
april 30th story, old needs retooling

Oct 13th, 2012
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  1. ******some of you may remember this from a long fucking time ago, around april 30th to be exact. i never went further with it because it needed serious re tooling. i think i posted up to about day 4 in the thread before i decided that parts were too self inserty for my liking, and that i would need to seriously retool it. but it was also around this time that i also thought up a fairly interesting alt take on the events. so im pastebining this whole damn thing for now, will retool the shit out of it at a later point in time, but other than that, the means to the end will be about the same... final note, only the text in the stars was added, everything else was as is sense april 30th*******
  3. i cant spell, i cant write dialogue, so dont expect miracles from me, also dont count on me takeing the story where you want.
  5. >wake up... slow
  6. >what is this smell... is is pine needles? christmas was a long fucking time ago... wheres this smell coming from?
  7. >groggy as fuck you slowly wake up and look around you...
  8. >where the fuck is my computer?
  9. >where the fuck is my bed?
  10. >where the fuck am i?
  12. 2 hours pass
  14. > ok, from what you can tell, you are in the middle of a forest
  15. >from what you can tell you weren't dragged in there
  16. >from what you can tell... there is no way out...
  17. >but more disturbingly
  18. >from what you feel
  19. >you are fuckng hungry
  20. >being able to down a large thin crust pizza in one go isn't going to help...
  21. >you are used to that much food
  22. >does this forest have food?
  23. >fuck...
  25. 6 hours later
  27. >you found various nuts
  28. >but you also found mushrooms...
  29. >the nuts you are ok with eating on the spot, hell you can most likely taste if they are bad or not...
  30. >the mushrooms... not so much...
  31. >you are a bit disturbed by the fact it took you 6 hours to get that food... and its not even one fourth of what you usually eat...
  32. >god damnit i'm going to be hungry
  33. >shit
  34. >FUCK
  35. >the nuts weren't enough, but there is no way in hell im eating mushrooms till im damn near dying
  37. 4 hours later
  39. >hunger... dieing... fuck...
  40. >those mushrooms are looking tasty now
  41. >you stop... and weight the pros and cons
  42. >you can only think of one pro... they may not be poison, and a plethora of cons.
  43. >than you hear it
  44. >water
  45. >a stream, brook, river... you don't fucking know but you hear it.
  46. >decide to fuck the mushroom idea for now, and down some water to help me cure the hunger
  48. 2 hours later
  50. >not hungry, and somewhat tied to the stream... you decide this is where camp will be.
  51. >you look around for what could be useful...
  52. >you find some sticks and a Y shaped one
  53. >you begin its creation
  55. 1 hour later
  57. >you made a small campsite
  58. >nothing fancy, but it gets the job done
  59. >big leaves for walls
  60. >small leaves for bedding
  61. >a decomposing log with several big leaves for a pillow...
  62. >you got this shit made...
  63. >you decide to sleep...
  65. 30 min later
  67. >fuck...
  68. >you need a sleep aid
  69. >shit you were basically addicted to them before
  70. >than you take note of everything you will miss
  71. >sleep aid
  72. >porn
  73. >food
  74. >mountain dew
  75. >ibuprofen
  76. >wait
  77. >wait a fucking minute...
  78. >your wrist was so fucked that you couldn't go 8 hours before without 4 of those pills,
  79. >you know you at least have been without them for half a day, possibly longer,
  80. >why is your wrist ok
  81. >for that matter, why can you still grip things...
  82. >you did heavy lifting
  83. >that usually took your hand out for a good 3-4 days...
  84. >on that note your back is ok...
  85. >your arch of your feet isn't splitting after all the standing you did...
  86. >your eyes arent arent aching either like usual...
  87. >you take off your glasses...
  88. >holy shit...
  89. >you don't even need glasses anymore
  90. >you write a letter in a nearby tree and try to read it at varying distances...
