
Sunny Gardens: Not What I Had in Mind

Jun 23rd, 2012
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  1. >Well, that was a sucky way to start the day.
  2. >It's not getting much better, either.
  3. >Starlight is still wandering around the pen, calling for Flame.
  4. >You've told her five times that Flame isn't here.
  5. >”Den whewe go?” she always asks.
  6. >You've got no idea how to answer her without causing mass panic.
  7. >There's an incredibly loud noise outside, ugh.
  8. >Now you've got a bunch of fluffies hugging for comfort and crying.
  9. >Damn it...oh, a car's pulling in!
  10. >A very loud car.
  11. >Good lord, it's a yellow Lamborghini Aventador.
  12. >The fluffies all babble as the woman walks in.
  13. >Her outfit probably costs more than your Camaro.
  14. >And you're wearing a skirt that appears to be made of burlap and a watch cap.
  15. >She probably thinks you're a hobo, but she smiles a little.
  16. “Um...welcome to Sunny Gardens!”
  17. >She tilts down her sunglasses to look at you.
  18. >”Are these all the ponies you've got?”
  19. “Well, yes. It's too hot for strays to survive long, so I don't get many fluffies coming in...”
  20. >She walks over to the pen, her black heels clacking on the concrete floor.
  21. >”They look pretty healthy...besides that one.”
  22. >She's pointing at Mandy, of course. Athena is trying to nudge him back upright.
  23. >”Fwiend, use weggies! New fwiend hewe, nee' gif huggies!” she says.
  24. >Mandy doesn't like being jostled, whining protests of “Wubba! Wiggy foo nuba wob!”
  25. “I do my best...”
  26. >You glance outside at her car again.
  27. >What in the world would a woman like her come in here for?
  28. >Surely she must have seen Sarah's stupid Porsche a couple of blocks down.
  29. >Don't people with snobby cars attract more people with snobby cars?
  30. >”New mommy fo' 'Feena? 'Feena good fwuffy, gif huggies!”
  31. >She seems interested in Athena, but that makes Zeus nervous.
  32. >”Nice hooman, pwease gif huggies to Zoos too?” he asks.
  33. >The woman looks up at you for an explanation.
  34. “They came from the same house. I think they might have grown up together.”
  35. >She puts Athena down and picks up Zeus.
  36. >”He's stout.”
  37. “Almost as stout as Slate! Uh, that's the big blue earth over there.”
  38. >She looks over at Slate, who is as composed and stately as ever.
  39. >”New hooman, pwease pick fwuffy fwiend. Aww fwuffies good, be nice to hooman. Gif wossa huggies.”
  40. >She seems taken aback by his words and looks over at you again.
  41. “He's kinda in charge of the fluffies when I'm not here. Takes it very seriously.”
  42. >”He seems really smart.”
  43. >”Am smawty fwiend. Pwotect hewd, hewp dem be good fwuffies. Hewp fwuffies be happy.”
  44. >Starlight is trying to push her way to the front, yelping “No fowge' Stawigh'! Stawigh' good fwuffy too, neva make bad poopies! Pwease be new mommy!”
  45. >The woman appears to be struck by Slate's demeanor and Starlight's desperate pleas for a mommy.
  46. >”I'll be right back.”
  47. >She pulls a phone out of her purse and walks outside.
  48. >The sniffling begins very quickly. ”New mommy no wan' Stawigh'?”
  49. >Slate waddles over to console her. “No cwy. Hooman no weave, come back. Pick fwuffy.”
  50. >They can still see her through the windows outside, but don't understand what she's doing.
  51. >Frankly, neither do you.
  52. >After a few moments talking to someone, she comes back in.
  53. >”I want all of them except those four.”
  54. >She points out Fluffy, Starlight, Slate, and Mandy.
  55. >You just blink at her for a second.
  56. “...are you sure?”
  57. >She nods curtly.
  58. >”I'm having a friend bring his truck over to get them.”
  59. >Okay then. Today just got better.
  60. >You don't enough pet carriers for the fluffies individually, so you have to put in three at a time.
  61. >Athena and Zeus go in one together, of course.
  62. >As you retrieve fluffies from the pen, Starlight beams up with expectant eyes.
  63. >When you don't get her, she looks totally stunned.
  64. >”New mommy pick aww fwuffies bu' Stawigh'?”
  65. >Oh god, here it comes.
  66. >”I'm sorry, I don't want all of you.”
