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- Nihilego @ Grassy Seed
- Ability: Beast Boost
- Level: 50
- EVs: 76 HP / 172 Def / 4 SpD
- Quiet Nature
- IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- - Power Gem
- - Acid Spray
- - Trick Room
- - Protect
- Stole this spread from a smogon player, but lives through jolly, banded chomp's eq 100% of the time as long as grassy terrain is up. Acid Spray is to support special attackers like p2, milotic, and itself. Unexpected trick room user, so it's not likely going to get faked out in game 1. Also, once beast boost gets going everything snowballs way too hard for the opponent.
- Tapu Bulu @ Leftovers
- Ability: Grassy Surge
- Level: 50
- EVs: 252 HP / 56 Atk / 84 Def / 116 SpD
- Brave Nature
- - Horn Leech
- - Rock Slide
- - Leech Seed
- - Protect
- The glue of the team. Lives pelipper's hurricane 7/8 times, and lives jolly chomp's poison jab 43.7% of the time (100% for both adamant and jolly if chomp gets hit with intimidate). I prefer leech seed to sub as it provides passive healing and helps stall the round timer if you need it, giving you an optional wincon in bo3. Otherwise horn leech for longevity, and rock slide to fish for flinches in trick room.
- Porygon2 @ Eviolite
- Ability: Download
- Level: 50
- Shiny: Yes
- EVs: 252 HP / 84 Def / 172 SpD
- Modest Nature
- IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- - Trick Room
- - Recover
- - Ice Beam
- - Thunderbolt
- Will kill chomp with +1 ice beam if not assvest/sash chomps. Otherwise standard p2.
- Milotic (F) @ Wiki Berry
- Ability: Competitive
- Level: 50
- Shiny: Yes
- EVs: 252 HP / 76 Def / 180 SpD
- Calm Nature
- IVs: 0 Atk / 20 Spe
- - Scald
- - Ice Beam
- - Hidden Power [Grass]
- - Protect
- Best troll ever. Lives through jolly chomp's tectonic rage, and has a 44% chance of living adamant chomp's tr, guaranteed if arcanine switches in/leads; also lives timid LO koko's tbolt and procs the berry. Also this deters intimidators because of competitive, and doesn't care about snarl as it gets a +1 boost off it, and since the best initmidator is Arcanine they probably won't bring it. Carries HP Grass as a second way of surprising gastrodon and deterring it from showing up in g2/3. So it offers a subtle way of influencing your opponents choices. Opted out of recover as it didn't do as much as I wanted and with the 50% berry, it seemed like overkill.
- Garchomp @ Groundium Z
- Ability: Rough Skin
- Level: 50
- Shiny: Yes
- EVs: 124 HP / 196 Atk / 188 SpD
- Brave Nature
- IVs: 0 Spe
- - Earthquake
- - Fire Fang
- - Poison Jab
- - Protect
- Brave to underspeed chomps in tr, and a few other things. Otherwise pretty standard chomp moveset. Guarantees ohkos on arcanine/muk after intimidate with tectonic rage. Lives through Timid ninetails freeze-dry and ~1/3 of the time Blizzard. Also lives through Modest LO koko's hp ice and max SpA lele's moonblast if no LO is involved. Also has a chance of living the showdown standard specs fini's moonblast 3/8 time, unfortunately it speed ties in and out of trick room; granted I think most fini's are trying to speed creep each other so it'd outspeed in trick room and have an 84% chance to 2hko with poison jab.
- Arcanine @ Firium Z
- Ability: Intimidate
- Level: 50
- Shiny: Yes
- EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
- Brave Nature
- IVs: 0 Spe
- - Flare Blitz
- - Extreme Speed
- - Roar
- - Protect
- Roar is there to stop Extreme memeboost teams (eevee teams) otherwise espeed to kill sashed things after they're down to their sash, and flare blitz to ruin kartana and celesteela's day. Firium z because it makes sure that celesteela goes down regardless of physical bulk, or more likely other intimidate mons. I'm in the process of optimizing this spread, as I think I can get away with cutting some attack and placing it into bulk. Didn't like Snarl as much since it only outspeeds in TR, and I wanted a way to deal with memeboost teams.
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