
oh god all this chaos

Nov 4th, 2015
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  1. [10:24 PM] Yevgeny Volgin is being ATTACKED BY A BIRB HELP
  2. [10:24 PM] Taka Blackquill IS ATTACKING VOLGIN
  3. [10:24 PM] Miroku-- is praying.
  4. [10:24 PM] Tori Marie Nygma jumps up and answers the door. "Da--Iroquois! Jeez, where did you run off to?!"
  5. [10:24 PM] Simon-Blackquill is coughing to much to help!
  6. [10:24 PM] Simon-Blackquill: too*
  7. [10:25 PM] Avery Corvison wonders if he is hearing a noise coming from the door...? Or is it the kitchen..? Or is that just the sounds of Volgin and Taka's screeches? Or Simon's coughing?
  8. [10:25 PM] Manfred von Karma still feels embarrassed about that, jeez.
  9. [10:25 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin: I needed to be alone for a bit. What's up? Am I missing a party?
  10. [10:25 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin is thankfully not drunk this time!!! BE PROUD OF HIM!!!!
  11. [10:26 PM] Yevgeny Volgin will be proud as soon as this bird stops giving him new scars
  12. [10:26 PM] Avery Corvison decides promptly there is just too much sound to be bothered with, returning his attention to the book he put away long ago until the excitement dies back down again to where their game can continue.
  13. [10:26 PM] Tori Marie Nygma is very proud! Good Iropapa. "Yeah, sort of." She leans in closer, lowering her voice. "It's crazy here, even for me. I'm glad you're here."
  14. [10:27 PM] Skirl goes SQUEEEELLLLLCHHHKKKKK SSSSSSSUUUUCK POP in the kitchen
  15. [10:28 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin: Really? I'll take a look.
  16. [10:28 PM] Casper LeBlanc Jr stands up and goes over to the kitchen. What is that noise?!
  17. [10:28 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin heads inside and- why is Simon's bird attacking Volgin?? "What the hell!" He hurries over to try and separate the hawk from Volgin. "Back off!"
  18. [10:29 PM] Taka Blackquill screeches and leaps to attack Pliskin instead!
  19. [10:29 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: Oh, shit--!
  20. [10:29 PM] Manfred von Karma is also looking towards the kitchen. Clearly this beast doesn't want to take a dare right now, and he gets up to join the others.
  21. [10:29 PM] Simon-Blackquill is no longer coughing but he is now lying down on the couch, clearly struggling to breathe. Uh oh.
  22. [10:30 PM] Liquid Snake leans against a wall, just observing the commotion. Oh. There's his brother.
  23. [10:31 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin is now being attacked! He doesn't swipe at the bird(because Simon would never forgive him), focusing instead on shielding his head with his arms, cussing loudly, his ears pinned back and tail bristled because of course he's still a dog.
  24. [10:31 PM] Taka Blackquill flies around Pliskin and dives at him from behind, aiming for the ears.
  25. [10:31 PM] Manfred von Karma ... stops, turning to take another look at Simon to make sure he's-- Fuck. Fuck! His grip tightens on his cane as he backtracks to the couch, visibly panicked and attempting to figure out what to do. Manfred von Karma is famously bad at crisis management, after all.
  26. [10:33 PM] Simon-Blackquill is clutching his chest, which feels like it's on fire, and he's kind of tossing and turning.
  27. [10:33 PM] Tori Marie Nygma turns around and--shit. Shit, shit, shit--!
  28. [10:33 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin realizes just a bit too late that he should shield his ears!
  29. [10:34 PM] Taka Blackquill does exactly that, swiping right through the corner of one of Pliskin's ears.
  30. [10:35 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin snarls and ducks down, putting one arm over his ears, one of which is now bleeding. "Fuck!!"
  31. [10:36 PM] Manfred von Karma starts unbuttoning the top of Simon's shirt and vest.
  32. [10:36 PM] Taka Blackquill goes right back to attacking Volgin now. PEOPLE ARE HURTING HIS HUMAN!!
