

May 5th, 2017
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  1. options:
  2. PREÇO1: 1.000.000
  3. PREÇO2: 3.000.000
  4. PREÇO3: 5.000.000
  6. command /maquinas:
  7. trigger:
  8. open chest with 5 row named "&6Maquinas" to player
  9. wait 5 tick
  10. format slot 0 of player with a Stained Glass Pane:5 named " " with lore " " to close
  11. format slot 1 of player with a Stained Glass Pane:5 named " " with lore " " to close
  12. format slot 7 of player with a Stained Glass Pane:5 named " " with lore " " to close
  13. format slot 8 of player with a Stained Glass Pane:5 named " " with lore " " to close
  14. format slot 9 of player with a Stained Glass Pane:5 Pane named " " with lore " " to close
  15. format slot 17 of player with a Stained Glass Pane:5 named " " with lore " " to close
  16. format slot 20 of player with a brick block named "&8&lMaquina De Tijolo" with lore "&c&l* Preço: &3$&7{@PREÇO1}" to run [make player execute command "/maquina 1"]
  17. format slot 22 of player with a brick block named "&e&lMaquina De Biscoito" with lore "&c&l* Preço: &3$&7{@PREÇO2}" to run [make player execute command "/maquina 2"]
  18. format slot 24 of player with a brick block named "&6&lMaquina De Ouro" with lore "&c&l* Preço: &3$&7{@PREÇO3}" to run [make player execute command "/maquina 3"]
  19. format slot 27 of player with a Stained Glass Pane:5 named " " with lore " " to close
  20. format slot 35 of player with a Stained Glass Pane:5 named " " with lore " " to close
  21. format slot 36 of player with a Stained Glass Pane:5 named " " with lore " " to close
  22. format slot 37 of player with a Stained Glass Pane:5 named " " with lore " " to close
  23. format slot 43 of player with a Stained Glass Pane:5 named " " with lore " " to close
  24. format slot 44 of player with a Stained Glass Pane:5 named " " with lore " " to close
  25. stop
  27. command /mqna [<text>]:
  28. trigger:
  29. if arg 1 is "1":
  30. open chest with 3 row named "&8Maquina de Tijolo" to player
  31. wait 5 tick
  32. format slot 12 of player with a Lime Wool named "&aConfirmar" with lore "&c&l* Confirmar Compra !" to run [make player execute command "/maceitar1"]
  33. format slot 14 of player with a Enchanted Book named "&c&lDeseja Comprar uma Maquina de Tijolo ?" with lore "&c&l* Preço: &3$&7{@PREÇO1}" to close
  34. format slot 16 of player with a Red Wool named "&cCancelar" with lore "&c&l* Cancelar Compra !" to run [make player execute command "/mnegar1"]
  35. stop
  36. if arg 1 is "2":
  37. open chest with 3 row named "&eMaquina de Biscoito" to player
  38. wait 5 tick
  39. format slot 12 of player with a Lime Wool named "&aConfirmar" with lore "&c&l* Confirmar Compra !" to run [make player execute command "/maceitar2"]
  40. format slot 14 of player with a Enchanted Book named "&c&lDeseja Comprar uma Maquina de Biscoito ?" with lore "&c&l* Preço: &3$&7{@PREÇO2}" to close
  41. format slot 16 of player with a Red Wool named "&cCancelar" with lore "&c&l* Cancelar Compra !" to run [make player execute command "/mnegar2"]
  42. stop
  43. if arg 1 is "3":
  44. open chest with 3 row named "&6Maquina de Ouro" to player
  45. wait 5 tick
  46. format slot 12 of player with a Lime Wool named "&aConfirmar" with lore "&c&l* Confirmar Compra !" to run [make player execute command "/maceitar3"]
  47. format slot 14 of player with a Enchanted Book named "&c&lDeseja Comprar uma Maquina de Ouro ?" with lore "&c&l* Preço: &3$&7{@PREÇO3}" to close
  48. format slot 16 of player with a Red Wool named "&cCancelar" with lore "&c&l* Cancelar Compra !" to run [make player execute command "/mnegar3"]
  49. stop
  51. command /maceitar1:
  52. trigger:
  53. if player's account is more or equal to {@PREÇO1}:
  54. make console execute command "/eco take %player% %{@PREÇO1}%"
  55. broadcast "&6&lMAQUINAS: &7O player %player% acabou de comprar uma maquina ! Deseja uma ? Use /maquinas"
  56. give 1 brick block named "&8Maquina de Tijolo" to player
  57. stop
  58. else:
  59. send "&cVocê não tem dinheiro suficiente !"
  61. command /maceitar2:
  62. trigger:
  63. if player's account is more or equal to {@PREÇO2}:
  64. make console execute command "/eco take %player% %{@PREÇO2}%"
  65. broadcast "&6&lMAQUINAS: &7O player %player% acabou de comprar uma maquina ! Deseja uma ? Use /maquinas"
  66. give 1 sponge named "&eMaquina de Biscoito" to player
  67. stop
  68. else:
  69. send "&cVocê não tem dinheiro suficiente !"
