
Fiat Justicia 0: The Lonliest Telepath Part 2

Jun 5th, 2016
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  1. [10:20] Arkalest The alien taps at the holographic control panel with a single slender finger. "My name is Natah Ilvisia." Their voice is a weird mixture between raspy and melodious, with Ss rolled off quietly, tapering off.
  2. [10:20] Sabina "I am pleased to meet you Natah Ilvisia."
  3. [10:21] Arkalest "I am dreadfully sorry for the helmet and getup, but it is standard protocol. " They accompany their words by bobbing their head up and down.
  4. [10:22] Sabina "I understand, there is no need to apologize."
  5. [10:31] Arkalest A narrowing of bluish eyes for a split second. "I see. " They seem to be busy staring at you- Very, very intently.
  6. [10:32] Sabina A pair of large eyes, the iris little more than a cat-like slit in the light, stare back, undeterred.
  7. [10:33] Arkalest The elevator continues raising- And Natah lowers their muzzle. "Are you a painter?"
  8. [10:34] Sabina "I am."
  9. [10:34] Arkalest "Landscapes, mostly."
  10. [10:35] Sabina She nods "That is correct."
  11. [10:35] Arkalest They lower their muzzle further. "And you like to go trekking. "
  12. [10:35] Sabina "I do."
  13. [10:42] Arkalest Their eyes narrow once again. "And I accidentally ended up edging into uncomfortable territory, did I not?" Natah's ears twitch, their tone dropping low as they look away from youy. "Sorry."
  14. [10:43] Sabina She shakes her head. "Not at all. I apologize if I gave you that impression."
  15. [10:45] Sabina "I am simply unfamiliar with casual conversation."
  16. [10:49] Arkalest The awkward silence following their nod is downright palapable, and it lingers for three seconds and more. Then, their eyes widen for a split second, and narrow. "I see."
  17. [10:49] Arkalest "Are you more comfortable wth telepathy?"
  18. [10:58] Sabina "That is, I am not more or less comfortable with telepathy. It's another sense to me, not one I prefer in place of another, if that makes sense."
  19. [11:05] Arkalest The Constable nods once again, eyes slightly relaxing. "It does, it certainly does."
  20. [11:10] Arkalest Sabina: You are saved by the elevator stopping with a ding. Natah turns around fluidly, stepping out of the doors and into a corridor with a tall grey ceiling and white, smooth walls- Metal panels, the seams holding them together near invisible. Weirdly enough, the pavement seems to be almost sort of soft- A rubber-like grey surface. You are before a T-junction, and you can hear a sound...
  21. [11:10] Arkalest metal tapping against metal lightly from each direction- Accompanied by the smell of ozone and rust.
  22. [11:10] Sabina Natah, looking down the hallway they don't go through
  23. [11:10] Sabina *Follows
  24. [11:11] Arkalest Light is provided by a handful of blue LEDs on the ceiling and mounted on the walls, their plastic shells soffusing slightly- And you notice that under this light Natah's uniform seems to be made of hundreds, thousands of minsuscule hexagons.
  25. [11:12] Arkalest Sabina: There's a robot working on the wall- Something tha tlooks like a bigger cousin of the steward of the ship that brought you here. Long, thing metallic limbs tipped with industrial tools work slowly over bits of exposed, rusted metal pipes.
  26. [11:13] Arkalest "This building shows every single one of the years of its age." There's a vague hint of amusement in the Constable voice- Right as you reach another robot, working on horizontal tubing behind the wall panels.
  27. [11:13] Arkalest Sabina: Up close, you notice that the material beneath the paneling doesn't look as much as more metal as rock- Greyish, rough, covered in dust and cracks.
  28. [11:16] |<-- Scya has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  29. [11:17] -->| scya ( has joined #Adeva3IC
  30. [11:17] Sabina "I was told it was quite old. That it even rains."
  31. [11:18] Arkalest "It does, actually. Put a hand on the pipes, and you'll hear the sound of water rushing down." They gesture at the tubes.
  32. [11:19] Sabina pauses long enough to place her hand on the pipe, closing her eyes to fizate on the sound.
  33. [11:20] Arkalest Sabina: It's a low, dull roar- One that makes you wonder just how many liters of water rush through the cold, slightly vibrating metal. The surface of the pipe is rough, and as you pass your fingers over it you feel vaguely diamond-like protusions.
  34. [11:21] Sabina smiles, fingers trailing across the pipe as she walks. "I hope I have the chance to see the rains first hand today."
  35. [11:21] Arkalest A ferrous smell tickles your nostrils, right as Natah lowers their head, ears straightening up. "The whole Precinct's age is a matter of debate, however. Some say it was built in the middle of the Age of Light."
  36. [11:22] Sabina "Forgive my ignorance but I am not familar with the Age of Light." She bows her head while saying this.