  91. >if you had to take a guess you were about 30/20,
  92. > you use to be closer to 90/20 and 110/20 depending on the eye
  93. >looking back on it,
  94. >your life till then,
  95. >these glasses saved your eyed from shrapnel far to many times to count,
  96. >as long as they don't obstruct your vision, you decide better to have them on than not
  97. >you let out an epic yawn
  98. >you are tired now... what the fuck,
  99. >you were not even sleepy before...
  100. >well fuck it, sleep time now
  102. day 1 end
  104. day 2
  106. >getting up,
  107. >feeling better than you ever did before
  108. >you decide better find food fast.
  109. >decide to run up and down stream to see if there is anything convenient
  110. >you don't see anything down stream so you stop...
  111. >and you notice it...
  112. >in your world, you felt like something was missing.. and unknown emptiness
  113. >but here...
  114. >you can’t put your finger on it,
  115. >but you feel the void closing... but with what...
  116. >deciding fuck it food, you decide to walk upstream
  117. >you count every step you take, assuming its a yard each...
  118. >you count to 100, than replace it with a finger and start over at 1
  119. >1 finger
  120. >2 finger
  121. >3 finger
  122. >how fuckin far did you go
  123. >4 finger
  124. >5 finger
  125. >up to 10 fingers... decide to make right hand 500, left hand 100
  126. >well fuck me 5 right hand, 5 left hand before you even see camp...
  127. >damn...
  128. >you realize... you aren't in shape at all, yet you just walked close to 2 miles without breaking a sweat or even noticing it...
  129. >something is definitely up, and you like it.
  132. 2 hours later
  134. >down stream, you find many nuts, but nothing that is sustainable...
  135. >you will need to venture into the forest again...
  136. >decide to hold off, you got at least 2 days of nuts, no need to venture off today
  138. 8 hours later
  140. >you sit there wondering how the fuck you should go about scouting the forrest
  141. >you don't have anything to mark the woods with at least noticeably
  142. >than you hear it
  143. >the howl of a wolf
  144. >fuck
  145. >fuck
  146. >FUCK
  147. >you don't have a weapon, and your camp is on the ground...
  148. >you have no clue what the hell you should do...
  149. >but that's not the worst... you hear it yelp
  150. >you can't even begin to imagine what did that
  151. >nothing could have prepared you for the roar... nothing
  152. >fucking think...
  154. >climb a tree
  155. >you may not be able fight either head on, but kicking down from a tree... you may get lucky.
  157. 4 hours later
  159. >you got up the free, you guess 40 feet...
  160. >and found what appears to be a great place to stay, a nice thick branch, and 2 smaller ones right next to it,
  161. >its not ideal, but you could sleep there...
  162. >you hope
  163. >there you see it...
  164. >everquest has taught you about many creatures...
  165. >you don't want to fucking believe it... but you can't deny
  166. >manticore
  167. >you never been so scared in your life
  168. >but it doesn't see you,
  169. >it just wanders by...
  170. >your nice camp no longer an option...
  171. >you decide sleep will be important for tomorrow.
  173. day 2 end
  176. day 3
  178. >summoning the balls to leave the tree, you decide to venture away from the water,
  179. >your rationing is any animal will come to it, friendly or not, to drink
  180. >and you want to be nowhere near that
  181. >you decide to cross the stream, and head that way,
  182. >you have thought of trying to leave the forest,
  183. >but the manticore last night made you reconsider this
  184. >if that thing, as big as it is, lives in a confined space as this forest, what ever the fuck is out there must be scary enough for the thing to not want any part of that...
  185. >you do not want to leave, but you can't stay here.
  187. 2 hours later
  189. >it finally dawns on your slow ass...
  190. >manticores are not real animals,
  191. >you re think that a bit...
  192. >you didn't think narwhals were real either.
  194. 30 min later
  196. >you decide manticore are not real...
  197. >no fucking way did something that awesome and scary exist and you not know about it
  198. >well shit...
  199. >this ain't earth...
  201. 4 hours later
  203. >along the way you gathered nuts, and ate on the way,
  204. >to the point you were full..
