

Oct 29th, 2015
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  1. RP LOG James O'Malley, Jessica Morley, Sofia Valentina
  3. [14:57] Sofia Valentina frowned. She was not sure what had happened. But for now she let it go. She actually was about to send James a message when the answer came. She was not even sure if to relax or not but she finally let the phone go. She told James. "I was about to call you. I wanted you to ask Niko something about Aaron's disappearance but it seems Aaron has been found. I wish I had been told earlier." She had no idea how, or when. Because no one told her anything. At Merai's confusion she said. "We had a good talk. I do think she is a good woman, and it eased my worries. I don't think is something one has to worry with much."
  5. [15:00] Jessica Morley: -she makes her way up to the library, she's learned that if she can't find James in the graveyard or Reliquary, he's often visiting with their closest neighbors. She actually had a book yucked under her arm, she was meaning to give it to James anyways. She hoped the library didn't frown on bringing books in that weren't checked out there. She had gotten this one from the bookstore around the corner after the costume contest.- "James, you're just the person ah was looking for." -she'd hold the book out to him. The cover denoted it as a repair manual for three different models of "exotic shotguns" including but not limited to the KSG. Inside the cover of the book was an envelope that she had placed there.-
  7. [15:05] James O'Malley (rannulfus) responded simply "Yeah, I knew. It was probably my" James eyed the stranger "agent" ghost "that found him. Do you need Nikos number? I think he still has the same phone number." A phone that his dad had gotten for him. Another time, another life. Things were different now. James smiled to the unknown woman, but didn't say anything to her. James would look, and, no stranger to tradecraft he noticed the envelope, chosing to make the envelope disappear into his pocket when the two women focused on each other and not him "Sounds interesting. I'm glad you can keep this thing maintained. Looking at the cover james pointed out the double barrel pump. "Jesus, Joseph and Mary, a double barrel pump? Are you kidding me?" that kind of firepower...
  9. [15:06] Merai (rowanvalens) took a step back, shuffling slowly towards the door. It was a bit overwhelming - twice she had come to make contacts with the library, and twice it seemed that her presence had been met with 'texting' other people into the library. She supposed Sofia was a busy person, so she let it slide, feeling slightly disheartened but understanding. " Well. I'm glad to hear then." she said, giving a slight nod to the gentleman and the woman who tagged in after him. " I'll pop back in another time then - see if I can't find a time to meet with Mr. DeWitt." she said as she gave a slight wave and stepped out of the library.
  11. [15:11] Sofia Valentina really didn't minded about books that were not from the Library. The books from this library were weird and special in themselves. She gave a nod to James. "Yes, I would like it and could you explain to me what happened. I could barely sleep with no information." Sofia hated not having information. This is where James always came in handy. And he was a good friend so was a win-win. Sofia had not many friends. As usual the library was empty the whole day and then it exploded. To Merai she said. "One of the guys never made it to a camp in the woods, so I was trying to figure out if anyone had any information." By guys she meant one of the mages. "And I would leave a message for him." As Merai seem to be leaving she said. "You don't have to leave unless you have to."
  13. [15:23] James O'Malley (rannulfus) spread his hands and said "I bound a spirit to find him and report to Jack and Lexi. Since they claimed the man. I never knew he was one of yours. Or anything other than a human." James spread his hands. It was unfortunate that he didnt know more. "To be honest, other than the few of them that are friend of mine, i find myself avoiding that group more and more." he admitted. "I do a lot of trade espionage. You really do need to get a hold of me more."
  15. [15:23] Merai (rowanvalens) lingered long enough to hear Sofia's explanation, holding her hands up lightly as if to say, 'you don't need to explain', " Not a worry Miss Valentina. I understand you must be a very busy person. I hope you find your charge and that he hasn't come to any harm." she said. " I was only dropping by to....well. Check in I suppose," she said as she gave them each a nod. She was at least making contacts with the right people...but breaking into social group was proving....difficult for the new girl in town. She brings her warm cup of hot chocolate up and takes a sip, her eyes darting to the left, then the right, wondering where she should head off to next.
