
mnem's project

Nov 10th, 2013
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  1. <tenaciousTheseus> Ahaha
  2. <OJ> So
  3. <OJ> What's the world /outside/ the game like?
  4. <wrimoMnem|11160> I admit, I've found I've had plenty to concentrate on in the game. I may have Violet drop a few things about outside-the-game things, but.
  5. <OJ> ...
  6. <OJ> is it cyberpunk
  7. <OJ> pls say yes
  8. <wrimoMnem|11160> Well, considering you've got people fully immersed in games...
  9. <mislaidLullaby> To be fair, though, I wouldn't put money on Vi being a reliable narrator
  10. <tenaciousTheseus> Ehe
  11. * wrimoMnem|11160 chuckles
  12. * sleepyBobbin is now known as Bobbin
  13. <OJ> Because if you make this an AU I want to see what the world outside looks like
  14. <OJ> because it is quite likely absolute shit
  15. <OJ> I meant, like
  16. <OJ> ICly
  17. <OJ> not OOCly
  18. <OJ> OOCly it's perfectly legitimate not to put too much thought into it
  19. * wrimoMnem|11160 nods!
  20. <mislaidLullaby> Generally speaking, if we have people being absorbed by a computer game and it requires people hacking the mainframe to to get them out? I imagine things have gone to shit a bit
  21. <wrimoMnem|11160> I figured that's what you meant.
  22. * Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).
  23. * OJ sets mode +i OJ
  24. * OJ sets mode +w OJ
  25. * OJ sets mode +x OJ
  26. -NickServ- This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your
  27. -NickServ- nick, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password. Otherwise,
  28. -NickServ- please choose a different nick.
  29. -NickServ- Password accepted - you are now recognized.
  30. * Now talking on #nano
  31. * Topic for #nano is: In which studious plotting commences!
  32. * Topic for #nano set by Mnem at Thu Oct 10 12:30:53 2013
  33. * wrimoMnem|11160 is now known as wrimoMnem|11410
  34. <OJ> The concept of "mainframe" itself is cyberpunk because of the centralization it implies in the resulting infrastructure, IMO
  35. <mislaidLullaby> Hm. Mind re-wording that? I don't think I grasp what you're trying to convey, I'm afraid
  36. <OJ> One person is controlling all the data and all that happens with the data
  37. <OJ> Or one organization, as it usually is
  38. <mislaidLullaby> That'd be one /hell/ of a system admin if they were able to maintain an MMO that complex on their own
  39. <OJ> Yeah I figured
  40. <OJ> It's probably a corporation
  41. <OJ> Do you have a name for it?
  42. <mislaidLullaby> Stryker Corp
  43. * leafyMist has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  44. <OJ> So
  45. <OJ> So what if the reason Epi's gone into the Hacking Thing is because he used to know someone and then they got sucked into the murdergame?
  46. * wrimoMnem|11410 nods!
  47. <wrimoMnem|11410> Entirely possible!
  48. <OJ> Another question: where are the /bodies/ being kept while the brains are being used for this thing?
  49. <OJ> What if there /are/ no bodies anymore?
  50. <wrimoMnem|11410> Usually, wherever they dropped. There are still bodies, and that's part of what Violet's been doing.
  51. <wrimoMnem|11410> She tries to find the people in the real world to take care of their bodies.
  52. * Bobbin is now known as corinthianConsequence
  53. <OJ> Hmm. You could buy /some/ time by having the VR things that they use have some sort of water or food administration ability, because otherwise the bodies would pretty uniformly die within a month
  54. <OJ> Water being the more critical
  55. <OJ> And the people who are tapped for NPCing usually being obsessive enough to want a waterhose in their mouths for long playsessions
  56. <OJ> so the 'corp doesn't have to constantly be recruiting as people drop from dehydration
  57. <mislaidLullaby> Or might be told that they'd get upgraded machines in return for signing up
  58. <mislaidLullaby> And they do! It's no good if your NPCs start dropping like flies after all
  59. <wrimoMnem|11410> ^
  60. <OJ> So Myra probably got iced, old-fashioned style, for thinking/hacking her way out...
  61. * Rave has quit (NickServ (GHOST command used by Sretan))
  62. <OJ> Epi's not going to show up. He literally /cannot/ play the game or it will fry him.
  63. <OJ> That adds to the desperation just a tad, doesn't it?
  64. <wrimoMnem|11410> Yep!