  37. [11:23] Arkalest "And as far as that goes." The Constables gestures at a set of grey double doors. "And- Ah."
  38. [11:23] Arkalest "Sorry about that. "Their tail swishes. "Delphian term."
  39. [11:23] Sabina "I took no offense, I am simply curious as to what it refers to."
  40. [11:26] Arkalest The door opens on a room lit by soffused white light. Circular, with half of its circumference being a large ceiling to floor window that shows a dark blue night. A large sickle-shaped desk is at the center, some sort of smooth light borwn wood. Interestingly enough, the pavement appears to be some sort of moquette- Slightly bouncy white stuff.
  41. [11:27] Arkalest "A particular period in the history of Delphi" They nod at a pair of lotus-shaped pads near the desk, made out of some sort of crimson cloth
  42. [11:27] Sabina "Ah."
  43. [11:29] Arkalest "A period that was possibly earlier than the Ashen Age of the Children."
  44. [11:30] Arkalest Natah sits down in the lotus position on the pad- Crossing their legs and curling their tail around them. "Do you mind if we sit down?"
  45. [11:31] Sabina shakes her head and takes a seat.
  46. [11:32] Arkalest "So, your work as a Constable. " They slowly join their hands together, index fingers out. "I assume you were told of the risks involved?
  47. [11:33] Sabina "I was. My preexisting duties were not without their dangers as well, so it was not much of a issue to me."
  48. [11:35] Arkalest Sabina: The office faintly smells of vanilla, and it's somewhat warm- the sound of the rain outside dulled but constant. "I see."
  49. [11:36] Arkalest Natash lowers their head. "You are a smart child, and so I am going to be curt with you: Do you really want to do this?"
  50. [11:36] Sabina "My wants have rarely mattered."
  51. [11:39] Arkalest "Our wants rarely matter in the grand scheme of things." Their voice is almost utterly serene as they close their eyes. "Yet, it does not mean that we must accept our fates with a bowed head."
  52. [11:41] Sabina "To answer your question, my duty to the clan supersedes my own desires. This has always been the nature of my position." She gestures around at the room "This is no different."
  53. [11:42] Arkalest "I see. " Natah arches their tail. "And I accerpt that. We all have roles to play, after all. However, as the handler of the Psionic Department, it will be my duty to make sure that your immediate desires are fulfilled."
  54. [11:43] Arkalest "Before we move onto seeing what sort of duties await you...Is there anything that I can help you with? Any sort of personal desire?"
  55. [11:45] Sabina "I would prefer to deal with business before pleasure." She pauses a moment "If there is time later I would like to see the rain firsthand."
  56. [11:47] Arkalest "That can be arranged for."
  57. [11:48] Sabina "I would be sincerely appreciative of that. Thank you."
  58. [11:48] Arkalest "Now- Business. I will be curt here as well " A single spindly finger taps a sloping forehead. "We deal in minds, here."
  59. [11:49] Sabina nods
  60. [11:49] Arkalest "You and I are only two among many of the psionics residing in this habitat, working for the Chief Constable. This department's primary objective- Or so it was back when it was funded- Was to help investigations through the power of psionics."
  61. [11:50] Sabina "Has that changed then?"
  62. [11:50] Arkalest A slow nod. "Now we fight as well."
  63. [11:51] Sabina "I was trained how to defend myself. It also aids in meditation and focus."
  64. [11:52] Arkalest "That will serve you. To be clear: We won't ask you to fight for us if you do not want to, but this /is/ a dangerous job."
  65. [11:53] Arkalest Natah's tail slowly wraps around their wrist. "I am sad to say that your training may not be enough,however."
  66. [11:54] Sabina "I understand, and I will strive to attain the necessary as is required of me."
  67. [11:54] Sabina *skills
  68. [11:56] Arkalest Another slow nod. "I will personally oversee your self-defense training regime, but aside from that you will be allowed to seek out other agents and their expertise."
  69. [11:57] Sabina nods again.
  70. [11:58] Arkalest "The Psionic Department works side-by-side with kill-teams and the investigative departments. Togerther, we form the backbone of Precinct 2.'s forces."
  71. [11:58] Arkalest "Now..."
  72. [11:59] Arkalest "There are..." Natah hesitates, fingers tap-tapping together. "Peculiar...Personalities."
  73. [12:00] Arkalest "Yes, let us go with that. Peculiar personaties among the agents."
  74. [12:00] Sabina "Ah. Is there anyone I should be. . . particularly aware of then?"
  75. [12:04] Arkalest "Basically assume everyone will look at you and feel the absolute need to coddle you and protect you and accidentally squeeze the life out of you in the process."
  76. [12:05] Sabina She blinks, sliowly. "I'm. . sorry? I do not understand."
