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- // This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
- // © Maurizio-Ciullo
- //////////////////////////////////////////// CREATO 1 TRADING SYSTEM CON TRE VERSIONI. ////////////////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////////////////////// 2° VERSIONE 1.6: CON MYEXITCOUNTBAR / TAKE PROFIT / INGRESSO LIMIT //////////////////////////////////
- // Il trading system completo - Get-Back-Market 1.6 Ver-5 (Strategia Reversal/Swing)
- // (Exchange= FTX) (Sottostante LEO-PERP) (Timeframe= 45M) (Direzione= LONG E SHORT) (Swing Posizione= SI) (Esclusione Ore=NO) (Esclusione Giorni=NO') (Esclusione Mesi=NO)
- // (Take Profit Long/Short Market = NO) (Take Profit Limit Long/Short= 9%) (Stop Loss Limit Long/Short= -12% Tradingview-Hub)
- // (Stop Loss Market Long/Short= NO) (Trailing Stop=NO) (Stop Emergenza= NO) (Uscita Numero Candele Market Long/Short= SI)
- // (Ingressi Limit = SI)
- // (Rischio Operazione 11.92% Drawdown Massimo)
- // (In Sample Dal=19/02/21 Al 12/04/22) (Out Of Sample Dal=12/04/22 Al 25/08/22)
- // (Progettatta Il=25/08/22)
- // Nota su tradestation caricare sessione 23:00 23:00 tutti e 7 i giorni, solo che mi da un problema e non mi fa caricare l'ultima sessione.
- // Per questo motivo invece di usare: highd0 = HighSession(0,0); stò usando: (HighD(0)); Sostituendo le sessioni con i giorni temporali.
- // Per FTX Su Tradestation: Exchange Time, Regular Session, 7x7 23:00 23:00, Session Hour.
- //@version=5
- strategy(title="Bot Get-Back-Limit 1.6 LEO/PERP FTX 45M LONG E SHORT", overlay=true, precision = 4,
- //max_bars_back=5000, // Serve Per Caricare Più Storico Per Il Trailing Stop
- pyramiding=0,
- initial_capital=150,
- commission_type=strategy.commission.percent,
- commission_value=0.1,
- default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity,
- default_qty_value=20)
- // Input
- input_sma ='Media BB', defval=20, minval=0, maxval=50, group='Bande')
- input_deviazione_st = input.float(title='Deviazione_st', defval=2.0, step=0.1, group='Bande')
- input_stop_loss_long = input.float(title='stop_loss_long', defval=12, minval=0, maxval=100, step=0.1, group='Stop&Target')
- input_take_profit_long = input.float(title='take_profit_long', defval=9, minval=0, maxval=100, step=0.1, group='Take Profit')
- input_stop_loss_short = input.float(title='stop_loss_short', defval=12, minval=0, maxval=100, step=0.1, group='Stop&Target')
- input_take_profit_short = input.float(title='take_profit_short', defval=9, minval=0, maxval=100, step=0.1, group='Take Profit')
- input_MyExitCountBarL ='MyExitCountBarL', defval=76, minval=0, maxval=500, group='Exit Bars Counter')
- input_MyExitCountBarS ='MyExitCountBarS', defval=53, minval=0, maxval=500, group='Exit Bars Counter')
- // only_Long = input.bool(title='Solo long trade', defval=false, inline='1', group='Direzione')
- // only_Short = input.bool(title='Solo short trade', defval=false, inline='1', group='Direzione')
- // Calcolo del range del backtest
- startDate ="Start Date",
- defval=1, minval=1, maxval=31, group="Periodo")
- startMonth ="Start Month",
- defval=02, minval=1, maxval=12, group="Periodo")
- startYear ="Start Year",
- defval=2010, minval=1800, maxval=2150, group="Periodo")
- endDate ="End Date",
- defval=01, minval=1, maxval=31, group="Periodo")
- endMonth ="End Month",
- defval=01, minval=1, maxval=12, group="Periodo")
- endYear ="End Year",
- defval=2121, minval=1800, maxval=2150, group="Periodo")
- inDateRange = (time >= timestamp(syminfo.timezone, startYear,
- startMonth, startDate, 0, 0)) and
- (time < timestamp(syminfo.timezone, endYear, endMonth, endDate, 0, 0))
- // Start Hour Range Trading Non Attivo /////////////////////
- //hourTrading = input(title='sessione valida di trading', defval='0600-2300:23456')
- //hourRangeTrading = time(timeframe.period, hourTrading)
- /////////////////// Start Detecting High0 Session ///////////////////
- // Configure session with inputs
- session_high = input.session("0000-2300", title="Trading Session")
- timeZone_high = input.string("GMT", title="Time Zone")
- // SessionHigh() returns the highest price during the specified
- // session, optionally corrected for the given time zone.
