
Liven's Journey, Prolog

Jul 8th, 2013
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  1. Liven up sipped his tea as he sat at the makeshift desk. California Poppy was a great way to calm down, and after the way things have been the last few days, calming down was exactly what the zebra needed. No sugar or sweetener was needed with this all natural brew, as its natural flavor was perfect to his new taste buds.
  2. His eyes scanned the papers before him, each one with some make shift records of the town's inhabitant's recent medical history. He wanted to keep a list of which towns people had received what injuries and how they were treated; at this point, all the work he and Bob had done was mostly conjecture and instinct. With this, they could at least go back and see what they did right, and what they messed up on.
  3. However, the papers were not top concern. What was really on his mind was the town's first onset of estrus. With all new hormones many other the town's “men” would be feeling, it was going to be days and weeks of nothing but sweat, blood and bodily fluids all over the place. He, being the town's doctor- and as it appeared alchemist- was tasked with finding some kind of medication, her or potion to help counteract and curb the massive libidos that the mares would develop. To this point... there were no results to speak of, and with less than a (theorized) day before its onset, Liven doubted he'd ever be able to find a remedy.
  4. He sighed as he emptied his cup, not yet feeling the relaxing sensation the yellow and orange flower was supposed to produce. “Odd,” he murmured to himself as he got up to put another pot on. He had been drinking this stuff since he got here, and only now did it stop working. The California Poppy wasn't an opiate, and didn't cause addiction or a tolerance build up like its mountainous counterpart.
  5. As Liven prepared his second pot, his mind wandered to the last few days around town. In that time he had both been rejected by the only pony who truly caught his eye, and not even three hours later, became a murderer, poisoning and drowning one of his best friends. What saddened him was that taking another life didn't bother him; it was the romantic defeat that truly stung. It would have been comical, were it not so personal.
  6. A small chuckle escaped the stallion's lips. If the town knew what he did, his own life would most likely be forfeit. Not that he cared, it was the reaction of the friends that he's made here that would bother him. Bob, Honey Rose, Strong Metal, Cherenkov Light, and Feather Duster... Out of all the ponies he's met over these past few weeks, these were the ones he considered his friends. The rest of the town could hate him for all he cared, but these ponies... it was for their sake he'd take that secret to the grave. Especially Feather Duster. A small blush came to his face as his heart sank a bit, once again thinking of the purple maned stallion.
  7. He shook his head as he tried to push the thought from his mind. Despite his feelings for Feather, it would not come to pass. The boy was happy with Cherenkov, and as their friend, it was his duty to be there and support them. After all, he just wanted them to be happy... right?
  8. Again, he shook his head and forced those thoughts away. His tea was ready and he needed to relax. Without any hesitation he poured himself another cup of tea before resuming his work in the nearly empty clinic. A small yawn escaped his lips as a sudden spell of fatigue washed over his body. Dark circles rapidly formed under his golden eyes. Slowly he placed his head on the table, careful to avoid the hot tea at his side.
  9. “I'm sure I can rest for a minute,” he yawned as his eyes closed. “I'll just be... out for...” He was cut off by himself, as his new body couldn't handle the levels of weariness.
  12. Liven sat in a forest, one he had no idea how he'd come to. It was night time, the only lights were that of the stars and half moon. Most of it had been obscured by the treas, but small glimmers of illumination made their way through the leaves, lighting up a path before the zebra.
  13. He couldn't explain it, but Liven Up felt... something. There was something down the path calling out to him, trying to pull him towards it. Normally, Liven would have avoided walking down strange, hardly lit paths in the middle of the woods out of instinct. However, despite his desire to keep his hooves in one spot, he shakily began to make his way down the dirt road.
  14. It was quiet... too quiet. Despite it being summer, the cries of animals and insects were completely silent. Not even the cry of the cicada pierced Liven's ears, making him feel only more nervous. Only the soft “clop, clop” of his hooves on the dirt, and his own breathing made a sound; it was nerve wracking, horrifying even, and it only grew worse as he continued on.
  15. As he went on, the summer heat and humidity began to vanish. Before long Liven found his fur standing on its end and himself shivering. More signs to turn back, he thought... more signs his body chose to ignore. Soon Liven noticed his own breath as a thin layer of ice formed the flora around him. He was cold, he was alone, and above all else... he was scared.
  17. 'Liven'.
  19. Liven managed to stop and turn around. His ears perked up as someone... or something... spoke to him. As his eyes scanned the area, he was, as he was before, alone. There wasn't a soul around him, not a pony, not a bug, not a-
  21. 'Liven.'
  24. Once again he turned to see where the voice was coming from. This time he was sure that it wasn't his mind playing tricks on him. He knew that he was begin talked to. “Who's... who's there? Where are-”
  26. 'Liven.'
  28. Liven Up turned around one last time, only to fall backwards. Standing before him was a cloaked equine figure. Every part of its body was shrouded, and only its golden eyes cut through the shadows. As Liven stared up at the figure, his sense of fear slowly vanished. “You're... not going to hurt me...” It slowly shook its head in response. “Then... what...”
  29. It raised a hoof from its cloak; white fur with black stripes pointed to a small group of flowers. Despite the ice, Liven recognized the flower grouping; they were all ones he cultivated at the clinic. This pony, this fellow zebra was trying to tell him something about those flowers.
  30. Shakily, Liven managed to get up and examine the flowers before him. The first thing he noticed was that there were several different types all growing side by side, as if intentionally arranged that way. If that wasn't curious enough, Liven noticed the air around them was much, much colder than before, almost as if...
  31. Liven blinked. “They're making it cold...” He paused and thought about it. “They're preventing the heat...”
  32. Something in his mind clicked when he said that. In an instant, everything became clear, he knew what he was being shown. In an instant he turned and faced his fellow zebra. Without needed to ask, the cloaked figure nodded as his yellow gaze pierced into Liven.
  33. A sharp pain dug into the boy's head as the golden stare of the zebra fixated on him. Random, incoherent noises filled his ears, and he instinctively put his hooves to them and cringed.
  34. “Why... what are you...” He grunted in pain as he tried to block the horrid clamor in his mind. “Please... I can't...”
  35. “Stop thinking,” the second zebra said. Its deep, masculine voice cut like a hot knife through the cold air. Liven's eyes reopened and stared at the finally talking zebra. “Stop thinking, and feel.”
  36. Liven took a deep breath, and fought through the pain. He tried to follow the advice and stop thinking. Despite the discomfort, once again something in clicked and, he managed to clear his thoughts. It was only then that the screeching in his mind stopped, and everything became clear.
  38. Liven jolted up from his spot at the clinic and looked around. He was in the exact same place he fell asleep in, the only difference being the tea was cold and the sky dark. It took him only a few moments to process the dream -was it really a dream?- he had just awoken from. A slight tingling lingered in his head from the experience, and he knew, knew what he had to do.
  39. Quickly he got up and ran to the back of the room where he kept is flowers. He'd need to mix quickly if he was to stop the first night of heat throughout the village and make his preparations. After all, someone out there was calling him... and he intended on answering that call.
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