
O.C.T.O. comic Chapter 3

Nov 2nd, 2015
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  1. Page 1: Establishing shot of the outside of O.C.T.O. Headquarters.
  2. Georgia (from inside): "Hrrrng..."
  4. Page 2: Georgia is straining to push a medium-sized crate across the space. After a few moments of panting and attempting to resume her efforts, she notices Minty walk by behind her, the diminutive Inkling effortlessly balancing three even larger crates on one hand. Georgia stares after Minty in disbelief.
  5. Georgia: "Welp. I'm done. Where's Flipz?"
  7. Page 3: With the camera on a shelf, we see Flipz pulling out unrecognizable components from the shelf and examining them. They inhale deeply, savoring the scent of the air.
  8. Flipz: *sniiiiiiiiff*
  9. Georgia comes up behind Flipz.
  10. Georgia: "What'cha doin'?"
  11. Flipz starts, fumbling and nearly dropping the component in their hands. They take a moment to recover and set the component down before answering.
  12. Flipz: "Oh! Georgia. I didn't hear you come up here."
  13. Georgia: "I noticed."
  14. Flipz seems a little apprehensive.
  15. Flipz: "I was just enjoying the aroma of this place's atmosphere."
  16. Georgia: "...what."
  17. Flipz grows enthusiastic.
  18. Flipz: "Oh, yes! Isn't the smell of this place simply divine? The dust, the rust, the salty scent of the sea breeze--wait, that's not right..."
  20. Page 4: Omega and Dank arrive at the main entrance, the latter draped in a towel over his regular gear.
  21. Minty: "Dank! Omega! What happened?"
  22. Omega grins widely.
  23. Omega: "Aqua happened...literally, and metaphorically."
  24. Georgia and Flipz arrive on the ground floor just in time to hear Dank's explanation.
  25. Dank: "Hmpf. Dude ain't know chill if he been stuffed in a freezer, yo. The green chick, neither."
  26. Georgia: "Ha! Yep, that sounds like Francine."
  27. Flipz: "...and the towel?"
  28. Dank crosses his arms sulkily.
  29. Omega: "Events transpired on Saltspray Rig. Battles were fought, zones were controlled, and Dank learned a valuable lesson about when not to activate a Bubbler."
  30. Dank: "..."
  31. Omega starts to leave.
  32. Omega: "I need to get back before the other two tear the rig to ribbons. Farewell."
  33. Georgia: "Wait, Omega--"
  34. Georgia is too late. Omega is already gone.
  36. Page 5: Flipz and Georgia stand in the doorway while Minty escorts Dank inside in the background.
  37. Dank (mumbling): "Stupid knockback shiz...friggin' bogus, man!"
  38. Flipz: "What was that all about?"
  39. Georgia: "Oh...nothing. C'mon, let's go back upstairs."
  40. Flipz and Georgia return to the shelves Flipz had been emptying, an array of miscellanious mechanisms arranged atop a nearby table for inspection.
  41. Flipz: "I don't know, Georgia, it sure didn't sound like nothing."
  42. Georgia sighs.
  43. Georgia: "It's just...we had a conversation, a couple days ago. And it's been bugging me ever since then. I'd like to get back to it."
  44. Flipz nods, picking up a piece of machinery that looks suspiciously like a hand.
  45. Flipz: "I understand. I started poking around up here the day we first arrived, but Aqua's had me busy with the computer system this whole time. It's one reason I'm glad he went out for ink battles with the others, I've been itching to see what he's been hiding away up here."
  46. Georgia: "Yeah..."
  48. Page 6: Georgia looks out the window, lost in thought.
  49. Georgia: "Hey, Flipz?"
  50. Flipz: "Hmm?"
  51. Georgia: "You ever...wonder...what Aqua might be hiding?"
  52. Flipz: " mean like this stuff? I wouldn't exactly call it 'hidden', it's more of a--"
  53. Georgia turns back to Flipz, gesturing widely at the whole building.
  54. Georgia: "I mean this! The building, the squad...*all* of it. Don't you find it a little suspicious he's got all this stuff, and is ready to hand it all over to a bunch of strangers on a whim?"
  55. An unknown figure comes up the stairs.
  56. ???: "I do."
  58. Page 7: Georgia and Flipz look in surprise at Dank.
  59. Flipz: "...Dank?"
  60. Dank: "Look, man, maybe I'm just salty 'cuz dude shot the shiz outta me, but I'm totes confused 'bout him. Dude's shady, yo."
