Guest User


a guest
Aug 24th, 2015
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text 18.24 KB | None | 0 0
  1. ELF
  2. p$%
  3. /lib/
  4. GNU
  6. _ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable
  7. _Jv_RegisterClasses
  8. _ITM_registerTMCloneTable
  9. sigaction
  10. pthread_create
  11. connect
  12. send
  13. nanosleep
  14. read
  15. accept
  16. recv
  17. system
  19. json_array
  20. json_array_append_new
  21. json_integer
  22. json_object
  23. json_integer_value
  24. json_string_value
  25. json_array_get
  26. json_array_set_new
  27. json_real
  28. __gmon_start__
  29. json_object_set_new
  30. json_string
  31. json_array_size
  32. json_dumps
  33. json_unpack_ex
  34. json_number_value
  35. json_object_get
  37. _fini
  38. jsonrpc_error_object
  39. jsonrpc_handler
  40. _init
  42. __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0
  43. __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr1
  45. socket
  46. fflush
  47. strcpy
  48. exit
  49. sprintf
  50. fopen
  51. strncmp
  52. closedir
  53. strncpy
  54. puts
  55. unlink
  56. listen
  57. select
  58. realloc
  59. abort
  60. getpid
  61. kill
  62. statvfs
  63. strlen
  64. sigemptyset
  65. memset
  66. strstr
  67. bind
  68. memcpy
  69. fclose
  70. malloc
  71. strcat
  72. opendir
  73. bzero
  74. stderr
  75. ioctl
  76. fwrite
  77. atoi
  78. strchr
  79. fprintf
  80. getline
  81. access
  82. sync
  83. strcmp
  84. __libc_start_main
  85. free
  86. _edata
  87. __bss_start
  88. __bss_start__
  89. __bss_end__
  90. __end__
  91. _end
  92. GLIBC_2.4
  93. GCC_3.5
  94. U&y
  95. P0K
  96. B?K
  97. E/K
  98. G/K
  99. B/K
  100. E?K
  101. G?K
  102. B?K
  103. G{6
  104. pH-
  105. G/K
  106. G/K
  107. G?K
  108. O/K
  109. 90K
  110. 90K
  111. 90[
  112. O?K
  113. O?K
  114. O?K
  115. O?K
  116. O?K
  117. O/K
  118. O?K
  119. O?K
  120. O?K
  121. O?K
  122. O?K
  123. O/K
  124. C>K
  125. E0K
  126. K>K
  127. S>K
  128. E0K
  129. E0[
  130. E0K
  131. E0K
  132. E0[
  133. E0K
  134. E0K
  135. E0[
  136. C>K
  137. C>K
  138. C>K
  139. C.K
  140. C>K
  141. C>K
  142. C>K
  143. C>K
  144. C>K
  145. C>K
  146. C>K
  147. C>K
  148. C>K
  149. C.K
  150. C>K
  151. C>K
  152. C>K
  153. C>K
  154. K>K
  155. K>K
  156. C>K
  157. C>K
  158. C>K
  159. C.K
  160. C>K
  161. C>K
  162. C.K
  163. K>K
  164. C>K
  165. K>K
  166. S>K
  167. S>K
  168. B>K
  169. B>K
  170. B>K
  171. B>K
  172. B.K
  173. B>K
  174. B>K
  175. B>K
  176. B>K
  177. B>K
  178. B>K
  179. B>K
  180. B>K
  181. B>K
  182. B.K
  183. B>K
  184. B>K
  185. B>K
  186. B>K
  187. l K
  188. M/K
  189. n/K
  190. l0K
  191. l0K
  192. M?K
  193. M?K
  194. n?K
  195. n?K
  196. M?K
  197. n?K
  198. l0K
  199. ]/K
  200. ]?K
  201. ]/K
  202. ]?K
  203. ]?K
  204. ]?K
  205. ]?K
  206. ]/K
  207. ]?K
