
IRC Aug. 1, 2015

Aug 2nd, 2015
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  1. 4:26:27 PM (Connected)
  2. 4:26:28 PM (You joined the channel)
  3. 4:26:28 PM The topic is:
  4. 4:26:28 PM Topic set by Froggy on Sat Aug 01 2015 14:47:45 GMT-0700 (US Mountain Standard Time).
  5. 4:26:38 PM Froggy Hi Brennus.
  6. 4:26:42 PM Brennus Howdy!
  7. 4:26:52 PM JaegerWolf Sorry, I was having a brief discussion about future career options on a drill rig. How's it going Brennus?
  8. 4:27:12 PM Aubrey Good idea.
  9. 4:27:17 PM Brennus Nice big crowd here. Pretty good today, I am baking muffins and not working overtime.
  10. 4:27:21 PM Aubrey Brainstorming is my jam doe
  11. 4:27:33 PM Brennus How's everybody today?
  12. 4:27:40 PM Froggy We're just pausing to consider a dry proposal about the future of these meet-ups. I suggested that someone should take responsibility for writing something up from the brainstorming, otherwise we're just spinning our wheels.
  13. 4:27:47 PM Alexandri I'm in favor of it Lumey.
  14. 4:27:53 PM Alexandri Uriel already agreed to getting organization.
  15. 4:28:13 PM Brennus That sounds like a smart plan, I approve
  16. 4:28:15 PM Alexandri Thinking of people being in charge of different sections with a whip on those people in charge of different sections.
  17. 4:28:21 PM Alexandri But never gained steam.
  18. 4:28:33 PM Alexandri Assignments sounds better.
  19. 4:28:39 PM Alexandri Gives people a goal, a progress to grow.
  20. 4:29:04 PM Brennus Setting goals can definitely motivate people, no question there
  21. 4:29:10 PM Froggy OK, then. How about Alex gets the assignment for writing up the birth of the Not-Black Legion?
  22. 4:29:24 PM Froggy I think he has the best handle on it anyway.
  23. 4:29:49 PM Uriel ah I have to go to sleep. Early start tomorrow. Will the results of this chat be posted in the forum?
  24. 4:29:53 PM Brennus I'm in favor if Alex is
  25. 4:30:14 PM Froggy OK, Uriel. I'll make sure to post the highlights.
  26. Brennus NIght Uriel, have a good one!
  27. 4:31:11 PM Arelex seems ok to me
  28. 4:31:19 PM Uriel thanks. I loosened permissions on the Announcements page. If there are any other suggestions/observations on the forum, let me know and i'll sort it out soon as I can. Anyway, night guys
  29. 4:33:04 PM Froggy Alexandri? I'm pretty sure that nobody else objects to you writing this thing, but if you can't do it that's a moot point.
  30. 4:34:59 PM Uriel has quit: Ping timeout.
  31. 4:36:05 PM Brennus Maybe he had to step away.
  32. 4:36:30 PM Froggy I'm guessing so.
  33. 4:38:00 PM Brennus Well, we still have a boatload to do, so perhaps we can talk about some other area of development
  34. 4:39:27 PM Aubrey Also in terms of the subject beforehand.
  35. 4:39:31 PM Froggy Just to recap, then. We seem to be thinking that:
  36. 4:39:32 PM Froggy 1. The first post-Heresy Chaos Incursion is inspired/led by Aubrey the Grey only a few centuries after the death of Hektor. It ends in the death of Aubrey and Brennus, and soon after the remaining Loyalist Primarch(s?) disappear.
  37. 4:39:34 PM Froggy 2. The Traitor Legions splinter for a period before establishing some kind of core organisation (Alex suggests the Primordial Brotherhood as a sort of Chaos Deathwatch). Uriel suggested that the Sacred Band attempt to stitch up a leadership that collapses prior to the formation of the Primordial Brotherhood.
  38. 4:39:57 PM Alexandri No no
  39. 4:39:58 PM Alexandri They take notes from Deathwatch but they're like
  40. 4:40:03 PM Alexandri Black Legion had a baby with Deathwatch.
  41. 4:40:37 PM Aubrey aye sounds good.
  42. 4:40:57 PM Brennus That sounds pretty interesting. So there's more of a council of leaders than just one tyrant
  43. 4:41:00 PM Brennus ?
  44. 4:41:32 PM Alexandri Yes but then one of them is able to become Tyrant and then leads a Black Crusade.
  45. 4:41:34 PM Alexandri "The Crimson Horde"(Dark Red, Light Red, Gold), "The Golden Host"(Gold, White, and Red), "The Transhuman Cohort"(Blue, Dark Blue, White).
  46. 4:41:44 PM Brennus First Chaos incursion sounds good. I have a few ideas about that.
  47. 4:41:46 PM Alexandri These were my original ideas.
  48. 4:41:52 PM Froggy OK. I guess it's a thing that needs to be written out to be properly understood, but that's fine. Alexandri, now that you're back, I was asking if you were OK taking the first assignment and making it the birth of the Primordial Brotherhood?
  49. 4:41:52 PM Brennus Oh ho, I see. Yes, that's good
  50. 4:41:54 PM Alexandri Transhuman Cohort is basically proto-PB.
  51. 4:41:56 PM Aubrey brb
  52. 4:42:04 PM Alexandri Yes.
  53. 4:42:09 PM Froggy Cool.
  54. 4:42:35 PM Froggy Umm... I have nicked the name "Transhuman Cohort" for the warband that gathers around Pallas Eugenesis.
  55. 4:44:11 PM Froggy (And I thought that was appreciated! :) )
  56. 4:44:35 PM Alexandri It was.
  57. 4:44:39 PM Brennus I thought that's who he meant, and that they were involved with this leadership council thing
  58. 4:44:40 PM Alexandri I'm just citing origins here.
  59. 4:44:44 PM Alexandri
  60. 4:44:48 PM Alexandri My idea for the Transhuman Cohort
  61. 4:44:52 PM Alexandri Became my idea for the PB
  62. 4:44:54 PM Alexandri It was a name change.
  63. 4:44:58 PM Alexandri Wait no
  64. 4:45:00 PM Froggy Right, right. OK.
  65. 4:45:02 PM Alexandri I'm remembering my own ideas wrong
  66. 4:45:13 PM Alexandri The Crimson Horde is proto-PB
  67. 4:45:14 PM Alexandri I'm a dumb.
  68. 4:45:26 PM Alexandri Transhuman had totally different themes on Astartes supremacy over regular man.
  69. 4:45:52 PM Froggy So I guess the missing bit is what happens after Aubrey's Crusade.
  70. 4:46:55 PM Brennus Well, Aubrey is supposed to be the kind of new figurehead, from what he's told me, so his death might lead to an unusually long period of relative peace
  71. 4:47:41 PM Froggy For the Imperium? Kinda, they have other stuff to deal with (The Beast, Vetrovnak, maybe other threats).
  72. 4:47:59 PM JaegerWolf
  73. 4:48:32 PM Brennus I sort of forgot about them fellas. But those forces, powerful as they are, don't seem to cause quite the havok that chaos does
  74. 4:49:42 PM Froggy Also the Harakians and Cult of Krenz, though they're smaller time troublemakers.
  75. 4:50:05 PM Froggy But yeah, Chaos will need to get its shit together after the death of Aubrey.
  76. 4:51:45 PM Brennus If they can't really present a united front for a few centuries, the Imperium is going to grow complacent about their threat, so that leaves the gate wide open for some warlord to make a big push
  77. 4:51:47 PM Arelex So, am I correct in thinking that Aubrey's death is kind of like Chaos's watershed moment when they realize "Hektor failed, Aubrey failed, we have to change the way we do things from here on"?
  78. 4:51:57 PM Brennus I would say so, yes, Lex
  79. 4:52:11 PM Arelex And then some of them split off to go FULLCHAOS.exe, and some try to reform into a Black Legion kind of deal?
  80. 4:52:14 PM Froggy Yeah, that's the way we seem to be heading.
  81. 4:52:23 PM Arelex mmk
  82. 4:52:59 PM Brennus I think the traitors should mostly have the sort of "the Primarchs failed so they are not much use" attitude
  83. 4:53:17 PM Brennus Except for the ones with daemon Primarchs, who are probably fanatics
  84. 4:53:23 PM Arelex So, Pre-Aubrey could be thought of as one "era" for the Traitors, and Post-Aubrey could be thought of as another "era"? That might be a good peg to mark the timeline on, and the shifts in how Chaos Marines view themselves.
  85. 4:53:45 PM Arelex Since that will come with broad changes in "are we still a Legion?" "Do we obey the Primarchs?" "If not them, then who do we follow?"
  86. 4:53:57 PM Arelex The Imperium has its own reformations, maybe Chaos does too, for a while.
  87. 4:54:08 PM Arelex Before the Heresy is a distant memory.
  88. 4:55:30 PM Arelex (before they're all too insane to think about things in a half-linear manner) :P
  89. 4:55:31 PM Brennus The Primordial Brotherhood would be great as a sort of self-elected ruling council; since we decided that was how Hektor's rebellion started, it would make sense for the marines to form something similar when they became independent.
  90. 4:55:35 PM Froggy I think the long-run view on Chaos is that the Primordial Brotherhood is a partial success - they get a decent core together and have good relations with some of the other warbands, but can't unify the full might of the Traitors behind them. Elenkor's arrival on the scene is the harbinger of a united Chaos threat remerging in the End Times.
  91. 4:56:05 PM Arelex It feels like the Primordial Brotherhood is kind of like the Weimar Republic. Something that only barely works, for a short time, and is swept away eventually by a dynamic leader and his "warband".
  92. 4:56:31 PM Arelex Something that is a significant event, but ultimately fails because it's still too much of the mentality of the original Legions, not something that accepts the fluidity of Chaos.
  93. 4:56:32 PM Froggy Well, it's around from M31 until M37.
  94. 4:56:38 PM Arelex A transitory thing, maybe.
  95. 4:56:44 PM Arelex hmm. That's quite a while.
  96. 4:56:50 PM Brennus That seems long
  97. 4:57:14 PM Froggy The original verse has His Armlessness in charge for even longer.
  98. 4:57:44 PM Arelex true. Are we wanting to do it that way?
  99. 4:57:56 PM Brennus Yes, it does, but sometimes it seems forced
  100. 4:58:28 PM Arelex I'm just saying, the themes of transition here seem stronger than the themes of permanency. It feels like this Primordial Brotherhood could be a cool intermediate step, showing how the Traitors evolve from Loyalists to the Chaos of the "modern era".
  101. 4:58:39 PM Arelex That was the impression I got, is all.
  102. 4:59:03 PM Froggy But storyline-wise, I think the Primordial Brotherhood is there to scrap with the Imperium and seem a bit threatening but also lose. The BIG THREAT side of Zeke gets farmed off to a new kid, who doesn't have to get beated by the Imperials for thousands of years before gathering his hordes to storm Terra.