  205. >did you eat that many?
  206. >no...
  207. >no way did you eat that many to be full
  209. 3 hours later
  211. >you found a big tree, big enough for you to climb and get a great view
  212. >you notice it in the distance
  213. >architecture
  214. >a building that can't be forrest made
  215. >it appears to be one big building...
  216. >all the pops into mind is castle...
  217. >but its a ways away...
  218. >and you have no fucking clue how to reach it
  219. >you find a nice branch and decide to go to sleep
  221. day 3 end
  223. day 4
  226. >trees are not places one should sleep.
  227. >dear god you are at least 80 fucking feet up
  228. >holding yourself by your hands, and legs
  229. >god fuck damnit shitcunt fuck
  230. >ok
  231. >ok
  232. >situation critical...
  233. >you focus all your might on your arms and legs
  234. >eyes closed, you try to pull your ass up
  235. >there's a glow...
  236. >and you are back up to sitting...
  237. >the fuck was that glow...
  238. >deciding that it was life flashing before eyes type of thing, you brush it off and get the fuck out of the tree.
  240. 5 hours later
  242. >not a single animal...
  243. >you aren't upset, far from it
  244. >you are glad... but just don't know why
  246. 1 hour later
  248. >well fuck you
  249. >FUCK YOU
  250. >god damnit it there is a huge cliff between you and the castle thing you saw
  251. >well. better walk along cliff, if there is architecture there may be a bridge.
  252. >you so don't want to climb a tree to scout, at least not after this morning.
  254. 3 hours later
  256. >well fuck me again...
  257. >i went the wrong way...
  258. >from a small clearing, you can see parts of the castle, but its the other fucking way,
  259. >god damnit
  260. >and FUCK YOU sun
  261. >does it have to be beaming on me...
  263. 4 hours later
  265. >well fuck me yet a fucking again...
  266. >bridge
  267. >raggedy, old as fuck, can't trust it for shit, bridge...
  268. >well nice knowing you castle
  269. >turn around, only to stare my imminent death in the face....
  270. >manticore
  271. >god... you see this mess right here... this is why i don't fucking believe in you
  272. >its a good 20 feet away
  273. >and it sees you
  274. >its getting ready to pounce...
  275. >well bridge, you are my only friend now.
  276. >you fucking run...
  277. >god you aren't fast enough,
  278. >its almost to the bridge...
  279. >god halfway there... and no chance of living...
  280. >and you hear it
  281. >SNAP
  282. >that fucking thing tried to run on it...
  283. >at least you and it will be dying together.
  284. >3/4 the way across, and you no longer feel under your feet.
  285. >you keep running in air, falling, what the fuck are you still running for...
  286. >and there it is again, but blue glow...
  287. >you dont give a fuck
  288. >why should you
  289. >SMACK
  290. >you hit the other side...
  292. >it's not lost on you to grab the bridge... and you do,
  293. >but fucking how?
  294. >you climb up
  295. >once on solid ground, you look back...
  296. >the manticore didn't fall
  297. >seeing as how you didn't die... you aren't to pissed.
  298. >you flip it off and are on your way to the castle
  300. 1 hour later
  302. > looking through it, you find on the ground, a sword and shield,
  303. >both heavily fucking rusted, but that matters not
  304. > they are better than hands
  305. >you take them, and find what looks like and old bedroom.
  306. >decide this is your new camp side.
  307. >sit on bed...
  308. >surprising springy and not shitty, all things considered.
  309. >you bar the old ass door and get some sleep
  312. day 4 end.
  314. day 5
  316. >mother fucker you are in a castle.
  319. >so you stretch a bit, and look at yourself...
  320. >what the fuck...
  321. >you are 6 1 and 240 lbs...
  322. >or you were at least
  323. >you are sure you are 6 1
  324. >but you can't weigh 240lbs
  325. >hell you don't think you could even weigh 200
  326. >how the fuck did you lose 40 in what... 4 days of activity...
