
The last tale of Visiwoo

Nov 21st, 2014
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  1. [19:06:46 ][@zoofman] Last time we left off as a Cold Steel replica of your Divine Rapier just flew out of fucking space, pierced The Devourer's heart, and struck into the ground in front of you! Also, Husk and the draconic figure have been bathed in a dark shaded light! This is some serious bad juju, but it's not like you guys don't have time to react to it!
  2. [19:08:51 ]* Break ( has joined #easternislesrhapsody
  3. [19:10:13 ][Genevieve] "Usual plan? Hit it til it stops moving?"
  4. [19:10:37 ]* Doxy ( has joined #easternislesrhapsody
  5. [19:10:51 ]* StarmanTheta ( has joined #easternislesrhapsody
  6. [19:11:28 ][Rosetta] "We've gotta be able to interrupt this, right? Can you try working some of that Decay?" Rosetta takes aim with her taser and attempts to shoot herself up onto the Yveltal.
  7. [19:11:39 ][Rosetta] 1d20 tether shot
  8. [19:11:40 ][CritSenpai] tether shot: 7 [1d20=7]
  9. [19:11:45 ]* Break_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  10. [19:12:26 ][Chase_Violet] He watches this with a bit of a sour expression on his face. "...Man, I'm just about sick of people taking shit that doesn't belong to them. Lives, freedom, the powers of other gods, the entire freaking planet at times. Even our ideas are being copied."
  11. [19:12:54 ][Chase_Violet] "Usual plan... is about right." he says, though he thinks he has time to try one thing.
  12. [19:12:58 ][@zoofman] That probably makes more sense to you based on how you are imagining this, Rosetta - but the two entities are basically in a state that reminds you of Evolving, you want to tether -into- that?
  13. [19:13:13 ][Chase_Violet] He charges up a Focus Blast, aimed at the cold steel rapier.
  14. [19:13:16 ][Chase_Violet] 1d20
  15. [19:13:16 ][CritSenpai] 1d20: 13 [1d20=13]
  16. [19:13:53 ][Rosetta] Yes, and then she's going to attempt to interrupt it with Freedom Fighter.
  17. [19:14:20 ]* Genevieve pulls the ruby away from her neck and holds it towards Husk and Devourer. "Sure, we can try that. Let's go for a little Devolution." She releases a wave of Decay through her Messiah feature.
  18. [19:14:25 ][@zoofman] Okay - Rosetta's tethershot plunges into the energy with the same impact as if she shot it into tar, and is promptly sucked into it.
  19. [19:14:36 ][Chase_Violet] 3d12+10+40
  20. [19:14:37 ][CritSenpai] 3d12+10+40: 77 [3d12=10,12,5]
  21. [19:15:34 ][Rosetta] 3d8+10+55 for the tether shot
  22. [19:15:34 ][CritSenpai] for the tether shot: 79 [3d8=5,2,7]
  23. [19:17:09 ][@zoofman] Chae's Focus Blast knocks the sword out, sending it hurdling over the side of the battleship!
  24. [19:17:24 ][@zoofman] As for Genevieve's action (I'll come back to what Rosetta just did in a moment)...
  25. [19:19:05 ]* Break_ ( has joined #easternislesrhapsody
  26. [19:21:35 ]* Break has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  27. [19:21:41 ][@zoofman] Oils and dirts and gravel begin to pool up the staircases of the ship, coalescening at the observation deck where you're standing now. They clump together, forming just a little lump at first, and slowly growing, growing, and growing, as more and more oil rises upward - forming a Magcargo with a shell of dirt and stone, and a body of oil. It cackles and begins to shuffle over to the mass Rosetta just launched her
  28. [19:21:41 ][@zoofman] self into, retching up its "neck" as it prepares for something...
  29. [19:22:17 ][Chase_Violet] Oh wait, Rosetta already got sucked in?
  30. [19:22:22 ][@zoofman] Yes, she did.
  31. [19:22:23 ][Chase_Violet] "Shit, ROSETTA!"
  32. [19:22:31 ][Genevieve] "Rose, bail out!"
  33. [19:23:12 ][@zoofman] Rosetta, as you launched into the mass...
  34. [19:26:33 ][@zoofman] Well you were never one for thinking about how these things will turn out later, were you? You can't really see anything in here - its pitch black after all - but your body is jerked around like you just jumped into a tornado. There's a deafening roar of winds, screams and voices. Tens of thousands of lifetimes, human and Unown, swirling in a whirlpool, down into...well, as you look toward the bottom, you do see
  35. [19:26:33 ][@zoofman] something.
  36. [19:28:01 ]* Rosetta taps her gem and invokes Freedom as she glances every which way. "C'mon, there's gotta be something I can smash in here to stop the process, yeah?"
  37. [19:28:15 ][@zoofman] You see Husk, standing at the bottom of this darkness, with a collection of green, gem-like eyes and chromatic, horn-like lights behind him.
  38. [19:29:26 ][@zoofman] You can't hear or sense a verbal or mental response, but the gemstone does shine in this dark, cold, and loud place.
  39. [19:30:07 ]* zoofman has changed the topic to: Actual BGM:
  40. [19:31:03 ]* Rosetta grits her teeth, then zips down towards the bottom with a teleport, aiming a swift kick at Husk's back. "Get OUT of here!"
  41. [19:31:06 ][Rosetta] 1d20 freedom fighter
  42. [19:31:07 ][CritSenpai] freedom fighter: 14 [1d20=14]
  43. [19:32:35 ][@zoofman] You kick him right in the small of his back - toppling him over! There's a burst of blue and purple as your kick lands, and you suddenly find yourself falling out of the mass, and back onto the hull of the ship.
  44. [19:33:43 ][Genevieve] "Wow, she didn't die, good!"
  45. [19:33:44 ]* Rosetta lands on all fours and quickly hops up to a fighting stance. "Oof! ...Did it work?"
  46. [19:34:11 ][Rosetta] "Thanks for the vote of confidence."
  47. [19:34:53 ][@zoofman] Chase and Gen see this happen, Rosetta and Husk tumbling out, as the Magcargo smashes down on the mass. " Thought you slipped away, didn't you? Awoke just long enough to fall asleep again, and now, you'll return to your base elements! Ahahaha!"
  48. [19:36:37 ][Chase_Violet] "Rose! Thank fucking god."
  49. [19:37:19 ][Chase_Violet] He watches DC attack the mass that was the Devourer with some concern, but turns his attention to the real threat here, Husk.
  50. [19:38:14 ]* Genevieve points the rapier at Husk. "How do we keep him from trying to hop on pop again?"
  51. [19:38:18 ][@zoofman] The manifestation of decay crashes down on the glowing dragon, evenloping it like a bubble. The glowing stops almost at once as a suffocating Yveltal flails uselessly in the clingly liquid. Within a few seconds, it...stops struggling, and goes limp. The being constricting it loses its form as oil and dirt begin to leak -everywhere-.
  52. [19:38:25 ][Rosetta] "Beat him up?"
  53. [19:38:35 ][@zoofman] When it subsides, a red and black egg remains.
  54. [19:38:38 ][Chase_Violet] "Sword's gone." he says to Gen.
  55. [19:40:02 ][Genevieve] "We should have invested in handcuffs."
  56. [19:40:14 ][Chase_Violet] "I don't expect this is over yet."
  57. [19:40:29 ][@zoofman] Husk has gotten to his feet again by this point. The man is gripping his head and screaming - in agony? "Gods damn it! Even wasn't enough...its...incomplete!"
  58. [19:40:50 ][Rosetta] "He looked like he's still got a bit of Banisher power too, so watch out!"
  59. [19:42:14 ][Chase_Violet] He tries to make sense of whatever's afflicting Husk.
  60. [19:43:47 ][@zoofman] Well, for starters, Chase...the man, uh, is growing prismatic stag horns. The arm he isn't clutching his face with has begun to swollen, blacken, and the fingers are becoming claws.
  61. [19:45:21 ][Genevieve] "Oh, gross, this again. Let's start hitting him now."
  62. [19:45:40 ][@zoofman] "Every step foreward...every time, its met with disaster..." He lowers his other arm, opens his eyes - both of which are now green and compound - like a bug with gemstoney eyes.
  63. [19:47:00 ][@zoofman] He's looking your way, and its hard to tell what those eyes are saying, but the fact he's reaching for the Pokeballs at his belt says enough, doesn't it?
  64. [19:47:01 ][Rosetta] "Dude, we coulda told you that. We all saw what your plans have been like." Rosetta draws her chain and sickle.
  65. [19:47:20 ][@zoofman]
  66. [19:47:45 ][Chase_Violet] "All of this just because you wanted a bigger part in your daughter's life than what the spider's silk would tell you." he says, a bit sadly. "...The pain ends here, Husk."
  67. [19:48:30 ][@zoofman] He takes three Pokeballs and flings them out.
  68. [19:49:19 ][Chase_Violet] "Oya, I know you're hurt, but if you can fight just a bit longer..."
  69. [19:49:25 ]* Chase_Violet readies his guitar.
  70. [19:50:46 ][Rosetta] "Huh, let's make a quick swap here." Rosetta says upon seeing the Pokemon Husk's sent out. Andante returned, Trilloby sent out.
  71. [19:51:39 ][@zoofman] guys remember Connor well enough - a Heracross raised and bred for hunting pscionics. These Bugs look just as rough. A Drapion with some serious pinch to it, a Beedrill that looks...well, Mega Evolved, and a rather nasty, sly looking Venomoth
  72. [19:52:32 ][@zoofman] What's Trilloby's Speed?
  73. [19:52:59 ][Rosetta] 23
  74. [19:53:01 ][Genevieve] Fabre is 25, unless Mega Fabre will change that
  75. [19:54:35 ][Chase_Violet] Chase looks with some distaste at these pokemon. He's at a serious disadvantage this time.
