
Getting to Know All About You: Part 20

Jul 18th, 2014
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  3. >Much moralizing and arguing and thinking was had amongst the Cabinet.
  4. >Fiery and Precious had a pissing contest.
  6. >It cometh with terribly arousing ideas and fucked with Cadence.
  7. >You tried to choke a bitch unsuccessfully.
  8. >There was angst.
  9. >There was hugging.
  10. >There was hope.
  11. >There was A Wild Twilight!
  12. >She just threatened to drop the bass, dog!
  14. >AND NOW
  15. >You stare flatly at Twilight.
  16. >She glares at you, deranged.
  17. >"Twenty five, twenty four, twenty three..." she counts.
  18. >You roll your eyes, and Sing to the floor while gesturing.
  19. >Out of the crystal rises a certain blue unicorn with white, messy hair.
  20. >Her horn is encased in black crystal, and her legs remain stuck inside the crystal beneath her.
  21. >Her eyes flutter open as she reaches the apex.
  22. >"Wh-what is-"
  23. "You mean her?" you state.
  24. >"YES," says Twilight, her face occupying the screen, eyes crazed and wild "Give her to MEEEE."
  25. >Jesus Christ, it's like coming face to face with some sort of neanderthal pony, full of infantile desire and animalistic rage.
  26. >Except it has access to a nuclear warhead.
  27. >You must tread gently here.
  28. "Twilight," you ease, as one might talk to a very trying toddler, "Where is Trixie?"
  29. >Trixie blinks at you, "I'm right here you-"
  30. >"She's THERE!" points Twilight, "Next to YOU! Give her, or I'll-"
  31. "And where am I, Twilight?" you groan.
  32. >Twilight continues pointing her hoof at you.
  33. >"You're both in Empire!" she triumphantly states.
  34. >You stare at her for a couple of seconds, hoping it'll sink in, but she just coninutes to point, her entire attention focused on Trixie.
  35. >You sigh.
  36. "Twilight, if you drop the sun on Empire, won't you end up killing Trixie?" you explain, calmly.
  37. >Trixie recoils.
  38. >"Drop the sun? on Trixie!?" she scoffs, "Trixie would NEVER allow it!"
  39. >You slowly turn your head to look at Trixie, incredulous.
  40. >"Well I wouldn't!" She humphs
  41. >This pone.
  42. >You turn back to Twilight, who is still pointing, but you can see the gears working in her head.
  43. >Without looking, you casually swat Trixie over the back of the head.
  44. >Twilight slowly lowers her hoof, blinking as Trixie 'ouch!'s.
  45. >"Twily?" says Shining, leaping up from his position, FEELing worried, "What's wrong?"
  46. >Twilight's eyes register Shining, and her pupils dilate from 'psychotic killer' to 'normal pony'.
  47. >"Shiny!" she gasps, "You're in..." she rubs her head, "Of COURSE you're in Empire. Sheesh, I almost dropped the sun on my BBFFF and my bestest baby...sitter..."
  48. >She eyes Shining up and down.
  49. >Shining suddenly FEELs very, very exposed in his Royal Cockslut Uniform.
  50. >Cadence turns, smiling with benevolence at Twilight, but you can FEEL that she's still shaken.
  51. >Still, seeing Twilight again has lifted her spirits.
  52. >Twilight's eyes then travel over Cadence.
  53. >And now she's FEELing just as embarrassed as Shining is.
  54. >Twilight backs away from the 'screen', startled.
  55. >"You're both...?" she eyes at you, then Cadence and Shining, "You're both his ... slaves?"
  56. >"Kind of," shrugs Shining, "But we're ... fine here," he tries to soothe, "Twily, something's wrong, what is it?"
  57. >Twilight recoils.
  58. >"You're his slaves!?" she gasps, shocked, "Rarity was right! Does he have you cleaning the floors? Sowing pashminas? Vote liberal?"
  59. >Voting Liberal?
  60. >Monarchist Scum!
  61. >Shining shakes his head vehemently.
  62. >"No, nothing like that Twiley," Shining bites his lip.
  63. >Twilight's face once again occupies the entire screen.
  64. >"Come on Shiny, you can tell me anything," she panics, "Has he hurt you?"
  65. >"No, Twilight," says Cadence, firmly, "We're just"
  66. >Twilight's frowny face with slightly watery eyes pouts at you.
  67. >"...In THAT way," adds Cadence, sighing.
  68. >Twilight recoils, backing away from the screen.
  69. >Then blinks.
  70. >Then begins to grin widely, as she seems to glide towards the screen-
  71. "Twilight," you cut in, holding up a hand, "seriously, don't do the whole creepy stalker deviant incest thing, please?"
  72. >She snorts, derisively.
  73. >"It's perfectly normal - NOT stalkerish or incestuous," she stresses, "for any sister to take care of her brother, especially when he has such an amazing manhood and tight flank, that should only be pounded by the best," she says as if reciting some ancient lore.
  74. >Jesus.
  75. >Fucking.
  76. >Christ.
  77. >You FEEL Shining cringe in embarrasment, his cheeks burning.
  78. >"" stammers Shining, caught flatfooted.
  79. >Or flathoofed, or whatever happens to ponies who get caught out flat.
  80. >"It's okay Shiny!" chirps Twilight, "As long as he lasts longer than the average 5.32 minutes, and his girth is wider than-"
  81. >"Twilight!" says Cadence, scandalized, "Please! Anonymous is trying to talk to you about important things!"
  82. >"And my brother's beautiful cock isn't?" scoffs Twilight.
  83. >"Twilight, stop saying things like that!" gasps Shining in horror, clutching his hoofs to the side of his head.
  84. >"But I have to be supportive!" says Twilight, "In my infinite wisdom of therapizing, which I learned fairly recently by the way, and has given me a 100% success rate, I understand that since your experience with Chrysalis, you have been feeling rather emasculated."
  85. >Cadence's eyes wdien.
  86. >"No, that's, Twilight, please!" she stutters.
  87. >"And while she may have altered your mind to make you think you have a tiny, quick fire penis," Twilight rambles on, "I, as your sister, have to tell you that your penis is fine, and above average in both lasting ability, size, girth and volume."
  88. >Precious is on the verge of laughing his arse off, and you're biting your lip to stop yourself.
  89. >" do you KNOW that?" asks Shining, fearful of the answer.
  90. >"A good scientist never reveals her tricks, especially when it's completely unethical and it's already in the scientific literature from the last time she did this, anyway," Twilight titters
  91. >"The last time!?" says Cadence and Shining in unison, with absolute horror blaring from their hearts.
  92. >Oh god.
  93. >It's like a trainwreck.
  94. >No, this IS a trainwreck.
  95. >No, this is a spoof-sex-comedy of a trainwreck based off 'Unstoppable' with Leslie Neilson and Samuel Jackson as the train engineers tasked with stopping a train full of dragon dildoes from crashing into the town of Intercourse, Pennsylvania.
  96. >You cannot stop watching, despite the fact that continued veiwing is slowly but surely killing you.
  97. >You're somewhere between grimacing and smirking.
  98. >So is Trixie.
  99. >You whack her over the back of the head again.
  100. >Maybe for her punishment she can be your 'look smarmy and cocky while I knock your head about' pony.
  101. >Cadence FEELs admonishment at you.
  102. >Yep, that's not doing anything.
  103. >"ANON," she FEEL strains at you, "DO. SOMETHING."
  104. >Kay.
  105. "Twilight, please!" you state, pleasantly, "we have important matters of State to discuss!"
  106. >Twilight looks at you and oh fuck.
