and a slightly different vantage point of the forest below. There were a few stragglers near one column leading to the long "thousand steps" but his normal entourage was gone.
  37. For lack of instruction NOT to, he hefted up to the simple wooden sandals, careful not to slip on any stray body oil. The torchlight didn't quite make it easy, but he avoided most all of it making a lazy beeline to the figure.
  38. It was eerie seeing people in a trance or deep meditation outside of yoga class, and she clearly was controlling her breathing to be imperceptible. It was a little odd no one else was interested, all shuffles and murmurs about a late dinner.
  40. He supposed it wasn't impolite to ... admire if she wasn’t "all there". Her hair was long with some sort of dust playing in the low light, like little stars. The proportions were even more thrilling up close, the heft "felt" between leg and torso was undeniably womanly even if he needed to crane his neck up instead of familiar down.
  41. Stepping around carefully, quietly, the bow of both elbows was shot through with tensor muscles - sacred archer, maybe?
  43. The long curve of her back was practically alabaster. She’d probably be the sort to pose for statues …
  44. He was careful not to disturb her and made plodding heel-toe steps, pains made to not slat the flat of the sandal against the stone. It really was like taking in a larger-than-life statue of a goddess.
  46. He found himself maybe two feet away at the front again. The ritual makeup flared out tiny trills, some sort of yellow to better accentuate the purple eyes no doubt. Large canvas of her bosoms were flecked with some sort of glitter-dust, flickering faintly under the low lights in the temple.
  48. "Beautiful," he whispered to the room at large.
  50. At this, the figure let in a deep rough breath through a proud pointed nose. Her hands flexed as though working out stiff joints and the slight forward bend disappeared. "Why thank you," rolled in elocuted delight.
  52. The Traveler managed to not yelp but instead smoothed "I hope I didn't interrupt you in silent prayer or something."
  54. She opened clear purple eyes neighboring an amused smile.
  56. "No, it's more for the benefit of the celebrants. If I leave the dais they always imagine there's an encore or another "Song of Bountiful Seas"." One manicured hand found a hip to jut on as she eased into an easy and ... upright position. Given the eye contact it wasn't hard to avoid staring, but at least some part of his brain was attempting to place them somewhere between basketballs and watermelons. Some part of him screamed a joke about "area under the curve."
  58. They bounced as she laughed, "One time they DID another "Song of Beautiful Seas." I couldn't get home until 3."
  59. "I liked the Song of the Grains," he forwarded, drawing himself up. If nothing else it gave a clearer view of her face without stepping back. If she wasn't in a mood to shoo off, maybe he could learn a thing or two - and she was certainly gorgeous if out of his league - and height bracket.
  61. She laughed easily, "Please, no one 'likes' it, it's tradition. We have a saying - the weave has strains of dull and bright. We still make more or less the same tapestry." Two full lips curled in a mock frown as a manicured nail tapped her chin, "Though next time the 'tapestry' might not include the third refrain."
  63. It was his turn to laugh, thumbs finding a dimple in either elbow. The sesame oil was still damp, but it didn't seem quite as cold farther away from the ledge. A little thrill deep down warded it off. "Well, it was a wonderful ceremony. You were really something up there. Up here, I guess."
  65. She gave a low easy smile and laid a hand on one of his strong shoulders and streaked down to the bicep, all nail-edge, skating away the thin oil and leaving longing behind. It didn’t seem unusual somehow. Their eyes were still locked.
  67. "It's not often anyone comes to the dias. It's been many, many cycles."
  69. "Oh? Not many people come up to see the Priestess?"
  71. The nails stopped, thumb at the same dimple he'd found, and stayed there as she laughed raucously. Not many people could simply double over with laughter while keeping half-inch nails pressed to skin without so much as scuffing, but she did. He took delight in seeing her fulsome breasts bob with her torso, but the full-on rolling laughter rocking her frame was concerning.
  73. "Did I say something funny?"
  75. "Oh, oh Gods yes, I'm-" she sputtered, another high peal of laughter coming on. "Sorry, that was rude of me. It's just so novel for someone to not know who I am."
  77. "The HIGH priestess?" The Traveler eyed the exquisite closed hand at his elbow, looking for a ring or bracelet or some tattoo indicating rank and found none. He tried to keep panic out of his voice. Mis-titling was the sort of thing the State Department orientation had urged him not to do.
  79. Her face came close to his, a lower, neater chuckle now. "No, she's a wonderful woman. I'm Princess Celestia of Equestria, and you are simply a delight."
  80. -
  81. The Traveler tried to remain cool, but it was mostly shock that kept his even. He could feel both eyebrows rising to the hairline.
