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May 23rd, 2015
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  1. !T
  2. Things we need to implement into the server:
  3. Room Founder
  4. Modchat BT (Meaning only i and only i can talk :3)
  5. Custom Avatars
  6. !rekt and similar commands
  7. /daymute
  8. functional /kick
  9. /serverkick: kicks the user from the server, but not ban them, this can be used to kick AFK people to make space for active members, i understand if this is not implementable.
  10. /becomebt - auto warns and mutes Roleplayers.
  11. If possible, give Admins and maybe leaders the ability to change the color of their name.
  12. if possible, allow Leaders to do /roommod and /roomdriver, and allow the room FOUNDER to have a command to allow or not allow them to do it.
  13. A non cancer stafflist.
  14. Some demotions
  15. some promotions.
  16. Less voices (imo we devoice Master Float and Yoshi.)
  17. Mods can give global voices
  18. At least in my opinion, let mods be able to modchat to @ and for leaders to mod chat to &.
  19. Custom Ranks, like ∆ and other things in that nature.
  20. custom battle formats that are not featured in main atm.
  21. Super admin rank: Similar to Room Founder, the Super Admin (Hayley) may only be able to promote people to admin and demote them from admin, but it looks like they are regular admin, again i understand if this is not possible.
  23. An option to turn off and on showjoin and showbattle
  25. Let certain people get custom messages when they join, like it says whenever BT joins it says: "Nub lord is in the server, no RP :3"
  27. tournaments to go towards ladder / some kid of ranking to determine who is good at what tier.
  29. have a bucks system but make everything free and we can use it to determine who would be the richest in the server.
  30. Gambling bucks system.
  32. Have a random pokemon generator built into the pokemon.
  34. i understand if not everything is able to be put in the coding, but i would like as much of it to be in it.
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