
#Floorp2 - Memo 1

Jul 28th, 2012
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  1. Anonymous [??] joined chat.
  2. Anonymous [??] joined chat.
  3. Anonymous [??] is now tipsyGnostalgic [TG].
  4. TG: flurp durpy doo
  5. TG: nihao i know youre out there
  6. Anonymous [??] joined chat.
  7. TG: lurking
  8. colorfulAviator [CA] joined chat.
  9. Anonymous [??] is now alabastorArchfiend [AA].
  10. TG: oh hey check it out its another freakin poby
  11. TG: ur not going to sell us apples are you
  12. AA: goddamnit
  13. AA: if i toggle this dumb idle button
  14. AA: will you leave us alone
  15. AA: please
  16. TG: i think its workin nero she hasnt said a WORD yet
  17. ??: whoooa how do i even do a thing on this
  18. AA: its like magic
  19. TG: look below u gamzee
  20. ??: hell yes it is
  21. AA: i should do this more often
  22. TG: see all those buttons
  23. TG: click em
  24. ??: yeah i do girl
  25. TG: but not like
  26. TG: the one that says dmsconnect
  27. Anonymous [??] is now tenaciouslyCrunknasty [**].
  28. TG: awesome youve got this!
  29. **: (o:
  30. AA: gamz i know youre probably higher than a kite right now
  31. AA: an i hate to tell you this
  32. AA: but thats no red
  33. tenaciouslyCrunknasty [**] is now tenaciouslyCrunknasty [TC].
  34. TG: on that part where it has the ** you can replace it w/ TC if u just erase it and type in
  35. TG: oh
  36. TG: n/m
  37. AA: our lil bro is growin up
  38. colorfulAviator [CA] is now ciderCultivator [CC].
  39. AA: brings a tear to my eye
  40. TC: all intutive and shit
  41. AA: sniff sniff
  42. AA: oh fuck
  43. TC: just gotta click
  44. CC: How y'all doin' this here evenin'--
  45. AA: howd you get here
  46. AA: i didnt even invite you
  47. AA: begone foul beast
  48. AA: fore i kick your furry ass
  49. TC: aw little bro ain't no reason to do a thing like that
  50. CC: Aw shoot, don't be like that now. See? Yer friend here's got th'right idea!
  51. TC: HaHaHa lOoK WhAt i cAn mAkE ThIs sHiT Up aNd dO
  52. CC: No reason t'be cold or nothi--
  53. AA: my eyes
  54. CC: Wh
  55. TC: WhOoOoOoOoO
  56. TG: whoaaaaa you got the craaaaaaazy text gam
  57. TC: HeEeEeLlL YeEeEeSsSs
  58. AA: its like im lookin into the abyss
  59. TG: dont let anybody stop u from shiftin those caps around like a madman
  60. AA: an it looks back
  61. TC: ThE AbYsS SaYs hEy y'aLl
  62. AA: sup
  63. TC: AiN'T NoThIn mUcH GoIn oN WiTh tHe aBySs
  64. TC: DaMn aLl tHiS MiRaClE LeTtErMaGiC Is tHe sHiT
  65. AA: still bein an eternally bleak hole of pain an loneliness huh
  66. AA: thats cool
  67. TC: JuSt tYpIn oUt wHaT Im tHiNkIn aNd iT JuSt gOeS OuT To aLl yOu mOtHeRfUcKeRs wHeReVeR YoUrE At
  68. alabastorArchfiend [AA] disconnected.
  69. alabastorArchfiend [AA] joined chat.