- // Returns 'na' when the session hasn't started or isn't on the chart.
- SessionHigh(sessionTime, sessionTimeZone=syminfo.timezone) =>
- insideSession = not na(time(timeframe.period, sessionTime, sessionTimeZone))
- var float sessionHighPrice = na
- if insideSession and not insideSession[1]
- sessionHighPrice := high
- else if not insideSession and high > sessionHighPrice // Inserito personalmente perchè se fuori sessione e massimo più alto non aggiornava
- sessionHighPrice := high // // Inserito personalmente perchè se fuori sessione e massimo più alto non aggiornava
- else if insideSession
- sessionHighPrice := math.max(sessionHighPrice, high)
- sessionHighPrice
- // InSession() returns 'true' when the current bar happens inside
- // the specified session, corrected for the given time zone (optional).
- // Returns 'false' when the bar doesn't happen in that time period,
- // or when the chart's time frame is 1 day or higher.
- InSessionHigh(sessionTimes, sessionTimeZone=syminfo.timezone) =>
- not na(time(timeframe.period, sessionTimes, sessionTimeZone))
- // Get the session high
- highd0 = SessionHigh(session_high, timeZone_high)
- // Show the session high on the chart
- //plot(highd0,, title="Highd0")
- // For visual verification, highlight the background of session bars
- bgcolor(InSessionHigh(session_high, timeZone_high) ?, 90) : na)
- // /////////////////// End Detecting High0 Session ///////////////////
- // /////////////////// Start Detecting Low0 Session ///////////////////
- // Configure session with inputs
- session_low = input.session("0000-2300", title="Trading Session")
- timeZone_low = input.string("GMT", title="Time Zone")
- // SessionLow() returns the lowest price during the specified
- // session, optionally corrected for the given time zone.
- // Returns 'na' when the session hasn't started or isn't on the chart.
- SessionLow(sessionTime, sessionTimeZone=syminfo.timezone) =>
- insideSession = not na(time(timeframe.period, sessionTime, sessionTimeZone))
- var float sessionLowPrice = na
- if insideSession and not insideSession[1]
- sessionLowPrice := low
- else if not insideSession and low < sessionLowPrice // Inserito personalmente perchè se fuori sessione e minimo più basso non aggiornava
- sessionLowPrice := low // // Inserito personalmente perchè se fuori sessione e minimo più basso non aggiornava
- else if insideSession
- sessionLowPrice := math.min(sessionLowPrice, low)
- sessionLowPrice
- // InSession() returns 'true' when the current bar happens inside
- // the specified session, corrected for the given time zone (optional).
- // Returns 'false' when the bar doesn't happen in that time period,
- // or when the chart's time frame is 1 day or higher.
- InSessionLow(sessionTimes, sessionTimeZone=syminfo.timezone) =>
- not na(time(timeframe.period, sessionTimes, sessionTimeZone))
- // Get the session low
- lowd0 = SessionLow(session_low, timeZone_low)
- // Show the session low on the chart
- //plot(lowd0,, title="Lowd0")
- // For visual verification, lowest the background of session bars
- //bgcolor(InSessionLow(session_low, timeZone_low) ?, 90) : na)
- // /////////////////// End Detecting Low0 Session ///////////////////
- PtnBaseSACrypto12 = ((highd0>(lowd0+lowd0*0.75/100)))
- //plotshape(PtnBaseSA12, "PtnBaseSA12")
- /////////////////// Start Detecting Open0 Session ///////////////////
- // Configure session with inputs
- session_open = input.session("0000-2300", title="Trading Session")
- timeZone_open = input.string("GMT", title="Time Zone")
- // SessionOpen() returns the open price during the specified
- // session, optionally corrected for the given time zone.