  76. [19:55:58 ][@zoofman] Mega-Swarmie! Same stat ups as Gardevoir (+2 both attacks, s.def, speed), and gains tinted lens
  77. [19:57:03 ][@zoofman] The Beedrill moves at absolutely nuts speeds, a blur and its suddendly above Rosetta, swinging down at her with both needles!
  78. [19:57:15 ][@zoofman] 2#1d20 Twin Needle!
  79. [19:57:15 ][CritSenpai] Twin Needle!: 19 [1d20=19], 8 [1d20=8]
  80. [19:57:28 ][Rosetta] 1 hit!
  81. [19:57:50 ][@zoofman] 2d6+80 Bug Damage, Rosetta is Poisoned!
  82. [19:57:50 ][CritSenpai] Bug Damage, Rosetta is Poisoned!: 87 [2d6=1,6]
  83. [19:57:55 ][Genevieve] "That's a huge bee!"
  84. [19:58:00 ][@zoofman] This thing's needles are absolutely oozing with death.
  85. [19:58:30 ][@zoofman] Rosetta!
  86. [19:58:36 ][Chase_Violet] "My Aura moves aren't gonna do shit to these guys..."
  87. [19:59:04 ]* Break ( has joined #easternislesrhapsody
  88. [19:59:45 ]* Break_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  89. [19:59:46 ][Rosetta] "Ow shit, that burns too! Gen, toss me an antidote!" Rosetta spins her chain over her head, and then lashes out at the Venomoth, Beedrill, and Husk at once. Multitasking! Jagged Wind!
  90. [19:59:56 ][Rosetta] 3#1d20 venomoth bee husk
  91. [19:59:56 ][CritSenpai] venomoth bee husk: 20 [1d20=20], 16 [1d20=16], 9 [1d20=9]
  92. [20:00:29 ][Rosetta] 6d8+20+55 flying damage to venomoth; 3d8+10+55 to the other two
  93. [20:00:30 ][CritSenpai] flying damage to venomoth: 103 [6d8=3,6,8,6,1,4]; to the other two: 82 [3d8=7,3,7]
  94. [20:02:00 ][@zoofman] That Beedrill is seriously hurt by that! The Venomoth...while yes, ouch that was a solid hit, something about it seems to make it a bit more resistant to Flying Damage than you expected
  95. [20:03:04 ][@zoofman] The attack is Neutral to Husk.
  96. [20:04:15 ][@zoofman] The Venomoth flies overhead and flaps its wings - spores come down toward Chase! Stun Spore!
  97. [20:04:24 ][@zoofman] 1d20+3
  98. [20:04:25 ][CritSenpai] 1d20+3: 14 [1d20=11]
  99. [20:04:30 ][@zoofman] Chase is Paralyzed!
  100. [20:04:39 ][@zoofman] Oya!
  101. [20:05:05 ][Chase_Violet] She unleashes a Psychic attack at the killer bee!
  102. [20:05:13 ][Chase_Violet] 1d20
  103. [20:05:13 ][CritSenpai] 1d20: 5 [1d20=5]
  104. [20:05:27 ][@zoofman] It dodges the attack with ease!
  105. [20:05:32 ][Rosetta] Trilloby flashes his eyes. Prob Control!
  106. [20:05:34 ][@zoofman] Fabre!
  107. [20:06:11 ][Chase_Violet] Chase bites his lip as he's covered in stingy pollen.
  108. [20:06:32 ][@zoofman] (Reroll your attack Oya!)
  109. [20:06:32 ][Genevieve] Chase reroll dat attack
  110. [20:06:38 ][Chase_Violet] Oh, cool
  111. [20:06:39 ][Chase_Violet] 1d20
  112. [20:06:40 ][CritSenpai] 1d20: 12 [1d20=12]
  113. [20:06:59 ][Chase_Violet] That's more like it!
  114. [20:07:23 ][Chase_Violet] Concentrating a bit harder, Oya redirects the attack!
  115. [20:07:28 ][Chase_Violet] 2d10+10+30
  116. [20:07:28 ][CritSenpai] 2d10+10+30: 46 [2d10=1,5]
  117. [20:08:44 ][@zoofman] It's pretty pissed and also almost defeated!
  118. [20:09:08 ][Genevieve] Fabre approaches the evil bee and releases a pulse of Hidden Power.
  119. [20:09:09 ][Genevieve] 1d20
  120. [20:09:09 ][CritSenpai] 1d20: 18 [1d20=18]
  121. [20:09:25 ][Genevieve] 2d6+8+35+5 Psychic Special Analytic
  122. [20:09:25 ][CritSenpai] Psychic Special Analytic: 58 [2d6=5,5]
  123. [20:09:56 ][@zoofman] The Beedrill proves to be very much a kamikaze sweeper as the barrage of Super Effective attacks swats it down!
  124. [20:10:58 ][@zoofman] Husk is there one second, gone the next - like a leaf in the wind. Dance of the Crobat's Shadow!
  125. [20:11:27 ][@zoofman] Gen!
  126. [20:12:01 ]* Genevieve backs up a bit and hits Rose with that Full Restore. "Be careful, alright? He's doing absent father things."
  127. [20:12:26 ][Rosetta] "Yeah, I got it. Thanks Gen."
  128. [20:13:06 ][@zoofman] The Drapion lunges forward, slashing at Chase and Oya with its hellish tail and claws! Night Slash!
  129. [20:13:16 ][@zoofman] 1d20
  130. [20:13:17 ][CritSenpai] 1d20: 5 [1d20=5]
  131. [20:13:28 ][@zoofman] Not much luck on its part, Trilloby!
  132. [20:13:46 ][Rosetta] Trilloby flies near the Venomoth and gives it a piercing glare, and the world darkens around it.
  133. [20:13:49 ][Rosetta] 1d20 night shade
  134. [20:13:50 ][CritSenpai] night shade: 14 [1d20=14]
  135. [20:13:58 ][Rosetta] 40 hp loss
  136. [20:14:20 ][@zoofman] It stares back with an equally empty gaze! Chase!
  137. [20:14:25 ][Chase_Violet] 1d20 paralysis
  138. [20:14:25 ][CritSenpai] paralysis: 9 [1d20=9]
  139. [20:15:00 ]* Break has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  140. [20:15:20 ][Chase_Violet] Chase fights the tingling sensation all over his body and activates Multitasking, whipping up a quick Magic Twist Swords Dance and gives the Drapion next to him a pissed off expression. May as well try for neutral damage with his aura powers while he can... He's heard Husk can seal this shit.
  141. [20:15:26 ][Chase_Violet] 1d20 Focus BLAST
  142. [20:15:26 ][CritSenpai] Focus BLAST: 15 [1d20=15]
  143. [20:15:33 ][Chase_Violet] er
  144. [20:15:34 ][Chase_Violet] wait no
  145. [20:15:36 ][Chase_Violet] I can't do that
  146. [20:15:39 ][Chase_Violet] frequency
  147. [20:15:42 ][Chase_Violet] that's aura sphere then
  148. [20:15:45 ][Chase_Violet] eot
  149. [20:15:53 ][Chase_Violet] crit check etc
  150. [20:16:08 ][@zoofman] Yup, hits :P
  151. [20:16:42 ][Chase_Violet] 2d10+10+60
  152. [20:16:42 ][CritSenpai] 2d10+10+60: 81 [2d10=9,2]
  153. [20:17:19 ][@zoofman] The Drapion hisses as you smack it with energy!
  154. [20:18:06 ][Chase_Violet] "How do ya like that?"
  155. [20:18:29 ][@zoofman] Husk is up to no good. Top of the round, something reaches up from below deck and takes a bite at Chase.
  156. [20:18:52 ]* Break ( has joined #easternislesrhapsody
  157. [20:19:19 ][@zoofman] 1d20+2 Bite
  158. [20:19:19 ][CritSenpai] Bite: 18 [1d20=16]
  159. [20:19:25 ][Chase_Violet] "Ffffff-"
  160. [20:19:40 ][@zoofman] Pack Hunt! Chase loses 10% HP
  161. [20:20:04 ][@zoofman] 2d8+60 Bite Damage and I think he's Flinched!
  162. [20:20:05 ][CritSenpai] Bite Damage and I think he's Flinched!: 69 [2d8=3,6]
  163. [20:20:41 ][Chase_Violet] Flinch only matters if he's slower!
  164. [20:20:48 ][@zoofman] 1d20 from the Drapion
  165. [20:20:48 ][CritSenpai] from the Drapion: 14 [1d20=14]
  166. [20:20:57 ][@zoofman] Well,Chase is. This is top of the round
  167. [20:21:02 ][@zoofman] That Durant is 50 Speed
  168. [20:21:04 ][Chase_Violet] Oooh
  169. [20:21:12 ][@zoofman] Rosetta's up!
  170. [20:21:57 ][@zoofman] The Durant is, well, huge. It doesn't necisarily look metallic anymore, but its biters are way nastier.
  171. [20:22:08 ][Chase_Violet] "Holy shit...."
  172. [20:22:19 ]* Rosetta hops over to the Venomoth and attempts to finish it off with a flurry of electrified attacks!
  173. [20:22:23 ][Rosetta] 2#1d20 multitasking hidden power
  174. [20:22:23 ][CritSenpai] multitasking hidden power: 12 [1d20=12], 9 [1d20=9]
  175. [20:22:33 ][Rosetta] Dark type y/n?
  176. [20:22:45 ][@zoofman] It's Dark, yes.