  107. >Oh shit.
  108. >Anon, why, just, why.
  109. >"Something important?" she states, her eyes afixing to yours.
  110. >You're not ready for this!
  111. >You were going to have the Cabinet do up like a twenty point plan or some shit.
  112. >You don't think your talk-fu is up to scratch, and if you fuck up here, Empire may be doomed.
  113. >As may be your conscience - you don't want to be responsible for mindraping Equestrian Nobility.
  114. >But if this fails...the Whole will do it.
  115. >You dig in deep, and-
  116. >"Yes, Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Magic," says Precious, leaping to your defence and bowing low, in his eternal duty to jump in front of nobility.
  117. >You relax slightly.
  118. >You're not alone in this.
  119. >Silly Anon, the Cabinet is right there to help you.
  120. >Twilight frowns, seeming to have difficulty focusing on Precious.
  121. >"Who are you?" she asks.
  122. >"I am-" begins Precious
  123. >"Don't care," she scoffs, "CLEARLY you aren't Anon, even if you are the same colour. I mean, Anonymous doesn't have WINGS. And ANONYMOUS has something important to say."
  124. >Precious tenses.
  125. >You think a weighty thought along the lines of an indeterminate, expletive curse.
  126. >"So Anonymous," she says semi-coherently, "You said we have something important to discuss?"
  127. "Er..."
  128. >Quick Anon, dodge!
  129. "I think my Minister of Nobility here would-"
  130. >"No, Anon, YOU said something important," states Twilight, imperiously, "About State. Which is VERY important! And as a ruler now, this conversation, which is IMPORTANT, should be just between you and I. And Cadence and Shining. Not because they're my babysitter and BBFFF, but becasue they USED to be rulers."
  131. >You frown.
  132. >Your hopes were raised then dashed by this lunatic mare!
  133. >Quick, damage control!
  134. "But Twilight," you soothe, "He's apart of my Cabinet. They help me rule. So technically, they're rulers too!"
  135. >"Technicallities, the discussion is between you and I," Twilight says, waving dismissively, "You either have something important to say, or we have nothing to talk about apart from Shining's tasty, sweet cock, so just say it."
  136. >You cast your eyes around the Cabinet.
  137. >They're all frowning.
  138. >This is less than helpful.
  139. >But you also feel something.
  140. >In your head.
  141. >A faint, unsettling buzzing.
  142. >You quick disregard it, though.
  143. >Your recent losses with the word-fu may have dropped your ranking, but you shall soldier on and be victorious!
  144. "Very well then!" you begin, "Twilight..."
  145. >Quick, think of something distracting.
  146. "...what about Cadence's pussy?"
  147. >...
  148. >Eh, that'll do.
  149. >Cadence's pussy IS fairly distracting.
  150. >Twilight rolls her eyes again while Cadence FEELs hate and anger and death and painful things going into your eyes at you.
  151. >"Please, I know PERFECTLY well through scientific experiments while she was baby-sitting me that my babysitter's baby-maker is the most divine in Equestria - excluding six mares, who are of an appropriate distance away from Shining, largely because they're slutty bitches who aren't my babysitter."
  152. >Woah.
  153. >Cadence's onslaught of Doom on You is reeling from that.
  154. >"You performed tests on my hooha?" she says, stunned.
  155. >"You think Cadence is a slutty bitch?" adds Shining, confused.
  156. >"This matter is NOT for discussion!" rants Twilight, "The discussion is Anon. Having Important Things. To say to me. About STATE. And if there's anything I've learned over the past two days," she says, pointedly to something behind her, "Is that the STATE matters more than ANYTHING."
  157. >You purse your lips together.
  158. >Okay Anon.
  159. >It is time to unleash the Word-Fu, the Sacred Art of Diplomacy.
  160. >You have trained long and hard at saying words, and while you may have slipped many times in the past, you can get out of this.
  161. >You can outwit Twilight.
  162. >Especially when she's this completely out of it.
  163. >You pull deep inside your head chakra.
  164. >You ascend your mind to higher consciousness.
  165. >Achieve a place of serenity and calm.
  166. >And begin to use the Words.
  167. "Alright Twilight," you begin, "But this discussion is going to be fairly might want to sit down for this,"
  168. >Hopefully this should buy you some time, however small, to figure something out.
  169. >She blinks, then turns around.
  170. >She trots back, revealing the inside of the Treebrary.
  171. >It's in complete disorder.
  172. >There's books all over the place, with barely any on the shelves.
  173. >There's a thin layer of dust over everything, and the plants are dry and unwatered.
  174. >In the middle of the floor is a red glowing circle with runes and shapes and other similarly ominously things.
  175. >Twilight trots past it, and over a low wall comprised of encyclopedias.
  176. >She turns around, facing you, sitting her rump down on a pile of books.
  177. >To her left is a magical cage, containing a very terrified Fluttershy cradling a fairly bored little dragon.
  178. >"Everything's going to be okay Spikey-Wikey!" you hear her whisper.
  179. >Spike simply groans, rolling his eyes.
  180. >To Twilight's left, sitting on a large, tattered pillow, is a white alicorn with long pink hair.
  181. >She has a red, glowing band around her neck and horn, and she looks ragged, and drained.
  182. >She glares at you, angry but weary.
  183. >Cadence starts on seeing her, and you FEEL Cadence tremble in sadness and fear.
  184. >Shining quickly examines the ominous red magical crap, and frowns at the offputting magic.
  185. >Beside her is...IT.
  186. >The foul, bloodless, marshmellow gem-fiend 'hmphs' snobbily in your general direction, curling her horrible tangled mess of tentacles atop her head and neck as she exhales foul, tainted breath from her nostril-holes.
  187. >Twilight clears her throat.
  188. >"So, Anon, the important things?" she says, staring into you.
  189. "Well Twilight, as you can see, we have the Trixie," you gesture beside you, "And, we also have..."
  190. >Out of the floor next to Trixie arises a midnight blue alicorn, also stuck into the floor, also with black crystal around her horn.
  191. >Except there's a ridiculous amount of it, that also travels down her head, along her neck, and around her wings.
  192. >Her eyes flicker open to the glowing window to the Treebrary.
  193. >They widen when they reach the white alicorn.
  194. >"Celly!" she yells, worried, "Are you okay?"
  195. >The white alicorn narrows her eyes.
  196. >"I would be if you HADN'T been caught!" she simmers.
  197. >The Mare of the Night is taken aback.
  198. >"It wasn't my fault!" she exclaims, "It was the damn nobles, even the ones that were SUPPOSED to be loyal to me! They wouldn't help me come and get you!"
  199. >"You could've given Trixie to Twilight!" counters Celestia, clearly pissed, "Had you done that in the FIRST place this wouldn't have gotten this far!"
  200. >Luna glares through teary eyes.
  201. >"I'm not like you, Celestia, I'm not going to break the rules, I CAN'T break the rules, I'm not ALLOWED to BREAK the BUCKING RULES!" she rants.
  202. >You lean back slightly from the foaming mare.
  203. >"Shut up, Luna!" retorts Celestia, "This is why you're useless, you chose to obey the rules when clearly it isn't the right thing to-"
  204. >A purple aura quickly envelopes Celestia's mouth, clamping it shut.
  205. >"Celestia, please," says Twilight, curtly, "I have no use for such pointless arguments when Anonymous and I are talking about STATE. And TRIXIE. Which is more IMPORTANT than your insipid whining about morality. Especially from YOU."