  103. 4:59:33 PM Froggy Because basically, Chaos has to be failing for thousands of years.
  104. 4:59:45 PM Froggy But also seem like a credible threat in M41.
  105. 5:00:49 PM Froggy So if we bring Elenkor on the scene too early, he either does nothing ("plots and waits until the time is right" - whatever) or gets beaten.
  106. 5:00:51 PM Brennus Well, a council of differing chaos leaders would lead to a plethora of weaker warriors leading crusades that are doomed to failure
  107. 5:01:18 PM Arelex "Intermediate" could still span centuries, or maybe even a millennia, after all. I'm just not sure it should endure for 6,000 years.
  108. 5:01:30 PM Brennus It helps if the actual makeup of the Brotherhood changes fairly frequently
  109. 5:01:55 PM Froggy Yeah, if they run through some different leaders it might make the thing seem more credible.
  110. 5:02:20 PM Brennus They all adhere to the conventions (to a lessening degree as the millenia fall away) until Elenkor sweeps it all away
  111. 5:03:50 PM Arelex Lol, go with a "dying empire" feel. Seems decent, since Chaos isn't known for its ability to keep things together and intact over time. Play to the theme.
  112. 5:04:14 PM Arelex "Doomed from the start" might even be a good theme to use. "The fate of those who defy their nature"
  113. 5:04:24 PM Arelex "The price of Chaos".
  114. 5:04:29 PM Brennus That sounds cool, I like it
  115. 5:04:39 PM JaegerWolf Thoughts?
  116. 5:04:40 PM JaegerWolf
  117. 5:04:43 PM Froggy Alexandri, does that work with your plans?
  118. 5:06:38 PM Brennus I think that fits the IR quite well Merrill. Big flashy ceremonies would not work with their aesthetic.
  119. 5:09:45 PM Froggy Just thinking out loud - if we don't want to make the Primordial Brotherhood total failsauce, they could be kickass warriors but lack credibility as the leaders of Chaos. Then they could play an important role in the "Bellum Ultima" as Elenkor's shock troops.
  120. 5:11:23 PM Arelex Weren't they led by Aubrey?
  121. 5:11:28 PM Arelex And/or some Chaos high rankers?
  122. 5:11:35 PM Arelex They had legitimacy, IIRC.
  123. 5:11:59 PM Aubrey Aubrey was a sort of pope/vatican
  124. 5:12:27 PM Aubrey Who just spoke the word of god and blessed certain people with leadership.
  125. 5:12:50 PM Arelex ah
  126. 5:13:09 PM Arelex Well, I don't think succumbing to the weight of history/Chaos is "failsauce".
  127. 5:13:24 PM JaegerWolf And from how I can picture this as is, these guys seem to be a bit forward thinking, which does not mix well with zealotry.
  128. 5:13:34 PM Arelex It's more of a way to show how dominating Chaos is over its pawns, I would say.
  129. 5:13:49 PM Arelex The struggle is real, but eventually the current will drag you under.
  130. 5:14:04 PM Arelex And then you avoid pulling Chaos' fangs.
  131. 5:14:12 PM Arelex By showing how the Gods hammer mortals under.
  132. 5:14:27 PM Arelex Spin it as a triumph of the Gods, not a failure of mortals.
  133. 5:14:59 PM Brennus Like, Chaos grinding itself down only to totally renew its power and make an unseen strike?
  134. 5:15:47 PM Arelex Sort of. Also like Chaos forever renewing itself with the blood of the old guard.
  135. 5:15:54 PM Arelex Aside from maybe Nurgle's adherents.
  136. 5:16:05 PM Arelex They might provide some "unchanging" continuity, of sorts.
  137. 5:16:50 PM Arelex But yeah, that's why I saw this Brotherhood as a transitory entity, bridging the evolution from "Heresy Veterans" to "Modern Chaos Marines".
  138. 5:17:14 PM Froggy I get where you're going but in pro-wrestling what you're describing is a jobber with an interesting gimmick. (If that's too jargon-laded: They lose all the time but are kinda entertaining. Fans regularly mock Black Legion for being jobbers - although they also get mocked for being bland.
  139. 5:18:00 PM Arelex Well, maybe. I feel like it would stand up to scrutiny just because it's a very Chaotic idea, at least.
  140. 5:18:12 PM Arelex There are victories aplenty, but the STRUCTURE cannot hold.
  141. 5:18:31 PM Arelex Eventually, it simply falls apart like Legos, and like Legos are reassembled by the next Warlord to take the reins.
  142. 5:18:34 PM Arelex Or some such.
  143. 5:18:40 PM Aubrey brb
  144. 5:20:05 PM Froggy If you go back to the source material, the idea of Chaos as constant change isn't really correct. Moorcock describes the victory of Chaos as meaning only stagnation, while it's Order that can actually develop.
  145. 5:20:05 PM Brennus So even though the actual content of the Brotherhood would change, as well as methods and many other things, the conceit would remain throughout the whole time that they were some kind of tradition stretching back to the time of the Heresy
  146. 5:20:28 PM Froggy And I think the OU inherits that conception with the Traitors still being led by guys from the Heresy.
  147. 5:20:36 PM Brennus If I remember he describes worlds where Order and Chaos rule entirely as very similar
  148. 5:21:38 PM Froggy Well, Elric thought that Chaos would mean stagnation and has really positive thoughts about the prospect of a world more dominated by Order. :)
  149. 5:21:42 PM Aubrey has quit: Ping timeout.
  150. 5:22:08 PM Arelex Yeah, that's sort of what I was thinking, brennus. The dream of a vast Legion again, juxtaposed over Chaos' degradation of such a thing.
  151. 5:22:19 PM Arelex A little like people claiming to be the Heirs of Rome, maybe
  152. 5:22:38 PM Arelex From the Eastern Empire, to the Holy Roman Empire, to the Ottoman Empire, all the way down to places like Romania.
  153. 5:23:04 PM JaegerWolf Okay, now I'm lost again. Are we still talking about the PB?
  154. 5:23:04 PM Arelex With the legitimacy of such a thing getting thinner and thinner, held up only by the strength of the Warlord, not any real historical claim.
  155. 5:23:09 PM JaegerWolf Chaos as a whole?
  156. 5:23:12 PM JaegerWolf What?
  157. 5:23:12 PM Brennus You can hardly blame him given his particular experiences with Chaos. That's why you should always kill jealous cousins. Yeah, I think that would work pretty well Lex
  158. 5:23:28 PM Froggy Still on PB, with the question of how long they rule and in what way.
  159. 5:23:42 PM Froggy Although with Alex seemingly AFK this may not be the most productive discussion.
  160. 5:24:23 PM JaegerWolf Okay, maybe this discussion should be recorded for the forum?
  161. 5:24:33 PM JaegerWolf I even built a discussion bor specifically for this.
  162. 5:24:58 PM Froggy It should be getting logged.
  163. 5:25:02 PM Brennus At least we'll have plenty of ideas to bounce off him. I've been copying it out JaegerWolf.
  164. 5:25:12 PM Arelex idk how IRC works, so do what you think is best.
  165. 5:25:24 PM Froggy OK, cool, so long as someone is logging it.
  166. 5:25:25 PM JaegerWolf Excellent.
  167. 5:25:26 PM Brennus I'm just copying and pasting into notepad
  168. 5:25:36 PM Brennus It works pretty well
  169. 5:26:12 PM Alexandri Sorry everyone
  170. 5:26:14 PM Alexandri I was away
  171. 5:26:19 PM Alexandri Had to pick up food.
  172. 5:26:21 PM Brennus S'all good
  173. 5:26:33 PM Alexandri What I miss?
  174. 5:26:43 PM Alexandri I'm imagining the PB rule for quite some time
  175. 5:26:52 PM Alexandri And their rule marks the end of the Legionary Wars.
  176. 5:27:08 PM Brennus Yes, until M37 is the current length of time
  177. 5:27:08 PM Froggy Lots of discussion about PB. Did your IRC client pick up the discussion while you were away?
  178. 5:27:41 PM Froggy Well, M31-M37 was plucked out of the air, but something like that.
  179. 5:29:04 PM Alexandri Should I read all of it or can I get a summary?
  180. 5:29:06 PM Alexandri Just want to know
  181. 5:29:08 PM Alexandri Eating
  182. 5:29:56 PM Froggy Probably best to skim it over, there might be ideas that kick off something for you in there.
  183. 5:37:39 PM Froggy While we wait for Alex, is there anything recent that we want to review? I'm not too sure what has been written in my absence (a lot of Green Man stuff with continuity issues?) but without the writer here I'm not sure it's worth going over. If people haven't looked at the Komra, or have ideas on developing them, we could talk Dorf.
  184. 5:38:11 PM Arelex Sure. Remind me again where they wound up living? Are they still the Squats in the Core, or what?
  185. 5:38:41 PM JaegerWolf I have largely hit a creative road block, followed by more life road blocks.
  186. 5:38:51 PM Froggy Their homeworlds are in the Core, but only two of their old worlds survive to the Heresy.
  187. 5:39:04 PM Alexandri Seeing ARelex ideas.
  188. 5:39:37 PM Arelex Are they hostile to the Imperium? And did they wind up allied to that Tau coalition or whatever it was?
  189. 5:39:46 PM Froggy I wanted the Komra somewhat dispersed so that a theoretical cross-over campaign with all factions wouldn't have to stay in one area.
  190. 5:41:07 PM Arelex Mmk. Well, if they're in the Core, then that sounds like a thing that the War Scribes would confront at some point, if they're hostile abhumans.
  191. 5:41:18 PM Arelex Is that correct?
  192. 5:41:22 PM Froggy They get conquered shortly before the Heresy. The Cult of Krenz are hostile to the Imperium but probably have an understanding with the Dark Eldar. Chelob Hold and her colonies are quasi-Imperial.
  193. 5:41:40 PM Brennus They sound like client states
  194. 5:41:47 PM Froggy Komra aren't exactly hostile. They're actually quite reasonable.
  195. 5:42:16 PM Arelex Mmk. Well, what else needs to be written for the Komra, then?
  196. 5:42:17 PM Froggy Yeah, they have a lot of experience in being clients of a larger Empire.
  197. 5:42:42 PM Froggy I'm not sure why you're asking me. :-/
  198. 5:43:06 PM JaegerWolf Still would have preferred traditional Space Dwarves...
  199. 5:43:48 PM JaegerWolf Although if they're spread out as you describe, I'm sure there's some area where they could be...
  200. 5:43:55 PM Froggy Merrill, what bits of the traditional image are the biggest losses for you?
  201. 5:44:03 PM Alexandri Okay.