  208. ]?K
  209. E?K
  210. E?K
  211. pH-
  212. N/K
  213. N/K
  214. N?K
  215. N?K
  216. N/K
  217. N?K
  218. N?K
  219. N?K
  220. N/K
  221. N?K
  222. N?K
  223. pH-
  224. ".K
  225. ">K
  226. ">K
  227. ">K
  228. ">K
  229. ".K
  230. ">K
  231. ">K
  232. ">K
  233. ">K
  234. *<K
  235. (0C
  236. *<K
  237. ),K
  238. ,0C
  239. (0C
  240. (0C
  241. (0C
  242. (0C
  243. (0C
  244. x0K
  245. x K
  246. |0K
  247. A?K
  248. A?K
  249. |0K
  250. |0K
  251. |0K
  252. "=K
  253. "-K
  254. "=K
  255. "-K
  256. "=K
  257. "-K
  258. "=K
  259. "-K
  260. "=K
  261. "-K
  262. "=K
  263. "-K
  264. "=K
  265. "=K
  266. "-K
  267. "=K
  268. "-K
  269. "=K
  270. "=K
  271. "-K
  272. "=K
  273. "-K
  274. "=K
  275. "=K
  276. "-K
  277. "=K
  278. "-K
  279. "=K
  280. "=K
  281. "-K
  282. "=K
  283. "-K
  284. "=K
  285. "-K
  286. "=K
  287. "-K
  288. "=K
  289. "-K
  290. "=K
  291. "-K
  292. "=K
  293. "-K
  294. "=K
  295. "-K
  296. "=K
  297. "-K
  298. "=K
  299. "-K
  300. "=K
  301. "-K
  302. "=K
  303. "-K
  304. "=K
  305. "-K
  306. "=K
  307. "=K
  308. "-K
  309. "=K
  310. "=K
  311. "-K
  312. "=K
  313. "-K
  314. "=K
  315. "-K
  316. "=K
  317. "-K
  318. "=K
  319. "-K
  320. "=K
  321. "-K
  322. "=K
  323. "-K
  324. "=K
  325. "-K
  326. "=K
  327. "-K
  328. "=K
  329. "-K
  330. "=K
  331. "=K
  332. "-K
  333. "=K
  334. "=K
  335. "-K
  336. "=K
  337. "-K
  338. "=K
  339. "-K
  340. "=K
  341. "-K
  342. "=K
  343. "-K
  344. "=K
  345. "-K
  346. "=K
  347. "-K
  348. "=K
  349. "-K
  350. "=K
  351. "=K
  352. "-K
  353. "=K
  354. "-K
  355. "=K
  356. "-K
  357. "=K
  358. "-K
  359. "=K
  360. "-K
  361. "=K
  362. "-K
  363. "=K
  364. "-K
  365. "=K
  366. "-K
  367. "=K
  368. "=K
  369. "-K
  370. "=K
  371. "-K
  372. "=K
  373. "-K
  374. "=K
  375. "=K
  376. l7K
  377. "-K
  378. "=K
  379. "=K
  380. l7K
  381. "-K
  382. "=K
  383. "=K
  384. l7K
  385. "-K
  386. "=K
  387. "=K
  388. "-K
  389. "=K
  390. "-K
  391. "=K
  392. "-K
  393. "=K
  394. "-K
  395. "=K
  396. "-K
  397. "=K
  398. "-K
  399. "=K
  400. "-K
  401. "=K
  402. "-K
  403. [_photo_share_delet_file] s_path=%s.
  404. [_photo_share_delet_file] pt_ps->s_crnt_play_path=%s.
  405. [_photo_share_delet_file] The file to be deleted is playing, move to garbage file and delete later.
  406. [_photo_share_delet_file] a_simple_ipc_photo_share_delete_file returns fail=%d.
  407. rm -f %s
  408. [_photo_share_delet_file] s_del_command = %s.
  409. [_music_share_delete_file] s_path=%s.
  410. [_music_share_delete_file] pt_ps->s_crnt_play_path=%s.
  411. [_music_share_delete_file] The file to be deleted is playing, move to garbage file and delete later.
  412. [_music_share_delete_file] a_simple_ipc_photo_share_delete_file returns fail=%d.
  413. [_music_share_delete_file] s_del_command = %s.