  33. [10:37 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: Iroquois!
  34. [10:37 PM] Simon-Blackquill stays still when he feels someone else touching him, but he's not bothering to open his eyes and find out who. He's just kind of wheezing and gasping for air.
  35. [10:37 PM] Casper LeBlanc Jr will investigate the kitchen later, right now he needs to burd. "Hey! Taka!" He flares his wings, doing his best to appear menacing.
  36. [10:37 PM] Manfred von Karma reaches into his pocket. "Should I... Should I call the emergency line?"
  37. [10:37 PM] Taka Blackquill hears his name and looks up.
  38. [10:37 PM] Taka Blackquill dives for Casper.
  39. [10:39 PM] Casper LeBlanc Jr raises an arm and just takes whatever claws or beaks Taka feels he needs to attack him with.
  40. [10:39 PM] Yevgeny Volgin is also swearing, blood running down his face, and grabs Pliskin by the arm and yanks him towards the bathroom, aka a door that CLOSES.
  41. [10:40 PM] Taka Blackquill repeatedly swipes his claws right at Casper's arm.
  42. [10:40 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin is dragged to a bathroom! His puppy ear has a cut in it. :( (but it'll look so cute when it heals)
  43. [10:41 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin's ear is probably bleeding a bit from that, too.
  44. [10:41 PM] Casper LeBlanc Jr doesn't seem to mind, at least not by his expression. He does his best to grab on to Taka's legs with his other hand. If he can restrain Taka, he'll move towards the front door. He needs to get Taka somewhere with more space.
  45. [10:41 PM] Manfred von Karma checks Simon's pulse but is visibly angry now, angry at Simon for asking him to choke him and angry at himself for listening to him. Foolish, foolish, foolish!
  46. [10:42 PM] Simon-Blackquill turns his head, feeling his hair fall against his sweaty forehead. "I... W-will be fine," he croaks out, finally opening his eyes. His pulse is quickened.
  47. [10:42 PM] Manfred von Karma is muttering 'Foolish' to himself repeatedly under his breath.
  48. [10:42 PM] Skirl is slowing her squelshing gooey emergence from the sink, now spread out over several feet of counter and down the side to the floor in a bright pink, slowly-fattening layer.
  49. [10:43 PM] Miroku-- has fled the room sometime in all the commotion.
  50. [10:45 PM] Tori Marie Nygma is panicking so much right now.
  51. [10:45 PM] Manfred von Karma reaches into his pocket for his cell phone (bless Franziska for convincing him to finally get one) and dials 911, resting his hand on Simon's shoulder as he very gingerly explains what happens to the poor dispatcher on the other end of the line.
  52. [10:45 PM] Taka Blackquill is being restrained by Casper and is fighting back! D:
  53. [10:46 PM] Simon-Blackquill grimaces at the thought of a hospital visit but he supposes he can't avoid it...
  54. [10:46 PM] Manfred von Karma conveniently omits the whole 'oh yeah and he asked me to choke him' thing. "My acquaintance is having difficulty breathing..."
  55. [10:46 PM] Yevgeny Volgin calls out, through the door, "I can restart his heart if it stops!" and then turns his attention to his Pliskin-- oh, his poor sobachka, his ear is nicked and bloodied--
  57. Without a single care for his own slashed and bloodied face, he starts fussing over Pliskin, grabbing a towel and pressing it against the minor cut. "My poor Pliskin," he says, "hold this, let me try and find some kind of bandage for it."
  58. [10:47 PM] Casper LeBlanc Jr is probably bleeding a bunch but he can take it. It's okay, Taka. Let's just get you outside. Here we are. "Hey. Calm down. They're going to take him to the hospital, and he'll be okay. Just calm down... we'll make sure he's all right. I promise."
  59. [10:47 PM] Manfred von Karma panics when asked for an address because he doesn't /know/ and also because he despises talking on the phone. He shoves the phone at Tori, expecting her to know what to say.