  77. [12:07] Arkalest Natah slowly stops tapping their fingers, eyes narrowing slightly in regret. "You are a young, vulnerable-looking young adult in an environment full od people who have signed up because they feel the need to protect things."
  78. [12:08] Sabina "That is not what I expected, however it makes sense when placed in that context."
  79. [12:15] Arkalest "What were you expecting?" A nearly invisible, thing grey eyebrow raises.
  80. [12:18] Sabina "Please, do not take offense at this, I in no way mean to belittle of speak poorly of your comrades. But I am aware of how, wary, people can be around someone as young as I am who holds a instrument. And with the toll it has on the keeper. I expected fear, wariness, distrust."
  81. [12:23] Arkalest "They have seen worse, trust me.."
  82. [12:24] Sabina "I will trust your judgement in this matter then."
  83. [12:28] Arkalest "Speaking of the toll, we are also ready to start doing something about that.."
  84. [12:28] Sabina "You have my full attention."
  85. [12:30] Arkalest "We-" Natah lowers thier head. "Have dealt with cases of neural degeneration caused by psionics before. One of our researches is actually working on something related to the Instrumentals right as we speak."
  86. [12:32] Sabina "If I am able to assist in any way, please allow me to."
  87. [12:33] Arkalest "Likewise, thisPrecinct has a history of dealing with psionics- And yes. We will be able to schedule some neural scanning sessions:"
  88. [12:34] Sabina "I would appreciate that as well. Thank you."
  89. [12:42] Arkalest "Another thing would be to fabricate a blocking coronet for you. It is a device capable of reducing tepathic feedback, tuned to the user's specific psi."
  90. [12:44] Sabina "And what would that do exactly?"
  91. [12:50] Arkalest "Hamper incoming and outcoming telephatic signals. It is not a mandatory piece of equipment, however. "
  92. [12:51] Sabina "I would rather decline then, unless there is unofficial pressure for me to take it. It would be like walking down a road with your eyes half covered, doable if needed but not comfortable."
  93. [12:54] Arkalest Natah nods. "Understandable. "
  94. [12:55] Arkalest "The coronet is meant to assuage the fears of a few unenlightened ones- and to showcase some of the more psionically-disninclined populations a sort of...Sigh of trust. We do have alternatives, however.."
  95. [12:56] Sabina nods.
  96. [13:05] Arkalest "Another thing: In this section of New Meridian, legal age is set around 18."
  97. [13:05] Sabina "Oh. I see."
  98. [13:06] -->| LilithSleep (LilithSlee@57FBED60.DEA30D92.402DBA9B.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
  99. [13:07] Sabina "What were the alternatives to the coronet? I assume I must take one of them or the coronet."
  100. [13:11] =-= Arina is now known as Pale_Wolf
  101. [13:14] Arkalest "There are a fair few available. Chief among them is a series of certifications that assures that are trained to deal with large crowds and whatnot.- The other is a buddy rystem. Another agent will follow you around, acting as a reassurance."
  102. [13:15] Arkalest "That one would help with your legal status. Inside this habitat you won't face any kind of trouble, but outside? You're going to need either an adult supervisor or a certification of emancpation."
  103. [13:17] Sabina "If it is not a undue burdon I would prefer the buddy system, though I would also ask to be allowed to attempt the certification training as well. I would like it to be known that I am in control of myself."
  104. [13:17] |<-- Arkalest has left (Ping timeout: 125 seconds)
  105. [13:19] -->| Arkalest (chatzilla@39D4DDA0.23774034.9C0D7C2E.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
  106. [13:19] =-= Mode #AdEva3IC +qo Arkalest Arkalest by ChanServ
  107. [13:20] Arkalest "We have a variety of agents that can fit the task, but...Just be mindful of what I have told you."
  108. [13:21] Sabina "I will, and I will endeavor to not cause you trouble."
  109. [13:22] Arkalest "As far as the certification goes, we can get you started next week."
  110. [13:23] Sabina "Thank you. Is there anything else I should be aware of?"
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  114. [14:32] =-= YOU are now known as IcePickLobotomy
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  135. [22:26] -->| Arkalest (chatzilla@39D4DDA0.23774034.9C0D7C2E.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
  136. [22:26] =-= Mode #AdEva3IC +qo Arkalest Arkalest by ChanServ
  137. [23:01] =-= YOU are now known as Sabina
  138. [23:05] Arkalest Sabina: "Generally the Precinct is free for you to move around in- And so is the rest of the habitat. However-" They nod in the window's direction. "Be mindful of the environ. There are whole sectors of this place with weak gravity control, malfunctioning AR nets and whatnot."
  139. [23:05] Sabina "Are the hazards normally marked out?"