  206. >She roars the last word, anger sloughing off Twilight's crazed form and pooling along the floor, making Celestia cower, the White Noble Cocksucker to lean back discretely and Fluttershy try to hide behind Spike.
  207. >Spike once again rolls his eyes.
  208. >Twilight quickly calms down and turns back to you.
  209. >"Yes, you have Trixie and Luna, but mostly Trixie," she says, sounding an awful lot like a host from one of those TV ads wanting to ask the seller about this or that, "What does this have to do with State?"
  210. >You have a rough idea of what you want, but you really could use some help.
  211. >The buzzing in your head is becoming quite painful, like some sort of distant blare, sickening and unsettling.
  212. >You quickly glance around the Cabinet, tapping into their songs.
  213. >Lawful's general disdain for the drama is not useful.
  214. >Raven's amusement even less so.
  215. >Framework is quietly happy that Celestia has been laid low, and is currently devoting the moment to memory - no help there either.
  216. >The other songs...are strangely fuzzy.
  217. >You shake your head.
  218. >Yep, still discordant warped and strange, despite Precious frowning hard in your direction right next to you, and Fiery staring at you warily from his seat behind the screen.
  219. >That's ... really weird.
  220. >In some sort of unknowably strange, unsettling way.
  221. >It's like you've just stood up after lying down for a long-ass while, and now you're slightly light-headed and disoreintated.
  222. >If only the blasted buzzing would go away.
  223. "Um..." you try to make thoughts, "This actually has a great deal to do with State,"
  224. >Precious frowns harder
  225. >Fiery's eyes narrow to almost slits, before he quickly motions Precious over to him.
  226. >"Everything?" says Twilight in mock excitement, "Care to tell me how?"
  227. "Because, Twilight, I am willing to give you Trixie and Luna in exchange for..."
  228. >'For? For what!?" says Twilight, jumping off the pile of books, "Tell me more!"
  229. >Shit.
  230. >You've completely forgotten what the Cabinet wanted you to do.
  231. >Something about legally binding and something.
  232. >The buzzing is really fucking annoying.
  233. >Why the fuck is this happening?
  234. >And why NOW of all times!?
  235. "Well, I would like to give you Trixie..." you begin to ramble.
  236. >"NO!" yells Trixie, "Trixie is not some form of property to be bought and sold!"
  237. >Precious quickly reaches Fiery, who whispers something to him.
  238. >Precious furrows his brow, before quickly hoofing behind the table.
  239. >"Actually, because you aren't a noble, you are," says Twilight, although she sort of twitches, briefly glaring at Celestia again before returning to normal.
  240. >Precious retracts the hoof, holding a whiteboard and some markers.
  241. >Fiery boggles briefly at this, before quickly scribbling on the whiteboard.
  242. "Well, in return, we would like..."
  243. >Luckily, Twilight's screen is in the middle of the table, and she can't see as Precious and Fiery quickly write up conditions behind her.
  244. "...The 'Independance of Empire'," you read aloud, steadily relaxing, "and a 'non-aggression pact', 'Sun-butt- I mean Celestia swearing not to fu- mess up Empire using the sun', 'recognition of the ... Chrysal? Chrysler? CRYSTAL State', and having all of this legally binding."
  245. >At least you got the last one.
  246. >But you're more worried about what the hell is up with your head.
  247. >And why every time you try to focus on what it is-
  248. >Twilight nods.
  249. >"And in return for this, you'll give me Luna and Trixie?" Twilight weighs, "What about Chrysalis?"
  250. "Chrysalis?" you say, confused and sluggish.
  251. >"Of course!" says Twilight, "She's occupied Canterlot at the moment, and we won't be able to return to normal with her still there, can we?"
  252. >You send eyes at Precious and Fiery.
  253. >They attack the whiteboard, their songs still strangely abherrant.
  254. >The abherrance actually seems to suddenly increase as you look at them.
  255. >'CONTACT CHRYS!' writes Fiery
  256. >'FUCK CHRYS!' scribbles Precious.
  257. >Fiery and Precious look at each other.
  258. >And quickly begin trying to scribble each other's answers out.
  259. >'Yes Anon," smirks Trixie, watching the show, "Care to tell us how Chrysalis, an enemy Queen, is involved?"
  260. >You smack her over the head again.
  261. >"Stop doing that to Trixie!" she yells.
  262. >"Keep doing that to Trixie," counters Twilight, grinning deviously.
  263. >You cuff Trixie again, quickly taking some time to try and make the thoughts.
  264. "I...actually wanted to invite her to this meeting, because Trixie is right, she is involved!"
  265. >Twilight eyes you, suspiciously.
  266. >"Why?" she asks, cold and harsh.
  267. >Diamond Dresser eyes you suspiciously.
  268. "Well, You, me and Chrysalis are currently in control of most of Equestria right now," you reason, "And such important matters of state need to be discussed with Chrysalis as well,"
  269. >You have NO IDEA what the fuck you're doing.
  270. >You don't even think that's the right course right now, you just leapt at the first idea that came to mind.
  271. >Fucking buzzing.
  272. >In your head.
  273. >And heart.
  274. >But where is it coming fr-
  275. >Fiery and Precious stop drawing dicks on each other's faces and stare at you.
  276. >You gesture something ancient and arcane along the lines of 'what the fuck, guys?' at them.
  277. >That discordant weirdness again happens to their Songs, except more extreme, causing you to blink several times.
  278. >Clearly the esoteric message is lost of them, as they resume drawing dicks on each other.
  279. >Raven, her song also becoming bizarre, quickly leaps into the fray.
  280. >All that results is 'slut', 'whorse' and 'bitch' written all over her body, with several 'fuck me here's with associated arrows pointing to her armpits.
  281. >You again make the 'what the fuck guys, seriously?' gesture.
  282. >Twilight weighs the option while Celestia makes strangled noises around Twilight's magic.
  283. >"Twilight, you cannot be serious!" says Luna, "She's invaded Canterlot, and no doubt has cocooned everyone to feed themselves!"
  284. >"Yes, Twilight," gibbers Ashen Arsehole, "She is rather tiffed because we hold Fluffle Puff,"
  285. >Twilight's head snaps around.
  286. >"What, THAT thing?" she points a hoof behind her.
  287. >In the corner behind you, amongst the piles of books, is a cardboard box.
  288. >You espy four pink, fluffy appendages waving about.
  289. >"Yes, Twilight," sighs Alabaster Diamond-Bastard.
  290. >Twilight taps her chin with her hoof, thoughtfully.
  291. >Except it just comes across as someone imitating the action of 'thought'.
  292. >Largely because Twilight actually clops herself in the face.
  293. >Hard.
  294. >Several times.
  295. >"Hmmmm," she says, her head rocking, "I guess we have to talk to her at some point to secure Canterlot..."
  296. "Exactly!" you carry on, "And as such, in order to safely release those cocooned ponies, and the capital of Equestria, we should talk to her!"
  297. >You quickly Sing at the floor, and at one end of the table rises a panel of crystal.
  298. >The act shoots agony straight through your brain.
  299. >The panel falters slightly.
  300. >You must focus, Anon!
  301. >You see Cadence turn from the screen to you, concerned.
  302. >Shining continues to watch Twilight, worried.
  303. >You don't know why, but that buzzing...
  304. >You can't FEEL them coherently, the buzzing, gnawing and biting and grasping and grabbing-
  305. >You clench your eyes shut, and open them again.
  306. >You have to do this! For Cadence, and Shining, and not having Luna's, Celestia's and Twilight's mind-blood on your hands!
  307. >This hardens your will.
  308. >And for Cadence's pussy, Shining's delicious cock and Slutbra's mane!