  60. [10:48 PM] Skirl finally makes her way out of the kitchen, a rolling ball of bright pink goo with two slightly-larger-than-human eyeballs floating in the center and a few dark intrusions specking her translucent body. What the hell is going on here?
  61. [10:48 PM] Taka Blackquill flies around outside and tries to get out all his excess energy. He's screaming his butt off.
  62. [10:48 PM] Tori Marie Nygma manages to give the address through her panicked babbling before giving the phone back to Manfred.
  63. [10:49 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin growls, taking the towel off his head and pressing it to one of Volgin's cuts instead. "I'm fine, it's just a cut, I've had worse. You've got worse!" He's not going to let himself be babied like this when Volgin's worse off. "I could go get Jeb, maybe. Is he here?"
  64. [10:49 PM] Manfred von Karma makes a face like 'what am I supposed to do with this?!' when he gets the phone back, then slaps it to his ear again for any further instructions.
  65. [10:50 PM] Tori Marie Nygma is trying not to completely freak the fuck out, damnit.
  66. [10:50 PM] Simon-Blackquill is just casuALLY TRYING TO BREATHE
  67. [10:51 PM] Yevgeny Volgin: What, these? I've had worse.
  68. [10:51 PM] Liquid Snake tried to follow what was going on, but decided to help himself to some snacks instead. Classic Liquid.
  69. [10:52 PM] Yevgeny Volgin can barely feel some of them because they overlay ancient scar tissue, surely they can't be that bad.
  70. [10:52 PM] Avery Corvison joins in on the munching of snacks because that is a thing I can actually type out in a relatively speedy speed.
  71. [10:52 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin: Yeah, but you've got worse than me. Just sit still and let me take care of [i]you[/i], okay?
  72. [10:53 PM] Manfred von Karma hangs up when he is told an ambulance is on the way, stuffing the phone back into his pocket and keeping an eye on Simon. He looks very nonplussed right now, more than usual.
  73. [10:53 PM] Yevgeny Volgin ... sighs, and asks, "Are you planning to lose the caretaking argument?" If not, Volgin might just give up and let himself be fussed at.
  74. [10:53 PM] Manfred von Karma hopes that boner was worth it, Simon.
  75. [10:53 PM] Simon-Blackquill definitely found that boner worth it.
  76. [10:53 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin: Just let it be my turn, alright?
  77. [10:54 PM] Casper LeBlanc Jr sits down on the porch and does his best to breathe calmly. He has to focus a bit to be able to use his healing abilities on himself, and finally he manages to close his wounds. He'll have to wash his clothes but whatever. He stands up and goes to watch Taka. "You feeling any better now, buddy?"
  78. [10:54 PM] Yevgeny Volgin grumbles and sits on the toilet seat, letting Pliskin do what he wants.
  79. [10:54 PM] Tori Marie Nygma tries to calm herself down.
  80. [10:54 PM] Taka Blackquill is still flying around and screeching like crazy. He is VERY UPSET.
  81. [10:54 PM] Manfred von Karma: An ambulance is coming to get you.
  82. [10:55 PM] Manfred von Karma: Please never ask me to do something like that again.
  83. [10:55 PM] Simon-Blackquill: Under...stood.
  84. [10:55 PM] Casper LeBlanc Jr: Guess not.
  85. [10:56 PM] Skirl is apparently unnoticed, even though she's a pretty big ball of goo, and she forms a mouth to vibrate and ask, aloud, "Yo, where th' hell am I, motherfuckers?"
  86. [10:56 PM] Casper LeBlanc Jr is probably more used to people dying or being near death than most other people, to be fair.
  87. [10:56 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin gives Volgin a smooch to the corner of his mouth, and then presses the towel again to the worst of Volgin's cuts. "Hold that there." And then he- okay first he peeks out the door to make sure Taka isn't about to swoop down on him. And then he steps out, heading right for Tori. "Tori. Where's Jeb?" And that's when he notices Simon. D: "What the hell happened??"
  88. [10:56 PM] Manfred von Karma: What happened was this man was a fool.
