
CSI: Marami

Apr 5th, 2012
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  1. >It was late in the evening.
  2. >The sun was setting. It was warm and humid.
  3. >In a quiet little second-rate neighborhood in Fade county, there sits a little run down house.
  4. >No one would have guessed anybody lived inside it.
  5. >What was odd about the house, is that there was a large safe inside.
  6. >The safe was of the highest quality: Triple bolted, passcode secured, and 3cm thick plating.
  7. >The safe was tucked into a crevice in wall and hidden by a large poster.
  8. >The keys made a small beeping noise when you pressed them; and someone was pressing the buttons now.
  9. >The bolts disengaged; the door swayed open.
  10. >A smile crept across his face as he surveyed the contents of the safe.
  11. >There was plenty to sell.
  12. >And that meant that he would make a decent sized profit tonight.
  14. >You wake up.
  15. >Only Luna's beautiful moon sheds some light in your hotel room.
  16. >stare at the ceiling for five minutes.
  17. >not a single thought crosses your mind.
  18. >Until you roll to your left and feel another body close to yours.
  19. >Its Dashie.
  20. >You place your arm around her and pull her close.
  21. >you have gotten pretty good at this maneuver.
  22. >You nuzzle your face into hers.
  23. >Sleep.
  25. >Morning.
  26. >You wake up, still in the same position as when you last fell asleep.
  27. >You see rainbow's eyes half open.
  28. >You stare into each others eyes for what seems an age.
  29. >Eventually you break the stare and get out of bed.
  30. >Rainbow does the same.
  31. >You survey the damage across the room.
  32. >Damn, you guys went hard last night.
  33. >Bottles are on the floor, bedsheets strew everywhere, articles of clothing lying around.
  34. >Rainbow also surveys the damage.
  35. >"Looks like the party must have moved here after we left the club."
  36. "Yeah. It was pinkie's idea."
  37. >The memories of last night are all coming back to you.
  38. >Fucking crazy ass pinkie pie.
  39. >Get changed
  40. >You and rainbow make your way down to the rester aunt, where breakfast is being served.
  41. >Cereal and toast.
  42. >shame they don't make muffins like they do at sugarcube corner.
  43. >As you are wolfing down, rainbow engages herself with the Equestria Daily.
  44. >Bunch of old boring news.
  45. >She sets it down, and there is a prolonged moment of silence as you finish your last slice of toast with berry jam.
  46. >"I guess we should go and wake up the others?"
  47. "Sounds like a plan."
  49. >This little holiday of yours is turning out to be a great idea.
  50. >The entire Mane 6 is on holiday with you in (miami).
  51. >It was pinkie's idea to bring you all here.
  52. >Knock on fluttershy's door.
  53. >She exits her room and joins you.
  54. >Knock on Rarity's door.
  55. >She comes out with cucumber's on her eyes and some funny green shit on her face.
  56. >Fucking beauty obsessed pone.
  57. >You leave her to her facial masking, head to twilight's room.
  58. >She is up early, writing shit down on some notepad.
  59. >She exits, head to Applejack's room.
  60. >Applejack is completely passed out on the floor.
  61. >There are a bunch of applejack daniels bottles laying all over the floor.
  62. >She must have been hit hard when she saw the amazing relationship you and dash have, and how you guys were having so much fun last night.
  63. >Not counting the fact that you shouted at her when she tried to get frisky with you.
  64. >You feel sorry for her.
  65. >Go towards her, wake her up:
  66. "AJ?"
  67. >"Anon?"
  68. "AJ… What happened here last night?"
  69. >"Aww… Nuthin…"
  70. "It sure as hell doesn't look like nothing."
  71. >She turns her head away.
  72. "Anyway… We are all going to meet downstairs in the foyer and decide what we are going to do today… just make sure you are there soon."
  73. >She gets up, still a bit wobbly from last night.
  74. >"It's fine… Imma comin."
  76. >Pinkie pie's room.
  77. >You don't even know if you want to go in.
  78. >Fuck it.
  79. >You knock.
  80. >No answer.
  81. >Knock again.
  82. >No answer.
  83. >You barge in to pinkie's room.
  84. >She isn't there.
  85. >As expected.
  86. >"HI ANON!"
  87. >What the shit
  88. "Pinkie?"
  89. >She is standing behind you.
  90. >Creepy as fuck.
  91. "Where were you?"
  92. >"I was organizing what we are all going to do today!"
  93. >Oh no.
  94. >The entire group looks at her in frustration.
  95. >Probably involves something dangerous and/or stupidly funny.
  97. >Heart Pumping
  98. >Adrenalin rushing.
  99. >3…
  100. >Don't look down.
  101. >2…
  102. >Try not to think about it.
  103. >1…
  105. > a green light comes on inside the plane.
  106. >"OK, EVERYBODY OUT!!!"
  107. >You feel yourself grip the sides of the door.
  108. >You feel the wind rushing past.
  109. >You have to jump.
  110. >Might as well do it before everybody notices how much you are panicking.
  111. >You feel yourself slowly edging out of the door.
  112. >Fuck you can't do this.
  113. >Yes you can.
  114. >No you can't.
  115. >You summon up all the courage you can, and throw yourself out of the plane.
  116. >The wind deafens you as it rushes past your head.
  117. >You open your eyes. you are 11,000 feet above the ground, falling at an alarming rate.
  118. >You lift your head up to see twilight, rarity, pinkie, applejack and rainbow also in freefall.
  119. >The lack of fluttershy is easily justified. She is a pegasus, why waste her time with skydiving?
  120. >Dash decided she didn't need a parachute, she just came along for the ride.
  122. >You look to all the ponies.
  123. >Pinkie is clearly enjoying it, her eyes wide with amazement.
  124. >Twilight's eyes are also wide, but with fear rather than amazement.
  125. >Rarity looks as though she might faint at any moment.
  126. >Applejack seems a little shocked, but is enjoying it nonetheless.
  127. >For rainbow, this is just another day.
  128. >You look to your wrist, where the altimeter sits.
  129. >2000 feet until you must pull your chute.
  130. >1500…
  131. Shit this thing is going down fast…
  132. >500
  133. >You pull your line, your chute coming out of your backpack.
