
Michin's Adventure - parallel with session #3 - 24 Feb 2015

Feb 24th, 2015
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  1. 11:58 PM <_DM_> ---- [ ] ----
  2. 11:58 PM <_DM_> ---- Year of the Voyage (1398 DR) ----
  3. 11:58 PM <_DM_> ---- 2nd of Leaffall ----
  4. 11:59 PM <_DM_> ---- Mi Chin woke up a bit late, and found that everyone seems to be not around ----
  5. 11:59 PM <_DM_> ---- What do you do? ----
  6. 11:59 PM <Chin_chin> ( ◠‿◠) "aiyaa... apakah semuanya sedang pergi?"
  7. Wednesday, February 25th, 2015
  8. 12:00 AM <_DM_> *no one's answering*
  9. 12:00 AM <Chin_chin> ( ◠‿◠)a "...."
  10. 12:00 AM <Chin_chin> *beberes, masak, makan dulu*
  11. 12:00 AM → _self-reliant-otaKOL joined (
  12. 12:01 AM <_DM_> ---- Mi Chin realized that everyone seemed to had breakfast already ----
  13. 12:01 AM <_DM_> ---- and you finished the cooking and breakfast ----
  14. 12:01 AM <Chin_chin> *kalo udah slese, beberes*
  15. 12:02 AM <Chin_chin> ( ◠‿◠) "hmmm"
  16. 12:02 AM <Chin_chin> *liat2 papan pengumuman bentar*
  17. 12:02 AM <_DM_> ---- There are only a message about Flaming Fist Mercenary ----
  18. 12:02 AM <_DM_> ( *melipir edit forum dulu* )
  19. 12:03 AM <_DM_> ( *oh sudah diedit* )
  20. 12:03 AM <_DM_> Bartender: "Oh, good morning"
  21. 12:05 AM <Chin_chin> ( ◠‿◠) "ah, zao chen"
  22. 12:05 AM <_DM_> "Need anything?"
  23. 12:05 AM <Chin_chin> "jika boleh bertanya, apakah teman2 saya sedang pergi?"
  24. 12:06 AM <_DM_> "Ah, yes, I think"
  25. 12:07 AM <_DM_> *celingukan ke board* "I think they went to the Alchemist's Guild... maybe.."
  26. 12:07 AM <_DM_> (eh salah)
  27. 12:07 AM <_DM_> (ini hari kedua)
  28. 12:07 AM <_DM_> "I do not know where they went though.."
  29. 12:08 AM <Chin_chin> ( ◠‿◠) "xing. kalau begitu saya jalan2 di kota dulu deh"
  30. 12:08 AM <_DM_> "Alright, take care"
  31. 12:08 AM <Chin_chin> "apakah tuan tahu di mana saya bisa menemukan kembang desa di daerah sini?"
  32. 12:08 AM <_DM_> "There are many flowers around, but you should not just pick them up"
  33. 12:08 AM <_DM_> "At least you must ask the owner first"
  34. 12:08 AM <_DM_> "Especially the shrubberies"
  35. 12:09 AM <Chin_chin> ( ◠‿◠) "shrub?"
  36. 12:09 AM <_DM_> *nods2*
  37. 12:10 AM <Chin_chin> ( ◠‿◠) "xie xie, kalau begitu, saya pergi dulu" *sambl bows kecil*
  38. 12:10 AM <_DM_> "Okay"
  39. 12:10 AM <_DM_> *back to werk*
  40. 12:11 AM <_DM_> --- now what do you do? ---
  41. 12:11 AM <Chin_chin> well, mulai jalan2 dulu deh
  42. 12:12 AM <Chin_chin> pelabuhan udah
  43. 12:12 AM <Chin_chin> mulai ke... pusat kota dulu
  44. 12:12 AM <_DM_> (oh)
  45. 12:12 AM <_DM_> --- ---
  46. 12:12 AM <_DM_> --- The Main Void of Baldur's Gate ---
  47. 12:12 AM <_DM_> --- You can see a wide open space for marketplace / bazaar ---
  48. 12:13 AM <_DM_> --- nearby there is a grand temple of Gond, with many weird machinaries ---
  49. 12:13 AM <_DM_> ( *cek contekan bentar* )
  50. 12:13 AM <_DM_> --- under the name of Hall of Wonders ---
  51. 12:14 AM <_DM_> --- anyone can enter and see the grand inventions of Gond, the god of crafting ---
  52. 12:14 AM <_DM_> --- with an entrance fee of 1gp ---
  53. 12:14 AM <_DM_> --- a bit far, you can see one of the HQ of the Flaming Fist Mercenary ---
  54. 12:14 AM <Chin_chin> ( ◠‿◠) "....."
