
Irontalon - Clamp's Session - House2

Apr 22nd, 2015
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  1. 1:53 AM <_GeloraMuda_> --- BGM : ---
  2. 1:53 AM <_GeloraMuda_> Kalian sampai disuatu rumah, bentuknya sederhana
  3. 1:54 AM → _somnia joined (~androirc@D65EF556.4FCC2EBF.76D323C4.IP)
  4. 1:54 AM <Dimaethor> "Is this his house?"
  5. 1:54 AM <Forte_A> "yes"
  6. 1:54 AM <_GeloraMuda_> Dimaethor dengan mata mu kau dapat melihat suatu tulisan "Gonzo Family the Hunter"
  7. 1:55 AM <Dimaethor> "Hunter?"
  8. 1:55 AM <Dimaethor> "....."
  9. 1:55 AM <Forte_A> "...gonzo?"
  10. 1:55 AM <Dimaethor> "Gonzo?"
  11. 1:55 AM <Forte_A> *cek alamat*
  12. 1:55 AM <Forte_A> "it should've been gonzales"
  13. 1:55 AM <_GeloraMuda_> Ini tempat yang benar Forte_A
  14. 1:55 AM <Forte_A> "...unless the man they're talking about is called gonzales gonzo"
  15. 1:56 AM <Dimaethor> "...."
  16. 1:57 AM <Dimaethor> "Let's finish this...."
  17. 1:57 AM <Forte_A> "yes"
  18. 1:58 AM <_GeloraMuda_> --- Apa yang kalian lakukan Dimaethor, Forte A? ---
  19. 1:58 AM <Forte_A> (ini... jalan depan rumah seperti apa?)
  20. 1:58 AM <Forte_A> (eh)
  21. 1:59 AM <Forte_A> (belakang rumah itu rumah lain apa kosong?)
  22. 1:59 AM <_GeloraMuda_> (kosong)
  23. 1:59 AM <Forte_A> *pasang spell alarm di area belakang rumah*
  24. 1:59 AM <_GeloraMuda_> Tampak di belakang rumah tempat kalian berada saat ini berupa lapang, tidak terdapat apa-apa
  25. 1:59 AM <_GeloraMuda_> (oke)
  26. 1:59 AM <Forte_A> *patrol area depan rumah*
  27. 1:59 AM <Forte_A> *tipe audible*
  28. 2:00 AM <Dimaethor> *siapin pedang
  29. 2:00 AM <Forte_A> *siap panah*
  30. 2:01 AM <_GeloraMuda_> Kalian tidak mendengar aktivitas apapun dari dalam rumah tersebut, semua tampak terasa sunyi
  31. 2:02 AM <Forte_A> "..."
  32. 2:02 AM <Forte_A> (pintu depan... ga ada tanda-tanda break in kan?)
  33. 2:02 AM <Dimaethor> (about to be break)
  34. 2:02 AM <Dimaethor> (by Dim(
  35. 2:02 AM <_GeloraMuda_> (tidak ada Forte_A)
  36. 2:02 AM <_GeloraMuda_> (wkwk)
  37. 2:04 AM <Dimaethor> *coba buka pintu depan
  38. 2:04 AM <Forte_A> *continue patrol*
  39. 2:04 AM <_GeloraMuda_> (dibuka bagaimana Dimeathor?)
  40. 2:04 AM <Dimaethor> *pelan2 dl
  41. 2:05 AM <_GeloraMuda_> Pintu tersebut terkunci Dimaethor
  42. 2:07 AM <Dimaethor> *ksh signal to Forte buat mendekat
  43. 2:08 AM <Forte_A> "?"
  44. 2:08 AM <Forte_A> "what is it sir dimaethor?"
  45. 2:09 AM <Dimaethor> "Locked...."
  46. 2:09 AM <Dimaethor> "Can you open it?"
  47. 2:09 AM <_GeloraMuda_> ? "SIAPA DI LUAR!?!?"
