

Oct 8th, 2016
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  1. [b]1. What is your character's name, level, class, spec and off-spec? Please provide a link to your profile on the armory.[/b]
  3. Aråp, 110, Druid, Current Guardian (Applying as Balance I believe Zelcandor indicated, can play any spec required)
  5. [code]ÅP/advanced[/code]
  7. [b]2. What activities or goals do you focus on in World of Warcaft?[/b]
  9. I do have one of every class and multiples of some classes (except Hunters I have none). My main focus in WoW has always been Raiding or dungeons, usually tanking having had a main of all classes of tank but Demon Hunter over the years in the game. I am also a bit of a completionist and do enjoy trying to get as many achievements as I can. I have little interest in pet battles and have given all the rare pet drops no matter the cost to a specific friend who loves the pet battle system.
  11. [b]3. How did you find out about our guild? Do you know anyone in the guild who would vouch for your application?[/b]
  13. Wowprogress lead me here, after a search for guilds that met with the requirement for a friend and I. My friend having IRL friends on this server.
  15. [b]4. Have you applied to any other guilds right now? Do you play any characters in other guilds and/or on other servers?[/b]
  17. Currently in a Mythic guild on Tarren Mill, but with work and other commitments outside of game I can not meet the requirements of 100% attendance even with it being a 2 day a week raid group.
  19. [b]5. Please tell us about yourself. How old are you? Do you go to school or do you have a job? How did you get into World of Warcraft? Which days of the week or times of the day are you usually online? Do any of your family or friends play the game? If you prefer not to share personal information on a public forum it's not a problem.[/b]
  21. I am old 37 currently and been with the game since vanilla. I work full time as an Aircraft Engineer. No family play the game and of my old guilds there are players spread over a few realms and one that is applying to here concurrently with myself.
  23. [b]6. Do you like pie? If you do, which kind is your favourite?[/b]
  25. This takes me back to living in New Zealand where they had shops that only sold Pie in its many and varied pastry filled goodness, I am happy to sample most pies and probably have looking at my belly =(
  27. [b]7. Optional: If you're not into role playing it's not a problem and you may skip this part. If you're into role playing and would like to add an In Character application please do so here. [/b]
  29. N/A
  31. [color=#FF8000][size=150][b]RAIDING[/b][/size][/color]
  33. If you're not sure how to answer certain questions just say so. We don't bite. Much.
  35. [b]8. If you have an off-spec, how well geared are you for that spec?[/b]
  37. Guardian is 840 Balance 831 (Having dinged not log ago and leveled a Rogue prior, has had a detrimental effect on current ilvl. I also returned to the game post-Legion release. )
  39. [b]9. Our raid team raids from 2000hrs server time to 2300hrs server time on Thursdays, Sundays and Tuesdays. Can you make at least two raids out of the three every week?[/b]
  41. My current shift pattern is Mon Wed Fri Late then Tues Tur Late on a two-week cycle I will be able to make 2/3 guaranteed raid a week with the potential based on work requirements to make all 3
  43. [b]10. Please explain in short what benefits your class & specs can bring to a raid? What consumables do you use for raiding?[/b]
  45. Druid offers the most eclectic benifits to any raid with a combat resurection or inervate (depending on spec) the raid utility is quite broad in the only class to fill all four roles of the game.
  47. [b]11. What is your raiding experience? Which bosses have you cleared in Normal, Heroic or Mythic Mode? What was your progress through raids in previous expansions, if any, and did you raid those when they were relevant?
  48. Have you switched raiding mains or your mainspec for this expansion?[/b]
  50. I missed pretty much all of WoD and only recently returned to the game, prior to that I only had one absence from the raid scene and that was after killing Yog on Hard in Wrath I was burned out and returned after Arthus was nerfed.
  52. I raided all Classic Raids including Old Nax getting 3 clear wings and last boss on one wing left. TBC I was raiding as the new shadow priest and got some very nice kills on bosses and was able to get a top 10 world kill at the time on Magtheridon (Favorite fight off all time pre-nerf) and a few others before seven-day raiding was too much for me with a full-time job to boot. Friends and I set up a guild on Wildhammer and raided casual/hardcore and constantly have been with a guild since then playing with friends and clearing content at various stages. Going a little more hardcore in Wrath again but returning to casual social raiding always.
  54. [b]12. If available please provide World of Logs / WarcraftLogs / Mr.Robot links or link screenshots (for example [url=]Recount[/url] or [url=]Skada[/url]) of your raid performance in this expansion.[/b]
  56. Have none available
  58. [b]13. Please link a screenshot of your User Interface during a raid. A screenshot of your character attacking target dummies is not acceptable. We need to see your UI during raid combat - step into LFR if you need to.[/b]
  60. I would show you current UI but it is basically an abortion on my screen having lost my wtf settings after uninstalling during WoD. The current UI I have is only there temporarily it allows access to all the requirements but they are in no way final. I have spent an entire week on my UI before and cursed the non-pixel basis of Bartender scaling when trying to get icons to be precisely 30 pixels including a 1-pixel black border and the 1-pixel outer border in a 32-pixel grid scheme........ and I have bored you now
  62. [b]Instructions for linking screenshots[/b]
  63. You can use imgur, which is super easy and you don't need to have an account. Take a screenshot of your UI with the Prt Scr button on your keyboard. Visit [url=][/url]. Click Computer at the top right under Upload and browse to your \World of Warcraft\Screenshots folder and select the correct screenshot. Click Start Upload. Copy the address that's now in your address bar of your browser and paste it into your application. Remember to copy the Deletion Link at the bottom right if you want to be able to delete that screenshot from imgur later!
  64. [color=#FF0000][b]Make a copy of your application before you hit Submit in case something goes wrong.[/b][/color]
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