  70. TC: TeChNoLoGy, MaN
  71. TC: TeChNoLoGy
  72. AA: fuck this internet connection
  73. TG: the internet is the miarlicious information center that keeps us together
  74. AA: next time it blacks out
  75. TC: InFoRmAtIoN SuPeRhIgHwAy
  76. AA: im punchin the old man straight in the jaw
  77. TC: Aw bRo dOnT BuSt a cAp iN ThE InTeRnEt
  78. AA: maybe if i wave the laptop in his face hell realize what a piece of shit it is
  79. AA: ...
  80. AA: nah
  81. AA: id never bust a cap on the internet though
  82. AA: where else would i get tumblr
  83. AA: -where-
  84. TG: no one else would reblog all those bball stats & auto pics
  85. AA: no one, thats who. an the world would get just a lil bit sadder.
  86. AA: an colder.
  87. TC: I AiNt uNdErStAnD A DaMn tHiNg yAlL MoThErFuCkErS ArE SaYiNg
  88. AA: youve never heard of tumblr
  89. AA: man you must be new here
  90. TC: PrEtTy mUcH
  91. TC: ThIs aInT EvEn mY CoMpUtEr
  92. AA: dont tell me you looted it
  93. AA: gamz youre better than that
  94. AA: look at your life, look at your choices.
  95. TC: NaW MaN I BoRrOwEd iT
  96. TG: whose compy are u using gamez?
  97. TC: KaRbRoS
  98. TG: aaaaahh
  99. TC: My mAiN MaN CrAbShAcK AlWaYs lEaVeS HiS ShIt uNaTtEnDeD
  100. TC: He aInT MiNd iF I UsE It nOnE
  101. tipsyGnostalgic's connection timed out. Please don't quit straight away; they could be back.
  102. tipsyGnostalgic [TG] joined chat.
  103. TC: I AiNt eVeN MoVeD It iM JuSt sItTiN HeRe wHiLe hE GeTs hIs nAp oN
  104. AA: isnt he the guy that screams a lot
  105. AA: over
  106. AA: like
  107. AA: romcoms
  108. TC: He jUsT GoT A LoUd vOiCe iS AlL
  109. TC: He aInT HeLp iT
  110. AA: someone should teach him a thing or two bout inside voices
  111. TC: HeS GoT OnE, yO, hE JuSt aInT UsE It mUcH
  112. TC: ItS ReAl iMpOrTaNt tO HiM To gEt hEaRd, KnOw wHaT Im sAyIn
  113. AA: doesnt get a lot of attention on the homefront, huh
  114. TC: NaW ThAt aInT It
  115. TC: JuSt lIkE
  116. TC: I DuNnO
  117. TC: HeS AfRaId sOmEoNe wIlL MiSs sOmEtHiNg iMpOrTaNt aNd iTlL Be hIs fAuLt oR SoMeThInG
  118. TC: MoThErFuCkEr tAkEs oN A LoT Of rEsPoNsIbIlItY FoR ShIt
  119. AA: sounds like someone should take some of the burden off his shoulders
  120. AA: heard thats bad for the back
  121. TG: maybe all he needs is a managearial backrub
  122. AA: someone take him out to the spa
  123. AA: make that girl the prettiest girl at the ball
  124. TG: take him to the sauna and make him sweat all of taht built up stress off
  125. TC: MaN I Do wHaT I CaN FoR ThE BrOtHeR
  126. TG: kanama will asisst w/ the ballgown
  127. TC: AiNt gOt nO MoNeY FoR No mAnI/PeDi bUt i cAn gIvE A MeAn mOtHeRfUcKiN' bAcKrUb
  128. AA: put the cucumbers on his eyes
  129. AA: i dunno what they do, but hell they must be important
  130. TC: ThEy aRe cLeArLy fOr tHe mOtHeRfUcKiNg cOmEdIc aFfEcT My mAn
  131. TC: Or mAyBe tHeY MaKe yOuR EyEs sMeLl gOoD
  132. TC: Or lIkE YoUrE SuPpOsEd tO EaT Em
  133. AA: cause damn, relaxin is hard work
  134. AA: all this layin around has worked up my appetite
  135. TG: put those cukes in a salad my man
  136. AA: maybe you could send him to a ghetto spa
  137. AA: just toss him a puddle of mud
  138. AA: tell him it exfoliates his skin
  139. tipsyGnostalgic's connection timed out. Please don't quit straight away; they could be back.
  140. AA: whatever that means
  141. tipsyGnostalgic [TG] joined chat.