  134. >You feel your body being jerked violently, and you are now parallel with the ground.
  135. >They didn't have a human harness, so you will have to land on all fours.
  136. >you drift towards the ground, preparing to try and land.
  137. >You fail, and fall on your face.
  138. >Luckily its grass, so it isn't too painful.
  140. >"That was too cool!" Screams pinkie as you walk out of the skydiving building.
  141. >"Yes, well, emm…." Says rarity, unable to describe it.
  142. >You are just thankful that your chute opened and that you didn't die.
  143. >That was probably the most scariest thing you have ever done in your life.
  145. >you walk into the club
  146. >beats pounding
  147. >the bass rocking your chest
  148. >fuckyes.jpg
  149. >make your way to the bar
  150. >throw some bits at the bartenders
  151. >applejack Daniels it is. 
  152. >the alcohol moves down your throat, leaving a burn as it goes along
  153. >pinkie is chaining her shots together, it's actually scary how much she can drink
  154. >Dash and applejack are also going hard
  155. >twilight settles for ciders
  156. >fluttershy has nothing. Typical.
  157. >whatever. You make your way to the dancefloor and proceed to dance
  158. >looks more like an epileptic fit than anything else. 
  159. >sick DJ is sick
  160. >all de ponies looking at you
  161. >Fucks.exe has stopped responding. would you like to restart?
  162. >no
  164. >after a while, you feel the alcohol taking hold and decide to sit down. 
  165. >suddenly, rainbow dash out of fucking nowhere. 
  166. >she grabs your arm, pulling you back to the spot you were in. 
  167. >you start dancing with her. 
  168. >after a while the DJ throws on "Amanda"
  169. >YouTube: Amanda
  170. >Vinyl decided to give all of your human music to the other DJ's in equestria. 
  171. >she may be the best DJ and have a reputation to protect, but she has a huge heart to go with it. 
  172. >dash moves her rear up to your groin and starts grinding. 
  173. >you grab her flanks and start moving in time with her. 
  174. >you look back And see the whole Mane 6 (or 5 rather) staring at you two. 
  175. >they know about your relationship, but it is still a foreign thing to them. 
  176. >You are not even completely used to the whole pony/human relationship thing. 
  177. >anyway, you feel your broner start rising
  178. >tight jocks to the rescue
  179. >rainbow looks back at you, that devious look in her eyes
  180. >Amanda ends. 
  181. >you two make your way back to the bar where everyone else is sitting. 
  182. >nobody says anything
  183. >you can't help but feel that something is slightly wrong. But you can't put your finger on it. 
  184. >pinkie bounds up to you guys out of nowhere and motions for the whole group to follow her. 
  185. >she got a motherfucking VIP table in the VIP area. 
  187. >you chill at the table and drink some more
  188. >you give dash a kiss every now and then, rather passionate kisses
  189. >it's kind of odd being at the club and in a relationship
  190. >but then again it was always awkward going to the club purely because you were a human
  191. >that odd feeling is still there. But you refrain from telling anybody. 
  192. >you look at your watch. 1 in de motherfucking morning.
  193. >everybody is just a little bit drunk now. 
  194. >even twilight is looking a bit tipsy.
  195. >that odd feeling is growing even odder by the minute. 
  197. >eventually, everybody is back at the table. 
  198. >they all look about ready to go back to the hotel. 
  199. >pinkie runs off to pay the tab. 
  200. >all detour get up from the table, all clearly drunk. 
  201. >make your way to the exit. 
  202. >and then you realize what was troubling you.
  203. >where is fluttershy?
  204. >you stop and grab dash, asking her the same question. 
  205. >she shrugs and starts looking a little worried. 
  206. >the whole group stops and realizes that she is also missing.
  208. >Dash flits upwards, trying to survey the club for fluttershy.
  209. >She comes back down
  210. >"I can't find her!" She screams into your ear.
  211. >You can't come back inside the club once your out.
  212. "Tell everyone to go outside and wait!"
  213. >"What about you?"
  214. "I'm Gonna go look for flutters!"
  216. >You watch everyone exit the club.
  217. >You quickly move past all the drunken ponies until you get to the bar.
  218. >No Sign.
  219. >The Dancefloor.
  220. >No Sign.
  221. >The VIP Lounge.
  222. >No Sign.
  223. >The Bathrooms?
  224. >Shit, you aren't allowed to go inside, so you just wait outside hoping she will walk out.
  225. >You wait for what seems like an hour before you give up
  226. >In reality its more like 5 minutes.
  227. >This is so fucking pointless.
  228. >Exit the club.
  229. >"Any sign?" Asks Dash.
  230. "Nope, I couldn't find her anywhere."
  231. >"Maybe She is back at the hotel?"
  232. "Could be. we should get going."
  234. >Pinkie calls a chariot cab and you all pile in.
  235. >10 Minutes later you are at the hotel.
  236. >Quickly make your way upstairs towards fluttershy's room.
  237. >Knock Knock
  238. "Fluttershy? You in there?"
  239. >Nothing
  240. "Flutters?"
  241. >You hear movement inside
  242. "Fluttershy, its me, anon. open the door."
  243. >You hear the bolts unlocking and the door creaks open slowly
  244. >"Uhhhmmm, you can't come in anon… I'm… I'm naked!"
  245. "Fluttershy, you are always naked."
  246. >"oh."
  247. >You walk inside her room
  248. >Holy actual fuck.
  249. >Its a total fucking mess.
  250. >The bedsheets are strewn everywhere
  251. >shit is lying all over the floor
  252. "Flu- Fluttershy, What in the name of shit happened here?"
  253. >You turn to look at her.
  254. >She is obviously struggling to formulate an answer.
  256. >"Anon… Urm.."
  257. >Your brain can't even process this shit.
  258. "listen, Flutters, You can tell me everything tomorrow, Right now I think we all need some sleep."
  259. >You pick up a bedsheet and toss it onto the bed.
  260. "Just get some sleep, flutters."
  261. >You leave the room and let fluttershy deal with this.
  262. >Get back to your room.
  263. >Dash is lying down.
  264. >"So?"
  265. "Fluttershy was there, But you should have seen her fucking room!"
  266. >"Why? What happened?"