  55. 12:14 AM <Chin_chin> "ah!"
  56. 12:15 AM <Chin_chin> ( ◠‿◠) "baiklah~~~"
  57. 12:15 AM <_DM_> --- and in the opposite side, there seemed to be a temple of Tymora: The Lady's Hall ---
  58. 12:15 AM <Chin_chin> *ke tempat mercenary*
  59. 12:15 AM <_DM_> --- what do you do? ---
  60. 12:15 AM <_DM_> --- Flaming Fist? ---
  61. 12:15 AM <Chin_chin> (iyo)
  62. 12:16 AM <_DM_> --- The simple keep acted as an entrance to main hall of the Flaming Fist Mercenary HQ ---
  63. 12:16 AM <_DM_> --- There is a man in full plate armor guarding ---
  64. 12:16 AM <_DM_> "Halt, who goes there?"
  65. 12:17 AM <Chin_chin> ( ◠‿◠) "zao chen, saya seorang pengembara yang sedang mencari cinta, tuan"
  66. 12:19 AM <_DM_> "Do you need to find someone? Do you want to hire a bounty hunter?"
  67. 12:19 AM <Chin_chin> ( ◠‿◠) "saya dengar desas desus bahwa puteri mahkota mercenary ini adalah seorang gadis yang mempesona, apakah benar begitu?"
  68. 12:21 AM <_DM_> "....."
  69. 12:22 AM <_DM_> "What do you imply, SIR?"
  70. 12:22 AM <Chin_chin> ( ◠‿◠) "saya ingin melamar nona tersebut"
  71. 12:23 AM <_DM_> "..."
  72. 12:23 AM <_DM_> "Do you feeling lucky today?! DO YOU, PUNK?!"
  73. 12:24 AM <Chin_chin> ( ◠‿◠) "jika saya dapat melihat wajah indah sang permaisuri, maka saya merasa sangat beruntung hari ini, tuan"
  74. 12:25 AM <_DM_> "...."
  75. 12:26 AM <_DM_> "PSh. Go Away."
  76. 12:27 AM <Chin_chin> ( ◠‿◠) "ah, sayang sekali, sepertinya saya tidak beruntung hari ini"
  77. 12:27 AM <_DM_> "Yeah. Shoo."
  78. 12:27 AM <Chin_chin> ( ◠‿◠) "sungguh beruntungnya anda yang dapat melihat sang putri setiap hari. Bukankah dia seorang putri yang cantik dan menakjubkan, tuan?"
  79. 12:28 AM <_DM_> "SHOO!"
  80. 12:28 AM <_DM_> --- Make a d100 Luck roll, Mi Chin! ---
  81. 12:28 AM <Chin_chin> !roll 1d100
  82. 12:28 AM — •_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d100? Chin_chin [18] = 18"
  83. 12:28 AM <Chin_chin> (lol)
  84. 12:29 AM <_DM_> (nope nope nope)
  85. 12:29 AM <Chin_chin> (wut)
  86. 12:29 AM <_DM_> --- The Knight started to shooing you away ---
  87. 12:30 AM <_DM_> --- and many people looking at you ---
  88. 12:30 AM <_DM_> --- start whispering things ---
  89. 12:30 AM <_DM_> --- what do you do now? ---
  90. 12:31 AM ⇐ _Eva_ quit (~GospelOfD@C779E2AC.342ECB26.49A2285E.IP)
  91. 12:31 AM <Chin_chin> ( ◠‿◠) "baiklah tuan, semoga saya lebih beruntung di kemudian hari, dan semoga keberuntungan juga menemani anda"
  92. 12:32 AM <_DM_> "Haha. Now Git!"
  93. 12:32 AM <Chin_chin> ( ◠‿◠) "zai jian"
  94. 12:32 AM <Chin_chin> *bow*
  95. 12:32 AM <_DM_> *sneer*
  96. 12:32 AM <Chin_chin> *dan pergi*
  97. 12:32 AM <_DM_> --- now what do you do? ---
  98. 12:33 AM <Chin_chin> hmm, selain itu apa lagi tempatnya?