  202. 5:44:11 PM Alexandri So people are seeing the PB as a transitionary period?
  203. 5:44:28 PM Alexandri I was thinking of having them more prominent. A formation that starts off strong then begins to fall off.
  204. 5:44:31 PM JaegerWolf I just really enjoy the traditional Tolkeinian Dwarf...
  205. 5:44:39 PM Alexandri I got it.
  206. 5:44:43 PM Alexandri Seljuks
  207. 5:45:00 PM Alexandri Are a good example. A massive empire that fell in later years and gave rise to Osman.
  208. 5:45:25 PM JaegerWolf Sounds good.
  209. 5:45:28 PM Froggy Back to Tolkein? That would mean kicking a lot of Warhammer stuff, too. :-/
  210. 5:46:22 PM JaegerWolf I mean the Warhammer version, of course. The drunken, ass-kicking, grudge-bearing, 4-foot assholes.
  211. 5:46:47 PM JaegerWolf Full Tolkein is more a thinly-veiled Jewish stereotype.
  212. 5:48:06 PM Arelex So, why exactly do we want the Komra to be straight Dorfy?
  213. 5:48:15 PM Arelex Just because the idea originates from Squats?
  214. 5:48:31 PM Froggy Right. Well, I did include red-haired slayers and thinly-disguised Chaos Dwarves. The grudge match thing is much harder in 40k's scale, but they do have generational wars with the Orks and definitely have heat with the Imperium.
  215. 5:48:33 PM Brennus Yeah, I think this example works Alex
  216. 5:49:22 PM JaegerWolf I'm just stating that bit. I recognize Lumey's creation, and I'm not arguing it, just stating my preference that it would have stayed pretty much the same as the Squats.
  217. 5:50:03 PM Froggy Err, hold on. Do you want them to be pretty much the Squats, or pretty much WHFB Dwarves In Space?
  218. 5:50:23 PM Froggy Because the Squats really aren't much like their FB counterparts.
  219. 5:50:28 PM JaegerWolf I don't have the juice, ability, and am certainly not going to try and force it on anything. The group likes them, and that's fine by me. I'm just opinionated.
  220. 5:50:31 PM Alexandri Why is anyone complaining about the Komra? They're perfectly fine.
  221. 5:50:42 PM JaegerWolf And in that case I am grossly misinformed, then.
  222. 5:51:05 PM Froggy Ease off there, Alex. I just wanted to know what Merrill felt was missing.
  223. 5:51:06 PM Brennus Do Cult of Krenz psykers eventually turn to mechanical bits, or solid metal?
  224. 5:51:29 PM JaegerWolf And I just bitch about things in general.
  225. 5:51:59 PM Froggy Brennus, I think I wanted them to be petrified (turning into Krenz stone).
  226. 5:52:27 PM JaegerWolf I officially take back some of my misgivings.
  227. 5:52:55 PM Froggy I would rather people keep their misgivings on the table, it's helpful to know what doesn't work.
  228. 5:54:38 PM Froggy All I want to do is get to grips with what you're missing. "Would prefer Squats" isn't that helpful unless you're saying that EVERYTHING about the Squats is better (including their name?).
  229. 5:54:38 PM Alexandri Go ahead. I thought you were telling him how to change it Merril.
  230. 5:54:42 PM Alexandri Then you posted the other thing.
  231. 5:56:17 PM Golgothos has quit: Ping timeout.
  232. 5:59:04 PM Brennus They're pretty cool, I don't think I'd seen the Cult before.
  233. 5:59:21 PM JaegerWolf No, my apologies if it came across that way, I was just vocalizing my own personal preferences.
  234. 6:00:32 PM Aubrey joined the channel.
  235. 6:00:44 PM Froggy It didn't come across like that and I'm not annoyed. I just wanted to get something more specific from you. At the moment, it just comes across as a complaint - I can't do much with that feedback, can I?
  236. 6:00:44 PM Aubrey Ok I'm back
  237. 6:00:59 PM Brennus Hello Snakeman
  238. 6:01:14 PM Froggy Welcome back. We have been discussing Komra briefly, although that was because Alex was catching up on the PB discussion and he seems to be caught up now.
  239. 6:01:31 PM Froggy So, thoughts on Spess Dorfs or back to the Weimar Traitors.
  240. 6:01:45 PM Aubrey That's Lord Snake Man to you loyalist. Spess Dorfs are always fun.
  241. 6:01:57 PM Aubrey It's a way of re-introducing runes other than brennus
  242. 6:02:20 PM Aubrey It's my belief that using runes is like sealing magic.
  243. 6:02:24 PM Froggy Hmm. I don't currently have them doing a rune thing. Is that a big omission?
  244. 6:02:34 PM Brennus It doesn't have to be runes
  245. 6:03:02 PM Aubrey Dorfs have always kinda known for not being magical/magic resistant.
  246. 6:03:17 PM Aubrey I think that the dorfs should be semi-blank, if you catch my drift.
  247. 6:03:23 PM Brennus The Thunder Kings have kind of evolved to use notOgham script, maybe the Komra can have hieroglyphs or something
  248. 6:03:57 PM Froggy Yeah, I've given them that by having them quite resistant to the touch of Chaos and with fairly limited psykers.
  249. 6:04:10 PM Froggy (They are human, so they have the psyker gene in the bank.)
  250. 6:04:33 PM Aubrey Yeah, I always believed that dorfs can't really use magic, so they kinda seal it in runes which allows them to access it like one would bottle water.
  251. 6:04:35 PM JaegerWolf The rune thing is something I've always liked.
  252. 6:04:48 PM Aubrey Good runes last for a while.
  253. 6:04:55 PM Aubrey Bad ones are only good for a limited time.
  254. 6:05:03 PM JaegerWolf And Aubrey has a good way of decribing/using that.
  255. 6:06:20 PM Froggy OK. So their psykers are warp sensitive and can do astro-telepathy (because if you can't do that in 40k you're a non-entity), but their other stunts are about slowly accumulating warp force into a runic structure?
  256. 6:06:54 PM Froggy Which means they're pretty good with dorf staples like wards and protections, no help with force lightning.
  257. 6:07:17 PM Brennus At least, not without some kind of lightning stick
  258. 6:08:02 PM Brennus But, yeah, that sounds good overall for their approach to psykery
  259. 6:08:19 PM Froggy And all of this may be because the Necrons have subtly meddled with them.
  260. 6:08:33 PM Alexandri twiddles his thumbs.
  261. 6:09:35 PM Froggy Alright, alright. Any other big misses on the Komra? I'll add the runes and we need to come back to them and the Scribes later.
  262. 6:10:09 PM Aubrey Question!
  263. 6:10:15 PM Aubrey What the fuck is a Komra.
  264. 6:10:35 PM Froggy
  265. 6:10:57 PM Alexandri Come on Aubrey.
  266. 6:11:07 PM Alexandri I've only linked them myself like a thousand times.
  267. 6:11:19 PM Aubrey OH THESE FUCKERS
  268. 6:13:49 PM Aubrey Yeah I like 'em
  269. 6:14:15 PM Aubrey Are they as independant as the squats?
  270. 6:14:25 PM Aubrey Do they but heads with the Mechanicus alot?
  271. 6:15:19 PM Froggy They vary. Cult of Krenz are more independent than the Squat (they are their own nasty thing). Chelob Hold is an Imperial client state. Haven't decided on their relationship with the techpriests, but no doubt it's complicated.
  272. 6:15:49 PM Brennus I would imagine that when the Mechanicus usually doesn't look to hard at the Komra, but when they do they start getting a bit pissy
  273. 6:16:40 PM Brennus The Mechboys get pissy, that is
  274. 6:16:46 PM Arelex Perhaps.
  275. 6:16:53 PM Froggy The fact that they don't use full AI is the Komra's saving grace.
  276. 6:17:11 PM Arelex Alternately, remember *which* Mechanus they're more likely to see day-to-day. The ones allied with Atalantos.
  277. 6:17:18 PM Arelex So they're going to be somewhat more "liberal".
  278. 6:17:25 PM Froggy So they're committing venal tech sins, not mortal ones.
  279. 6:17:34 PM Froggy Oh, pre-Heresy things would probably be quite rosey.
  280. 6:18:06 PM Froggy Like the Mechanicum would be all, "Woah, you guys have been doing interesting things, maybe we could have a chat about our different approaches?"
  281. 6:18:09 PM Alexandri I read that as
  282. 6:18:13 PM Alexandri >The mechboys get pussy
  283. 6:18:20 PM Alexandri Sorry, continue on.
  284. 6:18:23 PM Alexandri I just have nothing to add.
  285. 6:18:28 PM Froggy But post-Reformation the Komra are probably on Mars' shit list.
  286. 6:18:33 PM Aubrey Praise the Omnissiah
  287. 6:18:45 PM Froggy ...
  288. 6:18:55 PM Froggy Unless they get claimed as part of the domain of Mars?
  289. 6:19:20 PM Aubrey I'm guessing the Dorfs would tell them to piss off.
  290. 6:19:27 PM Brennus Hahaha, very amusing. I think Mars might TRY to claim them, but the Komra might be able to resist that claim
  291. 6:19:35 PM Alexandri >Resist
  292. 6:19:37 PM Alexandri Yeah nah
  293. 6:19:42 PM Alexandri It'd be a bloody affair all around.
  294. 6:19:45 PM Alexandri Maybe, just maybe.
  295. 6:19:48 PM Froggy Last time they fought the Imperium their greatest world got shattered by orbital bombardment.
  296. 6:19:55 PM Arelex Don't the AdMech consider the entire Imperium "The Domain Of Mars" in terms of tech stuff?
  297. 6:19:58 PM Froggy So I'm not sure they'd be up for another round.
  298. 6:20:00 PM Alexandri THe Komra could resist well enough to make them think it's not worth the effort.
  299. 6:20:04 PM JaegerWolf So, we have no section on the forum to discuss Primarchs.
  300. 6:20:05 PM Arelex Or are you literally talking "An enclave of Martian rule"?
  301. 6:20:17 PM JaegerWolf Why aren't all of us admins?
  302. 6:20:18 PM Froggy Formally "Industrial Worlds".
  303. 6:20:29 PM Aubrey So we have three tech factions in the Imperium.
  304. 6:20:33 PM Froggy Similar status to Knight Worlds sworn to Forge Worlds.
  305. 6:20:34 PM Arelex Also, the Core is an awful long way away.
  306. 6:20:37 PM Brennus I don't know, perhaps we should suggest that to Uriel
  307. 6:20:42 PM Aubrey We have the Mechanicus who are about tradition.
  308. 6:21:00 PM Aubrey The Dorfs who are probably about experimentation and progress.
  309. 6:21:09 PM Aubrey And the Atlantos Worlds who are about?
