
Vera "The content of this paste furthers our race" mere

Feb 6th, 2017
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  1. Vera "Won't let a spade step foot in my raid" mere
  2. Vera "Delete the toon of every coon" mere
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  16. Vera "Make your character black and I'm sure to attack" mere
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  18. Vera "True moderation needs race discrimination" mere
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  20. Vera "A perma ban for every black man" mere
  21. Vera "No baboons in Silvermoon" mere
  22. Vera "Moderating out MLK" mere
  23. Vera "Remove every spade from the Burning Crusade" mere
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  27. Vera "If your skin isn't white I start casting smite" mere
  28. Vera "Banhammer for blacks" mere
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  31. Vera "No darkies in Discord" mere
  32. Vera "If your skin is browned stay off HellGround" mere
  33. Vera "Share a race with Anne Frank you're gonna get ganked" mere
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