  327. >and you seem to have gained some muscle....
  328. >you aren't ripped, but you aren't weak either
  329. >you decide to see what you can lift...
  330. >fuck... that looks heavy
  331. >it should be heavy
  332. >but you are lifting it... not over head, but you are lifting it... it has to be at least 200lbs
  333. >after this revelation you decide to look around a bit...
  335. 2 hours later
  337. >you scavenged all you could,
  338. >there is a well that looks to be usable
  339. >there is a basement with all kinds of shit, namely food...
  340. > how the fuck does it still have food.
  341. >you aren't the smartest, so you tried some
  342. >doesn't taste bad, and after a long time, you aren't sick
  343. >there appears to be at least 2 months of food if you ration it out...
  344. >not that you are eating much anyway.
  345. >but most interestingly, you scavenge books.
  346. >none are in english exactly, but you notice repeating patterns...
  347. >what the fuck was this called...
  348. >it looks like nordic rune... something a friend learned in school, and tried to teach you.
  349. >fuck
  350. >must decipher it.
  352. 8 hours later
  354. >it took time, but you got the alphabet down again. and started in reading.
  355. >it sounds like a children's book, written in the first person
  356. >it goes on about a unicorn, learning how to use her magic,
  357. >but something's wrong...
  358. >this isnt a normal “you struggle, you overcome, woop woop” kids book
  359. >if you had to say anything... its like if the 2 things were real... this would be a guide
  360. >you didn't bother reading the cover of the book the first time,
  361. >its a bit fucked up
  362. >but you save your spot and turn it to the first pages again
  363. >you can't make it out exactly.
  364. >fuck
  365. >come on.
  366. >you are better than this...
  368. >it's to far gone... i mean it was in the elements for a long time...
  369. >that's not stopping you though....
  370. >RS DE C
  371. >thats all that you can make out
  372. >where else could the name be written
  373. >spine...
  374. >B G T M C
  375. >fuck can this thing not be chewed the fuck up....
  376. >ah copyright page
  377. >...
  378. >non existent
  379. >fucking epilogue page
  380. >not there... but back cover, inside, you see what looks like to be an ad
  381. >its along the lines of
  382. >”thank you for your interest in the beginners guide to magic, we hope you found it as useful as we intended it to be, please consider the following books...” and its chewed there too
  383. >well
  384. >magic book
  385. >you decide this is the time you should probably get to sleep.
  387. day 5 end.
  389. day 6
  391. >so, today, you look yourself over again...
  392. >you aren't ripped, but shit if you didn't lose another 10 lbs.
  393. >what the fuck is wrong with you
  394. >you don't feel sick
  395. >you feel
  396. >great
  397. >really
  398. >you haven't been able to say that in years and be serious
  399. >but you are
  400. >for the hell of it, you decide to try basic exercises, to see when you get tired.
  401. >pushups
  402. >situps
  403. >squats
  404. >and chinups
  405. >in order, your records are 25, 56, null, and 1 for how many times you could do them before tiring, squats is new, never did them before.
  407. 2 hours later
  409. >in order 300, 300, 300, 100
  410. >you are tired, but not tired... more like warmed up... you could still go... but tire of the count....
  411. >decide to put this off to read more of that book.
  413. 8 hours later
  415. >you are about half way done...
  416. >amazing how easy this is to read, all things considered...
  418. another 8 hours later
  420. >you are finished,
  421. >tired
  422. >so fucking tired
  423. >hungry
  424. >so hungry
  425. >get up. get your shit, go to sleep
  426. >blue glow again, but you so don't fucking care
  429. day 6 end
  431. day 7
  433. >again... the fuck
  434. >you swear you have little body fat left at all,
  435. >you look ripped now, but muscle isnt bulging... thank christ... you hate that look so much
  436. >you feel your face
  437. >no facial hair either...
  438. >ok
  439. >feel face more...
  440. >ok seriously.
  441. >with how ripped you are, you would expect your face to be less... squishy, but it doesn't feel like it is...