- // Returns 'na' when the session hasn't started or isn't on the chart.
- SessionOpen(sessionTime, sessionTimeZone=syminfo.timezone) =>
- insideSession = not na(time(timeframe.period, sessionTime, sessionTimeZone))
- var float sessionOpenPrice = na
- if insideSession and not insideSession[1]
- sessionOpenPrice := open
- //else if not insideSession and open < sessionOpenPrice // Inserito personalmente perchè se fuori sessione e minimo più basso non aggiornava
- //sessionLowPrice := open // // Inserito personalmente perchè se fuori sessione e minimo più basso non aggiornava
- // else if insideSession
- // sessionOpenPrice := (sessionOpenPrice, open)
- sessionOpenPrice
- // InSession() returns 'true' when the current bar happens inside
- // the specified session, corrected for the given time zone (optional).
- // Returns 'false' when the bar doesn't happen in that time period,
- // or when the chart's time frame is 1 day or higher.
- InSessionOpen(sessionTimes, sessionTimeZone=syminfo.timezone) =>
- not na(time(timeframe.period, sessionTimes, sessionTimeZone))
- // Get the session open
- opend0 = SessionOpen(session_open, timeZone_open)
- // Show the session open on the chart
- //plot(opend0, color=color.yellow, title="open0")
- // For visual verification, lowest the background of session bars
- //bgcolor(InSessionOpen(session_open, timeZone_open) ?, 90) : na)
- /////////////////// End Detecting Open0 Session ///////////////////
- /////////////////// Start Detecting HighD1 Session ///////////////////
- highd1 =, "D", high[1], lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)
- //plot(highd1, title="highd1")
- // /////////////////// End Detecting HighD1 Session ///////////////////
- // /////////////////// Start Detecting OpenD1 Session ///////////////////
- opend1 =, "D", open[1], lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)
- //plot(opend1, title="opend1")
- // /////////////////// End Detecting OpenD1 Session ///////////////////
- PtnBaseSACrypto4 = ((highd0-opend0)> ((highd1-opend1)*1))
- //plotshape(PtnBaseSA4, title="PtnBaseSA4")
- /////////////////// Start Detecting LowD1 Session ///////////////////
- lowd1 =, "D", low[1], lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)
- //plot(lowd1, title="lowd1")
- /////////////////// End Detecting LowD1 Session ///////////////////
- /////////////////// Start Detecting LowD2 Session ///////////////////
- lowd2 =, "D", low[2], lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)
- //plot(lowd2, title="lowd2")
- /////////////////// End Detecting LowD2 Session ///////////////////
- /////////////////// Start Detecting LowD3 Session ///////////////////
- lowd3 =, "D", low[3], lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)
- //lot(lowd3, title="lowd3")
- /////////////////// End Detecting LowD3 Session ///////////////////
- /////////////////// Start Detecting LowD4 Session ///////////////////
- lowd4 =, "D", low[4], lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)
- //plot(lowd4, title="lowd4")
- /////////////////// End Detecting LowD4 Session ///////////////////
- PtnBaseSACrypto27 = ((lowd1>lowd2) and (lowd1>lowd3) and (lowd1<lowd4))
- //plotshape(PtnBaseSA27, "PtnBaseSA27")
- PtnBaseSACrypto6 = ((opend0-lowd0)> ((opend1-lowd1)*1))
- //plotshape(PtnBaseSA6, "PtnBaseSA6")
- // Calculate MyEntryCountBar
- MyEntryCountBar = bar_index - strategy.opentrades.entry_bar_index(0)