  309. >Shut up Dick, this is all your fault.
  310. >Hey! I'm Just trying to help, mang.
  311. >Once this is done, I'm cutting you off.
  312. > can't be serious.
  313. >Yes I fucking am.
  314. >Dude. Harsh.
  315. >You regain some clarity from this metaphorical combat, and the screen fixes itself in space, and blinks into life.
  316. >On the screen appears the Throne Room in Canterlot.
  317. >Upon the throne, lying languished and dejected, is the chitinous form of Chrysalis.
  318. >On either side is a serious white unicorn with flowing manes, stocky, muscular builds, handsome faces, and serious looks on their faces.
  319. >Beneath them are Fancy Pants and Fleur De Lys, roughly being pounded.
  320. >"Ah! Ah! I love you Fleur!" cries Fancy Pants between thrusts, panting hard, his monocle broken on the ground, "I'm s-s-sAHrry I couldn't do thi-HE-sssss with you!"
  321. >"AH~ahn! H-AH-ney! I'm sorry I AH~N didn't let yo-HO-ou go out with th-th-the BOYS from Applo-HOO HOO HOO-sa! I love y-OOOOooou to-ah! Too!" she replies in kind, eyes rolling back.
  322. >Cadence squees staring at the stallions, built for the Royal Sun's pleasure.
  323. >Which is quickly wiped out by rage as she glares at the black queen bugpone on the throne.
  324. >Chrysalis lazily sucks up the couple's love, bored.
  325. >She rolls her eyes.
  326. >The eyes afix to you.
  327. >They slowly gaze over Cadence and Shining, an eyebrow raising with interest, before passing over Framework and snapping onto Twilight, who has rotated her screen slightly to see.
  328. >She sits up.
  329. >"Twilight," she curtly nods
  330. >"Anonymous," she nods to you
  331. >"Pink Whorse and Tiny Dick," she nods to Cadence and Shining.
  332. >Shining lies down and hides under his hooves.
  333. >Cadence is in JUST RAGE and FURIOUS ANGER mode.
  334. >"Shut the buck u-"
  335. >"CHRYSALIS," roars Twilight.
  336. >She quickly magics Fluffle Puff out of the box, and holds her in front of the screen.
  337. >Fluffle Puff blinks, gives an excited gasp, then waves at Chrysalis.
  338. >Out of nowhere, a book encased in purple magic whaps her in the face.
  339. >Puff's nose is scrunched, and her eyes are watering.
  341. >Chrysalis jumps in shock.
  342. >Before her eyes narrow into a withering glare.
  343. >"Twilight Sparkle," she resounds, menacingly, "Do THAT again, and I'll hurt you far worse than you could hurt me."
  344. >"I'd like to see you try, bitch!" grins Twilight.
  345. >Chrysalis stares impassively at Twilight, then turns to one of the rutting stallions.
  346. >"Heavy Load, could you go down to the Canterlot Archives, find 'Starswirl the Bearded's Principals of Magic', and throw it into the place where they make the rainbows, please?"
  347. >Heavy nods, "At once, my Queen,"
  348. >Twilight's face occupies the entirety of her screen.
  350. >Chrysalis motions for Heavy to stop-
  351. >Twilight's face is shoved out of the way by Celestia slamming into frame.
  353. >Heavy shrugs.
  354. >"Chrysalis says she'll take us back to the Outlands and let us blow our loads every. Single. Day,"
  355. >The screen is now just white.
  356. >"US!?" Celestia squeels, high-pitched.
  357. >"Yeah, me and the rest," continues Heavy, smarmy, "just as an aside, we're kind of tired being locked up and having you torment us every day."
  359. >"At least we'll be able to go outside every once in a bucking while," he grunts, "And see other mares, who don't chain up and tease stallions for shits and giggles."
  360. >Celestia's face is torn from the screen as she is thrown bodily from the frame.
  361. >Twilight glares off-screen at Celestia, before her eyes snap back to Chrysalis.
  362. >"You've made your point," she grinds out, "What do you want?"
  363. >Chrysalis grins at Twilight's displeasure.
  364. >You quickly glance over at the weird, disjointed songs coming from the whiteboard.
  365. >Raven is repeatedly smacking Fiery with said whiteboard.
  366. >Precious is randomly grabbing things from below the table and throwing them at Raven and Fiery.
  367. >Lawful is watching the action with a look of dawning horror.
  368. >Her face is one of pure terror.
  369. >And Cadence is shaking her head, as if distracted, while Shining is watching the to and fro, his eyes slightly glazed over.
  370. >The fact that Slutbra is desperately sucking on his prick may have something to do with it.
  371. >Emphasis on desperately - she's going to town like she might die if she stopped.
  372. >She's even tearing a little.
  373. >You're just trying to make sense of everything.
  374. >Why are they being so stupid?
  375. >Why are YOU being stupid!?
  376. >Dammit Anon, act!
  377. >This is an important meeting dammit!
  378. >You need their help!
  379. >Maybe it has something to do that that buzzing, that annoying buzzing, it feels likes something is grabbing onto your brain and chest and tugging, pulling-
  380. >"Is there a reason WHY we're having this delightful conversation, Anonymous?" says Chrysalis, continuing to glare at Twilight.
  381. >Quick Anon, sharpen your sluggish thoughts!
  382. >There's another sudden shot of pain across your head.
  383. >Ow. Fucking OW.
  384. >Disregard the pain, Anon!
  385. >Take your man-pills, and rub some dirt in it!
  386. >Remember why we're doing this!
  387. >You clench your fist, then release it.
  388. "I called you, because right now, we're all in command of Equestria at the moment," you state, "meaning that we can currently change things that suit our current ends. I'm sure you want some better rights for changelings in Equestria, as well as Fluffle Puff?"
  389. >Chrysalis eyes you suspiciously, and nods.
  390. "And I want independance for Empire, along with several agreements to secure Empire. And Twilight wants..."
  391. >Twilight looks at you, her eyes glowing, her pupils rapidly shrinking.
  392. "...Trixie and Luna?" you guess.
  393. >Twilight grins.
  394. >"This sounds fairly agreeable, Anon!" says Twilight, happily.
  395. >"Twilight!" says Luna, "You cannot be serious!"
  396. >"But I am!" states Twilight, striking a victorious pose, "After all, I have to SAVE you Luna! It's quite clear that Anon has outmatched you, and now I have to save you!"
  397. >"Saved!?" Luna flabbergasts.
  398. >"Well yes, you are the weakest of us all," says Twilight, dismissively.
  399. >Luna's face is one of absolute heartbreak.
  400. >"You, you think I'm...just some useless damsel to be saved?"
  401. >Celestia emerges from a pile of books.
  402. >"No!" she yells, "you're NOT useless! It's just that-"
  403. >A purple aura surrounds Celestia, and she is re-introduced to the wall.
  404. >"You are useless. Undisputed, scientific fact," says Twilight matter-of-factly, "Actually, if things go badly, I'm afraid I'll have to sacrifice you to Anon's enslaving ways and depraved desires so I can secure Trixie, who is Important."
  405. >"Darn straight Trixie is important!" says Trixie proudly.
  406. >You cuff her again.
  407. >"STOP HITTING TRIXIE!" she screeches.
  408. >"Twilight Sparkle," says Luna, voice wavering, "I thought were my friend! Why are you being hurtful?"
  409. >Twilight stares at Luna as a psychologist would behold a frog that just announced it was a female dog.
