
RevoX Chapter #5068

Aug 16th, 2015
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  1. [World]Z3r0:*Z3r0*
  2. [World]RolandRock:70 more shells for t1
  3. [World]ƒô♪:XD
  4. [World]ƒô♪:i have 2 fury shell
  5. [World]ƒô♪:level 7 and level 6
  6. [World]ƒô♪:is it cool?
  7. [World]BloodSwoRd:1 lev 7 n 5 lev 6
  8. [World]TsuKoro:man im so far behind from T1
  9. [World]RolandRock:yep lol
  10. [World]ƒô♪::O
  11. [World]ƒô♪:OP XD hahahahaha
  12. [World]ƒô♪:Not t1 yet?
  13. [World]RolandRock:this is gonna be my 2nd
  14. [World]ƒô♪:oh cool
  15. [World]ƒô♪:btw
  16. [World]ƒô♪:every when will luffy use gear 3 bone ballloon?
  17. [World]TsuKoro:you guys aret free users are u
  18. [World]TsuKoro:*arent
  19. [World]ƒô♪:im free user
  20. [World]ƒô♪:Someone give me this account xD
  21. [World]ƒô♪:but this is quite good
  22. [World]Sunstriker:im vip 1 from survey,
  23. [World]Romero.s005:the matter is if the account once got topped up or not
  24. [World]Sunstriker:what does free user hav 2 do with anything?
  25. [World]TsuKoro:being a fee user is struggle lol
  26. [World]Romero.s005:someone can't pilot butaw and say he is a "free user" :D
  27. [World]RolandRock:Marco pierce 18.48
  28. [World]ƒô♪:idk what you are talking about
  29. [World]Romero.s005:for the rest idk, i didnt part the conversation
  30. [World]ƒô♪:i dont know this game hahaha
  31. [World]BloodSwoRd:just little lesS silver
  32. [World]Romero.s005:just responding to the "free user" thing
  33. [World]ƒô♪:what if vip 12? XD
  34. [World]TsuKoro:then your rich lol
  35. [World]BloodSwoRd:vip 6 plus n continous buying from shop
  36. [World]ƒô♪:hahahaha xD
  37. [World]BloodSwoRd:are gold users.
  38. [World]ƒô♪:I Will just buy Character on league of legends :3
  39. [World]ƒô♪:Tahm kench XD
  40. [World]TsuKoro:heavy gold users on all servers
  41. [World]BloodSwoRd:yet if u read stats of vip, initial gold n little silver
  42. [World]Romero.s005:try it with devourer, in jungle
  43. [World]BloodSwoRd:is only diff, dont giv free user crutch
  44. [World]Romero.s005:its a shame how its strong
  45. [World]ƒô♪:For me gold users are boooooooo
  46. [World]TsuKoro:lol why
  47. [World]ƒô♪:cause gold makes this game easy xD
  48. [World]ƒô♪:Am i wrong ? :3
  49. [World]RolandRock:Romero how much prest should be enough for 76 agi
  50. [World]TsuKoro:thats true. i dont use gold so its hard.
  51. [World]ƒô♪:They should try playing this game without gold
  52. [World]ƒô♪:yea but if you are earning gold
  53. [World]Romero.s005:easier , not easy
  54. [World]ƒô♪:sorry
  55. [World]ƒô♪:Im a little bit bla bla
  56. [World]ƒô♪:im not good at englis
  57. [World]ƒô♪:even in history
  58. [World]TsuKoro:damn.. rank used to be in the 400's
  59. [World]Romero.s005:not a word problem ^^'
  60. [World]TsuKoro:got pushed back to the 800's... been off too long
  61. [World]ƒô♪:Who play league of legends?
  62. [World]ƒô♪:oopppsss my project is not yet done!!! imma go
  63. [World]Romero.s005:just saying that this game won't be just "easy" for gold use
  64. [World]Romero.s005:if they don't user it smartly, they will waste it.
  65. [World]Romero.s005:c ya.