- MyEntryCountBar := MyEntryCountBar + 1
- //plot(MyEntryCountBar, title="MyEntryCountBar")
- // plot(bar_index, title="bar_index")
- // plot(strategy.opentrades.entry_bar_index(0), title="")
- plotshape(MyEntryCountBar > input_MyExitCountBarL and strategy.position_size > 0, text="MyExitCountBarL")
- plotshape(MyEntryCountBar > input_MyExitCountBarS and strategy.position_size < 0, text="MyExitCountBarS")
- // Bollinger Bands
- middle_Band = ta.sma(close, input_sma)
- deviazione_st = input_deviazione_st * ta.stdev(close, input_sma)
- UpperBand = middle_Band + deviazione_st
- LowerBand = middle_Band - deviazione_st
- plot(middle_Band,, 0), title='B_middle Band')
- plot(UpperBand,, 0), title='UpperBand')
- plot(LowerBand,, 0), title='LowerBand')
- // Variabili Stop E Take Profit Long
- stop_loss_long_price = (strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0) - (strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0) * input_stop_loss_long) / 100)
- stop_loss_long = (strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0) - stop_loss_long_price) / syminfo.mintick
- take_profit_long_price = (strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0) + ((strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0) * input_take_profit_long) / 100))
- take_profit_long = (take_profit_long_price - strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0)) / syminfo.mintick
- // Variabili Stop E Take Profit Short
- stop_loss_short_price = (strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0) + (strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0) * input_stop_loss_short) / 100)
- stop_loss_short = (stop_loss_short_price - strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0)) / syminfo.mintick
- take_profit_short_price = (strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0) - ((strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0) * input_take_profit_short) / 100))
- take_profit_short =(strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0) - take_profit_short_price) / syminfo.mintick
- plot(strategy.position_size != 0 ? strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0) : na , color=strategy.position_size > 0 ? : strategy.position_size < 0 ? : na, style=plot.style_linebr, title="entry_price") // stampa l'entry price in rosso se short in blu se long
- plot(strategy.position_size > 0 ? take_profit_long_price : strategy.position_size < 0 ? take_profit_short_price: na,, style=plot.style_cross, linewidth=2, title="tk_limit")
- plot(strategy.position_size > 0 ? stop_loss_long_price : strategy.position_size < 0 ? stop_loss_short_price: na,, style=plot.style_cross, linewidth=2, title="sl_limit")
- bgcolor(strategy.position_size > 0 ? : strategy.position_size < 0 ? : na, transp=90)// sfondo verde quando siamo long, sfondo rosso quando siamo short, no sfondo quando non siamo in posizione //, 99): na)
- // Plot No Trading Allowed giorni da 1 a 7 1 è domenica. Mesi da 1 a 12 1 è Gennaio. //
- // giorni_esclusi = dayofweek(time)
- // plotshape(giorni_esclusi[1] == 2 ? giorni_esclusi : na,, title="giorni_esclusi")
- // mesi_esclusi = month(time)
- // plotshape(mesi_esclusi[1] == 9 ? mesi_esclusi : na, color=color.yellow, title="mesi_esclusi")
- // Qui abbiamo in delay buy, sell, close command: ,"delay":"15" per dare il tempo di cancellare prima eventuali ordini pendenti e poi entrare in posizione
- // Il cancel command non deve avere il delay.