  140. [23:07] Arkalest "Yes. Another thing is housing and general entertainement. You have been given an apartment in section B3, which also contains a handful of automated shops for convenience's sake. We have a shuttle make planetfall every week, week and a half to visit some of the cities, though."
  141. [23:07] Sabina nods
  142. [23:11] Arkalest "And I must ask you if you have any kind of remonstrance with aliens or certain categories of posthuman or uplifts- In terms of both possible allergies and cultural stances. "
  143. [23:13] Sabina "Not that I am aware off. Though I have had little interaction with people outside of the compound, none the less aliens. I will strive to be understanding of cultural differences."
  144. [23:13] Arkalest "You seem to be doing fairly well, all in all." Natah tilts their head at you.
  145. [23:16] Sabina "Thank you. While this exact situation was unforeseen, I find that my training has at least granted me the mental fortitude for dealing with this new situation I find myself in."
  146. [23:20] Arkalest The alien nods, and you find your AR ring out once. "That was the paperwork necessary- Together with a handful of useful contact informations."
  147. [23:20] Sabina "I will have that filled out promptly."
  148. [23:25] Arkalest "As far as your actual job...We'll give you two days to acclimatize to the Precinct, and then we'll begin with your training."
  149. [23:26] Sabina "Is there a particular role that you have in mind for me?"
  150. [23:26] Sabina "You mentioned kill-teams and investigation teams eariler."
  151. [23:28] Arkalest THey nod. "You will be assigned to the Psionic Department, but you will be allowed to shift if you feel the Department does not fit your needs."
  152. [23:29] -->| Yezara (AndChat386@88812953.62481F5A.8C0EBC76.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
  153. [23:29] Sabina "I meant more if you already had something in mind for me, and if so what it may be, or if you wanted to get a first hand look at my skills before deciding along those lines."
  154. [23:30] Sabina "In terms of how I would be of best use to the Constables."
  155. [23:30] |<-- Yezare has left (Ping timeout: 125 seconds)
  156. [23:30] Arkalest "A good look at your skills may be interesting."
  157. [23:31] -->| Yezare (AndChat386@111D41F0.62481F5A.8C0EBC76.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
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  159. [23:32] Sabina "And will give you a good base as to how I would be best put to use."
  160. [23:33] Arkalest "TOmorrow- Or rather, later today."
  161. [23:33] Sabina nods
  162. [23:33] Sabina "I rested during the trip here."
  163. [23:33] -->| Yezara (AndChat386@AF3C33D3.7BC8BA85.8C0EBC76.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
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  165. [23:36] Arkalest "Very well. Do you have any questions, before we move on onto your apartment?"
  166. [23:38] Sabina "Yes," Her hand drifts to the flower "I do not fully understand the significance of this or of speaking with the all-mind." She pauses a moment to gather her thoughts "I would rather admit my ignorance on this matter and have it resolved that say nothing and have it be a problem later on."
  167. [23:38] Sabina *then
  168. [23:40] Sabina "I do not like standing on unknown ground." She adds more softly.
  169. [23:41] Arkalest "I assume you do not know of the Phedrian and their history.."
  170. [23:42] Sabina "Very little. They are a sort of . . . combined ecosystem with a linked consciousness from what I understand."
  171. [23:44] Arkalest Natah nod. "The strenght of the connection varies, but every component of the allmind is psionic- And the allmind is....Many things. "
  172. [23:44] Arkalest "it is not a monolithic entity, for starters. "
  173. [23:46] Sabina nods, her full attention being given
  174. [23:48] Arkalest "Sub-groups and smaller networks form within it, but they all tend to have some common characteristics- SUch as a reticence to directly "speak" to individuals." Their eyes focus on you. "Then again, your Instrumental may have been the catalyast."
  175. [23:49] Sabina "Perhaps, it did speak to me on that subject at least."
  176. [23:50] Arkalest "As an aside, you may want to keep the camelia hidden when we venture out planetside. Not all people do like Phedrians"
  177. [23:51] Sabina "I understand."
  178. [23:52] Sabina "Or rather, I understand what you have said, not why they are disliked."
  179. [23:52] -->| Yezare (AndChat386@58D03205.FD7F445.7BB09FDB.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
  180. [23:52] Arkalest Natah looks out of the window, ears slowly falling. "Not everyone likes the idea of being connocted to each other."
  181. [23:54] |<-- Yezara has left (Ping timeout: 123 seconds)
  182. [23:54] Arkalest "The horizons of the allmind are vast, and they scare people. "
  183. [23:55] Sabina "I cannot say that I do not find the idea of something so vast to not be intimidating, but I cannot say that I do not look upon it with fondness for it's conduct with me either."
  184. [23:57] Sabina "For those who do not have the same experiences as I, fear and even hate are not unexpected reactions. Perhaps if the circumstances of our meeting was different I would fear it as well."