  414. [get_free_space] Free size of %s are %dMB
  415. [get_free_space] statvfs return -1
  416. rm -f /tmp/ip_temp
  417. ifconfig > /tmp/ip_tmp
  418. /tmp/ip_tmp
  419. [get_ip_by_interface] (1)getline: %s
  420. [get_ip_by_interface] (2)getline: %s
  421. inet addr:
  422. [get_ip_by_interface] ip=%s
  423. [get_ip_by_interface] No "inet addr:" found after network interface
  424. newContent
  425. eventName
  426. fileName
  427. current
  428. usbDisconnected
  429. newUser
  430. nickname
  431. terminated
  432. timeout
  433. seqNum
  434. result
  435. [send_event_notify] output=%s
  436. [FF!]
  437. {s:F,s:F}
  438. minuend
  439. subtrahend
  440. rm -rf /3rd_rw/music_share/m/music_share
  441. [_miusic_share_init] gt_photo_share.music_list allocate failed
  442. rm -rf /tmp/music_share
  443. mkdir /tmp/music_share
  444. mkdir -p /3rd_rw/photo_share/p/music_share
  445. /tmp/music_share/
  446. [_music_share_init] s_music_storage_path = %s
  447. rm -rf /3rd_rw/photo_share/p/music_share
  448. ln -s /tmp/music_share/ /3rd_rw/photo_share/p/music_share
  449. /3rd_rw/photo_share/p/music_share/
  450. [_photo_share_play_photo_handler] Parameter is not an array, failed.
  451. [_photo_share_play_photo_handler] Array size = %d
  452. [_photo_share_play_photo_handler] p_json_obj got from parameter array is not an object, failed.
  453. [_photo_share_play_photo_handler] p_filename_obj is not a string, failed.
  454. [_photo_share_play_photo_handler] s_filename = %s
  455. [_photo_share_play_photo_handler] photo path to play = %s
  456. [_photo_share_play_photo_handler] photo path %s is not exist
  457. [_photo_share_play_photo_handler] get_index_by_filename Return index = %d
  458. [_photo_share_play_photo_handler] a_simple_ipc_photo_share_show_photo Return = %d
  459. ls -la /3rd_rw/photo_share/p/photo_share/
  460. df -h
  461. [_music_share_add_photo_handler] ====*****====
  462. ls -la /3rd_rw/photo_share/p/music_share/
  463. [_photo_share_add_photo_handler] Parameter is not an array, failed.
  464. [_photo_share_add_photo_handler] Array size = %d
  465. [_photo_share_add_photo_handler] Array size = %d, it should >= 2
  466. [_photo_share_add_photo_handler] photo number:%d, pt_ps->b_usb=%d
  467. filename
  468. [_photo_share_add_photo_handler] filename object is not a string, failed.
  469. [_photo_share_add_photo_handler] Handle object "filename" : %s
  470. .jpg
  471. .JPG
  472. [_photo_share_add_photo_handler] file path prefix = %s.
  473. [_music_share_add_music_handler] file path prefix = %s.
  474. [_photo_share_add_photo_handler] the full file path = %s.
  475. [_photo_share_add_photo_handler] photo path %s is not exist
  476. uuid
  477. [_photo_share_add_photo_handler] uuid object is not a string, failed.
  478. [_photo_share_add_photo_handler] Handle object "uuid" : %s
  479. [_music_share_add_music_handler] pt_ps->ui4_music_num advanced to %d
  480. [_music_share_add_music_handler] get_music_index_by_filename Return index = %d
  481. [_music_share_add_music_handler] a_simple_ipc_music_share_play_music(%s) Index(%d) Return = %d
  482. [_photo_share_add_photo_handler] Make thumbnail start!
  483. a_simple_ipc_photo_share_make_thumbnail() Return fail = %d
  484. [_photo_share_add_photo_handler] Thumbnail name = %s
  485. [_photo_share_add_photo_handler] thumbnail path = %s
  486. [_photo_share_add_photo_handler] Can't retrieve thumbnail name
  487. [_photo_share_add_photo_handler] pt_ps->ui4_photo_num advanced to %d
  488. [_photo_share_add_photo_handler] get_index_by_filename Return index = %d
  489. [_photo_share_add_photo_handler] a_simple_ipc_photo_share_show_photo(%s) Index(%d) Return = %d
  490. [_photo_share_get_content_list_handler] Parameter is not an array, failed.