  177. [20:22:54 ][Rosetta] 2#3d8+10+55 electric damage
  178. [20:22:55 ][CritSenpai] electric damage: 83 [3d8=5,8,5], 86 [3d8=6,7,8]
  179. [20:23:16 ][@zoofman] The double attack tears into it and brings it down!
  180. [20:23:29 ][@zoofman] Oya!
  181. [20:24:06 ]* Rosetta thrashes the moth with her chain, each hit delivering a jolt of electricity that crackles and jets into the deck of the ship with a shower of sparks.
  182. [20:24:22 ][Chase_Violet] It's probably not that long for her so she goes ahead and sets up something for Rosetta. On 27 count next turn, Rosetta heals 50% HP and gets +2 attack stages.
  183. [20:24:26 ][Chase_Violet] Wishmaster!
  184. [20:24:39 ][Chase_Violet] Feel free to get a little reckless.
  185. [20:24:41 ][Chase_Violet] A little
  186. [20:25:10 ]* Break has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  187. [20:25:32 ][@zoofman] The Drapion thrashes about, swinging its barbed tail and claws violently as it tries to Cross Poison Chase and Gen!
  188. [20:25:36 ][@zoofman] 1d20+2
  189. [20:25:37 ][CritSenpai] 1d20+2: 5 [1d20=3]
  190. [20:25:42 ][@zoofman] Still no dice!
  191. [20:25:45 ][@zoofman] Gen's up!
  192. [20:25:58 ][Chase_Violet] That Drapion is having no luck getting through Chase's fabulous armor.
  193. [20:26:28 ]* Genevieve flicks her hair back and turns in place as she enters Golden Witch mode. With a wave of the Rapier, she sends a stream of Flamethrower at the Drapion.
  194. [20:26:31 ][Genevieve] 1d20
  195. [20:26:31 ][CritSenpai] 1d20: 13 [1d20=13]
  196. [20:26:55 ][Genevieve] 2d10+10+35 Fire Special
  197. [20:26:55 ][CritSenpai] Fire Special: 57 [2d10=10,2]
  198. [20:27:35 ][@zoofman] The creepy scorpion screeches! Seems Special Attacks deal with it better than Physical!
  199. [20:27:55 ][@zoofman] Fabre!
  200. [20:28:17 ][Genevieve] Fabre follows Gen's lead with some hot water on Drapion. Scald~
  201. [20:28:19 ][Genevieve] 1d20
  202. [20:28:19 ][CritSenpai] 1d20: 16 [1d20=16]
  203. [20:28:33 ][Genevieve] 3d8+10+35 and Burns
  204. [20:28:33 ][CritSenpai] and Burns: 59 [3d8=8,4,2]
  205. [20:29:01 ]* Break ( has joined #easternislesrhapsody
  206. [20:29:42 ][@zoofman] Trilloby is up!
  207. [20:29:44 ][Rosetta] Trilloby flies over and sorta-perches-on-sorta-floats-over Chase's head before flutteirng his wings and scattering feathers everywhere. Feather Dance.
  208. [20:29:46 ][@zoofman] The scorpion, is on fire.
  209. [20:29:47 ][Rosetta] 1d20
  210. [20:29:47 ][CritSenpai] 1d20: 3 [1d20=3]
  211. [20:30:02 ][Rosetta] It doesn't seem to do much to faze the angry bugs, unfortunately.
  212. [20:30:22 ][@zoofman] Roll me Perception, you guys. Top of the round.
  213. [20:30:32 ][Rosetta] 5d6+1
  214. [20:30:32 ][CritSenpai] 5d6+1: 20 [5d6=1,5,4,3,6]
  215. [20:30:50 ][Rosetta] Also, isn't it Chase's go after Trilloby?
  216. [20:30:56 ][Genevieve] 2d6+5
  217. [20:30:56 ][CritSenpai] 2d6+5: 8 [2d6=1,2]
  218. [20:30:56 ][Chase_Violet] flinch
  219. [20:31:00 ][Rosetta] Right
  220. [20:31:08 ][Chase_Violet] 4d6-2 Chase is a bit too busy looking where the Devourer's egg laid than looking for invisible Husk
  221. [20:31:08 ][CritSenpai] Chase is a bit too busy looking where the Devourer's egg laid than looking for invisible Husk: 11 [4d6=2,6,3,2]
  222. [20:31:19 ][@zoofman] It's still sitting there.
  223. [20:31:23 ][@zoofman] Rosetta, you hear a buzzing sound from above
  224. [20:31:34 ][@zoofman] And notice it's getting awefully hot near you
  225. [20:31:47 ][Rosetta] "Up above us!" Rosetta calls out, turning her head up to look.
  226. [20:32:19 ][@zoofman] You see you're not the only one with a Volcarona, it's coming in hot! (But isn't quite descended yet)
  227. [20:32:42 ][@zoofman] You also notice Husk, on the back of his Flygon, divebombing in Oya's direction
  228. [20:32:58 ][Chase_Violet] "I feel like a totem pole." he mutters before looking up, a bit slow.
  229. [20:33:20 ][Genevieve] "Shock troops first, artillery second!"
  230. [20:33:41 ][@zoofman] That said, well, the Durant nips at Gen's new kicks.
  231. [20:33:56 ][@zoofman] 1d20+2 Thunder Fang
  232. [20:33:56 ][CritSenpai] Thunder Fang: 6 [1d20=4]
  233. [20:34:01 ][Rosetta] How high up is Husk and his Flygon?
  234. [20:34:08 ]* Genevieve kicks the Durant's mandibles away. "Stop it!"
  235. [20:34:15 ][Rosetta] And the Volcarona for that matter.
  236. [20:34:42 ][@zoofman] It's literally using Fly, the Volcarona is a similar distance up.
  237. [20:35:58 ][Rosetta] Rosetta's up?
  238. [20:35:59 ]* zoofman has changed the topic to: Actual BGM:
  239. [20:36:02 ][@zoofman] Yup
  240. [20:36:18 ]* Rosetta reaches up into the sky. "I see you! Now fall!" Gravity!
  241. [20:36:49 ]* Rosetta tugs down with her fist, and a crushing weight settles over the battlefield.
  242. [20:37:03 ][@zoofman] You greatly accelerate their descent as they spiral down - having to divert their attacks to land safely.
  243. [20:37:14 ][@zoofman] Husk looks to you and seeths with rage.
  244. [20:37:26 ][@zoofman] Oya's up!
  245. [20:37:26 ][Rosetta] Reminder: All accuracy rolls get a +2 bonus now.
  246. [20:37:37 ][Genevieve] "Oof, feeling a little heavy."
  247. [20:37:51 ][Chase_Violet] Rosetta gets dat heal+2 CS up
  248. [20:37:59 ][Rosetta] Already full!
  249. [20:38:17 ]* zoofman has changed the topic to: Actual BGM: | Gravity Rounds: 5
  250. [20:38:22 ][Chase_Violet] That's not what your token says!
  251. [20:38:26 ][@zoofman] Fabre!
  252. [20:38:26 ][Rosetta] Injuries
  253. [20:38:30 ][Chase_Violet] Oya in the meantime
  254. [20:38:34 ][Chase_Violet] Zoof no
  255. [20:38:37 ][Chase_Violet] That was last turn's wish
  256. [20:38:41 ][@zoofman] Oh, sorry
  257. [20:38:43 ][@zoofman] Yes, Oya's up then
  258. [20:38:55 ][Chase_Violet] Oya unleashes a Moonblast at this dumb Flygon Husk is riding. >:C
  259. [20:38:56 ][Chase_Violet] 1d20
  260. [20:38:56 ][CritSenpai] 1d20: 19 [1d20=19]
  261. [20:39:24 ][Chase_Violet] 3d12+10+30+5 and Special Attack -1
  262. [20:39:24 ][CritSenpai] and Special Attack -1: 70 [3d12=4,11,10]
  263. [20:40:07 ][Genevieve] Fabre continues to rain down some wet water on Drapion's head. Bubblebeam!
  264. [20:40:10 ][Genevieve] 1d20+2
  265. [20:40:10 ][CritSenpai] 1d20+2: 12 [1d20=10]
  266. [20:40:14 ][@zoofman] Well that's Super Effective alright - the Flygon doesn't enjoy it.
  267. [20:40:25 ][Genevieve] 3d8+10+35
  268. [20:40:25 ][CritSenpai] 3d8+10+35: 52 [3d8=2,1,4]
  269. [20:41:42 ][@zoofman] Husk takes out something from his jacket and flings it at Rosetta!
  270. [20:41:43 ][@zoofman] 1d20
  271. [20:41:43 ][CritSenpai] 1d20: 9 [1d20=9]
  272. [20:42:01 ][@zoofman] Wanna guess what it was, Rosetta?
  273. [20:42:08 ][Rosetta] Whatever it is, Rosetta bats it away with her falconer's glove. Protect!
  274. [20:42:26 ][@zoofman] Rosetta bats away the Pester Ball!
  275. [20:42:45 ][@zoofman] There was a pretty loud CLANG as you did so - he tossed that thing REALLY hard
  276. [20:42:48 ][@zoofman] Gen's up!
  277. [20:43:21 ][Rosetta] "Oof, that stung. I think he's mad at me."
  278. [20:43:22 ]* Genevieve bounces off her deflecting kick into a neat spin as flames whip up around her. A Fiery Dance towards Drapion.
  279. [20:43:24 ][Genevieve] 1d20+2
  280. [20:43:25 ][CritSenpai] 1d20+2: 22 [1d20=20]
  281. [20:43:58 ][Genevieve] 4d8+20+40 Fire Special, passing the SpA to Fabre
  282. [20:43:58 ][CritSenpai] Fire Special, passing the SpA to Fabre: 76 [4d8=6,8,1,1]
  283. [20:44:14 ][@zoofman] This Drapion is not handling the heat well!