  142. TC: I WiLl tRy tHoSe iDeAs yOu sAiD ThAt aRe nOt sToNe cOlD ReTaRdEd
  143. AA: us? stone cold retarded?
  144. AA: get the hell out
  145. AA: were smarter than fuckin mensa
  146. AA: genius club, right here
  147. TG: ive got a phd in ectobibology
  148. TG: lets see mensa try to top TAHT
  149. AA: pretend i dont know what that is
  150. AA: humor me
  151. TG: ok so basicallly
  152. TC: ThAt iS BaSiCaLlY HoW I Am aBoUt mOsT Of tHe sHiT YaLl mOtHeRfUcKeRs tAlK AbOuT
  153. TG: you have this machine that lets u appearify ppl thru time & space
  154. TG: but it hardly ever works b/c PIME TARADOX
  155. TC: AlSo eVeN ThE SmArTeSt bRoThErS AnD SiStErS HaVe a sTuPiD ThOuGhT RuN Up oN Em sOmEtImEs
  156. TG: true dat
  157. TG: so anyway all u end up w/ is this mushy pile of ectogoo based after whoever you were trying to time warp
  158. AA: question - why is it mushy goo
  159. AA: why doesnt it turn into
  160. AA: like
  161. AA: cthulu
  162. AA: what a let down
  163. TC: We aLl gOo oN ThE InSiDe bRoThEr
  164. TG: b/c youre not trying to appearify chthlulu dunkass
  165. TG: and also what gamz said
  166. TG: the thing w/ ectogoo is that you can still get ppls DNA from it
  167. TG: from that point its really up to you
  168. TG: mix & match? straightup clone copy??
  170. AA: so basically
  171. AA: what youre tellin me is that youre a mad scientist off her rocker
  172. AA: good to know
  173. TG: if i were some granny that had to use a rocker then ys
  174. TC: We aLl mAd sCiEnTiStS ToO, iF MiXiN DnA To mAkE A NeW MoThErFuCkErS MaD ScIeNcE
  175. TG: i am like the crazy cat lady of scitentists
  176. TC: JuSt i gUeSs tHe sIsTeR Is dOiN It aLl iNtEnTiOnAl
  177. AA: ive bet youve already made a thousand brad pitt clones
  178. AA: gamz has a point. were all mad sexologists on the inside.
  179. AA: some more than others.
  180. TG: isnt that a thing u let on the outside
  181. TG: ;) ;0 '9
  182. TC: MaD SeXoLoGiStS
  183. TC: GoDdAmN ThAt iS A GoOd nAmE FoR A ThInG
  184. AA: the mad sexologists.
  185. AA: probably some crazy indie band
  186. AA: theyve gotta be out there, i just know it
  187. AA: or maybe its just a creepy indie flick
  188. AA: close enough
  189. TG: dr humpp srrnnnnnnnnnnkhkk
  190. TC: Oh mY GoD
  191. AA: brains that feed on sex cells
  192. AA: seems legit
  193. TC: MaD SeXoLoGiStS
  194. TC: FeAt. DoCtOr hUmPp
  195. AA: if this band doesnt exist in the next year or so
  196. AA: im gonna be so disappointed
  197. TC: HiT SiNgLe
  198. TC: SeX CeLlS
  199. TC: GeT It
  200. TC: :oD
  201. AA: itll go straight to number on
  202. AA: jesus christ
  203. AA: would you hear that thunder
  204. AA: were not supposed to get thunder, damnit. were supposed to get nonstop snow, day in day out.
  205. TC: ItS StIlL LiKe 70 DeGrEeS DoWn hErE
  206. TC: SuPpOsEd tO GeT MaD HaIl lAtEr tHoUgH
  207. AA: one time we got hail so bad, it broke through some dudes car
  208. AA: scarred for me life, man
  209. TC: WeRe yOu iN ThAt cAr
  210. AA: hell no
  211. AA: id be deader than a doornail
  212. AA: but i saw the aftermath
  213. TC: WaS It a rEaL NiCe cAr oR SoMeShIt
  214. AA: shit scared me so bad, i went straight for home.
  215. AA: it was a bmw, i think.
  216. TC: Oh dAmN, tHaT BaD?
  217. AA: you didnt see that hail, man.
  218. AA: easily the size of baseballs
  219. TC: WaS ThAt mOtHeRfUcKeR LiKe a bAsKeTbAlL
  220. TC: ShIt tHaTs jUsT As bAd
  221. AA: only homerun i didnt want no part in
  222. TC: YoUd bE HiTtIn tHaT MoThErFuCkIn hOmErUn wItH YoUr fAcE HoMiE
  223. TC: HeLl nAw
  224. AA: goddamn, its like a thunderclap every second
  225. AA: if i lose power
  226. AA: tell dave
  227. AA: that i
  228. AA: always thought he was a sperglord
  229. TC: I SuRe wIlL TeLl tHe bRoThEr wHaTeVeR ThE FuCk tHaT Is
  230. AA: hell understand, im sure
  231. TC: (o:
  232. TC: StOrM BrEwIn oVeR HeRe tOo
  233. TC: I ThInK KaRbRoS WaKiN Up
  234. AA: where does he live, anyway
  235. TC: HaHaHa wHaT ThE FuCk iS ToNy dOiNg
  236. TC: Oh sHiT, i gOt tO Go bRoThEr
  237. TC: CaTcH YaLl lAtEr
  238. AA: wait
  239. TG: l9r gamzy
  240. AA: later, man
  241. tenaciouslyCrunknasty [TC] disconnected.
