
Streamer Self-Advertising

Jul 17th, 2016
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  1. Advertising:
  2. no advertising a stream for another streamer or yourself, or any social media. this includes things like your social media, data sites to which you belong, etc.,. It is rude to advertise. Besides, when you’re in someone else's channel you’re there to support them, right? So don’t disrespect the streamer by advertising.
  4. Self-Advertising:
  5. happens when you bring up anything in regards to your own stream when not being directly asked about it by the streamer. For example: Suggesting in chat for the streamer or anyone else to try something and to watch a youtube video from your stream to see how it’s done; discussing any problem situations that happened in your chat during your stream; sharing things that happened in your stream, chat, Discord channels or other social media; etc.,. Most ppl find it rude and will take offense to it after repeatedly doing these things. So, save these kinds of things for your own stream, Twitter, Discord, Facebook... whichever social media of your own that you use. Even though people may not say anything directly to you, you will loose their respect & support. Besides, when you’re in someone else's channel you’re there to support them, right? So don’t disrespect them by advertising yourself. =^^=
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