
Selling Pastries [Silly One Shot]

Jul 19th, 2012
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  1. >Day 300 in Equestria
  3. >You got a job at Donut Joe's bakery.
  4. >And hopefully, nothing bad will happen to ruin your first day.
  5. >You don't know why, but the mares around town started to act strangely recently.
  6. >When you asked about it, the only answer you got was that it's 'this time of the year' again.
  7. >Fucking crazy ponies.
  8. >Speaking of crazy pony, here comes your first customer.
  9. >An orange mare with a Stetson hat.
  10. >"Howdy partner!"
  11. "Hello Miss, what can I do for you today?"
  12. >"Ah think ah'll take an apple strudel to go."
  13. "Right away."
  14. >You turn around a grab the strudel.
  15. >"Ah didn't know Joe was hiring."
  16. "Excuse me?"
  17. >"Joe, he usually runs this place all alone. I'm just surprised to see someone else work here."
  18. "Yeah, Joe said he needed a week of vacation, so he hired me to replace him temporarily."
  19. >You put the strudel in a bag and drop it on the counter.
  20. "That'll be three bits."
  21. >She drops the coins in your hand, then looks you up and down.
  22. >"Well, you look like could handle some good, hard, physical work."
  23. >She puts a certain emphasis on 'physical work' that makes you uncomfortable.
  24. >"If ya want a job, come to Ponyville's orchard and ask for Applejack."
  25. "I'll be sure to make it worth your time."
  26. "I- uh- I'll think about it."
  27. >"Don't make me wait Sugarcube."
  28. >And with that, she leaves the store, strudel in mouth.
  29. >See? That's what you meant. Since yesterday, all the mares you saw were acting flirty around you.
  30. >It's insufferable.
  34. >Alright, second customer.
  35. >Yellow coat, pink mane, kinda cute and, hopefully, sane.
  36. "Hello Miss, what can I get for you?"
  37. >"Ummm..."
  38. >"I'll take..."
  39. >"No... Maybe I could..."
  40. >Oh god, it's one of THOSE customers.
  41. >"Is that...?"
  42. >"Oh! That looks pretty good!"
  43. >Fucking finally.
  44. >"Hmmm... no, I'd rather not..."
  45. >God dammit.
  46. >You really don't want to spend all day on this.
  47. "Excuse me, Miss? Can I suggest something?"
  48. >"N-no, I can do this..."
  49. >You swear to god, if she doesn't finish at least one sentence in the next 15 seconds, you'll throw her out the fucking window.
  50. >3 minutes later, she's still going on with her ellipsises.
  51. >You think you might have crushed the bridge of your nose between your thumb and your index.
  52. >"Excuse me, Sir?
  53. >Did whatever god that rules this world finally answers your prayer?
  54. "Yes?"
  55. >"Is indecisive customers your fetish?"
  56. >What?
  57. "No?"
  58. >"Oh... I'll take a bear claw, then."
  59. >You will not kill the customers. You will not kill the customers. You will not kill the customers.
  60. >You force a smile.
  61. "Sure. Three bits, please."
  62. >She pays you, grabs her pastry and flutters out.
  66. >The doorchime rings as another customer enters.
  67. >Before you can get a good look at her, she's rushed up to the counter.
  68. >"Hi hi!"
  69. >Startled, you collect yourself.
  70. "Hey there, what can I get ya?"
  71. >Full-on pink mare.
  72. >Pink coat, pink hair.
  73. >You're pretty sure if her words were visible, they would be pink.
  74. >"I'll take a dozen donuts, aaaaaand a bag of cream puffs, aaaaaand a cherry pie!"
  75. >Quite a bit.
  76. "You got it! Getting ready for a party?"
  77. >She snickers.
  78. >"Silly, you should ALWAYS be ready for a party! But this is my lunch."
  79. >...
  80. >You slide open the plate glass, revealing the delicious treats.
  81. "Okay, one dozen donuts."
  82. >"Oh, can you make sure they are glaaaazed?"
  83. "Of course!"
  84. >As you bend over, reaching into the cabinet, you can see her staring.
  85. >"Goodie goodie! I always love a good coating of glaze~"
  86. >Ignore the obvious innuendo.
  87. >Ignore it.
  88. >You place the box on top of the counter, and reach into the cabinet for her second item.
  89. "One bag of cream puffs..."
  90. >"Mmmm..."
  91. >You see her licking her lips as you grab the pastry.
  92. >She isn't looking at the puffs.
  93. >Upright once more, you hold out the bag.
  94. >"I love when my puff's full of cream..."
  95. >She grabs the pastries.
  96. >"...especially if it's whipped~"
  97. >God damn mare.
  98. >Alright, one last treat.
  99. "And finally, one cherry pie!"
  100. >You grab the pie, and close the plate glass slider.
  101. >The pink mare's eyes look at you deeply.
  102. >Those are bedroom eyes, for certain...
  103. >You notice them long enough to lose focus.
  104. >The pie falls out of your grip, which ends up splattering against the counter.
  105. "Oh no, I'm so sorry!"
  106. >Lightly giggling, she looks down to the mess.
  107. >"Mister, you broke my cherry!"
  108. >Looking back at you, those bedroom eyes are back.
  109. >"But it's okay, as long as it's you~"
  110. >That's enough of that.
  111. >Let's get this over with as fast as possible.
  112. >You quickly retrieve a new pie and gives it to her.
  113. "7 bits, the pie's free."
  114. >"Thanks, you're such a sweetie!"
  115. >She slowly brings the payment to the counter, never breaking eye contact.
  116. >Oh come on! Just pay and leave, ya crazy dame!
  117. >She, thankfully, leaves without making the situation even more uncomfortable.
  118. >You sink your head in your hands.
  119. "Why did I accept this job..."
  123. >You once again hear the jingle caused by someone entering the bakery.
  124. >Lifting your head from your hands, you can see that it's another mare. White coat and stylish purple mane.
  125. >Great.
  126. "Hello Miss, how can I help you today?"
  127. >"A simple Mille-Feuille will do."
  128. >What the fuck is a 'Mille-Feuille'?
  129. >Good thing Joe left you a scroll with common 'Fancy to Equestrian' translations.
  130. >Let's see, she wants a... Vanilla Slice.
  131. >You sigh. Silly fancy ponies and their silly fancy terms.
  132. >"You know, you like quite dashing in that outfit."
  133. >Yeah, a stain covered apron over some work clothes.
  134. >Dapper as fuck.
  135. >"But you know what would look better on you Darling?"
  136. >"A tuxedo. You see, I've recently received a large order from minotaurs and I would need more experience with the bipedal body type."
  137. >You start packing her order.
  138. "Sorry Miss, I don't thi-"
  139. >"There's some bits in it for you, if you accept to model for me."
  140. >Bits?
  141. "When and where?"
  142. >"Splendid! You'll just have to come over my temporary residence in Canterlot tonight."
  143. >"We'll get you out of those silly garments and take some measurement."
  144. >Her eyes trail down a little as she ends her sentence.
  145. >You're pretty sure it's not your waist she wants to 'measure'.
  146. >You roll your eyes.
  147. "I'll see if I'm free."
  148. >You won't be.
  149. "Here's your order, that'll be 4 bits."
  150. >She floats the bits to you and leaves with her pastry.
  151. >You're pretty sure you could see her bite her lips as she turned around.
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