  410. >"Hurtful?" she states, "How is the truth hurtful? Actually, maybe we could add you to the trade - Anonymous, do you want Luna as well as Cadence? I'm sure she'll be maybe even half as sexually satisfying as Cadence, or you could maybe just use her for a casual fuck every now and then. Maybe you should try her out, get a feel for her rump, hm?"
  411. >Luna gapes, openning and closing her mouth, tears appearing at the edges of her eyes.
  412. >This view is simultaneously pleasing, and also heartbreaking.
  413. >Pleasing because Fuck Luna.
  414. >Heartbreaking because she's kind of getting ditched by Twilight, as well as having her worthlessness rubbed in her face even more.
  415. >Honestly, she's literally whoring out luna to you.
  416. >Clearly something is rotten in the state of Equestria.
  417. >Chrysalis is lying on her throne, cackling uproariously.
  418. >"Oh Anonymous, this, this, HA HA HA!" she laughs, "This is, worth FAR more to me, than you could POSSIBLY imagine!" she grins, "Please, is the firmness of the Royal Highnie to your liking?"
  419. >You stand there, dumbfounded.
  420. >Chrysalis begins to quieten down.
  421. >"Oh, oh that is rich!" she chortles, "But Anon, I'm afraid you're not doing a good job."
  422. >You tap into your mastery of speaking without talking to signify that 'Yes, I have no idea what I'm doing, and everyone that is supposed to be helping has taken a leave of their senses."
  423. >She catchs onto it.
  424. >She sighs contentedly, and stares seriously at Twilight.
  425. >"Twilight, while Luna may have a firm rear," she smirks, before regaining composure "I believe that, as you said, the matters of state are so important," says Chrysalis, diplomatic and understanding.
  426. >Twilight nods, crazed.
  427. >"We've all put forward what we desire out of this, and we have the tools to carry it out," says Chrysalis, calm and in control, "So, let's get to it then? No more distractions, no more arguments, we just get a piece of paper, and write out a treaty for the Princesses to sign, yes?"
  428. >Twilight begins to magic something from off-screen.
  429. >The buzzing sears into your brain, and the screen winks out and crashes to the floor.
  430. >You clutch your head.
  431. >FUCK.
  432. >It's like something is literally squeezing your brain right now
  433. >You can almost feel the individual fingers of something prodding around-
  434. >Twilight jumps.
  435. >"Anonymous, where did Chrysalis go!?" she gasps, "She, she had an Out! Dammit Anonymous, you really are an evil bastard, you know that? We had an out, and you just threw it away."
  436. "No, she, she was right, we just need to-"
  437. >The buzzing is annoying, infuriating, anger inducing, and this bitch just called you-
  438. "Wait, hold on - evil?" you respond, defensively, "I'm not-"
  439. >"Please, I've spoken with Rarity," she says, "You enslaved Cadence and Shining, you rule Empire with a bickering, disharmoneous Council, and you did horrible things to her!"
  440. >You stare at her flatly.
  441. >"Oh don't look so shocked Anon!" says the Noble Cock-Gobbler, strutting up to the screen, "Don't act so suprised when I lay your henious crimes before Twilight."
  442. >Precious' head suddenly shoots up from behind the table.
  443. >"Told you so!" he says, before getting dragged under by Raven's hoof.
  444. >Lawful is crying silently, absolutely terrified.
  445. >Elusive, who looks fairly close to panic, is shaking Lawful and begging her to tell Elusive what's wrong.
  446. >Framework seems to be deep in prayer, elated at seeing Celestia laid low.
  447. >All their songs are completely on the fritz, and that buzzing, gnawing, fingering bussing-
  448. >You shake your head, and continue on.
  449. "Oh Rarity!" you find yourself saying with mock sincerity, "You devious girl! Going ahead and breaking not one, but TWO Pinkie Promises!"
  450. >Rarirty rolls her eyes.
  451. >"Please, like that could apply to a non-Equestrian, evil, worthless ape like you!"
  452. "Yeah? Well then, why si Fluttershy in a cage then?" you question, "If I'm evil, then what is Twilight?"
  453. >"To keep Discord in check," says Twilight, airily, "I couldn't leave him running around, causing chaos and disharmony. But if I threaten to remove Fluttershy, then he'll be a good boy. Although, I could send him to you..."
  454. >She smiles, mischevious and thoughtful.
  455. >Yeah, nah.
  456. >No way do you want the physical embodiment of madness anywhere NEAR you.
  457. >Quick, think of something to fuck him off-
  458. >For some bizarre reason, the buzzing in your head curiously lifts, and clarity returns.
  459. >With the suddenness of suddenly having your senses fully returned, you decide on distraction.
  460. "What about your other friends - I bet they wouldn't like Fluttershy being locked up," you guess.
  461. >Twilight makes a strangled noise.
  462. >"They DIDN'T!" she sighs, "They just don't understand what I need to do, because I need to protect the STATE. Which is IMPORTANT. Which means you have to do THE RIGHT THING. Which may not be the MORAL THING."
  463. >Celestia cringes at this.
  464. >"Please, Twilight, you have to understand-"
  465. >Twilight's head whips around a la the Excorsist.
  466. >The lights flicker and dim in the Treebrary, and the red glow from the circle intensifies.
  467. >The white mares quickly back into a corner, away from the engine of magical death.
  468. >"I did this for you," menaces Twilight, glowing hot red, "I removed Slutbra's Peace Spell to protect the budget, to HELP you. And how, did you repay me?"
  469. >Celestia and Designer Horse and clutching each other in terror.
  470. >"You had me lose against Trixie," she states, cold, clinical, harsh, "Even when it was the wrong thing to do, when I was firmly in the right, you had me lose. And then you had my brother's and baby-sitter's husband imprisoned. All becasue you had to protect the STATE. Which is IMPORTANT."
  471. >She is like a ghost of anger, her aura overpowering despite her quiet, reptilian voice.
  472. >Fluttershy is huddled in a corner of the cage, crying, while Spike is rattling the bars.
  473. >"Twilight, please, this is insane!" he pleads.
  474. >"Now, NOW," continues Twilight, "Had it not been you, had it been a changeling, or some other form of shape-shifting - I could excuse it, because it wasn't you, it wasn't the one whose moral code I followed my entire life. But then you said it was your's and only your decision."
  475. >Celestia is practically sobbing now.
  476. >"Tell me, Celestia, what should I do now?" asks Twilight icily, "Should I let her go, and risk Discord going on a rampage? Should I listen to Chrysalis, who has taken over Canterlot for Fluffle Puff, for love? Or Should I listen to Anonymous, who only wants the best for his ponies? Or Should I let you go, and continue doing the wrong thing - OBVIOUSLY NOT."
  477. >The lights flicker and Twilight appears in front of Celestia, nose to nose.
  478. >"Never. Ever. Talk to me again. About 'understanding', or 'state' or any of that bucking shit ever again."
  479. >Celestia gulps, and nods through the tears, body quaking.
  480. >The lights flicker and come back in full strength, and Twilight is standing before the screen, chipper.
  481. >Okay, Twilight has literally gone insane.
  482. >And she controls the sun.
  483. >This is bad.
  484. >Quick, what would be an excellent way of difusing Twilight and stopping her from dropping the mass of incandescent gas onto your head?
  485. >You look at the sobbing yellow ball of fur in the cage.
  486. >Twilight's friends are pretty good at calming her down.
  487. >And with Shining and Cadecne frozen in shock at everything going on...or because of that DAMNED BUSSING-
  488. >Hmmm.
  489. >How do you get Twilight's friends to talk to her?
