
Pathfinder Campaign Quick Info

Jan 25th, 2014
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  1. -- Pathfinder - I have no idea if this is gonna work at all Edition --
  3. Out of boredom and lack of GMing, I want to run a bit of a Pathfinder campaign. For those that don't know: Pathfinder is a d20 based PnP system that is the spiritual successor to D&D 3.5. I'll offer 4C the chance to be a part of it, here are the most important details. I want to do this fast and fun, so my rules are a lot stricter than usually, I don't want to spend all my time teaching the game but rather want to run the story.
  5. - Requirements -
  6. * You must be able to create a working PF character with all feats etc on your own, I will review it but not help you optimize it or anything
  7. * You must be able to fight a normal battle with your character without having to ask me every round what dice to roll
  8. * You must be able to write a convincing background to your character (I will help you with this, though)
  9. * You must be able to RP that character convincingly (It may be a bit RP lite, but the RP that does happen should be serious)
  10. * You must be able to respect whatever the fuck I as the DM say, this ain't 4C, we single GM now. If I say magical bunnies kill your character, that is what fucking happens.
  12. - Rules -
  13. We'll be using standard Pathfinder rules, with a few ad hoc homebrew rules.
  15. * Rule number one: Whatever the DM says goes, no matter what the rules say. (And I am often very liberal on the rules)
  16. * Rule number two: Nothing is forbidden COMPLETELY, if you have a very convincing story and idea, the DM will gladly consider allowing it
  17. * Content from anything but the Corerulebook is subject to approval, 3.5 material is allowed when approved.
  18. * The following classes are banned for plot reasons: Druid, all psionic classes (All psionic abilities and feats are also restricted)
  19. * All non core classes are subject to approval
  20. * All class choices etc must be reflected logically in the character's background story
  21. * Munchkining is permitted to the degree the DM deems acceptable, with an emphasize on how logical it is storywise
  22. * All polymorph spells are restricted. They must be learned as part of the story, if they are available at all
  23. * All non-standard races are subject to approval, all characters must definitely show quirks of their race (It is highly recommended for everyone to play humans)
  24. * Playing monsters is forbidden
  25. * You may only begin play on the good alignment spectrum, and must faithfully portray that alignment in your character's story and personality, no fucking edgy evil character you faggots. If appropriate, a slow slide into corruption and madness throughout the adventure is acceptable.
  26. * There is no sex or eroticism or love in this world, at all, none, zero, all have cartoon lack of genitals if inspected. Friendship is the only form of intimacy in this world.
  28. - Character Generation -
  29. Characters begin at level 1 and use 25 point buy for abilities, only core classes (The original 10) minus Druid are allowed without having to ask the DM for acceptance. Only the original races are allowed, human being the only one that doesn't need at least a swift glance from the DM to verify. All characters and abilities are subject to final DM approval. To make a character:
  31. 0.) Come up with an interesting and convincing character background
  32. 0.5.) Ask the DM to help you flesh it out to fit the setting more (This doesn't mean let the DM write it, it means give him a full story and then he will adapt certain little details to fit better)
  33. 1.) Sign up at
  34. 2.) Make a character sheet following all rules above
  35. 3.) Hand it to the DM
  36. 4.) Wait for any comments or greenlighting
  38. The adventure will be, for now, restricted to 5 players only, if more sign up, the DM will completely biasedly pick whichever character he thinks is the best. This has nothing to do with the player, and the decision will be based PURELY on how good a backstory the character has. I may consider allowing it to be a more modular adventure, like 7C, with changing cast of characters, but don't count on it.
  40. - When how what? -
  41. Preliminary first date is next Saturday or the one after that, character generation deadline being Friday morning (CET time). The game will be played on, sign up there while you're at it and familiarize yourself with the controls. There will be NO tutorial, I expect everyone to know what the fuck they are doing when they show up and be ready to play. Game time is set at 6-10 hours with an average of 8, starting CET evening (~8PM CET), exact details will be posted as things solidify. Also I reserve the right to say I don't have time after all and not do it, sorry players but your DM has a very unpredictable schedule.
  43. - Setting Cliff Notes -
  44. The setting is a sorta typical Planescape-esque D&D setting, with the most focus on Heroic Fantasy and Cosmic Horror. Inspiring authors include R. A. Salvatore, H. P. Lovecraft and Stephen King, but also Philip K Dick and shows like Doctor Who. The campaign is rated NC-17 for psychological horror, intense violence, blood and gore, depraved and aberrant behavior and disturbing themes, so pack an extra pair of panties. Most of that though only comes late game, which we will probably never reach, so rather enjoy the Heroic Fantasy-ness. As a rule of thumb, make a character that fits snuggly into a normal D&D campaign and don't over do it, even so some special snowflakishness is allowed and encouraged, in reasonable amounts. It is mandatory that your character, in one way or another, is a good person. He can be a dick or asshole in behavior, but he must have a good heart somewhere. This is because of the overarching theme of good vs evil, and what it means to be a hero. Under no circumstances are in any way mentally ill characters allowed, no Schizophrenia, no Kleptomania, no no no, go be edgy somewhere else I don't want to deal with how shittily people portray things they don't understand (Later acquired insanity is of course possible). The most commonly faced threats will probably be Humanoids, Undead, Demons and Abberations, roughly in that order, but anything else is possible as well. Much of the lore established in 3.5 is applicable, but none of it is set in stone, and I won't tell you what is and what isn't because that would ruin the fun, almost no PF lore is canon. The 3.5 pantheon is present, with some gods removed and others added, the most important gods being Heironeous, Pelor, Obad Hai, Nerull, Hextor, Erythnul, St Cuthbert and Boccob. Demon Princes and other powerful beings such as Orcus, Asmodeus, Demogorgon and the like also play an important role. The planes have been severely reduced, now there only exists the Material Plane, Plane of Shadows, Ethereal Realm, the Astral Plane the six elemental planes, the Abyss, Baator and Mount Celestia is an actual thing that stands in the center of the greater holy realm, Elysium. Arborea is the name for the forested, more untamed areas of Elysium. Many many lesser demiplanes exist though. There is much more to be said about the cosmology and such, but that is reserved for IC discovery and revealing. All players will begin within the great human empire, whose capital is the bustling metropolis Pal'Ador (the name being from the elven city that once stood there). The adventure begins in an inn a bit outside of Pal'Ador, about a weeks trip away, in a little quaint village. Why your character is there is up to you, and he has to have a good reason to want to save people from a danger, and if possible should have reasons to stick with the adventuring group. Characters having combined stories, aka knowing each other beforehand, is acceptable and cool.
  47. If other questions come up, just contact me and I'll answer any questions I can. I have nooooo fucking idea if this is gonna work out or not, so let's see. Good luck and have fun to anyone wanting to sign up.
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