  442. >its like your body is forming you your ideal shape.
  443. >and while we are on the subject, your hands... not once have they hurt...
  444. >having finished that book yesterday, you decide to see if you can apply any of it to yourself.
  445. >you have no horn...
  446. >but let's think of it in another instance.
  447. >what if the horn was just the focal object... couldn't you focus on other things?
  448. >after scouring the castle days ago, you discovered weird ring like objects,
  449. >you decide to place it on your hand and fit it you your finger by bending it.
  450. >this... THIS will be your focal object for now.
  451. >get a rock
  452. >small one
  453. >that will be what you levitate
  455. 12 hours later, and one meal too
  457. >still focusing on that rock... you see it... blue again
  458. >it startles you a bit...
  459. >but you holdit, and try to levitate that fucking rock...
  460. >come on
  461. >levitate
  462. >come on
  463. >it moves
  464. >not levitate
  465. >but moves
  466. >more exhausting than any of that exercise you did, you give it one more go
  467. >blue is back, easier this time
  468. >rock is moving, again easier this time
  469. >its off the ground, barely... and plunks down
  470. >you get it...
  471. >that sense of loss you had in your world, this was it... you could feel magic, and the lack thereof it...
  472. >you can't explain it, but apparently once your body was exposed, it started to heal itself.
  473. >once exposed, it made you your ideal you...
  474. >but you know, you can't rely on magic
  475. >its giveing you a boost, but for fuck sake its not the be all end all
  476. >you need to hone other skills to...
  477. >as you drift off to sleep, you dream of all the possibilities.
  479. day 7 end.
  481. skip to day 14
  483. >ok, lets explain what we have learned/think in the last 7 days of castle life
  484. >magic is real
  485. >you can use magic
  486. >you are able to feel the presence of magic
  487. >your current body was formed by magic
  488. >you heal faster, and injuries you normally wouldn't heal from because of magic
  489. >your stamina is tied to magic
  490. >your physical prowess is also tied to magic, not exercise
  491. >being able to sense magic, something not described in several of the magic books you have found
  492. >you decide this is either a skill you have all on your own
  493. >or
  494. >an innate ability you have, and is normally learned at a higher level than you
  495. >given your innate ability, you know why food is still ok to eat
  496. >in lieu of refrigerators, electricity, preservatives, they used magic
  497. >the reason some of materials in this castle are still around after what can only be described as substantial element damage
  498. >all is imbued with magic
  499. >most of the books still here, are imbued with magic,
  500. >the only explanation for the beginners guide you can think of for losing its cover so bad is it was in an area that lost its roof.
  501. >either that or as a cost saving/time saving measure, they only did the info and not the cover.
  505. >wake up
  506. >you have decided that you would only use magic
  507. >no physical anything
  508. >its the best training to
  509. >increase your magic capacity,
  510. >lesson the difficulty of using it
  511. >lesson the amount needed for tasks
  512. >over all, with everything about you being benefited from magic, you decide to forgo exercise and focus on study
  513. >it's surprising how much og this castle is still useable,
  514. >research labs,
  515. >what look to be servants quarters
  516. >cooking accessories
  517. >but the thing that catches your eye the most... well... your mind... is the feeling like there is still more
  518. >there is obviously something more here,
  519. >but aside from tearing down the already unsound walls, you can't investigate
  520. >so you have gotten levitate down pact
  521. >for some reason levitating yourself is a MAJOR challenge,
  522. >so you found a flat stone, and levitate that instead,
  523. >helps with learning balance
  524. >you decide it's time to move on, levitation is cool, but not as practical as you would like
  526. 1 hour later
  528. >the FUCK did these things think?
  529. >half the books tell you the name of it clearly
  530. >half are such a tongue twister even your mind has problems saying them
  531. >you find a book on architecture.
  532. >skimming the pages...
  533. >no...
  534. >it fucking can't be
  535. >you run outside, fuck magic for now
  536. >and you hold the book up
  537. >this isnt a fucking architecture book, its a map...