  99. 12:34 AM <_DM_> --- There are of course several temples ---
  100. 12:34 AM <_DM_> --- big market places ---
  101. 12:34 AM <_DM_> --- too many taverns / inns ---
  102. 12:34 AM <_DM_> --- weird bazaars that can put 'magical colors' to your clothing and/or hair, for 2gp [lasts for 1 hour] ---
  103. 12:35 AM <_DM_> --- aaaand another HQ of Flaming Fist Mercenary ---
  104. 12:36 AM <_DM_> --- it looks a bit empty, compared to the other HQ, maybe it is a branch? ---
  105. 12:37 AM → Brutu joined (cgiirc@4CBEBD48.18471E70.FEF58017.IP)
  106. 12:37 AM <_DM_> 00:33 <Chin_chin> hmm, selain itu apa lagi tempatnya?
  107. 12:37 AM <_DM_> 00:34 <_DM_> --- There are of course several temples ---
  108. 12:37 AM <_DM_> 00:34 <_DM_> --- big market places ---
  109. 12:37 AM <_DM_> 00:34 <_DM_> --- too many taverns / inns ---
  110. 12:37 AM <_DM_> 00:35 <_DM_> --- weird bazaars that can put 'magical colors' to your clothing and/or hair, for 2gp [lasts for 1 hour] ---
  111. 12:37 AM <_DM_> 00:35 <_DM_> --- aaaand another HQ of Flaming Fist Mercenary ---
  112. 12:37 AM <_DM_> 00:36 <_DM_> --- it looks a bit empty, compared to the other HQ, maybe it is a branch? ---
  113. 12:37 AM Brutu → Chin2
  114. 12:37 AM <Chin2> hmmm
  115. 12:38 AM <Chin2> ke branch dulu deh bentar
  116. 12:38 AM <Chin2> =w=
  117. 12:38 AM <_DM_> --- A tall guard in light armor sees you ---
  118. 12:38 AM <_DM_> "Hello, what business brought you here, sir?"
  119. 12:39 AM ⇐ Chin_chin quit (cgiirc@4CBEBD48.18471E70.FEF58017.IP) Quit: ajax IRC Client
  120. 12:39 AM <_DM_> - He said with a quick, crisp voice -
  121. 12:40 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "selamat pagi tuan, saya dengar putri mahkota mercenary ini adalah seorang yang mempesona, apakah benar?"
  122. 12:41 AM <_DM_> "-- oh my good sir, it is not something to discuss with me *smiles* it is impolite to do so, I believe"
  123. 12:42 AM <_DM_> "but I must admit, that is what everyone is saying"
  124. 12:42 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "wah"
  125. 12:42 AM <_DM_> "I assume you are from a very far land, that you do not know about it"
  126. 12:42 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "benar sekali tuan"
  127. 12:43 AM <_DM_> "I see, no wonder then"
  128. 12:43 AM <_DM_> "but alas--- I can say that she is out of our league, my good sir"
  129. 12:45 AM <_DM_> "It is considered an extreme luck, if you can even take a glimpse of her walking through the crowds"
  130. 12:46 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "seorang bijak pernah mengatakan, buatlah target setinggi mungkin, dengan begitu, seseorang akan memiliki hasrat untuk maju dan mencapainya"
  131. 12:46 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "saya percaya, dengan usaha, kita pasti dapat menemukan wanita idaman kita, tuan"
  132. 12:46 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "tuan sendiri, apakah memiliki seorang wanita idaman?"
  133. 12:47 AM <_DM_> "but my good sir, the higher your hope, the higher your expectation, the more disappointment *smiles* "
  134. 12:47 AM <_DM_> "Ah I do not have any woman of my dream"
  135. 12:47 AM <_DM_> "But -- I do have man of my dream *smiles* "
  136. 12:47 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "bukan ekspektasi tuan, tetapi target"
  137. 12:47 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "wah"
  138. 12:48 AM <_DM_> "Yes *smiles* "
  139. 12:49 AM <_DM_> "So, do you have any business with the Flaming Fist Mercenary?"
