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a guest
Mar 28th, 2015
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  1. TestSwift`top_level_code at main.swift:
  2. 0x100179fa0: pushq %rbp
  3. 0x100179fa1: movq %rsp, %rbp
  4. 0x100179fa4: subq $0xb0, %rsp
  5. 0x100179fab: movq $0x0, -0x18(%rbp)
  6. 0x100179fb3: movq $0x0, -0x20(%rbp)
  7. 0x100179fbb: movq $0x0, -0x10(%rbp)
  8. 0x100179fc3: movb $0x1, -0x8(%rbp)
  9. 0x100179fc7: movq -0x10(%rbp), %rax
  10. 0x100179fcb: movq -0x20(%rbp), %rcx
  11. 0x100179fcf: movq -0x18(%rbp), %rdx
  12. 0x100179fd3: movq %rdx, 0x5fbd6(%rip) ; TestSwift.canBeNil : Swift.Optional<Swift.String> + 8
  13. 0x100179fda: movq %rcx, 0x5fbc7(%rip) ; TestSwift.canBeNil : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>
  14. 0x100179fe1: movq %rax, 0x5fbd0(%rip) ; TestSwift.canBeNil : Swift.Optional<Swift.String> + 16
  15. 0x100179fe8: movb $0x1, 0x5fbd1(%rip) ; TestSwift.canBeNil : Swift.Optional<Swift.String> + 23
  16. 0x100179fef: leaq -0x40(%rbp), %rax
  17. 0x100179ff3: movb $0x1, %sil
  18. 0x100179ff6: testb %sil, %sil
  19. 0x100179ff9: movq %rax, -0xa0(%rbp)
  20. 0x10017a000: jne 0x10017a04e ; top_level_code + 174 at main.swift:3
  21. 0x10017a002: jmp 0x10017a004 ; top_level_code + 100 at main.swift:3
  22. 0x10017a004: movq 0x5fb9d(%rip), %rax ; TestSwift.canBeNil : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>
  23. 0x10017a00b: movq -0xa0(%rbp), %rcx
  24. 0x10017a012: movq %rax, (%rcx)
  25. 0x10017a015: movq 0x5fb94(%rip), %rax ; TestSwift.canBeNil : Swift.Optional<Swift.String> + 8
  26. 0x10017a01c: movq %rax, 0x8(%rcx)
  27. 0x10017a020: movq 0x5fb91(%rip), %rax ; TestSwift.canBeNil : Swift.Optional<Swift.String> + 16
  28. 0x10017a027: movq %rax, %rdi
  29. 0x10017a02a: movq %rax, -0xa8(%rbp)
  30. 0x10017a031: callq 0x1001a30b0 ; swift_unknownRetain
  31. 0x10017a036: movq -0xa0(%rbp), %rax
  32. 0x10017a03d: movq -0xa8(%rbp), %rcx
  33. 0x10017a044: movq %rcx, 0x10(%rax)
  34. 0x10017a048: movb $0x0, -0x28(%rbp)
  35. 0x10017a04c: jmp 0x10017a07e ; top_level_code + 222 at main.swift:3
  36. 0x10017a04e: movq 0x5fb63(%rip), %rax ; TestSwift.canBeNil : Swift.Optional<Swift.String> + 16
  37. 0x10017a055: movq 0x5fb4c(%rip), %rcx ; TestSwift.canBeNil : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>
  38. 0x10017a05c: movq 0x5fb4d(%rip), %rdx ; TestSwift.canBeNil : Swift.Optional<Swift.String> + 8
  39. 0x10017a063: movb 0x5fb56(%rip), %sil ; TestSwift.canBeNil : Swift.Optional<Swift.String> + 24
  40. 0x10017a06a: movq %rdx, -0x38(%rbp)
  41. 0x10017a06e: movq %rcx, -0x40(%rbp)
  42. 0x10017a072: movq %rax, -0x30(%rbp)
  43. 0x10017a076: andb $0x1, %sil
  44. 0x10017a07a: movb %sil, -0x28(%rbp)
  45. 0x10017a07e: leaq 0x4fe2b(%rip), %rax ; direct type metadata for Swift.String
  46. 0x10017a085: addq $0x8, %rax
  47. 0x10017a08b: leaq 0x466a6(%rip), %rcx ; protocol witness table for Swift.String : Swift.Equatable
  48. 0x10017a092: leaq -0x60(%rbp), %rdx
  49. 0x10017a096: leaq -0x40(%rbp), %rsi
  50. 0x10017a09a: movq $0x0, -0x78(%rbp)
  51. 0x10017a0a2: movq $0x0, -0x80(%rbp)
  52. 0x10017a0aa: movq $0x0, -0x70(%rbp)
  53. 0x10017a0b2: movb $0x1, -0x68(%rbp)
  54. 0x10017a0b6: movq -0x70(%rbp), %rdi
  55. 0x10017a0ba: movq -0x80(%rbp), %r8
  56. 0x10017a0be: movq -0x78(%rbp), %r9
  57. 0x10017a0c2: movb -0x68(%rbp), %r10b
  58. 0x10017a0c6: movq %r9, -0x58(%rbp)
  59. 0x10017a0ca: movq %r8, -0x60(%rbp)
  60. 0x10017a0ce: movq %rdi, -0x50(%rbp)
  61. 0x10017a0d2: andb $0x1, %r10b
  62. 0x10017a0d6: movb %r10b, -0x48(%rbp)
  63. 0x10017a0da: movq %rsi, %rdi
  64. 0x10017a0dd: movq %rdx, %rsi
  65. 0x10017a0e0: movq %rax, %rdx
  66. 0x10017a0e3: callq 0x100005c60 ; Swift.!= infix <A : Swift.Equatable>(Swift.Optional<A>, Swift.Optional<A>) -> Swift.Bool
  67. 0x10017a0e8: testb $0x1, %al
  68. 0x10017a0ea: jne 0x10017a0ee ; top_level_code + 334 at main.swift:3
  69. 0x10017a0ec: jmp 0x10017a138 ; top_level_code + 408 at main.swift:3
  70. 0x10017a0ee: leaq 0x316db(%rip), %rdi ; "canBeNil isn't nil"
  71. 0x10017a0f5: movabsq $0x12, %rsi
  72. 0x10017a0ff: movl $0x1, %edx
  73. 0x10017a104: callq 0x100016b30 ; Swift.String.init (Swift.String.Type)(_builtinStringLiteral : Builtin.RawPointer, byteSize : Builtin.Word, isASCII : Builtin.Int1) -> Swift.String
  74. 0x10017a109: leaq 0x4fda0(%rip), %rsi ; direct type metadata for Swift.String
  75. 0x10017a110: addq $0x8, %rsi
  76. 0x10017a117: leaq -0x98(%rbp), %rdi
  77. 0x10017a11e: movq %rax, -0x98(%rbp)
  78. 0x10017a125: movq %rdx, -0x90(%rbp)
  79. 0x10017a12c: movq %rcx, -0x88(%rbp)
  80. 0x10017a133: callq 0x1000b8b10 ; Swift.println <A>(A) -> ()
  81. 0x10017a138: addq $0xb0, %rsp
  82. 0x10017a13f: popq %rbp
  83. 0x10017a140: retq
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