  48. 2:10 AM <Forte_A> "um... i'm not a-"
  49. 2:10 AM <Forte_A> "...damn"
  50. 2:10 AM <_GeloraMuda_> Terdengar suara dari dalam rumah
  51. 2:10 AM <_GeloraMuda_> A loud one
  52. 2:10 AM <Dimaethor> "...."
  53. 2:11 AM <Dimaethor> *simpen pedang
  54. 2:11 AM <Dimaethor> *knock the door
  55. 2:11 AM <Forte_A> "well, no need to open it now"
  56. 2:11 AM <_GeloraMuda_> ? "SIAPA KALIAN!?!?"
  57. 2:12 AM <Forte_A> "..."
  58. 2:12 AM <Dimaethor> "We are from Iron Talon."
  59. 2:12 AM <_GeloraMuda_> ? "JANGAN MENGHANTUIKU ALFONSO!!"
  60. 2:12 AM <Dimaethor> "What?"
  61. 2:12 AM <Dimaethor> O_o
  62. 2:12 AM <_GeloraMuda_> ? "Iron...talon..?"
  63. 2:12 AM <Dimaethor> "Yes."
  64. 2:12 AM <_GeloraMuda_> ? "Sebutkan nama kalian!"
  65. 2:12 AM <Forte_A> "..."
  66. 2:12 AM <Dimaethor> "Dimaethor."
  67. 2:12 AM <Dimaethor> "And this is my friend, Forte."
  68. 2:13 AM <Forte_A> "uh... sir dimaethor..."
  69. 2:13 AM <_GeloraMuda_> Perlahan pintu rumah tersebut terbuka Dimaethor Forte_A
  70. 2:13 AM <_GeloraMuda_> Dan kalian melihat seorang pria
  71. 2:13 AM <_GeloraMuda_> (tanpa senjata)
  72. 2:13 AM <Forte_A> "..."
  73. 2:14 AM <Forte_A> *gulp*
  74. 2:14 AM <Dimaethor> "Evening, sir."
  75. 2:14 AM <_GeloraMuda_> ? "Kalian berdua anggota guild Irontalon?"
  76. 2:14 AM <Dimaethor> "Can I ask a few questions?"
  77. 2:14 AM <Dimaethor> "Yes."
  78. 2:14 AM <_GeloraMuda_> ? "Mau apa kaalian kesini?"
  79. 2:15 AM <Forte_A> "um... we..."
  80. 2:15 AM <Dimaethor> "We are investigating a case."
  81. 2:15 AM <Forte_A> "we're here under sir edward's request"
  82. 2:15 AM <Dimaethor> "A murder case three months ago."
  83. 2:15 AM <_GeloraMuda_> ? "...Masuk ke dalam..."
  84. 2:15 AM <Dimaethor> "A fellow Iron Talon died."
  85. 2:16 AM <Dimaethor> "Thank you."
  86. 2:16 AM <Forte_A> "..."
  87. 2:16 AM <_GeloraMuda_> Pria tersebut mengajak kalian masuk ke dalam rumahnya
  88. 2:16 AM <Dimaethor> *buka helm
  89. 2:16 AM <Forte_A> "i... i don't think that its a good idea"
  90. 2:17 AM <Forte_A> "we need to patrol the area after all"
  91. 2:17 AM <_GeloraMuda_> ? "ada apa? kalian jadi masuk atau tidak?"
  92. 2:18 AM <Dimaethor> *masuk
  93. 2:18 AM <Forte_A> "uh..."
  94. 2:18 AM <_GeloraMuda_> ? "Apa yang ingin kau tanyakan?" @Dimaethor
  95. 2:18 AM <Forte_A> "we'll go in... i guess"
  96. 2:18 AM <Forte_A> *ikut*
  97. 2:18 AM <Dimaethor> "Why do you get haunted?"
  98. 2:18 AM <_GeloraMuda_> setelah kalian berdua masuk, Gonzales mengunci pintu rumahnya
  99. 2:19 AM <_GeloraMuda_> ? "Orang-orang menuduhku aku yang membunuh Gonzales, padahal aku bukanlah pelakunya!'