  66. [World]ƒô♪:Use not user
  67. [World]ƒô♪:luffy triple kill
  68. [World]ƒô♪:hahahaha
  69. [World]Romero.s005:character limit
  70. [World]Romero.s005:i wrote "user" but my message got cut
  71. [World]TsuKoro:im surprised no new characters came out
  72. [World]TsuKoro:as long as ive been gone
  73. [World]ƒô♪:there is new ?
  74. [World]ƒô♪:coby xD hahahaha
  75. [World]ƒô♪:I am waiting for y***op :3
  76. [World]ƒô♪:how could hiking bear remove 20 fury?
  77. [World]TsuKoro:lol
  78. [World]TsuKoro:its his ability
  79. [World]RolandRock:Illusion skill level 2
  80. [World]ƒô♪:no i am askin how ...
  81. [World]RolandRock:Blood you there
  82. [World]BloodSwoRd:**
  83. [World]BloodSwoRd:sup rr
  84. [World]RolandRock:Need something.
  85. [World]RolandRock:pm?
  86. [World]BloodSwoRd:send it
  87. [Notice]Congratulation to Vert be the champion of One Piece Compe***ion.
  88. [Notice]Congrats to Vert for successfully defending 10 times in tournament, but ATK, DEF, SPEED decreased by 10%!
  89. [World]JuanriD.:hi
  90. [World]JuanriD.:RR ARE YUR HERE?
  91. [World]RolandRock:Hey JD*
  92. [World]JuanriD.:how are you
  93. [World]JuanriD.:*Garp*
  94. [World]RolandRock:oh I'm fine how about you?
  95. [World]RolandRock:grats on garp
  96. [World]TsuKoro:im never lucky in the bars for SSS
  97. [World]JuanriD.:man i was soo lucky
  98. [World]JuanriD.:at last after 1 month a half
  99. [World]JuanriD.:that was a difficult month XD
  100. [World]TsuKoro:lol i wasnt lucky in bars since s7 was the last server
  101. [World]JuanriD.:what armor is good for garp?
  102. [World]TsuKoro:thats the definition of struggle lol
  103. [World]JuanriD.:lol
  104. [World]JuanriD.:what armor is good for garp?}
  105. [World]Z3r0:*Han*****
  106. [World]RolandRock:FG set
  107. [World]TsuKoro:hmmm FG
  108. [World]RolandRock:FG for damage though...
  109. [World]JuanriD.:bm not?
  110. [World]RolandRock:you can use bm yes, But i prefer FG.
  111. [World]RolandRock:FG to be more defensive. but don't enhance his boots.
  112. [World]MaRLou06:can you **** me guys
  113. [World]TsuKoro:i personally use bm for speed. its ust me
  114. [World]RolandRock:What.
  115. [World]TsuKoro:*just
  116. [World]JuanriD.:RR you are rifht FG for garp
  117. [World]Sunstriker:all crews get BM if u can
  118. [World]JuanriD.:equal marco reduce speed of opponet
  119. [World]BloodSwoRd:just protag on in arena, easy win ;) rank 12
  120. [World]JuanriD.:and skill?
  121. [World]TsuKoro:op
  122. [World]RolandRock:Time to test out Blood's shiny prot xD
  123. [World]TsuKoro:do u guys focus on many things or more than one thing
  124. [World]RolandRock:Blood boy planning to save for hax bear or not?
  125. [World]BloodSwoRd:no, want dumb bear but not sa
  126. [World]BloodSwoRd:2 many immport use 4 gold now
  127. [World]RolandRock:my one man on as well take my rank 197 lol
  128. [World]Romero.s005:hahahaha
  129. [World]BloodSwoRd:dueling u rr, u have low hits?
  130. [World]RolandRock:on prot I got high hit. xD
  131. [World]RolandRock:you got low hit huh?