  89. [10:56 PM] Manfred von Karma: And so am I, for taking part in this.
  90. [10:56 PM] Yevgeny Volgin stays there.
  91. [10:56 PM] Manfred von Karma looks very, very displeased.
  92. [10:56 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: ...he's going to die...
  93. [10:57 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin: Where's Jeb?
  94. [10:57 PM] Manfred von Karma: That's for the hospital to decide, Miss Tori.
  95. [10:57 PM] Simon-Blackquill is not going to die, don't be a drama queen.
  96. [10:58 PM] Manfred von Karma: I didn't-- intend to have any of this happen.
  97. [10:58 PM] Tori Marie Nygma isn't being dramatic, she's panicking.
  98. [10:58 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: Oh my god... oh my god, oh my /god/--!
  99. [10:58 PM] Manfred von Karma just angrily folds his arms and white-knuckles his sleeves.
  100. [10:58 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin: Tori, for fuck's sake, Jeb can help, now calm down and tell me where he is!
  101. [10:58 PM] Skirl: ((please explain this fuckery to the large pink slime-monster, Dycedarg.
  102. [10:58 PM] Simon-Blackquill is not finding it easy to breath with all this commotion going on!!
  103. [10:58 PM] Simon-Blackquill: breathe*
  104. [10:59 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: I-- p-probably upstairs--!
  105. [10:59 PM] Simon-Blackquill is straight up hyperventilating at this point.
  106. [10:59 PM] Dycedarg Beoulve opens the door and heads downstairs at last
  107. [11:00 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin: I'm going to go get him. And [i]you[/i] are going to get a grip. You panicking isn't helping anyone.
  108. [11:00 PM] Avery Corvison elects in all seriousness to put his book away (again) for the time being. While most of the chaos around was dying down, there was still this uncomfortable presence in the room that made him want to continue being in there. So with his book away the late teen slowly peeled himself from his chair and decided to wander his way outside to check on both Casper and Taka.
  110. When he stepped outside he winced at the sound of the hawk screeching, walking over until he stood by the other boy his age. Shivering lightly in the night air she crossed his thin arms across his body and tucked his large onyx wings close to his sides, "So he hasn't stopped screaming then?"
  111. [11:00 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: I'm /trying/--!
  112. [11:00 PM] Jeb Parmalee fell back asleep and thus does not know what's going on. And also gets to avoid the talk of shame. Clearly the world has not fallen back into chaos as he sleeps, right? ...right?
  113. [11:01 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin grabs Tori by the shoulders, about to say something, when he notices Dycedarg. Pretending he doesn't have blood in his hair and earfur, he talks to Dycedarg instead. "Dyce. Where's Jeb?"
  114. [11:02 PM] Casper LeBlanc Jr shakes his head. "I can understand that he's upset. He should be okay... but I want to make sure he doesn't divebomb anyone who comes to help. He got me pretty good, but I healed it already."
  115. [11:02 PM] Tori Marie Nygma shuts her eyes and tries to block everything out.
  116. [11:02 PM] Dycedarg Beoulve: Last I left him, he was in the guest room over there. Why?
  117. [11:02 PM] Dycedarg Beoulve hasn't noticed the chaos as of yet
  118. [11:03 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin: Shit happened as usual. Anyways, do me a favor and go heal the Colonel in the bathroom? I'm gonna go get Jeb for Simon.
  119. [11:03 PM] Skirl is getting very annoyed with literally no one noticing her, and with an aggrieved sigh, starts forming herself into her usual shape, still rounded and full of eyeball, but humanoid and feminine and with the eyeballs up in the face area, not down in her tits or anything. Obviously, she is not wearing clothing.
  121. "Okay, fuckers, I'm gonna ask again," she announces, voice loud, "the fuckin' hell is this place?"
  122. [11:05 PM] Avery Corvison cast a curious glance to Casper's arms, raising a brow before looking back up to the skies to watch Taka. "Self-healing powers? That's got to be an incredibly convenient trait to have." There was a fairly lengthy pause before he added the question, "So is that part of the wings package deal or.....?"