  490. >"But Anonymous, I guess you understand that sometimes you need to do these things," she nods, "because they're IMPORTANT."
  491. >Important.
  492. >You glance at Rarara.
  493. >...OF COURSE!
  494. "Like Pinkie Promises?" you venture, "Which are very important as well."
  495. >"Too true," says Twilight, distracted.
  496. "After all," you continue, "breaking a Pinkie Promise is a great way to lose friends..."
  497. >"Foreeeeveeeeerrrr..."
  498. >You smirk.
  499. >Speak of the Pinkie, and she shall appear.
  500. >Out of the left side of the frame emerges a grimacing Pinkie face.
  501. >It's quite close to the roof.
  502. >You recoil.
  503. >Is, is this some kind of Spider-Pinkie?
  504. >Has Pinkie Pie acquired WINGS!?
  505. >There can be no peace from this hellish surprise-party abomination.
  506. >Spike sighs in relief.
  507. >"Well it's about time, Pinkie!"
  508. >Fluttershy quickly hugs Spike happily.
  509. >"Hey Spikey! Hey Fluttershy! Hey Nonny-Non, Shiny and Cadie, Trixie! Hey Princess Celestia and Luna!" she quickly quickfire-waves from her place in the corner, before turning to the focus of her Pinkie Ire.
  510. >Namely the irrationally scared shitless Purple Smart.
  511. >"How did she get in!? I had the place completely Pinkie proof..." Twilight gasps, before she whips the mane and glares at White Marshmellow.
  512. >Obscure Nipple is a deer in the headlights.
  513. >"I thought they didn't count for-" she hisses.
  514. >"TWILIGHT SPARKLE!" yells Pinkie Pie, crossing her hooves, "You have a LOT of explaining to do, missy!"
  515. >She bobs slightly.
  516. >Antigravity?
  517. >On MY Pinkie Pie?
  518. >...that actually seems more par for the course.
  519. >Silly Anon, thinking Pinkie pie would need WINGS to FLY.
  520. >She'd probably just have a disagreement with gravity, convincing it was just wrong and must have been mistaken that she'd need to fall, when CLEARLY she can float, see?
  521. >...and the buzzing is back, and clarity is torn from your grip.
  522. >It's wrong, it's hurtful, and it's WRONG.
  523. >Jesus, is something playing with the dials in your head right now?
  524. >What is this crap?
  525. >Twilight's eyes snap back to Pinkie, nervous.
  526. >"I mean you kidnapped Celly, you stole the sun, you locked up Fluttershy, and then you seal the Library and keep us out!?" yells Pinkie, indignant.
  527. >"Well, I, er, I have to-" gibbers Twilight
  528. >"And YOU Rarity!" says the Party Pone, floating onto screeen, pootering over to Ivory Dresser-
  529. >Ah, she has a metric fuckton of balloons tied to her midsection, and a small hand-fan stuck in her tail.
  530. >You feel let down for some reason.
  531. >"Well I wanted to help, REALLY, but how could I-" the White Fellbeast gibbers.
  532. >"The both of you should be ASHAMED of how you're acting! Like a pair of silly fillies!" exasperates the Blimp Pie, "The other ponies are scared, and tired, and thirsty, and hungry, and bored, and JUST aren't having any fun at all!"
  533. >Twilight and Designer Whorse look at each other, then at Pinkie, then the ground.
  534. >"I'm, I'm sorry Pinie Pi, it's, it's just-" tries to explain Twilight.
  535. >"NOPE!" says Pinkie, quickly zipping over and clamping Twilight's mouth shut, "Don't apologise to me,"
  536. >She quickly zips out of frame.
  537. >"Apologise to THEM,"
  538. >"WAIT, PINKIE-" yells Twilight
  539. >There's the sound of a door openning.
  540. >And a sudden mass of colourful, desperate flesh floods into the room.
  541. >It gibbers, yells and cries, scared and confused, manic and quivering.
  542. >"Twilight Sparkle, thank heavens!"
  543. >It roils and seethes around Twilight, pointing, beging, yelling.
  544. >"Twi, what in tarnations have to done ta th' sun? Apple Acres is on the verge of dyin'!"
  545. >The purple alicorn's eyes are dancing, confused and shocked and ashamed.
  546. >"Hey Twilight, what the hell is wrong with you, have you gone completely egg-head loony!? Let Fluttershy out!"
  547. >She looks this way and that, forlorn and disorientated.
  548. >"Fluttershy? Are you alright, my little yellow friend?"
  549. >She snaps her head at the voice, and the being of chaos that made it.
  550. >"I'm sorry Anonymous," she quickly addresses you over the mass of ponies, "but it appears some things have come up. We'll continue this discussion, later."
  551. >The lights flicker ominously in the Treebrary.
  553. >The purple screen winks out.
  554. >And just like that, the buzzing disappears once again, and you can Hear again, the Songs returning to you uncontaminated.
  555. >Fiery and Precious emerge from under the table, recoiling from each other and looking around, stunned and confused.
  556. >Each are completely covered in ink.
  557. >Raven emerges, disorientated, rubbing her head.
  558. >"Ah, my bucking head," she whispers, pained.
  559. >"Wh-what happened!?" says Precious, "What, how did-"
  560. >"Anonymous, was that you?" asks Fiery.
  561. >You shake your head, rubbing your temple.
  562. "I have no fucking idea what that was," you respond, feeling somehow violated.
  563. >"Law? Law! Law! Oh by the Shard!" sobs Elusive, crying into Lawful's slowly awakening eyes.
  564. >She shakes her head robotically.
  565. >"That was....terrifying..." she whispers.
  566. >"You don't say," says Framework, groaning, "I was just, stuck in this perpetual loop of happiness and joy at seeing Celestia...and the idea of Luna being..."
  567. >He shudders.
  568. >"That was wrong of me," he somberly states, clearly shaken, "I must ... atone for this."
  569. >Shining is lying on the floor, leg raised, frozen in pain.
  570. >You FEEL oversensative bits sucked raw, maybe even blistered.
  571. >Slutbra is panting and gasping over Shining's manhood, exhausted and confused, her own jaw and tongue FEELing worn and sore.
  572. >"Er...are you alright Shining?" she asks, breathless.
  573. >Shining gives a low keen, halfway between a painful grunt and an exhausted sigh.
  574. >"Sorry, it's just, it felt like if I stopped, that everyone would jump on me and hate me and hurt me and-"
  575. >She nuzzles Shining's chest.
  576. >"Speak to me! Please!" she begs.
  577. >Shining inhales with great effort.
  578. >"...Couldn't....move..." grunts Shining, " much..."
  579. >Cadence is shivering, as she stumbles towards you, her head falling into your lap.
  580. >She FEELs scared, no, TERRIFIED, chest tightening, cold sweateningly scared.
  581. >"Anon," she states, "Something is very, very wrong,"
  582. "I know," you grunt, "I have no idea what-"
  583. >"Seems the negotiations went poorly," says a smarmy voice in your ear.
  584. >The dots are quickly connected.
  585. >No, fucking, way.
  586. >Man bovar nist daram!
  587. "You're...YOU did this!?" you say aloud.
  588. >The Cabinet turns to your voice.
  589. >Cadence looks up shakily, worried.
  590. >"Of course," replies the whispers, "We have the possibility of taking over Equestria, and forever secure Empire from ALL the threats."
  591. "You sabotaged me!" you exasperate
  592. >"And you're upset about this," concludes the Whole, "Then again, We never said We'd keep out of the negotiation."
  593. >"Is it normal for Anon to talk to himself?" asks Trixie, confused.