  538. >well...
  539. >it's still a book on architecture
  540. >but this castle is based on the book,
  542. 5 hours later
  544. >you are sure,
  545. >there is no fucking doubt
  546. >this castle was based on this book
  547. >and they even show where the “secrets” are
  548. >you come to the wall that feels most magic,
  549. >looking at the book, you know you can't get through
  550. >but the fuck is stopping you from going around?
  551. >you try to take out bricks...
  552. >not fucking moving
  553. >ok
  554. >ok
  555. >seriously now, you try to take out the brick with all your might
  556. >brick ain't budging at all...
  557. >this peaks your interest
  558. >you go to another room
  559. >same thing
  560. >another room
  561. >same thing
  563. 1 hour later
  565. >you are exhausted
  566. >nothing fucking moves...
  567. >look through this book
  568. >you must know
  570. 7 hours later
  572. >bla bla skip skip bla bla...
  573. >seriously did this person beat off while writing this book
  574. >half is about how great this shit is
  575. >half is meaningless notations,
  576. >but after reading in between the lines you drew 2 conclusions
  577. >1 magic is sticking these blocks together
  578. >2 magic is holding off decay as much as possible
  579. >congrats, you have 2 new magics to try and learn, binding and re enforcement
  580. >with this knowledge, you drift off to sleep.
  582. day 14 end
  584. day 28
  586. >wakeup
  587. >after 2 weeks of training your ass blindly, you got the hang of binding magic
  588. >after understanding that, you also got the hang of de binding...
  589. >and you also wonder how far you can take debinding and binding
  590. >could i make gold
  591. >fuck that
  592. >first you have to get in that secret room
  593. >you levitate (rock and shit) over to it
  594. >and this time you try to debind it...
  595. >well...
  596. >fuck...
  597. >still not budging after all that work.
  598. >well fuck...
  599. >you think long and hard as to why
  601. 2 hours later
  603. >you have come to the conclusion, that instead of binding on the objects level
  604. >its bound on a magic
  605. >now assuming that it's coated in magic first, then stuck together, and the magic caused the bond instead of you bonding the objects directly...
  606. >this makes sense...
  607. >though is frightfully hap hazard....
  608. >what if the magic runs out?
  609. >these would just be able to free fall if nothing else is sticking them together....
  610. >thinking of it, it makes even more sense,
  611. >it explains why the more dome ceilings are still there,
  612. >and why there is so much damage around where it would appear to have a flatter one.
  613. >congrats, you now have another new thing to do... bind all the ceilings here...
  615. 6 hours later
  617. >you are not happy
  618. >fuck that you are pissed
  619. >the thought that your castle may crumble at any moment isnt a happy one...
  620. >to make matter worse...
  621. >well in your mind worse...
  622. >you have to learn a new magic,
  623. >one to strip things of their magic
  624. >fuck this is annoying
  625. >deciding you have better things to do, you go back to your room
  626. >you check the walls...
  627. >yep...
  628. >same shit here, but some are weaker than others
  629. >you decide to bond the weak ones together
  630. >mostly precautionary...
  631. >and it hits you
  633. 4 hours later
  635. >it took you a while but you found them
  636. >the walls that are most weak
  637. >where the bonding wore off more than anywhere else
  638. >it is here that you decide to start...
  639. >its not easy...
  640. >its not fun...
  641. >this is pissing you off...
  642. >this is work...
  643. >concentrate...
  644. >fucker what are you made of...
  645. >WHAT
  646. >ARE
  647. >YOU
  649. 3 hours later...
  651. >the sun has set,
  652. >darkness is encroaching,
  653. >all that is by you is in the glow of magic as you try to get what you need
  654. >but its escaping you
  655. >WHAT is the fucking magic made of...