  284. [20:45:23 ][@zoofman] It slams the ground in frustration and slahes at Gen, Chase and Trilloby with a Night Slash!
  285. [20:45:24 ][@zoofman] 1d20+4
  286. [20:45:25 ][CritSenpai] 1d20+4: 7 [1d20=3]
  287. [20:45:30 ][@zoofman] God damn this thing cannot hit anything today
  288. [20:45:34 ][Chase_Violet] That hits Chase
  289. [20:45:53 ][Rosetta] Trilloby Teleports out of the way to avoid that!
  290. [20:46:04 ][Genevieve] That barely hits Gen as well.
  291. [20:46:05 ]* Break has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  292. [20:46:15 ][@zoofman] 3d8+50 dark damage to Chase, this torched scorp continues to flail and hurt itself
  293. [20:46:15 ][CritSenpai] dark damage to Chase, this torched scorp continues to flail and hurt itself: 65 [3d8=4,5,6]
  294. [20:46:26 ][@zoofman] 1d20 pack hunt vs Gen from the Durant
  295. [20:46:26 ][CritSenpai] pack hunt vs Gen from the Durant: 19 [1d20=19]
  296. [20:46:34 ][@zoofman] Gen loses 10% HP as the Durant nips her
  297. [20:46:45 ][@zoofman] Chase!
  298. [20:47:03 ][Chase_Violet] 1d20 paralysis check
  299. [20:47:03 ][CritSenpai] paralysis check: 12 [1d20=12]
  300. [20:47:48 ][Chase_Violet] Chase steps forward a little, a smile reaching his lips. "Live in concert, motherfuckers... From Red Blade City, it's Chase fucking Violet!"
  301. [20:48:57 ][Chase_Violet] He whips up a storm of an attack! Multitasking, Power Chord Metal Sound! Swords Dance Passing Waltz on Rosetta!
  302. [20:49:03 ][Chase_Violet] 1d20 VIOLET SYMPHONY
  303. [20:49:03 ][CritSenpai] VIOLET SYMPHONY: 16 [1d20=16]
  304. [20:50:01 ][Chase_Violet] 6d6+6+60 on Durant, Drapion, Flygon, Husk
  305. [20:50:02 ][CritSenpai] on Durant, Drapion, Flygon, Husk: 83 [6d6=1,2,3,3,4,4]
  306. [20:50:13 ][Chase_Violet] -2 special defense stages
  307. [20:50:26 ][Chase_Violet] The music whips Rosetta into a rhythm!
  308. [20:50:51 ][@zoofman] The Drapion collapses, the other two bugs and Husk look quite annoyed!
  309. [20:51:10 ]* Rosetta bobs her head to the beat and spins her chain in rhythm.
  310. [20:53:54 ][@zoofman] 1d20+7 before I do this and it looks silly
  311. [20:53:54 ][CritSenpai] before I do this and it looks silly: 11 [1d20=4]
  312. [20:54:26 ][@zoofman] Husk Teleports directly in front of Chase, raises his mutated hand to punch the ground, and says, "I believe all knew your name, fool."
  313. [20:54:32 ][@zoofman] He slams the ground, Land's Wrath
  314. [20:55:07 ][@zoofman] 3d10+55 Ground Damage to all of you
  315. [20:55:07 ][CritSenpai] Ground Damage to all of you: 72 [3d10=6,2,9]
  316. [20:56:47 ][Chase_Violet] aaaand Oya's gone
  317. [20:56:53 ]* zoofman has changed the topic to: Actual BGM: | Gravity Rounds: 4
  318. [20:57:13 ][@zoofman] The Flygon had to abandon its Fly attack last turn. The Durant...digs under the surface.
  319. [20:57:21 ][@zoofman] Rosetta!
  320. [20:57:25 ]* Rosetta leaps forward to slash through Husk and his Flygon, then follow up with a strong side kick towards the dragonbug.
  321. [20:57:38 ][Rosetta] 1d20+2 mithril wing; 1d20+2 dragon rush
  322. [20:57:38 ][CritSenpai] mithril wing: 22 [1d20=20]; dragon rush: 17 [1d20=15]
  323. [20:57:59 ][Rosetta] 6d8+20+105 steel damage to both
  324. [20:57:59 ][CritSenpai] steel damage to both: 148 [6d8=4,2,7,6,1,3]
  325. [20:58:08 ][Rosetta] 3d8+10+105 dragon damage to flygon
  326. [20:58:09 ][CritSenpai] dragon damage to flygon: 121 [3d8=1,3,2]
  327. [20:58:42 ][Chase_Violet] Chase is looking a bit weaker, but he just chuckles.
  328. [20:58:53 ][@zoofman] No one even really sees Rosetta move, she's just suddenly behind the Flygon, kneeling down like she just slashed something.
  329. [20:58:54 ]* Break ( has joined #easternislesrhapsody
  330. [20:59:09 ][@zoofman] It takes the Flygon a few seconds to even acknowledge it just got, well, completely knocked out.
  331. [20:59:46 ][@zoofman] Husk slowly starts to realize you just put a very nasty gash in his side as he starts to bleed.
  332. [21:00:41 ][@zoofman] The Volcarona seems to follow you, sending tiny tiny Bug Pokemon to harass you, Rosetta.
  333. [21:00:46 ][@zoofman] 1d20+2 Infestation
  334. [21:00:46 ][CritSenpai] Infestation: 3 [1d20=1]
  335. [21:00:46 ][Rosetta] "Two can play at the ninja game!" Rosetta calls out, pointing her sickle at him.
  336. [21:00:56 ][@zoofman] Seems they are just cute though
  337. [21:01:00 ][@zoofman] Oya!
  338. [21:01:05 ][Chase_Violet] "Man, you take everything so literal... No wonder you were so hard on Alice growing up. It's like Fun is a foreign element to you."
  339. [21:01:09 ][Chase_Violet] Oya ded
  340. [21:01:18 ][Chase_Violet] She couldn't have even sky speeded over the Land's Wrath
  341. [21:01:21 ][Chase_Violet] cuz gravity
  342. [21:01:38 ]* Rosetta is about to lash out with her chain but lets the cute little bugs land on her instead.
  343. [21:01:56 ][@zoofman] RIP Oya
  344. [21:02:04 ][@zoofman] Fabre, I think, was actually outside the Burst 5...wasn't he?
  345. [21:02:10 ][@zoofman] Lucky bastard is up
  346. [21:02:17 ][Genevieve] doesn't really matter, he resists it anyway
  347. [21:02:53 ][Genevieve] Fabre charges ahead to blast Volcarona with a Bubblebeam!
  348. [21:02:56 ][Genevieve] 1d20+2
  349. [21:02:56 ][CritSenpai] 1d20+2: 5 [1d20=3]
  350. [21:03:12 ][@zoofman] Fabre's water isn't quite enough to dim those flames!
  351. [21:03:42 ][@zoofman] 1d20+6 AC4 vs Rosetta
  352. [21:03:42 ][CritSenpai] AC4 vs Rosetta: 26 [1d20=20]
  353. [21:03:46 ][@zoofman] Oh dear.
  354. [21:03:47 ][@zoofman] 1d8
  355. [21:03:47 ][CritSenpai] 1d8: 6 [1d8=6]
  356. [21:04:14 ]* Rosetta Teleports out of the way!
  357. [21:04:28 ][Chase_Violet] Not even waiting to see the damage roll?
  358. [21:04:34 ][@zoofman] Husk flings a barrage of Beedrill needles her way...woulda seriously fucked her up, to be honest
  359. [21:04:37 ][Rosetta] Not on a crit.
  360. [21:04:51 ][@zoofman] 8d10+65 and would have Badly Poisoned her
  361. [21:04:51 ][CritSenpai] and would have Badly Poisoned her: 99 [8d10=7,4,9,2,1,3,1,7]
  362. [21:04:57 ][@zoofman] Gen's up
  363. [21:05:20 ]* Genevieve hits Chase with a healing pick me up.
  364. [21:05:33 ][Genevieve] 6d6+5 Times 2, plus 43 HP recovered
  365. [21:05:33 ][CritSenpai] Times 2, plus 43 HP recovered: 19 [6d6=1,2,4,1,4,2]
  366. [21:06:13 ][Genevieve] And then she moves back a little bit to spread out for the incoming Dig.
  367. [21:06:14 ][Chase_Violet] "Nngh. Thanks."
  368. [21:06:33 ][Chase_Violet] The paralysis is still bugging him though. Geddit?
  369. [21:06:38 ][@zoofman] Trilloby first though!
  370. [21:06:45 ]* Break has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  371. [21:06:53 ][Rosetta] Trilloby sees an attack from the future!
  372. [21:06:56 ][Rosetta] Future Sight
  373. [21:07:05 ][@zoofman] Chase!
  374. [21:07:09 ][Chase_Violet] 1d20 para
  375. [21:07:09 ][CritSenpai] para: 2 [1d20=2]
  376. [21:07:14 ]* Chase_Violet is fully paralyzed!
  377. [21:08:18 ][@zoofman] Husk hops back and turns his attention toward Fabre! He swings his mutated arm, and sends a wave of wind his way!
  378. [21:08:33 ][@zoofman] 1d20+3 Air Slash!
  379. [21:08:33 ][CritSenpai] Air Slash!: 21 [1d20=18]
  380. [21:08:47 ][@zoofman] 2d8+55 Flying Damage to Fabre!
  381. [21:08:47 ][CritSenpai] Flying Damage to Fabre!: 63 [2d8=3,5]
  382. [21:08:55 ]* zoofman has changed the topic to: Actual BGM: | Gravity Rounds: 3
  383. [21:09:17 ][Rosetta] Rosetta is recovering from the teleport!