  594. >Luna stares on, her face tear streaked, but unreadable.
  595. >You are fuming right now.
  596. >The Whole was in your head, mucking around, doing THINGS, not just to you, but to the Cabinet, and Cadence, and Shining...
  597. >"Anonymous, please. You have a great oppurtunity, to keep Empire safe for all eternity, and eternal happiness for yourself. This may not agree with your morals, but in time you will adjust."
  598. "No fucking WAY will I adjust!" you retort, "I never adjusted to Slutbra, and I wouldn't fucking adjust to enslaving Luna, or Celestia, or Twilight!"
  599. >Luna blinks, before narrowing her eyes at you.
  600. >"They would do it in a moment!" it replies, louder, "Celestia took the opportunity, why can't you?"
  601. "Because I'm not Celestia!" you roar.
  602. >"Luna isn't Celestia," replies the voices, "She has tried so hard to not be as corrupt as her, and uphold her morals. Where is she now?"
  603. >You glance at Luna, who is staring with you with uncertainty.
  604. >"Anonymous," she states, bewildered, "please, whatever you're thinking, please, don't-"
  605. >She quickly grunts, her eyes rolling into her head, as the crystal seems to dig into her flesh.
  606. "STOP!" you yell, "STOP THIS RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!"
  607. >"You have no choice, Anonymous," whispers the Whole, "This is happening. You could have prevented it had the negotiation gone well, but..."
  608. >You don't hear anything else.
  609. >This thing.
  610. >This FUCKING thing.
  611. >This hypocritical, arrogant, fucking son of a bitch.
  612. >A wave of anger the likes of which you've never known siezes you.
  613. >It's invigorating, and strangely pure.
  614. >"Anonymous," says the Whole, warningly, "That is a bad-"
  615. >Enveloped in your anger, you dump all your will into that spot in your brain, that ancient, and terrible spot.
  616. >There's a blinding flash, and you feel yourself floating.
  617. >You look around, or at least try to.
  618. >The movement is strange, odd, alien, and yet completely natural.
  619. >It's not like you move your head, you somehow just focus in another direction.
  620. >You're floating in empty space, stars glittering around you, Singing in chorus.
  621. >You can Hear them, Feel them, See them, like you're in a crowded room, full of conversation and song.
  622. >You look at yourself, and find you glitter and shine like the stars.
  623. >"Anonymous," you hear.
  624. >You look and observe a spiral galaxy of stars, swirling magestic and calm before you.
  625. >Their Songs are...strange.
  626. >Not so much several different, unique songs, but much like the same Song, just played with different instruments, united in purpose.
  627. >"We cannot understand why this happened," the galaxy Sings, "Why you continue to give in to your weaknesses, your morality, your kindness for Outsiders. Such things have no place in rulership."
  628. "They have plenty use," you defend, "Empire isn't alone,"
  629. >"Indeed We aren't," Sings the Galaxy, "But We have the chance to make it so that We ARE. If We possessed Equestria, We could conquer the other nations, and Ascend."
  630. >Ascend?
  631. >It's a weird term, not even a real translation to you, but it's stirring something inside you.
  632. >Something sleeping, and sluggish.
  633. >"It is not difficult!" continues the galaxy, "Already Luna is waiting for you to claim her, to conquer your birthdright. You can become God, with Us!"
  634. >Become God?
  635. >The proposition is oddly tempting in some unreasonable way.
  636. "But I am unwilling to pay the price," you retort, "I am not going to sell my Soul over this,"
  637. >"What is wrong with giving yourself over?" questions the galaxy, "What is wrong with giving in to your inner desires, your lust, your desire to dominate? You've experienced how rewarding it is."
  638. >You're suddenly behind Cadence, as she presents her soaked marehood to you.
  639. >"Please," she begs into your heart, "I'm sorry Master but please, you need to FILL my, my, my SLAVE CUNT with your CUM!"
  640. >You're simultaneously looking down under the covers, seeing Slutbra staring at you from the darkness.
  641. >The Beast Desires your Cock.
  642. >You're also over a gasping Shining, his tight rear raised.
  643. >"I'm sorry Master," he grunts, "I, I exist to please you!"
  644. >You shake yourself.
  645. "But I also experienced things which showed otherwise!" you fire back.
  646. >You're looking at Slutbra, sadness stabbing at you as she debases herself to make herself feel better.
  647. >At Cadence, gasping as her bodily functions are hijacked to humiliate her.
  648. >At Shining, grimacing in pain as his cock is tightly, painfully sealed up.
  649. >You Felt all their fear, dejection and pain, and it hurt you.
  650. >"You care too much, Anonymous!" yells the Galaxy, "But We can make it better, We can make you 'give less fucks' so to speak."
  651. "But why!?" you retort, "What is wrong with caring about those I love?"
  652. >"Love is a lie," replies the Galaxy, cooly, "I learnt this a long time ago, that such things are fleeting, and that there is only eternity."
  653. >You go to argue, but you pause.
  654. >In the entire time you've known the WHole, it only ever refered to itself as We.
  655. >But refered to itself as "I", as an individual.
  656. >That sleeping thing inside you is stirring, thrashing.
  657. >Something is horribly wrong.
  658. >The feeling compounds as you analyse the Whole's actions.
  659. >It claims to respect you, and yet it continues to reject your choices out of hand.
  660. >It claims it wants to give you independance, but only if it wants to.
  661. >It wants to change you, to alter you to suit it, and not the other way around.
  662. "What are you?" you ask.
  663. >"We are You," states the galaxy.
  664. >You consider, a slight feeling of horror dawning.
  665. "Are You me?" you ineloquently ask, "Are you my subconsiousness given form? Was, earlier with Rough Diamond and Basalt Dancer - were they literally my Heart and Body!? Is, is all this, me?"
  666. >The galaxy swirls, silent for a moment.
  667. >"Anonymous," it states, "That is the most selfish, most self-centred thing I have ever heard. Your as bad as the Other One! The world does NOT revolve around YOU! YOU do as I will, and you WILL do as I ask and take over Equestria!"
  668. >You FEEL the buzzing again, but everything is wrong.
  669. >This thing is trying to change you.
  670. >To alter you.
  671. >To be more evil.
  672. >Just like grandma.
  673. >Her strained, scared face as she clutches at you, pleading for you to take her away, to save her from the doctors, to get her out of there, to save her, the cancer toying with her brain-
  674. >The feeling of violation is visceral, triggering an unknwon reflec you never knew you had.
  675. >You lash out with your Might at the swirl of stars united in purpose.
  676. >And just like with Luna pretending to be Nightmare Moon, just like Cadence on the telesquare, it flickers.
  677. >Just for a second.
  678. >You see a dark shadow, like a splatter of darkness at the centre of the galaxy.
  679. >And with terror you see something between you and it, dug into your chest, where you felt that pain when Slutbra was torn from you.
  680. >But the buzzing briefly returns, and the illusion re-asserts.
  682. >Clearly, something is wrong.
  683. >And you have a nasty feeling that it has to do with the thing buried in your chest.
  684. >The thing that was planted there when you were hefted amongst crowds of cheering ponies, in the gap in your soul.
  685. >That grew into you, burrowing into your brain and your other parts.
  686. >That consolidated when you defeated the Anchor of Loss, and fell into the crystal.
  687. >That is twisting you like a cancer.
  688. >So, naturally, you need to get this right the fuck out of your chest, post-haste!
  689. >You grasp around trying to grab at something you can't see.
  690. >"Anonymous," states the galaxy, "Do not do that, it is Our connection, that which connects you to the Whole!"