  242. AA: fights probably brewin over there
  243. AA: they need his messianic touch
  244. TG: gamzee is the sole voice of pease & reacon in this crazy f'd up world
  245. AA: he must be the reincarnation of the holy ghost
  246. AA: gamzee christ
  247. TG: superstar
  248. TG: i would pay top boobdollar to see that on stage
  249. TG: *oon
  250. TG: andsrew loyd webber will be put to shame
  251. AA: hell skate around the stage in his fly wheels, singin bout peace an love
  252. AA: an
  253. AA: weed
  254. AA: mostly weed
  255. TG: featuring snoonp dogg as all of the apostles
  256. AA: theyre all snoop dogg too
  257. AA: or maybe theyre all icp
  258. AA: i cant believe he never heard of em
  259. AA: just look at his make up, it's juggarific
  260. TG: gamzee never haerd of the icp
  261. TG: youre kidding me right
  262. AA: i mentioned them once
  263. AA: he didnt have a clue who i was talkin about
  264. AA: not a single one
  265. TG: damn uve got to be pullin my tail here
  266. alabastorArchfiend's connection timed out. Please don't quit straight away; they could be back.
  267. TG: either he srsly doesnt know or he was just as high as mt f'n everest
  268. alabastorArchfiend [AA] joined chat.