  267. >She looks worried all of a sudden.
  268. "It looked like a damn hurricane had torn throughout that room. There was shit lying everywhere…"
  269. >Put on some track pants and get ready to go to sleep.
  270. "I… I just don't even wanna deal with that right now."
  271. >You put on an old shirt.
  272. >You proceed to scratch your nose.
  273. >Wait, What...
  274. >You can feel some sort of crystalized residue on your fingers...
  275. >Like…sugar?
  276. >No, Really Fine sugar.
  277. >But why the hell would sugar be on your fingers?
  278. >Unless its not sugar...
  279. >Then What is it?
  280. >Salt?
  281. >No
  282. >What?
  284. >Only one way to find out.
  285. >Taste it.
  286. "Hey dash, there is some funny shit on my fingers."
  287. >"Oh, like what?"
  288. "Looks kinda like sugar. Im gonna taste it to make sure."
  289. >"I don't know if thats a good idea."
  290. >Whatever.
  291. >You move your finger towards your tongue.
  292. >You lightly tap the end of your finger on the tip of your tongue.
  293. >Holy fuck, its bitter.
  294. >Really bitter.
  295. >Oh shit, nice going anon.
  296. >You just tasted some unknown fucking chemical that happened to be stuck to your fingers.
  297. >Thats like the first thing they teach you NOT to do in science class.
  299. >Really smart move anon.
  300. >Suddenly, your mouth begins to feel funny.
  301. >It feels… Numb.
  302. >You can't even move it properly.
  303. >Panic time.
  304. >Dash notices.
  305. >"Anon… Anon what the fuck is going on???!!!"
  306. "Eergheger… mmaaayay maaoaoaoufff…"
  307. >You can't even speak properly its so numb.
  308. >"Oh… fuck, fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK!"
  309. >Dash jumps out of the bed and rushes towards you.
  310. >"Anon… Fucks sake! Say something!"
  311. >You have to find a way to communicate with her.
  312. >You know what the chemical is.
  313. >It isn't dangerous, but still unnerving that its on your fingers.
  314. >You look around and see a pen lying on the small desk on the far end of the room.
  315. >You rush towards it, pick it up.
  316. >You see a small leaflet for the hotel on the desk.
  317. >You grab that and scribble one word on it.
  318. >Dash moves over to you, looking at the leaflet.
  319. >Her expression changes the minute she sees whats written on the leaflet.
  320. >That one word says it all.
  321. >"Cocaine"
  323. >10 Minutes later, the numbness has finally gone
  324. >"Anon, how the fuck did you get cocaine on your fingers?"
  325. "I have no idea, dash. I only noticed it when I came into the room."
  326. >"Well You realize how serious this is??"
  327. "Yes dash, I know Okay?"
  328. >You sit down on the side of the glorious California King-Size Bed.
  329. "Im just tryna figure where it could have come from."
  330. >"Well its obviously something you touched… Unless…"
  331. "Unless what?"
  332. >"Anon…"
  333. >You see her expression becoming pained.
  334. >"Anon… Are you… You know?"
  335. >You understand what she means.
  336. "Never, dash. You know me. I stay away from that shit. I have never touched coke in my life."
  337. >She nods her head in understanding.
  338. >She lies down under the covers.
  339. >You sit there for a minute more, contemplating this situation.
  340. >Eventually, you pull the covers over you and snuggle up next to dash.
  341. >You pull her really close, feeling her warmth radiating from her body.
  342. >But It still bugs you.
  343. >The thought of this little event plagues your mind for what seems like forever.
  344. >But eventually, you succumb, and fall asleep.
  346. >You wake up.
  347. >Dash is already out of bed, ready to go chow down.
  348. >You quickly jump up and throw on some track pants.
  349. >Fuck it. Your so hungry you will just eat breakfast in last nights shirt.
  350. >You get downstairs and order toast with berry jam. Lots of it.
  351. >You and dash sit there for a while.
  352. >"Anon, I don't think we should tell anyone about last night."
  353. >She says that in a hushed tone.
  354. "I was thinking the same thing."
  355. >You two sit in silence for a while.
  356. >Suddenly, Pinkie Pie
  357. >"Oh hi guys! I see your up early."
  358. "Hi pinkie."
  359. >she sits down at your table.
  360. >"So what did you think of last night?"
  361. "I thought it was pretty cool how you got us that table at the VIP section."
  362. >"Oh it was nothing. I knew one of the guys at club management, and he hooked us up with a spare table."
  363. >You nod.
  364. >"Good thing we found fluttershy. Why do you think she left the club early anyway?"
  365. "Well you know how she hates crowds."
  366. >"Yeah, but she didn't even tell anyone!"
  367. >You simply shrug. The events of last night are still going through your head.
  368. >You only realize how weird it is now.
  369. >First, Fluttershy disappears without telling anyone that she was leaving.
  370. >Then, you find her in her hotel room, but the room is completely trashed.
  371. >Then, You find cocaine on your fingers.
  372. >And you still don't even know where the cocaine came from.
  374. >You run the events of yesterday through your mind.
  375. >You showered before you left for the club.
  376. >So the cocaine would have washed off.
  377. >So you must have come in contact with it at the club.
  378. >It wouldn't surprise you.
  379. >But what did you touch that had cocaine on it?
  380. >The bar, maybe?
  381. >Totally possible.
  382. >Where else?
  383. >You are suddenly interrupted by the arrival of Twilight and Rarity.
  384. >They also join, and the whole group talks about last night.
  385. >Some time later, applejack also arrives.
  386. >That weird feeling is back.
  387. >The conversation dies down eventually.
  388. >"So what are we going to do today guys?" Says Pinkie.
  389. >"Well its definitely not going to be skydiving." Chirps Twilight.
  391. >You eventually realize what was bugging you.
  392. >Fluttershy isn't here.
  393. >The rest of the group has noticed this too.
  394. >"Guys… Where is flutters?" Asks Twilight.
  395. "She is probably still up in her room. Im gonna go and call her."
  396. >You walk into the lobby and get in one of the elevators.
  397. >It takes you all the way up to floor 11, the floor where the entire mane6 and you are staying.
  398. >You walk over to fluttershy's room.
  399. >Knock.