- buy_command = 'BUY_COMMAND,"delay":"15"}'
- sell_command = 'SELL_COMMAND,"delay":"15"}'
- close_command = 'CLOSE_COMMAND,"delay":"15"}'
- //cancel_command = 'CANCEL_COMMAND, NO_DELAY'
- // Condizione Entrata Long
- condEntryLong = ta.crossover(close, LowerBand) and PtnBaseSACrypto12 == true and PtnBaseSACrypto27 == false and inDateRange//and not only_Short and month != 4 and month != 8
- //Condizione Entrata Short
- condEntryShort = ta.crossunder(close, UpperBand) and PtnBaseSACrypto4 == true and PtnBaseSACrypto6 == false and inDateRange//and not only_Long and month != 4 and month != 8 and not only_Short
- // Long
- // Cancel the pending long/short entry orders if not filled or if filled, that happens only before the next signal "entry/exit/"
- // Se si riscontrano problemi con la cancellazione di ordini togliere il delay sul close command
- if condEntryLong and strategy.position_size <0 or condEntryLong and strategy.position_size ==0 //or strategy.position_size >0 and MyEntryCountBar > input_MyExitCountBarL
- strategy.cancel_all()
- alert(message='CANCEL_COMMAND, NO_DELAY', freq=alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
- plotshape(condEntryLong and strategy.position_size <0 or condEntryLong and strategy.position_size ==0, text="Cancel_Pendings")
- // Entrata Long
- if condEntryLong //and strategy.opentrades == 0
- strategy.entry('operazioneLong', strategy.long, limit = close, alert_message = "Open Long Position", comment = buy_command)
- // Uscita Long (stop/limit x prezzo) (loss/profit x ticks)
- if strategy.opentrades ==1
- strategy.exit('SL e TP', from_entry='operazioneLong', loss=stop_loss_long, profit=take_profit_long, alert_message = "Your Long SL-TP Has Been Triggered.", comment = close_command) //limit=take_profit_long_price
- // Uscita Long Exit Count Bar
- if strategy.opentrades ==1 and MyEntryCountBar > input_MyExitCountBarL
- strategy.close(id='operazioneLong', alert_message = "Close Long Position", comment = close_command)
- // Short
- // Cancel the pending long/short entry orders if not filled or if filled, that happens only before the next signal "entry/exit/"
- // Se si riscontrano problemi con la cancellazione di ordini togliere il delay sul close command
- if condEntryShort and strategy.position_size >0 or condEntryShort and strategy.position_size ==0 //or strategy.position_size <0 and MyEntryCountBar > input_MyExitCountBarS
- strategy.cancel_all()
- alert(message='CANCEL_COMMAND, NO_DELAY', freq=alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
- plotshape(condEntryShort and strategy.position_size >0 or condEntryShort and strategy.position_size ==0, text="Cancel_Pendings")
- // Entrata Short
- if condEntryShort //and strategy.opentrades == 0
- strategy.entry('operazioneShort', strategy.short, limit = close, alert_message = "Open Short Position", comment = sell_command)
- // Uscita Short (stop/limit x prezzo) (loss/profit x ticks)
- if strategy.opentrades == 1
- strategy.exit('SL e TP', from_entry='operazioneShort', loss=stop_loss_short, profit=take_profit_short, alert_message = "Your Long SL-TP Has Been Triggered.", comment = close_command) //limit=take_profit_short_price
- // Uscita Short Exit Count Bar
- if strategy.opentrades ==1 and MyEntryCountBar > input_MyExitCountBarS
- strategy.close(id='operazioneShort', alert_message = "Close Short Position", comment = close_command)
- // Nome Alert: Get-Back-Limit 1.6 LEO/PERP FTX 45M
- // Commento Alert: {{strategy.order.comment}}
- // ------- Inizio Calcolatore Size Posizioni Aperte E Size Posizioni Residue E Segna Con Una Croce Se Abbiamo Realizzato Un Profitto ------- //
- // Il Segno Croce Profitto Realizzato Non Funziona Sullo Swing Posizione //
- // bought = strategy.position_size[0]> strategy.position_size[1]
- // Close_TP = false
- // Close_TP := strategy.position_size[1] - strategy.position_size[0] and strategy.position_size[1] != 0 and strategy.position_size[0] != 0
