
Plateau intro

Oct 10th, 2015
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  1. [19:04:59] <Gatling> You are wandering around looking for crime to fight
  2. [19:05:31] <Plateau|Jaczac> I do so.
  3. [19:06:08] <Gatling> You notice some fat guy with a pair of bandoliers swung over his chest, wearing a Guy Fawkes mask
  4. [19:06:56] <Plateau|Jaczac> I walk around to an alleyway and lift myself ontop of a building with my power.
  5. [19:07:17] <Plateau|Jaczac> I then monitor the suspect.
  6. [19:07:24] <Plateau|Jaczac> Its unlikely, but i follow regardless.
  7. [19:07:31] * Gatling seems content loitering at a street corner for the time being
  8. [19:08:29] <Plateau|Jaczac> I content myself with monitoring him.
  9. [19:08:37] <Gatling> After a few minutes, he draws a scary looking gun and looks it over
  10. [19:08:47] <Plateau|Jaczac> Oh shit.
  11. [19:08:55] <Plateau|Jaczac> I most definitely keep on him now.
  12. [19:10:32] * Gatling notices someone else approaching him and pockets the gun
  13. [19:10:49] <Plateau|Jaczac> I watch the rendezvous.
  14. [19:11:22] <Gatling> This newcomer appears to be doing his best to look inconspicuous
  15. [19:11:54] * Gatling flashes a predatory grin
  16. [19:13:11] <Gatling> "Tear gas, frags, and a Roc. What else can I get you?"
  17. [19:13:39] <Plateau|Jaczac> Ah! A weapons deal in progress.
  18. [19:13:48] <Plateau|Jaczac> I take out my camera and film the proceedings.
  19. [19:14:25] <Newcomer> "Enough. Untraceable?"
  20. [19:14:44] <Gatling> "Who do you take me for? Of course."
  21. [19:14:59] <Gatling> "Say the word and they go back to normal, too."
  22. [19:15:19] <Gatling> "Or I make the evidence disappear entirely."
  23. [19:15:37] <Plateau|Jaczac> Hmm. Who knows what that guy's powers are.
  24. [19:15:41] <Plateau|Jaczac> Gotta make this quick.
  25. [19:16:04] <Plateau|Jaczac> I make 5 walls appear around them
  26. [19:16:08] <Plateau|Jaczac> one to box them in
  27. [19:16:13] <Plateau|Jaczac> and one to split them apart
  28. [19:16:26] <Plateau|Jaczac> 1 foot wide, and 8 feet tall
  29. [19:16:53] <Gatling> The two villains burst into action
  30. [19:17:18] <Plateau|Jaczac> I retreat to behind the buildings and call 911.
  31. [19:17:33] * Gatling unclips two grenades from his vest and starts blasting through the walls
  32. [19:17:52] * Newcomer shoots a steady stream of fire
  33. [19:18:06] <Plateau|Jaczac> I reinforce whatever walls are being broken
  34. [19:18:16] <911> "This is 911, what is your emergency?"
  35. [19:18:46] <Plateau|Jaczac> "There was a weapons deal between two villians, could have powers. Corner of 31st and market st.
  36. [19:18:59] <Plateau|Jaczac> I'm an independent hero."
  37. [19:19:28] <911> "Hero team is en route."
  38. [19:19:38] <Plateau|Jaczac> "Appreciated."
  39. [19:19:44] <911> "Any more information you can give us?"
  40. [19:20:12] <Plateau|Jaczac> "They have live weapons, one with some pretty large stuff. Some grenades, but they can't use them for fear of hitting themselves."
  41. [19:20:37] <Plateau|Jaczac> "They're boxed in, I recommend just dropping a foam grenade or whatever inside."
  42. [19:21:02] <Gatling> "The capes will be notified as such."
  43. [19:21:55] <Plateau|Jaczac> "Thank you."
  44. [19:23:04] * Gatling rises out of the box on a pillar of concrete
  45. [19:23:13] <Plateau|Jaczac> Oh shit.
  46. [19:23:16] <Gatling> "Uncalled for!"
  47. [19:23:20] <Plateau|Jaczac> I make a wall infront of me.
  48. [19:23:26] <Plateau|Jaczac> "Perfectly called for."