  656. >THIS shouldnt be that hard to do
  657. >and as you think that last though it dawns on you why
  658. >this was a castle
  659. >what lives in a castle
  660. >royalty
  661. >this is so hard because it was protecting royalty
  662. >the reason you can't break even the weakest bricks is because it was made to protect the most important of important
  663. >it wasn't structurally unsound with flat ceilings
  664. >from your best guess, this place is at least 2-300 years old
  665. >how much shit can even stand up to 50 years of wear and tear...
  666. >the inside, where elements have not reached, is just dusty, otherwise its just like new...
  667. >structurally, at least...
  668. >this will be a challenge...
  669. >a great challenge
  670. >fuck sleep
  671. >you need books
  673. 1 hour later
  675. >have you ever been in a room that was spotless
  676. >everything in its place
  677. >but yet it was the most disorganized fucking thing you could possibly imagine
  678. >thats what this library is.
  679. >who the fuck thought this was a good system to organize shit...
  680. >you are levitating that stone...
  681. >it gives you enough light to see
  682. >but not enough
  683. >congrats, you found another spell that you need to learn,
  684. >a light source spell
  685. >but that's another fucking time
  686. >another fucking day.
  687. >there has to be a disenchanting book around here...
  689. 3 hours later
  691. >about half an hour ago you stopped looking
  692. >you were now just fantasizing about how you could kill whoever the fuck invented this organization system
  693. >not a fucking bit of it makes sense at all
  694. >cooking book, and an animal biology book right next to each other
  695. >a fantasy book about dragons,
  696. >right next to what looks to be a self defense book
  697. >oh, here is a good one, a weather book,
  698. >it looks like a childrens book
  699. >fucking horses doing the work
  700. >but its so fucking thick...
  701. >what was this made to do...
  702. >put them the fuck to sleep.
  703. >out of frustration you rip a shit ton of books off the shelf
  704. >one wont move
  705. >...
  706. >you have got to be fucking kidding me
  708. >no...
  709. >you pull the “book” out
  710. >*click*
  711. >you have the architecture book...
  712. >it makes NO mention of this at all...
  713. >so... undocumented path...
  714. >lets find some paper, and something to write with
  716. 1 hour later, day 29
  718. >getting all the paper you want and writing material together took longer than you wanted
  719. >congrats on needing to learn new magic...
  720. >a dimensional pocket
  721. >aside from that,
  722. >you found some large scrolls, and what appears to be a pencile.
  723. >good enough for what you need.
  724. >congrats... need to learn making paper, and writing tools
  725. >off we go...
  727. 15 minutes later
  729. >you finish mapping out above, below, and to the sides of this area, of what you know of this castle
  730. >you now begin to venture in.
  731. >as you go you are mapping everything...
  732. >so many stairs
  733. >all going so far down
  734. >fuck you should be ground level now... and its still going deeper...
  735. >deeper...
  736. >deeper...
  737. >fuck you are afraid of being under ground like this...
  738. >you stop and feel the walls...
  739. >magic... just like upstairs.
  740. >you are at least 4 levels below what is known, before you come to a door.
  741. >you try to open it
  742. >...
  743. >FUCK
  744. >LOCKED
  750. >...
  751. >calm down
  752. >calm down...
  753. >ok...
  754. >back in your world picking locks was hard,
  755. >but not impossible...
  756. >you know magic...
  757. >this cant be as hard as home
  759. 3 hours later
  761. >you hear a satisfying click,
  762. >you open the door
  763. >it wasn't hard.
  764. >you just aren't good and the finesse side of magic yet...
  765. >need to practice that
  766. >you look around,
  767. >fuck
  768. >you levitate a stone, and look around
  769. >ok, tomorrow, light spell
  770. >your jaw drops
  771. >its like a steampunk wonderland in here,
  772. >look at that microscope...
  773. >the clothing...
  774. >granted, if you wore it you would look like a flasher...
  775. >what the fuck lived here...
  776. >you don't care...