  65. <mislaidLullaby> At this point I'm imagining Vi having a collection of people-in-bottles rather than her ships-in-bottles like she does in RV!Canon
  66. * wrimoMnem|11410 imagines the peoplebottles from the Matrix
  67. <OJ> ^
  68. <OJ> Exactly
  69. * Rave ( has joined #nano
  70. <mislaidLullaby> Except it's violet
  71. <mislaidLullaby> they're the peoplebottles with stickers on them
  72. * OJ snorts.
  73. * wrimoMnem|11410 cackles
  74. <wrimoMnem|11410> So Skye gets to worry because "oh no what about her body aaaaa"
  75. <mislaidLullaby> "Look, Jenny! I found stickers with your name on them! This one has a cat on it!"
  76. <mislaidLullaby> "Tomorrow I'll plait your beard for you and then we can figure out where to put them for you to enjoy."
  77. <OJ> ohgod
  78. <Rave> dfasf
  79. <OJ> So /that's/ why Violet doesn't do much of the hacking work anymore.
  80. <OJ> She's busy breaking into people's apartments to keep them alive
  81. <wrimoMnem|11410> Yep!
  82. <mislaidLullaby> After a while she figures out how to get the tubes mobile
  83. <wrimoMnem|11410> That and, sorry Vi, Epi may just be a better hacker'n you.
  84. <mislaidLullaby> Oh, there's no question about /that/
  85. <mislaidLullaby> I've always considered her to be better at hardware than software, after all
  86. <OJ> Well
  87. <OJ> He /was/ taught by the best
  88. * OJ wipes manly tear.
  89. <OJ> So
  90. <OJ> If the Founderfolk were all in an adventuring group together
  91. <OJ> and Myra had managed to get out
  92. <OJ> is /that/ why the rest of them have been scattered to the four winds?
  93. <OJ> and why Skye has no memory anymore?
  94. <mislaidLullaby> ...Oh god, did Vitt get re-scripted into an NPC cloud
  95. <OJ> ..............
  96. <OJ> I am tempted to say he has been turned into a Genius Loci.
  97. <wrimoMnem|11410> ...
  98. <OJ> With, yes. cloud control.
  99. <wrimoMnem|11410> Ooooh yes
  100. <wrimoMnem|11410> yes yes yes
  101. <OJ> And /locations/ don't need to have all that much consciousness, and /certainly/ can't be added to parties!
  102. <wrimoMnem|11410> (hey guys)
  103. <OJ> At least, until the coders shake him loose and the Spirit of the City rises as it was once foretold to.
  104. <mislaidLullaby> (i'm sad)
  105. <mislaidLullaby> (we keep making this worse)
  106. <wrimoMnem|11410> uwu
  107. <wrimoMnem|11410> Why do you think people caught wind of Skye?
  108. <mislaidLullaby> (we just turned vitt into that nightmare dungeon run)
  109. <wrimoMnem|11410> Epi tossed a virus in there that shook up the NPCs and she started going off the rails.
  110. <mislaidLullaby> (god only knows what happened to /cole/)
  111. <OJ> So
  112. <OJ> Founders were an adventuring party
  113. <tenaciousTheseus> Oh god
  114. <OJ> They got NPCd together at first and then Myra very nearly thought/hacked her way out, freeing Violet as a test in the process
  115. <OJ> Then the devs caught wind and iced her, old-fashioned style. Flatline an' everything. And "redistributed" everyone else.
  116. <mislaidLullaby> Vi doesn't come online anymore and didn't exactly come out all in one piece (because when do /any/ of my characters come out in one piece)
  117. <wrimoMnem|11410> uwu
  118. <mislaidLullaby> (oops sorry mnem i should not dictate ur book sorry)
  119. <OJ> Yeah, Violet can't enter the game anymore
  120. <OJ> Neither c'n Epi
  121. <wrimoMnem|11410> No, it's neat seeing your theories.
  122. <wrimoMnem|11410> I'm not telling you if they're right or wrong~
  123. <mislaidLullaby> Vi would probably turn into a goddamn rock or something if she re-entered the game
  124. <mislaidLullaby> ...Is Epi Mr Rock
  125. <wrimoMnem|11410> But Vi you'd be the /prettiest/ statue~
  126. <OJ> ..............
  127. <OJ> Cole, I think, keeps straight the material properties of all the metals across the realm.
  128. <OJ> This could end /catastrophically/.
  129. <OJ> Wait they probably wouldn't put someone like that in that kind of position it stinks of Villain Arrogance.