  185. [23:58] Arkalest "Indeed. It is all a matter of perspective, in the end. As an aside, the Phedrian seedclan on the payroll may be interested in talking to you.."
  186. [23:59] Sabina "Because I spoke with the all-mind?"
  187. [00:01] Arkalest "TAnd because they just like meeting new people."
  188. [00:04] Sabina "I would be interested in meeting them as well."
  189. [00:05] Arkalest "....And, ah." Their eyes contract. "I just remembered about the Vorak."
  190. [00:05] Sabina "Vorak?"
  191. [00:07] Arkalest "Yes, the Vorak." Their eyes twitch."
  192. [00:09] Sabina "Is there a problem with the Vorak?"
  193. [00:10] Arkalest "They are a race of......let us say bioengineered soldiers, and they are use to a more....Physically active environ." Their voice slows down.
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  195. [00:10] Sabina "Whereas here is more. . . sedate."
  196. [00:12] Arkalest "No, not really. We just don't go around punching people into walls...Most of the time."
  197. [00:12] Arkalest Behind the helmet you can see a motion that is clearly Natah snapping their mouth shut.
  198. [00:13] Sabina "Oh, I see how that would be off-putting."
  199. [00:13] |<-- Yezare has left (Connection reset by peer)
  200. [00:14] Arkalest Sabina: Natah closes their eyes for a split second, before reopening them. "..Can I be level with you, Sabina?"
  201. [00:15] Sabina "If this needs to stay between us you have my confidence."
  202. [00:16] Arkalest The Delphian puts its fingers together. "There is an, ah, over reason why we have decided to hire you"
  203. [00:16] Arkalest ".......Or rather, why the Constable Chief decided to."
  204. [00:17] Sabina "I thought this was a compromise between my clan and the Constables pertaining to the safe keeping of the Instrument. That I am able to assist was to further the clan's political leverage in this arrangement."
  205. [00:17] Arkalest "Also that, but an Instrumental is- We already let's say we already have a bit of a power tool like it shall we?"
  206. [00:18] Sabina nods
  207. [00:18] Arkalest "What I am trying to say here is that the psionic department is understaffed and underdeveloped and all the people here are mmh how can I put it nicely?" Their eyes narrow. "They're really bad at their jobs."
  208. [00:18] Arkalest "Which is to say, investigating. What they're good at is mauling people and making it look like an incident."
  209. [00:19] Sabina nods
  210. [00:21] Arkalest "And you. You are a kid which is like mmh I don't want to you know-Put you in the same room as the three meters tall killing machine do I?"
  211. [00:22] Sabina "I suppose that would depend on what your goals were."
  212. [00:22] Arkalest "Mentally traumatizing kids is not part nor parcel of my job, Sabina."
  213. [00:23] Sabina "I apologize, I did not mean to imply anything negative there, rather I meant that placing me in the same room as a three meter killing machine would. ." She shakes her head "Nevermind."
  214. [00:24] Sabina "I am not as fragile as my age would indicate."
  215. [00:26] Arkalest "You think you can take a Vorak head on and come on ahead just fine?" Natah slowly tilts their head sideways- Letting you notice their flexible, muscular neck.
  216. [00:27] Arkalest "You probably can mind you but way as a I see it you're going to get /hurt/ "
  217. [00:28] Sabina "I know myself and my skills, but even I am not so arrogant to say I would walk away unscathed. I apologize, I misunderstood what you were saying there, I did not understand that this was in the context of a violent confrontation."
  218. [00:32] Arkalest "And i don't think you understand what's like just having something constantly psionically scream at you just non-stop hissing and screeching."
  219. [00:34] Sabina "No," She bows her head "I would not claim to understand."
  220. [00:37] Arkalest "Look, I-" Natah falls silent for a while. "Sorry, didn't mean to imply you weren't good at being a psionic."
  221. [00:37] Sabina "I should not have been so defensive either. I apologize as well."
  222. [00:39] Arkalest "I probably shouldn't have unloaded on you like that too, sorry."
  223. [00:40] Sabina "No, I understand that I am young and untested, and that I lack the background understanding on so much of this. I thank you for your guidance."
  224. [00:42] Arkalest Natah seems to be about to say something, but then clams up. "So, the apartment."
  225. [00:42] Sabina "Yes, the apartment." She's eager to change the topic
  226. [00:44] Arkalest "It comes with its own AR network, balcony, outside pool and whatnot. Onloy problem is that it is in a complex with other Constables- Which I assume /won't/ be a problem foir you."
  227. [00:45] Sabina "I have no reason to believe it will be."