  400. "Flutters? It me, anon."
  401. >No answer.
  402. "Fluttershy?"
  403. >No answer.
  404. >You check the door.
  405. >All the doors are Cardkey locked, so you wouldn't be able to get in.
  406. >That strange feeling suddenly turns to full on fear.
  408. >20 Minutes later, one of the Hotel Staff opens the door for you.
  409. >You walk inside, and Find the room int he exact same state it was in last night.
  410. >Except Fluttershy isn't here.
  411. >You walk around the room slowly. Not a single sign of fluttershy.
  412. >You walk over to the bed.
  413. >Even that small bedsheet that you picked up last night hasn't even moved.
  414. >You pick it up again. You don't know why, but you do.
  415. >You suddenly feel a sensation of dread grip you.
  416. >You can feel something on your fingers.
  417. >A crystalline, sugar like substance.
  418. >But you know its not sugar.
  419. >You know perfectly well what it is.
  421. >You rush downstairs to tell the others of Fluttershy's disappearance.
  422. >But you withhold the cocaine part of it.
  423. >Everybody is starting to look a little worried.
  424. >2 hours later, No sign.
  425. >Everybody is in full panic mode now.
  426. >All of you sit in your room for a while.
  427. >You put all your activities on hold until the Fluttershy Crisis is handled.
  428. >The Bedside phone rings.
  429. >"Yes, Mr. Anonymous?"
  430. "Speaking"
  431. >"We have the Fade county Police department here in the lobby. I think it is of the utmost importance that you come down soon."
  432. "I'm on my way down."
  433. >You slowly put the handset back into the rocker.
  434. "Guys… I have to go deal with some shit. I think its best that everybody stays here until this thing gets handled."
  436. >You make your way down, unsure of what to expect.
  437. >All manner of shit could have happened.
  438. >You walk into the lobby.
  439. >It looks like they brought a fucking army along.
  440. >You see multiple Stallions carrying what appears to be pony weapons.
  441. >Some others carry cases.
  442. >They must be the CSI's of marami.
  443. >A mid sized Earth pony walks up to you.
  444. >"Mr. Anonymous?"
  445. "Thats me."
  446. >"My name is Lieutenant Cane, Fade County Police Department."
  448. >"Lets cut to the chase. As far as we know a Yellow Pegasus By the Name Of Fluttershy disappeared somewhere between last night and the early hours of this morning."
  449. "You'd be right."
  450. >"Thats all we know for now. We don't have any possible leads yet, or any suspects who would have perpetrated this crime."
  451. >You feel like you got punched in the ribs.
  452. "So you know nothing?"
  453. >"Unfortunately not. You are essentially tourists in this city, which means that there aren't a whole lot of people who know you here. We have very few scenarios we can build so far."
  454. "Well what are they?"
  455. >"Its possible that Fluttershy Has disappeared by choice, for whatever reason is still unknown."
  456. "Not possible."
  457. >"Excuse me?"
  458. "Fluttershy Would never do that. She would never have a REASON to do that."
  459. >"Like I said, Its only a possibility."
  460. >He pauses for a while.
  461. >"Mr. Anon, what I am about to tell you may offend you."
  462. >You look slightly startled.
  463. "Its fine."
  464. >"It is entirely possible That Fluttershy may be the victim of a rape and murder. Its not uncommon in this city."
  465. >Your brain goes numb for a few seconds, and you blank out.
  466. >You suddenly feel ill at the thought.
  467. >I mean, she used to try and rape you daily...
  468. >But after that incident at the festival… She was more like a friend to you than anything else.
  469. >The mere thought sickens you to your core.
  470. >You suddenly feel a wave of anger take you, but it dies down within seconds.
  471. >Your thoughts clear, and you respond.
  472. >"Mister Anonymous?"
  473. "I am fine, Lieutenant Cane."
  474. >"Mister Anonymous… These are only scenarios. Its entirely possible that Fluttershy is safe… For now. I need you to trust me when I say that I will do everything in My power to find out what happened last night and resolve this issue. Right now… I need you to co-operate with me so we can find out exactly that."
  475. >You look up at him.
  476. "I'm in."
  477. >"Good, Mister Anonymous."
  478. "Anon."
  479. >"What?"
  480. "Just call me anon."
  482. >You tell the whole story of last night in detail while you sit at the restaurant, away from everybody else.
  483. >The skydiving… The club… Fluttershy's Weird disappearance and finally, how you found her in her hotel room.
  484. "The room was beyond destroyed… It looked like a hurricane had torn through it."
  485. >Cane nods.
  486. >You suddenly feel a lump in your throat.
  487. >What about the cocaine?
  488. >Do you tell him?
  489. >What happens if you do? What will that mean?
  490. >But what valuable leads do you close if you don't tell him?
  491. >Fuck it, you don't have time to try and cover for anyone.
  492. "Cane?"
  493. >"Yes, anon?"
  494. "After I left Fluttershy's room… I felt a powdery substance on my fingers…"
  495. >His expression changes.
  496. "I didn't know what it was… So I decided to taste it."
  497. >"And?"
  498. "My mouth went numb and it tasted bitter, So I could only assume it was cocaine."
  499. >"You'd be right."
  501. >"Anonymous, I want you to be very direct with me. Are you in any way a user of the drug?"
  502. >You feel deeply offended, but restrain your emotions.
  503. "No, Mr. Cane."
  504. >"Are any of your friends users, perhaps?"
  505. "No, and thats what makes this thing so fucked up. Fluttershy would never try anything like that… Hell, she doesn't even drink alcohol!"
  506. >Cane Processes this information.
  507. >Suddenly, a bright blue mare comes up to you two.
  508. >"Mister cane, The hotel manager is here. We have full access to the room and CCTV footage, as well as the hotel switchboard…"
  509. >"Get a team up there immediately. I want a full chemical analysis of the room, as well as any signs of struggle or forced entry."
  510. >He passes for a second.
  511. >"I also want a unit stationed around Mr. Anonymous's room, I want all his acquaintances protected until further notice. I also want all hotel phone calls monitored until further notice."
  512. >He looks back up at you.
  513. >"Anon, You will have to come with me to the CCTV Room, if you don't mind."
  514. >You nod, and get up from the table to follow Cane.