  140. 12:49 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "hmm hmm, memang adat di sini berbeda ya"
  141. 12:49 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "ah, saya hanya memiliki keperluan dengan puteri mahkota saja tuan, dan ingin mengetahui apakah desas desus yang saya dengar adalah benar"
  142. 12:50 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "tetapi dengan pertolongan anda, sepertinya saya sudah yakin akan desas desus itu"
  143. 12:50 AM <_DM_> "Sure?"
  144. 12:50 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "baiklah tuan, terima kasih atas waktu anda"
  145. 12:51 AM <Chin2> *bows kecil*
  146. 12:51 AM <Chin2> *trus pergi*
  147. 12:51 AM <_DM_> *wave2*
  148. 12:51 AM <_DM_> --- now what do you do? ---
  149. 12:52 AM <Chin2> *liat2 temple*
  150. 12:52 AM <_DM_> --- which temple? ---
  151. 12:52 AM <Chin2> (yang ada kata2 lady nya =w=)
  152. 12:52 AM <_DM_> --- Lathander (sun god), Gond (craft god), Umberlee (Sea Storm goddess), Tymora (Luck goddess) ---
  153. 12:53 AM <_DM_> --- Tymora then ---
  154. 12:53 AM <_DM_> --- The Lady's Hall ---
  155. 12:53 AM <Chin2> *datang*
  156. 12:54 AM <_DM_> --- There were not many people ---
  157. 12:54 AM <_DM_> --- and mostly men ---
  158. 12:54 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "yah"
  159. 12:54 AM <Chin2> *celingukan*
  160. 12:54 AM <Chin2> (ga ada penjaga?)
  161. 12:54 AM <_DM_> *a priest approaches*
  162. 12:54 AM <_DM_> (ga ada)
  163. 12:55 AM <_DM_> "Greetings, is there anything we can help?"
  164. 12:55 AM <Chin2> (cowok ato cewek?)
  165. 12:55 AM <_DM_> (cowok)
  166. 12:56 AM <_DM_> (npc cewek numpuk di tempat lain *plak* )
  167. 12:56 AM <Chin2> *plak*
  168. 12:56 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "permisi tuan, jika boleh tahu, tempat apakah ini?"
  169. 12:57 AM <_DM_> "This is the temple of Lady Luck"
  170. 12:58 AM <Chin2> "wah"
  171. 12:58 AM <_DM_> "If you wish to pray for a better fortune, or before performing important trade, you may do it here"
  172. 12:58 AM <Chin2> "begitukah? di mana saya bisa berdoa?"
  173. 12:58 AM <_DM_> "It is over there *menunjuk sebuah altar* *lengkap dengan kencrengan donation* "
  174. 12:59 AM <_DM_> "If do you ever need of charms and trinkets, we also provide severals. Of course, you can have them, with a proper sum of donation"
  175. 12:59 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "terima kasih tuan"
  176. 1:00 AM <Chin2> *ke arah altar*
  177. 1:00 AM <_DM_> *altar of Tymora*
  178. 1:00 AM <_DM_> --- what do you do? ---
  179. 1:00 AM <Chin2> *kasih.... errr... 5 silver deh*
  180. 1:00 AM <_DM_> --- nearby there were people continue talking ---
  181. 1:00 AM <_DM_> (hoh okeh)
  182. 1:01 AM <Chin2> *berdoa*( ◠‿◠) "semoga saya bisa bertemu dengan sang puteri mahkota"
  183. 1:01 AM <Chin2> *plok plok*
  184. 1:02 AM <_DM_> --- ada yang menengok karena berasa aneh cara berdoanya ---
  185. 1:03 AM <_DM_> --- other than that, nothing happens ---
  186. 1:03 AM <_DM_> --- now what do you do? ---
  187. 1:03 AM <_DM_> --- the people resumes their chat, about missing Waukeen priest ---
  188. 1:04 AM <Chin2> hmmm, balik jalan2 lagi
  189. 1:04 AM <Chin2> skarang coba muter2 sudut2 kota dulu
  190. 1:04 AM <Chin2> =w=
  191. 1:04 AM <_DM_> --- sudut kota ---
  192. 1:04 AM <_DM_> --- there are many 'dark alleyways' ---
  193. 1:04 AM <_DM_> --- as this 'city' is more complicated and has too many overlapping alleys and bridges ---
  194. 1:05 AM <_DM_> --- even Cisitu / Kebon Bibit / Taman Sari looks like a perfect order compared to this place ---