  310. 6:21:19 PM Brennus Preservation
  311. 6:22:04 PM Aubrey I think at some point a treaty would be punched out.
  312. 6:22:08 PM Froggy Well... I'd rather not burn the Mechanicus. Having the Komra subordinate to them helps, while still making the techpriests dicks.
  313. 6:22:28 PM Aubrey Partners works better.
  314. 6:22:46 PM Froggy Oh, sure. The same way they're partners with the Knights. ;)
  315. 6:22:49 PM JaegerWolf Treaty would work.
  316. 6:22:50 PM Arelex Atalantos is about preservation, and expansion. Find the blueprints, build the blueprints, export the finished products Imperium-wide.
  317. 6:23:00 PM Aubrey The Mechanicus officially recognises them as a part of the Greater Mechanicus.
  318. 6:23:17 PM Arelex And then make copies of the blueprints.
  319. 6:23:31 PM Froggy So the Dorfs give up their rights to colonise new worlds and have to pay material tithes but get "home rule", or something?
  320. 6:23:38 PM Aubrey As well as the Atalantos worlds, in return they share resources and limit some experimentation, while also watching eachothers backs.
  321. 6:23:41 PM Brennus Yeah, that would work well
  322. 6:24:07 PM JaegerWolf Any way to have a private side chat with Lumey, Alex, and Aubrey? I'd like to discuss an idea Aubrey gave me, but don't want to clutter the large-picture important thread.
  323. 6:24:11 PM Brennus Home rule lets the Mechanicus not worry about them while still profiting
  324. 6:24:20 PM Froggy And they're like, "Fine, sure, whatever, our main thing is to kill the shit out of the Cult of Krenz."
  325. 6:24:33 PM Brennus I'm sure you could create some kind of private room, but I don't know how to create channels
  326. 6:24:57 PM JaegerWolf #brainstormsession
  327. 6:25:17 PM JaegerWolf click the link.
  328. 6:25:27 PM JaegerWolf see if this works.
  329. 6:26:14 PM Alexandri Or do this
  330. 6:26:15 PM Froggy Merrill, if you want my attention then that's going to derail discussion on the Komra anyway. Let's just move on to your idea. I have stuff to work with.
  331. 6:26:20 PM Alexandri ./join #Channel
  332. 6:28:37 PM JaegerWolf Alright, so we know Merrill had kind of a shitty childhood growing up, and blahblahblah. Skip to the idea that a good chunk of his issues is that at some point, his "father" tries to kill him. Merrill defends himself, murdering the dude in the process, and laying down some serious trust issues for later.
  333. 6:30:42 PM Brennus Probably gonna be suspicious of Emps for that reason
  334. 6:30:42 PM JaegerWolf As it stands, the three people he trusts would be Aubrey, Uriel, and Hektor. That being said, I'm thinking for someone like Merrill, that takes more than "being close and helping out," it would take some serious action to PROVE that you're worth his trust.
  335. 6:31:28 PM JaegerWolf Oh, absolutely. Dude's basically absent his entire life, shows up out of nowhere, tells him his history and drops him in the middle of an army of strangers in one swoop.
  336. 6:33:06 PM Brennus What do the three of them do to earn his trust?
  337. 6:33:25 PM JaegerWolf Obviously I can't discuss options with Uriel, Aubrey seems to like taking the role of a kind of younger brother, and Brennus hits the question on the nose.
  338. 6:33:42 PM JaegerWolf Any idea what we could have Hektor do to cause this?
  339. 6:34:15 PM Brennus Hektor could be the reliable, trusted older brother that Merrill kind of adopts as a self-chosen father figure
  340. 6:34:24 PM Froggy Well, the Primarchs weren't just found and given command of their Legion. Usually they went back to Terra to be tutored by Malky and/or the other Primarchs.
  341. 6:34:43 PM Brennus Hektor shows up right at the start of Merrill's career, teaches him, helps him, answers questions...
  342. 6:36:42 PM Froggy Really, it's more difficult to see what Aubrey did to get Merrill's trust, as he turns up thirty years later. Uriel and Hektor are there at the start to mentor him.
  343. 6:37:06 PM JaegerWolf Yeah, you're right about the going back to Terra for the majority of them, I can adjust things on Merrill's bio to accomodate. Although he was found later in the Crusades.
  344. 6:37:12 PM Brennus Aubrey, hast thou a suggestion?
  345. 6:37:50 PM Aubrey Aubreys a caring person by nature.
  346. 6:38:04 PM Froggy Alternatively he could be inducted into Hektor's Crusade Fleet and learn from the master, with Uriel assigned as his "mentor" (i.e. to check up on him) after Merrill takes command.
  347. 6:38:05 PM Aubrey Perhaps he simply communicated more with Merrill and frequently.
  348. 6:40:06 PM JaegerWolf My thoughts are that they would still have to do something or series of somethings that would cement enough of an idea to bring about trust.
  349. 6:41:25 PM Froggy Well, if he basically gets welcomed into Hektor's household for a couple of years, treated as family (for realsies, not the kind of toxic relationships he's used to), that would be quite a thing.
  350. 6:42:30 PM Brennus Yeah, it would take a while, but that kind of environment would certainly foster trust
  351. 6:42:51 PM JaegerWolf If you've ever dealt with trust issues, that's baggage that stays attached for a long ass time and rears its head at the slightest provocation. I'm not knocking anything down, I think it adds an excellent basis for future work. I will continue to think on this stuff and get back to you guys.
  352. 6:43:23 PM Froggy OK.
  353. 6:43:27 PM Aubrey Well if Merrill is close to Hektor, Aubrey would come into conversion a number of times after Aubrey is found.
  354. 6:43:30 PM Brennus Cool
  355. 6:43:47 PM Froggy Alexandri, we're all very sorry. Please bring us back to talking about the Primordial Brotherhood.
  356. 6:44:56 PM Brennus I think the PB should have some sort of constitution that makes the position of "Tyrant" official; the great leaders mostly abuse it, which contributes to the gradual decline
  357. 6:45:01 PM Alexandri NO
  358. 6:45:11 PM Brennus :(
  359. 6:45:13 PM Brennus Ok
  360. 6:45:34 PM Alexandri YOU DON'T GET TO TREAT ME LIKE THIS THEN EXPECT ME TO WALK BACK LIKE A TWELVE DOLLAR - So the Primordial Brotherhood is probably started by the a unsuspected Legionary commander.
  362. 6:46:01 PM Alexandri The reason Atmir stuck out to me was no one would suspect the Gorgers to bring shit together but there you go.
  363. 6:46:29 PM Alexandri Their unique sort of, internal philosophy, apprehension to Chaos worship, and other facets made them stick out to me for being a unifying force.
  364. 6:46:37 PM Alexandri At the moment, I have no one who could slot in like that perfectly.
  365. 6:46:44 PM JaegerWolf I hated Atmir at first, but he was a decent concept.
  366. 6:46:50 PM Alexandri So I'm open to suggestions. Perhaps the Iron Rangers? Who knows.
  367. 6:46:53 PM Alexandri Why'd you hate him?
  368. 6:46:54 PM Alexandri I'm curious.
  369. 6:46:59 PM Brennus Can Atmir fit into any other legions?
  370. 6:48:26 PM Alexandri Nope.
  371. 6:48:36 PM Alexandri I was thinking having a commander from the Iron Rangers though.
  372. 6:48:37 PM Aubrey The only other person who I could see as a Unifying figure is Tithonus and even then he's in it for the money.
  373. 6:48:51 PM JaegerWolf I didn't like him because he came from the CT, I just thought that would be the worst fit.
  374. 6:48:56 PM Froggy How about a non-psyker from the Black Augurs?
  375. 6:48:57 PM Alexandri But Atmir is sort of that, ancient warrior. Focused. Wise, in his own way. Knows what works, and knows what he must do.
  376. 6:49:04 PM Alexandri Why them, Lumey?
  377. 6:49:09 PM Aubrey Tithonus only really deals with Slaanesh because they have a common goal..
  378. 6:49:11 PM Froggy Least expected.
  379. 6:49:14 PM Brennus The Rangers have kind of an accepting enough philosophy, I feel, that one of them could pull a lot of others to his banner
  380. 6:50:08 PM JaegerWolf I think that post-heresy they become much more of wild cards.
  381. 6:50:37 PM Froggy Also, you can tell a bit of a story about what it's like to be a non-psyker in the psy-dominated Legion.
  382. 6:50:39 PM JaegerWolf and an IR commander over everything else might work, but there's no way to sell it.
  383. 6:51:19 PM Froggy (Added bonus: if the Primordial Brotherhood is all about ditching the word of the Primarchs, the Augurs would be early adopters.)
  384. 6:52:07 PM JaegerWolf I can see that.
  385. 6:52:48 PM JaegerWolf Even if he's only got some minor psychic abilities, their uses of clairvoyance would make them good commanders.
  386. 6:53:13 PM JaegerWolf Alternately, he could be granted powers due to the Mark of TZ.
  387. 6:53:41 PM JaegerWolf Considering he would be the chosen of the gods.
  388. 6:54:01 PM Froggy Nah, have him get NOTHING. And not rise above Battle Brother until the Legion Wars. But once things break up, his natural qualities rise to the fore and the guy is the most successful warband commander.
  389. 6:54:22 PM JaegerWolf hrm...
  390. 6:54:40 PM JaegerWolf That sounds intriguing.
  391. 6:54:49 PM Brennus Yeah, I like that
  392. 6:54:55 PM Froggy Because the Primoridal Brotherhood is meant to be about reforging the Traitors, right?
  393. 6:55:14 PM Froggy Alex, does that work for you?
  394. 6:55:26 PM Alexandri Got pulled away, reading
  395. 6:56:11 PM Alexandri I like it.
  396. 6:56:18 PM Alexandri It captures what was unique about Atmir.
  397. 6:56:39 PM Alexandri The sort of qualities where in the post-Legion world they show their prowess.
  398. 6:56:53 PM Alexandri Now for Atmir, he had the foresight to make it more about a collective rather than placing himself at the head.
  399. 6:57:04 PM Alexandri Is this the same?
  400. 6:57:07 PM Alexandri Actually
  401. 6:57:13 PM Alexandri Does everyone REMEMBER what Atmir did?
  402. 6:57:26 PM Alexandri Because I can run through it.
  403. 6:57:31 PM Brennus Yes please
  404. 6:58:37 PM Alexandri Atmir takes the majority of the geneseed for the Gorgers, builds up their strength while everyone fights. The rest of the Gorgers not beneath Atmir become various warbands doveted to various Gods while his own force stays Undivided.
  405. 6:59:15 PM Alexandri He then saves the gene-seed of the Ramparts, the main successors of the Bulwark by sooping down and killing the warband stealing it.