  515. >You notice him whisper something in the Blue Mare's ear.
  516. >She looks at him and nods, her expression unchanging.
  517. >"Come, Anon, we have to work fast."
  519. >CCTV Room.
  520. >Screens and monitors… and more screens.
  521. >Just about every lobby, entrance, exit, whatever else is covered in this room.
  522. >"Ok, anon. What time did you leave the hotel?"
  523. >"About 9, maybe a bit after."
  524. >Cane presses a bunch of buttons and the screen in the centre Rewinds the tape.
  525. >You can clearly see its the entrance.
  526. >He stops.
  527. >Play the tape.
  528. >You see ponies walking in and out of the foyer and into the lovely entrance outside.
  529. >On the screen of course.
  530. >He speeds it up.
  531. >Eventually, you see the whole group, including you, walk out of the hotel.
  532. >He slows it back to normal speed.
  533. >You wait outside the hotel for a good five minutes before piling into your chariot cab.
  534. >he replays the scene a few times.
  535. >"I don't see anything here."
  536. "we were at the club until about 1 in the morning. But Fluttershy didn't come back with us."
  537. >"You said you found her in her room after you arrived back. That means she must have come back some other way, before 1 in the morning."
  538. >He plays it slightly faster after you leave.
  540. >9:30…10:00… 10:30...
  541. >the traffic outside calms down as the night goes on.
  542. >12:17
  543. >You see another chariot cab pull up outside the hotel.
  544. >And then… Fluttershy gets out.
  545. >Good. 12:17, noted.
  546. >But suddenly, another pegasus pony gets out of the cab.
  547. >He is black and moderately built, his eyes are bright yellow.
  548. >He has jet-black mane and tail, but a Bright blue stripe cuts through it.
  549. >Who the hell...
  550. >Why would he be with fluttershy?
  551. >You remember seeing him briefly at the club...
  552. >At the bar.
  553. "I saw that pony… at the club."
  554. >"What was he doing?"
  555. "He was at the bar… he looked pretty normal I guess…"
  556. >"Do you know his name?"
  557. "No, Ive never seen him before in my life. I only saw him for like 5 seconds."
  558. >cane looks back at the screen.
  559. >He gets out of the cab and walks with fluttershy.
  560. >they walk up to the entrance of the hotel.
  561. >He stands outside with her and starts talking to her.
  562. >Fluttershy has a light smile on her face.
  563. >He suddenly leans in and kisses her.
  564. >She kisses him back, and they stand there, lips locked, for a good two minutes.
  565. >They break the kiss and look at each other.
  566. >He says something, smiles, and walks back to the cab.
  568. >"Now who could you be…"
  569. >He gets in the cab, and drives away.
  570. >Fluttershy walks back into the hotel.
  571. >You follow her progress throughout the hotel.
  572. >Through all the passages until she finally gets to the room.
  573. >She enters, looks like everything is fine.
  574. >Cane looks back at you.
  575. >"Looks like our next priority is to find out who Fluttershy's friend could be."
  576. "How would you find that out?"
  577. >We have a central criminal database that we can use to try and match our mystery pony to an actual name… an actual history."
  578. "What happens if he is not a criminal?"
  579. >"Its completely possible. But its our best shot."
  580. >You gaze back at the monitors.
  581. >A good two minutes passes before you notice something.
  582. >An incredibly built grey pony walks up to fluttershy's door.
  583. >He waits outside for some time.
  584. >"Now what do we have here…"
  585. >He waits… and waits…
  586. >Until another built pony, also grey, walks up to him.
  587. >He produces a… a… You don't even know what it is.
  588. >Like a small metal tool of some sort.
  590. >He jams it into the side of the door.
  591. >The doors are card key locked, but he is still going to try and break the lock.
  592. >They work the tool for 2 minuted before they are finally in.
  593. >they rush into fluttershy's room and slam the door.
  594. >This must be when her room got messed up.
  595. >Cane is dead focused on the monitor.
  596. >3 minutes later, the two ponies emerge from the room.
  597. >They quickly make their way down the hallway and downstairs.
  598. >You follow their progress to the lobby.
  599. >And then back to the entrance of the hotel.
  600. >They exit, and disappear off the screen.
  601. >"Now when did we miss these two coming in?"
  602. >Cane rewinds the tape covering the entrance.
  603. >Back to fluttershy and the mysterious back pony.
  604. >Fluttershy enters, nothing.
  605. >5 minutes later these two enter the hotel.
  606. >12:22
  607. >Noted.
  609. >"Mister anonymous, do you recognize any of these ponies?"
  610. "No. I've never seen any of these guys in my life."
  611. >"Well they obviously have something to do with the disappearance."
  612. >he brings up the Camera outside fluttershy's room and the entrance feed side by side.
  613. >He fast forwards a little bit.
  614. >Your chariot cab pulls up, and you and the mane6 (minus Fluttershy) get out.
  615. >You all walk inside.
  616. >You see yourself walking up to fluttershy's room.
  617. >You wait outside, knocking furiously.
  618. >The door eventually opens, and you barge in.
  619. >A minute later, you emerge.
  620. >"I assume this is when you found her room in a complete mess."
  621. "Right."
  623. >The feed goes on.
  624. >And on.
  625. >And on.
  626. >Until finally, 3:42 AM.
  627. >The two Grey ponies from earlier are back.
  628. >they force enter the room again.
  629. >You wish you could actually see what was happening in the room.
  630. >Suddenly, they come out, carrying Fluttershy.
  631. >They are dragging her through the hallway, she is clearly unconscious.
  632. >They must have knocked her out.
  633. >they move quickly, taking turns scouting ahead for any ponies that may be walking past.
  634. >They make it to the elevators, get in.
  635. >They get out at the bottom floor, but hang back.
  636. >They discuss among themselves, but you can't make out what they are saying.
  638. >Eventually one goes up to the Receptionist and starts talking to her.
  639. >They obviously have to get past her somehow.
  640. >The other pulls a hoodie over fluttershy, obviously to hide her passed out state in case anybody sees her.
  641. >the one asking to the receptionist draws out his conversation.
  642. >eventually, the receptionist leaves the desk and walks somewhere.
