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Ultimate Backup Tool

a guest
Aug 21st, 2012
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  1. @echo off
  2. title Ultimate Backup Tool
  3. goto menu
  4. :menu
  5. cls
  6. echo Ultimate Backup tool
  7. echo by Gigadroid
  8. echo
  9. echo.
  10. echo Notices:
  11. echo Make sure that USB Debugging is enabled!
  12. echo This will not back up SMS messages!
  13. echo Set a desktop backup password under Developer Options. It seems it would fail otherwise!
  14. echo The backup will be saved in C:\backup\backup.ab
  15. echo.
  16. echo What would you like to do?
  17. echo.
  18. echo 1. Backup all without system apps
  19. echo 2. Backup all with system apps (unsafe)
  20. echo 3. Backup app and device data (not the APKs themselves)
  21. echo 4. Backup apps
  22. echo 5. Backup device shared storage / SD card contents
  23. echo 6. Restore
  24. echo 7. Quit
  25. echo.
  26. :choice
  27. set /P C=Choose a option:
  28. if "%C%"=="7" goto quit
  29. if "%C%"=="6" goto restore
  30. if "%C%"=="5" goto sd
  31. if "%C%"=="4" goto apps
  32. if "%C%"=="3" goto appsdevice
  33. if "%C%"=="2" goto system
  34. if "%C%"=="1" goto all
  35. goto choice
  36. :all
  37. echo Look at your phone.
  38. echo Wait until you see a message saying 'Backup complete' or your phone returns to the home screen.
  39. adb backup -apk -shared -all -nosystem -f C:\backup\backup.ab
  40. goto menu
  41. :system
  42. echo Look at your phone.
  43. echo Wait until you see a message saying 'Backup complete' or your phone returns to the home screen.
  44. adb backup -apk -shared -all -system -f C:\backup\backup.ab
  45. goto menu
  46. :appsdevice
  47. echo Look at your phone.
  48. echo Wait until you see a message saying 'Backup complete' or your phone returns to the home screen.
  49. adb backup -all -f C:\backup\backup.ab
  50. goto menu
  51. :apps
  52. echo Look at your phone.
  53. echo Wait until you see a message saying 'Backup complete' or your phone returns to the home screen.
  54. adb backup -apk -noshared - nosystem -f C:\backup\backup.ab
  55. goto menu
  56. :sd
  57. echo Look at your phone.
  58. echo Wait until you see a message saying 'Backup complete' or your phone returns to the home screen.
  59. adb backup -noapk -shared -nosystem -f C:\backup\backup.ab
  60. goto menu
  61. :restore
  62. echo Look at your phone and type your password.
  63. adb restore C:\backup\backup.ab
  64. goto menu
  65. :quit
  66. exit
  67. :end
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