
Colossal 2

Nov 29th, 2016
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  1. Dear @ColossalisCrazy
  3. I've got a few words for you, and pretty much the whole commentary community, which, I guess, Ironically, THIS would be commentary about commentary. So, yep, let's get into this. commentary is pretty much the discussion about a person, place, thing, rotating dildo gatling gun, or anything that strikes the nerve (either in a good way or bad, or simply somehting that just annoys Daniel Keem), and is, essentially... Drama. the thing is, I can't fake an emotion, unless I'm acting, or rehersing a script. but I can't get angry over something that doesn't adffect me on a personal level. Yes, there are the cases where I do get genuinely worked up over something, but for the most part, I can't seem to get that interested in having a running commentary about something that, I myself haven't experienced first hand.
  5. It'd be like if you did a commentary video exposing fake Elvis's for being, well, what we all knew to begin with, it's not that exciting, doesn't tickle your fancy, and pretty much just loses a bnch of cohesion somewhere between writing the script and recording the words. It's because while were in the moment, while we're in that single span of time, we're there, zeroed in, ready to pounce on that thing like a virgin male on a pair of boobs. Drama doesn't get me wound up like it it other people, I'm more of a discovery kind of person.
  7. I like asking probing questions that lead to other lines of thought, I like exploring a topic for a little bit, moving along to another, until I'm fairly certian that I know a bit more about the person or topic than I would've otherwise. Liomaker, plain and simple, in my eyes, is guilty, neutral position or not, he needs help to deal with whatever urges he's going through, a way to funnel them without further harming himself or those he's trying to attract.
  9. There's a method to the madness I suppose, different people for different strengths and weaknesses, working together to cover one anothers backs while the vikings are at the gates, something to that effect. And I really DID used to get worked up over things I know nothing about, and I was really great at it, honestly, I was. But it left me hollow inside, and i couldn't figure it out, I got mad at someone I'd neverm et before, over something they did that, until recently I knew nothing about, and then get steamed and rant my head off about the injustice of the situation. There were times where that blundering into a random situation was justified, in the cases of a group of girls literally beatign the hell out of another girl until she was in a coma, or worse.
  11. But this whole Liomaker thing, it gives me the skiveys, the creeps, the jollydeaths, and a number of other words I might make up because my brain is fried. I want to believe the best in people, I want to trust in everyone and everything, I want to spread love and kindness. but I find myself questioning, wondering, wishing to know the reson behind the actions. the reason behind what drives people to become so... Attracted to a situation.
  13. Is it because we, as a species, literally need others to the point where Solitary confinement is considered torture? Or is it because we know that if we get to the source of the "Meat" first, aka, the information that no one else has, that we'll get more people around us? I don't get it, maybe I never will. But wondering and exploring this topic has mequestioning the normal way of going about things: Get news. React to news. Reap rewards and admonishments.
  15. Seems kind of stupid, when boiled down to that simple a level. But, what if trying to sniff out trouble is a section of humanities strengths? and trying to sniff out the pleasantries is another section of humanities strengths? I call into question the boiling water pot between Keemstar and Scarce, you and Daniel talked about it on baited, right before he had to go check on his dog, or it might've been his daughters friend wondering if she could come out to play.
  17. Daniels complaint was that Scarce would upload 20 minutes after he did and steal his spotlight. He also has more subs than keem because of one reason alone. Scarce, fake or not, is a pleasant person to watch, his warm and friendly Youtube persona, as it were, we talked about it a few times, draws in crowds of people. Meanwhile, Daniels YT persona is brash, abrasive, sometimes kind, but most of the time not. He got passion for his art, but that's about it.
  19. I can't get angry at scarce for taking the cut throat, but wise bussiness decision to undercut the amount of views Daniel gets in order to maximize his own profits. After, Youtube, above all else, is a money making monster, a place where everyone can get in on the ground floor and everyone has an equal chance to rocket to the top. Drama, is the interaction between two people, and it does get attention, we need drama to help us better figure out how to be better people by NOT following the subject of the videos behavior. In some cases the ooposite is true. Drama for me, is a time consuming thing, something I don't afford myself a lot of because of my own job. It doesn't represent a lot of growth for me, all I can do is make commentary, or reactions and hope for the best.
  21. I don't say/write oall of this to bog you down, demoralize you, or otherwise cause you to doubt yourself. I am genuinely interested in being on the Baited podcast,but my priorities lay else where, my mind focused on other tasks that need more of my battery or attention, so to speak. You are an artist, a master or your selected field, and regardless of the tiem it takes you between videos, you are always on point. You do your research, sit on the questions for a bit, and when the eggs cooked, you dine on it.
  23. In a way, I'm very jealous of your skill. your craft. In another, I admire your offline life as well. You have so much potential to grow even further, both off and online, but you choose to temper the metal of your future. I'm not making much sense, I'm really tired right now. And I am going to sleep soon.
  25. I just wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten about you, I've just been incredibly busy, and yes, this is a script to a video.In the end, commentary is commentary. Discussion about a person, place, or thing that has the eyes of the world on it, no matter the scope.
  27. Maybe I'm just a slow learner, or maybe I'm simply repeating the same choices over and over in a vain attempt to justify my own continued existence in this world. Whatever the reason, whatever the future decision, I'll live with it. We'll live with our choices, and try to make the most of something that is out of our hands.But, commentary is a good way to at least get a handle.
  29. Morning my man, I'm gonna catch some zzzz's now.
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