  100. 2:19 AM <_GeloraMuda_> (*Alfonso maksudnya)
  101. 2:19 AM <_GeloraMuda_> (sori mulai error, wkwk)
  102. 2:19 AM <Forte_A> "...huh?"
  103. 2:19 AM <_GeloraMuda_> ? "Aku mendengar suaranya di malam hari..."
  104. 2:19 AM <_GeloraMuda_> ? "Suara Alfonso menuduhku aku yang membunuhnya..."
  105. 2:20 AM <Dimaethor> "Tell us then.... Do you?"
  106. 2:20 AM <_GeloraMuda_> ? "Itu sebabnya saudara kembarku dibunuh olehnya!"
  107. 2:20 AM <_GeloraMuda_> ? "Aku tidak!"
  108. 2:20 AM <_GeloraMuda_> ? "Aku bersumpah bukan aku pembunuhnya!"
  109. 2:21 AM <Dimaethor> "Then who did it? Any suspicions?"
  110. 2:21 AM <_GeloraMuda_> ? "I don't know! I have no idea who did it!"
  111. 2:22 AM <Dimaethor> "Does he have any.... Enemies?"
  112. 2:22 AM <Dimaethor> "Someone who really don't like him?"
  113. 2:22 AM <Forte_A> "...have you any idea why he'd suspect you?"
  114. 2:23 AM <_GeloraMuda_> ? "I don't know! He's a good man!" @Dimaethor
  115. 2:23 AM <_GeloraMuda_> ? "...It's because..."
  116. 2:23 AM <_GeloraMuda_> ? "I also love Laura..."
  117. 2:23 AM <_GeloraMuda_> @Forte_A
  118. 2:23 AM <Forte_A> "..."
  119. 2:24 AM <Dimaethor> "Laura?"
  120. 2:24 AM <Dimaethor> "So.... Is this love triangle stuff going on over here?"
  121. 2:24 AM <Dimaethor> *a look to Forte
  122. 2:24 AM <Forte_A> "apparently"
  123. 2:24 AM <_GeloraMuda_> ? "Some said that..." @Dimaethor
  124. 2:24 AM <Dimaethor> *a loot to Gonzales again
  125. 2:25 AM <Forte_A> "oh, also miss laura's house is where sir hades and sir usbi is"
  126. 2:26 AM <_GeloraMuda_> ? "...."
  127. 2:26 AM <Forte_A> "..."
  128. 2:26 AM <Forte_A> "that reminds me..."
  129. 2:26 AM <Dimaethor> "....."
  130. 2:26 AM <Forte_A> "sir Gonzales"
  131. 2:27 AM <Forte_A> "i believe that your family is called hunters?"
  132. 2:27 AM <Forte_A> *sambil liat isi rumah*
  133. 2:27 AM <_GeloraMuda_> G "yes... and?" @Forte_A
  134. 2:28 AM <Forte_A> "...are you a hunter?"
  135. 2:30 AM <_GeloraMuda_> ? "Of course, our family have been a hunter since my great great grandfather"
  136. 2:30 AM <_GeloraMuda_> (*G)
  137. 2:30 AM <Forte_A> "do you live alone?"
  138. 2:30 AM <_GeloraMuda_> G "No I'm not, my two cousin also live here as a hunter"
  139. 2:31 AM <Forte_A> "...darn"
  140. 2:31 AM <Forte_A> " see, sir gonzales"
  141. 2:31 AM <_GeloraMuda_> G "Hm?"
  142. 2:31 AM <Forte_A> "it seems that you're not the only one being stalked"
  143. 2:32 AM <_GeloraMuda_> G "Apa maksudmu?"