  123. [11:05 PM] Dycedarg Beoulve nods and heads into the bathroom, where the Colonel was covered in scratches. "...what in God's name happened /this/ time?"
  124. [11:05 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin heads right past Dycedarg and up the stairs, busting into the room Jeb's in. "Jeb! Put some pants on, we need you downstairs."
  125. [11:06 PM] Taka Blackquill is screeching considerably less now. But he's still flying around like crazy, distressed now due to hearing ambulance sirens approaching.
  126. [11:06 PM] Yevgeny Volgin: Simon's damn bird decided he didn't like me trying to help Simon.
  127. [11:06 PM] Oliver Van Buuren would offer a coy wave of clawed fingers to Avery as he passed him upon entering. The demon had a knowing look upon his face, the slightest of smirks spread across his slender lips. The boy was busy, so he did not bother to speak, at least not yet. Instead he continued on, slipping inside gracefully, onyx-clad form shifting as if in dance.
  129. Every garment on him, from his slacks and boots to his leather pea coat and scarf; were adorned in the starkest of blacks. It matched his hair, which in turn contrasted his flawless pale flesh, which in turn caused his blood-crimson eyes to strike. It was his most prominent feature. Well, at least if he kept his mouth closed..
  131. He claimed a seat for himself, unaware of the chaos that awaited him. No doubt he felt hints, a slight electricity in the air around him. He paid it no mind, instead choosing to focus his attention on the souls that surrounded him.
  132. [11:07 PM] Skirl is a damn irritated soul, and also possibly an alien.
  133. [11:07 PM] Dycedarg Beoulve: Ah. I might have known. The scratches seem minor, I should be able to deal with this fairly swiftly.
  134. [11:09 PM] Jeb Parmalee jumps awake. "W-What happened?!" He scrambles out of bed, too worried to feel embarrassed over Iroquois being in here and seeing him naked, then grabs his pants and boxers. He makes as quick of work as possible to pull them on. He rushes over to Iroquois after that--no time for a shirt, being flustered can come later.
  135. [11:09 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin Skirl can kiss Pliskin's ass, caring about his friends > some random pink slime alien
  136. [11:09 PM] Liquid Snake just keeps on leaning on a wall, a drink in his hand now. The place always seems to descend into chaos, and really, he can get behind that.
  137. [11:09 PM] Albedo shows up late to the party with Starbucks. He also may or may not be stoned.
  138. [11:09 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin: Simon got hurt somehow. Just go try and help him, please.
  139. [11:09 PM] Dycedarg Beoulve begins chanting under his breath, hands moving over the scratched up areas. "Life's refreshing breeze, blow in energy..." The by now familiar blue healing light begins to envelop the Colonel
  140. [11:10 PM] Tori Marie Nygma is a very panicked soul, but she's at least /trying/ not to break down completely.
  141. [11:10 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin is too busy to care about Jeb's naked butt! He quickly leads the way back down the stairs after Jeb's dressed.
  142. [11:10 PM] Albedo has the most disgustingly souped up, delicious-looking iced coffee in hand as he strides past the ambulance and the chaos all around.
  143. [11:10 PM] Jeb Parmalee follows after him.
  144. [11:10 PM] Yevgeny Volgin sighs, then shoos the man away. "Now look after Simon or Pliskin."
  145. [11:10 PM] Simon-Blackquill is meanwhile still clutching his chest in clear pain, still gasping for air. He's getting very lightheaded.
  146. [11:11 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin takes Jeb stright to Simon! "He's having a hard time breathing."
  147. [11:11 PM] Albedo casually greets the EMTs as they park the ambulance and head for the house.
  148. [11:11 PM] Albedo takes a sip of his oversweet coffee. "Always something at this place, hm~?"
  149. [11:12 PM] Skirl is like FINE WHATEVER and collapses back into a ball, then flattens out more to a lozenge and amoebas underneath a couch.