  491. [_photo_share_get_content_list_handler] Array size = %d
  492. [_photo_share_get_content_list_handler] Array size = %d, it should >= 1
  493. count
  494. [_photo_share_get_content_list_handler] count object is not a integer, failed.
  495. [_photo_share_get_content_list_handler] Handle object "count" : %d
  496. index
  497. [_photo_share_get_content_list_handler] index object is not a integer, failed.
  498. [_photo_share_get_content_list_handler] Handle object "index" : %d
  499. [_photo_share_get_content_list_handler] Handle object "index" too large: %d
  500. type
  501. [_photo_share_get_content_list_handler] type is not an array.
  502. [_photo_share_get_content_list_handler] Type Array size = %d
  503. [_photo_share_get_photo_list_handler] Type Array size = %d, it should >= 1
  504. [_photo_share_get_content_list_handler] Handle object "type" : %s
  505. photo
  506. music
  507. video
  508. [_photo_share_get_content_list_handler] No any photo and music file now.
  509. http://
  510. /photo_share/
  511. originalUrl
  512. stopped
  513. status
  514. thumbnailUrl
  515. artistName
  516. [_photo_share_get_photo_list_handler] The uuid:%s in photo list is not found in user list
  517. userNickname
  518. [_photo_share_get_photo_list_handler] nickname len = %d, nickname = %s
  519. [_photo_share_get_content_list_handler] get music file now.
  520. [_photo_share_get_content_list_handler] start to Get music name.
  521. [_photo_share_get_content_list_handler] Get music name[%s].
  522. [_photo_share_get_content_list_handler] Get music name fail.
  523. /music_share/
  524. [_photo_share_get_content_list_handler] find the music file's index.
  525. paused
  526. playing
  527. [_photo_share_get_content_list_handler] can't get music file status
  528. [_photo_share_get_content_list_handler] artist name is not found
  529. [_photo_share_get_content_list_handler] The uuid:%s in music list is not found in user list
  530. [_photo_share_get_content_list_handler] nickname len = %d, nickname = %s
  531. [_photo_share_get_photo_list_handler] Parameter is not an array, failed.
  532. [_photo_share_get_photo_list_handler] Array size = %d
  533. [_photo_share_get_photo_list_handler] Array size = %d, it should >= 1
  534. [_photo_share_get_photo_list_handler] count object is not a integer, failed.
  535. [_photo_share_get_photo_list_handler] Handle object "count" : %d
  536. [_photo_share_get_photo_list_handler] index object is not a integer, failed.
  537. [_photo_share_get_photo_list_handler] Handle object "index" : %d
  538. [_photo_share_get_photo_list_handler] Handle object "index" too large: %d
  539. a_simple_ipc_photo_share_close() delay 2 sec before exit
  540. a_simple_ipc_photo_share_close() Return fail = %d
  541. [_photo_share_set_nickname_handler] Parameter is not an array, failed.
  542. [_photo_share_set_nickname_handler] Array size = %d
  543. [_photo_share_set_nickname_handler] Array size = %d, it should >= 1
  544. [_photo_share_set_nickname_handler] Photo share AP is not active
  545. [_photo_share_set_nickname_handler] nickname object is not a string, failed.
  546. [_photo_share_set_nickname_handler] Handle object "nickname" : %s
  547. [_photo_share_set_nickname_handler] uuid object is not a string, failed.
  548. [_photo_share_set_nickname_handler] Handle object "uuid" : %s
  549. [_photo_share_set_nickname_handler] change_nickname_by_uuid return failed: %d
  550. [_photo_share_set_BGM_control_handler] Parameter is not an array, failed.