  17. [15:27] Sofia Valentina sighed. "I should have contacted you. You know they only told me he was fine after I send Jack a text. And well yes, he is. And yes, I should." She looked back to Merai and she sighed. Sometimes it seems as she sighs a lot. "Yes, I do wish it as well. Come back when you can." She could be a bit insensitive sometimes. Was this one of those times. "So, the trip to the coast. When do you think we should go?" It was clear to her than if this woman was bringing James a book then she was at least trusted by him to some extend.
  19. [15:28] Jessica Morley: she'd give James a look, letting him know that the envelope was something she wanted to talk about in private at a later time. She'd not yet been in the library since her arrival, she was genuinely surprised that it was as big as it was. After the events that had happened to the continent she had figured books would be relatively scarce and hard to get a hold of.- "It warms my heart to see that a collection of knowledge this large has survived the devastation that have occurred."
  21. [15:36] James O'Malley (rannulfus) nodded and understood. He said simply "Whenever we are both free. This is my friend Jessica, and her talent is /just/ what you need to help clear this matter up. If shes willing to clear out a nest of Human First Terrorists." He looked at her, it was going to be between Sofia and Jess what they worked out, if anything. But someone who specialized in incendaries and anti personnel devices might be pretty helpful
  22. [15:37] C.L.O.V.E.R wiped her wellington boots on the path outside the library. Wet blades of grass from the cemetery clung to them. She stepped inside, glancing at Mrs. Higgins to ensure her boots passed her rigorous standards before turning her attention to the others. Her boss. Sofia. Duckling girl. She smiled and nodded politely. "Do excuse me." she said, moving towards the stairs.
  23. [15:39] Sofia Valentina squinted the eyes at the woman, and then she chuckled. "The Library came with the city but yes, some have been scavenged and brought from the outside as well. I would like to go as much as I can to the mainland." Sofia looked at the woman and then back to James, she nodded. "Sounds good. I do think there's only two possible scenarios to clear such, and none involve us going in." She figured was best if they came out just like last time. As Clover came in, she didn't said another word about the subject and she just smiled to Clover. "Good afternoon Clover. I hope you are well." She imagined that she was here to see mini Gutenberg.
  24. [15:50] Jessica Morley: she'd nod a bit as she listened. "I'll be sure to grab any books I might find that are in decent enough condition when I'm out scavenging so that I can bring them back here to the library. I don't suppose you have any way of restoring books that might be damaged do you ?" -she waved to Clover as she went up the stairs. She'd only met her briefly at the costume contest and again when the travelling merchant was in town.-
  25. [15:51] James O'Malley (rannulfus) would agree with Sofia, and that made Jessica invaluable. "IT does need to be cleared, to find any possible exit. It may be a tunnel, and not a cave. with what we have seen being unloaded, its quite possible theres a community on the other end. A base, or even a town."
  27. [15:52] C.L.O.V.E.R turned back. "Voice print identify. Hello, Sofia! Confirmed. I am functioning within normal parameters, thank you. I trust that you are well also? And your family?" She smiled and waved back to Jessica and James before walking towards the stairs. Her hearing was only as sensitive as a Human's, despite her pointy ears. She did not catch their conversation.
  29. [15:56] Sofia Valentina actually knew a bit of book binding. She nodded. "Depends, if its just the cover it can be restored as well as if what it needs is binding, burned, and water damage. Not so much, if it is a book that should be kept for future generations at best what can be done is prevent it from further deteriorating." Art and Art History major in college so she knew a bit about preservation and restoration of art, books included even when by no means any expertise. A class, two and some experience as a Museum intern. Sofia considered what James said. "It is possible. Or they could be using it to link said tunnel with the sewer system, the NM tunnels?" Sofia didn't knew about the other tunnel, the underkin ones. Even when she recalls something about the tunnels between the Silk District and the Club. She didn't put two and two together.
  31. [16:00] Jessica Morley: -hearing Jame's comments she would look at him curiously.- "Is this about what you needed to do when you took me to the Market ?" -she never got to look at the phone but she remembered James handing it to Nana before he got thrown in a trash can. It was important enough to put Nana in a huff so she imagined it was something fairly major.- "Ooh, pest extermination, I'm quite good at it actually. Taken care of pests of all sizes."
