
Donation InFo

Feb 3rd, 2014
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  1. 1. Aivis Purvinsh
  2. 2. Jaroslaw Nikta
  3. 3. Evzen Subrt
  4. 4. David Thompson
  5. 5. Oleksandr Liakhevych
  6. 6. Бочаров Максим AKA Maxim Bocharov
  7. 7. Sebastjan Cej
  8. 8. Florent Blanchon
  9. 9. Lars kristana Schmidt
  10. 10. Sukru coal
  11. 11. raffaela catalano
  12. 12. Juan Solana
  13. 13. lorenzo abad casal
  14. 14. Alan Morelli
  15. 15. Quentin Garnier
  16. 16. Alexandre Couderc
  17. 17. Бочаров Максим
  18. 18. Zinca Marius
  19. 19. lorenzo bregliozzi
  20. 20. Raul Minguez Luaces
  21. 21. Sukru coal
  22. 22. Khaled Saif
  23. 23. Raul Minguez Luaces
  24. 24. Evžen Šubrt
  25. 25. Stefan Heitmüller
  26. 26. Eric Poullain
  27. 27. Carmelo Fernández
  28. 28. Benjamin Gibiec
  29. 29. Carmelo Fernández
  30. 30. gene Junyi
  31. 31. Horst Raddatz
  32. 32. Udo EGELHOF
  33. 33. Mahadev Cholachagudda
  34. 34. Jamie Smith
  35. 35. kkovacs
  36. 36. Onur Şenel
  37. Paypal Donation address :-
  40. This list is from 1-Nov-2013 to 25-March-2015, There is no target or goal of donations as i do development as a hobby .Builds are free and always will be .
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