  195. 1:05 AM <_DM_> (ah iseng ah)
  196. 1:05 AM <_DM_> !roll 1d100
  197. 1:05 AM — •_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d100? _DM_ [34] = 34"
  198. 1:06 AM <_DM_> --- you encountered several drunkards who are having a good time with another drunkards ---
  199. 1:06 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "wah"
  200. 1:06 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "permisi tuan" *ke drunkard*
  201. 1:07 AM <_DM_> *cuek lanjut*
  202. 1:07 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "wah"
  203. 1:07 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠)a
  204. 1:07 AM <Chin2> *jalan2 lagi*
  205. 1:07 AM <_DM_> --- Mi Chin found another shortcut to the Port district ---
  206. 1:07 AM <Chin2> *sambil mengingat2 jalan2 kota*
  207. 1:08 AM <_DM_> --- and from here you can see a huuuuge mansion ---
  208. 1:08 AM <_DM_> --- as if sitting on top of a hill, overseeing the Port District
  209. 1:08 AM <Chin2> (oh ya, sama iseng passive percep aja deh, kali ada pintu rahasia ato apa wkwk)
  210. 1:08 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "wah"
  211. 1:08 AM <_DM_> (wut, sesekali nemu shortcut2 *plak* )
  212. 1:09 AM <_DM_> !roll 2d20
  213. 1:09 AM — •_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d20? _DM_ [13+8=21] = 21"
  214. 1:09 AM <_DM_> --- now, what do you do? ---
  215. 1:09 AM <Chin2> *ke orang deket situ yg lagi nganggur*
  216. 1:10 AM <_DM_> (roll luck, 1d100+5)
  217. 1:12 AM <Chin2> !roll 1d100+5
  218. 1:12 AM — •_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d100+5? Chin2 [46] + 5 = 51"
  219. 1:12 AM <Chin2> (<_<)
  220. 1:12 AM <_DM_> ??? "Huh?"
  221. 1:12 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "permisi tuan"
  222. 1:12 AM <_DM_> "Yes?"
  223. 1:12 AM <Chin2> "maaf menganggu kesibukan anda"
  224. 1:13 AM <Chin2> "saya ingin bertanya, rumah siapakah yang besar di atas bukit itu?"
  225. 1:13 AM <_DM_> *sambil celingukan* "Oh, no, not really. Do you want to have a drink together? Oh that is the house of a merchant"
  226. 1:13 AM <_DM_> *sambil celingukan* "Hey, let's talk at that tavern"
  227. 1:13 AM <_DM_> *sambil jalan agak cepat ke tavern*
  228. 1:14 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "tentu tuan"
  229. 1:14 AM <Chin2> *ngikut dulu*
  230. 1:14 AM <_DM_> *Sambil sesekali ngelihat ke belakang ke arah Mi Chin*
  231. 1:14 AM <_DM_> *lalu masuk Tavern*
  232. 1:15 AM <Chin2> (oh ya, sambil iseng2 insight sekali2, pasip aja*
  233. 1:15 AM <_DM_> (berapa?)
  234. 1:15 AM <Chin2> (15 doang lol)
  235. 1:15 AM <_DM_> (wkwk)
  236. 1:15 AM <_DM_> (oh
  237. 1:16 AM <_DM_> (merasa orang ini sebetulnya menghindari sesuatu)
  238. 1:16 AM <_DM_> --- The Tavern ---
  239. 1:16 AM <_DM_> --- not that crowded ---
  240. 1:16 AM <_DM_> --- the man still in hood, ordered a drink ---
  241. 1:17 AM <_DM_> "So, what brings you here?"
  242. 1:17 AM <_DM_> "It is rare to see someone from Karatur"
  243. 1:17 AM <Chin2> *ga pesan apa2* ( ◠‿◠) "saya mencari pasangan hidup tuan"
  244. 1:17 AM <_DM_> *sambil melihat2 Michin*
  245. 1:18 AM <_DM_> "Oh? Such a long way"
  246. 1:18 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "benar sekali tuan, saya senang yang eksotis dan berdada besar"
  247. 1:19 AM <_DM_> "..."
  248. 1:19 AM <_DM_> "Ooo..kay. I see. Ahah."
  249. 1:19 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "di kara-tur sangat sulit mencari yang berdada besar"
  250. 1:19 AM <_DM_> *manggut2*
  251. 1:20 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "apakah tuan juga dari kara-tur?"