  144. 2:32 AM <Forte_A> "miss laura too, is hearing noises at night
  145. 2:33 AM <Forte_A> "...i was planning on bringing you to her house, to help me and my friends exterminate the problem"
  146. 2:33 AM <_GeloraMuda_> G "Is that true!?!?" *Gonzales tampak kaget*
  147. 2:33 AM <Forte_A> "...but that would put your cousins in-"
  148. 2:33 AM <Forte_A> "wait"
  149. 2:33 AM <Forte_A> "you haven't heard?"
  150. 2:34 AM <Dimaethor> "Heard what?"
  151. 2:34 AM <Forte_A> "that miss laura is also being stalked?"
  152. 2:34 AM <Forte_A> "..."
  153. 2:34 AM <Dimaethor> "Ow..."
  154. 2:35 AM <Dimaethor> "Sorry."
  155. 2:35 AM <_GeloraMuda_> G "Aku baru saja tiba setelah berburu di luar desa"
  156. 2:35 AM <_GeloraMuda_> G "beberapa hari yang lalu aku mendengar suara Alfonso di rumahku"
  157. 2:35 AM <_GeloraMuda_> G "Lalu aku dan kedua sepupuku keluar desa untuk menghindarinya dan sambil berburu hewan..."
  158. 2:36 AM <_GeloraMuda_> G "Dan aku baru saja datang kembali ke desa ini kemarin pagi..."
  159. 2:37 AM <Forte_A> "..."
  160. 2:37 AM <Forte_A> "you were lucky then"
  161. 2:38 AM <Forte_A> ""
  162. 2:39 AM <_GeloraMuda_> G "Apa maksudmu? Coba jelaskan? Aku tidak mengerti"
  163. 2:40 AM <Forte_A> " could've been you instead of your twin"
  164. 2:40 AM <Forte_A> "..."
  165. 2:40 AM <Forte_A> "so"
  166. 2:40 AM <_GeloraMuda_> G "...tidak mungkin...."
  167. 2:40 AM <Dimaethor> "?"
  168. 2:40 AM <_GeloraMuda_> G "Maksudmu kakakku Gonzo dibunuh oleh Alfonso!"
  169. 2:40 AM <Forte_A> "i was thinking of-"
  170. 2:41 AM <Forte_A> "...yes that is likely"
  171. 2:41 AM <Dimaethor> "As it was.... Plausible...."
  172. 2:41 AM <_GeloraMuda_> Gonzales memegang kedua kepalanya, tampak sedih
  173. 2:41 AM <_GeloraMuda_> Sambil menutupi wajahnya
  174. 2:42 AM <Forte_A> "..."
  175. 2:42 AM <Forte_A> " is not the time to mope, sir Gonzales"
  176. 2:43 AM <Forte_A> "...i suggest that we and your cousins head to miss laura's now"
  177. 2:43 AM <Forte_A> "to end sir alfonso's undeath"
  178. 2:43 AM <_GeloraMuda_> G *nods*
  179. 2:44 AM <_GeloraMuda_> --- Apa yang kalian lakukan Dimaethor Forte_A ? ---
  180. 2:44 AM <Forte_A> *menunggu konfirmasi*
  181. 2:44 AM <Dimaethor> "Sooner, better."
  182. 2:45 AM <Forte_A> "yes"
  183. 2:45 AM <_GeloraMuda_> G "Kita berangkat sekarang?"
  184. 2:45 AM <_GeloraMuda_> G "Kedua sepupuku sudah tidur, kurasa kita bertiga saja yang pergi..."
  185. 2:45 AM <Forte_A> "we've done our preparation"
  186. 2:45 AM <Forte_A> "..."
  187. 2:46 AM <Forte_A> "there's a possibility that this house is going to be attacked though"
  188. 2:46 AM <_GeloraMuda_> Kalian bertiga bergegas menuju rumah Laura
  189. 2:46 AM <_GeloraMuda_> --- Silahkan masuk #House1 ---
  190. 2:46 AM <_GeloraMuda_> G "I'll lock the house!"
  191. 2:47 AM <_GeloraMuda_> --- Dimaethor silahkan masuk #House1 ---
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