  132. [World]RolandRock:dodged you a couple times as well
  133. [World]TsuKoro:i love dodging lol
  134. [World]TsuKoro:more than blocking
  135. [World]BloodSwoRd:yeah low hits. still learning da game
  136. [World]RolandRock:lol yah
  137. [World]MaRLou06:i love you to
  138. [World]BloodSwoRd:+1 for Tsu
  139. [World]RolandRock:TsuKoro you can duel me
  140. [World]RolandRock:I got a doc prot
  141. [World]Romero.s005:i love blocking
  142. [World]Romero.s005:more than dodging :D
  143. [World]TsuKoro:lol im not setting myself up for defeat
  144. [World]TsuKoro:im too weak
  145. [World]RolandRock:lol I'm a doc prot 137. I don't have shiny
  146. [World]RolandRock:use your entire team if you'd like
  147. [World]TsuKoro:dodging more than 5 times in a row is so entertaining
  148. [World]TsuKoro:and okay Roland
  149. [World]TsuKoro:ill try
  150. [World]Romero.s005:y, same for block :P
  151. [World]RolandRock:If you lose, it gives you a better reason to get stronger
  152. [World]TsuKoro:i always wanted to be strong but was always weak
  153. [World]TsuKoro:i have lots to do lol
  154. [World]RolandRock:Nah you're not weak
  155. [World]RolandRock:lol did you win?
  156. [World]TsuKoro:lol of course not
  157. [World]TsuKoro:i wasnt exagerrating when i said im weak lol
  158. [World]Romero.s005:y you just need more hp and a better pet
  159. [World]Romero.s005:but i like your team :P
  160. [World]Sunstriker:duel me rr, protag vs protag
  161. [World]RolandRock:lol you're not weak buddy
  162. [World]RolandRock:okay sunny boy
  163. [World]RolandRock:should I put on my prot's secret gear or nah? xD
  164. [World]TsuKoro:im trying to go for all BM rings
  165. [World]RolandRock:4247 damage on your skill sun xD how
  166. [World]TsuKoro:i only use perona for one reason but i might have to change
  167. [World]TsuKoro:entire team
  168. [Notice]Conqueror of New WorldPekelemebe logged in
  169. [World]RolandRock:Won Sunny boy
  170. [World]Sunstriker:i did or u did 4247?
  171. [World]Romero.s005:how much block break do you have on your prot RR?
  172. [World]RolandRock:You did LOL
  173. [World]RolandRock:on your skill like wtf? you don't have pierce?
  174. [World]Sunstriker:im waek
  175. [World]RolandRock:56 on prot
  176. [World]Sunstriker:noob
  177. [World]RolandRock:I got 50+ block break on all crew
  178. [World]RolandRock:except franky
  179. [World]Mangix:yeah whatever
  180. [World]Romero.s005:nice :P
  181. [World]Romero.s005:got 20% chance to land a hit not critic on my mihawk
  182. [World]Romero.s005:and you took it :P
  183. [World]RolandRock:might quit soon...
  184. [World]TsuKoro:damn another one is deciding to quit already lol
  185. [World]RolandRock:growing tired of this game.
  186. [World]RolandRock:If i can get a pilot it would be great.
  187. [World]TsuKoro:Roland i think i lost due to the duel being too long
  188. [World]TsuKoro:our healths are barely dropping at all
  189. [World]RolandRock:lol its gotta be TsuKoro
  190. [World]Romero.s005:getting a pilot while you're tired of the game is like
  191. [World]Romero.s005:being on artificial breathing
  192. [World]TsuKoro:plus there hella dodging so yeah lol
  193. [World]RolandRock:lool Romero so true
  194. [World]RolandRock:lol Tsu wanna be my pilot?
  195. [World]TsuKoro:lol i would but i gotta get stronger. i took a loong break
  196. [World]TsuKoro:like maybe 5*9 months?
  197. [World]RolandRock:Ahh its okay, if you need any help on getting stronger pm me
  198. [World]TsuKoro:will do thanks
  199. [World]RolandRock:welp I'm off to bed.
  200. [World]RolandRock:Night guys
  201. [World]TsuKoro:see ya
  202. [World]RolandRock:Night Blood, Night Romero, Night Tsu.