  643. >The Grey pony follows her, she is obviously showing him something.
  644. >the other walks through the completely empty lobby, carrying/dragging Fluttershy towards the exit.
  645. >He makes it out, and continues to drag her.
  646. >The receptionist returns, completely oblivious to the Kidnapping that had just occurred under her snout.
  647. >After a while, the other one returns and exits, saying something to the receptionist as he goes out.
  648. >No sign of them for the rest of the night.
  650. >"Mr. anon, It would seem Fluttershy is the Victim of a kidnapping."
  651. "Yes, but why?"
  652. >"Well we have many different suspects now. first, the Black pegasus, and next, the two grey earth ponies."
  653. "Well, what comes next?"
  654. >"I need you to come with me to the Police Headquarters, we will try and match these ponies to our criminal Database. I have saved all these excerpts of footage, hopeful they will aid us."
  655. "I sure as hell hope so."
  656. >You walk out into the Lobby.
  657. >The same female pony from this morning comes over.
  658. >"Lieutenant Cane, we have some results from the room examination. We can confirm that the lock was tampered with, although whoever did so was an expert lockpicker."
  659. >"We know. Two grey Stallions at about 3:42 Am."
  660. >"You got them on camera?"
  661. >"Yes, we got a lot on camera."
  662. >She pauses.
  663. >"Cane, we can also confirm The presence of the Drug cocaine in the room."
  664. >"To be expected. Mr. Anonymous tells me that he found a deposit of the substance on his fingers after leaving the room."
  665. >The Blue pony chimes in again.
  666. >"Due to the nature of cocaine, its possible that it was brought in by another pony."
  667. "Excuse me?"
  668. >"Cocaine's Crystalline nature means that it would attach itself to a Pony's fur. It would rub off if it came into contact with a surface such as cotton, which explains why we found it on the bedsheets."
  669. >The Bedsheets.
  670. >That was the only thing you touched while in her room.
  671. >Makes sense.
  673. >Cane speaks up.
  674. >"We can confirm that There were only three ponies who entered the room, so the cocaine deposit must have come from them… If it rubbed off…"
  675. >He pauses.
  676. >"Check for a DNA sample immediately, by the area were the cocaine deposit was found."
  677. >"Immediately, sir."
  678. >She rushes back tot he elevator.
  679. >"Mister anon, I think we need to get to HQ soon."
  680. >You don't question his rising sense of urgency.
  682. >In the police chariot, engine powered, yo.
  683. >"Mister Anon… I am not sure if you are aware of the Cocaine trade in this city."
  684. "I wouldn't say Im too familiar with it."
  685. >"Some of the biggest and richest men in this city built their empires on the cocaine trade. This city was built on the cocaine trade."
  686. >His expression changes.
  687. >"Once we bring cocaine into the mix… We are dealing with some very dangerous people. Fluttershy obviously got caught up with the wrong people."
  688. "Those three ponies we saw on the cameras."
  689. >"Yes, all those ponies have something to do with Fluttershy's kidnapping. We know that the two grey ones Perpetrated the actual kidnapping. They are obviously good at it too, considering not a single pony saw them and they managed to pick the hotel locks in record time."
  690. >You take it all in.
  691. >"We'll try and match their faces, and hopefully the DNA samples will give us some extra help."
  692. "And the black one?"
  693. >"We may not have him on record. He looked like a normal citizen, But its entirely possible. Unfortunately we don't have DNA if the face Recognition software fails."
  694. >Suddenly, you pull up to a huge glass building.
  695. >"Welcome to HQ."
  697. >AS you walk in, You immediately know that these ponies mean business.
  698. >Some of the most advanced pony technology is all around you.
  699. >Cane walks straight towards a large Screen.
  700. >He pulls out a small device and plugs it into the computer.
  701. >A Flash Drive?
  702. >He drags the video snippets into an open program, and immediately, the program pulls up results.
  703. >Wow, Pony tech works fast.
  704. >"We have a match. Looks like our two grey friends here are in the system."
  705. "Not much of a surprise, really."
  706. >"The one is in for possession of cocaine, but was never charged due to a technicality. The other, he is in for assault. he only served a few months of his sentence."
  707. "And our black friend?"
  708. >Its still searching… Ahh, got one."
  709. >He pulls up the file.
  710. >You know its bad, judging by how his expression changes.
  711. "Lieutenant, You OK?"
  712. >He stays Silent.
  713. >"Fractal…"
  715. "Excuse me?"
  716. >"His name is Fractal. Young male pegasus, Never charged."
  717. "Then why is he on the system?"
  718. >"He is in our suspect database. We have been building a case against him for months."
  719. "A case for what?"
  720. >"Dealing Cocaine. He is pretty new on the scene."
  721. >Its all falling into place.
  722. >But why would… Fluttershy of all ponies…
  723. >You need to sit down.
  724. >Your mind can't comprehend what is happening.
  725. >Fluttershy, With a COCAINE Dealer?
  726. >How?
  727. >You had always believed Fractal was a normal pony, judging by the way he acted around fluttershy.
  728. "Cane, this doesn't make any sense."
  729. >"Excuse me?"
  730. "Fluttershy would never be with a cocaine dealer."
  731. >"Well it seems she is. And it seems this cocaine dealer may just be the reason for this whole case."
  733. >Decision time.
  734. >You have to try and find these ponies if you are to have any hope of finding fluttershy.
  735. >On the one hand, Fractal, the pony who fluttershy was with last night.
  736. >On the other, the two grey ponies, the actual kidnappers.
  737. >You don't have to wait long before that decision becomes clear.
  738. >Blue pony arrives with a small case.
  739. >Open case, small vials inside.
  740. >Plug vials into some sort of machine.
  741. >Pulls up files.
  742. >The one grey pony.
  743. >Cocaine must have come from the grey ponies.
  744. >Fractal Was never in the room.
  745. >Your stare is broken by the words of Cane.
  746. >"… I want a team assembled immediately, we are going after these grey ones here. Their registered addresses are still on the system, so that will be our starting point."
  747. "Mr. Cane, What about Fractal?"
  748. >"He is not priority at the moment. It would seem as though he simply accompanied her back to the hotel…"
  749. >He is clearly struggling.