  406. 7:00:02 PM Brennus Ok. That explains how he'd get their support
  407. 7:00:03 PM Alexandri This endears the Ramparts to him. After that he gathers up the Mastodontii and collects one of the Homotimos from Hektor's inner circle, and they go on a massive raid into the Imperium with large amounts of loot.
  408. 7:00:18 PM Alexandri After this, they bring in the bigger Legions/Warbands into the Primordial Brotherhood.
  409. 7:00:52 PM Froggy The first bit is really easy to translate. NewAtmir is able to appeal to the ordinary battle brothers of the Black Augurs while the Wizards make for their towers.
  410. 7:01:13 PM Froggy And a Black Augur lying in wait is - well, it's their thing, right? :)
  411. 7:01:22 PM JaegerWolf So why did LCK scrap Atmir?
  412. 7:01:45 PM Froggy Because Atmir wasn't part of LCK's homebrew chapter.
  413. 7:02:07 PM JaegerWolf ...Are...
  414. 7:02:16 PM JaegerWolf Are you fucking kidding me?
  415. 7:03:42 PM Alexandri Yeah.
  416. 7:03:46 PM Alexandri Along with everything else from the Gorgers.
  417. 7:04:00 PM Froggy Well, LCK posts on Bolter and Chainsword as "Sheesh Mode", and advertises his Chapter Name as "Cannibal Pact" there.
  418. 7:05:35 PM JaegerWolf Alright, back to the story.
  419. 7:06:06 PM Alexandri That's it.
  420. 7:06:16 PM Alexandri Atmir founds the Council then steps down, he also gets Aubrey to join on.
  421. 7:06:16 PM JaegerWolf So, he manages to unite the battle brothers, how about he waits on the psychers in their towers?
  422. 7:06:31 PM Alexandri Oh, we're talking translating.
  423. 7:06:40 PM JaegerWolf yeah.
  424. 7:07:08 PM Froggy Not sure that NewAtmir should set the stage for Aubrey. I think that weakens both of them.
  425. 7:08:08 PM Alexandri What do you mean?
  426. 7:08:11 PM Alexandri He let's Aubrey in
  427. 7:08:16 PM Alexandri Gives the Brotherhood clout.
  428. 7:08:44 PM JaegerWolf Idea: He wants the Augurs psychics, but realizes that digging them out will be near impossible with the force he arrays, and they wouldn't necessarily be willing to discuss things.
  429. 7:08:55 PM Golgothos joined the channel.
  430. 7:08:59 PM JaegerWolf So who would be the next logical step for assistance?
  431. 7:09:18 PM JaegerWolf Still having problems, golgy?
  432. 7:09:57 PM Froggy Characterwise, having Atmir set up the gang for Aubrey kinda implies that the Primarch couldn't get a Crusade going on his own. And needing to get Aubrey onboard to set up his "new order" isn't exactly looking to the future.
  433. 7:10:00 PM Brennus Which traitors have the second-most psykers?
  434. 7:10:23 PM Aubrey Ah I have an answer for that.
  435. 7:10:53 PM JaegerWolf Idk, I think having tactical superiority and a display of force to get them to willingly bend the knee would take precedence.
  436. 7:10:58 PM Aubrey The only reason that the other warbands haven't attempted a coup on Aubrey is because the EZ have been heading the slave trade.
  437. 7:11:11 PM Aubrey They are a major power in the eye, a very tolerated one.
  438. 7:11:27 PM Aubrey No one will help them in combat, but they maintain trade relations for resources.
  439. 7:11:48 PM Aubrey The reason why the EZ is hated is because everyone blames their problems on the primarchs fucking up.
  440. 7:12:02 PM Aubrey And the EZ are the only ones with a mortal primarch.
  441. 7:12:12 PM Aubrey But not JUST a mortal primarch, it's the arch-traitor himself.
  442. 7:12:45 PM Brennus And that's a very convenient scapegoat
  443. 7:13:06 PM Aubrey If they bring Aubrey in, they get a couple of things from eachother.
  444. 7:13:09 PM Arelex Arch Traitor I thought belonged to Hektor. Since he's... you know... the dude. Aubrey's the First Traitor.
  445. 7:13:51 PM Froggy Isn't the First Traitor Uriel?
  446. 7:13:53 PM Aubrey Aubrey can get people to stop hating him, making his ambitions easier. and the rest of Chaos get a general boost in man power and slave power.
  447. 7:14:47 PM Brennus But people don't know Uriel is the first traitor
  448. 7:14:51 PM Arelex Maybe Uriel is, yeah.
  449. 7:14:52 PM Froggy I still kinda think that having Atmir get his act together after Aubrey makes things cleaner.
  450. 7:15:02 PM Arelex But either way, I don't think anyone but Hektor is the Arch-Traitor.
  451. 7:15:18 PM Froggy I'm not sure that people would know that Aubrey is "the first Traitor" either...
  452. 7:15:33 PM Brennus Hmm, yeah
  453. 7:16:03 PM Aubrey Didn't we discuss that Aubrey took that role.
  454. 7:16:03 PM Brennus Probably people think of Hektor as Arch-Traitor. Nobody gives that title to Lorgar, after all
  455. 7:16:48 PM Aubrey Him Hektor and Uriel decided he was going to be the man to reveal his existence to the Imperium in a grand specticle to draw a lot of attention.
  456. 7:19:17 PM Alexandri Alright.
  457. 7:19:21 PM Alexandri Let's drop the Aubrey link.
  458. 7:19:31 PM Aubrey mhm
  459. 7:20:26 PM Froggy Y'know, NewAtmir could come to the rescue of the leaderless and depleted Eternal Zealots after Aubrey's Crusade.
  460. 7:21:35 PM Aubrey He'd probably have to contend with Tithonus later on and that would be so fucking interesting for me.
  461. 7:22:03 PM Aubrey Tithonus is built up to be this Huron Blackheart styled character, but he's seen it all from the start.
  462. 7:23:23 PM Aubrey Tithonus would be pissed to see his old legion in new hands. Especially, non-zealot hands.
  463. 7:23:48 PM Froggy Possibly NewAtmir rescues the Zealots FROM Tithonus?
  464. 7:24:38 PM Brennus Or at least rescues a certain portion of them; those who don;t meat Tithonus' standards, perhaps
  465. 7:25:10 PM Brennus *meet
  466. 7:25:17 PM Brennus Also *don't
  467. 7:25:51 PM Froggy I mean, we should establish the guy's credibility during Aubrey's crusade, possibly as the rearguard during the retreat, or alternatively his warband carry out a feint and are widly succesful, only having to withdraw to the Eye of Terror when the main force is defeated?
  468. 7:26:27 PM Aubrey Oooh~ drama.
  469. 7:26:50 PM Brennus I like it
  470. 7:28:20 PM Aubrey Ok ok, so just before the crusade is about to kick off, Tithonus. Aubreys right hand, the 1st captain, the most competent man in his entire forces, backs out, takes his company, and a good few others from other companies and a fuck ton of naval power, then peaces out. Sorry just thought I'd throw this in as one of the reasons the Crusade ends up failing.
  471. 7:28:26 PM Aubrey But yes, I like that idea Lumey.
  472. 7:28:56 PM Froggy Man, people are going to hate Tithonus.
  473. 7:28:58 PM Arelex Seems fairly Chaosy. I'll give it my thumbs up.
  474. 7:29:11 PM Aubrey Tithonus is a dick.
  475. 7:29:28 PM Aubrey All he does is plunder the materium and be a space pirate all day long.
  476. 7:29:39 PM Froggy Does he just chillax while the Crusade is going down, or go do his own private marauding in an entirely different area (taking advantage of the disruption)?
  477. 7:29:41 PM Aubrey He refuses any calls to arms he receives, if he ever receives it.
  478. 7:29:48 PM Aubrey Exactly.
  479. 7:29:54 PM Aubrey He feeds off of the crusade.
  480. 7:30:06 PM Aubrey But stays a long way away from it.
  481. 7:30:13 PM Aubrey Until he hears about the EZ under new management.
  482. 7:30:25 PM Aubrey He hadn't even heard of Aubreys death he's been away for so long.
  483. 7:30:42 PM Aubrey And returns, the full Black Sails Armada.
  484. 7:30:59 PM Aubrey Right behind him.
  485. 7:31:02 PM Brennus That is really cool. This does make a good Huron replacement
  486. 7:31:25 PM Froggy If there's a time lag, the EZ probably get pummeled by their old enemies and get an interim leadership as they try to survive.
  487. 7:31:46 PM Aubrey Makes sense.
  488. 7:31:54 PM Arelex The advantage to having Chaos fragments break off periodically is that every one can be a story, and a good reason for the (whatever) to fail without looking too jobbed. After all, Chaos is nothing if not selfish and opportunistic.
  489. 7:32:06 PM Arelex You can't really blame a warlord wannabe for striking out when his boss isn't looking.
  490. 7:32:14 PM Brennus Chaos loves betraying itself
  491. 7:32:14 PM Froggy Or alternatively, we could have NewAtmir show up right when the first old rival takes a swing (I'm guessing the Sons of Fire would be taking revenge early and often).
  492. 7:32:28 PM Arelex Nor the writers for adhering to the themes of Chaos.
  493. 7:32:29 PM Arelex exactly.
  494. 7:33:18 PM Alexandri The Sons of Fire break up after the Betrayal of Sudden Flame.
  495. 7:33:24 PM Alexandri They cease to be an entity.
  496. 7:33:27 PM Brennus If NewAtmir is going to be an Black Augur with no powers he needs a suitable title
  497. 7:33:33 PM Alexandri Thought that was clear, maybe I should go rewrite it.
  498. 7:33:36 PM Froggy NewAtmir will need to get an indisputable solid victory over the Imperium, though.
  499. 7:33:53 PM Froggy No "we withdraw having completed my plan after all".
  500. 7:33:59 PM Alexandri He doesn't.
  501. 7:34:05 PM Alexandri They stick around, but the Imperium comes down hard.
  502. 7:34:16 PM Alexandri The Second Black Crusade, which is successful, reclaims all they lost and more.
  503. 7:34:32 PM Froggy That will not do. He has to sacrifice every inhabitant of a Hive World to the Ruinous Powers, including the Space Marine Chapter sent to stop him.
  504. 7:34:35 PM Alexandri Which becomes even more unstable and they all implode into Petty Fiefdoms that the Imperium swallows up in separate campaigns.
  505. 7:34:47 PM Alexandri He does that to multiple places.
  506. 7:34:57 PM Alexandri Sorry if I'm not conveying my ideas clearly.
  507. 7:35:45 PM Golgothos has quit: Ping timeout.
  508. 7:35:49 PM Brennus It sounds like he is more about fomenting unrest and discord with his campaigns
  509. 7:36:03 PM Froggy How big are you imagining the "Second Black Crusade"? (Recommended retitle to something related to Atmir's name.)