  49. [19:23:40] * Gatling empties a clip of bullets into the wall
  50. [19:24:13] <Gatling> "What, you got a problem with my client?"
  51. [19:24:36] <Plateau|Jaczac> I make a diagonal wall coming out of the pillar then another to hit him in the face.
  52. [19:25:12] * Gatling stumbles back, then snarls at you
  53. [19:25:35] <Plateau|Jaczac> "You know, I probably shoulda called the cops, in retrospect."
  54. [19:25:46] <Plateau|Jaczac> I make a pillar shoot up at his wrist
  55. [19:25:52] <Plateau|Jaczac> Thin, like 3x3 inches
  56. [19:26:22] * Gatling grabs at the pillar, dropping his gun in the process
  57. [19:26:37] <Plateau|Jaczac> I knock it toward me.
  58. [19:27:13] * Newcomer finally burns his way through your walls
  59. [19:27:39] * Gatling lobs two grenades your way
  60. [19:27:43] <Plateau|Jaczac> I raise myself up to avoid them
  61. [19:27:48] <Plateau|Jaczac> and scramble onto a building.
  62. [19:28:18] * Gatling pauses for a few seconds
  63. [19:28:36] <Gatling> "You called the cops? Seriously?"
  64. [19:28:51] <Plateau|Jaczac> "Ah, "
  65. [19:28:53] <Plateau|Jaczac> "No?"
  66. [19:28:57] <Gatling> "We weren't even killing anyone yet!"
  67. [19:29:06] <Gatling> "Not until you showed up."
  68. [19:29:19] <Plateau|Jaczac> "You were dealing massive guns!"
  69. [19:29:24] <Plateau|Jaczac> "I have a record!"
  70. [19:29:33] * Newcomer shoots fire at you
  71. [19:29:52] <Gatling> "Of course I deal guns!"
  72. [19:29:54] <Plateau|Jaczac> Can I make a pillar fast enough?"
  73. [19:29:59] <Gatling> Yes
  74. [19:30:00] <Plateau|Jaczac> "Thats bad!"
  75. [19:30:01] <Plateau|Jaczac> I do
  76. [19:30:21] <Gatling> "Money makes the world go round, kid."
  77. [19:30:36] <Gatling> "I happen to like money."
  78. [19:30:46] <Plateau|Jaczac> "Maybe so, but you dont have to break the law and indirectly hurt people."
  79. [19:30:59] <Plateau|Jaczac> I make a pillar and smash the gun.
  80. [19:31:20] <Gatling> "Woah man, now that's just stupid."
  81. [19:31:41] <Gatling> "Didn't anyone ever tell you not to mess with a Tinker's toy?"
  82. [19:32:00] <Plateau|Jaczac> "Oh shit is that gonna explode?"
  83. [19:32:02] <Gatling> "Coulda vaporized the city..."
  84. [19:32:05] <Plateau|Jaczac> I make a box around it.
  85. [19:32:11] <Plateau|Jaczac> "So you are a tinker."
  86. [19:32:35] <Gatling> "No kidding."
  87. [19:33:02] <Plateau|Jaczac> "I thought you were unpowered."
  88. [19:33:07] <Plateau|Jaczac> "Who's your friend?"
  89. [19:33:43] <Gatling> "Balefire? Some small-time villain, new in town, you know the drill."
  90. [19:33:59] <Plateau|Jaczac> I run towards him and make pillars diagonally on my feet to propel myeslf at him.
  91. [19:34:04] <Plateau|Jaczac> And make a flying tackle.
  92. [19:34:45] * Gatling takes the hit, reaching around to drag you down with him
  93. [19:34:56] <Gatling> "Y'know what else you never do?"
  94. [19:35:06] <Plateau|Jaczac> I make a pillar grow up to hit him in the back of the head
  95. [19:35:34] * Gatling winces, but his mask seems to suffer the brunt of the damage
  96. [19:35:48] <Plateau|Jaczac> I punch him.
  97. [19:35:49] <Gatling> "You don't tackle the guy wearing the bombs!"
  98. [19:36:50] <Gatling> In the corner of your vision, you notice Balefire running away
  99. [19:36:49] <Plateau|Jaczac> "Im!"