  252. 1:20 AM <_DM_> "Well there ARE many girls here with big breast. Haha."
  253. 1:20 AM <_DM_> "No, I am from-- Athkatla"
  254. 1:20 AM <_DM_> !roll 1d20
  255. 1:20 AM — •_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? _DM_ [6] = 6"
  256. 1:20 AM <_DM_> ( >_> )
  257. 1:20 AM <_DM_> ( <_< )
  258. 1:20 AM <_DM_> ( obvious kan? )
  259. 1:20 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "wah *mengingat2 peta dunia*"
  260. 1:21 AM <_DM_> ( itu tempat kota sebelumnya )
  261. 1:21 AM <_DM_> ( yg deket D'Arnise Keep )
  262. 1:21 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "tidak terlalu jauh ya"
  263. 1:22 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "oh ya, apakah tuan tahu wanita tercantik di kota ini siapa saja?"
  264. 1:22 AM <_DM_> "-- yeah, not that far"
  265. 1:22 AM <_DM_> "Hmm? Why do you ask?"
  266. 1:22 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "karena saya adalah pengembara yang sedang mencari cinta"
  267. 1:22 AM <_DM_> "...rriiight"
  268. 1:22 AM <Chin2> (jaraknya jauh kan ya <_< ke kota sbelomnya itu ato deket?)
  269. 1:23 AM <_DM_> ( naik kapal 10 hari )
  270. 1:23 AM <_DM_> "Let's see..."
  271. 1:24 AM <_DM_> "Do you know the 'Big Four' of Baldur's Gate, or the Grand Duke of this city?"
  272. 1:24 AM <_DM_> "Wait, how long have you been here...?"
  273. 1:24 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "2 hari"
  274. 1:25 AM <_DM_> "...! Gre--- umm, I mean, wow. A newcomer. Where do you stay?"
  275. 1:27 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "saat ini saya tidur di jalan tuan"
  276. 1:27 AM <_DM_> "... No beds?"
  277. 1:27 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠)> "perjalanan ke sini memakan banyak biaya sehingga sekarang sya sudah tidak memiliki apa2 lagi"
  278. 1:27 AM <_DM_> "... alright. Why don't yo-- ah.."
  279. 1:28 AM <_DM_> "That is unfortunate"
  280. 1:28 AM <_DM_> "... So, about the Big Four, do you know anything about them?"
  281. 1:28 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "tidak tahu"
  282. 1:29 AM <_DM_> "They are the 'rulers' of Baldur's Gate. They wield most power here, since they are also the Council of Baldur's Gate"
  283. 1:29 AM <_DM_> "Basically they are the Kings"
  284. 1:29 AM <_DM_> " of this city-state"
  285. 1:29 AM <Chin2> *mendengarkan*
  286. 1:30 AM <_DM_> "Most famous is Grand Duke Eltan, founder and leader of Flaming Fist Mercenary"
  287. 1:30 AM <_DM_> "He commands thousands of knights under the Flaming Fist banner, and acted as the military power of Baldur's Gate"
  288. 1:32 AM <_DM_> "We also have Grand Duke Jannath, who oversees the Academy, Alchemist's Guild, and Arcane Laboratories"
  289. 1:33 AM <_DM_> "There is also the mysterious Grand Duke Belt; rumors have it that he managed to subdue the thieves' guild under his command, and use it to his own advantage"
  290. 1:33 AM <_DM_> "And last but not least, the richest family in Sword Coast and Western Heartlands, that also means of Baldur's Gate, the one who lives on that mansion, the Silvershield family *big grin* "
  291. 1:34 AM <_DM_> *normal face again*
  292. 1:34 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "wah"
  293. 1:35 AM <_DM_> "So, I do not know whether you have heard it or not, but there -- *celingukan lihat luar jendela sebentar* "
  294. 1:35 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "saya sering mendengar nama belakang silver semenjak saya sampai di kontinen ini, apakah mereka itu?"
  295. 1:35 AM <_DM_> "... Hey, let's find another place. This tavern's ale is bad..."
  296. 1:35 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "? baiklah"
  297. 1:35 AM <Chin2> *nengok ke yang dia liat di jendela sekilas*
  298. 1:36 AM <_DM_> *jalan ke bar* *bayar pakai pp* *langsung jalan melipir dengan kemampuan yg lumayan stealth-nya*
  299. 1:36 AM <Chin2> (pp itu?)