  510. 7:36:43 PM Alexandri Second Black Crusade is held by a character we'll think up later as an example of the Primordial Brotherhood's strength.
  511. 7:37:21 PM Brennus :( I hope Golgo's computer will work better soon. I feel his title should be something that works both as an insult and something to be proud of. I can't for the life of me think of what that IS, but I'm wracking my brain as we...type.
  512. 7:38:08 PM Alexandri It's always been wack
  513. 7:38:29 PM Alexandri ANYWAYS
  514. 7:38:59 PM Alexandri All I'm saying here as a stepping stone for the Brotherhood's ability and then the subsequent crusade is an example of their downfall and then stagnation before Elenkor comes in.
  515. 7:39:41 PM Froggy OK, but I still need to get an idea for how big the PB's first incursion is. You said they got it all back and more? Like they get as far as Isstvan? Luna?
  516. 7:41:14 PM Brennus 0_0 I would think they don't get as far as Luna. How about, say, an early, but temporary, conquest of Cadia?
  517. 7:41:28 PM Alexandri No no no
  518. 7:41:41 PM Alexandri They take Cadia and the various surrounding systems first. They take double/triple that the second time.
  519. 7:42:07 PM Froggy Is this before Cadia gets turned into a Fortress World?
  520. 7:43:27 PM JaegerWolf Actually, you guys suggested a second campaign, and I got two votes to have an IR guy do that. With a pre-existing leadership, that might happen. He could pull a Stalin and assassinate or otherwise remove other rivals from play, but isn't able to hold everything together as well. He's too cautious for the Khorne types, too inelegant for the Slaaneshi, not doing whatever enough for the followers of Nurgle and Tzeentch, so he gets
  521. 7:43:35 PM Arelex Are we still assuming Cadia is the lynchpin of the Eye?
  522. 7:44:00 PM Froggy We could mess with the Cadian Gate but it's a pretty big change.
  523. 7:44:00 PM Alexandri Yes Froggy.
  524. 7:44:04 PM Alexandri They can't take Cadia the second time
  525. 7:44:06 PM Alexandri They just sorta
  526. 7:44:07 PM Alexandri Surround it
  527. 7:44:19 PM Froggy Besiege it?
  528. 7:45:40 PM Brennus Just make sure no Jedi get down to the surface
  529. 7:46:27 PM Brennus But Seriously, I don't think it's that bad of an idea to mess with the gate, as long as we cement the Imperials as holding it by M41
  530. 7:46:59 PM Alexandri Yes.
  531. 7:47:08 PM Alexandri But the first time they take it because there is nothing there.
  532. 7:47:20 PM Alexandri No one realizes how badly they need to hold it till after the Imperials force them out.
  533. 7:47:28 PM Alexandri Think of it like the first 3 crusades situation, sorta, kinda.
  534. 7:50:03 PM Brennus Overall failures that netted advantages for later tries?
  535. 7:50:40 PM JaegerWolf I think it should change hands several times by M.41, ending up in the hands of the Empire. It makes a lot of sense to want to take it quickly early on in a campaign, it's a foothold, and sets up a precedence as to WHY every man, woman, and child is conscripted. If it's always successful, such extreme measures would never fully develop.
  536. 7:51:18 PM JaegerWolf It also makes for an excellent initial foothold due to its proximity to the Eye.
  537. 7:51:43 PM Arelex Chaos occupation would wreck the fortifications of Cadia though
  538. 7:51:55 PM Arelex so you'd never really get to build it up like you need for a credible defense.
  539. 7:52:17 PM Arelex You need time, and you need to not have Tzeentch rubbing his balls on it, to keep it an Imperial world.
  540. 7:52:43 PM Arelex Cause of the corruption thing.
  541. 7:52:53 PM Arelex Chaos is hard to remove, once it gets the slightest foothold.
  542. 7:53:04 PM Brennus *shudder* There's a mental image that won't leave for a good while
  543. 7:54:18 PM Alexandri Yeah.
  544. 7:54:29 PM Alexandri I don't think they take it only except for the beginning though before it's fortified.
  545. 7:54:34 PM Alexandri But I want to switch topics.
  546. 7:54:38 PM Alexandri Lumey, you there?
  547. 7:54:47 PM Froggy Did GeeDubs ever tell us what else was in the Cadian system?
  548. 7:55:08 PM Alexandri Yes
  549. 7:55:16 PM Alexandri Namely the shit that Abby blowed it up.
  550. 7:55:18 PM Alexandri
  551. 7:55:21 PM Alexandri But I want to ask
  552. 7:55:26 PM Alexandri Do you feel up to talking Sisters?
  553. 7:55:43 PM Aubrey I sent something to skype
  554. 7:55:44 PM Aubrey Enhoy
  555. 7:55:46 PM Aubrey enjoy*
  556. 7:55:58 PM Aubrey I spent a good two hours on it.
  557. 7:56:26 PM Froggy Umm... we could discuss the Adepta, I guess.
  558. 7:56:27 PM Brennus Lemme get on the Skype
  559. 7:56:37 PM Brennus I'll talk Sisters some, sure.
  560. 7:57:06 PM Aubrey Oh Sisters are an interesting subject
  561. 7:57:10 PM JaegerWolf And you're right about the taint and rebuilding the defenses, but we have like 9,000 years to work with.
  562. 7:57:57 PM Brennus It's like...Cthulhu-helm
  563. 7:57:58 PM Arelex It's more that every defeat, no matter how slight, and every touch of Chaos, no matter how short lived, means that all future fights become that much easier. Especially if Chaos is actualy kinda *focused* on something.
  564. 7:58:20 PM Arelex So if you don't write about that weakening effect, it feels like you're just too cool for Chaos's shit.
  565. 7:58:45 PM Froggy We could pull the "Touch of Chaos" thing on the second crusade, where the Imperial garrison just goes Heretic as soon as the Traitors show up.
  566. 7:59:06 PM Aubrey Cthulhu helm?
  567. 7:59:33 PM Froggy And when the Imperials return they basically give the world to the Inquisition for the next thousand years to ruthlessly purge early and often.
  568. 7:59:36 PM Brennus Yes. The hangy down bits remind me of face tentacles, which reminds me of Cthulhu
  569. 7:59:48 PM Froggy Not that the Inquisition doesn't do that anyway, but - more so.
  570. 8:00:00 PM Froggy Heck, it could be a signal event in the Inquisition getting more Inquisitiony.
  571. 8:00:39 PM Arelex I could buy that. If there ever WAS a world whereupon the Imperium might actually try to "beat/purge" Chaos, it'd be Cadia.
  572. 8:00:41 PM Froggy (I'll talk Sisters when Alex lays out the idea.)
  573. 8:00:42 PM JaegerWolf That...Might actually work for the story.
  574. 8:00:56 PM Arelex You'd get one failed defense from the Imperium, where the planet's getting corrupted for a while.
  575. 8:00:57 PM Brennus Seems legit, I like it.
  576. 8:01:02 PM Arelex Then you'd get the reconquest at some point.
  577. 8:01:04 PM Alexandri I was thinking of going more indepth to their importance, touch upon the idea that they keep Chapters in line, and other such things.
  578. 8:01:17 PM Arelex And then the Inquisition goes "Shit, we need to get SERIOUS here".
  579. 8:01:41 PM Arelex And that influences them for the rest of history, and cements the "WE MUST DEFEND THIS PLANET" in the Imperium's bueraucratic mind, to the point where it's basically dogma.
  580. 8:01:47 PM Arelex As the Imperium often does.
  581. 8:02:02 PM Arelex And then it's a self-fulfilling prophesy for "why is Cadia so important?"
  582. 8:02:06 PM Froggy OK. Well, I assume that we want to go with pretty serious quantities of Adepta, like at least twenty per Imperial Planet?
  583. 8:02:07 PM Arelex Because it just IS, to the Imperium.
  584. 8:02:17 PM Brennus That's kind of an interesting idea, Alex, Sisters as doctrinal enforcers for Astartes. It might explain why they use similar gear
  585. 8:03:29 PM Alexandri I think the idea you laid out a while back is a good one.
  586. 8:03:33 PM Alexandri Lemme find it.
  587. 8:03:35 PM Golgothos joined the channel.
  588. 8:03:51 PM Brennus Hi Golgothos
  589. 8:04:02 PM Alexandri
  590. 8:04:13 PM Alexandri Proposal 1: Full Sororitas.
  591. 8:04:51 PM Brennus Sexy Jesus Look
  592. 8:05:07 PM Froggy Sexy Jesus stuff is key.
  593. 8:05:21 PM Aubrey Oh god
  594. 8:05:49 PM Froggy Having the Church-based army be the most overtly sexualized is the kind of thing that 40k used to be more about.
  595. 8:06:04 PM JaegerWolf So, if they fight in a vacuum does that make them sexy space Jesuses?
  596. 8:07:29 PM Froggy Obviously.
  597. 8:07:40 PM JaegerWolf Alright, I gots to get going. Have fun talking smack behind my back.
  598. 8:07:57 PM Froggy Nah, I'll save the smack talk for next time. ;)
  599. 8:08:02 PM Brennus They are Brides of the Emperor, but it's an open marriage. Later dude, take care
  600. 8:08:10 PM JaegerWolf You I believe.
  601. 8:10:04 PM Froggy OK, so other than the "equality" stuff, how do people feel about the proposal to make the Adepta a massive army, bigger than the Mechanicus' armed forces?
  602. 8:10:25 PM Alexandri All for it.
  603. 8:10:47 PM Brennus Yeah, that sounds fine'
  604. 8:11:12 PM Brennus The superior technology of the Mechanicus will allow them to retain an equal place in the hierarchy of the Imperium
  605. 8:11:50 PM Froggy The Ecclesiarchy is meant to be the most powerful single organisation in the Imperium, although the Inquisition does have more clout.
  606. 8:12:09 PM JaegerWolf has quit: Ping timeout.
  607. 8:12:39 PM Froggy That said, a Titan Legion is hard to compare to anything else.
  608. 8:13:07 PM Arelex See, I would have called it the other way round.
  609. 8:13:17 PM Arelex Ecclesiarchy has the clout, because morality
  610. 8:13:28 PM Arelex and Inquisition has the power, but they're not well known.
  611. 8:13:37 PM Arelex Because sekret police without rules or limits.
  612. 8:13:40 PM Froggy Getting ten percent of everything is kind of a big deal.
  613. 8:13:53 PM Brennus And the velvet glove around the Titan Legion's iron fist is the correct rituals and knowledge to make mundane tech work right
  614. 8:14:05 PM Froggy Whereas Inquisitors can turn up and say, "By the Authority of the Immortal Emperor of Mankind" and you'd better hop to it.