  150. [11:12 PM] Dycedarg Beoulve frowns and quirks an eyebrow. "Pliskin didn't seem in terrible danger. He's the one that sent me to you. What is /happening/ here? I've been...asleep."
  151. [11:12 PM] Skirl: Simon dared that old man to choke him, and went past his body's limit. Taka went damn insane.
  152. [11:13 PM] Jeb Parmalee immediately starts using healing magic on Simon.
  153. [11:13 PM] Yevgeny Volgin: Simon dared that old man to choke him, and went past his body's limit. Taka went damn insane.
  154. [11:13 PM] Simon-Blackquill is having breathing problems, Jeb. Magic ain't gonna heal that
  155. [11:13 PM] Jeb Parmalee looks up at Iroquois. "I'm not sure if I can..."
  156. [11:13 PM] Manfred von Karma sighs and gets the door. "Leave me out of this. It was his idea."
  157. [11:14 PM] Simon-Blackquill is just gonna get taken to the ER
  158. [11:14 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: You still /did it/.
  159. [11:14 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin: What?? But- Mnnrgh.
  160. [11:14 PM] Avery Corvison doesn't even grace Oliver with a wave back, far too busy with casting a highly displeased look at him while he passed and side stepping just a bit to stand closer to Casper and thusly farther from that monstrosity by the name of Van Buuren.
  161. [11:14 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin's bristly tail goes between his legs.
  162. [11:14 PM] Manfred von Karma isn't proud of himself for that, either, but sheesh.
  163. [11:14 PM] Jeb Parmalee: There's a lot of things my magic can take care of, but...
  164. [11:15 PM] Dycedarg Beoulve is mildly astonished. "And Sir Pliskin sent me to tend to /you/ instead?" He turns around and heads out of the bathroom. "Pliskin! Why didn't you inform me that Sir Blackquill was grievously injured!"
  165. [11:15 PM] Manfred von Karma: Right this way. The fool on the couch with the skunk hair is the one with ventilation issues.
  166. [11:15 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin: Because I was getting Jeb! I thought he'd be the better option. In terms of severity.
  167. [11:15 PM] Simon-Blackquill is the fool on the couch with the skunk hair and ventilation issues.
  168. [11:16 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin thought the better healer should go to the one currently worse off. :(
  169. [11:16 PM] Manfred von Karma stands aside as the EMTs set off about their work, checking Simon's vitals and preparing to load him up on a stretcher.
  170. [11:16 PM] Manfred von Karma: ...I suppose I'll go with him.
  171. [11:17 PM] Manfred von Karma was kind of the one that got him into this mess, after all.
  172. [11:17 PM] Simon-Blackquill is not very happy about any of this. Also, his wrists are still obviously bound by thick manacles. He's sure the EMTs take notice of this.
  173. [11:17 PM] Tori Marie Nygma holds herself, staying quiet now as she attempts to calm down.
  174. [11:19 PM] Yevgeny Volgin wanders out of the bathroom, and asks, "Does anyone know Bobby's phone number? My phone got fried, yesterday."
  175. [11:20 PM] Dycedarg Beoulve continues heading down the stairs. "Ah. Fair enough, then. I'm not the Priest he is." Then he sees the EMTs taking care of Simon and stops, stepping back. It's more than a little disorienting for someone who comes from a sword and sorcery style environment to see modern medicine at work. They look a little like Chemists to his eye, but that's the only part that's familiar, so he chooses to let them take care of things. "I believe Sir Blackquill is already being attended to, Sir Pliskin! A group of...Chemists, I think? Have arrived."
  176. [11:20 PM] Jeb Parmalee speaks quietly, to himself: "...why is this happening? Even after what I did... things.... things are still...!"
  177. [11:21 PM] Manfred von Karma just exhales steadily, giving Simon a reassuring pat on the shoulder once he's loaded up. Poor dude, he just wanted to get drunk and ask a bird to kiss him before this all happened.
  178. [11:21 PM] Simon-Blackquill cringes at the touch. He doesn't like it. His eyes also open at the mention of Bobby. "...Bobby..."