  61. Georgia begins to appraise Dank, looking at the disheveled Inkling in a new light.
  62. Georgia: "Hmm. You know, if you're really curious, I bet the three of us could trail him after he closes up--"
  63. Flipz backs away, hands up.
  64. Flipz: "Pardon me, but did you say 'the three of us'?"
  65. Georgia: "Well, yeah. I'm not digging into this alone, but with your mind and Dank and my street smarts--"
  66. Flipz: "Oh, heavens, no. Count me out."
  68. Page 8:
  69. Georgia: "What, are you crazy? This is the perfect chance!"
  70. Flipz: "Yes, I agree with you there, it's just..."
  71. Flipz sighs.
  72. Flipz: "Look. When I first came to Inkopolis, I couldn't believe my good fortune. I ran into Aqua just when I needed to, found a place for myself I never knew I needed. I'm not going to jeopardize that just for the sake of simple curiosity."
  73. Georgia bites her lip.
  74. Georgia: "It's more than that. I'm worried whatever secrets he may be hiding...may end badly for us all."
  75. Flipz: "..."
  76. Flipz turns back to their work, refusing to look at the others as they talk.
  77. Flipz: "I understand your concern. Really, I do. But while I have no real reason to trust Aqua, neither do I have reason to distrust him. I'm not getting involved in this, and neither should you."
  78. The camera focuses on Flipz' face as Georgia tries to appeal to them...
  79. Georgia: "Flipz..."
  80. ...but her appeals fall on deaf, if regretful, ears.
  81. Flipz: "..."
  82. As a slightly bitter Georgia turns to leave, we can see how painful it is for Flipz to have to deny their friends' request.
  83. Georgia: "...fine. Come on, Dank."
  85. Page 9: Timeskip to evening. Aqua and Francine are preparing to leave OCTO headquarters with the others, still discussing the day's match.
  86. Francine: "I still say I should have won. Echolocator is crazy good."
  87. Omega: "Only as good as the one using it. You showed surprising skill, Aqua. I am most impressed."
  88. Francine: "We both are. I bet Dank is too, underneath all that salt."
  89. Omega: "Indeed. I am honored to have had a chance just to watch."
  90. Aqua starts blushing while Francine sees an opening to rib him a bit.
  91. Francine: "Ah, yes. What was it he said? 'Any interference and you will be...punished.' Didn't know you were into that, Aqua."
  92. Aqua: "S-shut it..."
  93. Zoom out to Dank and Georgia, watching from a distance. While Georgia has changed into a tasteful two-piece burglar suit with a black beanie and matching black fingerless gloves, Dank has covered every inch of himself with plates and padding, making him look a little bit like Agent 1 if she'd gone shopping in a scrapyard.
  94. Omega (in background): "Speaking of Dank, I have yet to locate him since we returned to headquarters."
  95. Francine (in background): "Probably went home early. I heard Georgia mention she was doing the same thing."
  96. Georgia: "Really? *That's* what you're going with, Dank? Fine, whatever. Remember, Blackbelly Skatepark, thirty minutes. Don't be late."
  97. Dank: "Girl, don' chu be doubtin', I got dis, yo!"
  98. Georgia: "Uh...great. Awesome. Whatever. Now let's move out."
  99. Cut to a fairly large establishing shot of Blackbelly Skatepark, with Aqua walking along the sidewalk on the road outside.
  100. Close-ups of Aqua walking while paging through a three-ring binder and making little notes.
  101. ???: *Super Jump noises*
  102. Aqua looks up at the noises...
  104. Page 10: ...but he sees nothing. He shrugs and walks onward. After he's left, we see Dank and Georgia emerge from an ink puddle atop the central tower, and the latter smacks the former for making so much noise. They both go back to squid form and move on.
  106. Page 11: Now in Inkopolis Plaza, Dank and Georgia watch as Aqua looks around furtively and then enters the sewer entrance to Octo Valley.
  107. Georgia: "...Octo Valley? But why would he be going there in the middle of the night, with no warning, no backup?"
  108. Dank: "I dunno, dawg..."
  109. In Octo Valley, we see a diminutive Octoling emerge from a Kettle, dart towards a fallen stop sign, and begin to drag it back to the Kettle. As she does so, we see Aqua hidden in the background, sketching the creature.
  110. Dank (narration box): "...but if he ain't careful..."
  111. Behind Aqua, the silhouette of a wicked-looking Octoling rises.
  113. Page 12: We see Georgia and Dank hidden a short distance away, watching from a different angle and scrambling for their weapons, surprised as they are by the second Octoling's sudden appearance.
  114. Georgia: *!*
  115. Dank: *!*
  116. Dank (narration box): "...shiz could be the last mistake the dude ever makes!"
  117. -To Be Continued!-
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