  228. [00:48] |<-- Arkalest has left (Ping timeout: 123 seconds)
  229. [00:51] -->| Arkalest (chatzilla@39D4DDA0.23774034.9C0D7C2E.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
  230. [00:51] =-= Mode #AdEva3IC +qo Arkalest Arkalest by ChanServ
  231. [00:53] -->| Yezara (AndChat386@58D03205.FD7F445.7BB09FDB.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
  232. [00:53] Arkalest "If there is anything furniture-wise that we can get you, do not hesitate to contact the quarter-master."
  233. [00:55] Sabina "I will if there is anything missing in terms of furniture. I do not expect to need very much however."
  234. [00:56] Arkalest "There's need and there is want- But anyway, I assume you may want to go there now? Or would you prefer a tour of thePrecinct?"
  235. [00:56] Sabina "Could we tour first?"
  236. [00:58] Arkalest "Yes. Is there a particular area you mwya want to see? Garages? Armory? Psionic department? The more generalized areas? Our labs?"
  237. [00:59] Sabina "Uhh. . . Psionic department first? After that I have no preference."
  238. [01:01] Arkalest ------
  239. [01:01] Arkalest Natah takes you back to the elevator. "As an aside question- Were you the only psionic in your clan?"
  240. [01:09] Sabina "With very few exceptions all of us have some ability and practice to hone our skills, though only a minority of us are able to use them on a practical manner. Those of us who go into the military or law enforcement are as a rule able to use their abilities to such a extant that it is useful in their work. Most of the clan make use of telekinesis. That I was a telepath is part of what marked...
  241. [01:09] Sabina for as a possible Instrumentalist. It has always favored that branch."
  242. [01:12] Arkalest The elevator slides down, right as the alein nods. "I must admit I am more of an oracle myself- And a conveyor."
  243. [01:12] Sabina nods
  244. [01:12] Arkalest "This department is far, far more slanted towards assorted kinetics- Pyro and bio above all- But there is plenty of telepathic power shared around."
  245. [01:14] Sabina "That is reassuring. The only other telepath I knew was the previous keepeer."
  246. [01:14] Sabina ". . . And the all-mind as of now I suppose."
  247. [01:18] Arkalest The floor at which the elevator stops seem to be nearly identical to the one you visited- Except this time the corridors are wider and even taller- And you emerge into a triple junction. "Front's the armory, left the archives and right is the assorted offices and workshops. Which one first?"
  248. [01:20] Sabina "Up to you." Her head swivels as she does her best to take everything in.
  249. [01:23] Arkalest Sabina: There is a...Particular smell here. Metallic, with hints of violets and other flowers- And other smells, like ozone and wet cloth that has been left to hang for too long. Natah looks towards the armory. "I can show you some of the weapons that we use."
  250. [01:23] Arkalest And...
  251. [01:24] Arkalest The armory turns out to be a cross-shaped, rather sizeable room. It appears that the Constables did not even bother with applying panels here, as the various cabinets and metallic shutters here are hewn directly into the grey, cold rock of the place. Here the temperature is also lower than the rest of the Precinct, and you can smell a waft of cleaning oils and machine cleansing agents.
  252. [01:25] Sabina pulls her jacket closer around her.
  253. [01:26] Sabina "It reminds me of my brother's room."
  254. [01:29] Arkalest "In what kind of weapons were you trained, if I can ask?"
  255. [01:31] Sabina "Multiform-Weapons. Sword and baton mostly, I am also trained in hand to hand combat."
  256. [01:43] Arkalest "DO you have any preferred form for multiforms?"
  257. [01:43] Arkalest Natah getures at a nearby metallic shutter, and it slides uwards- Revealing several greyish blocks inside a milky-white lattice. "We have about a half-hundred certified shapes here."
  258. [01:45] Sabina "I do, I'd prefer one that can switch between a stun baton and a short-sword."
  259. [01:47] Arkalest "We can get you that. Any hand to hand implements? Power fists, shock gloves, dermal claws?"
  260. [01:52] Sabina "Shock-gloves, I wasn't trained in the use of something as large as a power fist or how to use claws."
  261. [01:55] Arkalest A slow nod. "Anything ranged?"
  262. [01:56] Sabina "No, I do not trust my skills enough to take a firearm with me." She ducks her head sheepishly "Most of my weapon training was for discipline or personal enrichment. If the situation had gotten to the point that I was in immediate harm than the entire compound would be under attack and I would have needed to call upon my full power."
  263. [02:06] Arkalest "I see."
  264. [02:07] Arkalest There's the sound of a door opening, and footsteps. Natah freezes.
  265. [02:08] Sabina turns to face the door.
  266. [02:11] Arkalest Sabina: There's no one there, by the looks of it.
  267. [02:11] Arkalest Only a vague haze-like shimmer in the air
  268. [02:13] Sabina glances to Natah
  269. [02:14] Arkalest She raises a hand, and then raises two fingers- Slowly folding one forward, and then silently settling her hand sideways, making a sweeping motion.
