
Kawaii Imposter Funtimes

Jul 11th, 2013
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  1. The checkerboard is returned swiftly let again, and there's another note:
  3. "Hi, Theta! I don't know who I am, but I'm supposed to be pretending to be someone named Ayane, who I've never met, but I've been given a few things to help the act. Ayane seems to be really well-liked by the girls here. I wondered if I'm the same as them, but I don't think so. I can't cast magic, and they can't look like other people. I'm also not well-liked, at least not by Millie. I woke up, about a week ago... somewhere nice and warm, like a bed. It felt absolutely safe. But then Millie took me away and I wasn't warm anymore."
  5. The picture this time is what appears to be Ayane hanging from a tree branch by her tail. There's an arrow nearby pointing at the tree which is next to some text. "I saw this in a book. It's called a tree! They don't have these in sand." along with a smiley face.
  7. ----
  9. "Okay! You and the silver-haired girl seem nice. I trust you! I wouldn't mind everything going back to being quiet and warm again. I kind of feel the same way when I'm asleep, except things happen that aren't real. Belle said those were dreams."
  11. The monkey this time is being drawn curled up asleep.
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