  300. 1:36 AM <_DM_> (platinum)
  301. 1:36 AM <Chin2> (wew ngeri juga <_<)
  302. 1:37 AM <Chin2> *ngikut*
  303. 1:38 AM <_DM_> -- the person walks strolling the city seemed randomly, but sometimes looking around --
  304. 1:38 AM <_DM_> -- and sometimes suddenly pats Mi Chin and acted as if drunkards at the street, then suddenly moves again --
  305. 1:38 AM <_DM_> -- until both of you reached far enough from the port, and near the Three Old Kegs inn --
  306. 1:39 AM <_DM_> "Hey, this is a nice inn, I know. Let's have a drink and stay here for the nig-- ht, I think"
  307. 1:39 AM <_DM_> *sudah hampir malam*
  308. 1:39 AM <_DM_> *salah, sudah lewat magrib*
  309. 1:40 AM <_DM_> --- what do you do? ---
  310. 1:41 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "ah maaf tuan, tetapi saya masih ada keperluan"
  311. 1:41 AM <_DM_> --- the man under the hood sometimes looks around ---
  312. 1:42 AM <_DM_> --- especially towards the port area, eventhough it is impossible to be seen ---
  313. 1:42 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "saya masih ingin menuelusuri jalan kota di malam hari"
  314. 1:42 AM <_DM_> "--eh? ah, alright. Thank you, I will go inside then" *masuk ke inn*
  315. 1:42 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "baiklah"
  316. 1:43 AM <_DM_> --- now what do you do? ---
  317. 1:44 AM <Chin2> *hmmm*
  318. 1:44 AM <Chin2> *nunggu bentar di luar, terus masuk ke inn deh*
  319. 1:45 AM <_DM_> --- few minutes later, you can spotted the man seemed to take a room with a window looking to the Port district ---
  320. 1:45 AM <_DM_> --- when you enter the inn, no one's around, just like usual ---
  321. 1:45 AM <Chin2> *ke si orang itu*
  322. 1:45 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "wah tuan masih di sini?"
  323. 1:46 AM <_DM_> (eh dia di kamarnya)
  324. 1:46 AM <Chin2> (oh)
  325. 1:46 AM <_DM_> (jadi bayangin di inn lantai 3)
  326. 1:46 AM <_DM_> (di jendela sempat kelihatan)
  327. 1:46 AM <_DM_> (trus ditutup tirainya)
  328. 1:46 AM <Chin2> (oh ok)
  329. 1:46 AM <Chin2> *ketok pintunya*
  330. 1:46 AM <_DM_> (tp bisa disingkap dikit tirainya dari dalam buat lihat ke arah port)
  331. 1:46 AM <_DM_> (pintu kamar)
  332. 1:46 AM <_DM_> ( ? )
  333. 1:46 AM <Chin2> (iya)
  334. 1:46 AM <_DM_> --- no answer ---
  335. 1:47 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠)a
  336. 1:47 AM <_DM_> --- but a sudden stillness and soundless room it became ---
  337. 1:47 AM <Chin2> *ketok lagi* ( ◠‿◠) "permisi tuan"
  338. 1:48 AM <_DM_> "...!" *footsteps heard*
  339. 1:48 AM <_DM_> "wh--oh--"
  340. 1:48 AM <_DM_> "--wait up"
  341. 1:49 AM <_DM_> *after a few minutes* *pintu dibuka* *the man with the hood keluar dan tutup pintu* "oh it is you"
  342. 1:49 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "maaf menganggu, saya sudah selesai jalan2nya dan melihat anda masih di sini"
  343. 1:49 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "jadi saya coba datangi, berhubung masih ada beberapa pertanyaan saya tadi yang belum sempat terjawab"
  344. 1:49 AM <_DM_> "..! But I am sure I was-- I mean, yeah sure. Uh, great. Thanks?"
  345. 1:50 AM <_DM_> "Oh alright, what do you want to know?"
  346. 1:50 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "soal orang2 dengan nama belakang silver"
  347. 1:50 AM <Chin2> "saya sering mendengar nama2 itu semenjak saya tiba di kontinen ini"
  348. 1:51 AM <_DM_> "Silvershield? Well it is the most -- oh wait, you mean other silver like..."
  349. 1:51 AM <_DM_> "--- legendary Silverhand, the Seven Sisters?"
