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Nov 30th, 2015
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  1. 1. Why are you interested in being a mod?
  2. I can serve EpicMafia well. I am not applying to be a mod for myself, rather, I hope to become a mod so that I can improve as a whole. There are some problem with the way the site is run that I think will only get dealt with if I am there to deal with them. Chiefly, I want to improve the complaints forum to the point where it is a legitimate place for epic mafia users to voice their problems with the site in hope of them being resolved.
  4. 2. Do you consider yourself to be an active and helpful member of the EpicMafia community?
  5. Despite subscribing to policy, I do try to help new users to Sandbox however I can, such as explaining roles or the game as a whole to them. I've certainly been active ever since I joined the site in 2012, playing in many of the major lobbies, including Main, Sandbox, Vidya, Dangan, etc. I also frequently participate in many off-site activities with friends made right here on EM. The community itself can vouch for me on my quest to become a mod.
  7. 3. Being on the mod team is a team effort, as the name suggests. Do you have any prior experience working in teams, and would you handle working with a large group of people well?
  8. My value of a team member comes from organization; I'm skilled at keeping people on track and getting things done. I am sure that if I am to become a mod, not only will I finish the tasks assigned to me with the job, I will be able to accomplish personal goals for the site as well. Additionally, I do my best to mediate conflict instead of arguing, which is what I hope to do if I and another mod come into disagreement. I believe my experience as a team member and leader will allow me to remain calm and unbiased when handling reports and the like.
  10. 4. Have you had any major site violations in the past?
  11. The only reports I have ever received were for using some choice words that other users preferred that I had not. Since that time, I have received no other community violations, the controversial OPI vio notwithstanding. I have never been convicted of cheating or any other in game violation.
  13. 5. More than anything else, modding involves handling user reports. Do you consider yourself to have a good grasp of the site rules?
  14. I have been on this site for quite some time and because of that I have become quite accustom to the rules. I believe that I can handle game reports on the same level, if not better than anyone on the current mod staff. I also have excellent judgement when it comes to such things like intent and tone, and will be able to hand out fair verdicts for community violations.
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