  100. [19:36:56] <Plateau|Jaczac> "Gonna call your bluff!"
  101. [19:37:02] <Plateau|Jaczac> I make a pillar smack him in the head
  102. [19:37:21] <Plateau|Jaczac> then lift him up as far as possiblee to try to incapacitate him
  103. [19:39:17] <Plateau|Jaczac> Ok I meant that I lifted him up, so that he can only jump down.
  104. [19:39:21] <Plateau|Jaczac> I did this to Balefire.
  105. [19:39:29] <Plateau|Jaczac> For gatling i just keep hitting him
  106. [19:39:51] <Gatling> Balefire is stuck, Gatling is comatose
  107. [19:40:00] <Plateau|Jaczac> "Job well done."
  108. [19:40:26] <Plateau|Jaczac> I steal gatlings guns and make another pillar with them on it.
  109. [19:40:28] <Plateau|Jaczac> Then leave.
  110. [19:41:20] <Plateau|Jaczac> Actually I dont leave.
  111. [19:41:31] <Plateau|Jaczac> I stay and wait for the cops.
  112. [19:41:34] <Plateau|Jaczac> I want to talk to them.
  113. [19:41:52] <Gatling> The cops don't seem to be arriving any time soon
  114. [19:42:16] <Plateau|Jaczac> I still stay. I want to talk to them.
  115. [19:42:47] <Gatling> After about ten minutes of this, Gatling stirs
  116. [19:42:57] <Plateau|Jaczac> I make a collar around his neck.
  117. [19:43:01] <Plateau|Jaczac> "Sorry kid."
  118. [19:43:10] <Plateau|Jaczac> I also make a collar around his hand..
  119. [19:43:28] <Gatling> "Not cool."
  120. [19:43:35] <Plateau|Jaczac> "Its neccessary."
  121. [19:43:39] <Gatling> "A guy's gotta eat."
  122. [19:43:54] <Plateau|Jaczac> "Find a way to eat that doesnt involve selling dangerous weapons."
  123. [19:44:24] <Gatling> "Weren't dangerous."
  124. [19:44:29] <Gatling> "Fakes."
  125. [19:44:39] <Plateau|Jaczac> "Really?"
  126. [19:44:50] <Gatling> "May as well have been."
  127. [19:44:57] <Plateau|Jaczac> "Wht?"
  128. [19:45:02] <Gatling> "My tech. I do what I want with it."
  129. [19:45:40] <Plateau|Jaczac> "And that means you sell it to them, then deactivate it."
  130. [19:45:49] <Plateau|Jaczac> "Or blow itup, or whatever?"
  131. [19:46:05] <Gatling> "Disintegrate."
  132. [19:46:11] <Gatling> "They fall apart."
  133. [19:46:29] <Plateau|Jaczac> "Thats not terrible."
  134. [19:46:32] <Plateau|Jaczac> "I guess."
  135. [19:46:33] <Gatling> "Come on. I'm a Rogue, not a monster."
  136. [19:46:56] <Plateau|Jaczac> "You're a rogue."
  137. [19:47:03] <Plateau|Jaczac> "That sells to Villians."
  138. [19:47:16] <Gatling> "Yeah, empty guns."
  139. [19:47:39] <Plateau|Jaczac> I lift myself up to one of the guns and fire it into the air.
  140. [19:47:52] <Gatling> The gun crumbles to dust
  141. [19:48:11] <Gatling> "Bombs too."
  142. [19:48:20] <Gatling> "Harmless unless I let them work."
  143. [19:48:28] <Plateau|Jaczac> "Clever."
  144. [19:48:35] <Plateau|Jaczac> "You were still selling to villians."
  145. [19:49:01] <Plateau|Jaczac> "And you shot at me. I can't just let you go."
  146. [19:49:13] <Plateau|Jaczac> "Admittedly, that excusable because i made you a cage."
  147. [19:50:14] <Gatling> "Who are you, anyway?"
  148. [19:50:27] <Plateau|Jaczac> "New guy I guess."
  149. [19:50:36] <Gatling> "Some power."
  150. [19:50:45] <Plateau|Jaczac> "Yep. I cant retract them though."