  350. 1:51 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "shi"
  351. 1:52 AM <_DM_> "Also that Mystra's power is known of Silver Fire?"
  352. 1:52 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "mystra?"
  353. 1:52 AM <_DM_> "Well, it might be magical or superstitious, but it seems that Silver in Faerun has a very big.. 'power' "
  354. 1:52 AM <_DM_> "Mystra is the goddess of magic who control all of the weave"
  355. 1:54 AM <_DM_> "Silver seemed have many impact, as there are famous families with 'silver' in their name"
  356. 1:54 AM <Chin2> *memyimak*
  357. 1:54 AM <_DM_> "Might be the blessings of Mystra"
  358. 1:55 AM <_DM_> "I heard that there is also royal family of Cormyr who bear 'silver' in the name, Truesilver is one of them"
  359. 1:56 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "wah"
  360. 1:56 AM <_DM_> "... Cousin of the current King of Cormyr, I guess *whisper 'hmm I think so, or was it nephew?'* "
  361. 1:57 AM <_DM_> "So, it might relates between 'silver' and the fate of individual in Faerun"
  362. 1:59 AM <_DM_> "Anything else?"
  363. 1:59 AM <_DM_> "... do you.. really just 2 days here?"
  364. 1:59 AM <_DM_> "I mean.. just arrived?
  365. 1:59 AM <Chin2> "apakah keluarga silvershield itu juga berhubungan dengan king of cormyr?"
  366. 1:59 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "betul sekali tuan"
  367. 1:59 AM <_DM_> "Oh no way, the Silvershield family is not related to any noble family"
  368. 2:00 AM <_DM_> "The Silvershield family is merchant family who made their fortune from Baldur's Gate"
  369. 2:01 AM <_DM_> "It also manages flotilla of trade ships between Waterdeep to Athkatla"
  370. 2:01 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "ah, tempat asal tuan?"
  371. 2:01 AM <_DM_> "N-- uh, yes!"
  372. 2:02 AM <_DM_> "Athkatla, yes."
  373. 2:03 AM <Chin2> "lalu2, apakah ada wanita cantik yang terkenal di antara kalangan itu?
  374. 2:03 AM <_DM_> "Of course!"
  375. 2:03 AM <_DM_> "The most cunning and most beautiful girl is a Silvershield"
  376. 2:04 AM <Chin2> *nods2*
  377. 2:05 AM <Chin2> "lalu2?"
  378. 2:05 AM <_DM_> "Eh? What?"
  379. 2:08 AM <Chin2> "hanya ada 1 yang cantik?"
  380. 2:08 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠)
  381. 2:08 AM <Chin2> "oh ya, nama silvershieldnya siapa?"
  382. 2:08 AM <_DM_> "-- Well the lady of the family is said to be beautiful too"
  383. 2:08 AM <_DM_> "But I think the daughter is more beautiful"
  384. 2:09 AM <Chin2> "wah"
  385. 2:09 AM <Chin2> "apakah itu berarti tuan pernah bertemu dengan mereka?"
  386. 2:09 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠)
  387. 2:09 AM <_DM_> "Of co--urse not"
  388. 2:09 AM <_DM_> "I am just a traveler from Athkatla, right"
  389. 2:10 AM <_DM_> "-- ah it's getting late"
  390. 2:10 AM <_DM_> "I need my-- sleep now"
  391. 2:10 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "Athkatla?"
  392. 2:10 AM <_DM_> "See you later, maybe"
  393. 2:10 AM <_DM_> "Gnight"
  394. 2:10 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "ah baiklah tuan"
  395. 2:10 AM <_DM_> *mundur buka pintu masuk tutup pintu kunci pintu*
  396. 2:11 AM <_DM_> *pasang selot*
  397. 2:11 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠) "xie xie"
  398. 2:11 AM <_DM_> *geret kursi* *ganjal pakai kursi*
  399. 2:11 AM <Chin2> ( ◠‿◠)a "wah"
  400. 2:11 AM <_DM_> --- it is getting late indeed ---
  401. 2:11 AM <_DM_> --- with this, the first day is ended ---
  402. 2:12 AM <_DM_> --- along the first City Strolls ---
  403. 2:12 AM <_DM_> --- Thank you for playing ---
  404. 2:32 AM <_DM_> ------ End of Day 2 ------
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