  750. >"Anon, A lot of times things won't make sense in an investigation. But you gotta go on what you know. And right now all we know is that our next step is finding these two."
  751. >Walk out to the chariot.
  752. >Time to kick some grey pony ass.
  754. >Speeding down the chariotway at like a billion miles an hour.
  755. >Cane turns to you.
  756. >"Mister Anon… There is a large possibility that there will be a shoot-out."
  757. >A fucking shoot out?
  758. >"Its advisable that you stay with Sergeant Bales over here."
  759. >He points at bales.
  760. "Then why the hell Am I here if there is a possibility I could DIE?"
  761. >"We need you to ID Fluttershy should we find her here. Your presence will also calm her, As I understand she is rather… Timid. An experience like this would have a severe impact on her psyche."
  762. >How do you always get yourself into this?
  763. "Fine."
  765. >Pull up outside some dingy looking Trailer thing.
  766. >Out from the city, not many houses around.
  767. >Not far from an industrial area.
  768. >You already feel like this is a bad idea.
  769. >Cane pulls out his gun and cocks it.
  770. >Your eyes become like fucking saucers when you realize he carried it with him the whole time and you never noticed it.
  771. >"Stay here, Anon."
  772. >He gets out of the chariot.
  773. >Rest of the team get out with him.
  774. >Three ponies.
  775. >Sergeant Bales is the 4th, he stays with you.
  776. >Go time.
  777. >"This is The Marami Police Department Speaking. Come out of the building slowly and your hooves firmly on the ground."
  778. >Silence.
  779. >"We will give you 30 seconds to exi-"
  780. >Suddenly, Fucking Gunshots.
  781. >And they aren't fake.
  782. >You feel bullets impacting the side of the chariot.
  783. >You leap out of the chariot and get behind it, The sound of bullets hitting metal sends adrenaline through your veins.
  784. >Bales lands right next to you.
  787. >The storm of bullets shows no sign of stopping.
  788. >You can fucking FEEL the bullets whizzing past your head.
  789. >Bales Gets up every few seconds and fires.
  790. >Suddenly, Blood erupts from his left Shoulder and he falls to the ground.
  791. >You crawl the few feet necessary to get to him.
  792. >You basic first aid training will finally find a use.
  793. >Your mind goes into overdrive as you execute every procedure with the precision of a ninja.
  794. >First aid is hard. First aid while under fire...
  795. >Tear off your belt, use it as a tourniquet.
  796. >Apply pressure to the wound.
  797. >Bales brings pulls you close, and screams something in your ear.
  798. >You open the door of the chariot, keeping low.
  799. >Pull up the backseat.
  800. >Fucking MediKit, Just like he said there would be.
  802. >Pull It out. Rip it open.
  803. >Start bandaging the wound as fast as possible.
  804. >See syringe.
  805. >Pull it out.
  806. >Rip off packaging, prepare it.
  807. >Jam it into Bales's right shoulder.
  808. >Morphine.
  809. >Bales keeps calm, trying to slow his heart rate, and slow the flow of blood.
  810. >You realize that this fight is going nowhere fast.
  811. >You pick up Bale's weapon.
  812. >Fucked if you do.
  813. >Fucked if you don't.
  815. >You hurl yourself upwards and immediately see the two grey ponies firing from the windows.
  816. >Your mind slows everything down as you aim down the sights.
  817. >You pull the trigger almost instinctively.
  818. >Time still seems to be moving slower than ever.
  819. >You see a spurt of blood exit the window.
  820. >You duck behind the chariot again.
  821. >Time speeds up back to normal.
  822. >You sit there for a few seconds, Before a loud cry erupts from the trailer.
  823. >You hear the team moving up to the trailer.
  824. >Kick down the door.
  826. >You leave bales and run towards the trailer.
  827. >You enter, and see both ponies lying on the ground, small pools of blood forming.
  828. >"Cane, Bales is shot."
  829. >Cane looks back at you while the other members of the team Disarm and search the Grey ponies.
  830. >"Private, Get to bales and administer medical attention, Get him stabilized and call in the meds."
  831. >An orange-ish pony runs out.
  833. >Minutes later, everything has calmed down.
  834. >Grey ponies in custody.
  835. >Gone through their whole trailer.
  836. >No sign of fluttershy.
  837. >"Celestia Fucking Dammit!" Cane screams as he walks out of the trailer.
  838. >He seems to walk in circles for a moment, while he gathers his thoughts.
  839. >Walks back up to you.
  840. >"Anon… I can thank you enough for assisting Bales when he went down."
  841. "Is he going to be fine?"
  842. >"Yeah. He is."
  843. "Well then thats all that matters."
  844. >"You know anon… I had my doubts about brining you into the Field, But you truly showed me up."
  845. "Excuse me?"
  846. >"That shoulder-shot you pulled off was textbook. Might have just won us the shoot-out."
  847. >You feel a somewhat odd pride start to build up.
  848. >"Come on. We gotta get back to HQ for processing and interrogation."
  850. >HQ.
  851. >"Now, I want you to tell me one more time, Why you two kidnapped a Yellow Pegasus pony last night at about 3:30 AM."
  852. >The two grey ponies looking slightly worried.
  853. >Silence.
  854. >The one answers.
  855. >"We was contacted by this Fractal guy last night, Ya See? He wanted us to go kidnap some mare. There was big money in it."
  856. >You see Cane's Face twitch at the mention of Fractal.
  857. >"Did he say why?"
  858. >"Naw. Just said he wanted this mare, yah see? sais it was very important."
  859. >Suddenly, The blue pony from this morning comes over.
  860. >"Mr. Cane, Mr. Anon's Friends from the Hotel are here and under watch in Room 2."
  861. >Cane is silent for a bit.
  862. >"Mr. Anon, I think you should go and speak to your friends. They are probably going through a lot right now. We will update you with any progress when information becomes available."
  864. >Room 2.
  865. >Enter.
  866. >Everybody in the room runs toward you and hugs you.
  867. >You pull dash up and kiss her.
  868. >Dash is basically on the verge of tears.
  869. >"Anon… I saw the fight… On the news…"
  870. >You hold her tight. She must have been worried. Badly.
  871. >After a while, everybody has calmed down.
