Guest User

xXsilvermindXx Mob arena config

a guest
Jun 12th, 2013
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  1. global-settings:
  2. enabled: true
  3. allowed-commands: /list,/pl
  4. update-notification: true
  5. classes:
  6. Knight:
  7. items: diamond_sword, potion:8197:3
  8. armor: 306,307,308,309
  9. Archer:
  10. items: wood_sword, bow, arrow:128, potion:8197:4, bone
  11. armor: 298,299,300,301
  12. Tank:
  13. items: iron_sword, potion:8229:3
  14. armor: 310,311,312,313
  15. Chemist
  16. items: stone_sword, potion:16428:30, potion:16388:8, potion:
  17. 8197:3, potion:8226:1
  18. armor: 314,315,316,317
  19. oddjob
  20. items: stone_sword, flint_and_steel, tnt:16, potion:8197:3
  21. armor: 298,299,300,301
  22. arenas:
  23. default:
  24. settings:
  25. world: world
  26. enabled: true
  27. protect: true
  28. entry-fee: diamond:1
  29. clear-wave-before-next: true
  30. clear-boss-before-next: true
  31. clear-wave-before-boss: true
  32. lightning: true
  33. auto-equip-armor: true
  34. soft-restore:false
  35. soft-restore-drops:false
  36. require-empty-inv-join: false
  37. require-empty-inv-spec: false
  38. hellhounds: false
  39. pvp-enabled: false
  40. monster-infright: false
  41. allow-teleporting: false
  42. spectate-on-death: true
  43. auto-respawn: true
  44. share-items-in-arena: true
  45. min-players: 0
  46. max-players: 0
  47. max-join-distance: 0
  48. first-wave-delay: 10
  49. wave-interval:15
  50. final wave: 0
  51. monster-limit: 100
  52. monster-exp: false
  53. keep-exp: true
  54. food-regen: false
  55. lock-food-level: true
  56. spout-class-select: false
  57. player-time-in-arena: world
  58. auto-ignite-tnt: true
  59. auto-start-timer: 1
  60. use-class-chests: false
  61. display-waves-as-level: false
  62. waves:
  63. recurrent:
  64. def1:
  65. type: default
  66. priority: 1
  67. frequency: 1
  68. monsters:
  69. zombies: 10
  70. skeltons: 6
  71. creepers: 3
  72. def2:
  73. type: default
  74. priority: 1
  75. frequency: 1
  76. wave: 6
  77. monsters:
  78. zombies: 10
  79. skeltons: 10
  80. creepers: 6
  81. single:
  82. swarm1:
  83. type: swarm
  84. Wave: 3
  85. monster: slimes
  86. amount: medium
  87. swarm2:
  88. type: swarm
  89. Wave: 6
  90. monster: creeper
  91. amount: medium
  92. swarm3:
  93. type: swarm
  94. Wave: 9
  95. monster: zombie
  96. amount: high
  97. swarm4:
  98. type: swarm
  99. Wave: 13
  100. monster: zombie
  101. amount: very_high
  102. swarm5:
  103. type: swarm
  104. Wave: 17
  105. monster: zombie_pigman
  106. amount: psycho
  107. boss1:
  108. type: boss
  109. wave:5
  110. monster: spider
  111. health: meduim
  112. abilites: arrows, root-target, pull-nearby
  113. boss2:
  114. type: boss
  115. wave:10
  116. monster: zombie
  117. health: medium
  118. abilites: fire-aura, lightning-aura
  119. boss3:
  120. type: boss
  121. wave:15
  122. monster: cave_spider
  123. health: high
  124. abilites: arrows, root-target, pull-nearby
  125. boss4:
  126. type: boss
  127. wave:20
  128. monster: skeleton
  129. health: very_high
  130. abilites: arrows, fireballs, warp-to-player
  131. rewards:
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