  777. >you see books,
  778. >advanced magic: the core concepts
  779. >advanced magic: application and appreciation
  780. >advanced magic: weather wonders
  781. >advanced magic: enchanting assortments
  782. >advanced magic: healing
  783. >there is also an assortment of books on other subjects
  784. >including botany, fashion, scavenging, and what you believe is close to a D&D monster manual
  785. >you hit the fucking jackpot...
  786. >you decide to sit a while and read the core concepts book
  788. 4 hours later
  790. >you decide to pack it in for now
  791. >you investigate other paths,
  792. >one of them leads up in a spiral staircase...
  793. >looking at the crude map you made...
  794. >o fuck you
  795. >FUCK YOU
  796. >you run up the steps...
  797. >levitating a stone the whole way
  798. >push the door...
  799. >yep
  800. >you guessed it
  801. >door goes straight to where you were trying to break in.
  802. >the library was not just an entrance, its also an exit,
  803. >this path was only an exit.
  804. >you facepalm your head hard...
  805. >you notice that it's light outside...
  806. >fuck
  807. >you aren't tired...
  808. >why...
  809. >well... lets see how long i can go for than
  810. >you go down, grab the books, and head on up stairs.
  811. >you continue reading the books
  813. 10 hours later
  815. >to dark to read normally you levitate a stone
  817. 13 hours later, day 30
  819. >you are able to stop levitating the stone
  821. 5 hours later
  823. >you finish the core book,
  824. >it gave you a better understanding of magic
  825. >what magic is
  826. >and how magic is used
  827. >and it confirmed several suspicions
  828. >in rare cases magic is found to enhance the users body subconsciously thought it can be learned
  829. >this explains how you look the way you look
  830. >practically, magic enhances regenerative properties of almost everything
  831. >this explains how a few of the smaller cuts you got healed that day, apposed to 2-5 days like normal
  832. >and magic can supplement basic needs in some cases
  833. >explaining why you need far less food,
  834. >and also explaining why you are still awake after about 40ish hours without feeling the effects.
  835. >it also hints at several questions you have,
  836. >but sadly
  837. >you either can't read between the lines well enough
  838. >or you need a more specialised book.
  839. >you decide to go somewhere dark and practice more of the utility spells the book told you about
  841. 3 hours later
  843. >imagine a light source...
  844. >yea fuck you book
  845. >make it be
  846. >suck it magic book
  847. >ah, it's infuriating how vague this book is apposed to the children's book
  848. >the childrens book told you exactly what to do
  849. >focus on the object
  850. >and imagine it floating
  851. >...
  852. >........
  853. >wait a minute
  854. >...
  855. >thats how i learned that bonding spell...
  856. >focus on it, but in this case it's not an it...
  857. >its a where
  858. >you focus 1 foot in front of you
  859. >and you magic hard
  860. >blue....
  861. >eyes are closed
  862. >brighter blue...
  863. >focus
  864. >shit thats bright
  865. >god damn you focus
  866. >are your eyes even closed...
  867. >you open them
  868. >bad fucking idea....
  869. >you turn around
  870. >you open them again...
  871. >holy shit, its like someones arc welding constantly behind you its so bright...
  872. >you tone that magic down a bit
  873. >or at least try...
  874. >it comes a bit easier than turning it on,
  875. >but now you have about the equivalent of a 60 watt led cool light behind you
  876. >you can even look at it,
  877. >touch it
  878. >move it
  879. >you take it to the main chamber.
  881. 6 hours later
  883. >you are going through these books like a mad man
  884. >reading
  885. >absorbing
  886. >growing each sentence a bit more knowledge as to what magic can do
  887. >and with new appreciations as to how lucky you are
  888. >magic can feed you,
  889. >keep you awake
  890. >heal you
  891. >but you do not have an unlimited supply
  892. >you decide you want to head to bed.
  893. >sleep will do you good.
  894. >...
  895. >...
  896. >another dream...
  897. >a dream about where you were from
  898. >what you did
  899. >who you were
  900. >its not right to call that a dream
  901. >it's more along the lines of a nightmare
  903. end day 30
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