  270. [02:15] Sabina blinks in confusion, having no idea what Natah just "said"
  271. [02:15] Arkalest Sabina: You feel a sort of change of pressure in the room- A wave of soft, soffused heat for a brief second. The haze shimmers, and more placid, slow footsteps can be heard.
  272. [02:17] Sabina does not move nor say anything.
  273. [02:18] Arkalest Sabina: The haze passes past you, and you hear a murmur- Soft, nearly like a dozen different torrents all at once.
  274. [02:19] Arkalest One of the metallic shutters open, and then closes- Fast enough to let you catch a glimpse of a metallic box covered in turquoise runes- Angular, incredibly stylized script.
  275. [02:20] Sabina looks to Natah again questioningly
  276. [02:20] Arkalest Natah taps his wrist together, and then raises both hands, palms outwards. She glances at the haze, as if to wait for a reponse.
  277. [02:24] Sabina still confused, decides to wait and see what happens
  278. [02:25] Arkalest The haze stands still for a moment, and then it slowly turns around- Or so is the impression you get- And walks out. Natah snorts loudly and aggressively as soon as it's out of range.
  279. [02:25] Arkalest "A drone."
  280. [02:25] Sabina "A drone?"
  281. [02:31] Arkalest "yes. SOme of the people at the research levels wanted to check out something, didn't want to get their asses up and so they sent one of those things.."
  282. [02:31] Sabina "Oh, I saw the same kind of drone on the shuttle."
  283. [02:33] Arkalest Natah's eyes blink once- And then they narrow. "Oh."
  284. [02:33] Arkalest "I see."
  285. [02:33] Arkalest His voice is glacial.
  286. [02:34] Sabina "Sorry, I didn't think to mention it until know." She shrinks back slightly.
  287. [02:34] Sabina *now
  288. [02:36] Arkalest "Oh no, it is not your fault. Words shall be had, later on. Not yto your expense." The Delphin slightly cranes her neck forward.
  289. [02:37] Sabina "Oh."
  290. [02:38] Sabina wanders over to another weapon that has caught her attention. A Glaive, or perhaps a naganta of some form.
  291. [02:40] |<-- Arkalest has left (Ping timeout: 123 seconds)
  292. [02:52] -->| Arkalest (chatzilla@39D4DDA0.23774034.9C0D7C2E.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
  293. [02:52] =-= Mode #AdEva3IC +qo Arkalest Arkalest by ChanServ
  294. [02:54] Arkalest Sabina: The blade is uncharcteristically greyish- Less gunmetal and more like opaque plastic. There are several small buttons and indentation on the long brown handle. "Ceramite blade."
  295. [02:54] Arkalest Natah turns his attention to the case. "Old but good. Originally a heat weapon, but then the previous owner took out the power core and replaced it with a psionic crystal."
  296. [02:55] Sabina "I see it, reminded me of one of the previous keepers. She used a weapon like this one."
  297. [02:57] Arkalest "You can take it out if you want."
  298. [02:58] Sabina "I," Her right hand twitches slightly. She closes her eyes. "I would like that, please."
  299. [03:00] Arkalest The alien gestures at the case, and it opens with a click. Surprisngly, the weapon has a faint scent clinging to it...Mahogany, maybe?
  300. [03:00] Sabina "You mean now?"
  301. [03:07] Arkalest "Yes."
  302. [03:11] Sabina doesn't hesitate in taking up the weapon, testing the weight and using her spare hand to feel for any imperfections, flaws, or damages with a seemingly practiced motion and eye. "It's like riding a bike, you never really forget the things that they truly loved. Whoever takes this after I will be able to pain, not as well as I, but quite well even if they've never touched a brush in their...
  303. [03:11] Sabina before hand. Our hands never really forget the motions."
  304. [03:11] Sabina *paint
  305. [03:14] Arkalest Sabina: It is a darling thing, light and plastic-shelled- With a dozen of little scrastches along the surfasce, barely visible. Probably a weapon converted from stock- But nevertheless well-cared for, judging by the application of oil. The mahoany scent still clings to it, and there's a sort of humid qwuality to it.
  306. [03:15] Sabina "Yes, this shall do nicely. It will serve us well."
  307. [03:19] Arkalest Natah nods. "You can take it home, if you want."
  308. [03:20] Sabina "Thank you, I will."
  309. [03:21] Arkalest "Is there anything else I could show you in the armory?"
  310. [03:22] Sabina "No, I think this covers my needs."
  311. [03:30] Arkalest "Do you want to continue the tour?"
  312. [03:31] Sabina "Yes please."
  313. [03:33] Arkalest --------
  314. [03:34] Arkalest Sabina: Natah leads you out of the armory and towards the offices- Walking at a slow pace. "As an aside, we act5ually have very few Meridianoi here."