  269. AA: man, i wonder about him sometimes.
  270. TG: either he srsly doesnt know or he was just as high as mt f'n everest
  271. AA: when i told him about
  272. TG: impossible to tell rlly
  273. AA: like
  274. AA: skyrim
  275. AA: he couldnt believe that a video game could have 3d graphics
  276. TG: omg are u sure hes not secretly from the 80s
  277. AA: either that, or hes so high hes impressed by things like
  278. AA: his nose
  279. AA: you come from some alternate bad future
  280. TG: yup
  281. TG: asuming the batterwitch isnt in the midsts of whereverer you r right now
  282. AA: so its not entirely out of left field
  283. AA: thanks to you, ill never buy another fruit by the foot again
  284. AA: you never know, man. you never know.
  285. TG: your weclome
  286. TG: i know it might seem completely ridic by your standurds
  287. TG: but trust me it was no laffing matter in mine
  288. AA: didnt sound like one, trust me.
  289. AA: except maybe the part where shaggy 2 dope an violent j become co-presidents in chief.
  290. AA: im sorry man
  291. AA: i was laughin on the inside
  292. TG: hey that shit is HISTOSTRY man the president had nightmares about it
  293. TG: like whats his name again
  294. TG: gorge wosingtun
  295. TG: something like that
  296. AA: close enough
  297. AA: he chopped down a cherry tree an never told a lie
  298. AA: probably both bullshit but
  299. AA: what can you do
  300. TG: i dunno i guess it really is all ancient history now
  301. TG: but that doesnt mean that shes given up so easiely
  302. TG: if anything its going to be just as hard now as it was in econg
  303. TG: and i wont have u guys to back me up :(
  304. AA: ill be there in e-spirit
  305. AA: silent support
  306. AA: ill tell all my friends to hold a vigil for a girl i met in a video game
  307. CC: Y'know what y'need t'back y'all up?
  308. TG: lollz they are going to say--
  309. TG: oh come ON
  310. TG: who even gave u the link to this memmo
  311. AA: did your hack your way into here
  312. AA: cant you take no for an answer, lady
  313. CC: Apples. Apples're what y'need. And I don't even own an' axe, thank y'kindly.
  314. TG: urggghhh in a whole nother universe i cant escape ur bzness offers
  315. AA: do you know how sad this is
  316. AA: im talkin to a cartoon character
  317. AA: who im afraid is going to bang down my door any second now
  318. CC: What? It makes y'real tough like an'--
  319. TG: a cartoon charakter and a girl from a vidreo game
  320. TG: a cartoon character and a girl from a vidreo game
  321. AA: and offer my dad a sweet deal on a brand spankin new applesword
  322. TG: nero when did ur life go wrong
  323. CC: An' I wouldn't dream've that. Got my integrity'nd all, y'know.
  324. AA: welcome to my life
  325. AA: i think it all started when i was two
  326. CC: Also, yer dad was one've th'best customers I've had.
  327. CC: Almost bought me out've business, y'know.
  328. AA: when i told the monsters under my bed they could fuck off
  329. CC: He knows what's right.
  330. AA: there, right there, is when my life started to fuck up.
  331. AA: (lllllag)
  332. AA: ("when i told the monsters under my bed they could fuck off")
  333. AA: (pretend that was there)
  334. TG: man that dude sure loves his appels
  335. AA: (somewhere)
  336. AA: there, right there, is when my life started to fuck up. this is their revenge, im sure of it.
  337. AA: ...are you serious, is that was what he was up to.
  338. AA: i fight sea monsters and dracoliches
  339. AA: he buys his weight in apples
  340. CC: Darn tootin'! Probably wouldn't've even been able t'stay in business if it weren't fer him.
  341. CC: Could y'imagine?
  342. AA: you do know he was probably just tryin to replace his caffeine addiction
  343. AA: which he took up to replace his alcohol addiction
  344. AA: enabler.
  345. CC: Nah, he bought a lot've cider too now. Drunk all day'nd night 'till he couldn't drink no more!
  346. AA: uggggh
  347. AA: daaaaaad
  348. CC: Why, one night I could've sworn he camped right out've ol' Scottie's place.
  349. CC: Well
  350. AA: this is not how you cope
  351. AA: i know it happened a year ago but
  352. AA: still
  353. AA: im disappoint
  354. CC: It was less so campin' as it was layin' on th'front door step.
  355. CC: Sprawlin', even.
  356. AA: that explains why he had such a hard time when we got back
  357. AA: went back to aa too
  358. AA: ...and then immediately dropped out off
  359. CC: AA ain't nothin' but a load've hooey. Keeps some've my darndest customers away like I got th'plague're somethin'!
  360. CC: Like y'all.
  361. AA: have you heard the things they say
  362. AA: 'im a complete an total wreck, i could -never- live a life without aa'
  363. AA: im sorry but
  364. AA: if some cult is the only thing keepin you alive
  365. AA: maybe you should rethink your life
  366. CC: Someponies'll believe anythin' if they're up'nd desperate 'nuff, y'know.
  367. CC: Also, apples.
  368. CC: Y'should buy some.
  369. AA: lady
  370. AA: explain to me how i could buy apples over the internet
  371. AA: cause i just cant wrap my head round that concept
  372. AA: enlighten me
  373. CC: Y'ever heard of this newfangled doodadamajig called
  374. CC: 'The Ebay'
  375. AA: so you expect me to buy apples over the internet
  376. CC: Granted, I'd probably have t', like.
  377. CC: Send y'the whole darn tree 'less yer lookin' fer a rotten heap.
  378. AA: which youre gonna send to me, god knows how, from your magical cartoon land
  379. CC: Wanna buy a tree.
  380. AA: i live in the city
  381. AA: everythin dies here
  382. CC: That ain't a no.
  383. AA: except the saddest and most scrubbiest of bushes
  384. CC: Y'know what,
  385. CC: I'll just send over th'tree right now'nd put it on yer tab.
  386. CC: Yer welcome. uvu
  387. AA: what tab
  388. AA: im fourteen
  389. AA: fourteen, you dumbass
  390. CC: Well,
  391. CC: Now'd be a great time t'start one!
  392. AA: i dont want to be in debt by the ripe old age of sixteen
  393. CC: Nero there ain't no goin' back now I already sent y'the tree.
  394. CC: (Through this newfangled thing called)
  395. CC: (The Farm ville)
  396. AA: i dont even play farmville
  397. CC: I fully expect m'payment real soon.
  398. AA: do i look like casual gamer to you
  399. AA: jesus christ, i wish there were to strangle people over the internet
  400. CC: I
  401. CC: Mmmmight're might not've
  402. CC: Gotten y'Farmville possibly
  403. CC: An' one've Th'Facebooks
  404. CC: Th'internet's a mighty strange place sugarcube
  405. AA: how do you even work the keys
  406. AA: i dont see any fingers on those hooves
  407. CC: Very, very carefully.
  408. AA: fascinatin
  409. AA: now if you excuse me, i have a shitty casual game to play
  410. AA: cause anythins better than talkin to you
  411. alabastorArchfiend [AA] disconnected.
  412. CC: Rude--
  413. TG: ...
  415. tipsyGnostalgic [TG] disconnected.
  416. ciderCultivator [CC] disconnected.
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