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- ;HL points to start of the data (palette)
- ld de,mpLcdPalette ;Copy palette
- ld bc,2*64
- ldir
- ld de,vram ;HL now points to the image, which is scaled up 4 times when rendered.
- ld b,60
- renderYLoop:
- push bc
- push hl
- ld b,4
- renderDoubleYLoop:
- pop hl
- push hl
- push bc
- ld b,80
- XrenderLoop:
- ld a,(hl)
- ld (de),a
- inc de
- ld (de),a
- inc de
- ld (de),a
- inc de
- ld (de),a
- inc de
- inc hl
- djnz XrenderLoop
- pop bc
- djnz renderDoubleYLoop
- pop af
- pop bc
- djnz renderYLoop
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