  384. [21:09:55 ][@zoofman] The Durant leaps up from the hull, sending debris down on Chase and Trilloby!
  385. [21:09:56 ][@zoofman] 1d20 Dig
  386. [21:09:56 ][CritSenpai] Dig: 2 [1d20=2]
  387. [21:10:03 ][@zoofman] Okay, maybe it wasn't that much.
  388. [21:10:19 ][Rosetta] Trilloby just leans off to the side and avoids it all.
  389. [21:10:49 ][@zoofman] The Volcarona continues to chase Rosetta, buzzing madly!
  390. [21:10:52 ][@zoofman] 1d20+2 Bug Buzz!
  391. [21:10:53 ][CritSenpai] Bug Buzz!: 12 [1d20=10]
  392. [21:11:13 ][Rosetta] hits
  393. [21:11:16 ][@zoofman] 3d10+60 Bug Damage!
  394. [21:11:16 ][CritSenpai] Bug Damage!: 78 [3d10=6,5,7]
  395. [21:11:24 ][@zoofman] Fabre!
  396. [21:12:01 ][Rosetta] "Owww, geez shut up!" Rosetta looks pretty worn down and shaky after the sonic assault.
  397. [21:12:07 ][Genevieve] Fabre pursues Volcarona to help Rose out. Bubblebeam again!
  398. [21:12:10 ][Genevieve] 1d20+2
  399. [21:12:10 ][CritSenpai] 1d20+2: 18 [1d20=16]
  400. [21:12:30 ][Genevieve] 3d8+10+43+5 Water Special Analytic
  401. [21:12:30 ][CritSenpai] Water Special Analytic: 76 [3d8=5,8,5]
  402. [21:13:11 ]* Break ( has joined #easternislesrhapsody
  403. [21:14:55 ][@zoofman] The stream of bubbles finally bugs the, well, fire bug! It looks pretty darn hurt from that attack!
  404. [21:15:28 ][@zoofman] A sphere of pink energy appears between Husk's horns, and flies at Chase! Moonbeam!
  405. [21:15:30 ][@zoofman] 1d20+2
  406. [21:15:30 ][CritSenpai] 1d20+2: 14 [1d20=12]
  407. [21:15:54 ][@zoofman] 4d10+65 and by beam I mean blast
  408. [21:15:54 ][CritSenpai] and by beam I mean blast: 80 [4d10=1,9,1,4]
  409. [21:16:01 ][@zoofman] Gen!
  410. [21:16:21 ][Chase_Violet] He staggers back a little bit.
  411. [21:16:38 ]* Genevieve peers around the corner to heal Rose, too.
  412. [21:16:45 ][Genevieve] 6d6+5 doubled plus 43
  413. [21:16:45 ][CritSenpai] doubled plus 43: 26 [6d6=5,4,3,2,5,2]
  414. [21:17:02 ]* Rosetta starts to breathe easier.
  415. [21:17:32 ][@zoofman] Trilloby!
  416. [21:17:58 ][Rosetta] Trilloby flits nearby and waves a wing at the Volcarona, directing a stream of psychic power at it.
  417. [21:18:02 ][Rosetta] 1d20 future sight crit check
  418. [21:18:02 ][CritSenpai] future sight crit check: 14 [1d20=14]
  419. [21:18:17 ][Rosetta] 4d10+15+24 psychic damage
  420. [21:18:17 ][CritSenpai] psychic damage: 55 [4d10=1,1,7,7]
  421. [21:18:35 ][Rosetta] Then it stares at it with a cold, unfeeling gaze. Night Shade!
  422. [21:18:37 ][Rosetta] 1d20+2
  423. [21:18:37 ][CritSenpai] 1d20+2: 19 [1d20=17]
  424. [21:18:40 ][Rosetta] 40 hp
  425. [21:19:31 ][@zoofman] The Volcarona is looking almost depleted of energy!
  426. [21:19:32 ][@zoofman] Chase!
  427. [21:20:04 ][Chase_Violet] 1d20 para
  428. [21:20:05 ][CritSenpai] para: 14 [1d20=14]
  429. [21:20:52 ][Chase_Violet] He simply bides his time, thinking about his next move and humming to himself, envisioning it. He grins as he imagines it. Quiver Dancing, and... He lets out Haydn nearby and gives the big guy some space.
  430. [21:21:17 ][Chase_Violet] Speed 4
  431. [21:21:53 ]* zoofman has changed the topic to: Actual BGM: | Gravity Rounds: 3
  432. [21:22:11 ][Chase_Violet] Haydn rounds on the Durant nearby and grins, before picking up his twin rocks.
  433. [21:22:22 ][Chase_Violet] 1d20 AC3 TM28 - TOMBSTONER
  434. [21:22:22 ][CritSenpai] AC3 TM28 - TOMBSTONER: 18 [1d20=18]
  435. [21:22:37 ][@zoofman] Husk teleports around and strikes at Trilloby with a Feint Attack - but yes that Durant just got trucked.
  436. [21:22:39 ][@zoofman] 1d20
  437. [21:22:39 ][CritSenpai] 1d20: 14 [1d20=14]
  438. [21:22:48 ][@zoofman] 2d10+55 dark damage
  439. [21:22:48 ][CritSenpai] dark damage: 65 [2d10=8,2]
  440. [21:22:55 ][Chase_Violet] 3d8+10+52+10 Rock damage
  441. [21:22:55 ][CritSenpai] Rock damage: 86 [3d8=1,8,5]
  442. [21:23:20 ][Rosetta] Trilloby is down for the count with that one.
  443. [21:24:08 ][@zoofman] The speedy Durant got rocks for breakfast AND lunch. It's still concious but not by much.
  444. [21:24:35 ][@zoofman] It retaliates by trying to Bite Haydn!
  445. [21:24:41 ]* zoofman has changed the topic to: Actual BGM: | Gravity Rounds: 2
  446. [21:24:42 ][@zoofman] 1d20+2
  447. [21:24:42 ][CritSenpai] 1d20+2: 20 [1d20=18]
  448. [21:25:00 ][@zoofman] 2d8+70 this thing is a flinch machine!
  449. [21:25:00 ][CritSenpai] this thing is a flinch machine!: 74 [2d8=1,3]
  450. [21:25:06 ][@zoofman] Rosetta!
  451. [21:25:28 ]* Rosetta drops Andante's Poke Ball at her side, then taps the mega stone. MEGA FLUFFY speed 6
  452. [21:25:42 ][Chase_Violet] Unfortunately Haydn don't got that inner focus.
  453. [21:25:51 ][Rosetta] Then she lashes out at the Volcarona with her electrified chain.
  454. [21:25:53 ][Rosetta] 1d20+2 hp
  455. [21:25:53 ][CritSenpai] hp: 14 [1d20=12]
  456. [21:26:03 ][Rosetta] 2d8+10+105 bzzzt
  457. [21:26:04 ][CritSenpai] bzzzt: 124 [2d8=5,4]
  458. [21:26:28 ][@zoofman] Christ
  459. [21:26:32 ][@zoofman] Okay yes the Volcarona goes down
  460. [21:26:34 ][@zoofman] bug zap'd
  461. [21:26:40 ][@zoofman] Genevieve!
  462. [21:27:07 ]* Genevieve helps Fabre out next.
  463. [21:27:16 ][Genevieve] 6d6+5 times 2 plus 43 recursive heals
  464. [21:27:16 ][CritSenpai] times 2 plus 43 recursive heals: 22 [6d6=1,4,3,1,2,6]
  465. [21:30:16 ][@zoofman] Husk bides his time as trees start to sprout up around him..? Geomancy!
  466. [21:30:21 ][@zoofman] Fabre!
  467. [21:30:29 ][Chase_Violet] "That trick again?"
  468. [21:30:59 ][Genevieve] Fabre floats back into the main room and dazzles Husk's crystal eyes with a Confuse Ray.
  469. [21:32:09 ][@zoofman] He's slightly distracted!
  470. [21:32:14 ][@zoofman] Chase!
  471. [21:32:29 ][Chase_Violet] Since Husk is defending himself, Chase...
  472. [21:32:31 ][Chase_Violet] 1d20 para
  473. [21:32:31 ][CritSenpai] para: 1 [1d20=1]
  474. [21:32:35 ][Chase_Violet] remains paralyzed
  475. [21:32:56 ][@zoofman] 1d20 confusion!
  476. [21:32:57 ][CritSenpai] confusion!: 20 [1d20=20]
  477. [21:33:37 ][Chase_Violet] "Gen... got a paralyze heal on you when you're not busy?" he grunts out, unable to loosen up his muscles.
  478. [21:33:51 ][@zoofman] Yup, doesn't stick as the Geomancy takes full effect. Husk looks empowered, and lashes out at fluffinStuff with a Dragon Pulse!
  479. [21:33:52 ][@zoofman] 1d20+2
  480. [21:33:53 ][CritSenpai] 1d20+2: 13 [1d20=11]
  481. [21:33:54 ][Genevieve] "Hold on!"
  482. [21:34:19 ][@zoofman] 3d10+80 Dragon Damage
  483. [21:34:19 ][CritSenpai] Dragon Damage: 90 [3d10=5,2,3]
  484. [21:34:57 ][Rosetta] Mega Fluffy is too fluffy for dragon attacks. (Dragon/Fairy, yo) And then he becomes fluffier. Cotton Guard!
  485. [21:35:29 ][@zoofman] That is some serious fluff.
  486. [21:35:36 ][@zoofman] The ant's up again!
  487. [21:35:38 ]* zoofman has changed the topic to: Actual BGM: | Gravity Rounds: 1
  488. [21:35:42 ][@zoofman] It well, bites Haydn again.