  551. [_photo_share_set_BGM_control_handler] Array size = %d
  552. [_photo_share_set_BGM_control_handler] Array size = %d, it should >= 1
  553. playback
  554. [_photo_share_set_BGM_control_handler] p_obj->type = %d
  555. [_photo_share_set_BGM_control_handler] playback = trye
  556. [_photo_share_set_BGM_control_handler] a_simple_ipc_set_BGM_mode return fail: %d
  557. [_photo_share_set_BGM_control_handler] playback = false
  558. [_photo_share_get_server_info_handler] a_simple_ipc_photo_share_get_device_name() return failed: %d
  559. [_photo_share_get_server_info_handler] s_device_name:%s
  560. [_photo_share_get_server_info_handler] a_simple_ipc_photo_share_get_ssid() return failed: %d
  561. [_photo_share_get_server_info_handler] s_ssid:%s
  562. [_photo_share_get_server_info_handler] a_simple_ipc_photo_share_get_key_type() return failed: %d
  563. [_photo_share_get_server_info_handler] s_key_type:%s
  564. [_photo_share_get_server_info_handler] a_simple_ipc_photo_share_get_wpa_key() return failed: %d
  565. [_photo_share_get_server_info_handler] s_wpa_key:%s
  566. ssid
  567. keyType
  568. key
  569. deviceName
  570. url
  571. notSupported
  572. touchPadRemote
  573. availableContentType
  574. [_photo_share_req_notify_handler] Photo share AP is not active
  575. [_photo_share_req_notify_handler] Parameter is not an array, failed.
  576. [_photo_share_req_notify_handler] Array size = %d
  577. [_photo_share_req_notify_handler] Array size = %d, it should >= 1
  578. [_photo_share_req_notify_handler] uuid object is not a string, failed.
  579. [_photo_share_req_notify_handler] s_uuid=%s
  580. [_photo_share_req_notify_handler] (1)NULL == p_obj, failed
  581. [_photo_share_req_notify_handler] seqNum object is not an integer, failed.
  582. [_photo_share_req_notify_handler] i4_seqNum=%d
  583. [_photo_share_req_notify_handler] (2)NULL == p_obj, failed
  584. [_photo_share_req_notify_handler] find_user_by_uuid() returns %d
  585. [_photo_share_req_notify_handler] find_empty_user() returns %d
  586. [_photo_share_req_notify_handler] find_empty_user() returns -1, too many user
  587. [_photo_share_req_notify_handler] pt_ps->current_client_fd=%d
  588. [_photo_share_req_notify_handler] pt_ps->current_client_fd=0, error state
  589. [_photo_share_req_notify_handler] uuid:%s found in user list, index =%d
  590. [_photo_share_req_notify_handler] pt_ps->user_list[i4_index].fd:%d is not inactive, close it first
  591. [_photo_share_req_notify_handler] pt_ps->user_list[i4_index].seqNum:%d < i4_seqNum:%d, send latest event:%s to user
  592. [_photo_share_quick_invite_handler] Photo share AP is not active
  593. [_photo_share_quick_invite_handler] Parameter is not an array, failed.
  594. [_photo_share_quick_invite_handler] Array size = %d
  595. [_photo_share_quick_invite_handler] Array size = %d, it should >= 1
  596. mode
  597. [_photo_share_quick_invite_handler] p_obj->type = %d
  598. [_photo_share_quick_invite_handler] s_value=%s
  599. shown
  600. hidden
  601. [_photo_share_quick_invite_handler] a_simple_ipc_photo_share_set_quick_invitation_mode return fail: %d
  602. [_photo_share_toggle_play_status] Photo share AP is not active
  603. [_photo_share_toggle_play_status] Parameter is not an array, failed.
