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a guest
Nov 13th, 2014
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  1. == Manager 'admin' logged on from
  2. [Nov 13 02:04:37] WARNING[1828]: db.c:332 ast_db_put: Couldn't execute statment: SQL logic error or missing database
  3. [Nov 13 02:04:37] WARNING[1586]: db.c:288 db_execute_sql: Error executing SQL (COMMIT): cannot commit - no transaction is active
  4. [Nov 13 02:04:37] WARNING[1586]: db.c:288 db_execute_sql: Error executing SQL (ROLLBACK): cannot rollback - no transaction is active
  5. [Nov 13 02:05:21] WARNING[1586]: db.c:288 db_execute_sql: Error executing SQL (COMMIT): cannot commit - no transaction is active
  6. [Nov 13 02:05:21] WARNING[1586]: db.c:288 db_execute_sql: Error executing SQL (ROLLBACK): cannot rollback - no transaction is active
  7. [Nov 13 02:05:37] WARNING[1828]: db.c:332 ast_db_put: Couldn't execute statment: SQL logic error or missing database
  8. [Nov 13 02:05:37] WARNING[1586]: db.c:288 db_execute_sql: Error executing SQL (COMMIT): cannot commit - no transaction is active
  9. [Nov 13 02:05:37] WARNING[1586]: db.c:288 db_execute_sql: Error executing SQL (ROLLBACK): cannot rollback - no transaction is active
  10. [Nov 13 02:06:37] WARNING[1828]: db.c:332 ast_db_put: Couldn't execute statment: SQL logic error or missing database
  11. [Nov 13 02:06:37] WARNING[1586]: db.c:288 db_execute_sql: Error executing SQL (COMMIT): cannot commit - no transaction is active
  12. [Nov 13 02:06:37] WARNING[1586]: db.c:288 db_execute_sql: Error executing SQL (ROLLBACK): cannot rollback - no transaction is active
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