  489. [21:35:44 ][@zoofman] 1d20+2
  490. [21:35:44 ][CritSenpai] 1d20+2: 8 [1d20=6]
  491. [21:35:59 ][@zoofman] Actually misses, the thing has Hustle
  492. [21:36:04 ][Chase_Violet] So does Haydn!
  493. [21:36:07 ][@zoofman] Rosetta!
  494. [21:36:57 ]* Rosetta leaps forward to attack the ant with two precise slashes of her sickle!
  495. [21:37:12 ][Rosetta] 2#1d20 crit check aerial ace fire type shadowpunch
  496. [21:37:13 ][CritSenpai] crit check aerial ace fire type shadowpunch: 13 [1d20=13], 6 [1d20=6]
  497. [21:37:26 ][@zoofman] First one hits
  498. [21:37:31 ][@zoofman] wait nm
  499. [21:37:34 ][@zoofman] misread that
  500. [21:37:37 ][Rosetta] 2d8+10+105 flying; 2d8+10+105 fire
  501. [21:37:37 ][CritSenpai] flying: 121 [2d8=3,3]; fire: 130 [2d8=8,7]
  502. [21:37:44 ][@zoofman] Yeah the ant is toasted, it flops over
  503. [21:37:54 ][@zoofman] Gen's up!
  504. [21:38:13 ]* Genevieve fires a Paralyze Heal at Chase. "There you go!"
  505. [21:38:26 ][Chase_Violet] "Thanks!"
  506. [21:38:33 ][Chase_Violet] His muscles limber up!
  507. [21:39:52 ][@zoofman] Well, last turn of Gravity, and Husk is looking cornered, guess what happens again? He slams down on the ground with all his might!
  508. [21:39:57 ][@zoofman] 1d20+3 Land's Wrath
  509. [21:39:58 ][CritSenpai] Land's Wrath: 12 [1d20=9]
  510. [21:40:09 ][@zoofman] 3d10+55 Ground Damage
  511. [21:40:09 ][CritSenpai] Ground Damage: 67 [3d10=7,1,4]
  512. [21:40:17 ][@zoofman] Fabre!
  513. [21:40:55 ][Genevieve] Fabre goes after Husk with Scald!
  514. [21:40:58 ][Genevieve] 1d20+2
  515. [21:40:58 ][CritSenpai] 1d20+2: 5 [1d20=3]
  516. [21:41:00 ][Genevieve] And misses.
  517. [21:41:20 ][Rosetta] "Agh!" Rosetta raises up her arms, but the debris and metal thrown up by the attack still cut into her. She's looking pretty bloodied up.
  518. [21:41:39 ][Rosetta] But she still manages to throw out a hand towards Fabre and bend his attack. Take a Prob Control, Domo.
  519. [21:43:25 ][Genevieve] 1d20+2
  520. [21:43:25 ][CritSenpai] 1d20+2: 10 [1d20=8]
  521. [21:43:39 ][Genevieve] 3d8+10+43+5 This might hit
  522. [21:43:39 ][CritSenpai] This might hit: 68 [3d8=3,3,4]
  523. [21:44:04 ][@zoofman] It does! Husk gets a hot bath, ew.
  524. [21:44:10 ][@zoofman] Chase!
  525. [21:44:12 ][Chase_Violet] "Should have sealed my powers while you could... 'cuz now.... this, Husk, is your Curtain Call!" He points at Husk with the intent to knock him the fuck out, then runs at Haydn. "Give me a boost!"
  526. [21:44:40 ][Chase_Violet] Haydn picks up the musician and tosses him up, where he does a front flip to build momentum,.
  527. [21:44:52 ][Chase_Violet] 6d6+1 Acrobatics check :V
  528. [21:44:52 ][CritSenpai] Acrobatics check :V: 27 [6d6=4,5,4,5,5,3]
  529. [21:45:22 ][Chase_Violet] And then he expends a good deal of his power into his attack as he pulls out his guitar, and grasps the neck in both hands, holding it like a club as he flares up with aura power.
  530. [21:45:55 ][Chase_Violet] Sword of Body and Soul. Aura Storm is at +4 DB. So +5...
  531. [21:46:10 ][Chase_Violet] FOCUS BLAST
  532. [21:46:11 ][Chase_Violet] 1d20+2+2 I'll spend 2 AP. !noticeme
  533. [21:46:11 ][CritSenpai] I'll spend 2 AP. !noticeme: 23 [1d20=19]
  534. [21:46:21 ][Chase_Violet] Hat
  535. [21:46:23 ][Chase_Violet] critical hit
  536. [21:46:54 ][Chase_Violet] 10d12+50+70
  537. [21:46:55 ][CritSenpai] 10d12+50+70: 198 [10d12=9,3,11,12,7,2,8,8,12,6]
  538. [21:48:07 ][Chase_Violet] Also. physical damage if it matters.
  539. [21:50:11 ][Chase_Violet] Chase slams his guitar directly into Husk's face, followed by a bright purple explosion of aura and energy.
  540. [21:50:11 ][@zoofman] Not really, no. The force of the soulful explosion of Aura Energy is enough to blast Husk off of observation deck, and onto a lower level of the ship SLAM! He's out cold.
  541. [21:50:58 ][Genevieve] "He'll never be a dad again at this rate."
  542. [21:51:27 ][Rosetta] "Damn, nice hit, Chase. So the world is safe from his parenting now?"
  543. [21:52:01 ][@zoofman] And...with that...well, the battle around you is starting to quiet down. The Sons of Grant are without leadership, and the distraction from Husk's arrival just went out like a light.
  544. [21:52:33 ]* Genevieve hurries across the deck to scoop up Devourer's egg. "Let's not let backstabby the businessman eat you or anything."
  545. [21:53:02 ][Chase_Violet] He breathes hard, rather satisfied with that.
  546. [21:53:12 ][Chase_Violet] "Fuck yes."
  547. [21:53:21 ][Rosetta] "We're gonna need a nursery for all those eggs we're collecting today."
  548. [21:53:34 ][Chase_Violet] He checks the guitar over for damage like a worried parent before slipping it back on.
  549. [21:53:59 ][@zoofman] It's got some blood on it but not at all damaged.
  550. [21:55:17 ][@zoofman] A few Rangers, led by Valdis, make their way up to this level of the ship and freeze when they see what remains of the battle up here. The unconcious murderbugs, the egg you're holding, Grant laying unconcious, a mutated Husk, and the inexplainable pairs of pantsu and piles of money.
  551. [21:55:37 ][@zoofman] The rangers stare slackjawed, Valdis manages. ""
  552. [21:55:49 ]* Chase_Violet tiredly waves. "Barely."
  553. [21:55:53 ]* Rosetta hops in place to face her. "Yep!"
  554. [21:57:00 ][Rosetta] "How's the rest of the city?"
  555. [21:57:08 ][Genevieve] "Looks pretty destroyed."
  556. [21:57:51 ][@zoofman] She shrugs, and grabs a walkie talkie off one of the Rangers, throwing it to you guys. "...I know I'm not very smart...but...the bugs make sense, but why the money and underwear?"
  557. [21:57:55 ]* Genevieve crouches down to take a selfied with knocked out Grant.
  558. [21:58:24 ][Chase_Violet] "Grant's girlfriend has a strange sense of humor."
  559. [21:58:30 ][Rosetta] "Uh, weird shit happens with this guy around." Rosetta gestures towards the unconscious Grant.
  560. [21:58:35 ][Chase_Violet] "...Oh damn, I caught her didn't I."
  561. [21:58:44 ][Chase_Violet] "Well, this is going to be interesting.
  562. [21:58:45 ][Chase_Violet] "
  563. [21:59:02 ][Rosetta] "You don't have to keep her."
  564. [21:59:06 ][@zoofman] Gen's selfie comes out with the color values for the pixels all swapped. Weird.
  565. [21:59:07 ][Genevieve] "You caught her twice, didn't you?"
  566. [21:59:24 ][Chase_Violet] "Pretty sure the first one was a fake."
  567. [21:59:36 ][Genevieve] "Looks like Grant's still warping reality. I don't know how to fix that."
  568. [22:00:06 ][Chase_Violet] "Let's get these guys in custody and get the hell back home."
  569. [22:00:31 ][Chase_Violet] "Oh,. and someone should try to find a sword that got knocked off the ship. Looks like that one?" he points to Gen's rapier. "...That thing doesn't need to just be lying around."
  570. [22:00:47 ][@zoofman] PSsssh, the walkie talkie kicks up with Thomas's voice. "Man I feel back for you fucks that got trucked by that earth one - the ice lady was a pushover!"
  571. [22:00:50 ][Rosetta] "It's kinda big and hard to miss. I'm sure someone'll find it."
  572. [22:01:55 ][@zoofman] Valdis nods and sends the Rangers back down to do that. She whistles, and a pair of Garchomps swoop down to help round up Grant and Husk.
  573. [22:02:02 ][Chase_Violet] He breathes a sigh of relief.
  574. [22:02:06 ][Chase_Violet] "We fucking did it, guys."
  575. [22:02:10 ][Chase_Violet] "Awesome job."
  576. [22:02:34 ][Genevieve] "Yeah, I guess...that's it. Besides blowing up the moon to deal with Lowfyr."
  577. [22:02:47 ][Chase_Violet] "Eh. Not really much we can do there."
  578. [22:02:58 ][Chase_Violet] "I imagine he's pissed but a smart businessman knows when to cut his losses."
  579. [22:03:10 ][Chase_Violet] "He probably won't pick a fight with us again."
  580. [22:03:52 ]* Genevieve takes the walkie. "So Grant and Bad Dad 2 are down. Is everyone alive?"