  604. [_photo_share_toggle_play_status] Array size = %d
  605. [_photo_share_toggle_play_status] Array size = %d, it should >= 1
  606. [_photo_share_toggle_play_status] Fail to toggle music status
  607. echo
  608. subtract
  609. sum
  610. playPhotoContent
  611. addPhoto
  612. getContentList
  613. closeContentShare
  614. setUserNickName
  615. setBgmControlMode
  616. getContentShareServerInfo
  617. requestToNotifyEvent
  618. setQuickInvitationMode
  619. requestToNotifyTimeout
  620. togglePlayStatus
  621. [_photo_share_check_storage_size] Del photo path = %s
  622. [_photo_share_check_storage_size] _photo_share_delete_file=%d
  623. [_photo_share_check_storage_size] Del thumbnail path = %s
  624. [_photo_share_wrap_up] Receive signal %d
  625. [_photo_share_get_usb_remain_size] a_simple_ipc_photo_share_get_usb_path return fail=%d
  626. [_photo_share_get_usb_remain_size] i4_free=%d
  627. /tmp/photo_share
  628. rm -f /tmp/du_tmp
  629. du -ks /tmp/photo_share > /tmp/du_tmp
  630. /tmp/du_tmp
  631. [_photo_share_get_tmp_folder_size] (1)getline: %s
  632. [_photo_share_get_tmp_folder_size] /tmp/photo_share size = %s
  633. [_photo_share_get_tmp_folder_size] /tmp/photo_share folder not exist
  634. /tmp/music_share
  635. du -ks /tmp/music_share > /tmp/du_tmp
  636. [_music_share_get_tmp_folder_size] (1)getline: %s
  637. [_music_share_get_tmp_folder_size] /tmp/music_share size = %s
  638. [_music_share_get_tmp_folder_size] /tmp/music_share folder not exist
  639. [_music_share_check_storage_size] Clear garbage file=%s
  640. [_music_share_check_storage_size] Clear garbage file successfully
  641. [_music_share_check_storage_size] Clear garbage file fail, keep the garbage file path
  642. [_music_share_check_storage_size] (1)ui4_tmp_folder_size = %d.
  643. [_music_share_check_storage_size] Del file path = %s.
  644. [_music_share_check_storage_size] File %s is playing, move to garbage and delete later
  645. [_music_share_check_storage_size] pt_ps->s_garbage_path=%s
  646. [_music_share_check_storage_size] _photo_share_delete_file=%d
  647. [_music_share_check_storage_size] (2)ui4_tmp_folder_size = %d.
  648. [_photo_share_add_photo_handler] Clear garbage file=%s
  649. [_photo_share_add_photo_handler] Clear garbage file successfully
  650. [_photo_share_add_photo_handler] Clear garbage file fail, keep the garbage file path
  651. [_photo_share_check_storage_size] (1)ui4_usb_left_size = %d.
  652. [_photo_share_check_storage_size] File %s is playing, move to garbage and delete later
  653. [_photo_share_check_storage_size] pt_ps->s_garbage_path=%s
  654. [_photo_share_check_storage_size] (2)ui4_usb_left_size = %d.
  655. [_photo_share_check_storage_size] (1)ui4_tmp_folder_size = %d.
  656. [_photo_share_check_storage_size] Del file path = %s.
  657. [_photo_share_check_storage_size] (2)ui4_tmp_folder_size = %d.
  658. [_photo_share_ipc_server_proc_fct] read_buf_size return
  659. [_photo_share_ipc_server_proc_fct] pt_read return
  660. [_photo_share_ipc_server_proc_fct] PHOTO_SHARE_MAGIC_ID return
  661. [_photo_share_ipc_server_proc_fct]pt_read->ui4_msg_id(%d)
  662. [Photo Share CGI log] %s
  663. [_photo_share_ipc_server_proc_fct] IPC_MESSAGE_ID_PHOTO_SHARE_CHECK_STORAGE_SIZE received. Request data size: pt_read->ui4_data_1=%d
  664. [_photo_share_ipc_server_proc_fct] _photo_share_check_storage_size() return:%d
  665. [_photo_share_ipc_server_proc_fct] IPC_MESSAGE_ID_PHOTO_SHARE_GET_STORAGE_PATH received. pt_ps->s_storage_path=%s
  666. [_photo_share_ipc_server_proc_fct] IPC_MESSAGE_ID_PHOTO_SHARE_GET_STORAGE_PATH received. pt_send->aui1_data=%s
  667. [_photo_share_ipc_server_proc_fct] IPC_MESSAGE_ID_PHOTO_SHARE_USB_STATUS received. pt_read->ui4_data_1=%d
  668. rm -rf /tmp/photo_share
  669. mkdir /tmp/photo_share
  670. /tmp
  671. [_photo_share_ipc_server_proc_fct] s_storage_path = %s
  672. ln -s %s /3rd_rw/photo_share/p/photo_share
  673. [_photo_share_ipc_server_proc_fct] s_cmd = %s
  674. rm -rf /3rd_rw/photo_share/p/photo_share
  675. cp -f /3rd/sony/photo_share/t_default_thumb.jpg /3rd_rw/photo_share/p/photo_share
  676. /3rd_rw/photo_share/p/photo_share/
  677. mkdir %s
  678. [_photo_share_ipc_server_proc_fct] IPC_MESSAGE_ID_PHOTO_SHARE_GET_NICKNAME received.