  872. >Twilight.
  873. >"Anon, Whats going on now?"
  874. >Time for some explaining.
  875. "Guys, Listen… Fluttershy has been kidnapped. That shoot-out happened when we went after the two who did it."
  876. >"So She's Safe????"
  877. >You pause.
  878. "I… I… She wasn't there when we found these two. They said they were contracted to do it by some other pony… Fractal, Or something."
  879. >"But why?"
  880. "I simply don't know. We saw Fractal walking Fluttershy back to the Hotel on the CCTV, So it makes no sense."
  881. >The atmosphere suddenly changes when it hits home that Fluttershy is kidnapped.
  882. >You still haven't mentioned the cocaine thing.
  883. >Wise not to.
  885. >Blue pony enters the room.
  886. >"Mr. anon, we are mobilizing a team to search for Fractal. One of our sleeper units reported him moving through marami central. They are tailing him now."
  887. >The whole mane5 stare at her.
  888. >"Remember, Mr anon, It is entirely your decision."
  889. >You look at dash.
  890. >"Anon… Please…"
  891. "Dash, Look…"
  892. >Its difficult.
  893. "Fluttershy could be anywhere in this city. I was the one who saw her last… I want to do my part to find her."
  894. >Dash is on the verge of tears.
  895. >"Just… Just promise me… you'll be safe."
  896. >You pick up dash and kiss her.
  897. >"I promise, dash."
  899. >Chariotway.
  900. >Speedin at a billion miles an hour.
  901. >Cane next to you.
  902. >"Anon… our sleeper cells have gathered that Fractal is moving in a northerly direction. We are unsure why, But his sudden movement obviously has something to do with the kidnapping."
  903. >He pulls out a small weapon.
  904. >"Anon… We run the risk of another shoot-out. Fractal is a desperate man. Take this."
  905. "Wait… Why?"
  906. >"Officers of the law have the power to deputify certain individuals in certain situations. You proved to me this morning that you clearly know what you are doing… And since Bales is out of action our team is one short. I see no other pon- person, who would be more fitting of the job.
  907. >That odd sense of pride returns.
  908. >"This should only be used for defense… If the worst comes to the worst…"
  909. >You can feel this isn't going to go down well.
  911. >"We are coming up to Fractal now."
  912. >You look around, no sign of him.
  913. "I dont… "
  914. >"The chariot cab up front. XR77. Our cells report he is in that."
  915. "Well then, what are we airing for?"
  916. >"this."
  917. >Suddenly, sirens out of nowhere.
  918. >the car in front brakes hard, sirens also going.
  919. >Were these Cops here all the time?
  920. >They are trying to box Fractal in.
  921. >"This is the Marami Police Department. Stop the vehicle, and come out with your hands up."
  922. >Nothing.
  923. >Slowing down...
  924. >Slowing down...
  925. >Suddenly, the door of the cab opens, but the thing is still moving.
  927. >The cab driver falls out, narrowly missing your Chariot.
  928. >"What the…"
  929. >The cab suddenly pulls out from the Boxing maneuver, hits a U Turn.
  930. >It speeds off in the opposite direction.
  931. >"All units, on That cab!"
  932. >All the units U Turn as fast as possible, you hear the engines roar as they speed towards the Cab.
  933. >You are thrown violently to the side as your own chariot U Turns.
  934. >You see the Cab speeding away.
  935. >You accelerate with the force of a thousand Stallions.
  936. >Quickly catch up to them.
  937. >Cane pulls alongside the right side of the Cab.
  938. >You glimpse a pair of bright yellow eyes, contrasted against a pure black body of a pegasus.
  939. >A single blue strip runs through his hair.
  940. >Time speeds back up as you get alongside the cab.
  941. >"Anon! Take the Ropes!"
  942. >Ponies steering with ropes, yo.
  943. >You grab them, never steered a chariot in your life.
  944. >Ok, seems simple enough...
  946. >You hold the chariot steady, as cane pulls out his weapon and points it square at Fractal.
  947. >The black pony's eyes widen, and he suddenly jerks the reins.
  948. >Rams into the side of your chariot.
  949. >"Keep it steady, anon!"
  950. >Cane fires a few shots, before Fractal Rams into you again, this time with more force.
  951. >You fight against physics to keep the chariot under control.
  952. >The ramming becomes harder.
  953. >You slowly feel yourself losing control.
  954. >You glance sidewards, and see Fractal preparing for one final, huge ram.
  955. >You heart drops and time slows as he jerks the reins violently.
  956. >you react in the only way you know how: You jerk the reins in his direction.
  957. >This will be a battle of momentum and weight.
  958. >You just hope you can win.
  960. >Everything is moving in slow motion.
  961. >Cane immediately ducks down and holds onto whatever he can find.
  962. >You feel the impact.
  963. >You feel the chariot turning sideways, pulling the Cab, along with Fractal, with you.
  964. >You are now Perpendicular with the road. Moving sideways.
  965. >You feel the immense speed start to tip the Chariot over.
  966. >You are going to roll.
  967. >You let go of the reigns and grab onto the seat.
  968. >You suddenly feel yourself inverted, you can see the road above your head.
  969. >You see the Cab also rolling.
  970. >Your chariot impacts the ground, and continues to roll.
  971. >You close your eyes and hope that you live.
  973. >The rolling continues, every impact accompanied by the sound of metal being crushed.
  974. >You feel it slowly losing its momentum.
  975. >You can't tell, your eyes shut with pure fear.
  976. >Eventually, you come to a stop.
  977. >You fall sideways and hit the hard tar, the chariot lying on its side.
  978. >Your vision is blurry, your hearing fuzzy.
  979. >Your mind is far from clear.
  980. >You suddenly feel yourself jerked back to reality as you see Fractal stumble out of the Destroyed Cab.
  981. >He can barely walk, stumbling all over the place.
  982. >He looks back at you, your eyes meeting.
  983. >He suddenly, and clumsily pulls out his weapon.
  984. >Bullets coming at you.
  985. >You try to get up and get to cover, but your body is still in shock.
  986. >Only your hands seem to work.
  987. >You reach for your weapon, only to find it isn't there.
  988. >You desperately look around, only to find it scattered a few feet forward from you.
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