  130. <OJ> Hmm
  131. <OJ> Shopkeeper?
  132. <OJ> In some of the most dangerous areas of the game
  133. <OJ> Thus there is a natural progression of who to free
  134. <mislaidLullaby> So he's like that one miner in the middle of the endgame dungeon who just stands there selling people things
  135. <OJ> yyyyep
  136. <mislaidLullaby> Which...Would also make it nightmarishly hard to get him out
  137. <OJ> Exactly!\
  138. <wrimoMnem|11410> (hey guys)
  139. <mislaidLullaby> (oops)
  140. <wrimoMnem|11410> (what would you do if I killed Skye?)
  141. <OJ> Unless the hackers manage to cheat the party some weapons The Matrix-style
  142. <OJ> OH GOD
  143. <mislaidLullaby> (nO)
  144. <mislaidLullaby> ...
  145. <mislaidLullaby> wait
  146. <mislaidLullaby> won't she just respawn?
  147. <wrimoMnem|11410> :3
  148. <OJ> Mnem are you /trying/ to break our hearts
  149. <OJ> oh wait stupid question
  150. <mislaidLullaby> yes
  151. <mislaidLullaby> :c
  152. <OJ> So
  153. <OJ> The reason the Founders haven't been stabilized/found/etc. by Vi is /because/ they're
  154. <OJ> like any good group of Internet friends
  155. <OJ> scattered across the planet
  156. <OJ> They're trying to arrange for search parties in other cities and it's going about as well as you can expect an underground resistance to go in fiction
  157. <OJ> but getting to Skye /too/ /late/
  158. <OJ> at least they will have a body
  159. <Rave> ;n;
  160. <mislaidLullaby> It'll be hard to move those bodies around too, I imagine, and financing looking after them will be a /hell/ of a job
  161. <OJ> That's all right!
  162. <OJ> All Epi needs to do is
  163. <OJ> set someone on hacking a major banking institution...
  164. <OJ> ohhhh shit
  165. <OJ> I'm /certain/ Epi's got plenty of misdirections to make sure other people get caught
  166. <OJ> but as soon as his stooges start getting picked off one at a time...
  167. <wrimoMnem|11410> Welp.
  168. <OJ> There! Sense of urgency!
  169. <OJ> I know those are important for keeping plot moving.
  170. * wrimoMnem|11410 chuckles
  171. <OJ> Do you /know/ how much guilt he's going to end up with for endangering volunteers - and/or innocent people - in order to keep himself safe so he can hopefully maybe get the job done?
  172. <wrimoMnem|11410> Not specifically, but I can imagine!
  173. <OJ> Yeah, I figured
  174. <OJ> oops give me an AU and I plan the corresponding mental breakdown
  175. * wrimoMnem|11410 snorts
  176. <wrimoMnem|11410> "She couldn’t ever remember having such a busy day. She was handing out lists and medicine left and right. Some people commented on how glad they were to see her back, which was odd - Skye hadn’t gone anywhere! She, of all people, would know. Wouldn’t she?"
  177. <Rave> oh dear
  178. <mislaidLullaby> oh dear
  179. * wrimoMnem|11410 is now known as wrimoMnem|11704
  180. <wrimoMnem|11704> uwu
  181. * tenaciousTheseus has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  182. * corinthianConsequence is now known as bobbedNonsense
  183. <wrimoMnem|11704> 20:33 Timmy prepares the summoning circle required to bring the god of distraction into the world... 20:33 Timmy completes the ritual, drawing the god of distraction through, but something goes wrong and they fade away after just a few moments.
  184. <wrimoMnem|11704> timmy
  185. <wrimoMnem|11704> what
  186. <mislaidLullaby> look out!
  187. <mislaidLullaby> he's trying to distract you!"
  188. <Rave> a distraction appears
  189. * wrimoMnem|11704 is now known as stalwartEscalation
  190. * Keleviel ( has joined #nano
  191. <stalwartEscalation> Kel you missed me turning my novel into a full AU I think
  192. <Keleviel> I thought that was already happening
  193. <stalwartEscalation> Other people hopped in. OJ had some great insights!
  194. <mislaidLullaby> I implied somebody was a rock
  195. <OJ> Well
  196. <OJ> I pulled back the curtain a little
  197. <OJ> and help Mnem's story is also cyberpunk now
  198. <mislaidLullaby> And then we implied people were rocks
  199. <stalwartEscalation> And Violet has peoplejars!
  200. <mislaidLullaby> Peoplejars with stickers on them
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