  71. command /maceitar3:
  72. trigger:
  73. if player's account is more or equal to {@PREÇO3}:
  74. make console execute command "/eco take %player% %{@PREÇO3}%"
  75. broadcast "&6&lMAQUINAS: &7O player %player% acabou de comprar uma maquina ! Deseja uma ? Use /maquinas"
  76. give 1 sponge named "&6Maquina de Ouro" to player
  77. stop
  78. else:
  79. send "&cVocê não tem dinheiro suficiente !"
  81. command /mnegar1:
  82. trigger:
  83. send "&cCompra negada !"
  84. stop
  86. command /mnegar2:
  87. trigger:
  88. send "&cCompra negada !"
  89. stop
  91. command /mnegar3:
  92. trigger:
  93. send "&cCompra negada !"
  94. stop
  96. on rightclick holding coal on sponge:
  97. if player has 1 coal:
  98. set {_delay} to difference between {Esperar.Delay::%player%} and now
  99. if {_delay} is less than 1 minutes:
  100. send "&cVoce tem de espera mais um pouco."
  101. stop
  102. send "&6&lMAQUINAS: &7Você ativou a maquina de biscoito!"
  103. remove 1 coal from player's inventory
  104. set {Esperar.Delay::%player%} to now
  105. drop 5 cookie
  106. wait 5 seconds
  107. drop 5 cookie
  108. wait 5 seconds
  109. drop 5 cookie
  110. wait 5 seconds
  111. drop 5 cookie
  112. wait 5 seconds
  113. drop 5 cookie
  114. wait 5 seconds
  115. drop 5 cookie
  116. wait 5 seconds
  117. drop 5 cookie
  118. wait 5 seconds
  119. drop 5 cookie
  120. wait 5 seconds
  121. drop 5 cookie
  122. wait 5 seconds
  123. drop 5 cookie
  124. wait 5 seconds
  125. drop 5 cookie
  126. wait 5 seconds
  127. drop 5 cookie
  128. wait 5 seconds
  129. drop 5 cookie
  130. wait 5 seconds
  131. drop 5 cookie
  133. on rightclick holding coal on gold block:
  134. if player has 1 coal:
  135. set {_delay} to difference between {Esperar.Delay::%player%} and now
  136. if {_delay} is less than 1 minutes:
  137. send "&cVoce tem de espera mais um pouco."
  138. stop
  139. send "&6&lMAQUINAS: &7Você ativou a maquina de ouro!"
  140. remove 1 coal from player's inventory
  141. set {Esperar.Delay::%player%} to now
  142. drop 5 gold ingot
  143. wait 5 seconds
  144. drop 5 gold ingot
  145. wait 5 seconds
  146. drop 5 gold ingot
  147. wait 5 seconds
  148. drop 5 gold ingot
  149. wait 5 seconds
  150. drop 5 gold ingot
  151. wait 5 seconds
  152. drop 5 gold ingot
  153. wait 5 seconds
  154. drop 5 gold ingot
  155. wait 5 seconds
  156. drop 5 gold ingot
  157. wait 5 seconds
  158. drop 5 gold ingot
  159. wait 5 seconds
  160. drop 5 gold ingot
  161. wait 5 seconds
  162. drop 5 gold ingot
  163. wait 5 seconds
  164. drop 5 gold ingot
  165. wait 5 seconds
  166. drop 5 gold ingot
  167. wait 5 seconds
  168. drop 5 gold ingot
  170. on rightclick holding coal on brick block:
  171. if player has 1 coal:
  172. set {_delay} to difference between {Esperar.Delay::%player%} and now
  173. if {_delay} is less than 1 minutes:
  174. send "&cVoce tem de espera mais um pouco."
  175. stop
  176. send "&6&lMAQUINAS: &7Você ativou a maquina de tijolo!"
  177. remove 1 coal from player's inventory
  178. set {Esperar.Delay::%player%} to now
  179. drop 5 brick
  180. wait 5 seconds
  181. drop 5 brick
  182. wait 5 seconds
  183. drop 5 brick
  184. wait 5 seconds
  185. drop 5 brick
  186. wait 5 seconds
  187. drop 5 brick
  188. wait 5 seconds
  189. drop 5 brick
  190. wait 5 seconds
  191. drop 5 brick
  192. wait 5 seconds
  193. drop 5 brick
  194. wait 5 seconds
  195. drop 5 brick
  196. wait 5 seconds
  197. drop 5 brick
  198. wait 5 seconds
  199. drop 5 brick
  200. wait 5 seconds
  201. drop 5 brick
  202. wait 5 seconds
  203. drop 5 brick
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