- // plotshape(Close_TP,title="Close_TP", style=shape.xcross,, size =size.small, editable = true)
- // plot(strategy.position_size[1],"Position Old")
- // plot(strategy.position_size,"Position")
- // ------- Fine Calcolatore Size Posizioni Aperte E Size Posizioni Residue E Segna Con Una Croce Se Abbiamo Realizzato Un Profitto ------- //
- // ----------------- Inizio Tabella risultati mensili. Per visualizzare andare nelle impostazioni proprietà e spuntare ad ogni tick -----------------
- // new_month = month(time) != month(time[1])
- // new_year = year(time) != year(time[1])
- // eq = strategy.equity
- // bar_pnl = eq / eq[1] - 1
- // cur_month_pnl = 0.0
- // cur_year_pnl = 0.0
- // // Current Monthly P&L
- // cur_month_pnl := new_month ? 0.0 :
- // (1 + cur_month_pnl[1]) * (1 + bar_pnl) - 1
- // // Current Yearly P&L
- // cur_year_pnl := new_year ? 0.0 :
- // (1 + cur_year_pnl[1]) * (1 + bar_pnl) - 1
- // // Arrays to store Yearly and Monthly P&Ls
- // var month_pnl = array.new_float(0)
- // var month_time = array.new_int(0)
- // var year_pnl = array.new_float(0)
- // var year_time = array.new_int(0)
- // last_computed = false
- // if (not na(cur_month_pnl[1]) and (new_month or barstate.islast))
- // if (last_computed[1])
- // array.pop(month_pnl)
- // array.pop(month_time)
- // array.push(month_pnl , cur_month_pnl[1])
- // array.push(month_time, time[1])
- // if (not na(cur_year_pnl[1]) and (new_year or barstate.islast))
- // if (last_computed[1])
- // array.pop(year_pnl)
- // array.pop(year_time)
- // array.push(year_pnl , cur_year_pnl[1])
- // array.push(year_time, time[1])
- // last_computed := barstate.islast ? true : nz(last_computed[1])
- // // Monthly P&L Table
- // var monthly_table = table(na)
- // prec = input(2, title = "Return Precision")
- // if (barstate.islast)
- // monthly_table :=, columns = 14, rows = array.size(year_pnl) + 1, bgcolor=#0F0F0F,border_width=1,border_color=#000000)
- // table.cell(monthly_table, 0, 0, "", text_color=#D3D3D3, bgcolor=#0F0F0F)
- // table.cell(monthly_table, 1, 0, "Jan", text_color=#D3D3D3, bgcolor=#0F0F0F)
- // table.cell(monthly_table, 2, 0, "Feb", text_color=#D3D3D3, bgcolor=#0F0F0F)
- // table.cell(monthly_table, 3, 0, "Mar", text_color=#D3D3D3, bgcolor=#0F0F0F)
- // table.cell(monthly_table, 4, 0, "Apr", text_color=#D3D3D3, bgcolor=#0F0F0F)
- // table.cell(monthly_table, 5, 0, "May", text_color=#D3D3D3, bgcolor=#0F0F0F)
- // table.cell(monthly_table, 6, 0, "Jun", text_color=#D3D3D3, bgcolor=#0F0F0F)
- // table.cell(monthly_table, 7, 0, "Jul", text_color=#D3D3D3, bgcolor=#0F0F0F)
- // table.cell(monthly_table, 8, 0, "Aug", text_color=#D3D3D3, bgcolor=#0F0F0F)
- // table.cell(monthly_table, 9, 0, "Sep", text_color=#D3D3D3, bgcolor=#0F0F0F)
- // table.cell(monthly_table, 10, 0, "Oct", text_color=#D3D3D3, bgcolor=#0F0F0F)
- // table.cell(monthly_table, 11, 0, "Nov", text_color=#D3D3D3, bgcolor=#0F0F0F)
- // table.cell(monthly_table, 12, 0, "Dec", text_color=#D3D3D3, bgcolor=#0F0F0F)
- // table.cell(monthly_table, 13, 0, "Year", text_color=#D3D3D3, bgcolor=#0F0F0F)
- // for yi = 0 to array.size(year_pnl) - 1
- // table.cell(monthly_table, 0, yi + 1, str.tostring(year(array.get(year_time, yi))), text_color=#D3D3D3, bgcolor=#0F0F0F)
- // y_color = array.get(year_pnl, yi) > 0 ? color.lime :
- // table.cell(monthly_table, 13, yi + 1, str.tostring(math.round(array.get(year_pnl, yi) * 100, prec)), bgcolor = y_color)
- // for mi = 0 to array.size(month_time) - 1
- // m_row = year(array.get(month_time, mi)) - year(array.get(year_time, 0)) + 1
- // m_col = month(array.get(month_time, mi))
- // m_color = array.get(month_pnl, mi) > 0 ? color.lime :
- // table.cell(monthly_table, m_col, m_row, str.tostring(math.round(array.get(month_pnl, mi) * 100, prec)), bgcolor = m_color)
- // ----------------- Fine Tabella risultati mensili. Per visualizzare andare nelle impostazioni proprietà e spuntare ad ogni tick -----------------
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