  615. 8:16:06 PM Brennus They all have different advantages in the Imperial system
  616. 8:16:36 PM Froggy Anyway, was there a particular mechanism by which you wanted them to regulate the Adeptus Astartes? Or are they just a counterweight?
  617. 8:16:36 PM Brennus They're like wobbly legs holding up a rickety chair
  618. 8:18:42 PM Arelex "regulating" Astartes is gonna be tricky.
  619. 8:19:31 PM Alexandri I think they know how to fight them, trained to fight them, and other such things. They also have power armor and heavy weaponry the guard doesn't have in spades.
  620. 8:19:34 PM Brennus You need the weight of numbers, and equivalent (if not superior) tech.
  621. 8:19:41 PM Froggy I guess Inquisitors being able to say, "And if you step out of line, I will drown you in musclenuns" does help.
  622. 8:19:43 PM Alexandri They can be a good, strong hand of the Inquisition.
  623. 8:20:18 PM Brennus Unless the chapter is falling to Slaanesh, Froggy. That might just be an encouragement. ;)
  624. 8:20:55 PM Froggy That does imply that a lot of the fighting against Renegade Marines from M37 onwards is done by the Adepta.
  625. 8:21:23 PM Brennus It's a good way to make them more prominent, if we wanna do that
  626. 8:22:04 PM Froggy Although the Inquisition does "start play" with the Grey Knights and the Eyes of the Emperor.
  627. 8:23:54 PM Alexandri I think it's a good way to bring them into the forefront of the setting doing something that's almost necessary.
  628. 8:25:27 PM Froggy ("Chamber Malleus" and "Chamber Oculus"?)
  629. 8:25:31 PM Brennus They could be almost an advance warning system of chapters about to fall
  630. 8:27:50 PM Froggy I dont' know about advance waring, that's getting too close to the Inquisition's own turf. Remember that the Adepta Sororitas are part of the Ecclesiarchy, only required to work for Inquisitors in the same way as any other Imperial Citizen.
  631. 8:30:00 PM Brennus Yes, but the Ecclesiarchy has to have at least some interest in making sure the Astartes are not developing heretical beliefs, given their central nature in protecting mankind.
  632. 8:30:15 PM Brennus Or reporting on them if they do develop those beliefs.
  633. 8:31:22 PM Froggy Hmm. The OU Astartes are hardcore heretics, maintaining Chapter Beliefs way outside of the Imperial Faith.
  634. 8:32:25 PM Brennus Do we want to keep that, or change things up?
  635. 8:33:40 PM Froggy With the shape of the Loyalist Legions, I would be a bit surprised if they went orthodox.
  636. 8:33:50 PM Arelex I say we may as well keep it. Astartes have a massive range of beliefs as it is, some loyal, some religious, some iconoclast, some just not giving a fuck.
  637. 8:33:55 PM Arelex No need to limit ourselves.
  638. 8:34:24 PM Arelex Probably the Scribes will adhere pretty close to orthodoxy, if not closest, but they won't be the religious ones either.
  639. 8:36:20 PM Alexandri It's more the Chapters follow slightly modified Truth doctrine.
  640. 8:36:30 PM Alexandri And the Ecclesiarchy's revival happened around them, and without their consent.
  641. 8:38:10 PM Brennus Perhaps they get grandfathered in, and the Sisters simply watch for full blown Chaos worship?
  642. 8:39:09 PM Froggy Well, they also have wars of faith to wage, right? There are going to be schismatics all the time, and the Sororitas need to beat them back into line.
  643. 8:39:45 PM TheWaywardGuardsman joined the channel.
  644. 8:40:19 PM Alexandri Yes.
  645. 8:40:24 PM Alexandri I was thinking that too
  646. 8:40:24 PM Brennus Hey there WG
  647. 8:40:29 PM Alexandri Wayward, we're discussing the Sororitas.
  648. 8:40:37 PM Froggy Hi Wayward.
  649. 8:41:27 PM TheWaywardGuardsman Sup thar
  650. 8:41:37 PM TheWaywardGuardsman Bolterbitches, eh?
  651. 8:41:43 PM TheWaywardGuardsman Whats the current word on them then?
  652. 8:42:05 PM Froggy
  653. 8:44:58 PM Alexandri Okay Lumey.
  654. 8:45:01 PM Alexandri You want me writing on the PB?
  655. 8:45:09 PM Alexandri I think I can get a big write up done tonight
  656. 8:45:50 PM Froggy Well, it was the main topic of discussion today, so I think there should be plenty to go on.
  657. 8:46:55 PM Alexandri There is.
  658. 8:47:11 PM Alexandri I'm thinking the NewAtmir doesn't disclose what Legion he and his men are from.
  659. 8:47:17 PM Alexandri Wait no that's dumb.
  660. 8:47:20 PM Alexandri Forget that.
  661. 8:48:37 PM Brennus I dunno, that's not so dumb
  662. 8:49:07 PM Brennus Especially if he is a non psyker Black Augur
  663. 8:49:46 PM Alexandri Hmm.
  664. 8:49:55 PM Alexandri The PB is about shaking off the old Legions.
  665. 8:50:02 PM Alexandri To create one singular Legion.
  666. 8:50:16 PM Alexandri It doesn't ever achieve that dream though because if it did bye bye Imperium and Elenkor would have fuck all to do.
  667. 8:50:39 PM Brennus Yeah, the individualistic tendencies of Chaos always spoil the plan
  668. 8:51:23 PM Aubrey And the 13th happens.
  669. 8:51:31 PM Aubrey The Black Sails decide to say fuck it.
  670. 8:51:52 PM Aubrey Their full Naval might and their many many slaves come to the side of the Black Legion.
  671. 8:52:30 PM Alexandri 13th?
  672. 8:52:31 PM Alexandri 13th what?
  673. 8:52:37 PM Aubrey Black
  674. 8:52:38 PM Aubrey Crusade
  675. 8:52:49 PM Alexandri There are only 4 now.
  676. 8:52:57 PM Aubrey The last one
  677. 8:53:11 PM Alexandri That's Elenkor, sons of Hektor's show.
  678. 8:53:30 PM Aubrey Then he has back-up.
  679. 8:53:32 PM Aubrey Wait...
  680. 8:53:37 PM Aubrey We can work with that.
  681. 8:53:40 PM Alexandri He disbands the Council of Warmasters and makes the Primordial Brotherhood his personal Legion with the Transhuman Cohort as his personal guard.
  682. 8:53:52 PM Alexandri Lumey!
  683. 8:53:55 PM Alexandri What's a good size for the PB?
  684. 8:54:31 PM Aubrey Then maybe he sends out an Invitation to Tithonus?
  685. 8:54:56 PM Aubrey Not to be a meat puppet, but to actually be someone who will be heard.
  686. 8:56:52 PM Alexandri Froggy
  687. 8:56:55 PM Alexandri What's a good size of the PB?
  688. 8:57:02 PM Alexandri 90,000?
  689. 8:58:43 PM Alexandri Man this got quiet.
  690. 8:58:50 PM Alexandri Or maybe I'm just hyper and excited.
  691. 8:58:53 PM Arelex I still don't like either of those names very much, but 90k Marines under one person's command is pretty damned huge, for a not-Primarch deal.
  692. 8:59:10 PM Arelex That's a lot to ask Chaos to keep in one place for more than 5 minutes before imploding.
  693. 8:59:46 PM Brennus Yeah, probably it would be smaller than that, but with a lot of traitorous humans, and some daemon backup
  694. 8:59:50 PM Alexandri Black Legion is 200,000
  695. 9:00:07 PM Alexandri And the Corsairs under Blackheart are something like 130,000
  696. 9:00:27 PM Aubrey So if we we're going in the ball park of Tithonus is coming back.
  697. 9:00:50 PM Aubrey Picking up the pieces of the EZ and deciding to throw in his lot, that would be a substantual number.
  698. 9:01:08 PM Aubrey not including regular human man-power.
  699. 9:01:21 PM Arelex But how many of those 200k are actually "under control" and not just "some dudes in the same area"?
  700. 9:01:40 PM Arelex cause that's as many as the entire Ultramarines Legion at full strength.
  701. 9:01:43 PM Arelex That seems like a LOT.
  702. 9:02:09 PM Brennus It really does
  703. 9:02:28 PM Alexandri What's wrong with the names Arelex?
  704. 9:02:35 PM Alexandri I can talk to you about that while we wait for Lumey
  705. 9:03:01 PM Aubrey Because they are all spread out.
  706. 9:03:20 PM Aubrey They don't all attack Cadia, because that would just be a huge clusterfuck
  707. 9:03:34 PM Aubrey There would be no ground combat, it would be ship on ship blockades.
  708. 9:03:35 PM Arelex They just feel cumbersome and awkward. "Transhuman" isn't a word I associate Marines with thinking of themselves as, or knowing in general. They're just Marines.
  709. 9:03:47 PM Arelex It sounds like a different flavor of sci-fi, basically.
  710. 9:04:06 PM Brennus The Transhuman Cohort are the ones most closely associated with Pallas, so that's why that name
  711. 9:04:13 PM Aubrey to me Marines are demi-gods
  712. 9:04:17 PM Aubrey Or Demi-daemons
  713. 9:04:21 PM Arelex "Primal" might at least be better than Primordial. "Primordial Brotherhood" is a hard thing to make a battlecry out of, you know?
  714. 9:04:44 PM Arelex The two names sound pompous and overblown, I guess. Idk.
  715. 9:04:59 PM Arelex Oddly intillectual.
  716. 9:05:15 PM Froggy I would just say "tens of thousands of Traitor Marines recognise the authority of the Primordial Brotherhood".
  717. 9:05:18 PM Alexandri ...Arelex.
  718. 9:05:40 PM Alexandri Transhuman Dread is literally a pschological condition in 40k.
  719. 9:05:49 PM Arelex Just sounds weird on the tongue, is all.
  720. 9:06:15 PM Froggy It is an odd flow of vowels.
  721. 9:07:14 PM Alexandri Hrm
  722. 9:07:17 PM Arelex yeah, when you sound it out it has so many syllables, and the cadence feels off.
  723. 9:08:01 PM Arelex I guess... it sounds like a "tryhard" name, for a more pretentious, actually "transhuman" sci fi game, like Eclipse Phase or something. It brings to mind high tech and bio-catgirls, not SPESS MEHREENS.
  724. 9:08:03 PM Froggy Like, "Transhuman Squadron" sounds OK but isn't quite "high-falutin'" enough.
  725. 9:08:06 PM Alexandri Also the idea behind Primordial Brotherhood is to be the big pompous powerhouse in the room.
  726. 9:08:19 PM Alexandri Like another big overblown name
  727. 9:08:28 PM Alexandri Holy Roman Empire. Which is what inspired them.
  728. 9:08:49 PM Alexandri A loose collection of tribes confederated under a singular ruler who has a hard time reigning them in. But when he does, oh man.