  67. >”Bu'...bu'...Stawigh' good fwuffy too! Stawigh' gif aww huggies an' pway baww an' gif wuv an' an' an'...!”
  68. >She starts to hyperventilate. Slate embraces her in an attempt to calm her down.
  69. “Can't you take her? She deserves a good home, she's had such a hard time being here.”
  70. >The woman flashes you a smile.
  71. >There's something oddly sad about it.
  72. >”These are all the ones I want.”
  73. >Twenty minutes pass before her friend arrives in a blue Silverado.
  74. >He loads up the pet carriers while she pays the fees.
  75. >”Pwease, new mommy! Stawigh' sowwy not be good 'nuff fwuffy! Stawigh' be betta! Stawigh' jus' wan' mommy!”
  76. >She smiles down at her, petting her mane.
  77. >”I'm sure you'll get a mommy one day.”
  78. >Slate tries to plead her case as well. “Stawigh' good fwuffy, neva be bad, neva go in sowwy box. Pwease take too?”
  79. >She pets him too, but shakes her head.
  80. >The way she's acting is bothering you, but you've got fourteen fluffies that are on their way to better lives, so you let it go.
  81. >Soon, she's off, her yellow Aventador leading the truck down the street.
  82. >You smile, but that fades quickly when you look at the four fluffies she left behind.
  83. >Slate is still trying his best to calm Starlight down.
  84. >She is sobbing hysterically.
  85. >”Why mommy no wan' Stawigh'?! Stawigh' am good fwuffy, gif huggies an' pway!”
  86. >So much for the day getting better.
  87. >Mandy is shuffling around aimlessly, nosing the red ball ahead of him.
  88. >He suddenly stops, looks up, and notices there are a whole lot fewer fluffies now.
  89. >It takes him five full seconds to realize it.
  90. >”Hooo...fubba? Wab fubba ahhh wog?”
  91. >He falls down and starts screaming. “Fubba! Fubba nuuuuu weeg! Nuuuuu weeg!”
  92. >His shattered fluffyspeak fades into incoherent, fearful noises that only serve to agitate Starlight even further.
  93. >Fluffy doesn't react to any of this, just sitting on her haunches and staring up at the ceiling.
  94. >She gets up abruptly and goes to the litter box.
  95. >“Nee' poopies.” When she finishes that, she just goes back to blankly staring.
  96. >You glance up at the wall clock. Crap, it's after two and you haven't fed them yet.
  97. >The trip's going to be a lot faster today.
  98. “Slate, I've got to go get lunch.”
  99. >”Swate make suwe Stawigh' okay.”
  100. >Bless that fuzzy blue ball, again.
  101. >After giving Starlight the very biggest hug you can without injuring her, you head out the door.
  102. >Since it's just those four, you can spring for something besides the spaghetti from the place next door.
  103. >You all love the cheese pizza from the Italian restaurant down the street, you'll split one with them.
  104. >Unfortunately, it's right across from your sister's foal factory.
  105. >Oh well. You'll just be fast. No big deal.
  106. >As you get closer, you notice something.
  107. >That woman's Aventador is parked in front of the restaurant.
  108. >She's outside, too, seemingly ready to leave.
  109. >You figure it'd be nice to thank her for adopting so many of your fluffies, so you jog up to her.
  110. >You summon up your best polite smile as you arrive.
  111. “Hi! I...I wanted to say thanks for adopting. You must really like fluffies, taking so many.”
  112. >The woman smiles that unsettling smile again.
  113. >”We'll find out in a few hours, I guess.”
  114. “...pardon me?”
  115. >You feel extremely awkward.
  116. >The woman looks almost as uneasy as you feel.
  117. >“It's nothing, don't worry about it. I need to get going.”
  118. >Your spine tingles.
  119. “What did you do with them?”
  120. >She was almost to her car door when you said that.
  121. >She looks deflated as she casts her eyes back up at you.
  122. >”My chef just came back from Thailand. She wants to try her new fluffy pony recipes. We're going to barbecue them later.”
  123. >Your jaw drops.
  124. >She sighs a little. “I stopped by that store across the street, but she only sells foals and my chef wants to practice on adults first. Your fluffy ponies looked the healthiest.”
  125. >You can't even speak anymore.
  126. >”That's why I didn't want the purple one and the orange one, they're messed up. The blue one and the pink one...I spared them. They don't deserve to be entrées.”
  127. >You just stare at her in disbelief.
  128. >”I'm sorry, I really need to go.”
  129. >You watch her drive off, totally numb.
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