  581. [22:03:52 ][Chase_Violet] He pulls the walkie talkie over. "Hey, Thomas. Who got trucked?"
  582. [22:04:07 ][Rosetta] "We can let another region deal with the next world-ending Legendary problem, yeah?"
  583. [22:04:17 ][Rosetta] "Moon's not our jurisdiction."
  584. [22:07:21 ][@zoofman] Somewhere on the moon, the owner of a Mega Corperation is laughing at how his side project turned out to be a riot. But anyway, "...What!? Already?" Thomas calls back. "Shit, uh...I dunno it just looked really funny from a distance. Get some men with an airlift over there ASAP to get those guys someplace more secure!"
  585. [22:07:47 ][@zoofman] There's some talk back and forth over the walkie talkie as some helicopters are arranged and sent out your way.
  586. [22:09:43 ][@zoofman] When they do arrive, you are obviously offered a ride back over to the city.
  587. [22:09:51 ][Chase_Violet] Let's take that!
  588. [22:10:39 ][Genevieve] Agreed.
  589. [22:10:53 ][Rosetta] Yep. Rosetta's pretty damn injured, so a ride back and some medical attention is in order.
  590. [22:12:11 ][@zoofman] It's a pretty quick ride as you're carried over to Red Blade City. You can clearly see from up here that there really isn't much of a Palace anymore now that someone tossed a boat through it. The streets are filling with civilians as the evacuation is called off, and there's a rather large camp where those who fought here for the last twentyfour hours are camping out.
  591. [22:13:31 ][@zoofman] Your helicopter lands on top of Peyote's place, while the one with the prisoners heads toward the Gym. Upon landing your almost immediately mobbed by nurses looking to treat your wounds. Peyote's up here waiting on you as well.
  592. [22:14:02 ][Chase_Violet] He sighs, having a look over at the palace. So much shit just gone.
  593. [22:14:30 ][Chase_Violet] From the helicopter, anyway.
  594. [22:14:31 ][Rosetta] "Oh c'mon. No one was even inside." Rosetta remarks at seeing Chase's reaction.
  595. [22:14:50 ][Genevieve] "It's just a building."
  596. [22:15:00 ][Chase_Violet] "Yeah..."
  597. [22:15:24 ][Chase_Violet] He lets the nurses take over for as long as it takes before they see Peyote.
  598. [22:15:37 ][@zoofman] "Well...shit ya'll," Peyote starts. He sounds exhausted, and way quieter than normal. "I dunno where to even begin. Last thing I imagined when I signed ya'll in those few months ago that you'd be stepping off a helicopter, on my roof, after laying the law down on some major evil assholes."
  599. [22:16:02 ][@zoofman] He speaks to you while the nurses swap you with cotton balls and such. Which doesn't work that well for a certain fluffy bird.
  600. [22:16:35 ][Rosetta] "Yeah, same here. Is it margarita time yet?"
  601. [22:17:46 ][Chase_Violet] "It's been... a hell of a ride. I didn't expect it either... Back at the beginning I was just in it to find a missing person and have a bit of adventure and limelight."
  602. [22:17:57 ][Chase_Violet] "Now..." he laughs. "God. Where -do- we start."
  603. [22:18:21 ][@zoofman] "Naw, sadly not. You're probably gonna get mobbed by reporters soon as we step outside anyway, so we're settin' up a press release. They know you guys are the ones who put down Grant, but, well, uh," He looks at where the moon would be were it night "Convienently nothin' video taped that battle, from what we know. World don't know about Husk's involvement."
  604. [22:19:52 ][Rosetta] "Right, right, business first. So uh, what are we allowed to say?"
  605. [22:20:33 ][Chase_Violet] "It'd be horrible for Alice and Divya if it got out."
  606. [22:21:51 ][Genevieve] "Definitely better this way."
  607. [22:21:56 ][@zoofman] He shakes his head, "At this point? Man, I dunno. Ain't no formal discussion been about this cuz it happened so damned fast, and too many biased opinions. I imagine half the people who'd vote on it would try to cover up much as they could for the Rhasha's sake or somethin, ya know? Which ain't really the just thing to say either, but frankly..."
  608. [22:22:48 ][Chase_Violet] "You don't gotta say anymore. I can't really lie about it but I won't comment either. Things have been hard on them enough without the media having a field day over Husk's bad decisions."
  609. [22:22:58 ][@zoofman] He shrugs. "Fuck it far as I'm concerned. You guys were pretty much chosen by fate, and or gods, for this shit. I think -you- three should be the ones to decide what to say for now."
  610. [22:22:59 ][Rosetta] "People did see that though. I mean, it was probably hard to miss, sailing out of the sky. But with all the crazy shit happening lately, they'd probably believe us if we just said Grant opened a portal into space and launched it himself, yeah?"
  611. [22:24:25 ][Chase_Violet] Chosen by fate, huh? Well, by the gods, definitely. Maybe not Bondye directly, but...
  612. [22:24:35 ][Chase_Violet] He remains silent for the moment, though.
  613. [22:26:33 ][Chase_Violet] And then he does speak up, answering Rose. "Personally... I don't think people will make very much sense out of the falling sword if anything. A lot of shit's been falling out of the sky the past few days."
  614. [22:26:39 ][Rosetta] "We can just have someone tell 'em we're still being treated, and everyone else is busy making sure we've got the whole situation under control. No need to work on the media's timetable, yeah?"
  615. [22:27:04 ][@zoofman] "If you guys need to reach a concencus on yo story before we get down there, well, so be it. This shit'll take a long while to work out anyway. Shango actin' up, castle crashin', Fairies n' shit, letter thangs everywhere..."
  616. [22:27:46 ][@zoofman] "Yeah that's fine too but can't really run from it."
  617. [22:28:12 ][Rosetta] "Not running. Just giving ourselves time to breathe, yeah?"
  618. [22:28:42 ][Genevieve] "We should talk to Alice and Divya, too, if we get the chance."
  619. [22:29:33 ][Rosetta] "That sounds shiny. They around here?" Rosetta starts hopping in place, wondering if they've been brought here too.
  620. [22:29:47 ][Chase_Violet] He takes in a deeeep breath.
  621. [22:29:49 ][@zoofman] "Alright then. I'll get em to piss off for now. Sides we gotta figure out how to restrain these bastards."
  622. [22:30:07 ][Chase_Violet] "Yeah... yeah."
  623. [22:30:24 ][Genevieve] "Just cut off Husk's legs, he won't go anywhere after that."
  624. [22:30:31 ][@zoofman] Peyote gets you guys set up in a spacious living room downstairs and plenty of food and drink while you figure things out. And bringing guests over? Yeah they could get snuck in.
  625. [22:30:49 ][@zoofman] Peyote considers the advice briefly.
  626. [22:31:16 ][Rosetta] "What if he just grows mutant wings after that?"
  627. [22:31:52 ][Chase_Violet] Chase isn't in too much of a joking mode after this whole exhausting ordeal and realizing the upcoming MEDIA STORM, so he just quietly heads down to this living room.
  628. [22:34:31 ]* Genevieve heads down to catch a breather, too. "So we just say that we're the greatest of all time and no further comment?"
  629. [22:35:15 ]* Rosetta follows the others down and plops down on a couch. "Can't you just wave Athena in their faces and ask him to be cute and distracting?"
  630. [22:35:24 ][Chase_Violet] "Hey, Explorers, you just saved the region! What are you going to do now? 'We're going to the Safari Zone!'"
  631. [22:35:48 ][Chase_Violet] He lays back holds a hand on his head.
  632. [22:35:49 ][Rosetta] "Shit, the Hungry Garchomp didn't get destroyed in this mess, did it?"
  633. [22:36:12 ][@zoofman] Yup, sure did Rosetta
  634. [22:36:19 ][@zoofman] Every. Single. One. in this city.
  635. [22:36:41 ][Chase_Violet] "Who knows. It's a chain franchise so it can't be that hopeless, right?"
  636. [22:36:42 ][@zoofman] That said Peyote's got a team of cooks and they can make you whatever.
  637. [22:36:44 ][Genevieve] "We can try creating a second media Fire Spin, yeah, hold on."
  638. [22:36:46 ][Chase_Violet] "In any case..."
  639. [22:36:46 ][@zoofman] But...
  640. [22:36:48 ][@zoofman] When you request Alice to be brought here, she manages to sneak in herself. Even Rosetta can see she's stressed about something as she comes in and closes the door behind her. "Hey guys, so...I think you actually were looking for both my Mom and me, but she's not coming. They took her to see my Dad...they told me to come here instead."
  641. [22:36:54 ][@zoofman] Anyone else you wanted to ask over btw?
  642. [22:37:07 ]* Genevieve gets Athena and the megastone out to send out a tweet on his account. #allgrownup
  643. [22:37:25 ][Chase_Violet] Hmm, seeing Ammy would be nice if she's not busy but it's not really -important-
  644. [22:37:32 ][@zoofman] Genevieve is officially the queen of twitter.
  645. [22:37:34 ][Chase_Violet] "Oh, Alice. You made it. Hey..."
  646. [22:37:56 ][Chase_Violet] "Have a seat, girl."
  647. [22:38:22 ][@zoofman] Yep, she does that, and twiddles her thumbs. "So...what are they not telling me quite yet?"
  648. [22:38:48 ]* Genevieve sits Athena in her lap. "Your dad tried to absorb an ancient evil hivemind to reshape creation in his image because he was mad about spiders or something."
  649. [22:38:54 ][Chase_Violet] "...Well... he's-"
  650. [22:39:56 ]* Rosetta has no way of knowing about the massive loss of breakfast all over town, so she remains blissfully ignorant. "Let's uh, start from the beginning, Gen."