  691. >You see yourself, linked to other stars, Singing and Dancing in praise and exhultation of you, joyous and happy.
  692. >But you're also linked to this galaxy, isolated from the rest, full of malignancy.
  693. "If you're the Whole, then I want no part of you!" you reply, grunting as your hands hit something that sends an unpleasant shiver from your chest into your head.
  694. >You grab it, hard.
  695. >The buzzing sears into your mind, causing you to grunt and your grip to slacken.
  696. >"Anonymous, you have no idea what harm you are causing to Empire!" the galaxy yells, "Please, consider how close you are to letting your ponies live their lives in peace and prosperity!"
  697. >You are sitting on a throne, as representatives all bow to you, Emperor Anon.
  698. >You can be the one to reform the law, to change things for the better!
  699. >You can be the one to ensure Crystal Dominance, and enforce Eternal Peace on the whole world.
  700. >But you'd also do it by bloodshed, by fear, by horror, on the backs of slaves and soldiers.
  701. >Eternal Peace is nothing short of Eternal Death.
  702. >You think of all the ponies in Empire, their songs, their lives.
  703. >Do they deserve to be plunged into war to satisfy a mad quest of power?
  704. >Fuck, no.
  705. "If this is the will of Empire, then let it be sundered!" you grip hard, and pull.
  706. >You gasp as pain shoots through you, and the buzzing recedes.
  707. >"Anonymous!" calls the galaxy, "Think about your revenge! Think about justice! We can give it to you, give you Celestia's body for your pleasure, Trixie a common whore, Rarity tortured for all time, anything you desire!"
  708. >You stand in a room, watching in glee as the White One is torn apart, again, and again, screaming and wailing.
  709. >You watch as Trixie writhes against her bonds in the plaza, desiring relief from her all consuming heat, as crystal stallion after crystal stallion fucks her, always bringing her close, but never satisfying her.
  710. >You sit and lean back, your toes being nuzzled and licked by Celestia, as she pleads for mercy, for you to take her in any way you desire.
  711. >You gasp, anger suddenly flooding you.
  712. >Those ponies hurt you and Empire, badly.
  713. >But the justice this fucking arsehole is offering is not the justice you desire.
  714. >In fact it repulses you that you find these ideas somehow thrilling.
  715. "If that is justice, then let me live in an unjust world," you reply, pulling harder.
  716. >Your head sears with pain, your chest burning as something thrashes and coils inside it.
  717. >"Anonymous!" yells the galaxy, desperate, "Think about the pleasures, how satisfied you will be, with your loved ones at your beck and call, with the princesses as your concubines, with the Griffin Queen, the Vestal Preistesses, the Highest nobles, all your pleasure toys!"
  718. >You stand before your Royal Suite, populated by the most aluring Griffons, the most limber mares from Maretania, the rawest mares from the Africans, that snooty Minos diplomat chained to your bed, and many, many others, all for your taking.
  719. >You feel blood rush to your dick, your breath become short, and your cheeks redden.
  720. >But as you watch, a curious voice speaks up.
  721. >"Anon, while I would say this is a good deal, it's quite clear this guy is not legit."
  722. >You look down, at...oh my god.
  723. >Your dick literally is Rough Diamond.
  724. >What the fuck.
  725. "Dick. You're being reasonable. Explaination."
  726. >It grins cockily
  727. >"Simple - this guy will most likely ditch you and everything else once it's done with you. And once that's done, will anything of you remain?"
  728. >You grunt, giving the thing in your chest a good, hard yank.
  729. "Pleasure is fleeting, Love is eternal," you respond, tearing, grasping.
  730. >You begin to see what you're grabbing at.
  731. >It's like a tree branch, steel-grey and smooth, dug into your chest.
  732. >But you can feel muscles tense and move inside it as you pull it out.
  733. >The pain has left your head, but now your neck is killing you, and you find it hard to breathe.
  734. >"Anonymous!" pleads the galaxy, the stars growing somehow paler, "I have given you so much, given you-"
  735. >An image of Celestia briefly flits through your mind-
  736. "Shut up!" you yell, "You've given me nothing but shitty memories and a tainted conscience!"
  737. >You wrench, pull, tug, your arms burning, the pain now squarely in your chest.
  738. >The grey, alien ampendage grabs at something vital, and you feel your eyes dimming.
  739. >"Out of all the times We annoyed you, you chose THIS moment to fight back," it sneers, "Not in the defence of Cadence, or Shining, but in defence of somepony you hate. Aren't you the champion of justice?"
  740. >You pull with all your strength, breathing becoming difficult, searing agony coursing through you.
  741. >"You were never good, Anonymous," it continues, "You can't blame me for you wanting to dominate, to hurt, to harm - that was you. Just you. All I did was indulge you in it, and you embraced it with gusto."
  742. >Shame trickles into your weary body.
  743. >How could you?
  744. >Couldn't you fight harder for Cadence, and Shining?
  745. >You stand over Shining and Cadence, basking in their adoration, love and worship.
  746. >And you enjoy it.
  747. >AS much as you hate it, deny it, hide it, you enjoy lording over them.
  748. >Jeeze you were a fucking prick.
  749. >"You deserve to be ruled by me, lest you hurt, or maybe even kill the ones you love. Even without me, you would have done it sooner or later," soothes the stars,
  750. >You're kneeling over Shining's suffocated body, his neck baring the bruises when you strangled him as you fucked him.
  751. >You're standing above Cadence as she gasps her last breath, her back completely whipped open, your hardened dick in your hand.
  752. >The scene is so real, so visceral, tears forming in your eyes.
  753. "Cadence...Shining..." you whisper.
  754. >"You're nothing more than a rotten, sick little boy, who desperately needs help," continues the spinning mass of stars, "Help that I can provide."
  755. >Your eyes widen.
  756. >"A rotten, filthy boy!"
  757. >Grandma's face appears, full of rage and anger, grabbing you and shaking you.
  758. >You remember, this was right at the beginning of the sickness.
  759. >When she started to turn.
  760. >"And if I see you again, you rotten little thing, I will have you flayed!" she shrieks, spittle striking your shocked and confused seven year old face.
  761. "Fuck you!" you scream, at the Whole or Grandma, you don't know "You're worse than I am!"
  762. >With your last pool of will, you wrench free the appendage with a slick, wet tearing sound.
  763. >You look down, your vision returning, looking at it.
  764. >At the end of the appendage is a hand, with long, thin slender fingers, and disgustingly long nails.
  765. >You break it and throw it away, and follow the smooth, snake-like thing to it's centre.
  766. >It's horrible, sickening, terrifying.
  767. >You see the stars in the galaxy, burning bright but dead, on the ends of more grey arms.
  768. >You hear Diamond, Basalt, Lawful and ninety six other Songs, twisted by this thing.
  769. >And at the source of these arms, you espy something like a skull, with metallic veins coiling through it, it's eyes covered with a band rusted red and brown, it's mouth slack and drooling.
  770. >Beneath it is a long spine, hard and grey, from which springs the arms.
  771. >A cyclopedian light blinks open in the middle of the rust, glaring at you.
  772. >And as you watch, you FEEL ancient and new again, once again connected and Whole, the memory of what this is coming to you like a remembered night terror from the time you were a kid a thousand thousand years ago.
  773. >The Soulkeeper, the Rudder, The Wanderer, The Master of Spiders, The Unmaker of Gods, the Slayer of Nerves, the Ender of Lores.
  774. >Before you stands your ancient nemesis, the Hecatoncheires, somehow free of your torment.
  775. >And he looks very, very pissed.
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