  179. [11:22 PM] Yevgeny Volgin says. somewhat soothingly, "Even after whatever you did, Simon is still a masochist whose lusts lay beyond the ability of his body. This is hardly anyone's fault but his own."
  180. [11:22 PM] Yevgeny Volgin MAYBE could be faulted a little for putting the idea in the man's mind, admittedly.
  181. [11:22 PM] Jeb Parmalee jumps. He didn't realize someone overheard--! "T-That...!"
  182. [11:22 PM] Oliver Van Buuren would offer a friendly wave to those who would dare to greet him. He would linger on those who drew particular attention from him, rousing hints of attraction within the black heart of the beast. Them them he would offer particularly coy smile, shifting slightly, as if to point out the fact that there was just so much room upon his couch, room that could be taken up by their shapely rears. Still though, he did not utter a word~.
  183. [11:22 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin is pacing a short ways away from the couch, his ears punned back and ear still bleeding slightly. He's trying to hide his stress, but the pinned ears and the bristled tail against his thigh gives him away.
  184. [11:23 PM] Yevgeny Volgin: You're fine, boy.
  185. [11:23 PM] Yevgeny Volgin frowns, and looks at Pliskin.
  186. [11:23 PM] Yevgeny Volgin: Unlike you, Sobachka! Jeb, can you at least stop him bleeding?
  187. [11:24 PM] Jeb Parmalee: Yes, of course!
  188. [11:24 PM] Albedo invites himself on in since the EMTs left the door wide open, sipping his coffee and getting whipped cream on his upper lip. He's about as relaxed as ever, his tail lazily swinging from side to side. "An ambulance today. Bravo, bravo!"
  189. [11:24 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin: It's only a little. I'm fine.
  190. [11:24 PM] Jeb Parmalee rushes to Iroquois side. "It doesn't matter. Please, just let me look at it!"
  191. [11:24 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: ...
  192. [11:24 PM] Albedo: Who almost died?
  193. [11:24 PM] Yevgeny Volgin growls, and narrows his eyes.
  194. [11:24 PM] Casper LeBlanc Jr moves to shield Avery a bit, watching the guy that goes past. ... He looks a little like a vampire might, but he's not getting that sense from him. "... Yeah, it is. The whole demigod thing, really. ... Is that guy going to be a problem?"
  195. [11:24 PM] Liquid Snake peers into his drink. (straight Sprite. Hardcore.) He moves to get a closer look at the goings-on, for the hell of it.
  196. [11:24 PM] Simon-Blackquill is on the stretcher, hello.
  197. [11:25 PM] Dycedarg Beoulve: Sir Blackquill, evidently.
  198. [11:25 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin growls, and then ducks down. "Fine. Enough to stop it bleeding at least."
  199. [11:25 PM] Yevgeny Volgin: You WILL let Jeb heal you. I refuse to see you bloodied and hurt when you've not asked to be.
  200. [11:25 PM] Yevgeny Volgin OKAY GOOD.
  201. [11:25 PM] Albedo takes another long sip of his iced latte. "What'd he do?"
  202. [11:25 PM] Jeb Parmalee intends to heal it all the way, thank you. He immediately gets on that!
  203. [11:26 PM] Jeb Parmalee probably won't get /that/ far.
  204. [11:26 PM] Yevgeny Volgin will go to stand wherever Jeb isn't and caress his lover's bloody hair.
  205. [11:27 PM] Dycedarg Beoulve: Evidently, he was strangled by an old man. Probably Sir von Karma over there, he's the only one that could be described that way.
  206. [11:27 PM] Manfred von Karma glares in Dycedarg's direction.
  207. [11:27 PM] Liquid Snake , upon going to check things out, sees his brother still has the dog issue. Amazing. Absolutely amazing. [sub]snerk.[/sub]
  208. [11:28 PM] Simon-Blackquill is going to be going to hospital with an old prosecutor he doesn't know very well. D:
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