  729. 9:09:01 PM Froggy That said, the Transhuman Cohort is the post-Luna outfit, doing Fabulous Bile stuff. They're not primarily about kicking people's teeth out.
  730. 9:09:20 PM Arelex Could you maybe Gothic the name up a bit? That might help.
  731. 9:09:39 PM Arelex Make it sound less "near future"?
  732. 9:11:25 PM Froggy ... Novamarines? :D
  733. 9:12:21 PM Alexandri Every google search I can to give me ideas is failing me.
  734. 9:12:41 PM Arelex Lol, Novamarines is pretty good. :P
  735. 9:12:53 PM Arelex Hmm..
  736. 9:13:24 PM Brennus Marines Transcendant?
  737. 9:13:45 PM Alexandri That's a good one.
  738. 9:13:51 PM Alexandri I want to replace Marines.
  739. 9:14:05 PM Alexandri Order Militant Transcendant?
  740. 9:14:09 PM Alexandri No.
  741. 9:14:12 PM Alexandri Argh.
  742. 9:14:18 PM Arelex Transkendos Legio? Astrancendos?
  743. 9:14:21 PM Brennus Knights Transcendant?
  744. 9:14:29 PM Arelex Marinus Innovatum?
  745. 9:14:37 PM Arelex Novastartes?
  746. 9:14:46 PM Alexandri Astartes Transcendant.
  747. 9:14:50 PM Alexandri There we go.
  748. 9:15:02 PM Alexandri Now the Primordial Brotherhood...
  749. 9:15:05 PM Brennus Yeah, that works
  750. 9:15:35 PM Arelex Eclipse is a synonym for Transcend. Maybe that'd work for something.
  751. 9:16:06 PM Brennus Eclipse Brethren?
  752. 9:16:15 PM Arelex Primordial Brotherhood: Cult of the First? The Firstborn? Adherents of the Truth?
  753. 9:16:28 PM Arelex Sight-Blessed?
  754. 9:16:41 PM Froggy Ultimarines.
  755. 9:16:58 PM Arelex Primus Oraculum?
  756. 9:17:02 PM Froggy Unfortunately everyone would slur it into smurfs, so it won't work.
  757. 9:17:13 PM Arelex yeah. amusing idea though.
  758. 9:17:13 PM Froggy Wolves of Dusk.
  759. 9:17:43 PM Arelex Subastrans.
  760. 9:18:00 PM Arelex Like submarines, but sub-Warp.
  761. 9:18:06 PM Arelex or some similar wording.
  762. 9:18:17 PM Arelex "Those that gaze deeply" or some such.
  763. 9:18:52 PM Froggy Actually, Eclipse might be the right track. Eclipse Warriors?
  764. 9:19:16 PM Arelex "Occluded" something?
  765. 9:19:30 PM Arelex Light-eaters?
  766. 9:19:54 PM Arelex (The Blacklights) :P
  767. 9:20:04 PM Froggy The Blackhearts.
  768. 9:20:07 PM Brennus Haha nice
  769. 9:20:16 PM Brennus To both of those
  770. 9:20:17 PM Alexandri Blackheart Brotherhood?
  771. 9:20:58 PM Alexandri What about mine?
  772. 9:21:13 PM Arelex mine what?
  773. 9:21:15 PM Brennus Yeah, that's good
  774. 9:21:19 PM Froggy Blackhearts is not an option, even if the Traitors do love rock and roll.
  775. 9:21:42 PM TheWaywardGuardsman has quit: Ping timeout.
  776. 9:22:40 PM Brennus Maybe the Band of the Blackhearted?
  777. 9:23:40 PM Froggy ... would they have Joan-class Jets? :D
  778. 9:23:48 PM Brennus Hahaha
  779. 9:24:34 PM Alexandri :v
  780. 9:24:54 PM Arelex Before I get too spun around, remind me again the core purpose of the Primordials?
  781. 9:25:03 PM Arelex What is their most essential "thing"?
  782. 9:25:34 PM Alexandri Replacement of the Black Legion. Believe in pure service to the Pantheon of the Chaos Gods, and that the various Legions during the Heresy fucked over the Traitors by being too fractured.
  783. 9:25:39 PM Alexandri So they form a brotherhood of the primordial.
  784. 9:26:01 PM Alexandri A coalition of Marines rallied behind the pure essance of the universe...
  785. 9:26:02 PM Alexandri CHAOS
  786. 9:26:46 PM Froggy Undivided... Brotherhood/Cohort?
  787. 9:27:06 PM Alexandri Undivided Brotherhood could be a good one.
  788. 9:27:12 PM Arelex Well, that puts me in mind of the "Primordial Truth" that Chaos is described as.
  789. 9:27:23 PM Arelex Maybe focus on the more "religious" aspects of Chaos?
  790. 9:27:35 PM Arelex It might be what holds them together instead of fragmenting so easily, after all.
  791. 9:27:49 PM Froggy It's a pity we can't call them the Wordbearers.
  792. 9:28:29 PM Arelex Seers, Deep Gazers, The Learned, The En"dark"ened.
  793. 9:28:49 PM Brennus The Abyssal Seers
  794. 9:29:18 PM Arelex The White Eyes, like how seers often have cataracts and are blind and such?
  795. 9:29:23 PM Arelex or something similar?
  796. 9:29:45 PM Arelex Go full Sauruman's "White Hand" style?
  797. 9:30:23 PM Arelex Or maybe in mockery of the Imperium, call them "The Purified/The Pure/The Cleansed/The Unstained"?
  798. 9:30:29 PM Brennus The White Spirals
  799. 9:30:45 PM Brennus I like "The Unstained"
  800. 9:33:11 PM Arelex Mmk. Unstained Lords, Unstained Legion, Astartes Unstained, Legio Imaculat (untarnished in Roman)
  801. 9:34:31 PM Aubrey So what, they reform the fractured EZ?
  802. 9:34:42 PM Alexandri The Immaculate Host?
  803. 9:34:49 PM Alexandri No, they reform various Legions.
  804. 9:34:52 PM Aubrey remake them into the bearers of the gods they were.
  805. 9:34:55 PM Froggy The Unstained is pretty good.
  806. 9:35:15 PM Aubrey i'm outta here.
  807. 9:35:26 PM Froggy Yeah, get some sleep man. :)
  808. 9:35:41 PM Arelex Sure. The Unstained it is.
  809. 9:35:42 PM Brennus Catch you later, sleep well
  810. 9:35:49 PM Aubrey But soon Lumey
  811. 9:35:51 PM Aubrey Soon.
  812. 9:35:55 PM Arelex Or some similar Gothic version, should anyone have a brainwave.
  813. 9:35:55 PM Aubrey You.
  814. 9:36:27 PM Aubrey Wait Lumey question
  815. 9:36:36 PM Aubrey Merely curiousity, where the fuck do you live?
  816. 9:36:58 PM Aubrey Uriel and I are britbongs
  817. 9:37:11 PM Aubrey And you respect the 'U'
  818. 9:37:19 PM Aubrey Unlike these other...heathens.
  819. 9:37:25 PM Froggy I'm back in New Zealand. For me this meetup has been a leisurely midday chat.
  820. 9:37:30 PM Alexandri I want something else to go along with Unstained
  821. 9:37:31 PM Golgothos has quit: Ping timeout.
  822. 9:37:31 PM Alexandri And then I'm sold.
  823. 9:37:43 PM Aubrey Snake Bearers.
  824. 9:37:59 PM Aubrey Guardians of the Serpent.
  825. 9:38:20 PM Alexandri >:|
  826. 9:38:36 PM Aubrey ... Lizard Feet.
  827. 9:38:45 PM Froggy Viper Warriors
  828. 9:38:51 PM Aubrey Eyyy!
  829. 9:38:53 PM Froggy Ophidian Knights
  830. 9:39:00 PM Arelex what does "go along with" mean? Like another name, or an addition to the name, or what?
  831. 9:39:10 PM Froggy Cobra. Commanders.
  832. 9:39:19 PM Aubrey Lumey
  833. 9:39:25 PM Aubrey Is my favourite person now.
  834. 9:39:43 PM Alexandri UNSTAINED
  835. 9:39:44 PM Alexandri SOMETHING
  836. 9:39:46 PM Alexandri That's what I mean.
  837. 9:40:01 PM Aubrey Unstained Fangs
  838. 9:40:04 PM Aubrey Tails
  839. 9:40:05 PM Froggy Unstained Asps
  840. 9:40:06 PM Aubrey Eyes
  841. 9:40:10 PM Aubrey Venom
  842. 9:40:12 PM Aubrey Snakes
  843. 9:40:14 PM Aubrey Snakes?!
  844. 9:40:20 PM Aubrey SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAKESSSS?!?!
  845. 9:40:25 PM Alexandri TAils Eyes Venom Snakes Snakes
  846. 9:40:27 PM Alexandri Is now their name
  847. 9:40:30 PM Alexandri I hope you're happy.
  848. 9:40:31 PM Brennus Unstained Host?
  849. 9:40:38 PM Alexandri That's good.
  850. 9:41:54 PM Arelex seems ok
  851. 9:43:27 PM Aubrey has quit: Ping timeout.
  852. 9:43:36 PM Froggy Unstained Pythons?
  853. 9:43:40 PM Arelex lol
  854. 9:44:18 PM Froggy Untarnished Elapids?
  855. 9:44:37 PM Arelex I gotta say, this has been a decent conversation, although it does make the thread look somewhat embarrasingly empty.
  856. 9:45:02 PM Alexandri Speaking of threads
  857. 9:45:08 PM Alexandri I was thinking of making it we have weekly threads
  858. 9:45:13 PM Alexandri So everyone knows when they're on
  859. 9:45:20 PM Arelex seems ok
  860. 9:45:27 PM Alexandri And we start getting a more permanent presence again.
  861. 9:45:34 PM Alexandri So one on Tuesday, one on Saturday?
  862. 9:45:39 PM Alexandri That way we have Weekend and Weekday threads.
  863. 9:45:59 PM Brennus That sounds like it would work well, I like it
  864. 9:46:14 PM Froggy Sure.
  865. 9:46:36 PM Alexandri Lumey, like prog-rock?
  866. 9:47:30 PM Alexandri
  867. 9:47:34 PM Alexandri This song makes me think Elenkor
  868. 9:48:02 PM Alexandri Right
  869. 9:48:03 PM Alexandri Unstained Host?
  870. 9:48:08 PM Alexandri I think I can work on it now.
  871. 9:49:18 PM Brennus Cool
  872. 9:50:27 PM Brennus Damn, this is really good. I like prog metal
  873. 9:50:56 PM Froggy OK. How about we call time on the meetup and aim to chat again in a week? That should be time for the Unstained Host material to get drafted and read.
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