  315. [03:35] Sabina "Why would that be?"
  316. [03:36] Arkalest "They tend to be shuffled to Precint 03 and 04, and they are relatively more interested in the central worlds."
  317. [03:37] Sabina "That makes sense."
  318. [03:38] Arkalest Sabina: That's when you notice that one of the doors is slightly grey rather than the dull white metal common to all Precinct entrances- And its surface looks...Somewhat tralucent.
  319. [03:38] Arkalest A single wave ripples through the metla like through liquid.
  320. [03:38] Sabina "Natah?"
  321. [03:42] Arkalest She stops. "Yes?"
  322. [03:42] Sabina "That door is doing something."
  323. [03:42] Arkalest "Does it look like it's covered in slightly vibrating black and white static itnerference?"
  324. [03:42] Sabina "No? It's rippling."
  325. [03:45] Arkalest "That is the break room and that is the effect of a mindshield nearly breaking under the strain of trying to contain a Vorak's mental screaming and we weren't going to visit it anyway" He turns towards you, and gesutres further down the corridor.
  326. [03:45] Arkalest "Unless you actually want to see them."
  327. [03:45] Sabina ". . . " She looks at the still rippling door. "I'll pass."
  328. [03:50] Arkalest "Good. "
  329. [03:50] Sabina "So, how long have you been working as a Constable if I may ask?"
  330. [03:51] Arkalest Sabina: The actual offices are inside a tall, cylinder-shaped room spanning multiple foors- With each office being accessible through an iris-shaped bulkhead. The center of the room is occupied by a spiraling staircase that curls around what looks like a petrified tree branch standing upright.
  331. [03:52] Arkalest Here, there are a hundred scents smoshed together in something bettwe described as a "Lived in" scent. Sweat, coffee of all kinds- WIth hints of strong brews- Alcohol, gun-oils, ozone, burnt plastic.
  332. [03:53] |<-- LilithSleep has left (Ping timeout: 127 seconds)
  333. [03:57] Arkalest Sabina: "Now, this-" Natah walks backwards on her toes, arms open as he explains. "Tis is one of the oldest rooms in the whole complex- Carved more than-"
  334. [03:57] Arkalest Sabina: That's when you notice a potted plant smashed against the floor- Pink petals, inside a terracotta vase.
  335. [03:58] Sabina "Oh, poor thing, and it has such pretty flowers too."
  336. [03:58] Arkalest It looks like a small tree, and there are signs it was dropped from a sizeable height. A spide-shaped drone is poking at it silently- Seemingly trying to determine what happened there. "- Than several c- Oh."
  337. [03:59] Arkalest The Delphian fluidly turns around. "Oh, it happened again."
  338. [04:00] Sabina "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you."
  339. [04:01] Arkalest "No, no, don't worry." He gestures at the spider-droid, which begins picking up the pieces. "See the central root in the staircase?"
  340. [04:01] Sabina nods
  341. [04:01] Arkalest "That is slightly connected to the pies, and when it rains like this vibrations run through."
  342. [04:02] Arkalest Sabina: You notice several more potted plants placed at regular intervals along the staircase- Both against the walls and on the metallic handrail, inside circular plant holders.
  343. [04:03] Sabina "I see, still sad that the plant gets hurt. Maybe you should find a way to secure them so it doesn't happen again."
  344. [04:06] Arkalest "We are running a bit low on actual crafting experience, so..."
  345. [04:07] Sabina "Wouldn't be too hard, some glue and paired magnets would probably take care of it."
  346. [04:07] Sabina "That is unless glue doesn't work on the staircase. . ."
  347. [04:09] Arkalest "It doesn't. We tried drilling into it, but the material's just too strong, and the Chief doesn't let us take anything from the actual armory to try it."
  348. [04:10] Sabina nods. "In that case a easy solution alludes me." She's still frowning "Still, poor plants."
  349. [04:13] Arkalest THe drone is taking care of it, and Natah nods. "If you want, you can also take that home- or take another speciman. The Phedrians grow them, and there's quite a lot of these."
  350. [04:14] Sabina glances at the large vase/smashed plant, and her new pole-arm.
  351. [04:14] Sabina "Could I have it sent to my apartment? I'm running out of arms."
  352. [04:17] Arkalest A nod. "Sure. I'll make sure to include fertilizer with the package."
  353. [04:17] Sabina "Thank you again."
  354. [04:19] Arkalest "Oh, and I forgot. I've been working as a Constable for...Two UD years and five months, give or take."
  355. [04:21] Arkalest Natah shows you one of the empty offices- WIth a crescent-shaped desk that5 can be adjusted for height. "Before that I was working a security job back at the home cluster."
  356. [04:21] Sabina "Ah, thank you I was simply curious."
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