  203. [World]BloodSwoRd:nite
  204. [World]Slashermen:hello to all
  205. [World]Slashermen:jimbe
  206. [World]Slashermen:partner battle royal
  207. [World]Slashermen:aw
  208. [World]Slashermen:ur to strong pistol
  209. [World]Slashermen:i cant beat u
  210. [World]Slashermen:more hp
  211. [World]Slashermen: u have
  212. [World]Slashermen:near at davy f
  213. [World]Slashermen:davy back fight
  214. [Notice]Congrats to YapGuoPao for successfully defending 10 times in tournament, but ATK, DEF, SPEED decreased by 10%!
  215. [Notice]Congrats to YapGuoPao for successfully defending 20 times in tournament, but ATK, DEF, SPEED decreased by 20%!
  216. [Notice]Dvacas.s6 has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  217. [Notice]Kuros has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  218. [World]E.NatsuD.:*Robin*
  219. [World]clgt:*Robin*
  220. [World]Mangix:*Wapol*
  221. [World]E.NatsuD.:*Kuma*
  222. [World]Mangix:*Kuroobi*
  223. [World]E.NatsuD.:*Foxy*
  224. [World]icehand:*Marco*
  225. [World]Zodan:*Jango*
  226. [World]Mangix:*Jango*
  227. [World]白雪Jiro:*Shirahoshi*
  228. [World]icehand:*Han*****
  229. [World]Zodan:*Shirahoshi*
  230. [World]Mangix:*Mangix*
  231. [World]clgt:*Hawk*Eyes Mihawk*
  232. [World]icehand:*Jinbe*
  233. [World]zidenzizo:*Franky*
  234. [World]Zodan:*Han*****
  235. [World]白雪Jiro:*Smoker*
  236. [World]icehand:*Whitebeard*
  237. [World]Mangix:*Kaidou*
  238. [World]icehand:*GolDroGer
  239. [World]白雪Jiro:*Kuma*
  240. [World]icehand:ithink iwin :D
  241. [World]白雪Jiro:man, u need some more hp on ur crew
  242. [World]GrayFlynn:*Aokiji*
  243. [World]白雪Jiro:*Brook*
  244. [World]clgt:*Aokiji*
  245. [World]Zodan:*Usopp*
  246. [World]icehand:yes i do
  247. [World]GrayFlynn:*Marco*
  248. [World]Mangix:*Shiki*
  249. [World]E.NatsuD.:*Woingenau*
  250. [World]E.NatsuD.:*Son Goku*
  251. [World]Mangix:u lose
  252. [World]Mangix:bye
  253. [World]icehand:*HARREYPOTTER*
  254. [World]Nachös:no
  255. [World]Mangix:its not even a character from one piece
  256. [World]Mangix:geez
  257. [World]icehand:sory dud
  258. [World]Mangix:everyone has marco nowadays
  259. [World]PAdLoi:wtf sinbad
  260. [World]Nachös:yes
  261. [World]Nachös:marco op
  262. [World]Pekelemebe:only a few people doing ladder now
  263. [World]Nachös:i was doing but it all i see is my characters get rekt then
  264. [World]Muneeb™:Peke buly
  265. [World]Pekelemebe:no sinbad was the bully in that ladder lol
  266. [World]Muneeb™:thankfully i didnt do it
  267. [World]Romero.s005:i didnt do it also
  268. [World]Romero.s005:but to me everyone on this ladder is a bully XD
  269. [World]Romero.s005:so it wouldnt change anything much
  270. [World]Muneeb™:lort still rank 4 without doing ladder haahha
  271. [World]Muneeb™:apparantly sinbad raped lol
  272. [World]Pekelemebe:only a few people did that ladder
  273. [Notice]1PunchMan has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  274. [World]MihawkSal:mporei kaneis ellhnas na pilotarei?
  275. [World]LakeCoby:всем привет
  276. [World]Muneeb™:mihawksal nice franky
  277. [World]MihawkSal:i need a good haki
  278. [World]Gotenks.s2:MihawkSala
  279. [World]Muneeb™:your franky 96k i think
  280. [Notice]H.A.N.K has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  281. [World]DennisPain:*Garp*
  282. [World]Muneeb™:gray flynn with 5 crew does more damage than me F**
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