  83. "Y-Your Majesty, it's wonderful to make your acquaintance," blurted out - a canned wedge from Orientation Day.
  84. She bolted the hand at her hip to his opposite elbow and shook him in an all-body handshake. "It's wonderful to make your acquaintance too! But I - oh. Well. Hmm. I hope you don't feel startled, my ... esteemed guest."
  86. He puzzled. Once it was clear he wasn't about to be thrown in a dungeon or made the subject of some angry letter to the Ambassador, there wasn't any panic. A giant woman pinning arms to his sides and shaking him like a doll didn't ruffle any feathers.
  88. If anything he was getting familiar heat in his belly. The alabaster skin, the perfect hair, the line of the collarbone - the heft of those breasts all made him ache to touch and grasp and fill a curious hollow feeling in his hands. Inappropriate or not for meeting royalty, it was there and growing. "Startled" wasn't the word.
  90. The Traveler took in the fullness of the room, the locks and ringlets of a Princess and shrugged. "No, I'm feeling pretty - okay."
  92. The beauty's face took a funny turn. Her arms pumped, turning him this way and that to get better vantages. Her gaze was piercing. "No existential dread? No thoughts you could plummet to your death, or be crushed by the wheel of time?"
  94. Those didn't sound very pleasant but none had staying power at the moment. He could smell her shampoo. It was fresh-cut grass with ginger notes. He simply shook his head.
  96. Celestia's face flickered confusion and then simple realization. One hand reached his face, a nail trailing the jawline. He saw/felt/tasted a flash of Magic. The finger kept trailing, a blue wisp rising along her arm and melting away. She said - mostly to him, he thought - "We stand on the axle together tonight."
  98. He darted his eyes around the temple again. The entire area was deserted. All he heard were torches guttering and a few night birds. "I guess, it's just us-"
  100. "You misunderstand me. This is an axis mundi and I am its Keeper. No man has approached the dais after the ceremony and felt anything but 'spun away,' unthinking, walking home from here. He does not stop until his world is back in balance." She'd taken to twisting his face left and right, drinking in the contours. The naked curiosity in her eyes was thirsty, almost greedy. Another little thrill.
  102. "Oh. So I'm some sort of mutant?" his voice pitched as he jerked away from a thin nail’s edge flirting with his jugular. He could start to feel her breath roll over the thinning oil on his face.
  104. The Great Princess gave a small laugh, bringing a hand to his collarbone. It was all fingertips and palms. Her voice was a little lower, conspiratory. "No, but it does make you my paramour."
  106. The Traveler blinked, hard. “Does that mean what I think it means? I was feeling a vibe here, but-”
  108. He trailed off. She was hunkering down to her knees now, both hands running freely over his chest, tipping back around his ribs. The oil had mostly wicked away but her hands were silken and deft. Their faces lined up but she seemed to be pouring over all of him now, not meeting his gaze. A treasure, an "absolute delight," relished like a chocolate rolled over the tongue.
  110. She said matter-of-factly "I must have you."
  112. "HAVE me?"
  114. "HAVE you." Celestia declared, eyes finally meeting his again. Her eyes were banked coals.
  116. "Because of some prophecy or magical thing?" This was getting a little heady. He could swear he heard drums in his ears, but it was in cadence with his heart.
  118. "No, because I chose you before this stupid ceremony ended. I wanted to take you in my chambers," she pulled him close, warm soft bosom presing into his chest, hands now snaking down his back. She brought her lips in close, still speaking plainly- but with a certain clip- "but now we can do this here, none to see you tupping me like an ewe."
  120. He felt a 4/4 throb, the oil and her slight lurching streaking the full weight of her breasts against his frame. He still shook his head, "Are you sure you want to-"
  122. "Take a man in my kingdom on my sacred ground and have him?" she punctuated with a little laugh. One hand burrowed his nose into the nape of her neck. "Are you asking a Princess if she wants what she wants?"
  124. He didn't say 'yes' or 'no' but brought hands to her broad hips. The layers rolled under his hands in small circles, little links of gold in the sash playing at his thumbs. He couldn't help but pause upon caught a rush of her perfume, applied behind an ear turned just so. He kissed lightly at the flow of her nape and tasted something floral, nutty, complicated - a little bitter like walnut, sweet like sesame. Macademia for the healthy bronze. It pulled down the throat in a long rich tang, blending with the ginger perfume and stirring something achingly hard against Celestia’s wandering hand.
  126. She let out a pleased sigh. A bit more weight balanced on him. Fingers raked through his hair as she lilted, almost cooing, "And you want me, Esteemed Guest?"
  128. He nodded and the world turned.
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