  151. [19:51:09] * Gatling starts laughing
  152. [19:51:25] <Gatling> "You've done more property damage than I have, 'hero'."
  153. [19:51:38] <Plateau|Jaczac> I shrug."
  154. [19:51:53] <Plateau|Jaczac> "If you gave me a diamond I could make more. Money... Isnt really a problem."
  155. [19:52:09] <Plateau|Jaczac> "I'll be helping the city repair my damage."
  156. [19:52:53] <Gatling> "If I had diamonds, I wouldn't need to take money from Villains."
  157. [19:53:10] <Plateau|Jaczac> "I'm afraid I cant just monetize my thing and just give it to anyone."
  158. [19:53:15] <Plateau|Jaczac> "Although..."
  159. [19:53:20] <Plateau|Jaczac> "What do you make your guns out of?"
  160. [19:53:54] <Gatling> "Nothing. Spare parts. Anything I can find."
  161. [19:55:40] <Plateau|Jaczac> "I can get you the finest steel."
  162. [19:55:45] <Plateau|Jaczac> "Titanium, anything."
  163. [19:55:57] <Plateau|Jaczac> "We can work together if you swear to only sell to the Heroes."
  164. [19:56:03] <Plateau|Jaczac> "And if they fall, revoke their guns."
  165. [19:56:06] <Gatling> "..."
  166. [19:56:16] * Gatling bursts into laughter
  167. [19:56:30] <Gatling> "Did I just get CONSCRIPTED!?"
  168. [19:57:24] <Plateau|Jaczac> "You can not accept, but I'll still turn you in."
  169. [19:57:31] <Plateau|Jaczac> "Two more strikes, you'll be fine."
  170. [19:57:49] <Plateau|Jaczac> "I'm giving you a chance to make the best stuff you have, plus not be morally reprehensible."
  171. [19:58:13] <Gatling> "Sure, fine, deal. I need those strikes."
  172. [19:58:14] <Plateau|Jaczac> "And the [hero group] pays great for tinker stuff- So do i, of course."
  173. [19:59:44] <Gatling> "Yeah, whatever. You got a name?"
  174. [20:00:24] <Plateau|Jaczac> "Plateau."
  175. [20:00:31] <Plateau|Jaczac> "Or mesa, havent decided."
  176. [20:00:36] <Plateau|Jaczac> "But probably Plateau."
  177. [20:00:52] <Gatling> "Heh. Gatling."
  178. [20:01:22] <Gatling> "So. S'pose I'm a Hero now, eh?"
  179. [20:02:20] <Plateau|Jaczac> "Yep."
  180. [20:02:23] <Plateau|Jaczac> "I uh."
  181. [20:02:28] <Plateau|Jaczac> "Still cant get you out."
  182. [20:02:31] <Plateau|Jaczac> "Sorry man."
  183. [20:02:45] <Plateau|Jaczac> "Unless you have a hammer or blowtorch or something?"
  184. [20:03:08] <Gatling> "Nah, s'all good."
  185. [20:03:43] * Gatling wrenches his arm out of the shackle with a sickening crack
  186. [20:04:56] <Plateau|Jaczac> "Augh holy shit."
  187. [20:05:04] <Gatling> "The, uh, neck bit might be a bit tougher."
  188. [20:07:17] <Gatling> "Actually, can you grab my thermite grenade? Third pouch from the right."
  189. [20:07:31] <Plateau|Jaczac> "Sure."
  190. [20:07:34] <Plateau|Jaczac> I do so.
  191. [20:07:49] * Gatling grabs it and holds it up to his throat
  192. [20:07:55] <Gatling> "May wanna back away."
  193. [20:07:59] <Plateau|Jaczac> "Sure."
  194. [20:08:01] <Plateau|Jaczac> I do so
  195. [20:08:14] * Gatling explodes
  196. [20:08:38] <Gatling> "Alright, carry on."
  197. [20:08:42] * Gatling gets back up
  198. [20:10:39] <Gatling> "S'pose I'll see ya later, boss?"
  199. [20:12:33] <Plateau|Jaczac> "I will."
  200. [20:12:40] <Plateau|Jaczac> "We'll leave this jackass here."
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