  651. [22:40:02 ][Genevieve] "Basically, he's in a lot of trouble, but we might be able to keep that under wraps. We'd like you and your mom's input on what if any information about this goes out...there." She waves at the side of the room.
  652. [22:40:20 ][Chase_Violet] He glances at Gen and looks back at Alice. "He tried to absorb both the Banisher and the Collective's powers, but he didn't get either one. ...He physically changed, I don't know how extensive or harmful the changes it are."
  653. [22:40:30 ][Chase_Violet] *-it
  654. [22:40:54 ][Chase_Violet] "He's... alive, at least." he says quietly.
  655. [22:42:12 ][Chase_Violet] "Gen could have put it a little more tactfully, but either way it goes... we know this is really damn difficult for you right now."
  656. [22:42:58 ][@zoofman] She tries to digest that. "So he's probably going to be locked away forever. Okay..."
  657. [22:43:09 ][Chase_Violet] "Maybe... I don't know."
  658. [22:43:27 ][Rosetta] "Let's not sugarcoat it."
  659. [22:44:10 ][@zoofman] "But what he did wasn't as obvious as the others, so you don't -have- to say it. You're...looking for what I'd want you to say?"
  660. [22:44:26 ][Genevieve] "Yes."
  661. [22:44:38 ][Chase_Violet] "Well... more or less... I think if the public finds out what happened to your dad, then you and your mom are going to be hurt even more than now."
  662. [22:45:18 ][Chase_Violet] "That's my opinion on it, anyway. That's why we wanted to talk to you about it."
  663. [22:45:20 ][Rosetta] "Yeah, you know how the media is. They're a pain, and we're trying to figure out the easiest way to deal with them."
  664. [22:45:49 ][@zoofman] She pulls her knees up and hugs them, thinking on that quietly for a few minutes.
  665. [22:46:19 ]* Genevieve looks at Chase. "What the hell ARE we doing with Celia?"
  666. [22:46:43 ][Chase_Violet] "Hopefully she doesn't fuck up my PC account, but let's talk about that in a bit."
  667. [22:48:08 ][Rosetta] "You think we can still go back to Hydaelyn, now that Grant's meddling is all over with?" Rosetta chirps as they all wait for Alice to think on this.
  668. [22:48:17 ][@zoofman] "You said my dad was angry, Gen, but what was he really looking to do with these guys?"
  669. [22:48:57 ][Chase_Violet] "Listen, Alice... Husk did some terrible things, but it wasn't really for his own sake. He thought what he was doing would help you, that by gaining the power of those who wronged you, he could give you whatever you wanted. It was misguided and hamhanded, but that's how he felt."
  670. [22:49:01 ][Genevieve] "In his own weird way, trying to be a good parent."
  671. [22:49:14 ][Rosetta] "In his own words, he wanted to give you the world."
  672. [22:49:31 ][Chase_Violet] "That's another reason I kind of want to keep quiet about this."
  673. [22:49:42 ][Chase_Violet] "Cuz maybe deep down I think that you three can still be a family again."
  674. [22:49:51 ][@zoofman] She winces, and is quite for a bit longer after that.
  675. [22:50:30 ][Rosetta] "Chase..." Rosetta tilts her head. "Look, I can see Jennifer getting off light and some of the others cause they were manipulated, but Husk was as much a mastermind behind all this as the Banisher was."
  676. [22:50:37 ][Chase_Violet] "I know, I know."
  677. [22:50:44 ][Rosetta] "I don't think we gotta sugarcoat this or give false hope, yeah?"
  678. [22:50:45 ][Chase_Violet] "I'm not saying he walks or anything."
  679. [22:51:18 ][@zoofman] "It's okay, I've known for a while if he survived this, I'd see him behind plexiglass for pretty much the rest of his life."
  680. [22:52:25 ][Chase_Violet] "He spent a lot of his time obsessed with the prophecies left behind by the ancient Venomtalon clans."
  681. [22:53:12 ][Chase_Violet] He leans back again, not actually sure where he was going with that thought.
  682. [22:54:02 ][Chase_Violet] " you need some time?"
  683. [22:54:11 ][Rosetta] "Anyway, we were pretty much thinking cutting mention of Husk at all and just dealing with him internally. That sound good, or did you want something else?"
  684. [22:54:21 ][@zoofman] "I mean, couldn't you...tell most the truth then? He helped them, to keep them away from me? Even if you had to say why they wanted me gone?"
  685. [22:55:25 ][Chase_Violet] "I guess we could paint it like that... the color of the truth can be a potent thing."
  686. [22:55:47 ][Genevieve] "We could do that. Make him seem less of a willing accomplice in the whole thing."
  687. [22:56:53 ][Chase_Violet] "After the display at the concert, the public more or less knows you were connected with Shiva anyway..."
  688. [22:57:01 ][Rosetta] "You want us to explain the whole thing about you then? I mean, your choice, but I thought it might be easier if everything were more hush hush."
  689. [22:59:22 ][Chase_Violet] "We'll do that for you, then, Alice. Your dad was a man who sacrificed a lot, including his freedom, for the sake of his daughter. That's the Truth."
  690. [23:01:28 ][@zoofman] "He did a lot of really evil things, but it's like...had I not got caught by Dandyman, that one day, would it have been as bad? I'm not really trying to share the blame, but I don't really know. And honestly, I think it'd punish him more if I do share some of the blame for what he did. I can live with that."
  691. [23:01:54 ][Genevieve] "We should just pin it all on Saryx, then. This whole thing is his fault."
  692. [23:02:12 ][Genevieve] "And who's going to try to mudrake Trice's husband? No one."
  693. [23:02:34 ][Chase_Violet] "...anyway."
  694. [23:02:57 ][@zoofman] That lightnes the mood for Alice at least, she cracks up. "Clearly it is all his fault."
  695. [23:03:54 ][Genevieve] "Are we ready for the initial face the presses?"
  696. [23:04:01 ][Chase_Violet] "Yeah, think so!"
  697. [23:04:22 ][Rosetta] "I guess so."
  698. [23:06:42 ][@zoofman] You guys get ready for the camera and let people know that you're ready, and before too long you're escorted out the front door of the mansion - Alice as well. Soon as the doors open, you're greeted with a barrage of flashing lights from camera flashes, a cacophany of interviewers throwing questions and trying to get microphones past a line of ... hm?
  699. [23:11:09 ][@zoofman] The security line, well, they aren't your standard Rangers. You got The Moon Wardens - UPROAR included - on one end, with Dahlia and Roland looking to you with eager expressions. Off on the side, behind the line, you can see Corbin and Yanala lurking, just in case they are asked to come up. On the other end you got The Myre sisters, Gigi, Shawyun, Ben and Thomas scrambling to keep them back and also pay respects
  700. [23:11:09 ][@zoofman] to you guys. Front and center you got Gabriella, Trice, and Saryx. The reporters seem intimidated by those three, preferring to get by the other sides.
  701. [23:11:52 ][@zoofman] Saryx can be seen standing awkwardly by the podium they got set up, he turns around slowly and waves. "Uh..hey...guys..."
  702. [23:12:21 ]* Genevieve leans down to whisper "This is all your fault."
  703. [23:12:21 ]* Chase_Violet grabs Saryx and noogies him. "You abandoned us, you jerk!"
  704. [23:12:23 ]* Rosetta does a doubletake at seeing him. "Hey. You're uh, back in region."
  705. [23:13:57 ][@zoofman] "Ow! Yes it is I know that already don't make me raise my voice I've been working on - " He catches himself, takes a deep breath. "Look can you guys give me shit -after- we tell the world our story?"
  706. [23:14:07 ][Chase_Violet] He grins, letting him go. "But no, seriously, hey dude. I heard about the wedding. Congrats."
  707. [23:14:27 ][Chase_Violet] "Yeah, yeah."
  708. [23:15:32 ][@zoofman] The crowd simmers down a little as you guys get closer to the microphones at the podium.
  709. [23:17:28 ]* Genevieve taps the mic once. "We're the Zodiac Braves, and I think we deserve Frontier Brain titles."
  710. [23:19:51 ][Chase_Violet] He laughs at that. "But in all seriousness. Hey, Visiwa. Today marks the end of a hard and violent struggle against the forces of Grant Null."
  711. [23:20:05 ][@zoofman] A reporter from the crowd - a very, very familiar woman to the five of you (Including Saryx and Alice) speaks up. She's a little older than the other reporters, and has a slight Russian accent. "Well, Zodiac Braves, will you tell us how the this Visiwan Odyssey shall be written?"
  712. [23:21:00 ][@zoofman] The Writer smiles as she holds up an aged tome and quill. Behind her, her camera crew - a familiar catgirl and a bastard with the most captivating smile.
  713. [23:24:25 ][Genevieve] "I promise you, this time, it really was ancient aliens."
  714. [23:25:04 ]* zoofman has changed the topic to: And so...the tale begins.
  715. [23:25:08 ][Chase_Violet] "It's a hell of a story, that's for sure. We'll definitely need the right Writer to pen this Eastern Isles Rhapsody.." he puns as he looks at Tentra. "All I can say is, I hope it's the final fantasy we have to mark down for some time to come. "
  716. [23:25:45 ][@zoofman] Got anything to add, Rosetta?
  717. [23:29:02 ][Rosetta] "I think what we can take from all this is that some good parenting really goes a long way." But yes, Rosetta is mostly distracted by birds right now.
  718. [23:32:13 ][@zoofman] Saryx clears his throat. "Hi Mom, hi Dad...if you're seeing this on T.V. that is. This was sorta all my fault." And thus...your story begins. ~The End~
  719. [23:33:32 ][@zoofman] The credits may begin to roll, with the epilogues and that extra scene after the credits because this is totally a Marvel movie, but the content, well, it's yet to be decided!
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