  679. [_photo_share_ipc_server_proc_fct] Requested photo index=%d.
  680. [_photo_share_ipc_server_proc_fct] IPC_MESSAGE_ID_MUSIC_SHARE_GET_NICKNAME received.
  681. [_photo_share_ipc_server_proc_fct] Requested music index=%d.
  682. [_photo_share_ipc_server_proc_fct] IPC_MESSAGE_ID_PHOTO_SHARE_GET_URL_QR_CODE received.
  683. [_photo_share_ipc_server_proc_fct] [IPC_MESSAGE_ID_PHOTO_SHARE_GET_URL_QR_CODE] QR Code png path = %s.
  684. /3rd/sony/photo_share/url.png
  685. [_photo_share_init] gt_photo_share.photo_list allocate failed
  686. p2p0
  687. [_photo_share_init] get_ip_by_interface return failed = %d.
  688. [_photo_share_init] pt_ps->s_ip = %s
  689. [_photo_share_init] s_storage_path = %s
  690. rm -rf %s
  691. mkdir -p %s
  692. [_photo_share_init] s_cmd = %s
  693. echo hello > /3rd_rw/photo_share/index.html
  694. chmod 755 /3rd_rw/photo_share/index.html
  695. [Photo share main] Photo share process PID = %d.
  696. p_share_socket
  697. rm -f /tmp/p_share_socket
  698. /tmp/p_share_socket
  699. Photo share server is waiting...
  700. [Photo share main] select() return error=%d.
  701. [Photo share main] select() return=%d.
  702. [Photo share main] A Photo share client connects to this server. client_sockfd = %d
  703. [Photo share main] client socket buffer has i4_data_len=%d
  704. [Photo share main] Input from client=%s, pt_ps->current_client_fd=%d
  705. [Photo share main] requestToNotifyEvent found from input, no return socket
  706. [Photo share main] Server generated output=%s, len=%d
  707. [SIMPLE_IPC]<SERVER> accept failed
  708. [SIMPLE_IPC]<SERVER> recv failed
  709. [SIMPLE_IPC]<SERVER> send failed
  710. [SIMPLE_IPC]<SERVER> socket failed
  711. [SIMPLE_IPC]<SERVER> bind failed
  712. listen failed
  713. [SIMPLE_IPC]<SERVER> initiated, pf_fct = 0x%lx
  714. [SIMPLE_IPC]<CLIENT>socket failed
  715. [SIMPLE_IPC]<CLIENT>connect failed
  716. [SIMPLE_IPC]<CLIENT>send failed
  717. [SIMPLE_IPC]<CLIENT>recv failed
  718. /tmp/rvu_application_ipc
  719. /tmp/photo_share_application_ipc
  720. /tmp/dtv_svc_application_ipc
  721. /tmp/rvu_application_ipc
  722. /tmp/photo_share_application_ipc
  723. aeabi
  724. 7-A
  725. .shstrtab
  726. .interp
  727. .note.ABI-tag
  728. .hash
  729. .dynsym
  730. .dynstr
  731. .gnu.version
  732. .gnu.version_r
  733. .rel.dyn
  734. .rel.plt
  735. .init
  736. .text
  737. .fini
  738. .rodata
  739. .ARM.extab
  740. .ARM.exidx
  741. .eh_frame
  742. .init_array
  743. .fini_array
  744. .jcr
  745. .dynamic
  746. .got
  747. .data
  748. .bss
  749. .ARM.attributes
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