  33. [16:03] James O'Malley (rannulfus) shrugged "Close. Two camps. One pirate, one terrorist." James shrugged and said "My solution for both was the same." James nodded and said "She is. She gets the job done with a bang." Before Sofia stood probably the most potentially dangerous person in the city. A bomb maker talented enough to recreate the Manhattan project. Or a nice fuel-air bomb.
  35. [16:07] C.L.O.V.E.R made her way up the steps to the second floor. As Sofia had guessed, she went straight to the alcove that had belonged to Gutenberg. She knocked on the door. "Mini-me?" she called. There was a cheerful sounding noise from inside. She smiled and pushed the door open. "Hello, Mini-me. Are you-?" She stopped, her eyes wide. Nanites were swarming around the room, most of them converged on the panel where Mini-me usually sat.
  37. The Furby was no more. In its place was... a pile of scrap.
  39. For several long seconds, C.L.O.V.E.R was filled with sheer panic. Then she noticed something. The scrap... had a shape. There were two glowing points. Eyes. A head! Yes! And a torso. And... well that /could/ be a left arm... She walked forward. "Mini-me?" she said, her voice hesitant.
  41. [16:09] Sofia Valentina guessed one could said that and nodded. "Yes. Seems so." She let James explain The news of the pirate camp was new, "So how we know is not backwards and the other is the camp I'm looking for." She also told Clover. "Julian is growing big and Parker is fine."
  43. [16:19] Jessica Morley: when she heard Sofia mention someone growing big she grew a bit curious.- "You have a wee one ? That's amazing! I've not seen a child since D13 hit." -she did her best to hide her amazement but she got visibly bouncier.- "I have a feeling James and i will find out which is which soon enough. at which point I'm sure the same treatment can take care of both nests, whether they be mice or rats."
  45. [16:21] James O'Malley (rannulfus) smiles at the news about her family, even though it wasn't directed to her "Pirates. Razors are handling it because its interferes with their business." he said, Lexxus would be happy to kill a large number of people at once too. "Because pirates have no interest in bulky cargo. Like paint, timber and ingots. That sort of cargo is useless to them." James said. He checked his watch and said "We have an appointment however. Text me." He said smiling. He moved to head back to the reliquary, pausing to hear the reply.
  47. [16:26] C.L.O.V.E.R sat on the chair in front of Mini-me's panel. What had been Mini-me's panel. Mini-me wasn't quite so mini anymore. She looked at the monitors that had been part of Gutenberg's system. They showed the same things they'd shown for weeks. Diagrams of various buildings. A status report on the dome. A live shot of the windmill - ADA had had a camera trained on it ever since The Arrow's impact tilted it. Several screens showed the beautiful, flowing text of the Ancient Engineers. C.L.O.V.E.R focused on one of these. She had mastered the art of Ancient Engineering. She could easily read the words. UPGRADE IN PROGRESS. She turned to look at the new Robot's eyes. "Mother is upgrading you." she said. Her voice held a note of wonder. "Are you... are you well, Mini-me?" The Robot nodded, then began babbling in its old Furby voice. "01001001 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01101110 01101011 00101100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 01100110 01101111 01110010 01100101 00100000 01001001
  48. [16:26] C.L.O.V.E.R: 00100000 01100001 01101101 00101110"
  50. [16:29] Sofia Valentina smiled and nodded. "Yes. Julian is about a month or so old." The baby made her truly happy even when other things might now so much. She was miserable half the time. If it was not for Parker and the baby she would be truly out of it. About the caves, she didn't care either way. Sofia seem to laugh at the implications. "Well... lets see how much they like this." She knew this was an ongoing thing. As James mentions he has a meeting she nods. "Sure, I'll contact you. Let you know when. Leave me Niko's number."
  52. [16:36] James O'Malley (rannulfus) writes it onto a card and offers it to her. Off to the reliquary, and its own secret series of tunnels
  54. [16:37] Jessica Morley: when James mentioned the meeting she would offer her hand to Sofia.- "It was a pleasure ta meet you miss. You will definitely see me poking around the stacks in the future." -she'd offer a half salute to the librarian and spin on her heel, a cigarette coming out of her pocket as she put it to her lips. lighting it once she was about 6 feet from the library door.-
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